AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-05-13desktop/QtCurve-KDE4: Updated for version 1.1.2.ArTourter
2010-05-13network/amsn: Updated for version 0.98.3.Niklas Nille Åkerström
2010-05-13system/webmin: Updated for version 1.510.David Somero
2010-05-13network/squid: Updated for version 3.0.STABLE24.David Somero
2010-05-13network/hylafax: Updated for version 6.0.4.David Somero
2010-05-13network/fwbuilder: Updated for version 3.0.7.David Somero
2010-05-13network/dansguardian: Updated for version Somero
2010-05-13libraries/perl-Tie-IxHash: Updated for version 1.22.David Somero
2010-05-13libraries/perl-Archive-Zip: Updated for version 1.31_01.David Somero
Renamed from Archive-Zip.
2010-05-13libraries/Archive-Zip: Removed. See perl-Archive-Zip.Erik W. Hanson
2010-05-13libraries/perl-Parse-RecDescent: Updated for version 1.963.David Somero
2010-05-13libraries/libfwbuilder: Updated for version 3.0.7.David Somero
2010-05-13desktop/q4wine: Updated for version 0.114-r1.David Somero
2010-05-13multimedia/mkvtoolnix: Updated for version 3.2.0.Andrew Strong
2010-05-13network/phpmyadmin: Updated for version 3.3.0.Nishant Limbachia
2010-05-13misc/ibus-anthy: Updated for version Türkyılmaz
2010-05-13desktop/google-gadgets-for-linux: Updated for version 0.11.2.Heinz Wiesinger
This now requires xulrunner. Thanks to new maintainer Heinz Wiesinger.
2010-05-13multimedia/flash-player-standalone: Updated for version Wiesinger
2010-05-13network/sylpheed: Updated for version 3.0.0.GPLeo
2010-05-13graphics/geeqie: Updated for version 1.0.Niels Horn
2010-05-13office/texlive: Added epstopdf and a patch for libpng14Robby Workman
* Added epstopdf to the package (this was included in tetex, so we need it here) * Included a patch from Mikhail Zotov to link libpng14
2010-05-13system/lbzip2: Updated for version 0.23.Erik Hanson
2010-05-13network/google-chrome: Version bump.Erik Hanson
2010-05-13academic/ng-spice: Removed from tree (dupe with ngspice).Robby Workman
ng-spice was a dupe of ngspice, which is the maintained entry. Thanks to David Koenig for the heads-up.
2010-05-13System/graveman: Updated for version Richie
2010-05-13Network/RSSOwl: Updated for version 2.0.4Erik Hanson
2010-05-13audio/hydrogen: Build bump.David Woodfall
Added doinst.sh.
2010-05-13system/xar: Added.Marco Bonetti
The XAR project aims to provide an easily extensible archive format. Thanks to Marco Bonetti.
2010-05-13system/whowatch: Build bump.David Woodfall
Added license to build script.
2010-05-13system/pdksh: Build bump.Daniel LEVAI
Compile with LFS CFLAGS. This fixes a bug with filename completion when the file's size is bigger than 2GiB. Thanks to Daniel LEVAI.
2010-05-13system/imwheel: Build bump.David Woodfall
Fixed broken ETCDIR so it now points to $PKG/etc. Added patch to disable the auto configuration window that interfered with workspace switching in fluxbox etc. Thanks to David Woodfall.
2010-05-13system/gxemul: Updated for version 0.6.0.Aleksandar Samardzic
2010-05-13system/fsarchiver: Updated for version 0.6.7.Nishant Limbachia
2010-05-13system/fbterm: Updated for version 1.6.vvoody
2010-05-13system/davfs2: Build bump.Chris Abela
Fixed location of symlinks. Thanks to Chris Abela.
2010-05-13system/daa2iso: Updated for version 0.1.7e.David Woodfall
2010-05-13office/fbreader: Updated for version Horn
2010-05-13office/aiksaurus: Build bump.David Woodfall
Added .desktop file and icon for gtk frontend. Thanks to David Woodfall.
2010-05-13office/adobe-reader: Updated for version 9.3.Heinz Wiesinger
2010-05-13network/znc: Updated for version 0.076.Sean Donner
2010-05-13network/youtube-dl: Updated for version 2010.02.13.GPLeo
2010-05-13network/transmission: Updated for version 1.91.Iskar Enev
2010-05-13network/smb4k: Updated for version 0.10.5.Roberto Neri
2010-05-13network/rtorrent: Updated for version 0.8.6.Brian Kysela
2010-05-13network/qbittorrent: Updated for version 2.1.5.David Woodfall
2010-05-13network/plowshare: Added.Mikhail Cuddy
Plowshare is a command-line downloader and uploader for some of the most popular file-sharing websites. Thanks to Mikhail Cuddy.
2010-05-13network/lighttpd: Updated for version 1.4.26.Paul Wisehart
2010-05-13multimedia/xvst: Updated for version 2.3.4.Larry Hajali
2010-05-13multimedia/stills2dv: Added.Pedro Mendes
Stills2dv is an open source solution to make a movie out of still pictures. Thanks to Pedro Mendes.
2010-05-13multimedia/schroedinger: Updated for version 1.0.8.Nishant Limbachia