path: root/system/xtrs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'system/xtrs')
-rw-r--r--system/xtrs/xtrs-ico.pngbin0 -> 362 bytes
8 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/system/xtrs/README b/system/xtrs/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1ea76dd3c2501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xtrs/README
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+xtrs: TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P Emulator for Unix
+xtrs is a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P emulator for Unix and the X
+Window system. It includes lower case, the real time clock, hi-res graphics,
+serial port, parallel printer, mouse, cassette, sound and music output
+(requires OSS), 5" and 8" floppy disk drives in single and double density,
+and even hard disk drives.
+To run xtrs, you will need a 'romfile' with the contents of the original ROM
+of the model you want to emulate. Since these are copyrighted, they are not
+included in this package. However, do not dispair! The xtrs page explains
+how to obtain a legal copy of the MODELA/III file that can be used. These
+or other ROM images should be copied to the /usr/share/xtrs directory.
+A simple xtrs.desktop file is included that will start xtrs with
+the default options. Read the included 'xtrs' man-page after installation
+for more information and command-line options.
diff --git a/system/xtrs/default_rom_dir.patch b/system/xtrs/default_rom_dir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4fa57f673e03b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xtrs/default_rom_dir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+diff -Nur xtrs-4.9d.orig/Makefile.local xtrs-4.9d/Makefile.local
+--- xtrs-4.9d.orig/Makefile.local 2009-06-15 18:32:57.000000000 -0500
++++ xtrs-4.9d/Makefile.local 2009-09-26 16:29:19.371490363 -0500
+@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
+ # time, use these lines (with the appropriate file names). The default file
+ # name is ignored and can be omitted if the ROM for that model is built in.
+-DEFAULT_ROM = -DDEFAULT_ROM='"/usr/local/lib/xtrs/level2rom.hex"' \
+- -DDEFAULT_ROM3='"/usr/local/lib/xtrs/romimage.m3"' \
+- -DDEFAULT_ROM4P='"/usr/local/lib/xtrs/romimage.m4p"'
++DEFAULT_ROM = -DDEFAULT_ROM='"/usr/share/xtrs/level2rom.hex"' \
++ -DDEFAULT_ROM3='"/usr/share/xtrs/romimage.m3"' \
++ -DDEFAULT_ROM4P='"/usr/share/xtrs/romimage.m4p"'
+ # If you would like to change where xtrs looks for disk?-? files, edit
+ # this line. "." of course means the current working directory.
diff --git a/system/xtrs/doinst.sh b/system/xtrs/doinst.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4e8ba7071dea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xtrs/doinst.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+if [ -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database ]; then
+ /usr/bin/update-desktop-database -q usr/share/applications >/dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/system/xtrs/slack-desc b/system/xtrs/slack-desc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7d5d379e7c005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xtrs/slack-desc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' on
+# the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must make
+# exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also customary to
+# leave one space after the ':'.
+ |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+xtrs: xtrs: TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P Emulator for Unix
+xtrs: xtrs is a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P emulator for Unix and
+xtrs: the X Window system. It includes lower case, the real time clock, hi-
+xtrs: res graphics, serial port, parallel printer, mouse, cassette, sound
+xtrs: and music output (requires OSS), 5" and 8" floppy disk drives in
+xtrs: single and double density, and even hard disk drives.
+xtrs: http://www.tim-mann.org/xtrs.html
diff --git a/system/xtrs/xtrs-ico.png b/system/xtrs/xtrs-ico.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6f28450c5237a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xtrs/xtrs-ico.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/system/xtrs/xtrs.SlackBuild b/system/xtrs/xtrs.SlackBuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f0b4a2ef87ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xtrs/xtrs.SlackBuild
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Slackware build script for xtrs - the X Windows TRS-80 emulator
+# Written by Niels Horn - niels.horn@gmail.com
+# revision date 2009/09/05
+if [ "$ARCH" = "i486" ]; then
+ SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686"
+elif [ "$ARCH" = "i686" ]; then
+ SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686 -mtune=i686"
+elif [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
+set -e
+rm -rf $PKG
+mkdir -p $TMP $PKG $OUTPUT
+cd $TMP
+tar xvf $CWD/$PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.gz
+chown -R root:root .
+chmod -R u+w,go+r-w,a-s .
+# Make /usr/share/xtrs the default rom directory
+patch -p1 < $CWD/default_rom_dir.patch
+# xtrs does not have a ./configure
+make \
+ PREFIX=/usr \
+ MANDIR=/usr/man \
+ APPDEFAULTS='-DAPPDEFAULTS=\"/etc/X11/app-defaults\"'
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/bin $PKG/usr/man/man1
+make BINDIR=$PKG/usr/bin MANDIR=$PKG/usr/man install || exit
+# Make a directory for the ROMs (not included), include fakerom.hex & xtrsrom4p.hex
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/xtrs
+cp -a fakerom.hex xtrsrom4p.hex $PKG/usr/share/xtrs
+# Copy icon & desktop file to package
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
+cat $CWD/xtrs.desktop > $PKG/usr/share/applications/xtrs.desktop
+cp -a $CWD/xtrs-ico.png $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps
+( cd $PKG
+ find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | \
+ xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null || true
+ find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | \
+ xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null
+( cd $PKG/usr/man
+ find . -type f -exec gzip -9 {} \;
+ for i in $(find . -type l) ; do ln -s $(readlink $i).gz $i.gz ; rm $i ; done
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
+cp -a ChangeLog README xtrsrom4p.README $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
+find $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild > $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild
+mkdir -p $PKG/install
+cat $CWD/slack-desc > $PKG/install/slack-desc
+cat $CWD/doinst.sh > $PKG/install/doinst.sh
+cd $PKG
+/sbin/makepkg -l y -c n $TMP/$PRGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD$TAG.${PKGTYPE:-tgz}
diff --git a/system/xtrs/xtrs.desktop b/system/xtrs/xtrs.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b2ebc5df6be63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xtrs/xtrs.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Emulator for TRS-80
diff --git a/system/xtrs/xtrs.info b/system/xtrs/xtrs.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1e61df0ccb674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xtrs/xtrs.info
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+MAINTAINER="Niels Horn"