path: root/system/docker/patches/0002-Avoid-buffering-to-tempfile-when-pushing-with-V2.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'system/docker/patches/0002-Avoid-buffering-to-tempfile-when-pushing-with-V2.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/system/docker/patches/0002-Avoid-buffering-to-tempfile-when-pushing-with-V2.patch b/system/docker/patches/0002-Avoid-buffering-to-tempfile-when-pushing-with-V2.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d827fb82e47..0000000000000
--- a/system/docker/patches/0002-Avoid-buffering-to-tempfile-when-pushing-with-V2.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-From cccc745d93a59fdbb4dd7d7562ee8dd684a00786 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Stephen J Day <stephen.day@docker.com>
-Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 13:47:08 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Avoid buffering to tempfile when pushing with V2
-The practice of buffering to a tempfile during a pushing contributes massively
-to slow V2 push performance perception. The protocol was actually designed to
-avoid precalculation, supporting cut-through data push. This means we can
-assemble the layer, calculate its digest and push to the remote endpoint, all
-at the same time.
-This should increase performance massively on systems with slow disks or IO
-Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <stephen.day@docker.com>
- graph/graph.go | 21 --------------
- graph/push_v2.go | 51 ++++++++++++++-------------------
- integration-cli/docker_cli_push_test.go | 2 +-
- pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage.go | 6 ++++
- pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage_test.go | 4 +--
- 5 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/graph/graph.go b/graph/graph.go
-index be911b0..885de87 100644
---- a/graph/graph.go
-+++ b/graph/graph.go
-@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package graph
- import (
- "compress/gzip"
-- "crypto/sha256"
- "encoding/json"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
-@@ -329,26 +328,6 @@ func (graph *Graph) newTempFile() (*os.File, error) {
- return ioutil.TempFile(tmp, "")
- }
--func bufferToFile(f *os.File, src io.Reader) (int64, digest.Digest, error) {
-- var (
-- h = sha256.New()
-- w = gzip.NewWriter(io.MultiWriter(f, h))
-- )
-- _, err := io.Copy(w, src)
-- w.Close()
-- if err != nil {
-- return 0, "", err
-- }
-- n, err := f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_CUR)
-- if err != nil {
-- return 0, "", err
-- }
-- if _, err := f.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
-- return 0, "", err
-- }
-- return n, digest.NewDigest("sha256", h), nil
- // Delete atomically removes an image from the graph.
- func (graph *Graph) Delete(name string) error {
- id, err := graph.idIndex.Get(name)
-diff --git a/graph/push_v2.go b/graph/push_v2.go
-index 92d63ca..0ec8cfd 100644
---- a/graph/push_v2.go
-+++ b/graph/push_v2.go
-@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package graph
- import (
- "fmt"
-+ "io"
- "io/ioutil"
-- "os"
- "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
- "github.com/docker/distribution"
-@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ func (p *v2Pusher) pushV2Tag(tag string) error {
- func (p *v2Pusher) pushV2Image(bs distribution.BlobService, img *image.Image) (digest.Digest, error) {
- out := p.config.OutStream
-- out.Write(p.sf.FormatProgress(stringid.TruncateID(img.ID), "Buffering to Disk", nil))
-+ out.Write(p.sf.FormatProgress(stringid.TruncateID(img.ID), "Preparing", nil))
- image, err := p.graph.Get(img.ID)
- if err != nil {
-@@ -209,52 +209,45 @@ func (p *v2Pusher) pushV2Image(bs distribution.BlobService, img *image.Image) (d
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
-- tf, err := p.graph.newTempFile()
-- if err != nil {
-- return "", err
-- }
-- defer func() {
-- tf.Close()
-- os.Remove(tf.Name())
-- }()
-- size, dgst, err := bufferToFile(tf, arch)
-- if err != nil {
-- return "", err
-- }
-+ defer arch.Close()
- // Send the layer
-- logrus.Debugf("rendered layer for %s of [%d] size", img.ID, size)
- layerUpload, err := bs.Create(context.Background())
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- defer layerUpload.Close()
-+ digester := digest.Canonical.New()
-+ tee := io.TeeReader(arch, digester.Hash())
- reader := progressreader.New(progressreader.Config{
-- In: ioutil.NopCloser(tf),
-+ In: ioutil.NopCloser(tee), // we'll take care of close here.
- Out: out,
- Formatter: p.sf,
-- Size: int(size),
-- NewLines: false,
-- ID: stringid.TruncateID(img.ID),
-- Action: "Pushing",
-+ // TODO(stevvooe): This may cause a size reporting error. Try to get
-+ // this from tar-split or elsewhere. The main issue here is that we
-+ // don't want to buffer to disk *just* to calculate the size.
-+ Size: int(img.Size),
-+ NewLines: false,
-+ ID: stringid.TruncateID(img.ID),
-+ Action: "Pushing",
- })
-- n, err := layerUpload.ReadFrom(reader)
-+ out.Write(p.sf.FormatProgress(stringid.TruncateID(img.ID), "Pushing", nil))
-+ nn, err := io.Copy(layerUpload, reader)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
-- if n != size {
-- return "", fmt.Errorf("short upload: only wrote %d of %d", n, size)
-- }
-- desc := distribution.Descriptor{Digest: dgst}
-- if _, err := layerUpload.Commit(context.Background(), desc); err != nil {
-+ dgst := digester.Digest()
-+ if _, err := layerUpload.Commit(context.Background(), distribution.Descriptor{Digest: dgst}); err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
-- out.Write(p.sf.FormatProgress(stringid.TruncateID(img.ID), "Image successfully pushed", nil))
-+ logrus.Debugf("uploaded layer %s (%s), %d bytes", img.ID, dgst, nn)
-+ out.Write(p.sf.FormatProgress(stringid.TruncateID(img.ID), "Pushed", nil))
- return dgst, nil
- }
-diff --git a/integration-cli/docker_cli_push_test.go b/integration-cli/docker_cli_push_test.go
-index 111e9f3..c17a0ea 100644
---- a/integration-cli/docker_cli_push_test.go
-+++ b/integration-cli/docker_cli_push_test.go
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPushInterrupt(c *check.C) {
- }
- // Interrupt push (yes, we have no idea at what point it will get killed).
-- time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
-+ time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) // dependent on race condition.
- if err := pushCmd.Process.Kill(); err != nil {
- c.Fatalf("Failed to kill push process: %v", err)
- }
-diff --git a/pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage.go b/pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage.go
-index 7db1626..c4b311e 100644
---- a/pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage.go
-+++ b/pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage.go
-@@ -61,8 +61,14 @@ func (p *JSONProgress) String() string {
- }
- pbBox = fmt.Sprintf("[%s>%s] ", strings.Repeat("=", percentage), strings.Repeat(" ", numSpaces))
- }
- numbersBox = fmt.Sprintf("%8v/%v", current, total)
-+ if p.Current > p.Total {
-+ // remove total display if the reported current is wonky.
-+ numbersBox = fmt.Sprintf("%8v", current)
-+ }
- if p.Current > 0 && p.Start > 0 && percentage < 50 {
- fromStart := time.Now().UTC().Sub(time.Unix(int64(p.Start), 0))
- perEntry := fromStart / time.Duration(p.Current)
-diff --git a/pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage_test.go b/pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage_test.go
-index 2e78fa7..889b0ba 100644
---- a/pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage_test.go
-+++ b/pkg/jsonmessage/jsonmessage_test.go
-@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ package jsonmessage
- import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
-+ "strings"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/term"
- "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/timeutils"
-- "strings"
- )
- func TestError(t *testing.T) {
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func TestProgress(t *testing.T) {
- }
- // this number can't be negative gh#7136
-- expected = "[==================================================>] 50 B/40 B"
-+ expected = "[==================================================>] 50 B"
- jp5 := JSONProgress{Current: 50, Total: 40}
- if jp5.String() != expected {
- t.Fatalf("Expected %q, got %q", expected, jp5.String())