path: root/office
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'office')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 3958 deletions
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/README b/office/go_openoffice/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 492609a2dc9ea..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Go-oo is a fork of the OpenOffice.org Office Suite.
-Go-oo has built in OpenXML import filters and it will import your Microsoft
-Works files. Compared with up-stream OO.o, it has better Microsoft binary
-file support (with eg. fields support), and it will import WordPerfect
-graphics beautifully. If you are reliant on Excel VBA macros - then Go-oo
-offers the best macro fidelity too. If you expect your spreadsheets to
-calculate compatibly, or you get embedded Visio diagrams in your documents,
-you'll want Go-oo.
-NOTE: This build needs a few gig in $TMP and the source is about 400 meg
-to download. It also takes hours to compile. This build is still a WIP
-due to the long build time it is very hard to QA test.
-This requires xulrunner, Archive-Zip, icu4c, apache-ant, jdk from /extra,
- and seamonkey2 from /patches in Slackware.
-Optional requirements are avahi, openclipart, ORBit2, GConf, and gnome-vfs.
-Variables that can be passed to the SlackBuild script:
-ARTPATH Path to openclipart, leave unset to disable.
-NVIDIA=no Turns off an nvidia build work around.
-LINGUAS_OOO Sets the languages to add.
-PLUGIN=no Disable openoffice's mozilla plugin.
-KDE=no Disable KDE4 UI.
-GTK=no Disable GTK UI.
-GNOME=yes Enables optioal gnome bits.
-MYCONF Used to pass extra configure options.
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/doinst.sh b/office/go_openoffice/doinst.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index cb5584b311768..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/doinst.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-config() {
- NEW="$1"
- OLD="$(dirname $NEW)/$(basename $NEW .new)"
- # If there's no config file by that name, mv it over:
- if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
- mv $NEW $OLD
- elif [ "$(cat $OLD | md5sum)" = "$(cat $NEW | md5sum)" ]; then
- # toss the redundant copy
- rm $NEW
- fi
- # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
-config etc/bash_completion.d/go_ooffice.sh.new
-if [ -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database ]; then
- /usr/bin/update-desktop-database -q usr/share/applications >/dev/null 2>&1
-if [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ]; then
- /usr/bin/update-mime-database usr/share/mime >/dev/null 2>&1
-if [ -e usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache ]; then
- if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
- /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache usr/share/icons/hicolor >/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/go_openoffice.SlackBuild b/office/go_openoffice/go_openoffice.SlackBuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a1dd9bbf75a84..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/go_openoffice.SlackBuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-# Slackware build script for go_openoffice
-# Written by David Somero <dsomero@hotmail.com>
-# Derived from Slackware's Slackbuilds.
-# Copyright 2008, 2009 Patrick J. Volkerding, Sebeka, Minnesota, USA
-# Copyright 2010 David Somero (dsomero@hotmail.com) Athens, TN, USA
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is
-# permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-# 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-if [ "$ARCH" = "i486" ]; then
- SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686"
-elif [ "$ARCH" = "i686" ]; then
- SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686 -mtune=i686"
-elif [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
-if [ ${NVIDIA:-yes} = "yes" ]; then
-if [[ -z "${LINGUAS_OOO}" ]]; then
- export LINGUAS_OOO="en-US"
- export LINGUAS_OOO=$(echo ${LINGUAS_OOO} | sed -e 's/\ben\b/en_US/g;s/_/-/g')
-if [[ -z "${ARTPATH}" ]]; then
- MYCONF="$MYCONF --without-openclipart"
- MYCONF="$MYCONF --with-openclipart=${ARTPATH:-/usr/share/openclipart}"
-if [ ${GTK:-yes} = "yes" ]; then
- MYCONF="$MYCONF --enable-gtk --enable-cairo --with-system-cairo"
- MYCONF="$MYCONF --disable-gtk --disable-cairo --without-system-cairo"
-if [ ${GNOME:-no} = "no" ]; then
- MYCONF="$MYCONF --disable-gnome --disable-gconf --disable-gnome-vfs"
-if [ ${KDE:-yes} = "yes" ]; then
- MYCONF="$MYCONF --enable-kde4"
- export QTDIR="${QT4DIR}"
- export QTINC="$QTDIR/include"
- MYCONF="$MYCONF --disable-kde4"
-export OODESTDIR="$PKG"
-# May need this on a multilib system.
-set -e
-rm -rf $PKG
-mkdir -p $TMP $PKG $OUTPUT
-cd $TMP
-rm -rf ooo-build-$VERSION
-tar xvf $CWD/ooo-build-$VERSION.tar.gz
-cd ooo-build-$VERSION
-chown -R root:root .
-find . \
- \( -perm 777 -o -perm 775 -o -perm 711 -o -perm 555 -o -perm 511 \) \
- -exec chmod 755 {} \; -o \
- \( -perm 666 -o -perm 664 -o -perm 600 -o -perm 444 -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) \
- -exec chmod 644 {} \;
-# Upstream patches.
-cp -f $CWD/patches/base64.diff patches/hotfixes
-cp -f $CWD/patches/boost-undefined-references.diff patches/hotfixes
-# Our patches to fix building on Slackware.
-cp -f $CWD/patches/apply patches/dev300
-cp -f $CWD/patches/Slackware.conf.in distro-configs
-./configure \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --mandir=/usr/man \
- --sysconfdir=/etc \
- --without-binsuffix \
- --localstatedir=/var/lib \
- --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \
- --with-installed-ooo-dirname=$PRGNAM \
- --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/$PRGNAM \
- --with-ant-home=/usr/share/apache-ant \
- --with-intro-bitmaps=$TMP/ooo-build-$VERSION/src/openintro_go-oo.bmp \
- --with-about-bitmaps=$TMP/ooo-build-$VERSION/src/openabout_go-oo.bmp \
- --with-lang=${LINGUAS_OOO} \
- --with-num-cpus=${CPUS:-1} \
- --with-max-jobs=${CPUS:-1} \
- --with-extension-integration \
- --with-java \
- --disable-odk \
- --disable-pam \
- --disable-pam-link \
- --disable-mono \
- --disable-kde \
- --disable-post-install-scripts \
- --disable-rpath \
- --enable-opengl \
- --enable-openldap \
- --enable-openxml \
- --enable-cups \
- --enable-fontconfig \
- --enable-dbus \
- --enable-access \
- --enable-vba \
- --enable-systray \
- --enable-presenter-console \
- --enable-pdfimport \
- --enable-minimizer \
- --enable-split-app-modules \
- --enable-split-opt-features \
- --with-system-python \
- --with-system-expat \
- --with-system-freetype \
- --with-system-jpeg \
- --with-system-curl \
- --with-system-redland \
- --with-system-poppler \
- --with-system-libwpd \
- --with-system-neon \
- --with-system-icu \
- --with-system-boost \
- --with-system-mozilla=mozilla \
- --with-gcc-speedup=ccache \
- --with-system-db \
- --with-mdbtools \
- --with-drink=ale \
- --with-distro=Slackware \
- --with-lightproof \
- --with-numbertext \
- --with-arch=x86 \
- --build=$ARCH-slackware-linux || exit 1
-# Move local copies of the source packages.
-cp -a $CWD/* ./src/
-# Works around a make jobs bug
-make -j1 patch.apply && make
-cd bin
- OODESTDIR=$PKG ./package-ooo || exit 1
-cd -
-# Preserve any existing config files
-mv $PKG/etc/bash_completion.d/ooffice.sh \
- $PKG/etc/bash_completion.d/go_ooffice.sh.new
-find $PKG | xargs file | grep -e "executable" -e "shared object" | grep ELF \
- | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null || true
-( cd $PKG/usr/man
- find . -type f -exec gzip -9 {} \;
- for i in $( find . -type l ) ; do ln -s $( readlink $i ).gz $i.gz ; rm $i ; done
-# If the user wants the plugin installed, then we'll do that too.
-if [ ${PLUGIN:-yes} = "yes" ]; then
- mkdir -p $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/mozilla/plugins
- cd $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/mozilla/plugins
- ln -s /usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/go_openoffice/program/libnpsoplugin.so libnpsoplugin.so
- cd -
-mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
-cp -a \
-cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild > $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild
-mkdir -p $PKG/install
-cat $CWD/slack-desc > $PKG/install/slack-desc
-cat $CWD/doinst.sh > $PKG/install/doinst.sh
-cd $PKG
-/sbin/makepkg -l y -c n $OUTPUT/$PRGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD$TAG.${PKGTYPE:-tgz}
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/go_openoffice.info b/office/go_openoffice/go_openoffice.info
deleted file mode 100644
index e857db080e839..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/go_openoffice.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-artwork.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-base.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-bootstrap.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-calc.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-components.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-extensions.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-extras.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-filters.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-help.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-impress.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-libs-core.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-libs-extern.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-libs-extern-sys.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-libs-gui.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-postprocess.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-sdk.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-testing.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-ure.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/OOO310/ooo310-m19-writer.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/SRC680/extras-3.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/SRC680/biblio.tar.bz2
- http://download.go-oo.org/DEV300/ooo_oxygen_images-2009-06-17.tar.gz
- http://download.go-oo.org/SRC680/libwps-0.1.2.tar.gz
- http://download.go-oo.org/SRC680/libwpg-0.1.3.tar.gz
- http://download.go-oo.org//SRC680/mdbtools-0.6pre1.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.devall.hu/kami/go-oo//numbertext-0.6.1.oxt
- ftp://ftp.devall.hu/kami/go-oo//lightproof-1.1.oxt"
- 092ce8212b591f8090a408631f0f3b5d
- 1cc6e2e31fbcc9b2e936e700235f5b1c
- c2552c5b91054317806502fa5bd28087
- da748a39c9d83a09badd8bd9604d4489
- e5e3825fac16609c810fab3fbe2eb9d5
- c0d5a2510c0a177d922f2027fbe983a2
- 257ac5758245c2ee1590273489b19048
- 5b78c271a6f8a8b95c15fb4689646e5b
- 2e0c32bbd34959999cf8aaa6b628cf44
- 8695921e8d5153de7bb2002caea9e0a4
- a346c28a07c633cdb5e23fc38ba994c1
- ef63e0ad73e1819e65ccfdb242408cde
- df12331498c6ee810e8f768670bdf2a7
- 99fa052555499b06c78d9dd95cd84ce2
- 83ac184404a5e940f11b15e191f0414a
- e4cd8de5ac4eed15792b9e4f45c4a789
- dbb7b4c748664cc1c369f2c88b4072c9
- f01114677484b4e008a4c0dde44282ab
- 5aa48153b1de6988bc5ca21f5800e8c4
- 36f323a55ee83e9dc968e1b92569b62a
- 1948e39a68f12bfa0b7eb309c14d940c
- 0b3ffc43231c525db1798495a6676902
- 799fc3b835a79adce8c88a3fee0150c1
- db556b750bf3eac8481a4cc5e29e5af1
- 246e8f38b2a1af1bcff60ee0da59300b
- e751a9c4da57b35d9113b75708d9d671
- 6b06f806c73e722c2fc980ac827204ec"
-MAINTAINER="David Somero"
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/patches/Slackware.conf.in b/office/go_openoffice/patches/Slackware.conf.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c1537bd4dd9..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/patches/Slackware.conf.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/patches/apply b/office/go_openoffice/patches/apply
deleted file mode 100644
index 71db2ff2d80e2..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/patches/apply
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3516 +0,0 @@
-# The format of this file is: not documented except by example
-# -------- Options --------
-# might be space separated list to support more MWS
-# -------- Functional sub-sets --------
-Common : PreprocessPatches, BuildBits, TemporaryHacks, FixesNotForUpstream, \
- Fixes, DefaultSettings, Features, VCL, Misc, HelpContent, \
- Icons, Branding, CalcFixes, WriterFixes, EasterEgg, \
- GStreamer, CWSBackports, WPG, Cleanups, WMF, GnomeVFS, WebDAV, \
- Layout, VBABits, VBAObjects, CalcErrors, Store, CJK, GCJ, Lwp, WPS, \
- OOXML, OOXMLExport, SVGImport, FrameworkFeature, UnitTesting, \
- PopupRemoval, LinkWarningDlg, RadioButtons, InternalCairo, \
- FedoraCommonFixes, InternalMesaHeaders, LayoutDialogs, Fuzz, \
- CalcRowLimit, Gcc44
-LinuxCommon : Common, Defaults, TangoIcons, FontConfigTemporaryHacks, \
- FedoraLinuxOnlyFixes, LinuxOnly, SystemBits, \
- msaccess, OpenGLTransitions, \
- Fpickers, Mono, AddressBooks, QuickStarter, KDE4
-MacOSXCommon : Common, Defaults, TangoIcons, SystemBits
-Win32Common : Common, Defaults, TangoIcons, \
- Win32Only, NotDebian
-# Experimental sections
-Experimental: VBAUntested, ArkOnlyExperimental, \
- UnUsedButNotYetRemovedFromSVN, WebDAVUpstream, \
- PostgreSQL, SELinux, VOSremoval, Glib2, \
- UnitBootstrap, RadioButtons, UnstableLibwpd, WWInProgress, \
- KDE4Experimental, MinGW, CalcExperimental, Mono24, \
- OOXMLExportExperimental, CrossWin32Patches, AutoLayout, \
- OptionalIconThemes, HPPA
-DebianLooseSections: DebianBaseNoHelpContent
-# Optional sections
-Optional : DejaVuFonts, NovellOnlyExtensionFixes, Win32OnlyExtensionFixes, Linux32OnlyExtensionFixes
-# Binfilter patches: a special distro; applied only when building with binfilter
-Binfilter : BFBuildBits, BFFixes, BFShrink
-# System patches: a special distro; applied only when building with the system tarball unpacked
-System : SystemBuildBits
-# Sdk patches: a special distro; applied only when building with the sdk tarball unpacked
-Sdk : SdkFixes
-# special fragmented build patch distro
-Piece : PieceBits
-Localize : LocalizeFixes
-# patches touching swext which is not in the OpenOffice2 alias yet.
-# FIXME: Get this cleaned up
-Extensions : ExtensionFixes
-UnstableWP : UnstableLibwpd
-# Novell
-NovellBase : LinuxCommon, NovellOnly, NovellOnlyUnix, \
- NotDebian, Lockdown, Split, Shrink, \
- CustomUserConfig
-SUSE-9.1 : NovellBase
-SUSE-9.2 : NovellBase
-SUSE-9.3 : NovellBase
-SUSE-10.0 : NovellBase
-SUSE-10.1 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, BrokenSystemNSS, Java14, GTK28
-SUSE-10.2 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, EMFPlus, Java14, OpenGLTransitionsMesa703
-SUSE-10.3 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, EMFPlus, Java14, GCC41
-SUSE-11.0 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, EMFPlus, CairoFonts, PostgreSQL
-SUSE-11.1 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, EMFPlus, CairoFonts, ImpressFontSize, PostgreSQL
-SUSE-11.2 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, EMFPlus, CairoFonts, ImpressFontSize, PostgreSQL, OptionalIconThemes, SUSE112
-SUSE : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, EMFPlus, CairoFonts, ImpressFontSize, PostgreSQL, OptionalIconThemes, SUSE112
-SUSE-reduced:NovellBase,BerkeleyDB43, ReducedDefaults
-# Slackware
-Slackware : LinuxCommon, SlackwareOnly, NotDebian, Mono, msaccess, CairoFonts
-# Debian
-DebianBase : LinuxCommon, DebianBaseOnly, Lockdown, GCCSTL, BerkeleyDB43, Split, PostgreSQL, MySQL, OptionalIconThemes
-Debian : DebianBase, DebianOnly, DebianSidOnly, Debian32Only, CairoFonts, HPPA
-DebianEtch : DebianBase, DebianOnly, DebianEtchOnly, Debian32Only
-# Ubuntu
-UbuntuBased : DebianBase, UbuntuOnly
-UbuntuHardy : UbuntuBased, UbuntuHardyOnly, CairoFonts
-UbuntuIntrepid : UbuntuBased, UbuntuIntrepidOnly, CairoFonts
-UbuntuJaunty : UbuntuBased, UbuntuJauntyOnly, CairoFonts
-UbuntuKarmic : UbuntuBased, UbuntuKarmicOnly, CairoFonts
-UbuntuL10n : UbuntuBased, UbuntuL10nOnly
-# DroplineGNOME
-DroplineGNOME : LinuxCommon, DroplineGNOMEOnly, NotDebian, Mono, msaccess
-DroplineGNOME64 : LinuxCommon, DroplineGNOMEOnly, NotDebian, Mono, msaccess
-# Ark Linux
-Ark: LinuxCommon, NotDebian, ArkOnly, BerkeleyDB43, KDE4
-# www.pld-linux.org
-PLDBase: LinuxCommon, NotDebian, CairoFonts, PLDOnly
-PLD64: PLDBase
-# Mandriva Linux
-MandrivaBase: CairoFonts, MandrivaOnly, LinuxCommon, MandrivaOnlyUnix, LockDown, Split, NotDebian
-Mandriva: MandrivaBase
-Mandriva64: MandrivaBase
-# Frugalware Linux
-Frugalware: LinuxCommon, GnomeVFS, GlobalDesktopFiles, NonArkCommon, NoRpath, NovellOnly, NovellOnlyUnix, NotDebian, FrugalwareOnly
-# openmamba
-openmamba: LinuxCommon, GlobalDesktopFiles
-GentooBase : LinuxCommon, GentooOnly, NotDebian, Lockdown, CairoFonts, BerkeleyDB43, IntegrateExtensions
-GentooUnstable: GentooBase, GentooExperimental, MySQL
-Gentoo : GentooBase
-Gentoo64: GentooBase
-# rPath Linux
-rPathCommon: LinuxCommon, NotDebian, Lockdown, BerkeleyDB43, CairoFonts
-rpl2: rPathCommon
-rpl2-64: rPathCommon
-# ArchLinux
-ArchLinux: LinuxCommon
-# Win32
-Win32 : Win32Common
-# translate.org.za
-translate-org-za-linux: translate-org-za-common, LinuxCommon, Common, Lockdown
-translate-org-za-win32: translate-org-za-common, Win32Common, Common
-NovellLikeWin32: Win32Common, NovellOnly, NovellLikeOnlyWin32, MultilanguageWin32Only, Lockdown, Fpickers, \
- CustomUserConfig, DejaVuFonts, IntegrateExtensions
-# Novell
-NovellWin32: NovellLikeWin32, NovellOnlyWin32, MultilanguageWin32Only
-NovellWin32ISO: NovellLikeWin32, NovellOnlyWin32, MultilanguageWin32Only
-# go-oo.org Win32
-GoOoWin32: NovellLikeWin32, GoOoOnlyWin32, MultilanguageWin32Only, GoOoSplash
-# Mac OS X
-MacOSX : MacOSXCommon, MacOSXOnly
-GoOoMacOSX : MacOSXCommon, MacOSXOnly, NovellOnly, NovellOnlyExtensionFixes, Fpickers, CustomUserConfig, IntegrateExtensions, GoOoSplash
-# Pardus
-Pardus2007: PardusOnly, LinuxCommon, NotDebian
-Pardus2008: PardusOnly, LinuxCommon, NotDebian
-# Solaris
-Solaris: NovellBase, UnstableExtensions
-# Universal Upstream-like packages
-GoOoLinux: NovellBase, NovellOnly, NovellOnlyExtensionFixes, CustomUserConfig, IntegrateExtensions, GoOoSplash, Mono24
-# OxygenOffice Professional
-OxygenOfficeLinuxCommon : Common, EMFPlus, LayoutDialogs, FontConfigTemporaryHacks, \
- LinuxOnly, SystemBits, \
- msaccess, OpenGLTransitions, \
- Fpickers, Mono, AddressBooks, QuickStarter, IntegrateExtensions, DejaVuFonts
-OxygenOfficeMacOSXCommon : Common, SystemBits, IntegrateExtensions, DejaVuFonts, OOXMLExport
-OxygenOfficeWin32Common : Common, Win32Only, NotDebian, IntegrateExtensions, DejaVuFonts
-OxygenOfficeLinux: OxygenOfficeLinuxCommon, OxygenOfficePalettes, OxygenOfficeDefaultSettings, OxygenOfficeExtras
-OxygenOfficeWindows: OxygenOfficeWin32Common, OxygenOfficePalettes, OxygenOfficeDefaultSettings, OxygenOfficeExtras, OxygenOfficeWin32Only
-# FSFhu
-FSFhuWindows : Win32Common, NovellOnly, Lockdown, Fpickers, CustomUserConfig, DejaVuFonts, IntegrateExtensions
-FSFhuLinux : NovellBase, EMFPlus, CairoFonts, DejaVuFonts, IntegrateExtensions
-FSFhuMacOSX : MacOSXCommon, MacOSXOnly, NovellOnly, NovellOnlyExtensionFixes, CustomUserConfig, IntegrateExtensions
-# Plain build; just with base build fixes
-PlainLinux: PlainBuildFixes
-Graphite: GraphiteSupport
-# Experimental crosscompile support
-CrossWin32 : CrossWin32Patches
-# -------- [ Tag [ >= <tag> etc. ], ] patch sets --------
-[ PreprocessPatches ]
-# Collection of patches that must be applied before all the other patches.
-# Create a safe hash number interval for ooo-build only resources.
-ooo-build-resources-sc-sc-hrc.diff, kohei
-ooo-build-resources-svx-dialogs-hrc.diff, kohei
-[ GraphiteSupport ]
-cws-graphite01-20090630.diff, i#69129
-[ HelpContent ]
-helpcontent-scalc-01.diff, kohei
-[ LocalizeFixes ]
-helpcontent-scalc-01-localize.diff, kohei
-[ LinuxOnly ]
-# Don't stat tons of config files we don't need to read on startup
-speed-configmgr.diff, i#56783, michael
-# add accelerator to the OK and Cancel buttons.
-ok-cancel-btn-add-accel.diff, kohei
-[ TemporaryHacks ]
-# add idl target to toplevel makefile
-makefile-idl-build.diff, noelpwer
-# Pagein types.rdb / services.rdb & the ui files
-speed-pagein.diff, i#57679, michael
-# Use d_type entry when possible to get file type instead of using stat
-speed-getfilestatus-dtype.diff, rodo, i#63159
-# Replace hunspell linked list implementation with hashed implementation
-# Reduces hunspell mem usage by more than half (3.7M to ~680K)
-# (even bigger savings on 64bit, and with dicts like the Czech one)
-#FIXME oog680: hunspell-hashify.diff, i#50842, dkeskar/jholesov
-# add no-crashreporter sections to testtool default config;
-# also guess office path from testtool.bin path i#FIXME?
-testtool-more-defaults.diff, martink
-#Fix plus/minus in to each heading in Navigator
-plus-minus-sw-navigator.diff, i#64886, n#129410, jianhua
-plus-minus-sw-navigator2.diff, i#64886, n#129410, jianhua
-#set default varchar lenght to 100.
-dbaccess-default-varchar-lenght.diff, i#62664, jianhua
-#make oovbaapi as a link
-#for selection delete crash
-selection-crash-svx-svdmrkv.diff, i#76084, jianhua
-#realize a new feature named as Show Data Form in OpenOffice
-sc-dataform-sc.diff, Amelia Wang
-sc-dataform-officecfg.diff, kohei
-#realize extra piece of new feature named as Show Data Form about vba
-sc-dataform-suppor-vba.diff, Amelia Wang
-# workaround for a crash in the help on amd64.
-sal-doublefree.diff, i#67740, mklose
-# hack for n#240776
-sw-graphic-save-problem.diff, flr, n#240776
-# accelerate intern by not using stl
-sal-strintern-speed.diff, i#78496, michael
-sal-strintern-speed-fix.diff, i#78496, michael
-# temporary hack to avoid the warning about missing return values in gcc4
-# http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=20624
-#warning-return-values-stlport.diff, jholesov
-# Fix linkoo, the ultimate hacker tool
-fix-linkoo.diff, i#83548, jholesov
-# fix a11y bug
-fix-gtk-a11y.diff, i#98533, michael
-fix-gtk-a11y-gail-version-warning.diff, pmladek
-# Update linkoo for dev300 TODO file upstream
-linkoo-dev300.diff, jholesov
-# temporary compile sc/source/core/tool with -O1 with gcc-4.3 on x86_64
-# until the internal compiler error is fixed
-# buildfix-gcc-4.3-compiler-error.diff, n#370383, pmladek
-# Make the historically very verbose build quieter, helps us see warnings.
-quiet-build.diff, i#84497, michael
-quiet-build-more.diff, i#84497, thorsten
-# further performance tweaks to configmgr
-speed-configmgr-misc.diff, i#84751, michael
-# sort by a simple metric first
-speed-configmgr-nodesort.diff, i#100743, michael
-# don't do dumb I/O and CPU work we can defer around lang guessing
-# we should really defer loading the shlib that does this work too but ...
-speed-lingucomponent.diff, i#100757, michael
-# gcc OOMs here otherwise (x86_64)
-# default to DEV300 in cws-commit-patch
-cws-commit-patch-default-dev300.diff, i#87431, jholesov
-# avoid crash when calling the mono testcase from ooo-build/test/mono
-# the object "this" was destroyed after calling ScTableSheetObj::getImplementation
-# this hack make sure that the object lives a bit longer
-sc-cellsuno-avoid-early-destruction.diff, i#90076, pmladek
-[ TemporaryHacks and not MacOSXOnly ]
-# don't lstat() that much while creating absolute URLs - breaks unopkg
-# run as e.g. used during Mac dmg generation, as parts of the
-# configmgr paths are not yet existing then
-speed-sal-fewer-lstats.diff, i#89730, jholesov
-[ CJK ]
-# add a new unit 'character unit'
-cjk-character-units-imp.diff, Amelia Wang
-#set default CJK font fontsize as 10.5pt
-sw-default-cjk-fontsize.diff i#72010, jianhua
-# add a new unit 'character unit'
-cjk-character-units-ui.diff, Amelia Wang
-cjk-character-units-rulers-sync-with-pggrid-fix.diff, Amelia Wang
-cjk-character-units-fix.diff, i#356101, Amelia Wang
-cjk-character-units-fix-376788.diff, i#376788, Amelia Wang
-cjk-character-units-in-pggrid-fix.diff, Amelia Wang
-#[ CJKTemporaryHacks ]
-# the following patch is disabled temporary.
-# default value of tab stop for Chinese version
-#default-tabstop-Chinese.diff, Fong Lin
-# default value of automatic text indent for Chinese version
-#sw-auto-text-indent-zh.diff, Fong Lin
-# for mixed font set
-#FIXME src680: font_list_box_cjk.diff, i#73003, Fong Lin
-[ WPS ]
-# MS Works import filter (following patches depend on each other) Fridrich
-# readd WPS. (removed in cws native214/m40)
-[ CWSBackports ]
-#basic runtime fixes
-# GetDialogParent() symbol needs to be exported.
-vba-show-data-form-link-fix.diff, kohei
-# Base Table Wizard bug, fixed in dba32d, integrated into DEV300_m52
-[ WPG ]
-# libwpg-based import filter for WordPerfect Graphics
-[ GCJ ]
-# gij/libgcj paths...
-jvmfwk-gij-paths.diff, rengelha
-# Fix up Javac error, known to happen with gcj, probably happens for other
-# JDKs too
-buildfix-qadevOOo-java-encoding.diff, brosenk
-# Fixes that were not accepted up-stream, but are still useful
-[ FixesNotForUpstream ]
-# Make debugging nicer under unix
-debug-bits.diff, i#35336, jholesov
-# Make the scroll-wheel / page popup more sane
-gui-sw-scroll.diff, i#20826, michael
-# make menu layout prettier
-vcl-menu-fixes.diff, i#67123, n#523852, michael/jholesov
-# Tell the desktop we support the VFS
-uses-vfs.diff, i#43504, michael
-# not for upstreaming: don't disable the entire visibility, just
-# the -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
-# re-direct to plugins via http://extensions.go-oo.org/
-#upload a new libwpd + fix an exception with condensed paragraphs
-libwpd.diff, fridrich
-writerperfect-nocondensedparagraphs.diff, fridrich
-offapi-typecheck-whitelist.diff, thorsten
-# ensure macros are imported ( not as comments ) for calc
-vba-default-enable-calcmacros.diff, noelpwer
-# in the basic IDE if the curson in within a macro
-# pressing the run button should run that macro
-# if the cursor is not in the macro then it should
-# raise the macro chooser dialog
-vba-ide-choose-macro-to-run.diff, noelpwer
-[ ExtensionFixes ]
-# no bogus license question when registering these extensions
-# Fixing build breake in apache-common module when you use UTF-8 based locale in the build system
-apache-commons-build-fix-invalid-chars.diff, kami
-[ ExtensionFixes ]
-build-java-target-extensions.diff, i#93115, pmladek
-[ NovellOnlyExtensionFixes ]
-# allow build with ant-1.6
-# IMPORTANT: the second part of the patch is build-ant-1.6.diff
-build-ant-1.6-swext.diff, i#90830, pmladek
-# omit the ugly <platform>-<arch> suffix in the extensions identifier
-solven-extensions-noarch-identifier.diff, pmladek
-sdext-noarch-identifier.diff, pmladek
-[ NovellOnly ]
-# allow build with ant-1.6
-# IMPORTANT: the second part of the patch is build-ant-1.6-swext.diff
-build-ant-1.6.diff, i#90830, pmladek
-[ Fixes ]
-# printf arguments cleanup
-buildfix-fmtargs.diff, cabral
-# FIXME: Was fixed in m1 as masterfix. I'd bet it will be in m30, too, but...
-# more intelligent nsplugin seeking
-nsplugin-path.diff, i#49590, michael
-# some versions of neon report DAV:Collection instead of Collection
-# thanks Caolan for the fix
-ucb-neon-different-name.diff, i#98288, pmladek
-# sd printing fixes
-printing-bugfix-254573.diff, n#254573, rodo
-# use basic (advanced) shapes for rectangle/ellipse on draw/impress's toolbars. make shapes wrap words by default, n#171052, rodo
-sd-toolbar-advanced-shapes.diff, n#171052, rodo
-svx-shapes-default-word-wrap-enable.diff, n#171052, rodo
-svx-honour-customshape-capabilities.diff, n#395372, thorsten
-# fix check box rendering issue - n#80447
-check-buttons-rendering-fix.diff, michael
-# disable font management dialog in padmin
-padmin-nofontconfig.diff, michael
-# Fix for n#113235
-wizards-source-importwizard-filesmodul-xba.diff, i#56633, noelpwer
-# testtool doesn't like oobuild basic compatability defaults
-# ooo-build only fix n#145906#
-automation-testtool-oobuildfix.diff, n#145906, noelpwer
-# fixes some .cfg files in helpcontent2/source/auxiliary to use right
-# lang code instead of en-US
-helpcontent2-auxiliary-cfg.diff, pmladek
-# more secure permissions for the user directory by default
-desktop-safer-user-dir-perm.diff, i#62858, pmladek
-# Added support for "application/octet-stream" mime type in package manager
-desktop-application-octet-stream-mime-type.diff, i#73301, flr
-# allow other types of signing certs, fix by Jacob Berkman <jberkman@novell.com>
-xmlsecurity-verify-usages.diff, i#76871, pmladek
-# select the java automatically when the system javavendors.xml is modified
-# do not force to do it the user manually
-jvmfwk-modified-javavendors-xml.diff, i#99619, pmladek
-# find locked certs, fix by Jacob Berkman <jberkman@novell.com>
-libxmlsec-findcerts.diff, i#76870, pmladek
-# avoid error messages about missing directories with templates
-sfx2-check-existing-template-dirs.diff, i#100518, pmladek
-[ LinuxOnly ]
-# fix that allows OOo to work with a standard (unpatched) libjpeg,
-jpegc.c.diff, i#80674, n#272574, flr
-# build against xulrunner 1.9.1+
-xulrunner-1.9.1.diff, ccheney
-[ Fixes ]
-# speed up make_installer.pl quite markedly.
-speed-make-installer.diff, i#97124, michael
-speed-make-installer-2.diff, i#97208, michael
-# process relative SMB paths (in hyperlinks) correctly
-tools-urlobj-smb-scheme-patch.diff, n#261623, flr
-samba-hyperlinks-sc-sd.diff, n#382718, jholesov
-tools-qa-urlobj-unittest.diff, n#261623, flr
-# writer doc margin text rotates when opened in word
-svx-text-rotation-fix.diff, n#404221, flr
-# check real help path defined in registry instead of the $(instpath)/help
-sfx-check-real-help-path.diff, i#81139, pmladek
-# display help correctly even when the files are symlinks
-xmlhelp-work-with-symlinks.diff, i#81138, pmladek
-#fix saving ( as doc format ) word documents with embedded word
-#document ( containing macros ) crashing
-save-doc-withembedded-doc-with-vba-crash.diff, n#339946, i#83632, noelpwer
-localize-pl-cygwin-paths.diff, tml
-# import/export form control's visibility
-form-control-visibility.diff, i#88878, noelpwer
-# import tooltip for userforms
-import-controls-tooltip.diff, i#90124, noelpwer
-# fix path to the python binary in the mailmerge.py script
-# /bin/python does not exists and breaks the automatic rpm dependencies
-# FIXME 2008-11-26: the mailmerge.py in dev300-m35 doesn't have any #! line at all!?
-#scripting-mailmerge-python-binary.diff, pmladek
-# Allow some technically illegal pathname components on Win32
-# (directories with trailing spaces or periods) because some SMB
-# servers like Netware (and Samba, if mangled names = No) do serve
-# such directories if they exist on the server's host system.
-win32-invalid-names.diff, n#277603, tml
-# make CustomUnitText "Pixel" localisable
-customunittext-pixel.diff, i#61043, atimar
-# make CustomUnitText "%" consistent
-customunittext-percent.diff, i#80784, atimar
-# make "Table Data View" and "Bibliography" localisable
-i93000.diff, i#93000, atimar
-# fix to work with groupwise
-# unset the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to do not confuse system mail clients with
-# OOo and Java libraries
-shell-senddoc-library-path.diff, i#95873, pmladek
-# fix truncated localized text on sslwarndlg in uui module
-i97329-sslwarndlg-truncation.diff, i#97329, atimar
-# fix truncated localized text on several dialogs
-# see http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Hu.openoffice.org/QA_Screenshots
-padmin-dialog-resize.diff, i#98164, atimar
-sw-dialogs-resize.diff, i#98164, atimar
-svx-dialogs-resize.diff, i#98164, atimar
-# Password dialog - default is OK
-uui-passworddlg-ok-default.diff, i#102230, atimar
-[ Fixes < ooo320-m6 ]
-# fix icc
-icc-use-sal-endianness-and-types.diff, i#106523, n#467181
-[ RadioButtons ]
-forms-radio-button-group-names.diff, n#310052, i#30823, jonp
-# depends on forms-radio-button-group-names.diff,
-xl-import-formradiobutton.diff, noelpwer, i#30823
-# persist the groupname for basic dialogs also
-dialog-groupname-persist.diff, noelpwer, i#30823
-[ SELinux ]
-# make OOo work under SELinux
-ooo80816.selinux.bridges.diff, i#80816
-[ Win32Only ]
-accept-underscores-in-hostnames.diff, n#182422, tml
-[ WebDAVUpstream ]
-SectionOwner => jholesov
-SectionIssue => i#29152
-# WebDAV locking implementation - the up-stream version
-[ WebDAV ]
-SectionOwner => jholesov
-SectionIssue => i#29152
-# WebDAV locking implementation - the original version
-# This was originally forward-ported from ooo-build-2-4-1,
-# but has now been modified significantly, so the name of
-# this diff is a bit misleading.
-# fix saving files on Novell teaming via WebDaV
-webdav-locking-local-temp-file.diff, bnc#440514, kendy
-[ GnomeVFS ]
-# gnome-vfs locking implementation
-# it was not committed up-stream yet because up-stream uses so old gnome-vfs
-# that it did not even compile :-(
-gnome-vfs-locking-config_office.diff, i#91151, jholesov
-gnome-vfs-locking-ucb.diff, i#91151, jholesov
-# Move gnome-vfs out of the startup sequence, load it only when needed
-# (up-stream does not like it, because it adds dependency to VCL in URE)
-gnome-vfs-late-init.diff, i#84137, jholesov
-[ QuickStarter ]
-unxsplash-rework.diff, i#60696, michael/jholesov
-# fix the systray quickstarter
-sfx2-quickstarter-fix.diff, i#88382, michael
-# FIXME: unxsplash-rework needs this function which was removed in m13
-# due to being unused. fix properly.
-[ QuickStarter ]
-# handling of osl pipe has changed, see i#84045
-unxsplash-new-osl-pipe.diff, i#60696, jholesov
-# fix the slot: handling again :-(
-unxsplash-new-osl-pipe-slot.diff, i#60696, n#375529, jholesov
-# when OOo fails during startup, don't loop endlessly
-unxsplash-finish-on-hangup.diff, i#60696, n#357659, jholesov
-# the 'three layer OOo' needs rpath
-unxsplash-rpath.diff, i#60696, jholesov
-# the OSL_PIPE protocol has changed thanks to 3-layer OOo again :-(
-unxsplash-3layer.diff, i#60696, jholesov
-# fix bitmap reading; the lines are aliased to 4 bytes
-unxsplash-bmp-alias.diff, i#60696, jholesov
-[ WriterFixes ]
-# Allows to copy/paste html text which is between 2 unknown tags.
-sw-html-insert-unknown-tags.diff, i#59064, mloiseleur
-# Allows to edit a csv data source after a mail merge
-sw-remove-csv-lock.diff, i#85133, mloiseleur
-[ WriterFixes ]
-# Provides a great speed-up for a mail merge operation : 7x faster
-sw-mailmerge-faster.diff, i#40827, mloiseleur
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# To make CSV Text Import settings persistent, and also allow importing of
-# quoted fields as text.
-csv-import-preserve-options-sc.diff, i#3687, i#97416, n#433378, muthusub/kohei
-csv-import-preserve-options-officecfg.diff, i#3687, i#97416, n#433378, muthusub/kohei
-# Replace usability numb Zoom dialog with a Combo Box
-# FIXME: this conflicts with Sun's duplication of this work,
-# eg. print preview
-zoom-combobox.diff, michael
-# make some symbols from sc visible when compiling with gcc4, necessary since m121
-gcc4-visibility-sc.diff, i#53261, pmladek
-# adds to Autofilter Empty-NonEmpty options bxc #62165
-sc-autofilter-empty-nonempty.diff, i#35578, jody
-# Improves the standard filter options and menu. bxc #62187 #62495
-sc-standard-filter-options.diff, i#35579, michael
-# Saves and loads the standard filters in ods
-sc-standard-filter-options-ods-hack.diff, i#35579, jonp
-# Hides the filtered rows when height of rows are changed bxc #62161
-# sc-filter-hide-filteredrows.diff, i#35581, jody
-# Autofill doesnt fill filtered rows bxc 62499
-sc-filters-fill-fix.diff, jody
-# Support modification of data source range in DataPilot after table output has
-# been generated.
-sc-datapilot-dynamic-range.diff, i#23658, kohei
-# Provision for data-pilot to give autoformat bxc #62162
-# Upstream has already rejected this patch, and closed the issue as WONTFIX.
-# This patch needs to be revised to use 'DataPilot *' cell styles instead of
-# re-using Table AutoFormat, which is fragile and do not always apply
-# correctly.
-sc-datapilot-autoformat.diff, i#37388, jody
-# BXC 62488 : Allows insertion of rows by shifting down
-#sc-paste-insert-rows.diff disable...
-# Display min password length in dialog BINC 773
-sc-save-password-minlength.diff, i#21923, kohei
-# Allow dnd in Change record mode for Data source BINC 70845
-sc-change-record-dnd.diff, i#44982, jody
-# keybindings: <ctrl> +/‑ to insert/delete a complete line in calc (X#62530)
-calc-new-acceleration.diff, i#67029, michael
-sc-dp-gridlayout.diff, i#68544 n#190970, jody
-# Excel compatibility for handling of "string numbers".
-sc-string-arg.diff, i#5658, kohei
-# Fix for the above string number patch, for cases where a formula cell is
-# being referenced by the origin cell.
-sc-string-arg-ref-formula-cell.diff, n#391330, kohei
-# Fix an error in presence of string literals in COUNTA.
-sc-string-arg-counta-fix.diff, n#446622, kohei
-# Print_Area/Print_Titles are only relevant for sheet local names, n#191005
-sc-xls-builtin-name-scope.diff, n#191005, n#257422, jonp
-# Allow Cols/Rows to be resized even if document is read-only, n#165980, jody
-sc-read-only-colrow-resize.diff, jody
-# Add a 'Natural' variant of sorting, blocking on ODF extension issues
-sc-natural-sort.diff, i#26565, kohei
-# Include cell format when sorting via sort icon & determine whether the first
-# row is the column header (depends on sc-natural-sort.diff patch).
-sc-simple-sort-include-format-header.diff, i#13829, kohei
-# Allow 'june-2007' to be properly parsed as June 1 2007 in en-US locales.
-sc-date-fix.diff, n#358750, jonp
-# For multi-line cell contents, bolding the first line shouldn't bold the
-# entire cell.
-calc-multiline-pattern-fix.diff, n#359690, n#437137, i#99291, kohei
-# Add extra padding so that the cell height is larger -- increases legibility.
-sc-extra-cell-margins.diff, n#361358, jonp
-# Change default numbering scheme of x-y plot chart from Row 1, Row2, ... to
-# 1, 2, 3... when the X labels are not explicitly given. This is what Excel
-# does.
-sc-excel-chart-default-xlabels.diff, n#257079, i#83679, kohei
-# Fix autoshape excel hyperlink import OOo ( depends on vba-sc-handleautoshapemacro-import.diff )
-vba-sc-autoshapes-hyperlinks.diff, i#66550, noelpwer
-# Delete Rows/Delete Columns should remember the content so that the user is
-# able to paste it elsewhere (similar to Insert Cut Cells in Excel)
-#TODO: we need to re-implement this as a separate menu option. (n#500985)
-#sc-delete-rows-columns-remembers-content.diff, i#71921, jholesov
-[ CalcFixes < dev300-m52 ]
-# load, store and save the sheet protection options from and to an Excel file,
-# and use that information to constrain cell cursor movement when the sheet is
-# protected. Also to support encryption on Excel file export.
-cws-scsheetprotection02-sfx2.diff, i#97515, kohei
-cws-scsheetprotection02-svx.diff, i#97515, kohei
-cws-scsheetprotection02-sc.diff, i#97515, kohei
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# fix a crasher when loading xls doc with unsupported encryption.
-calc-xls-decryption-crash-fix.diff, i#102906, kohei
-# Unit conversion fixes in ScDrawLayer.
-sc-drwlayer-units.diff, i#83735, jonp
-# overwrite character level font attributes when changing them at cell level.
-sc-overwrite-char-font-attrs.diff, n#374580, i#53545, i#96853, kohei
-# When filtering by date, strip off the time element from each value.
-calc-filter-by-date-strip-time.diff, n#414303, i#94695, kohei
-# preserve line breaks when referencing it in formula.
-calc-multiline-formula-ref.diff, i#35913, kohei
-# always store ranges in ODF using Calc A1 formula syntax.
-chart-odf-always-calc-a1.diff, n#463305, kohei
-# Enable these in ooo-build. They are still disabled upstream.
-enable-xls-export-encryption.diff, kohei
-enable-sheet-protection-options.diff, kohei
-# Paste clipboard when ENTER is pressed, then clear clipboard.
-sc-paste-on-enter.diff, n#358545, i#28535, jonp
-calc-paste-on-enter-crash-fix.diff, i#102456, kohei
-# Support copy & pasting of non-contiguous region.
-calc-multi-range-copy-paste.diff, n#447003, i#25855, kohei
-# Place a border around the Copy source cell(s).
-sc-copy-source-border.diff, n#367489, jonp
-# Ensure that Print Preview is consistent with Print output.
-sc-print-selected-sheets.diff, n#335684, i#45497, jonp
-# Allow biffdump.cxx to compile on 64-bit platforms
-sc-biffdump.diff, i#82184, jonp
-# Allow objects to stay within cells as expected when rows are resized.
-sc-object-row-position.diff, i#47088, jonp
-# Launch navigator when double-clicking the leftmost status area box.
-sc-status-bar-launch-navigator.diff, i#49491, kohei
-# Support print & page preview for files containing only lines
-sc-print-lines.diff, n#351468, i#85076, jonp
-# Dynyamically resize filtered range when new data rows are present.
-sc-dbrange-dynamic-resize.diff, n#352662, i#85305, kohei
-# Have cell background paint over the gridlines.
-sc-cellbackground-over-gridlines.diff, n#361360, i#3907, kohei
-# Make cell number format toolbar icons togglable & remove the standard format
-# button.
-sc-cellformat-icon-toggle.diff, n#358548, i#86377, kohei
-# ignore manual breaks when the "fit to x pages wide and x pages tall" option
-# is used, for Excel interoperability.
-sc-fit-to-width-height-skip-breaks.diff, n#404232, n#404563, i#94698, kohei
-# skip data in hidden cells when rendering charts.
-chart-skip-hidden-cells-chart2.diff, n#404190, i#81209, n#427545, kohei
-chart-skip-hidden-cells-offapi.diff, n#404190, i#81209, n#425617, kohei
-chart-skip-hidden-cells-oox.diff, n#404190, i#81209, n#425617, kohei
-chart-skip-hidden-cells-xmloff.diff, n#404190, i#81209, n#425617, kohei
-chart-skip-hidden-cells-sc.diff, n#404190, i#81209, n#425617, kohei
-chart-skip-hidden-cells-sc-fix.diff, i#101273, kohei
-# render charts with multiple chart types correctly for xls interop.
-chart-axis-multi-chart-types-chart2.diff, n#437322, i#95934, kohei
-chart-axis-multi-chart-types-sc.diff, n#437322, i#95934, kohei
-chart-axis-multi-chart-types-xmloff.diff, n#437322, i#95934, kohei
-# Don't use pShapeContext after deleting the instance. Fixes SEGFAULT.
-calc-filter-xml-free-context.diff, n#467536, jonp
-# modify the autofill behavior to bring it a little closer to Excel's.
-calc-autofill-increment-fix.diff, i#5550, kohei
-# fixed change track export to xls files wrt cell change records.
-calc-change-track-xls-export-fix.diff, n#416045, i#93839, kohei
-# show COUNT and COUNTA results even if current range contains an error.
-calc-status-bar-func.diff, n#430655, i#94618, kohei
-# support custom names in data pilot tables.
-calc-dp-custom-names-offapi.diff, n#338014, i#22029, kohei
-calc-dp-custom-names-sc.diff, n#338014, i#22029, kohei
-calc-dp-custom-names-sc-win32-fix.diff, kohei
-calc-dp-custom-names-sc-group-fix.diff, n#491637, kohei
-# default output to new sheet, instead of current sheet.
-calc-dp-default-new-sheet.diff, i#50886, kohei
-[ CalcFixes < dev300-m52 ]
-# always use OOo address convention when parsing address in DDE function.
-calc-dde-always-ooo-conv.diff, n#442143, i#101041, kohei
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# Replace 'Manual Break' with 'Page Break' in menu texts.
-calc-menu-manual-page-break.diff, kohei
-# make biffdumper build
-fix-biffdumper.diff, noelpwer
-# accelerate calc HTML import from it's horribly turgid state
-# removes an N^2 algorithm, and saves 8 bn cycles for a small
-# HTML file for me.
-sc-speed-html-import.diff, i#100827, michael
-sc-speed-html-import-sizing.diff, i#100827, michael
-svx-speed-editeng.diff, i#100827, michael
-# FIXME: enable me after 3.1 release ...
-# svtools-speed-itemset.diff, i#100910, michael
-[ LinuxOnly ]
-# accelerate linking, by extreme cunning i#63927
-# this is an increasingly marginal win ...
-speed-local-link-except.diff, i#63927, michael
-# the file this one patches ends with CR chars... :-(
-speed-local-link.diff, i#63927, michael
-# make some symbols from svtools visible for the kde fpicker when compiling with gcc4
-# fix: this breaks win32
-fpicker-kde-gcc4-visibility.diff, pmladek
-[ LinuxOnly < dev300-m53 ]
-#Backport a more recent mozilla building. For the while not for win32, since
-#there are not yet precompiled packages for mozilla based on this CWS.
-[ Misc ]
-# Insert symbol defaults to the Symbol font - not a random one
-gui-sw-insert-symbol.diff, i#15512, michael
-# Address data source ordering x#62860
-addrbk-datasrc-ordering.diff, michael
-# Changed the default option in the Templates and Documents dialog.
-svtools-default-new-document.diff, rodo
-# contextual autocomplete
-context-autocomplete.diff, i#22961, michael
-# Fix casts in db_java_wrap.c
-# db4-jni-casting.diff, rengelha - broken with 'split' ...
-# Grouping items in the templates dialog n#106603
-svtools-unsort-template-dialogentries.diff, rodo
-# display command line help '-h' to stdout instead of stderr.
-desktop-cmdhelp-stdout.diff, kohei
-# always enable file save even when the document is not modified.
-always-allow-save-document-sfx2.diff, n#347423, n#450789, i#5226, kohei
-always-allow-save-document-sc.diff, n#347423, n#450789, i#5226, kohei
-# Adjust scroll speed while extending selection beyoud visible sheet area.
-scroll-accel-sc.diff, n#375909, i#71362, kohei
-scroll-accel-vcl.diff, n#375909, i#71362, kohei
-# reduce mininum password length from 5 to 1.
-min-password-length-sfx2.diff, i#85453, kohei
-# allow users to change current document password.
-document-password-change-sfx2.diff, kohei
-[ PopupRemoval ]
-# Remove unnecessary popups that might show up during startup.
-# remove updater code that is only relevant for the upstream version.
-sfx2-remove-check-update-on-fileload.diff, kohei
-# prevent the registration dialog from showing up on startup.
-desktop-disable-startup-registration.diff, kohei
-[ EasterEgg ]
-# go-oo.org people active in this release
-go-oo-team.diff, michael
-[ NovellOnly ]
-# add in an entry for a corporate common dictionary
-corporate-dictionary.diff, michael
-# Some Novell colors ...
-novell-palette.diff, michael
-# finally disable -fsigned-char on pcc
-solenv-really-use-unsinged-char-on-ppc.diff, i#81127, n#169875, pmladek
-[ NotDebian ]
-# Disable the printer properties which are unused#583
-# related issue: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=353595
-# also last comment in: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=83925
-# also http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=373974
-# due to popular demand, putting back the paper orientation checkbox
-#printer-properties-disable.diff, i#14036, michael
-# Enable layout'ed dialogs. Not to be released, therefore NotDebian.
-layout-default-enable-config_office.diff, janneke
-[ CustomUserConfig ]
-# This section includes patches that deal with custom user configuration items
-# that are not present upstream.
-SectionOwner => kohei
-# Swap the delete and backspace key bindings but leave the menus alone.
-sc-default-delete-backspace-key.diff, i#17965, kohei
-# migrate keyboard shortcuts & reset character set for CSV import dialog.
-desktop-config-migration.diff n#367160, n#376473, n#421070, n#466064, kohei/jholesov
-[ DebianBaseOnly ]
-SectionOwner => rengelha
-gcj-32bit-runtime-path.diff, i#64888, mklose
-# remove mozilla plug-in option completely since we enable it per default
-# and therefore this option is sense-/useless
-# read variables from /etc/openoffice/sofficerc, since /usr/lib/openoffice/sofficerc
-# just refers to it
-# build using -O2 on x86 and sparc according to Debian policy.
-ubuntu-soffice-config.diff, mklose
-ubuntu-openoffice-java-common.diff, ccheney
-ubuntu-javaldx.diff, ccheney
-# mention openoffice.org-report-builder instead of getting people
-# to download it from elsewhere
-reportdesign-mention-package.diff, rengelha
-# add JDK paths for MySQL, PostgreSQL, JTDS
-[ GoOoSplash ]
-# move progress bar for go-oo splash
-[ SlackwareOnly ]
-SectionOwner => Slackware
-[ DebianBaseOnly ]
-# fix the splash progressbar colors
-[ DroplineGNOMEOnly ]
-SectionOwner => DropLine
-pushfont-psstream.diff, i#84481
-[ MandrivaOnly ]
-SectionOwner => gghibo
-# gcc401-stlport45-include.diff
-# db42-fix-jni-includes.diff
-# Fixes msfontextract tool (uninitialized variable)
-msfontextract.diff, mrl
-# Fixes ooqstart.desktop Exec command
-ooqstart.desktop-exec.diff, Marcelo Ricardo Leitner
-# Adds Angola currency. FIXME: probably done in the worst way.
-angola.diff, mrl
-# Fix DictOOo.swx and FontOOo.swx paths, as Mandriva doesn't ship them
-# inside share/dict/ooo dir.
-wizards-path.diff, mrl
-mdv-toolbariconstosmall.diff, cabral
-mdv-exceptcxx-include-string.diff, cabral
-[ MandrivaOnlyUnix ]
-SectionOwner => gghibo
-# change user config dir name from ~/.openoffice.org3 to ~/.ooo3
-scp2-user-config-ooo3.diff, pmladek
-[ NovellOnlyUnix ]
-# Help Support page
-help-support.diff, michael
-# change user config dir name from ~/.openoffice.org3 to ~/.ooo3
-scp2-user-config-ooo3.diff, pmladek
-# Push fonts into the ps stream always
-pushfont-psstream.diff, i#84481, michael
-[ BrokenSystemNSS ]
-# fix build with system libnss installed apart from mozilla
-# strictly required on SL10.1/SLED10 where the xulrunner-nss.pc is broken
-libxmlsec-system-nss.diff, i#69368, n#195272, pmladek
-[ BuildBits ]
-novell-win32-agfa-monotype-fonts.diff, tml
-# allow to define java target, so the build is usable with the JVM 1.5
-# even when it is built with JDK 1.6
-build-java-target.diff, i#93115, pmladek
-# do not create '.' subdirectories
-# omit './' in paths
-solenv-installer-cleaner-paths.diff, pmladek
-# do not print twice the lang name in the filelist
-# for example, generate gid_Module_Langpack_Basis_es instead of
-# gid_Module_Langpack_Basis_es.es
-solenv-installer-lang-filelist-names.diff, pmladek
-# allow to get path also from ./file
-# otherwise, it installed the license files into ugly subdirectories
-# for example into <ooo-home>/LICENSE.html/LICENSE.html
-# even worse, the direcotry had the rights 444
-installer-get-path-correctly.diff, pmladek
-# allow to use the prebuilt jsr173_1.0_api.jar
-build-prebuilt-stax.diff, i#93116, pmladek
-# enforce alignment for typesconfig (fixes e.g. IA64, ARM build)
-typesconfig-enforce.alignment.diff. i#100469
-# fix build with neon-0.24
-ucb-neon-0.24.diff, pmladek
-# add ro
-# rename getline() to avoid conflict with glibc-2.10.1 and above
-soltools-mkdepend-getline.diff, aradke
-# localize fails with duplicated symlinks
-transex3-localize-find.diff, i#102296, pmladek
-# don't break dmake with environment variables containing space in the name
-# [which is a broken setup, but apparently most apps don't break with that ;-)]
-dmake-space-in-envvar-name.diff, i#101786, jholesov
-armeabi-softfp-buildfix.diff, i#105302, doko
-# support db4.8
-db4.8.diff, rengelha
-[ Gcc44 ]
-buildfix-sw-printf.diff, ccheney
-[ Java14 ]
-# enable build with Java 1.4; can't go upstream
-build-java-1.4-enable.diff, i#12345, pmladek
-# disable optional @Override; can't go upstream
-build-java-1.4-filter.diff, i#12345, pmladek
-# various build fixes for Sun Java 1.4; can't go upstream
-build-java-1.4-qadevOOo.diff, i#12345, pmladek
-build-java-1.4-wizards.diff, i#12345, pmladek
-# Sun Java 1.4 does not know the -Xbootclasspath option, will not go upstream
-build-java-1.4-no-Xbootclasspath.diff, i#12345, pmladek
-# another fallback to load libhsqldb with JRE 1.4
-connectivity-load-libhsqldb-with-jre-1.4.diff, n#431360, pmladek
-[ GTK28 ]
-# gtk-2.8 does not know the link-color properties;
-# do not try to read them to avoid annoying warning messages
-vcl-gtk-2.8-unsupported-link-colors.diff, n#440514, pmladek
-[ GoOoOnlyWin32 ]
-SectionOwner => tml
-go-oo-win32-vrb-branding.diff, n#191913, i#68817
-go-oo-win32-registry-branding.diff, n#191913
-[ NovellOnlyWin32 ]
-SectionOwner => tml
-novell-win32-vrb-branding.diff, n#191913, i#68817
-novell-win32-registry-branding.diff, n#191913
-[ NovellLikeOnlyWin32 ]
-SectionOwner => tml
-# drop stuff that is needed only on Win9x
-[ translate-org-za-common ]
-SectionOwner => davidf
-# use the dejavu fonts - commented out as different patches in the works
-# dejavu-fonts.diff, i#59853
-[ FrugalwareOnly ]
-# ( mmp@oo.o deals with defaults apparently )
-[ Defaults ]
-# Disable the recovery report dialog
-recovery-report.diff, i#53531, martink
-# Controversial bits - no use filing up-stream
-# automatically do any migration we can, with no wizard
-default-no-startup-wizard.diff, michael
-# don't throw up the style dialog on 1st run
-default-no-style-dialog.diff, michael
-# pestering people serves no useful purpose
-default-no-registration.diff, michael
-# The Industrial OOo icon theme is too old. The OOo Tango icon
-# theme is closer to the current GNOME Industrial theme rules.
-# => Tango should be preferred over Industrial.
-tango-prefer-over-industrial.diff, n#304615, pmladek
-# no Help->registration dialog by default
-default-no-registration-menu.diff, michael
-# CR line endings again...
-default-no-registration-menu-sd.diff, michael/kohei
-# flatten the structure of the 3 layer OOo a bit
-scp2-3layer-nicer-paths.diff, i#90430, jholesov
-# Fix the system default fpicker
-default-system-fpicker.diff, michael
-[ DefaultSettings ]
-# default to anti-alias at point size of 1 point
-default-font-aasize.diff, michael
-# set default font size to 10pt
-default-font-size.diff, i#35565, michael
-# Dramatically improve MS import / export cf. i8276 et. al.
-default-ms-filter-convert.diff, i#8276, michael
-# use pair kerning in new documents
-#KENDY TESTME: should be on using a different patch. default-pairkerning-on.diff, i#35873, jholesov
-# Optimal Page Wrap should be default for graphics insertion (X#59831)
-writer-default-as-optimal-page-wrap.diff, i#38108, jody
-# Controversial bits - no use filing up-stream
-# Use the Gnome VFS on KDE as well if it's there (better than nothing)
-vfs-kde-too.diff, michael
-# Trade speed for reliability with valgrind
-valgrind-alloc.diff, michael
-# disable the IDEA algorithm in the internal openssl; It is pattented.
-# There is no license fee only for non-commercial use.
-# This change actually affects only the Windows builds because the others
-# should use --with-system-openssl
-default-openssl-no-idea-alg.diff, pmladek
-# load and save also odf documents in flat xml format as opposed to the
-# compressed ones (conforming to the odf specifications)
-[ Features ]
-# ask user on logout/shutdown to save documents
-session-management.diff, i#63156, rodo
-# search <ooo-home>/share/template/common for language independent templates
-# will not push it upstream because it will be replaced by upcomming kendy's work
-office-cfg-common-template-dir.diff, pmladek
-# add new category "Labels" for blank Labels, calling cards, CD labels, etc.
-# will not push it upstream because it will be obsoleted by upcomming kendy's work
-sfx2-template-category-labels.diff, pmladek
-# add labels folder to scp2 module too
-scp2_add_additional_dirs.diff, kami
-[ BuildBits ]
-build-identification.diff, tml
-# add -dontstrip option to the installer
-installer-strip-optional.diff, i#48814, pmladek
-# add missing #include <stdio.h> in autodoc, breaks when building with STLport5
-#autodoc-add-missing-stdio-h.diff, rengelha
-# Workaround for compile failure with glibc 2.4's langinfo.h
-i18nutil-glibc-braindamage-workaround.diff, brosenk
-# changes the SDK gid module name to gid_Module_Root_SDK, so the generated list
-# of files does not conflict with the main package, i#64802
-sdk-gid-module-name.diff, pmladek, i#64802
-# do not pack any potential .orig files with ppds
-psprint_config-no-orig.diff, jholesov
-# GCC warnings: suggest a space before '; ' or explicit braces around empty body in 'for' statement
-stlport-gcc-warnings.diff, i#100223, gokcen
-[ SdkFixes ]
-odk-remove-nonexisting-package.diff, i#105803
-[ DebianOnly ]
-[ BuildBits ]
-# allow separate helpcontent build
-# FIXME: is anybody using this feature?
-#FIXME src680: separate-helpcontent.diff, jholesov
-# use --hash-style=gnu linking when supported
-# disabled for Debian as Debian policy (for now) is to use=both
-speed-hash-style.diff, pmladek
-# bind all those function / named relocations locally
-speed-symbolic-functions.diff, i#85679, pmladek
-# use -Wl,--as-needed, save 1% of relocations
-link-as-needed.diff, i#89511, pmladek
-[ MandrivaOnly ]
-SectionOwner => gghibo
-# mozilla-firefox.diff
-[ ArkOnly ]
-SectionOwner => brosenk
-# Db 4.3/4.4 needs -lpthread
-system-db-4.3-use-lpthread.diff, i#58474, rengelha
-[ PLDOnly ]
-SectionOwner => arekm
-# fix build of sal project
-solenv-unxlngi4-link.diff, i#66982
-# fix for macro browser crash
-sfx2-badscript.diff, i#67976
-[ BuildBits ]
-# work around http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=22392
-svx-customshapes-NOOPTFILES.diff, martink
-# This set seem to be related to a gcc bug ...
-# fixes warnings about missing return values
-warning-return-values-filter.diff, i#58977, pmladek
-warning-return-values-registry.diff, i#58979, pmladek
-# fixes warnings about that a variable is used unitialized
-warning-uninitialized-variables-tools-2.diff, i#58984, pmladek
-#fix a build issue on solaris with sunpro 5.9 aka Sun Studio 12
-stlport-solaris-fileno.diff, fridrich
-# fix build with vba as extension
-buildfix-vba-as-extn.diff, i#86937, hmth
-[ BFBuildBits ]
-SectionOwner => pmladek
-# STLport fixes
-binfilter-stl.diff, i#63770, hmth
-# use -Wl,--as-needed, save 1% of relocations
-link-as-needed-bf.diff, i#89511, pmladek
-[ SystemBuildBits ]
-# !!!! applied only when libs_extern_sys source tarball is unpacked !!!!
-SectionOwner => fridrich
-# Mozilla build-bits to not break on Solaris 11
-# moz-solaris11-makefiles.diff, fridrich
-[ LinuxOnly ]
-system-python-ure-bootstrap.diff, deb#501028, i#90701
-pyuno-ooodir.diff, i#90701
-system-python-uno-path.diff, i#97629
-# Fix two problems with some GTK+ themes:
-# - menu separators that should be almost black on a dark menu
-# background aren't,
-# - when menubar and men use opposite bg/fg colours, the menubar test
-# is invisible
-vcl-gtk-menubar-text-color.diff, n#526004, n#527356, i#103999, tml
-[ DejaVuFonts ]
-# Following the changed names of DejaVu fonts
-# Add Liberation fonts for all platforms
-dejavu_liberation_packaging_fix.diff, kami
-dejavu_liberation_making_fix.diff, kami
-[ VCL ]
-# These two patches are consequences of each other quite
-# possibly, the real fix is in the WM, or the toolkit backend.
-# don't throw an exception we can't catch when throwing up the splash.
-crash-startup.diff, i#100171, michael
-# Don't let the splash screen take over
-no-splash-takeover.diff, i#23609, rodo
-# Better fallback when some of the plugins are not available
-vcl-better-fallback.diff, i#50857, jholesov
-# prioritize hebrew culmus fonts, Debian bugs #280084, #296152, #300642
-hebrew-culmus.diff, noelpwer
-# write setup to %%Begin(End)Setup, instead of %%Begin(End)PageSetup when
-# generating PostScript
-psprint-postscript-page-setup.diff, i#65491, n#80448, jholesov
-# enable vcl to load bitmaps when height it negative
-prevent-multiple-window-resize-calls-when-maximised.diff, i#104469
-[ SystemBits ]
-# use getopt() and readdir_r() from system glibc
-#FIXME src680: system-libc.diff, i#69033, rengelha
-[ TangoIcons ]
-# default to large icons in the toolbar
-gui-toolbox-large-icons.diff, jholesov
-# use it by default under Win32
-tango-icons-default-w32.diff, n#254855, pmladek
-[ NotDebian ]
-# Improve readability of BUILD_VER_STRING in Help:About dialog
-# rengelha doesn't like it, so put in NotDebian
-# or maybe should be in Win32Only even?
-about-build-ver-readability.diff, i#68590, tml
-[ Fpickers ]
-# Modify the fpicker makefile
-fpicker-common-build.diff, jholesov
-# Show "Use OpenOffice.org dialogs" check box only if the system fpicker is
-# available (better implementation) FIXME IZ number
-fpicker-show-checkbox.diff, jholesov
-# Out-of-process implementation of KDE fpicker
-# FIXME: No IZ number for this, because it is necessary to do it internal first
-fpicker-kde-service.diff, jholesov
-# Out-of-process implementation of KDE fpicker
-# FIXME: No IZ number for this, because it is necessary to do it internal first
-fpicker-kde-dialog.diff, jholesov
-# Partially support KIO (download the file locally if we cannot handle it in
-# OOo or (FIXME) using gnome-vfs) binc#60527
-fpicker-kde-partial-kio.diff, jholesov
-# Workaround for 'Filter name (*.blah)' vs. 'Filter name' problem in
-# Insert->Picture->From File... n#66873
-fpicker-kde-filter-name.diff, jholesov
-# Adapt to changes in resources handling of fpickers
-fpicker-kde-resmgr.diff, jholesov
-# Handle media:/ files locally
-fpicker-kde-local-media.diff, jholesov
-fpicker-kde-local-media2.diff, jholesov, n#238695
-# Fix too wide "Menu -> Insert -> Picture -> From File..." dialog Novell#72010
-fpicker-kde-too-wide.diff, jholesov
-# Don't overwrite files containing spaces, etc. n#241080
-fpicker-kde-dont-overwrite.diff, n#241080, n#487952, jholesov
-# Work even with non-UTF-8 locales n#168616
-fpicker-kde-non-utf8.diff, jholesov
-# KDE fpicker should be modal n#265718
-fpicker-kde-modal.diff, jholesov
-# Let the KDE and Gtk+ fpickers build and install FIXME IZ number
-fpicker-common-scp2.diff, jholesov
-# Fix the KDE fpicker for 3layer OOo
-fpicker-kde-3layer.diff, n#413475, jholesov
-# Fix the KDE fpicker after the change of behavior intoduced in
-# gnome-fpicker-main-thread.diff, i#93366, cmc
-fpicker-kde-less-threads.diff, n#427336, jholesov
-[ AddressBooks ]
-# Evolution should also be default database(n#66217).
-default-evolution-database.diff, michael
-# Mailmerge column mapping by default (n#73627)
-default-evo-column-mapping.diff, michael
-# build either the driver for Evolution 1.x or 2.x
-# they produce the same binary and configuration, so they can't be built at once
-# I think that the Evolution 1.x address book is obsolete anyway
-buildfix-evo1-vs-evo2.diff, bnc#496902, i#101439, pmladek
-# NB. when this cws goes up-stream we need to enable this
-default-evo2-ab.diff, michael
-[ Lwp ]
-# Lotus Word Pro Import Filter
-lwp-filter-component.diff, i#11215, noelpwer
-# Integrate cws ooo11lotusfilter for WordPro filter
-cws-ooo11lotusfilter-lwp-filter-component.diff, Fong
-cws-ooo11lotusfilter-lwp-filter.diff, Fong
-cws-ooo11lotusfilter-lwp-xfilter.diff, Fong
-# avoid warning: control reaches end of non-void function
-warning-return-values-lotuswordpro.diff, pmladek
-[ Win32Only ]
-# 2 more makefiles in sysui are seriously broken #35628
-# parallel-python-makefile_mk.diff # looks to be upstream
-# Work around G/W mail component crasher bug #FIXME - re-file vs. i#34264
-# Also fix OOo/GW deadlock
-win32-gw-send-mail.diff, i#34264, n#418407, tml
-# This is a pretty nasty IE problem i#19510, i#65209
-win32-activex-disable.diff, i#65209, i#19510, n#168534, tml
-# This enables building scsolver on Win32
-boost-patch.diff, tml
-# fixes for visual studio express 2005 ( ooo-build only )
-2005-express-stl-remove.diff, noelpwer, i#71404
-# This enables building multi language installsets with new (Windows SDK) problematic msitrans.exe
-msitrans-problemchecksum.diff, kami
-[ MultilanguageWin32Only ]
-# Multi-language installer stuff
-win32-multi-lang-installer.diff, i#66062, i#88638, i#88639, tml
-[ VBABits ]
-# Parse (& ignore) 'Attribute' statements
-vba-attribute.diff, i#37347, noelpwer
-#basic depends on built and delivered ooovbaapi
-[ GentooExperimental ]
-SectionOwner => hmth
-# jemalloc, FreeBSD 7 allocator
-[ GentooOnly ]
-SectionOwner => aprosky
-# Allow build to proceed with PaX enabled
-gentoo-pax-fix.diff, aprosky
-# support server-only versions of 64bit JDKs
-64bit-jdk-server-paths.diff, i#65974, hmth
-# use IBM j9vm over IBM classic JVM
-ibm-j9vm.diff, hmth
-# system db check
-system-db-check.diff, i#65979, hmth
-# User ~/.ooo3 as user dir
-scp2-user-config-ooo3.diff, pmladek
-# default inc/lib
-config_office-XINC-XLIB-defaults.diff, i#65976
-# linux-headers-2.6.22 issue?!
-# Sandbox problem with wrong path
-# specific JVM search path
-[ DebianBaseOnly ]
-SectionOwner => rengelha
-[ DebianBaseNoHelpContent ]
-SectionOwner => rengelha
-[ DebianOnly ]
-# build against xulrunner 1.9.1+
-xulrunner-1.9.1.diff, ccheney
-[ Mono ]
-SectionOwner => rodo
-# These patches are experimental beware ...
-# The build
-mono-scp2.diff, rodo
-cli_ure-source-bootstrap-makefile-mk.diff, rodo
-cli_ure-mono-bridge.diff, rodo
-mono-build.diff, rodo
-build-mono-link.diff, jholesov
-# sign the output assembly using the key pair; it is needed to install
-# the versioned assemblies into the system Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
-mono-build-keyfile.diff, rodo
-mono-climaker.diff, rodo
-mono-testtools.diff, rodo
-# FIXME: ooo310-m1: the makefile is quite rewritten;
-# the pieces removed by the older version of this diff are missing now
-# it is possible that we would need another change, though
-# => need to check on Windows
-climaker-csharp-win.diff, rodo
-buildfix-climaker-disabled.diff, rodo
-mono-bootstrap-config-and-policy.diff, rodo
-mono-bridge-version.diff, n#361463, rodo
-buildfix-use-climaker-in-unoil.diff, rodo
-# climaker rewritten in C#
-[ Mono24 ]
-# WARNING: Use on your own risk ;-)
-# This just fixes the build with mono-2.4; I have no idea whether the mono bridge still works
-# you might want to apply the right fix into mono, see https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=471379
-mono-2.4-workaround.diff, bnc#495112, pmladek
-[ VBAObjects ]
-SectionOwner => noelpwer
-#FIXME: changed by kendy, pmladek: Noel, please have a look
-sc-hacky-handle-boolean.diff, noelpwer
-#tweak cws-npower7/8 to build vba before filter ( filter uses headers generated
-#from oovbapi.rdb )
-svx-source-inc-fmundo-hxx.diff, i#68893
-svx-source-form-fmscriptingenv-cxx.diff, i#68893
-svx-source-form-makefile.diff, i#68893
-svx-source-form-fmundo-cxx.diff, i#68893
-vbaevents-services-build.diff, i#68893
-scp_vba_uno_service.diff, i#68893
-vba-support-export-palette.diff, i#68900
-# always get non-filtered range selection when querying for current selection
-# address.
-vba-get-nonfiltered-range-selection.diff, n#415002, kohei
-# allows access to some internals needed for vba api, doesn't change
-# any functionality
-sc-vba-autofill-support.diff, i#68883
-#-DVBA_OOBUILD_HACK ( make sure this flag is set for ooo-build builds )
-# this flag hooks in code in vba api model implementation that depends on
-# core changes not yet upstream
-# export of macro bindings for shapes
-sc-export-shape-macro-bindings.diff, n#304739, noelpwer
-# export of hlink bindings for shapes
-sc-export-shape-hlink-bindings.diff, n#304739, noelpwer
-# attributes present in the vba streams can override the default shape name
-# used for the control in the binary format
-sc-vbaimport-override-controlname.diff, n#359933, noelpwer
-# Application.Caller
-api-application-caller.diff, n#339941, noelpwer
-default-autotext-and-form-name.diff, n#353687, i#85358
-# fix --disable-vba build
-#fix for n#309981
-vba-fixup-singlerange-sheetref.diff, n#309981, noelpwer
-#always (try) to set the default property to an SbxUnoObject
-vba-always-set-defaultprop.diff, n#388049, noelpwer
-#clean up the macro security check, prepare for object/form modules
-#make properties available for non class modules
-#also allow paramaters to be supported for Get properties
-# import graphic for image control
-controls-with-images-import.diff, Fong
-#use of form control models in userforms/dialogs, additionally
-#enables use of document embedded images in image control for
-#userforms/dialogs ( note: depends on controls-with-images-in-document.diff )
-enhanced-form-userform-controls.diff, noelpwer
-# object module support... getting there
-# userform ( depends on ObjectModule.diff )
-# uno interface for vba mode
-vba-compatible-mode-uno.diff, Fong
-# support to display spinbutton in userform
-vba-spinbutton-in-userform.diff, Fong
-vbaevents-services-sources.diff, i#68893
-# vba workbook/worksheet events
-vba-workbook-worksheet-events.diff, Fong
-# worksheet_calculate event fix
-vba-worksheet-calculate-event-fix.diff, Fong
-# add support for passing a caller to basic when calling a script
-# via the scripting framework - note depends on vbaevents-services-sources.diff
-# comparison of tow empty type fix in vba mode
-vba-empty-comparison-fix.diff, n#397438, Fong
-# Add Worksheet.EnableSelection ( depends on cws-scsheetprotection02-sc.diff )
-vba-worksheet-enableselection.diff, n#405312, Fong
-# keywords (including NAME, LINE, TEXT) can be used as variable
-vba-keyword-fix.diff, n#403586, Fong
-#some userform import issues including improved identification
-#of the progressbar activex control
-userform-activex-identify.diff, i#93111
-#some unknown userform binary format tweaks for some customer documents
-#one hunk seems to be related to grouped labels in a userform
-#the other ( no idea )
-#disable to delete or rename objectmodule name in basic ide
-basic-ide-objectmodule.diff, Fong
-# display a friendly name for objectmodule tab
-basic-ide-module-object-name-combile.diff, Fong
-vba-fix-ide-friendly-modulename.diff, n#439971, Fong
-# display a friendly basic macro tree in macrochoose dialog
-vba-basic-macrochoose-dialog.diff, Fong
-vba-fix-basic-macro-organizer.diff, n#439972, Fong
-# fix bug accessing default member of userform control
-range-listBox-compare.diff, n#421939
-# fix bug comparing string that can't be converted to number
-stringnumbercompare.diff, n#422559
-# fix import sizes and geometry of userforms
-# n#426415
-# n#426416
-# variant + string
-vba-variant-fix.diff, Fong
-# fix for image import for userform
-# spinbutton change wasn't imported correctly
-# don't apply regex to MATCH function if typical
-# 'regex' like characters are present
-# fix treatment of NULL with
-# a) NOT operator b) comparison operators
-vba-null-not-treatment.diff, n#496844
-# fix core issue in Commandbar
-vba-commandbar-fix.diff, n#434214, n#437157, Fong
-# always use English Excel grammar when parsing formulas.
-# (depends on calc-grammar-xls-english-*.diff patches.)
-vba-xls-formula-parser.diff, n#422145, kohei
-vba-fix-docmodule-import-crash.diff, n#447560
-#vba-word-executable-option.diff, Fong
-vba-interior-object-fix.diff, n#459479, Fong
-range-defaultmethod-i98476.diff, i#98476
-vba-excel-iserror-fix.diff, n#469762
-# filter to read custom toolbars ( and other customization data ) from writer
-word-read-custom-toolbar-filter.diff, noelpwer
-# vba for word support
-vba-vpagebreak-object.diff, hanbo
-vba-combobox-listindex-fix.diff, n#476891, Fong
-vba-fix-copysheet-toend.diff, n#478187
-vba-autotext-ole-read-fix.diff, i#99786, i#99790
-# fix core when there is an error in the doc close vba
-# event handler ( bit of a hack )
-vba-commandbar-enabled.diff, n#459458, Fong
-# worksheet change event rework
-vba-worksheet-change-event-fix.diff, Fong
-# fix core(s) reading custom menu's from word docs
-# enhancement to above to read new menus added to the builtin menubar
-# fix compiler error to do with leading spaces and object 'DOT' operator
-# when occuring after a line continue '_'
-fix-lineconintue.diff, i#100578
-# allow private/public modifier for DECLARE
-# import customization and macros from global templates ( if defined ) when
-# opening word documents
-# fix problem with syntax like 'If LCase(str1) = str2 <> 0 Then'
-vba-basic-if-compare-fix.diff, i#100600, n#488588, Fong
-# fix parallel build problems in basic
-# (probably obsoletes vba-parallel-build.diff)
-# fix parallel build problems in oovbaapi
-basic-allow-objectforerror-symbol.diff, n#492423
-vba-fix-named-any-para-pass.diff, n#485467
-vba-allow-arrays-in-usertypes.diff, n#485623
-# disable project reference and toolbar/menu customization import
-# for 3.1
-# fix IsEmpty where api objects are passed
-vba-fix-IsEmpty-api-object.diff, n#494990
-# fix crash when attempting to use geometry attributes of
-# control on sheet/document
-vba-fix-control-shape-geom-fix.diff, n#500006
-basic-public-dim-fix.diff, n#488590, i#100659
-vba-fix-optionalparam-assigment.diff, n#494667
-vba-reset-screenupdateing.diff, n#494964
-vba-redim-array-fix.diff, n#495604
-vba-fix-userform-init.diff, n#497923
-vba-fix-Range-Insert-CopyOrigin.diff, n#498325
-# more api related changes + dummy model support for multi-page
-# would be nice to be able to move it nearer the other word patch
-# but it won't apply there
-# tweak custom toolbar import slightly to
-# import dropdowns not associated with builtin menu additions
-# sometimes the resize event cores the office
-# fix macromode in documents opened by the api
-#fixup macro search ( provide a central macro resolve function )
-#rework use of getCurrentDocument, additionally create new
-#getCurrentExcelDoc & getCurrentWordDoc
-#tweak testvba.cxx to cater for newly imported ProjectName
-#fix checkbox access via vba api
-vba-fix-checkbox-ole-access.diff, n#507400
-# fix vbadocumentbase::getPath & vbadocumentbase::getFullName
-vba-fix-path-fullname.diff, n#507745
-# fix setting control default value ( when accessed from sheet )
-fix-sheet-control-valueset.diff, n#507748
-# fix auto calculation of shift direction for delete ( where none specified )
-vba-fix-range-delete-shift.diff, n#508101
-# allow worksheet to be passed as ( before or after ) param
-vba-fix-worksheet-add-before-param-object.diff, n#507760
-# active newly added worksheet
-vba-fix-worksheet-add-activate.diff, n#507758
-# add Application.Quit api
-vba-application-quit.diff, n#510003
-# menu/toolbar rework
-vba-commandbar-rework.diff, Fong
-# add menubars related object
-vba-menubar-objects.diff, n#508113, Fong
-# fix missing codename problems
-vba-fix-missing-codename.diff, n#507768
-# fix zoom, should only affect active sheet
-# fall back to doc context for active sheet if it fails
-# when selecting full range view is not scrolled back
-# fix BulletId property in NumberingRules
-writer-uno-numberingrule-bulletid.diff, i#103021, Fong
-# fix combox binding data import in userform
-vba-combobox-rowsource-fix.diff, Fong
-# support workbook auto_open event
-vba-workbook-auto-open-event.diff, n#520228, Fong
-# support buildin toolbar in CommandBar object
-vba-buildin-toolbar-fix.diff, n#520228, Fong
-# support WorkBook.PrecisionAsDisplayed
-vba-workbook-precisionasdisplayed.diff, n#520228, Fong
-# fix for uno api in XMenu::getPopupMenu
-uno-xmenu-getpopupMenu-fix.diff, i#103486, Fong
-# support CommandbarControl.Enabled
-vba-commandbarcontrol-enabled.diff, n#520228, Fong
-# create toolbar/menubar in document scope
-vba-commandbar-document-scope.diff, Fong
-# fix for dim a variable as vba constant
-vba-dim-as-contants-fix.diff, n#521820, Fong
-# fix for find the toolbar creating during importing
-vba-commandbar-toolbar-fix.diff, Fong
-# fix for set involving an automation object ( in vba mode )
-vba-automation-set-fix.diff, n#507501, iz#103859
-# various improvements, handle tooltip, handle seperators, fix bug where
-# toolbar control isn't displayed if the macro isn't resolved,
-# added classes for excel toolbar import ( disabled )
-# fix for the issue in Styles.Add in Calc
-vba-styles-add-fix.diff, Fong
-vba-financial-functions.diff, n#525633, n#525635, n#525642, n#525647,
-vba-typename-fix.diff, n#525649
-vba-reenable-rowsourcefixes.diff, n#540960
-vba-autofiltermode.diff, n#549383
-vba-control-api-vis-fix.diff, bnc#542132
-vba-fix-isempty.diff, bnc#541749
-vba-fix-wsfunction-booleanparam.diff, bnc#541735
-vba-fix-find-wraparound-onfail.diff. n#554261
-SectionOwner => noelpwer
-# doesn't work
-vba-basic-null.diff i#85349, jjiao
-vba-support-stoc-typeprovider-xexactname.diff, #no-upstream
-#must ask kendy about this ( noelp )
-vba-parallel-build.diff, #no-upstrea
-#not so useful but perhaps we can build on it later
-# the following patch is in cws pflin10
-# NOT parameter without brackets
-vba-not-param-withoutbrackets.diff, n#397325, Fong
-# fix datevalue function in non-en_US locale
-vba-datevalue-function-fix.diff, Fong
-# Fixed for n#407805
-basic-not-is-nothing.diff, n#407805, Fong
-basic-replace-function-fix.diff, n#411203, Fong
-# the following patch is in cws npower11
-# needs a ScCompiler change upstream
-vba-worksheetfunctions-fix.diff, n#414248, Fong
-# fix window.SplitRow issue
-vba-window-api-fix.diff, Fong
-[ Features ]
-# Pre- and postprocessing capabilities for loading and saving.
-sfx2-pre-and-postprocess-during-save-load.diff, i#71939, florian
-sfx2-pre-and-postprocess-crash-fix.diff, n#270544, rodo
-[ msaccess ]
-SectionOwner => strba
-SectionIssue => i#33654
-#hack to get the proper msaccess tabpage
-#[ STLport5 ]
-#SectionIssue => i#63770
-#system-stlport5.diff, i#79875
-#system-stlport51.diff, i#79876
-[ OOXML ]
-oox-fix-placeholder-layout.diff, n#485316, n#480223, rodo
-oox-fix-list-style-apply.diff, n#485417, rodo
-oox-import-chart-externalref.diff, n#480868, janneke
-oox-import-table-autofilter.diff, n#479381, janneke
-oox-import-conditional-formatting.diff, n#479396, i#100544, janneke
-oox-import-shape-textbox-hyperlink.diff, n#480854, janneke
-oox-fix-ole2.diff, n#485418, rodo
-oox-custom-shape-polygons.diff, n#485418, rodo
-oox-import-comments-fix-add-annotation.diff, n#480876, janneke
-oox-import-sheet-protect.diff, n#481317, janneke
-oox-fix-slide-background-gradients.diff, n#383555, rodo
-oox-import-drawing-font-spacing.diff, n#479822, rodo
-oox-import-text-vert-anchor-and-anchorctr.diff, n#479829, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-layout.diff, n#480223, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-wipe-transition.diff, n#480243, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-transition-auto-advance.diff, n#480243, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-subtitle-placeholder.diff, n#480243, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-header-footer-visibility.diff, n#480243, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-hidden-slides.diff, n#480229, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-text-body-vert.diff, n#479829, rodo
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# Support PHONETIC function to display asian phonetic guide.
-calc-formula-asian-phonetic.diff, i#80764, i#80765, i#80766, kohei
-# Toggle gridline display per sheet.
-sc-sheet-gridline-toggle.diff, i#14893, kohei
-# Skip overlapped cells (cells that are hidden under a merged cell) when
-# navigating through cells.
-sc-skip-overlapped-cells.diff, i#86943, n#362674, kohei
-# Make the formula separators changeable per locale setting, and add new
-# configuration page for formula syntax and separators.
-calc-formula-variable-separators-sc.diff, n#447164, i#92056, kohei
-calc-formula-variable-separators-svx.diff, n#447164, i#92056, kohei
-calc-formula-variable-separators-officecfg.diff, n#447164, i#92056, kohei
-[ CalcFixes < dev300-m52 ]
-# Display references when entering input mode, even when the separators are not ';'.
-calc-formula-variable-separators-ref-display.diff, n#469395, i#101090, kohei
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# Fix chart breakage for non-default formula syntax (Excel A1 and R1C1).
-chart-formula-syntax.diff, n#487350, i#101091, kohei
-# Squeeze chart's subtitle into the 2nd line of the main title when exporting
-# to xls.
-chart-subtitle-xls-export.diff, i#92357, kohei
-# Enable external defined name import on xls documents.
-calc-external-defined-names-enable.diff, kohei
-# Don't adjust row height on xls load for better layout preservation and
-# faster file load.
-calc-xls-disable-adjust-row-height.diff, kohei
-# Support Excel English grammar needed for VBA and (probably) for xlsx filter.
-calc-grammar-xls-english-offapi.diff, kohei
-calc-grammar-xls-english-sc.diff, kohei
-# Support custom sheet tab colors option (by Daniel Watson).
-calc-sheet-tab-color-officecfg.diff, i#5560, kohei/danielbw
-calc-sheet-tab-color-svtools.diff, i#5560, kohei/danielbw
-calc-sheet-tab-color-sc.diff, i#5560, kohei/danielbw
-calc-sheet-tab-color-oox.diff, i#5560, kohei/danielbw
-calc-sheet-tab-color-filter.diff, i#5560, kohei/danielbw
-# Make it easier to un-select tabs when multiple tabs are selected.
-calc-single-click-unselect-tabs.diff, i#70320, kohei/rail
-# Support finding and replacing empty cells.
-calc-find-replace-empty-cells-sc.diff i#49380, n#415352, kohei
-calc-find-replace-empty-cells-svx.diff i#49380, n#415352, kohei
-# Merging/unmerging of cells on multiple sheets & merge center icon.
-calc-enhanced-merge-cells-sc.diff, n#213205, i#67243, i#101042, jholesov/kohei
-calc-enhanced-merge-cells-officecfg.diff, n#213205, i#67243, i#101042, jholesov/kohei
-[ CalcFixes < dev300-m52 ]
-calc-named-range-excel-syntax-fix.diff, n#481200, i#101043, kohei
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# import/export precision of value cells correctly.
-calc-filter-dbf-precision.diff, n#479025, i#101045, kohei
-# don't do useless case matching on autoinput.
-calc-autoinput-case-insensitive-matching.diff, n#472395, i#101046, kohei
-# support alternative language to be used for HTML import, mostly for locale-
-# dependent number recognition.
-calc-html-import-custom-lang-filter.diff, i#102141, n#484272, kohei
-calc-html-import-custom-lang-sc.diff, i#102141, n#484272, kohei
-# support alternative language & number options for csv import.
-calc-csv-import-custom-lang-sc.diff, n#510168, i#97416, kohei
-calc-csv-import-custom-lang-officecfg.diff, n#510168, i#97416, kohei
-[ CalcFixes < dev300-m52 ]
-# Don't duplicate merge flags when inserting a new row, to avoid merge flag
-# corruption.
-calc-remove-merge-flags-on-row-insert.diff, n#484599, i#101047, kohei
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# quick editing of field member visibilities via popup window.
-calc-dp-hide-list-menu.diff, n#483379, i#100619, kohei
-calc-dp-hide-list-menu-bugfix.diff, n#483379, i#100619, kohei
-calc-dp-hide-list-menu-crash-fix.diff, n#520556, i#103512, kohei
-[ CalcFixes < dev300-m52 ]
-# disable autofilter within datapilot output.
-calc-dp-disable-autofilter.diff, n#484600, i#101048, kohei
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# allow ctrl-[ and ctrl-] to jump to references used in a formula expression.
-calc-jump-on-formula-ref-offapi.diff, n#464359, i#101018, kohei
-calc-jump-on-formula-ref-officecfg.diff, n#464359, i#101018, kohei
-calc-jump-on-formula-ref-sc.diff, n#464359, i#101018, kohei
-calc-jump-on-formula-ref-sfx2.diff, n#464359, i#101018, kohei
-calc-jump-on-formula-ref-vcl.diff, n#464359, i#101018, kohei
-[ CalcFixes < dev300-m52 ]
-# extend column range to Calc's max column when the range ends with 256.
-calc-xls-import-maxcol.diff, n#495140, i#101330, kohei
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# support custom sort in datapilot tables.
-calc-dp-custom-sort.diff, n#443361, kohei
-# support ods import/export of sheet options and password hash.
-calc-ods-sheet-protection-sc.diff, i#60305, i#71468, kohei
-calc-ods-sheet-protection-xmloff.diff, i#60305, i#71468, kohei
-calc-ods-sheet-protection-svtools.diff, i#60305, i#71468, kohei
-# support ods import/export for datapilot's custom names.
-calc-dp-custom-names-ods-sc.diff, n#479062, i#22029, kohei
-calc-dp-custom-names-ods-xmloff.diff, n#479062, i#22029, kohei
-# when making selection, don't move the cursor position.
-calc-selection-fixed-cursor.diff, n#502717, i#102151, kohei
-# show cursor in non-active panes, instead of ugly black box.
-calc-cursor-split-view.diff, n#433834, kohei
-# update progress bar less frequently during formula calculation.
-calc-less-formula-progress.diff, i#102566, kohei
-# shrink selection to data area before setting autofilter.
-calc-autofilter-shrink-selection.diff, n#514164, kohei
-[ OOXML ]
-oox-import-zoom-setting-with-tab-color.diff, n#494603, janneke
-#[ OOXSTLport5 ]
-## oox devs, please reconsider operator[] use,
-## see i#80084/cws chart11 ! thank you!
-[ PostgreSQL ]
-[ KDE4 ]
-SectionOwner => jholesov
-SectionIssue => i#103283
-# KDE4 support by Eric Bischoff, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer and Roman Shtylman
-kde4-configure.diff, i#103288
-kde4-configure2.diff, i#105127, bnc#539035, pmladek
-kde4-shell-prj.diff, i#103286
-kde4-shell-source.diff, i#103286
-kde4-fpicker-prj.diff, i#103290
-kde4-fpicker-source.diff, i#103290
-kde4-scp2.diff, i#103289
-kde4-plugin-detection.diff, i#103284
-kde4-vcl-prj.diff, i#103284
-kde4-vcl-source.diff, i#103284
-kde4-oxygen-icons.diff, i#103482
-# Further fixes on top of existing kde4 support
-# Fixes filter issues and crash when dragging
-[ KDE4Experimental ]
-# Not yet ported to co-exist with the KDE3 stuff
-[ OptionalIconThemes ]
-# FIXME: seems to work well but I am not brave enough to put it into common section at this stage
-# fallback to any installed icon theme
-# show only the installed icon themes in Tools/Options.../OpenOffice.org/View
-optional-icon-themes.diff, i#105062, bnc#529404, pmladek
-[ NovellOnlyUnix and OptionalIconThemes ]
-# search also /usr/share for icons
-# it is a temporary hack; we should do more clean FHS compliant installation
-# we need a good plan before, though ;-)
-split-icons-search-usr-share-and-optional-icons.diff, n#296502, pmladek
-[ NovellOnlyUnix and not OptionalIconThemes ]
-# search also /usr/share for icons
-# it is a temporary hack; we should do more clean FHS compliant installation
-# we need a good plan before, though ;-)
-split-icons-search-usr-share.diff, n#296502, pmladek
-[ ArkOnly ]
-SectionOwner => brosenk
-# We use KMail...
-# There's no point in upstreaming this because not everyone uses KMail.
-[ ArkOnlyExperimental ]
-# There's no point in upstreaming this because it relies on the Ark
-# Java lib naming scheme and won't work anywhere else.
-# Not applied right now, needs porting
-# Don't crash HelpLinker
-# FIXME check if this is still needed with m190
-gcj-HelpLinker-no-NullPointerException.diff, i#61278
-# This is faster, and solves gcj -C's private bug. But it's also
-# close to untested.
-# FIXME this needs reimplementation with the current build system
-ark-experimental-gcj-use-ecj.diff, i#64917
-# Ark Linux includes precompiled versions of Xerces, Xt and db.jar.
-# There's no need to precompile them again, just use the system version.
-# There's no point in upstreaming this because it relies on the Ark
-# Java lib naming scheme and won't work anywhere else.
-# FIXME this needs reimplementation with the current build system
-[ DebianBaseOnly ]
-# link with -lcolamd, needed because our liblpsolve55{,_pic}.a doesn't include it
-system-lpsolve-link-with-colamd.diff, rengelha
-[ DebianOnly ]
-debian-dictionary.diff, rengelha
-[ OpenGLTransitions ]
-[ Fixes ]
-transogl-transitions-newsflash-pptin.diff, thorsten
-[ OpenGLTransitions ]
-transogl-transitions-newsflash.diff, thorsten
-slideshow-plugin-transition-fix.diff, n#430449, rodo
-[ OpenGLTransitionsMesa703 ]
-# very hacky build fix for Mesa-7.0.3; used on openSUSE-10.2
-transogl-buildfix-mesa-7.0.3.diff, pmladek
-[ Experimental ]
-# sal_uInt32 -> sal_uIntPtr for events on some places
-events-intptr.diff, i#59411, jholesov
-[ DebianEtchOnly ]
-static-libs-use-_pic.diff, rengelha
-hunspell-lib-use-_pic.diff, rengelha
-libhnj-lib-use-_pic.diff, rengelha
-# use -llpsolve55_pic
-system-lpsolve-use-_pic.diff, rengelha
-[ DebianSidOnly ]
-static-libs-use-_pic.diff, rengelha
-# link dynamically with liblpsolve55.so
-system-lpsolve-rpath.diff, rengelha
-[ UbuntuOnly ]
-SectionOwner => ccheney
-ubuntu-lpi.diff, i#64895, mklose
-ubuntu-sparc-hack.diff, mklose
-human-icons-add.diff, mklose
-static-libs-use-_pic.diff, rengelha
-unxlngi6-notune.diff, doko
-ubuntu-no-stack-protector.diff, doko
-# link dynamically with liblpsolve55.so
-system-lpsolve-rpath.diff, rengelha
-ubuntu-mstopdf.diff, ccheney
-[ UbuntuL10nOnly ]
-human-icons-i18n.diff, mklose
-[ FedoraLinuxOnlyFixes ]
-[ FedoraCommonFixes ]
-# add unopkg add --link option to register uncompressed extensions
-# it helps to get automatic depencies when packaging extensions in RPMs
-ooo83878.unopkg.enablelinking.diff, i#83878, bnc#493994, caolan
-[ CairoFonts ]
-# needs Gtk2.0 >= 2.10 and cairo, so this is on the own section
-psprint-fontconfig-fix.diff, n#407958, thorsten
-[ GStreamer ]
-SectionOwner => rodo
-SectionIssue => i#68717
-letter-wizard-resource-id.diff, i#84209
-# Loop the A/V when the 'loop' flag is set; from Caolan
-[ Shrink ]
-SectionOwner => michael
-# kill >1Mb of bloat in sal
-size-sal-textenc.diff, i#70166
-# don't export trivial strings in svtools, increases linking time, bloats size
-sw-dont-extern-sRTF-sHTML.diff, i#86772, jholesov
-# warning: comparison with string literal results in unspecified results
-warning-string-comparsion-sw.diff, i#86880, i#86772, pmladek
-# don't export trivial strings in svtools, increases linking time, bloats size
-svtools-dont-extern-sRTF-sHTML.diff, i#86772, jholesov
-[ BFShrink ]
-# don't export trivial strings in svtools, increases linking time, bloats size
-binfilter-dont-extern-sRTF-sHTML.diff, i#86772, jholesov
-[ NovellOnlyUnix ]
-# search also gij32, ..., so the 32-bit package works on 64-bit
-jvmfwk-gij32.diff, n#222708, pmladek
-[ SUSE112 ]
-xulrunner-1.9.1.diff, ccheney
-[ SVGImport ]
-# A bit less partial implementation of SVG import
-# Work in progress, but fairly usable already
-svg-import-filter.diff, thorsten
-# like svg-import-filter.diff, but adds a graphic filter for SVG
-svg-import-filter-gfxfilter.diff, thorsten
-# fixes some nastiness with viewbox
-svg-import-viewbox-fix.diff, thorsten
-# improves parsing of paint fragments
-svg-import-painturi-fix.diff, thorsten
-# much improved text import
-svg-import-textimport.diff, thorsten
-# fixing relative size calculation
-svg-import-convlength-fix.diff, cmc
-# fixing handling of opacity attribute
-svg-import-opacity-fix.diff, thorsten
-[ NovellLikeOnlyWin32 ]
-novell-win32-msi-patchability.diff, tml
-[ MacOSXOnly ]
-SectionOwner => pluby
-[ PardusOnly ]
-[ UnUsedButNotYetRemovedFromSVN ]
-# diffs kept for reference as there might soon be a need to resurrect
-# part of the code
-win32-quickstarter-exit.diff, i#73550, tml
-novell-win32-avoid-premature-shutdown.diff, n#269146, tml
-comphelper-msvc8-fix.diff, thorsten, i#89973
-# some versions of make don't like us
-cygwin-make-ver.diff, i#68283, michael
-[ Store ]
-SectionOwner => rodo
-SectionIssue => i#75399
-# don't burn 3% of startup doing CRC's we don't need
-speed-store.diff, i#78495, michael
-# don't do a load of locking we don't need to 1% of startup
-speed-store-lck.diff, i#78526, michael
-[ WMF ]
-wmf-pattern-brush.diff, n#232232, rodo
-[ LayoutDialogs ]
-# use old style widgets as plugin in a layout dialog
-# use one or more layout tabpages in old .src tabbed dialog
-[ LayoutDialogs ]
-# convert some simple dialogs to layout engine
-layout-tab-sfx2-fix.diff, thorsten
-# FIXME: hack to avoid internal copiler error with gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.3.2 20080613 (prerelease)
-# on openSUSE-11.1-alpha0; pmladek is discussing it with the gcc team
-toolkit-layout-gcc-4.3.2-hack.diff, pmladek
-# These merge with the layoutdialogs2 cws
-# Fix crasher with find & replace dialog
-layout-find-dialog-crash-fix.diff, n#477854, kohei
-layout-accessibility-dispose-only-once.diff, n#500267, janneke
-[ LayoutDialogs ]
-# Fix heavy parallel build of the zips containing the xmls
-layout-calc-advanced-search-in.diff, n#548249, janneke
-layout-listbox-line-count-move-copy-sheet.diff, n#548091, janneke
-[ FrameworkFeature ]
-SectionOwner => kohei
-SectionIssue => i#62234
-# Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK KEY!
-# Fancy document modified status window
-statusbar-fancy-modified-status-sc.diff, i#103862, kohei
-statusbar-fancy-modified-status-sd.diff, i#103862, kohei
-statusbar-fancy-modified-status-sfx2.diff, i#103862, kohei
-statusbar-fancy-modified-status-starmath.diff, i#103862, kohei
-statusbar-fancy-modified-status-svx.diff, i#103862, kohei
-statusbar-fancy-modified-status-sw.diff, i#103862, kohei
-statusbar-fancy-modified-status-helpcontent2.diff, i#103862, kami
-[ UnitTesting ]
-SectionOwner => jholesov
-SectionIssue => i#87469
-# FIXME: file more issuses when ready
-# teach build.pl what to do with prj/tests.lst's
-# the tests
-[ UnitBootstrap ]
-SectionOwner => michael
-SectionIssue => i#86525
-# initial cut at a unit testing framework
-[ ReducedDefaults ]
-SectionOwner => jholesov
-# disable automatic spellchecking by default
-[ Features ]
-novell-win32-odma.diff, i#6885, i#32741, tml
-[ VOSremoval ]
-# remove vos/process.hxx
-# FIXME: in vcl, ExtCommandLine was removed, and the osl_ calls were used.
-# Should we use the new salhelper::ExtCommandLine there, or should we remove
-# even salhelper::ExtCommandLine, and introduce the functionality where
-# needed? (It's on one place only)
-# remove vos/diagnose.hxx
-# remove vos/ref*.hxx
-# remove vos/thread.hxx
-# remove vos/mutex.hxx
-# remove vos/conditn.hxx
-# remove vos/macros.hxx
-# remove vos/xception.hxx
-# remove vos/signal.hxx
-# remove vos/module.hxx
-# remove vos/security.hxx
-# remove vos/socket.hxx
-# remove includes of non-existing/unused headers (vos/process.hxx,
-# vos/dynload.hxx, vos/object.hxx, vos/types.hxx, vos/runnable.hxx,
-# vos/thread.hxx)
-# remove vos/pipe.hxx
-# remove vos/timer.hxx, introduce salhelper/timer.hxx
-# removel VOSLIB from makefile.mk's
-[ OxygenOfficePalettes ]
-[ DebianBaseOnly ]
-icu-arm.diff, doko
-[ Fixes ]
-svx-sdrobjeditview-update-edit-area.diff, n#305205, n#347355, rodo
-goodies-eps-filter-unix.diff, n#200053, rodo
-[ EMFPlus ]
-SectionOwner => rodo
-emf+-crash-fix.diff, n#361534, rodo
-vcl-grey-alpha-unix-sal-bitmap.diff, rodo
-emf+-multipart-objects.diff, rodo
-emf+-use-canvas-only-for-emf+.diff, rodo
-emf+-embedded-mf-image.diff, rodo
-vcl-pluggable-mtf-renderer.diff, thorsten
-emf+-cppcanvas-input-validation.diff, thorsten
-[ LinkWarningDlg ]
-linkwarn-dlg-in-apps.diff, n#348149, thorsten
-linkwarn-sfx2-disable-cb-persistency.diff, n#348149, thorsten
-linkwarn-svtools-miscopts-bits.diff, n#348149, thorsten
-linkwarn-officecfg-disable-msgbox.diff, n#348149, thorsten
-linkwarn-svx-warning-dlg.diff, n#348149, thorsten
-linkwarn-sd-no-dnd-links.diff, n#348149, thorsten
-[ IntegrateExtensions ]
-# Originally, it was for OxygenOffice but the language depended Sun Templates Pack also require this changes
-[ OxygenOfficeDefaultSettings ]
-# Always enable extended tips
-# We like rules in impress
-# Full branding for Windows installer
-#Update URL added to the OxygenOffice
-#Adding hidden buttons to the toolbar
-#for epmty document
-#for Calc
-#for Draw and Impress
-#for Writer
-#Always use default iconset
-#Always create backup files
-[ OxygenOfficeExtras ]
-# Adding new items to extras module
-# Adding extended support for additional gallery localizations
-# Include new elements into scp2 module
-# Splitting new contents into new packages
-# NOTE: premium-splitted-language-packages.diff moved to IntegrateExtensions section, but it contains all required function for OOOP too.
-# Add configure options
-# Add environment variables base on new configure switches
-# Add our macros stuffs to wizard module
-# Add menu elements for Users guide
-# Uniformize Help menu of us
-# Adding OOoWikiPedia commands and DataMiner toolbars
-[ OxygenOfficeWin32Only ]
-# Update Windows installation of OpenOffice.org even the version is same
-# So you can upgrade to OxygenOffice without removing OpenOffice.org
-[ Win32Only ]
-mozilla-source-1.7.5.patch.diff, i#84961, tml
-[ TemporaryHacks ]
-[ Fixes ]
-#sc-xclimpchangetrack-discard-bogus-formula-size.diff, n#355304, tml
-[ Glib2 ]
-[ Fixes ]
-fix-ppt-linespacing-import-export.diff, n#355302, rodo
-sw-section-import-fix.diff, n#364533, freuter
-sw-allow-negative-spacing.diff, n#364534, freuter
-sw-tab-export-fix-i100264.diff, n#479068, freuter
-sw-section-header-export-problem.diff, i#100918, freuter
-oox-fix-abs-relations.diff, n#493528, freuter
-field-patch.diff, n#248354, freuter
-# FIXME: hack to fix split build by pmladek
-field-patch-split-build.diff, n#248354, freuter
-sw-import-html-controls.diff, n#485609, freuter
-svx-hacky-htmlselect-control-import.diff, n#523191, noelpwer
-sd-slideshow-slideshowview-transformation-fix.diff, rodo
-sd-view-zoom-fix.diff, n#380013, i#88939, thorsten
-sd-custom-show-fix.diff, n#355638, i#90145, thorsten
-# hyperlink issue with numeric slide names in Impress
-sd-update-relative-links.diff, n#355674, i#55224, rodo
-# have Impress outline text boxes shrink font automatically when text
-# starts to overflow
-fit-list-to-size.diff, i#94086, thorsten
-fit-list-to-size-ui.diff, i#94086, thorsten
-fit-list-to-size-style-defaults.diff, i#94086, thorsten
-fit-list-to-size-popup.diff, i#94086, thorsten
-# apply this patch if you need to disable vcl grabbing your mouse -
-# after applying the patch, set SAL_NO_MOUSEGRABS in your env
-# adhere to
-# http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html
-sal-xdg-config-dir.diff, i#91247, thorsten
-# temporary fix. does no harm and gets the job done but its not
-# beautiful. Since the whole section needs to be refactored anyway decided not
-# to waste for time with this fix but to focus on the refactoring
-sw-nested-positionned-tables-ww8-import-fix.diff, n#376688, flr
-# fix crash when exporting notes with hyperlinks
-sw-export-commentfields.diff, i#101159, cmc
-xmloff_dis26300_conformance.diff, n#396280, flr
-# don't do dns lookup on startup
-# TODO file up-stream
-lockfile-dont-do-dns-lookup.diff, n#389257, jholesov
-# and don't expose unnecessary symbols
-# TODO file up-stream
-lockfile-less-symbols.diff, jholesov
-# fix incorrect background color of text frame
-sw-ww8-textframe-background-fix.diff, Fong, n#547308
-# fix the bullet indent issue
-sw-ww8-import-list-fix.diff, Fong, n#547308
-[ InternalMesaHeaders ]
-internal-mesa-headers-config_office.diff, fridrich
-internal-mesa-headers-slideshow.diff, fridrich
-internal-mesa-headers-mesa.diff, fridrich
-[ Lockdown ]
-# Disable UI [toolbars, menus] customization
-ui-desktop-integration.diff, michael
-[ InternalCairo ]
-[ WWInProgress ]
-sw_layout_in_table_cell_fix.diff, n#367341, flr
-sw-collapse-empty-table-par-like-html.diff, n#376690, flr
-sw-do-not-capture-surround-through-objs-patch.diff, n#367341, i#18732, flr
-[ Fixes ]
-cppcanvas-fix-roundcorners.diff, rodo
-sd-more-title-styles.diff, i#23221, thorsten
-officecfg-bighandles-default.diff, thorsten
-slideshow-colorspace-fix.diff, thorsten
-slideshow-cutblack.diff, thorsten
-canvas-colorspace-fix.diff, thorsten
-unoxml-boost-workaround.diff, thorsten
-sw-source-filter-xml-xmltbli-uninitializedvalue.diff, fridrich
-# FIXME 2008-11-26: fails for dev300-m35
-#vcl-salnativewidgets-uninitializedvalues.diff, fridrich
-[ LocalizeFixes ]
-# it is Y axis, not X one [in Spanish]
-chart2-es-eje-Y.diff, i#83821, rengelha
-# Fix Spanish translation of the autofilter menu; thanks to Eduardo Moreno
-sc-autofilter-l10n-es.diff, i#103840, pmladek
-extended-tips-abbrev-it.diff, i#88915, rengelha
-[ UnstableLibwpd ]
-[ PieceBits ]
-# zipintro is not kind to us ...
-[ PieceBits ]
-SectionOwner => michael
-# Experimental piece-wise source code split for build
-# zipintro is not kind to us ...
-# the noarch packages adds compat symlinks of the preset user configuration
-# the real files should be copied to the user configuration
-# the symlinker system files are read-only otherwise
-piece-desktop-avoid-user-conf-symlinks.diff, pmladek
-[ BFFixes ]
-fit-list-to-size-binfilter.diff, i#94086, thorsten
-[ ArkOnly ]
-SectionOwner => brosenk
-# See what breaks if we build with more optimizations
-[ Fixes ]
-svtools-update-ole.diff, n#411855, thorsten
-[ ExtensionFixes ]
-pdfimport-lax-restrictions.diff, i#90468, thorsten
-[ NovellLikeOnlyWin32 ]
-i92372.diff, i#92372, n#353143, tml
-[ Fixes ]
-#sw-import-TOC.diff ,n#404254, Amelia Wang
-jurt-jnilib-deliver.diff, i#93516, thorsten
-timely-canvas-disposing.diff, i#94007, thorsten
-# only build full package for en_US, use langpacks for the rest
-instset-prefer-langpacks.diff, thorsten
-# call unopkg such that java does not require interactive session
-solenv-installer-unopkg-call.diff, thorsten
-# (disabled) debug code extracting SdrOLE streams to some tmp location
-svx-debug-sdrolestreams.diff, thorsten
-instset-macos-langpacks.diff, i#64937, cloph
-sal-disable-backtrace.diff, thorsten
-sw-invert-border-spacing.diff, n#391591, flr
-[ Fixes < dev300-m48 ]
-cws-impress162-sd.diff, i#94193, thorsten
-cws-impress162-canvas.diff, i#94193, thorsten
-cws-impress162-slideshow.diff, i#94193, thorsten
-[ Fixes ]
-canvas-directx-lostdevice-fix.diff, n#445628, thorsten
-sw-table-join-fix-i99267.diff, n#417814, flr
-svtools-svrtf-token-ignore-case.diff, n#417818, flr
-# fix wrong en-US accelerators in Impress
-fix-sd-accelerators.diff, n#463733, i#97088, jholesov
-[ MinGW ]
-# build fix for odma - not up-stream
-mingw-buildfix-odma.diff, jholesov
-# more allowed -I's in OOo's cpp [for scp2]
-mingw-cpp-increase-include-limit.diff, i#95193, jholesov
-# sleep using osl::Thread::wait()
-mingw-thread-wait-instead-of-sleep.diff, i#95200, jholesov
-[ Fixes ]
-# fix problem with outline numbering broken in master document
-sw-outline-numbering-broken-fix.diff, i#96092, n#445536, Amelia Wang
-# one of pagebreak enhancements
-sw-insert-pagebreak-in-numbered-paragraph.diff, n#396648, Amelia Wang
-# Drop the lame and misleading tooltips for the icon on the desktop
-# and in the Start Menu on Windows
-win32-tooltips.diff, tml
-[ Fixes ]
-# fix problem with calling private and protected members in layout code
-# add make_pair<>()-like type generator functions to generated header files
-codemaker-function-template-generators.diff, i#98625, thorsten
-# UI + core to make OLE editing optionally outplace
-optional-outplace-ole.diff, i#98970, thorsten
-# UI + core to have in-slideshow user drawing configurable (color &
-# stroke width)
-slideshow-configurable-paintoverlay.diff, i#97972, fredus
-# Add visibility markup to servicedecl's c component functions
-# (necessary since bulk addition of VISIBILITY_HIDDEN=TRUE to several
-# component makefiles)
-comphelper-symbol-visibility.diff, i#100225, thorsten
-# let ctrl-<keycode> stuff pass dlg keyboard handling, to permit
-# global application-wide shortcuts also in open dialogs
-vcl-permit-global-shortcuts.diff, i#105676, thorsten
-# make ok and cancel btns work on return and esc, resp. in Impress'
-# custom animation create dialog
-sd-customanimation-defbutton.diff, i#105675, thorsten
-# make Impress ruler behave as before 3.0
-sd-ruler-fix.diff, i#101269, thorsten
-# related to the ruler fix, aligns odf list writing with ui & ppt
-sd-odf-relaxed-listlevel.diff, i#101269, thorsten
-# another extract from CWS slideshow1 - crash & mouse lock in
-# Impress animation UI
-sd-animation-ui-fix.diff, thorsten
-# mute sound on all but the first slideshow view
-slideshow-mute-sound.diff, thorsten
-# manually force page preview obj to PRESOBJ_PAGE
-sd-pptin-slidepreview-fix.diff, i#101051, thorsten
-# avoid subpixel clipping in cairocanvas
-canvas-nosubpixel-clip.diff, thorsten
-# several compile fixes for --enable-debug.
-# unresolved Base64 Java classes
-base64.diff, i#100620, hmth
-# gtk quickstarter crashes on disable/exit
-sfx2-qstart-nocrashhack.diff, i#101245, pmladek
-# backports from DEV300
-# Disabled because it caused bug n#497708
-#svtools-transferable-fix.diff, thorsten
-# CWS metropatch01
-vcl-extra-sync.diff, thorsten
-# Disabled because it caused bug n#497708
-#sd-ooo320-backports.diff, thorsten
-svx-ooo320-backports.diff, thorsten
-# Fix from Andre, allows to step back one animation effect
-slideshow-effect-rewind.diff, i#48179, thorsten
-# import and export StyleTextProp also for empty text
-svx-ppt-text-style-fix.diff, n#485630, thorsten
-# correctly set table row height during ppt import
-svx-ppt-tablerow-height-fix.diff, n#483951, i#100275, thorsten
-# detect additinal monitor in xinerama setup during runtime, from cws
-# vcl101 (fix courtesy cmc/pl)
-vcl-gtk-multimonitor-detect.diff, i#101184, thorsten
-# guard against grossly invalid dpi settings (fix courtesy cmc)
-vcl-guarding-display-dpi.diff, i#101145, thorsten
-[ ExtensionFixes ]
-# Fix from Andre, allows to step back one animation effect
-slideshow-effect-rewind-sdext.diff, i#48179, thorsten
-[ OxygenOfficeDefaultSettings ]
-#Create langpack and full installers
-[ NovellOnly ]
-mail-document-subject.diff, n#459176
-[ OOXMLExport ]
-SectionOwner => jholesov
-# OPC changes, and SVX + PPT split
-# Fix output of dates - xsi:type=... should be there only for dcterms
-# Snapshot of the docx export filter from ooxml03
-# Note: It creates an own filter, libdocx. This is not what is intended
-# up-stream, there should really the doc and docx export be in one filter.
-# temp patches, created too late to be in cws-ooxml03-docx-sw.diff, will be
-# removed with the next snapshot of ooxm03 (they are committed there)
-cws-ooxml03-docx-sw-fix-gridcols.diff, n#493673
-cws-ooxml03-docx-sw-fix-section-columns.diff, n#497556
-cws-ooxml03-docx-sw-fix-table-width-height.diff, n#497554
-cws-ooxml03-docx-sw-fix-bookmarks-endless-loop.diff, n#498755
-cws-ooxml03-docx-sw-fix-spacing.diff, n#493673
-cws-ooxml03-docx-sw-fix-nested-tables.diff, n#499118
-#FIXME! kendy: is this functionalities actually needed or just cloned?
-# For the purpose of the 3.1 release, all the pptx and xlsx are done as
-# separate libraries as well, so that we are safe wrt. the binary export
-# FIXME: Remove this patch (and update the other pptx patches) after 3.1 is
-# branched
-[ OOXMLExport and not OpenGLTransitions ]
-[ OOXMLExport and OpenGLTransitions ]
-[ OOXMLExport ]
-# Snapshot of the pptx export filter at the time of creation of ooxml03
-# This is until 0475--fix-crash-introduced-by-Jonathan-s-changes-in-eppt.patch
-# (including)
-# ...and the rest from the git tree
-# (until 'more qnimations export work', including)
-pptx-export-empty-animations-node-and-groupshape-fix.diff, rodo
-# ugly temp fix to make GraphicShapeContext recognise layout
-pptx-gfx-layout-fix.diff, thorsten
-# handles case where a connector shape is not connected
-pptx-fix-connector-crash.diff, n#499129, thorsten
-# For the purpose of the 3.1 release, all the pptx and xlsx are done as
-# separate libraries as well, so that we are safe wrt. the binary export
-# FIXME: Remove this patch (and update the other xlsx patches) after 3.1 is
-# branched
-# update with the changes introduced up to m17
-# build fix
-xlsx-build-fix.diff, kohei
-# tweak to above ( associated with vba-fallback-to-calling-doc-context.diff )
-# Snapshot of the xlsx export filter at the time of creation of ooxml03
-# This is until 0453-Fix-formatted-text-change-tracking.patch, inluding, and
-# should contain all the available changes.
-# Make the xlsx export and import work at the same time
-# (converts the xlsx export to a UNO filter)
-xlsx-arabic-export-crash.diff, n#497419, janneke
-xlsx-export-notes-avoid-dereferencing-0-svx.diff, n#497417, janneke
-xlsx-export-set-xml-2007-flavour.diff, n#502090, janneke
-xlsx-export-simple-autofilter.diff, n#497559, janneke
-# hack to ignore writerfilter when odf-converter is present
-odf-converter-ignore-writerfilter.diff, n#348471, n#502173, jholesov
-xlsx-export-skip-auto-format.diff, n#497560, janneke
-# fixes visibility to make it work with some compilers
-svx-visibility.diff, fridrich
-# the smart art import work
-unoxml-fast-sax-serializable.diff, thorsten
-# FIXME: similar fix already in dev300_m50
-# partial support for two template types
-# it is needed to process the new XFastSAXSerializable.idl
-# the patch fixes the semantic analyze but not the output
-# the output of template types seems to be incomplete anyway
-autodoc-two-template-types.diff, i#103005, pmladek
-# this here depends on oox changes in OOXMLExport
-oox-smartart-import.diff, thorsten
-xlsx-export-cell-style-max-builtin.diff, n#497563, janneke
-[ OOXML ]
-oox-pptx-export-fix-hidden-slides.diff, n#499131, rodo
-[ OOXMLExportExperimental ]
-# apply this patch to enable docx export once ooxml03 is integrated
-# here because it patches a file added by cws-ooxml03-docx-sw.diff
-[ Fixes ]
-#ww8-image-position.diff, n#532920, cbosdo
-[ CalcFixes ]
-# register chart listener per chart object when for xls import & don't modify
-# cell's dirty flag upon loading.
-calc-dirty-cells-after-load-fix.diff, n#491898, kohei
-# set document modified when switching external link source.
-calc-external-ref-modify-link-modified.diff, i#103598, kohei
-# fix incorrect import of hyperlink texts in presence of single quotes in sheet name.
-calc-xls-hyperlink-single-quote-fix.diff, n#521447, kohei
-# determine in-line array sizes more reliably.
-calc-xls-import-array-size.diff, kohei
-# draw an animated dashed border around copied ranges.
-calc-copy-range-animated-border-sc.diff, kohei
-calc-copy-range-animated-border-svx.diff, kohei
-# fix incorrect casting of chart positioning code.
-calc-chart-wrong-cast.diff, i#104484, caolan/kohei
-[ CalcRowLimit ]
-# The work to increase Calc's row size limit, and any work associated with it.
-SectionOwner => kohei
-# increase the row limit and make the row header a little wider.
-calc-increase-row-limit.diff, n#443634, i#30215, kohei
-# check for last edited row when exporting automatic styles.
-calc-odf-export-autostyle-maxrow.diff, n#497610, kohei
-# add implementation of flat_segment_tree and its wrapper classes.
-calc-perf-flat-segment-tree.diff, kohei
-# speed up ods import by using flat_segment_tree.
-calc-perf-ods-import-properties.diff, n#498547, kohei
-# squash USHORT where SCROW or SCCOL should have been used.
-calc-row-limit-bad-ushort.diff, n#509768, kohei
-# better algorithm to search for best-fit zoom level during page break calculation,
-# and to optimize pagenations by as much as 900% by using better data structure
-# for flag storage.
-calc-perf-page-and-manual-breaks.diff, n#503482, kohei
-# refactor to store hidden and filtered flags in flat_segment_tree structure.
-calc-perf-table-hidden-flags.diff, n#495140, kohei
-# type cast to SCROW and SCCOL for row and column, not to USHORT!
-calc-ods-export-no-more-ushort.diff, n#501029, kohei
-# Speed up sorting, especially on large data set.
-calc-perf-sort.diff, n#504827, kohei
-# Speed up selection of large area, cursor placement in split view.
-calc-perf-lazy-overlay-objects.diff, n#511006, kohei
-# Better algorithm for row flag copying.
-calc-perf-copy-table-flags.diff, n#514156, kohei
-# don't show progress bar during row height adjustment if the row count is
-# less than 1000.
-calc-perf-rowheight-no-progress-bar.diff, n#514156, kohei
-[ OOXMLExport ]
-oox-calc-export-row-limit.diff, n#504623, janneke.
-[ Fixes ]
-wmf-mm-text.diff, n#417818, rodo
-wmf-mm-text-1.diff, n#417818, rodo
-sd-pptx-crash-fix.diff, i#101563, sj
-sd-create-table-height-fix.diff, i#100275, thorsten
-svx-pptin-global-child-bounds-fix.diff, n#485637, thorsten
-pptx-autoplay-fix.diff, n#485645, thorsten
-[ UbuntuHardyOnly ]
-# Add patch to only show local files needed when gnome-vfs/gio is disabled
-[ UbuntuIntrepidOnly ]
-# Add patch to force use of gvfs fuse path needed when gnome-vfs/gio is disabled
-ubuntu-gnome-fpicker-gfile-fuse.diff, ccheney
-[ UbuntuJauntyOnly ]
-# Add patch to force use of gvfs fuse path needed when gnome-vfs/gio is disabled
-ubuntu-gnome-fpicker-gfile-fuse.diff, ccheney
-[ UbuntuKarmicOnly ]
-# Add patch to force use of gvfs fuse path needed when gnome-vfs/gio is disabled
-ubuntu-gnome-fpicker-gfile-fuse.diff, ccheney
-xulrunner-1.9.1.diff, ccheney
-# -Os in karmic on powerpc doesn't work, copy to Lucid as well ...
-ubuntu-opt.diff, mklose
-[ Fixes ]
-# Fix for crash on Windows by Rail Aliev. Root cause unknown.
-configmgr-validate-removedtree.diff, n#505704
-svx-fix-fit-to-frame-crash.diff, n#508621, rodo
-vcl-gtk-fullscreen-fix.diff, n#480324, thorsten
-vcl-startup-crash-fix.diff, i#103148, thorsten
-sd-disable-layoutpane.diff, i#73289, thorsten
-# adds various color conversion functions to basegfx's BColor
-basegfx-color-tools.diff, thorsten
-# much improved surface shades, gradient color for customshapes
-ppt-customshape-shading-fix.diff, n#485637, thorsten
-svx-fontwork-crash-fix.diff, n#526342, thorsten
-ppt-customshape-shading-fix-fix.diff, i#105654, thorsten
-# purge autoshape geometry on model change
-svx-autoshape-cache-purge.diff, n#520104, thorsten
-# expand path placeholders early in template dialog
-normalize-template-paths-fix.diff, n#512146, thorsten
-# decode hex-encoded unicode chars in URI in Edit Links dialog.
-edit-links-decode-unicode-uri.diff, i#104166, kohei
-# cache fontconfig's pre-substitution result for better rendering performance.
-fontconfig-cache-pre-substitution.diff, n#529532, kohei
-[ OOXML ]
-oox-pptx-import-fix-placeholder-text-style.diff, n#479834, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-text-body-properties-priority.diff, n#403402, rodo
-[ OOXMLExport ]
-oox-pptx-export-hyperlinks.diff, n#499124, rodo
-oox-pptx-export-vertical-text.diff, n#498737, rodo
-oox-pptx-export-para-linespacing.diff, n#498737, rodo
-oox-pptx-export-fix-action-button-presets.diff, n#497570, rodo
-oox-drawingml-fix-shapes-map-crash.diff, rodo
-oox-pptx-export-animations-filter.diff, n#497570, rodo
-oox-calc-export-export-pivot-content.diff, n#505917, janneke
-oox-pptx-export-animations-paragraph-target.diff, n#497570, rodo
-oox-pptx-export-blip-luminance.diff, n#497570, rodo
-#oox-calc-export-sotstorage-init.diff, n#505917, janneke
-[ CrossWin32Patches ]
-# Experimental patches to crosscompile OOo for Win32
-# things to fix later
-[ Experimental ]
-experimental_ooapi.diff, flr
-desktop-cmd-bulk-conversion.diff, flr
-[ CalcExperimental ]
-# It's empty but please don't remove this section.
-SectionOwner => kohei
-# when reading csv file, don't read multiple physical lines for one logical
-# line even if matching quotes are on separate lines.
-stream-read-csv-always-single-line.diff, n#523517, kohei
-# set cell format to Text when a string format is requested, and don't
-# prepend ' in front of the value.
-calc-html-csv-import-force-text-cell.diff, n#523414, i#103939, kohei
-# When finding or replacing cell contents, skip filtered cells.
-calc-find-replace-skip-filtered.diff, n#539282, kohei
-# When the cache table is being populated as part of the GETPIVOTDATA call,
-# force-interpret formula cell results.
-calc-getpivotdata-force-interpret-formula.diff, n#540563, kohei
-# allow insertion of merged cells over existing merged cells.
-calc-insert-over-merged-cells.diff, n#540923, i#7500, kohei
-# fix incorrect export of combo boxes, by adding two empty bytes to make Excel
-# 2003 and 2007 happy.
-calc-combo-listbox-export-fix.diff, n#540566, noelp
-# Disable context menu on non-selectable cells.
-calc-selection-protected-cells.diff, n#542024, kohei
-# When the cell format is 'General', automatically adjust the number of decimals
-# to be displayed based on the cell value.
-calc-general-type-auto-decimal-sc.diff, n#541973, kohei
-calc-general-type-auto-decimal-svtools.diff, n#541973, kohei
-calc-general-type-auto-decimal-officecfg.diff, n#541973, kohei
-# Correctly encrypt zero bytes in the conditional formatting records.
-calc-xls-export-encryption-condfmt-fix.diff, n#541058, kohei
-# Set reference edge to bottom when importing cells with slanted text.
-calc-xls-import-slanted-border-sc.diff, n#549728, i#38709, kohei
-calc-xls-import-slanted-border-oox.diff, n#549728, i#38709, kohei
-# Fix incorrect import of sheet protection options.
-calc-xls-import-sheet-protection-fix.diff, n#542024, kohei
-# Speed up filtering performance with notes.
-calc-perf-filtering-with-notes.diff, n#556927, kohei
-[ CalcExperimental and CalcRowLimit ]
-# speed up row's hidden state query during pagenation.
-calc-perf-page-and-manual-breaks-fwd-iterator.diff, n#503482, kohei
-# Refactor row height storage to speed up page break updates.
-calc-perf-speedup-pagebreak-update.diff, n#554955, kohei
-[ AutoLayout ]
-sd-layoutcode.diff, cocofan
-offapi-layoutcode.diff, cocofan
-xmloff-layoutcode.diff, cocofan
-[ Fixes ]
-oox-fix-create-data-sequence.diff, n#500175, rodo
-drawinglayer-textbounds-fix.diff, n#523603, thorsten
-dtrans-aqua-dragrect-fix.diff, i#104390, thorsten
-[ MySQL ]
-[ MySQL and DebianBaseOnly ]
-# add hack to link against STLport version of libmysqlcppconn on i386.
-# Needs a libmysqlcppconn-stlport.so etc built with STLport
-[ EMFPlus ]
-emf+-driver-string.diff, n#519715, rodo
-[ Fixes ]
-sd-print-fix-pageoffset.diff, n#537931, rodo
-svx-ppt-import-fix-bullet-size.diff, n#515972, rodo
-sd-ppt-fix-document-summary-reading.diff, n#546758, rodo
-# fixes crasher in xml parser
-unoxml-fix-empty-xmlns.diff, rodo
-oox-pptx-import-fix-header-footer-backport.diff, n#549246, rodo
-[ HPPA ]
-cws-linuxhppa1.diff, i#107051
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/patches/base64.diff b/office/go_openoffice/patches/base64.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf811139cbb4..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/patches/base64.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
---- filter/source/xsltfilter/makefile.mk 2009-03-27 10:14:39.000000000 +0300
-+++ filter/source/xsltfilter/makefile.mk 2009-03-27 18:14:56.000000000 +0300
-@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@
--JARCLASSDIRS = XSLTransformer*.class XSLTFilterOLEExtracter*.class
-+JARCLASSDIRS = XSLTransformer*.class XSLTFilterOLEExtracter*.class Base64*.class
- # --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
--JAVACLASSFILES=$(CLASSDIR)$/XSLTransformer.class $(CLASSDIR)$/XSLTFilterOLEExtracter.class
-+JAVACLASSFILES=$(CLASSDIR)$/XSLTransformer.class $(CLASSDIR)$/XSLTFilterOLEExtracter.class $(CLASSDIR)$/Base64.class
- # --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/patches/boost-undefined-references.diff b/office/go_openoffice/patches/boost-undefined-references.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index b0700a7815f44..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/patches/boost-undefined-references.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- sc/source/core/tool/makefile.mk-orig 2009-09-07 20:15:14.880679704 -0500
-+++ sc/source/core/tool/makefile.mk 2009-09-07 20:14:38.941679215 -0500
-@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@
- $(SLO)$/prnsave.obj \
- $(SLO)$/reftokenhelper.obj \
- $(SLO)$/stringutil.obj \
-- $(SLO)$/token.obj
-+ $(SLO)$/token.obj \
-+ $(SLO)$/detfunc.obj
- # [kh] POWERPC compiler problem
diff --git a/office/go_openoffice/slack-desc b/office/go_openoffice/slack-desc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d7e6ec289f4f..0000000000000
--- a/office/go_openoffice/slack-desc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line
-# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
-# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must
-# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
-# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
- |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
-go_openoffice: go_openoffice (a fork of the OpenOffice.org Office Suite)
-go_openoffice: Go-oo has built in OpenXML import filters and it will import your
-go_openoffice: Microsoft Works files. Compared with up-stream OO.o, it has better
-go_openoffice: Microsoft binary file support (with eg. fields support), and it will
-go_openoffice: import WordPerfect graphics beautifully. If you are reliant on Excel
-go_openoffice: VBA macros - then Go-oo offers the best macro fidelity too. If you
-go_openoffice: expect your spreadsheets to calculate compatibly, or you get embedded
-go_openoffice: Visio diagrams in your documents, you'll want Go-oo.
-go_openoffice: Homepage: http://go-oo.org