path: root/office/zathura-pdf-mupdf/patches/0005-Locate-and-extract-images-from-pages.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'office/zathura-pdf-mupdf/patches/0005-Locate-and-extract-images-from-pages.patch')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/office/zathura-pdf-mupdf/patches/0005-Locate-and-extract-images-from-pages.patch b/office/zathura-pdf-mupdf/patches/0005-Locate-and-extract-images-from-pages.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b59bb9aec3e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/office/zathura-pdf-mupdf/patches/0005-Locate-and-extract-images-from-pages.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+From c3820b67cc2742e531481c7255bfa3bbdbe36a2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Moritz Lipp <mlq@pwmt.org>
+Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2015 23:24:39 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Locate and extract images from pages
+ image.c | 163 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
+ plugin.c | 3 +-
+ plugin.h | 14 ++++++
+ select.c | 3 --
+ utils.c | 4 ++
+ 5 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/image.c b/image.c
+index ef2f67b..97d4143 100644
+--- a/image.c
++++ b/image.c
+@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
+ #include <mupdf/pdf.h>
+ #include "plugin.h"
++#include "utils.h"
+ static void pdf_zathura_image_free(zathura_image_t* image);
+-static void get_images(zathura_page_t* page, pdf_obj* dict, girara_list_t* list);
+-static void get_resources(zathura_page_t* page, pdf_obj* resource, girara_list_t* list);
+ girara_list_t*
+ pdf_page_images_get(zathura_page_t* page, mupdf_page_t* mupdf_page, zathura_error_t* error)
+@@ -30,16 +29,7 @@ pdf_page_images_get(zathura_page_t* page, mupdf_page_t* mupdf_page, zathura_erro
+ mupdf_document_t* mupdf_document = zathura_document_get_data(document);
+- pdf_obj* page_object = pdf_load_object(mupdf_document->ctx, (pdf_document*) mupdf_document->document, zathura_page_get_index(page), 0);
+- if (page_object == NULL) {
+- goto error_free;
+- }
+- pdf_obj* resource = pdf_dict_gets(mupdf_document->ctx, page_object, "Resources");
+- if (resource == NULL) {
+- goto error_free;
+- }
++ /* Setup image list */
+ list = girara_list_new();
+ if (list == NULL) {
+ if (error != NULL) {
+@@ -50,7 +40,25 @@ pdf_page_images_get(zathura_page_t* page, mupdf_page_t* mupdf_page, zathura_erro
+ girara_list_set_free_function(list, (girara_free_function_t) pdf_zathura_image_free);
+- get_resources(page, resource, list);
++ /* Extract images */
++ mupdf_page_extract_text(mupdf_document, mupdf_page);
++ fz_page_block* block;
++ for (block = mupdf_page->text->blocks; block < mupdf_page->text->blocks + mupdf_page->text->len; block++) {
++ if (block->type == FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_IMAGE) {
++ fz_image_block *image_block = block->u.image;
++ zathura_image_t* zathura_image = g_malloc(sizeof(zathura_image_t));
++ zathura_image->position.x1 = image_block->bbox.x0;
++ zathura_image->position.y1 = image_block->bbox.y0;
++ zathura_image->position.x2 = image_block->bbox.x1;
++ zathura_image->position.y2 = image_block->bbox.y1;
++ zathura_image->data = image_block->image;
++ girara_list_append(list, zathura_image);
++ }
++ }
+ return list;
+@@ -69,109 +77,82 @@ error_ret:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+-static void
+-pdf_zathura_image_free(zathura_image_t* image)
++pdf_page_image_get_cairo(zathura_page_t* page, mupdf_page_t* mupdf_page,
++ zathura_image_t* image, zathura_error_t* error)
+ {
+- if (image == NULL) {
+- return;
++ if (page == NULL || mupdf_page == NULL || image == NULL || image->data == NULL) {
++ if (error != NULL) {
++ }
++ goto error_ret;
+ }
+- g_free(image);
++ fz_image* mupdf_image = (fz_image*) image->data;
+-static void
+-get_images(zathura_page_t* page, pdf_obj* dict, girara_list_t* list)
+- if (dict == NULL || list == NULL) {
+- return;
+- }
++ fz_pixmap* pixmap = NULL;
++ cairo_surface_t* surface = NULL;
+- if (page == NULL) {
+- return;
++ pixmap = fz_new_pixmap_from_image(mupdf_page->ctx, mupdf_image, 0, 0);
++ if (pixmap == NULL) {
++ goto error_free;
+ }
+- zathura_document_t* document = zathura_page_get_document(page);
+- if (document == NULL) {
+- return;
++ surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, mupdf_image->w, mupdf_image->h);
++ if (surface == NULL) {
++ goto error_free;
+ }
+- mupdf_document_t* mupdf_document = zathura_document_get_data(document);
++ unsigned char* surface_data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface);
++ int rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(surface);
+- for (int i = 0; i < pdf_dict_len(mupdf_document->ctx, dict); i++) {
+- pdf_obj* image_dict = pdf_dict_get_val(mupdf_document->ctx, dict, i);
+- if (pdf_is_dict(mupdf_document->ctx, image_dict) == 0) {
+- continue;
+- }
++ unsigned char* s = fz_pixmap_samples(mupdf_page->ctx, pixmap);
++ unsigned int n = fz_pixmap_components(mupdf_page->ctx, pixmap);
+- pdf_obj* type = pdf_dict_gets(mupdf_document->ctx, image_dict, "Subtype");
+- if (strcmp(pdf_to_name(mupdf_document->ctx, type), "Image") != 0) {
+- continue;
+- }
++ for (unsigned int y = 0; y < fz_pixmap_height(mupdf_page->ctx, pixmap); y++) {
++ for (unsigned int x = 0; x < fz_pixmap_width(mupdf_page->ctx, pixmap); x++) {
++ guchar* p = surface_data + y * rowstride + x * 4;
+- bool duplicate = false;
+- GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH(list, zathura_image_t*, iter, image)
+- if (image->data == image_dict) {
+- duplicate = true;
+- break;
++ // RGB
++ if (n == 4) {
++ p[0] = s[2];
++ p[1] = s[1];
++ p[2] = s[0];
++ // Gray-scale or mask
++ } else {
++ p[0] = s[0];
++ p[1] = s[0];
++ p[2] = s[0];
+ }
+- GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_END(list, zathura_image_t*, iter, image);
+- if (duplicate == true) {
+- continue;
++ s += n;
+ }
++ }
+- pdf_obj* width = pdf_dict_gets(mupdf_document->ctx, image_dict, "Width");
+- pdf_obj* height = pdf_dict_gets(mupdf_document->ctx, image_dict, "Height");
+- zathura_image_t* zathura_image = g_malloc(sizeof(zathura_image_t));
+- fprintf(stderr, "image\n");
++ fz_drop_pixmap(mupdf_page->ctx, pixmap);
+- // FIXME: Get correct image coordinates
+- zathura_image->data = image_dict;
+- zathura_image->position.x1 = 0;
+- zathura_image->position.x2 = pdf_to_int(mupdf_document->ctx, width);
+- zathura_image->position.y1 = 0;
+- zathura_image->position.y2 = pdf_to_int(mupdf_document->ctx, height);
++ return surface;
+- girara_list_append(list, zathura_image);
+- }
+-static void
+-get_resources(zathura_page_t* page, pdf_obj* resource, girara_list_t* list)
+- if (resource == NULL || list == NULL) {
+- return;
++ if (pixmap != NULL) {
++ fz_drop_pixmap(mupdf_page->ctx, pixmap);
+ }
+- if (page == NULL) {
+- return;
++ if (surface != NULL) {
++ cairo_surface_destroy(surface);
+ }
+- zathura_document_t* document = zathura_page_get_document(page);
+- if (document == NULL) {
+- return;
+- }
+- mupdf_document_t* mupdf_document = zathura_document_get_data(document);
++ return NULL;
+- pdf_obj* x_object = pdf_dict_gets(mupdf_document->ctx, resource, "XObject");
+- if (x_object == NULL) {
++static void
++pdf_zathura_image_free(zathura_image_t* image)
++ if (image == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+- get_images(page, x_object, list);
+- for (int i = 0; i < pdf_dict_len(mupdf_document->ctx, x_object); i++) {
+- pdf_obj* obj = pdf_dict_get_val(mupdf_document->ctx, x_object, i);
+- pdf_obj* subsrc = pdf_dict_gets(mupdf_document->ctx, obj, "Resources");
+- if (subsrc != NULL && pdf_objcmp(mupdf_document->ctx, resource, subsrc)) {
+- get_resources(page, subsrc, list);
+- }
+- }
++ g_free(image);
+ }
+diff --git a/plugin.c b/plugin.c
+index 86cb8de..fef2c6a 100644
+--- a/plugin.c
++++ b/plugin.c
+@@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ register_functions(zathura_plugin_functions_t* functions)
+ functions->page_links_get = (zathura_plugin_page_links_get_t) pdf_page_links_get;
+ #if 0
+ functions->document_get_information = (zathura_plugin_document_get_information_t) pdf_document_get_information;
+- functions->page_images_get = (zathura_plugin_page_images_get_t) pdf_page_images_get;
+ #endif
++ functions->page_images_get = (zathura_plugin_page_images_get_t) pdf_page_images_get;
+ functions->page_get_text = (zathura_plugin_page_get_text_t) pdf_page_get_text;
+ functions->page_render = (zathura_plugin_page_render_t) pdf_page_render;
+ functions->page_render_cairo = (zathura_plugin_page_render_cairo_t) pdf_page_render_cairo;
++ functions->page_image_get_cairo = (zathura_plugin_page_image_get_cairo_t) pdf_page_image_get_cairo;
+ #endif
+ }
+diff --git a/plugin.h b/plugin.h
+index a229a74..8b6c74d 100644
+--- a/plugin.h
++++ b/plugin.h
+@@ -113,6 +113,20 @@ girara_list_t* pdf_page_links_get(zathura_page_t* page, mupdf_page_t* mupdf_page
+ */
+ girara_list_t* pdf_page_images_get(zathura_page_t* page, mupdf_page_t* mupdf_page, zathura_error_t* error);
++ * Gets the content of the image in a cairo surface
++ *
++ * @param page Page
++ * @param image Image identifier
++ * @param error Set to an error value (see \ref zathura_error_t) if an
++ * error occured
++ * @return The cairo image surface or NULL if an error occured
++ */
++cairo_surface_t* pdf_page_image_get_cairo(zathura_page_t* page, mupdf_page_t*
++ mupdf_page, zathura_image_t* image, zathura_error_t* error);
+ /**
+ * Get text for selection
+ * @param page Page
+diff --git a/select.c b/select.c
+index 15f9258..c1e1437 100644
+--- a/select.c
++++ b/select.c
+@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
+ #include "plugin.h"
+ #include "utils.h"
+-void mupdf_page_extract_text(mupdf_document_t* mupdf_document,
+- mupdf_page_t* mupdf_page);
+ char*
+ pdf_page_get_text(zathura_page_t* page, mupdf_page_t* mupdf_page, zathura_rectangle_t rectangle, zathura_error_t* error)
+ {
+diff --git a/utils.c b/utils.c
+index d45a31d..4a003b9 100644
+--- a/utils.c
++++ b/utils.c
+@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ mupdf_page_extract_text(mupdf_document_t* mupdf_document, mupdf_page_t* mupdf_pa
+ fz_try (mupdf_page->ctx) {
+ text_device = fz_new_text_device(mupdf_page->ctx, mupdf_page->sheet, mupdf_page->text);
++ /* Disable FZ_IGNORE_IMAGE to collect image blocks */
++ fz_disable_device_hints(mupdf_page->ctx, text_device, FZ_IGNORE_IMAGE);
+ fz_matrix ctm;
+ fz_scale(&ctm, 1.0, 1.0);
+ fz_run_page(mupdf_page->ctx, mupdf_page->page, text_device, &ctm, NULL);