path: root/development
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'development')
4 files changed, 155 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/development/inform/destdir.diff b/development/inform/destdir.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c85bbf956346d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development/inform/destdir.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+diff -Naur inform-6.35-r2/Makefile inform-6.35-r2.patched/Makefile
+--- inform-6.35-r2/Makefile 2021-06-22 00:31:25.000000000 -0400
++++ inform-6.35-r2.patched/Makefile 2021-09-01 15:38:28.641094355 -0400
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
+ strip $(BINNAME)
+ install-compiler: $(BINNAME)
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+ install -c -m $(BINPERM) $(BINNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+ #########################################################
+@@ -172,24 +172,23 @@
+ install-stdlib-all: install-stdlib install-stdinc install-stddemos install-stdtutor
+ install-stdlib:
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(STDLIB)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${STDSRC}/*) $(STDLIB)
+- @./fixlinks.sh $(STDLIB) $(STDLIB_LINKS)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(STDLIB)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${STDSRC}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(STDLIB)
+ @echo "** Done installing Standard Library."
+ install-stdinc:
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(STDINC)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${STDINC_SRC}/*) $(STDINC)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(STDINC)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${STDINC_SRC}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(STDINC)
+ @echo "** Done installing Standard Library includes."
+ install-stddemos: stddemos
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(STDDEMO)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${STDDEMOS_SRC}/*) $(STDDEMO)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(STDDEMO)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${STDDEMOS_SRC}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(STDDEMO)
+ @echo "** Done installing Standard Library demos."
+ install-stdtutor: stdtutor
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(STDTUTOR)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${STDTUTOR_SRC}/*) $(STDTUTOR)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(STDTUTOR)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${STDTUTOR_SRC}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(STDTUTOR)
+ @echo "** Done installing Standard Library tutorials."
+@@ -206,38 +205,40 @@
+ install-punywrapper:
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+ rm -f $(PUNYINFORMSH)-scratch
+ install-punylib:
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(PUNYLIB)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYLIB_SRC}/*) $(PUNYLIB)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYLIB)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYLIB_SRC}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYLIB)
+ @echo "** Done installing PunyInform Library."
+ install-punyhowto:
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(PUNYHOWTO)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYHOWTO_SRC}/*) $(PUNYHOWTO)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYHOWTO)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYHOWTO_SRC}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYHOWTO)
+ install-punytests:
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(PUNYTESTS)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYTESTS_SRC}/*) $(PUNYTESTS)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYTESTS)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYTESTS_SRC}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYTESTS)
+ install-punydocs:
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(PUNYDOCS)
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(PUNYDOCS1)
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(PUNYDOCS2)
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(PUNYDOCS3)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYDOCS_SRC}/*pdf) $(PUNYDOCS)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYDOCS_DIR1}/*) $(PUNYDOCS1)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYDOCS_DIR2}/*) $(PUNYDOCS2)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYDOCS_DIR3}/*) $(PUNYDOCS3)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYDOCS)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYDOCS1)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYDOCS2)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYDOCS3)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYDOCS_SRC}/*pdf) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYDOCS)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYDOCS_DIR1}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYDOCS1)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYDOCS_DIR2}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYDOCS2)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYDOCS_DIR3}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNYDOCS3)
+ install-punymisc:
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNY)
+ for file in $(PUNYMISC_FILES); do \
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(PUNYSRC)/$$file $(PUNY); \
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(PUNYSRC)/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(PUNY); \
+ done
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYSRC}/*.inf) $(PUNY)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(wildcard ${PUNYSRC}/*.inf) $(DESTDIR)$(PUNY)
+ install-puny: install-punylib install-punywrapper install-punymisc install-punyhowto install-punytests install-punydocs
+@@ -246,16 +247,17 @@
+ # Installing everything else
+ install-manual:
+- install -d -m $(DIRPERM) $(MANDIR)
+- install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(MANPAGE) $(MANDIR)
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)
++ install -c -m $(FILEPERM) $(MANPAGE) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)
+ install-contrib:
++ mkdir -p -m $(DIRPERM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+ install -c -m $(BINPERM) contrib/pblorb.pl $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+ install -c -m $(BINPERM) contrib/scanblorb.pl $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+ cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) ; ln -sf pblorb.pl pblorb
+ cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) ; ln -sf scanblorb.pl scanblorb
+-install-strip: strip install
++install-strip: all strip install
+ uninstall:
diff --git a/development/inform/inform.SlackBuild b/development/inform/inform.SlackBuild
index f7aff75bca7f9..75a7cd7dddba7 100644
--- a/development/inform/inform.SlackBuild
+++ b/development/inform/inform.SlackBuild
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
# Licensed under the WTFPL. See http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ for details.
+# 20210831 bkw:
+# - updated for v6.35_r2 (upstream changed their version numbering
+# scheme again). script had to change a lot, so can't build old
+# versions any more.
# 20201104 bkw: updated for 6.34_6.12.4. In case anyone's wondering
# why I use a self-hosted URL for the source, it's because upstream
# moves the old source immediately when a new release is made. Also
@@ -24,7 +29,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0) ; CWD=$(pwd)
@@ -37,9 +42,6 @@ if [ -z "$ARCH" ]; then
-# If the variable PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME is set, then this script will report what
-# the name of the created package would be, and then exit. This information
-# could be useful to other scripts.
if [ ! -z "${PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME}" ]; then
exit 0
@@ -82,19 +84,20 @@ find -L . -perm /111 -a \! -perm 755 -a -exec chmod 755 {} \+ -o \
\! -perm /111 -a \! -perm 644 -a -exec chmod 644 {} \+
# 20201104 bkw: Since inform is for game purposes, install the binary
-# to /usr/games, and its man page to section 6.
-sed '1s/"1"/"6"/' $PRGNAM.1 > $PRGNAM.6
+# to /usr/games, and its man page to section 6. Also change the
+# "see also" to a man page that actually might exist.
+sed -e '1s/"1"/"6"/' -e "s,zcode-interpreter,frotz," $PRGNAM.1 > $PRGNAM.6
-# 20201105 bkw: Minor fixes to Makefile so parallel builds work.
-patch -p1 < $CWD/parallel_make.diff
+# 20201104 bkw: upstream now supports DESTDIR again.
+# 20210831 bkw: upstream *broke* DESTDIR again. Sigh.
+patch -p1 < $CWD/destdir.diff
-# 20201104 bkw: Don't write to real $PREFIX! Just disable the CASETEST
-# stuff, since we're including our own set of symlinks.
-sed -i '/touch.*PREFIX/,+2d' Makefile
+# 20210831 bkw: install-strip failed with "text file busy" on -current,
+# use -Wl,-s to build the binary stripped in the first place.
-# 20201104 bkw: upstream now supports DESTDIR again.
-make install-strip \
+make install \
+ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-s" \
BINDIR=/usr/games \
MANDIR=/usr/man/man6 \
@@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ ln -s ../games/$PRGNAM $PKG/usr/bin/$PRGNAM
# Makefile can create a few symlinks to support this, but let's
# be more all-inclusive. We got 8 .h files, and end up with 70+
# symlinks. There's no kill like overkill!
-( cd $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/lib
+( cd $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/std/lib
for file in *.h; do
# Name.h NAME.h
@@ -141,7 +144,9 @@ ln -s ../games/$PRGNAM $PKG/usr/bin/$PRGNAM
# This might be overcautious: the example code all just says
# e.g. 'Include "Parser"', without the .h.
for file in *.h; do
- ln -s $( readlink $file ) ${file%%.*}.H
+ dest="${file%%.*}.H"
+ [ -L "$file" ] && file="$( readlink $file )"
+ ln -s $file $dest
@@ -157,10 +162,18 @@ mkdir -p $PKGDOC/manual
# Inform Beginners' Guide, required reading.
cat $CWD/IBG.pdf > $PKGDOC/inform_beginners_guide.pdf
+ln -s inform_beginners_guide.pdf $PKGDOC/IBG.pdf
+# Library documentation should be visibile in /usr/doc.
mkdir -p $PKGDOC/lib
for i in ChangeLog README.txt voices_and_tenses.txt; do
- ln -s ../../../share/$PRGNAM/lib/$i $PKGDOC/lib
+ ln -s ../../../share/$PRGNAM/std/lib/$i $PKGDOC/lib
+# Same for punyinform docs.
+mkdir -p $PKGDOC/punyinform
+for i in README.md LICENSE documentation; do
+ ln -s ../../../share/$PRGNAM/punyinform/$i $PKGDOC/punyinform
# ARTISTIC and COPYING are redundant: src/licence.txt includes the
diff --git a/development/inform/inform.info b/development/inform/inform.info
index b4130e35fc106..24e53b1ec72e6 100644
--- a/development/inform/inform.info
+++ b/development/inform/inform.info
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-DOWNLOAD="https://slackware.uk/~urchlay/src/inform-6.34-6.12.4-1.tar.gz \
+DOWNLOAD="https://slackware.uk/~urchlay/src/inform-6.35-r2.tar.gz \
http://www.ifarchive.org/if-archive/infocom/compilers/inform6/manuals/designers_manual_4.zip \
-MD5SUM="b128a7aff7ed2b1086d020febae20746 \
+MD5SUM="9035fb1469ae9a39c077b5b55f05aebc \
0063968c3378636add1a0697b6d1fc16 \
diff --git a/development/inform/parallel_make.diff b/development/inform/parallel_make.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index f2c13267ce679..0000000000000
--- a/development/inform/parallel_make.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur inform-6.34-6.12.4-1/Makefile inform-6.34-6.12.4-1.patched/Makefile
---- inform-6.34-6.12.4-1/Makefile 2020-08-02 20:37:10.000000000 -0400
-+++ inform-6.34-6.12.4-1.patched/Makefile 2020-11-05 00:32:19.772575474 -0500
-@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
- $(CC) -o $(BINNAME) $(OBJECTS)
- @echo "** Done building compiler."
--%.z5: %.inf
-+%.z5: %.inf $(BINNAME)
- $(PWD)/$(BINNAME) +lib $< $@
- demos: $(BINNAME) $(DEMO_Z5)
-@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
- install -c -m 644 $(wildcard ${TUTOR}/*) $(DESTDIR)$(TUTORDIR)
- install-contrib:
-+ install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
- install -c -m 755 contrib/pblorb.pl $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
- install -c -m 755 contrib/scanblorb.pl $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
- cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) ; ln -s pblorb.pl pblorb