path: root/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new')
1 files changed, 585 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new b/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new
index 8a954b8a45dc4..02b079ea34689 100644
--- a/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new
+++ b/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new
@@ -1,105 +1,620 @@
-# Those settings get merged at package build time
-# Globals
+# Global initialisation file for SciTE
+# For Linux, place in $prefix/share/scite
+# For Windows, place in same directory as SciTE.EXE (or Sc1.EXE)
+# Documentation at http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDoc.html
+# Globals
+# Window sizes and visibility
+ position.left=0
+ position.top=0
+ position.left=5
+ position.top=22
# Sizes and visibility in edit pane
# Element styles
+# DADADA used as background because it yields standard silver C0C0C0
+# on low colour displays and a reasonable light grey on higher bit depths
+ selection.alpha=32
+ selection.back=#000000
+ selection.alpha=30
+ selection.back=#000000
+ selection.alpha=32
+ selection.back=#000000
# Scripting
# Checking
# Indentation
# Wrapping of long lines
# Folding
# enable folding, and show lines below when collapsed.
# Find and Replace
- find.command=grep --line-number "$(find.what)" $(find.files)
+# Internal search always available with recursive capability so use in preference to external tool
+# findstr is available on recent versions of Windows including 2000
+# find.command=findstr /n /s $(find.what) $(find.files)
+# find.command=grep --line-number "$(find.what)" $(find.files)
+find.files=*.c *.cxx *.h
# Behaviour
- font.base=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:12
- # font.base=font:Arial,size:10
- font.small=$(font.base)
- font.comment=$(font.base)
- font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
- font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
- font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
- font.text=$(font.base)
- font.text.comment=$(font.base)
- font.embedded.base=$(font.base)
- font.embedded.comment=$(font.base)
- font.monospace=$(font.base)
- font.vbs=$(font.base)
# Status Bar
+li=$(LineNumber) co=$(ColumnNumber) $(OverType) ($(EOLMode)) $(FileAttr)
+$(BufferLength) chars in $(NbOfLines) lines. Sel: $(SelLength) chars.
+Now is: Date=$(CurrentDate) Time=$(CurrentTime)
+$(FileNameExt) : $(FileDate) - $(FileTime) | $(FileAttr)
+ command.scite.help="file://$(SciteDefaultHome)\SciTEDoc.html"
+ command.scite.help.subsystem=2
command.print.*=a2ps "$(FileNameExt)"
command.scite.help=mozilla "file://$(SciteDefaultHome)/SciTEDoc.html"
# Internationalisation
+# Japanese input code page 932 and ShiftJIS character set 128
+# Unicode
+#command.discover.properties=python /home/user/FileDetect.py "$(FilePath)"
+# Required for Unicode to work on GTK+:
+ output.code.page=65001
+ output.code.page=65001
# Export
+# Magnification (added to default screen font size)
+# Font: Courier, Helvetica or Times (Courier line-wraps)
+# Page size (in points): width, height
+# E.g. Letter 612,792; A4 595,842; maximum 14400,14400
+# Margins (in points): left, right, top, bottom
# Define values for use in the imported properties files
+# This is a better set for Russian:
+# The open.filter setting is used in the file selector which has a menu of filters to apply
+# to the types of files seen when opening.
+# There is a limit (possibly 256 characters) to the length of a filter on Windows,
+# so not all source extensions can be in this setting.
+# Each platform has a different idea of the most important filters
+ all.files=All Files (*.*)|*.*|
+ top.filters=All Source|$(source.files)|$(all.files)
+ all.files=All Files (*)|*|Hidden Files (.*)|.*|
+ top.filters=All Source|$(source.files)|$(all.files)
+# As OS X only greys out filtered files, show all as default
+ all.files=All Files (*.*)|*.*|
+ top.filters=$(all.files)All Source|$(source.files)|
+# Give symbolic names to the set of fonts used in the standard styles.
+ font.base=font:Verdana,size:10
+ font.small=font:Verdana,size:8
+ font.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:9
+ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.nested=$(font.comment)
+ font.text=font:Times New Roman,size:11
+ font.text.comment=font:Verdana,size:9
+ font.embedded.base=font:Verdana,size:9
+ font.embedded.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:8
+ font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:10
+ font.vbs=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:10
+ font.base=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans,size:9
+ font.small=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans,size:8
+ font.comment=font:!Bitstream Vera Serif,size:9
+ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.nested=$(font.comment)
+ font.text=font:!Bitstream Charter,size:10
+ font.text.comment=font:!Serif,size:9
+ font.embedded.base=font:!Serif,size:9
+ font.embedded.comment=font:!Serif,size:9
+ font.monospace=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:9
+ font.vbs=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:9
+ font.base=font:Verdana,size:12
+ font.small=font:Verdana,size:10
+ font.comment=font:Georgia,size:13
+ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.nested=$(font.comment)
+ font.text=font:Times New Roman,size:13
+ font.text.comment=font:Verdana,size:11
+ font.embedded.base=font:Verdana,size:11
+ font.embedded.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:10
+ font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:12
+ font.vbs=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:12
-Apache Confi&g|conf||\
-&nnCron crontab|tab||\
+# Old GTK+ font settings are faster but not antialiased
+ #~ font.base=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
+ #~ font.small=font:lucidatypewriter,size:10
+ #~ font.comment=font:new century schoolbook,size:12
+ #~ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
+ #~ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
+ #~ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
+ #~ font.text=font:times,size:14
+ #~ font.text.comment=font:lucidatypewriter,size:10
+ #~ font.embedded.base=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
+ #~ font.embedded.comment=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
+ #~ font.monospace=font:courier,size:12
+ #~ font.vbs=font:new century schoolbook,size:12
+# Give symbolic names to the set of colours used in the standard styles.
+# Global default styles for all languages
+# Default
+# Line number
+# Brace highlight
+# Brace incomplete highlight
+# Control characters
+# Indentation guides
+# Printing
+# Windows-only setup: left, right, top, bottom margins, in local units:
+# hundredths of millimeters or thousandths of inches
+# Header/footer:
+print.header.format=$(FileNameExt) -- Printed on $(CurrentDate), $(CurrentTime) -- Page $(CurrentPage)
+print.footer.format=$(FilePath) -- File date: $(FileDate) -- File time: $(FileTime)
+# Header/footer style
+print.footer.style=font:Arial Narrow,size:10,italics
+# Warnings - only works on Windows and needs to be pointed at files on machine
+# warning.findwrapped=100,E:\Windows\Media\SFX\Boing.wav
+# warning.notfound=0,Effect.wav
+# warning.wrongfile=0,Glass.wav
+# warning.executeok=0,Fanfare.wav
+# warning.executeko=100,GlassBreak.wav
+# warning.nootherbookmark=100,Boing2.wav
+# Define the Lexer menu,
+# Each item contains three parts: menu string | file extension | key
+# The only keys allowed currently are based on F-keys and alphabetic keys and look like
+# [Ctrl+][Shift+][Fn|a] such as F12 or Ctrl+Shift+D.
+# A '&' may be placed before a letter to be used as an accelerator. This does not work on GTK+.
+# On OS X, F11 is used by Expose, F12 by Dashbard
+ os.x.home.end.keys=1
+ keyText=Shift+F13
+ keyMake=Ctrl+Shift+F13
+ keyHTML=Ctrl+Shift+F14
+ keyXML=Shift+F14
+#Apache Confi&g|conf||\
+&C / C++|c||\
+#&nnCron crontab|tab||\
+#Objective Caml|ml||\
+#P&OV-Ray SDL|pov||\
+# User defined key commands
+#Next File|IDM_NEXTFILE|\
+# To keep menus short, these .properties files are not loaded by default.
+imports.exclude=abaqus asn1 au3 avenue baan blitzbasic bullant \
+cobol cmake csound escript flagship forth freebasic gap haskell inno \
+kix latex lot lout metapost mmixal modula3 nimrod nncrontab nsis \
+opal powerpro powershell purebasic r rebol \
+scriptol smalltalk sorcins spice specman \
+tacl tal txt2tags verilog vhdl
+# Newly removed: avenue baan escript lot metapost mmixal
+# The set of imports allowed can be set with
+# Import all the language specific properties files in this directory
+import *
-# Import all the language specific properties files
-import cmake
-import nncrontab