path: root/development/noweb/make_cleanup.diff
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'development/noweb/make_cleanup.diff')
1 files changed, 1661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/development/noweb/make_cleanup.diff b/development/noweb/make_cleanup.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a574778b38ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development/noweb/make_cleanup.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,1661 @@
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
+ CINAME=-Nv`echo $(VERSION) | tr . _`
+ CIMSG=-f -m'standard checkin preparing to export version $(VERSION)'
+-source: ; for i in src; do (cd $$i; make source); done
+-www: ; for i in src/xdoc examples; do (cd $$i; make www); done
++ for i in src; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i source); done
++ for i in src/xdoc examples; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i www); done
+ clean:
+- for i in src examples contrib; do (cd $$i; make clean); done
+- rm -f nwsrcfilter *~ */*~
++ for i in src examples contrib; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i clean); done
++ $(RM) nwsrcfilter *~ */*~
+ clobber: clean
+- for i in src examples contrib; do (cd $$i; make clobber); done
++ for i in src examples contrib; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i clobber); done
+ (./echo -n "Version $(VERSION) of "; date) > DATE
+@@ -36,14 +38,14 @@
+ tarnames: clean source nwsrcfilter DATE
+ find . -not -type d -not -name FAQ.old -print | ./nwsrcfilter
+-tar: clean source nwsrcfilter DATE emacscheck
++tar: clean source nwsrcfilter DATE emacscheck
+ chmod +w src/Makefile
+ rm -rf /tmp/noweb-$(VERSION)
+- mkdir /tmp/noweb-$(VERSION)
++ mkdir -p /tmp/noweb-$(VERSION)
+ tar cvf - `find . ! -type d -not -name FAQ.old -print | ./nwsrcfilter` | (cd /tmp/noweb-$(VERSION) ; tar xf - )
+ (cd /tmp; tar cf - noweb-$(VERSION) ) | gzip -v > ../noweb-$(VERSION).tgz
+- rm -f ../noweb.tgz
+- (cd .. ; ln -s noweb-$(VERSION).tgz noweb.tgz)
++ $(RM) ../noweb.tgz
++ (cd .. && ln -s noweb-$(VERSION).tgz noweb.tgz)
+ chmod -w src/Makefile
+ emacscheck:
+@@ -51,6 +53,4 @@
+ diff src/elisp/noweb-mode.el $(HOME)/emacs/noweb-mode.el
+ checkin:
+- (cd src; make "CINAME=$(CINAME)" "CIMSG=$(CIMSG)" checkin)
++ ($(MAKE) -C src "CINAME=$(CINAME)" "CIMSG=$(CIMSG)" checkin)
+diff --git a/contrib/Makefile b/contrib/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/Makefile
+@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@
+ # don't do kostas; it requires gnu make (ugh)
+-all: ; for i in $(DIRS); do (cd $$i; make ICONC=$(ICONC) all); done
+-install: ; for i in $(DIRS); do (cd $$i; make LIB=$(LIB) BIN=$(BIN) install); done
+-source: ; for i in $(DIRS); do (cd $$i; make source); done
+-clean: ; for i in $(DIRS); do (cd $$i; make clean); done
++ for i in $(DIRS); do ($(MAKE) -C $$i ICONC=$(ICONC) all); done
++ for i in $(DIRS); do ($(MAKE) -C $$i LIB=$(LIB) BIN=$(BIN) install); done
++ for i in $(DIRS); do ($(MAKE) -C $$i source); done
++ for i in $(DIRS); do ($(MAKE) -C $$i clean); done
+ clobber: clean
+diff --git a/contrib/conrado/Makefile b/contrib/conrado/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/conrado/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/conrado/Makefile
+@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+ LIB=/dev/null # to be overridden by install
+ .SUFFIXES: .nw .icn
+-.nw.icn: ; notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $*.nw | cpif $*.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $*.nw | cpif $*.icn
+ all: d2tex
+ source: d2tex
+@@ -10,6 +11,6 @@
+ # TeX files.
+ hospital.tex: hospital.nw d2tex
+- noweave -delay -filter ./d2tex hospital.nw > hospital.tex
++ noweave -delay -filter $^ > $@
+ clean:
+- /bin/rm -f hospital.tex *.dvi *.aux *.log *.blg *.bbl *~
++ $(RM) hospital.tex *.dvi *.aux *.log *.blg *.bbl *~
+diff --git a/contrib/davelove/Makefile b/contrib/davelove/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/davelove/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/davelove/Makefile
+@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
+ source:
+ install:
+ clean:
+- /bin/rm -f *.dvi *.log *.aux
++ $(RM) *.dvi *.log *.aux
+diff --git a/contrib/jobling/Makefile b/contrib/jobling/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/jobling/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/jobling/Makefile
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ PROG = correct-refs
+-DOCSRC = $(PROG).tex
+-PROGSRC = $(PROG).csh
++DOCSRC = $(PROG).tex
++PROGSRC = $(PROG).csh
+ SCRIPTS = list-anchors.awk awk-scripts.awk
+-all: correct-refs.tex correct-refs.csh all-scripts
++all: correct-refs.tex correct-refs.csh all-scripts
+ correct-refs.tex: correct-refs.nw
+ noweave -delay -index $< > $@
+@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
+ cp *.awk $(HOME)/lib
+ tidy:
+- -rm *~ *% *.bak *.log *.blg
++ $(RM) *~ *% *.bak *.log *.blg
+ clean: tidy
+- -rm *.ps *.dvi *.toc *.aux *.bbl *.dep $(PROG).shar
++ $(RM) *.ps *.dvi *.toc *.aux *.bbl *.dep $(PROG).shar
+ realclean: clean
+ shar:
+ shar README Makefile $(PROG).nw > $(PROG).shar
+diff --git a/contrib/jonkrom/Makefile b/contrib/jonkrom/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/jonkrom/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/jonkrom/Makefile
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ source: noxref.krom
+ noxref.krom: noxref.nw
+- notangle -Rnoxref noxref.nw > noxref.krom
++ notangle -Rnoxref $< > $@
+ clean:
+- /bin/rm -f *.tex *.dvi *.ilg *.idx *.aux *.log *.blg *.bbl *~ *.ind noxref.krom
++ $(RM) *.tex *.dvi *.ilg *.idx *.aux *.log *.blg *.bbl *~ *.ind noxref.krom
+diff --git a/contrib/kostas/Makefile.make b/contrib/kostas/Makefile.make
+--- a/contrib/kostas/Makefile.make
++++ b/contrib/kostas/Makefile.make
+@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
+ .SUFFIXES: .nw .icn .tex .dvi
+-all: C.filter C++.filter icon.filter oot.filter math.filter\
+- autodefs.oot autodefs.math
++all: C.filter C++.filter icon.filter oot.filter math.filter \
++ autodefs.oot autodefs.math
+ install:
+ mv *.filter $(LIB)
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ %.tex : %.nw
+ $(WEAVE) $< > $@
+ pp.tex: pp.nw
+- noweave -delay -autodefs icon -filter icon.filter -index pp.nw > pp.tex
++ noweave -delay -autodefs icon -filter icon.filter -index $< > $@
+ %.dvi : %.tex
+ latex $<
+ # Don't delete the intermediate .tex file.
+@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
+ # Icon files.
+ C.icn: pp.nw C_translation_table
+- $(TANGLE) -R"C" pp.nw > $@
++ $(TANGLE) -R"C" $< > $@
+ C++.icn: pp.nw C++_translation_table
+- $(TANGLE) -R"C++" pp.nw > $@
++ $(TANGLE) -R"C++" $< > $@
+ icon.icn: pp.nw icon_translation_table
+- $(TANGLE) -R"Icon" pp.nw > $@
++ $(TANGLE) -R"Icon" $< > $@
+ oot.icn: pp.nw oot_translation_table
+- $(TANGLE) -R"OOT" pp.nw > $@
+-math.icn: pp.nw math_translation_table
+- $(TANGLE) -R"Mathematica" pp.nw > $@
++ $(TANGLE) -R"OOT" $< > $@
++math.icn: pp.nw math_translation_table
++ $(TANGLE) -R"Mathematica" $< > $@
+ ootdefs.icn: ootdefs.nw
+ $(TANGLE) $< $(defns) > $@
+@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@
+ # Executables: filters.
+-%.filter : %.icn
++%.filter: %.icn
+ $(ICONC) -o $@ $<
+ # Executables: autodefs.
+ autodefs.oot: ootdefs.icn
+- $(ICONC) -o autodefs.oot ootdefs.icn
++ $(ICONC) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.math: mathdefs.icn
+- $(ICONC) -o autodefs.math mathdefs.icn
++ $(ICONC) -o $@ $<
+ # Cleaning: remove all files that can be recreated from noweb sources.
+@@ -69,7 +69,4 @@
+ # Also remove the Icon files for the filters.
+ clean:
+- -rm -f $(rem) C.icn C++.icn icon.icn oot.icn math.icn *.filter autodefs.*
++ $(RM) $(rem) C.icn C++.icn icon.icn oot.icn math.icn *.filter autodefs.*
+diff --git a/contrib/leew/Makefile b/contrib/leew/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/leew/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/leew/Makefile
+@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
+ install:
+ source:
+ clean:
+- /bin/rm -f nocond *.dvi *.log *.aux *.toc *.tex *.tex nocond.1
++ $(RM) nocond *.dvi *.log *.aux *.toc *.tex *.tex nocond.1
+diff --git a/contrib/norman/Makefile b/contrib/norman/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/norman/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/norman/Makefile
+@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
+ LIB=/dev/null # to be overridden
+ DIRS=numarkup
+-all: ; for i in $(DIRS); do (cd $$i; make ICONC=$(ICONC) ICONT=$(ICONT) all); done
+-install: ; for i in $(DIRS); do (cd $$i; make LIB=$(LIB) BIN=$(BIN) install); done
+-source: ; for i in $(DIRS); do (cd $$i; make source); done
+-clean: ; for i in $(DIRS); do (cd $$i; make clean); done
++ for i in $(DIRS); do ($(MAKE) -C $$i ICONC=$(ICONC) ICONT=$(ICONT) all); done
++ for i in $(DIRS); do ($(MAKE) -C $$i LIB=$(LIB) BIN=$(BIN) install); done
++ for i in $(DIRS); do ($(MAKE) -C $$i source); done
++ for i in $(DIRS); do ($(MAKE) -C $$i clean); done
+ iconlib: # cheap hack for slackmake
+ true
+diff --git a/contrib/norman/numarkup/Makefile b/contrib/norman/numarkup/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/norman/numarkup/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/norman/numarkup/Makefile
+@@ -6,23 +6,25 @@
+ OBJS = main.o pass1.o latex.o input.o scraps.o names.o arena.o global.o
+ .SUFFIXES: .nw
+-.nw.c: ; notangle -R"$@"'*' -L $< | cpif $@
+-.nw.h: ; notangle -R"$@" $< | cpif $@
++ notangle -R"$@"'*' -L $< | cpif $@
++ notangle -R"$@" $< | cpif $@
+ noweb -t numarkup.nw
+- make $(TARGET)
++ $(MAKE) $(TARGET)
+ install:
+ noweb -t numarkup.nw
+- make $(TARGET)
++ $(MAKE) $(TARGET)
+ strip $(TARGET)
+ cp $(TARGET) $(LIB)
+ source: main.c pass1.c latex.c input.c scraps.c names.c arena.c global.c
+ clean:
+- rm -f *.o *.c *.h *.tex *.log *.dvi *~ *.blg $(TARGET) *.html *~
++ $(RM) *.o *.c *.h *.tex *.log *.dvi *~ *.blg $(TARGET) *.html *~
+ $(OBJS): global.h
+@@ -30,8 +32,7 @@
+ $(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS)
+ numarkup.html: numarkup.nw
+- noweave -filter l2h -html -index numarkup.nw > numarkup.html
++ noweave -filter l2h -html -index $< > $@
+ numarkup.tex: numarkup.nw
+- noweb -o numarkup.nw
++ noweb -o $@
+diff --git a/contrib/ydirson/Makefile b/contrib/ydirson/Makefile
+--- a/contrib/ydirson/Makefile
++++ b/contrib/ydirson/Makefile
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+-LIB=/dev/null # to be overridden
++LIB=/dev/null # to be overridden
+-FILTERS = guesslang inheritlang enscript-html
++FILTERS = guesslang inheritlang enscript-html
+ # nothing to tangle or weave
+ all:
+diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile
+--- a/examples/Makefile
++++ b/examples/Makefile
+@@ -4,14 +4,19 @@
+ NOWEAVE=noweave
+ .SUFFIXES: .i3 .m3 .nw .tex .dvi .html
+-.nw.html: ; $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -filter btdefn -index -html $*.nw > $*.html
+-.nw.tex: ; $(NOWEAVE) -index -filter btdefn $*.nw > $*.tex
+-.nw.i3: ; $(NOTANGLE) -Rinterface -L'<* LINE %L "%F" *>%N' $*.nw > $*.i3
+-.nw.m3: ; $(NOTANGLE) -L'<* LINE %L "%F" *>%N' $*.nw > $*.m3
+-.tex.dvi: ; latex '\scrollmode \input '"$*"; while grep -s 'Rerun to get cross-references right' $*.log; do latex '\scrollmode \input '"$*"; done
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -filter btdefn -index -html $*.nw > $*.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -filter btdefn $*.nw > $*.tex
++ $(NOTANGLE) -Rinterface -L'<* LINE %L "%F" *>%N' $*.nw > $*.i3
++ $(NOTANGLE) -L'<* LINE %L "%F" *>%N' $*.nw > $*.m3
++ latex '\scrollmode \input '"$*"; while grep -s 'Rerun to get cross-references right' $*.log; do latex '\scrollmode \input '"$*"; done
+ HTML=breakmodel.html compress.html dag.html graphs.html mipscoder.html primes.html \
+- scanner.html test.html tree.html wc.html wcni.html
++ scanner.html test.html tree.html wc.html wcni.html
+ www: $(HTML)
+@@ -19,37 +24,37 @@
+ copy -v README.h $(WWW)/index.html
+ clean:
+- rm -f *~ *.aux *.tex *.dvi *.log *.html *.toc
++ $(RM) *~ *.aux *.tex *.dvi *.log *.html *.toc
+ clobber: clean
+ compress.html: compress.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs c -html compress.nw > compress.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs c -html $< > $@
+ compress.tex: compress.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -autodefs c compress.nw > compress.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -autodefs c $< > $@
+ dag.html: dag.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs icon -html dag.nw > dag.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs icon -html $< > $@
+ dag.tex: dag.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -autodefs icon dag.nw > dag.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -autodefs icon $< > $@
+ mipscoder.html: mipscoder.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs sml -html mipscoder.nw > mipscoder.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs sml -html $< > $@
+ mipscoder.tex: mipscoder.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -autodefs sml -index mipscoder.nw > mipscoder.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -autodefs sml -index $< > $@
+ scanner.html: scanner.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs c -autodefs yacc -html scanner.nw > scanner.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs c -autodefs yacc -html $< > $@
+ scanner.tex: scanner.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -autodefs c -autodefs yacc scanner.nw > scanner.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -autodefs c -autodefs yacc $< > $@
+ tree.html: tree.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs icon -html tree.nw > tree.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -index -autodefs icon -html $< > $@
+ tree.tex: tree.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -autodefs icon tree.nw > tree.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -autodefs icon $< > $@
+ test.html: test.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -html test.nw > test.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter l2h -html $< > $@
+ test.tex: test.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) test.nw > test.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) $< > $@
+ wc.html: wc.nw2html
+- $(NOWEAVE) -autodefs c -filter btdefn -index -html -n wc.nw2html > wc.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -autodefs c -filter btdefn -index -html -n $< > $@
+ wcni.html: wc.nw2html
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -x -html -n wc.nw2html > wcni.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -x -html -n $< > $@
+ wc.tex: wc.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -autodefs c -filter btdefn -index wc.nw > wc.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -autodefs c -filter btdefn -index $< > $@
+diff --git a/examples/Makefile.awk b/examples/Makefile.awk
+--- a/examples/Makefile.awk
++++ b/examples/Makefile.awk
+@@ -4,14 +4,19 @@
+ NOWEAVE=noweave
+ .SUFFIXES: .i3 .m3 .nw .tex .dvi .html
+-.nw.html: ; $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -index -html $*.nw > $*.html
+-.nw.tex: ; $(NOWEAVE) -index -filter btdefn $*.nw > $*.tex
+-.nw.i3: ; $(NOTANGLE) -Rinterface -L'<* LINE %L "%F" *>%N' $*.nw > $*.i3
+-.nw.m3: ; $(NOTANGLE) -L'<* LINE %L "%F" *>%N' $*.nw > $*.m3
+-.tex.dvi: ; latex '\scrollmode \input '"$*"; while grep -s 'Rerun to get cross-references right' $*.log; do latex '\scrollmode \input '"$*"; done
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -index -html $*.nw > $*.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -filter btdefn $*.nw > $*.tex
++ $(NOTANGLE) -Rinterface -L'<* LINE %L "%F" *>%N' $*.nw > $*.i3
++ $(NOTANGLE) -L'<* LINE %L "%F" *>%N' $*.nw > $*.m3
++ latex '\scrollmode \input '"$*"; while grep -s 'Rerun to get cross-references right' $*.log; do latex '\scrollmode \input '"$*"; done
+ HTML=breakmodel.html compress.html dag.html graphs.html mipscoder.html primes.html \
+- scanner.html test.html tree.html wc.html wcni.html
++ scanner.html test.html tree.html wc.html wcni.html
+ DVI=compress.dvi dag.dvi mipscoder.dvi scanner.dvi tree.dvi test.dvi wc.dvi
+@@ -22,37 +27,37 @@
+ copy -v README.h $(WWW)/index.html
+ clean:
+- rm -f *~ *.aux *.tex *.dvi *.log *.html *.toc
++ $(RM) *~ *.aux *.tex *.dvi *.log *.html *.toc
+ clobber: clean
+ compress.html: compress.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -html compress.nw > compress.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -html $< > $@
+ compress.tex: compress.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index compress.nw > compress.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index $< > $@
+ dag.html: dag.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -html dag.nw > dag.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -html $< > $@
+ dag.tex: dag.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index dag.nw > dag.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index $< > $@
+ mipscoder.html: mipscoder.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -html mipscoder.nw > mipscoder.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -html $< > $@
+ mipscoder.tex: mipscoder.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index mipscoder.nw > mipscoder.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index $< > $@
+ scanner.html: scanner.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -html scanner.nw > scanner.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -html $< > $@
+ scanner.tex: scanner.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index scanner.nw > scanner.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index $< > $@
+ tree.html: tree.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index -html tree.nw > tree.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index -html $< > $@
+ tree.tex: tree.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -index tree.nw > tree.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -index $< > $@
+ test.html: test.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -html test.nw > test.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -html $< > $@
+ test.tex: test.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) test.nw > test.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) $< > $@
+ wc.html: wc.nw2html
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -index -html -n wc.nw2html > wc.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -index -html -n $< > $@
+ wcni.html: wc.nw2html
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -x -html -n wc.nw2html > wcni.html
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -x -html -n $< > $@
+ wc.tex: wc.nw
+- $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -index wc.nw > wc.tex
++ $(NOWEAVE) -filter btdefn -index $< > $@
+diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ ELISP=/dev/null
+ # change WEAVE if you want a different version of noweave to be installed
+ # Stop editing. No user-serviceable parts below.
+ SHELL=/bin/sh
+@@ -37,183 +37,181 @@
+ MAN7DIR=$(MAN)/man$(MAN7EXT)
+ CAT7DIR=$(MAN)/cat$(MAN7EXT)
+- cd c; make "CC=$(CC)" "CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)" all
+- for i in shell lib xdoc tex; do (cd $$i; make all); done
+- cd $(LIBSRC); make "ICONT=$(ICONT)" "ICONC=$(ICONC)" all
++ $(MAKE) -C c "CC=$(CC)" "CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)" all
++ for i in shell lib xdoc tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i all); done
+ FAQ: FAQ.html
+- sleep 1; html2ascii FAQ.html > FAQ
++ sleep 1; html2ascii $< > $@
+ FAQ.html: $(HOME)/www/noweb/FAQ.html
+- rm -f FAQ.html
+- /bin/cp $(HOME)/www/noweb/FAQ.html FAQ.html
+- chmod -w FAQ.html
++ $(RM) $@
++ cp $< $@
++ chmod -w $@
+ install: install-code install-man install-tex install-elisp
+ uninstall: uninstall-code uninstall-man uninstall-tex uninstall-elisp
+- -rmdir $(BIN) $(LIB) 2>/dev/null
++ -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB) 2>/dev/null
+ install-shell:
+- -mkdir $(BIN) $(LIB) 2>/dev/null
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/noweb > $(BIN)/noweb
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/noweb
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/notangle > $(BIN)/notangle
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/notangle
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/$(WEAVE) > $(BIN)/$(WEAVE)
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/$(WEAVE)
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/nountangle > $(BIN)/nountangle
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/nountangle
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/nodefs > $(BIN)/nodefs
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/nodefs
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/noroots > $(BIN)/noroots
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/noroots
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/nuweb2noweb > $(BIN)/nuweb2noweb
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/nuweb2noweb
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/cpif > $(BIN)/cpif
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/cpif
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/htmltoc > $(BIN)/htmltoc
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/htmltoc
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/noroff > $(BIN)/noroff
+- chmod +x $(BIN)/noroff
+- sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" shell/toroff > $(LIB)/toroff
+- chmod +x $(LIB)/toroff
+- cp shell/tmac.w $(LIB)
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/noweb > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noweb
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noweb
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/notangle > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/notangle
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/notangle
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/$(WEAVE) > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/$(WEAVE)
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/$(WEAVE)
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/nountangle > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nountangle
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nountangle
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/nodefs > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nodefs
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nodefs
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/noroots > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noroots
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noroots
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/nuweb2noweb > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nuweb2noweb
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nuweb2noweb
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/cpif > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/cpif
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/cpif
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/htmltoc > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/htmltoc
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/htmltoc
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/noroff > $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noroff
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noroff
++ sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" shell/toroff > $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/toroff
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/toroff
++ cp shell/tmac.w $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
+ uninstall-shell:
+- rm -f $(BIN)/noweb
+- rm -f $(BIN)/notangle
+- rm -f $(BIN)/$(WEAVE)
+- rm -f $(BIN)/nountangle
+- rm -f $(BIN)/nodefs
+- rm -f $(BIN)/noroots
+- rm -f $(BIN)/nuweb2noweb
+- rm -f $(BIN)/cpif
+- rm -f $(BIN)/htmltoc
+- rm -f $(BIN)/noroff
+- rm -f $(LIB)/toroff
+- rm $(LIB)/tmac.w
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noweb
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/notangle
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/$(WEAVE)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nountangle
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nodefs
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noroots
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/nuweb2noweb
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/cpif
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/htmltoc
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/noroff
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/toroff
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/tmac.w
+ install-code: install-shell
+- -mkdir $(BIN) $(LIB) 2>/dev/null
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
+ strip c/nt c/markup c/mnt c/finduses
+- cp c/nt c/markup c/mnt c/finduses $(LIB)
+- cd $(LIBSRC); make ICONT=$(ICONT) ICONC=$(ICONC) LIB=$(LIB) BIN=$(BIN) install
+- cd lib; make LIB=$(LIB) install
++ cp c/nt c/markup c/mnt c/finduses $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
++ $(MAKE) -C lib DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LIB=$(LIB) install
+ uninstall-code: uninstall-shell
+- rm $(LIB)/nt $(LIB)/markup $(LIB)/mnt $(LIB)/finduses
+- cd $(LIBSRC); make ICONT=$(ICONT) ICONC=$(ICONC) LIB=$(LIB) BIN=$(BIN) uninstall
+- cd lib; make LIB=$(LIB) uninstall
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/nt $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/markup $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/mnt $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/finduses
++ $(MAKE) -C lib DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LIB=$(LIB) uninstall
+ install-man:
+- -mkdir $(MAN) $(MANDIR) $(MAN7DIR) 2>/dev/null
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/cpif.1 > $(MANDIR)/cpif.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nodefs.1 > $(MANDIR)/nodefs.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noroots.1 > $(MANDIR)/noroots.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noweb.1 > $(MANDIR)/noweb.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noindex.1 > $(MANDIR)/noindex.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nuweb2noweb.1 > $(MANDIR)/nuweb2noweb.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/notangle.1 > $(MANDIR)/notangle.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noroff.1 > $(MANDIR)/noroff.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/sl2h.1 > $(MANDIR)/sl2h.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/htmltoc.1 > $(MANDIR)/htmltoc.$(MANEXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nowebstyle.7 > $(MAN7DIR)/nowebstyle.$(MAN7EXT)
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nowebfilters.7 > $(MAN7DIR)/nowebfilters.$(MAN7EXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/noweave.$(MANEXT)
+- (cd $(MANDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT) noweave.$(MANEXT))
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/nountangle.$(MANEXT)
+- (cd $(MANDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT) nountangle.$(MANEXT))
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/cpif.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/cpif.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nodefs.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nodefs.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noroots.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noroots.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noweb.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noweb.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noindex.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noindex.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nuweb2noweb.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nuweb2noweb.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/notangle.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/notangle.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noroff.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noroff.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/sl2h.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/sl2h.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/htmltoc.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/htmltoc.$(MANEXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nowebstyle.7 > $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/nowebstyle.$(MAN7EXT)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nowebfilters.7 > $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/nowebfilters.$(MAN7EXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noweave.$(MANEXT)
++ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT) noweave.$(MANEXT))
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nountangle.$(MANEXT)
++ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT) nountangle.$(MANEXT))
+ uninstall-man:
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/cpif.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/nodefs.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/noroots.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/noweb.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/noindex.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/nuweb2noweb.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/notangle.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/noroff.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/sl2h.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/htmltoc.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MAN7DIR)/nowebstyle.$(MAN7EXT)
+- rm -f $(MAN7DIR)/nowebfilters.$(MAN7EXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/noweave.$(MANEXT)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/nountangle.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/cpif.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nodefs.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noroots.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noweb.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noindex.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nuweb2noweb.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/notangle.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noroff.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/sl2h.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/htmltoc.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/nowebstyle.$(MAN7EXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/nowebfilters.$(MAN7EXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noweave.$(MANEXT)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nountangle.$(MANEXT)
+ install-gzipped-man:
+- -mkdir $(MAN) $(MANDIR) $(MAN7DIR) 2>/dev/null
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/cpif.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/cpif.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nodefs.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/nodefs.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noroots.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/noroots.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noweb.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/noweb.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noindex.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/noindex.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nuweb2noweb.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/nuweb2noweb.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/notangle.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/notangle.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noroff.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/noroff.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/sl2h.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/sl2h.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/htmltoc.1 | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/htmltoc.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nowebstyle.7 | gzip -9 > $(MAN7DIR)/nowebstyle.$(MAN7EXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nowebfilters.7 | gzip -9 > $(MAN7DIR)/nowebfilters.$(MAN7EXT).gz
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/noweave.$(MANEXT).gz
+- (cd $(MANDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT).gz noweave.$(MANEXT).gz)
+- rm -f $(MANDIR)/nountangle.$(MANEXT).gz
+- (cd $(MANDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT).gz nountangle.$(MANEXT).gz)
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/cpif.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/cpif.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nodefs.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nodefs.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noroots.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noroots.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noweb.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noweb.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noindex.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noindex.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nuweb2noweb.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nuweb2noweb.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/notangle.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/notangle.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noroff.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noroff.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/sl2h.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/sl2h.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/htmltoc.1 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/htmltoc.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nowebstyle.7 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/nowebstyle.$(MAN7EXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nowebfilters.7 | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/nowebfilters.$(MAN7EXT).gz
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/noweave.$(MANEXT).gz
++ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT).gz noweave.$(MANEXT).gz)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/nountangle.$(MANEXT).gz
++ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT).gz nountangle.$(MANEXT).gz)
+ install-preformat-man:
+ -echo "Warning: install-preformat-man is obsolete, even on Slackware systems" 1>&2
+- -mkdir $(MAN) $(CATDIR) $(CAT7DIR) 2>/dev/null
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/cpif.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/cpif.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nodefs.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/nodefs.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noroots.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/noroots.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noweb.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/noweb.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noindex.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/noindex.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nuweb2noweb.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/nuweb2noweb.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/notangle.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/notangle.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/noroff.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/noroff.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/sl2h.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/sl2h.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/htmltoc.txt | gzip > $(CATDIR)/htmltoc.$(MANEXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nowebstyle.txt | gzip > $(CAT7DIR)/nowebstyle.$(MAN7EXT).gz
+- sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@" xdoc/nowebfilters.txt | gzip > $(CAT7DIR)/nowebfilters.$(MAN7EXT).gz
+- rm -f $(CATDIR)/noweave.$(MANEXT).gz
+- (cd $(CATDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT).gz noweave.$(MANEXT).gz)
+- rm -f $(CATDIR)/nountangle.$(MANEXT).gz
+- (cd $(CATDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT).gz nountangle.$(MANEXT).gz)
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(CAT7DIR)
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/cpif.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/cpif.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nodefs.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/nodefs.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noroots.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/noroots.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noweb.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/noweb.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noindex.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/noindex.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nuweb2noweb.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/nuweb2noweb.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/notangle.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/notangle.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/noroff.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/noroff.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/sl2h.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/sl2h.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/htmltoc.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/htmltoc.$(MANEXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nowebstyle.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CAT7DIR)/nowebstyle.$(MAN7EXT).gz
++ sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@" xdoc/nowebfilters.txt | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CAT7DIR)/nowebfilters.$(MAN7EXT).gz
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/noweave.$(MANEXT).gz
++ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT).gz noweave.$(MANEXT).gz)
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/nountangle.$(MANEXT).gz
++ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT).gz nountangle.$(MANEXT).gz)
+ install-tex:
+- -mkdir $(TEXINPUTS) 2>/dev/null
+- cp tex/nwmac.tex tex/noweb.sty $(TEXINPUTS)
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(TEXINPUTS)
++ cp tex/nwmac.tex tex/noweb.sty $(DESTDIR)$(TEXINPUTS)
+ -texhash || echo "Program texhash not found or failed"
+ uninstall-tex:
+- rm -f $(TEXINPUTS)/nwmac.tex $(TEXINPUTS)/noweb.sty
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(TEXINPUTS)/nwmac.tex $(DESTDIR)$(TEXINPUTS)/noweb.sty
+ install-elisp:
+- -mkdir $(ELISP) 2>/dev/null
+- cp elisp/noweb-mode.el $(ELISP)
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(ELISP)
++ cp elisp/noweb-mode.el $(DESTDIR)$(ELISP)
+ uninstall-elisp:
+- rm -f $(ELISP)/noweb-mode.el
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(ELISP)/noweb-mode.el
+ checkin:
+- for i in lib tex xdoc; do (cd $$i; make "CINAME=$(CINAME)" "CIMSG=$(CIMSG)" checkin); done
++ for i in lib tex xdoc; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i "CINAME=$(CINAME)" "CIMSG=$(CIMSG)" checkin); done
+ for i in c icon awk; do (cd $$i; ci -l $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) *.nw Makefile); done
+ (cd elisp; ci -l $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) *.el)
+ source: FAQ
+- for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do (cd $$i; make CPIF=">" source); done
++ for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i CPIF=">" source); done
+ sleep 1
+- for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do (cd $$i; make touch); done
++ for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i touch); done
+ touch:
+ touch FAQ
+- for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do (cd $$i; make touch); done
++ for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i touch); done
+ clean:
+- for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do (cd $$i; make clean); done
+- rm -f nwsrcfilter *~ */*~
++ for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i clean); done
++ $(RM) nwsrcfilter *~ */*~
+ clobber: clean
+- for i in c lib icon awk xdoc; do (cd $$i; make clobber); done
++ for i in c lib icon awk xdoc; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i clobber); done
+ Makefile: Makefile.nw
+- chmod +w Makefile
+- notangle -R'script' Makefile.nw | sh > Makefile
+- chmod -w Makefile
++ chmod +w $@
++ notangle -R'script' $< | sh > $@
++ chmod -w $@
+diff --git a/src/Makefile.nw b/src/Makefile.nw
+--- a/src/Makefile.nw
++++ b/src/Makefile.nw
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+ ELISP=/dev/null
+ # change WEAVE if you want a different version of noweave to be installed
+ # Stop editing. No user-serviceable parts below.
+ SHELL=/bin/sh
+@@ -42,46 +42,44 @@
+ MAN7DIR=$(MAN)/man$(MAN7EXT)
+ CAT7DIR=$(MAN)/cat$(MAN7EXT)
+- cd c; make "CC=$(CC)" "CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)" all
+- for i in shell lib xdoc tex; do (cd $$i; make all); done
+- cd $(LIBSRC); make "ICONT=$(ICONT)" "ICONC=$(ICONC)" all
++ $(MAKE) -C c "CC=$(CC)" "CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)" all
++ for i in shell lib xdoc tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i all); done
+ FAQ: FAQ.html
+- sleep 1; html2ascii FAQ.html > FAQ
++ sleep 1; html2ascii $< > $@
+ FAQ.html: $(HOME)/www/noweb/FAQ.html
+- rm -f FAQ.html
+- /bin/cp $(HOME)/www/noweb/FAQ.html FAQ.html
+- chmod -w FAQ.html
++ $(RM) $@
++ cp $< $@
++ chmod -w $@
+ install: install-code install-man install-tex install-elisp
+ uninstall: uninstall-code uninstall-man uninstall-tex uninstall-elisp
+- -rmdir $(BIN) $(LIB) 2>/dev/null
++ -rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB) 2>/dev/null
+ install-shell:
+- -mkdir $(BIN) $(LIB) 2>/dev/null
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
+ <<shell binaries>>
+- cp shell/tmac.w $(LIB)
++ cp shell/tmac.w $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
+ uninstall-shell:
+ <<uninstall shell binaries>>
+- rm $(LIB)/tmac.w
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/tmac.w
+ install-code: install-shell
+- -mkdir $(BIN) $(LIB) 2>/dev/null
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
+ strip c/nt c/markup c/mnt c/finduses
+- cp c/nt c/markup c/mnt c/finduses $(LIB)
+- cd $(LIBSRC); make ICONT=$(ICONT) ICONC=$(ICONC) LIB=$(LIB) BIN=$(BIN) install
+- cd lib; make LIB=$(LIB) install
++ cp c/nt c/markup c/mnt c/finduses $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
++ $(MAKE) -C lib DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LIB=$(LIB) install
+ uninstall-code: uninstall-shell
+- rm $(LIB)/nt $(LIB)/markup $(LIB)/mnt $(LIB)/finduses
+- cd $(LIBSRC); make ICONT=$(ICONT) ICONC=$(ICONC) LIB=$(LIB) BIN=$(BIN) uninstall
+- cd lib; make LIB=$(LIB) uninstall
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/nt $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/markup $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/mnt $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/finduses
++ $(MAKE) -C lib DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LIB=$(LIB) uninstall
+ @ I do the [[<<shell binaries>>]] before [[$(LIBSRC)]] so that the
+ Icon version of [[htmltoc]], if present, will overwrite the Perl
+ version.
+@@ -91,36 +89,36 @@
+ noroff
+ do
+ echo '@<<shell binaries@>>='
+- echo 'sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@"' "shell/$i" '> $(BIN)/'"$i"
+- echo 'chmod +x $(BIN)/'"$i"
++ echo 'sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@"' "shell/$i" '> $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/'"$i"
++ echo 'chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/'"$i"
+ echo '@<<uninstall shell binaries@>>='
+- echo 'rm -f $(BIN)/'"$i"
++ echo '$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)/'"$i"
+ done
+ for i in toroff
+ do
+ echo '@<<shell binaries@>>='
+- echo 'sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@"' "shell/$i" '> $(LIB)/'"$i"
+- echo 'chmod +x $(LIB)/'"$i"
++ echo 'sed "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@"' "shell/$i" '> $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/'"$i"
++ echo 'chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/'"$i"
+ echo '@<<uninstall shell binaries@>>='
+- echo 'rm -f $(LIB)/'"$i"
++ echo '$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/'"$i"
+ done
+ <<*>>=
+ install-man:
+- -mkdir $(MAN) $(MANDIR) $(MAN7DIR) 2>/dev/null
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)
+ <<ordinary pages>>
+ uninstall-man:
+ <<uninstall ordinary pages>>
+ Slackware no longer uses preformatted compressed pages, just
+ compressed pages.
+ <<*>>=
+ install-gzipped-man:
+- -mkdir $(MAN) $(MANDIR) $(MAN7DIR) 2>/dev/null
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)
+ <<compressed pages>>
+ <<*>>=
+ install-preformat-man:
+ -echo "Warning: install-preformat-man is obsolete, even on Slackware systems" 1>&2
+- -mkdir $(MAN) $(CATDIR) $(CAT7DIR) 2>/dev/null
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(CAT7DIR)
+ <<preformatted compressed pages>>
+ <<generate chunks>>=
+ NORMALPAGES="cpif nodefs noroots noweb noindex nuweb2noweb notangle noroff sl2h htmltoc"
+@@ -130,96 +128,96 @@
+ for i in $NORMALPAGES; do
+ echo '@<<ordinary pages@>>='
+- echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@"' \
+- "xdoc/$i.1" '> $(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT)'
++ echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@"' \
++ "xdoc/$i.1" '> $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT)'
+ echo '@<<uninstall ordinary pages@>>='
+- echo 'rm -f $(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT)'
++ echo '$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT)'
+ done
+ for i in $NORMAL7PAGES; do
+ echo '@<<ordinary pages@>>='
+- echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@"' \
+- "xdoc/$i.7" '> $(MAN7DIR)/'"$i"'.$(MAN7EXT)'
++ echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@"' \
++ "xdoc/$i.7" '> $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/'"$i"'.$(MAN7EXT)'
+ echo '@<<uninstall ordinary pages@>>='
+- echo 'rm -f $(MAN7DIR)/'"$i"'.$(MAN7EXT)'
++ echo '$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/'"$i"'.$(MAN7EXT)'
+ done
+ for i in $LINKPAGES; do
+ echo '@<<ordinary pages@>>='
+- echo 'rm -f $(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT)'
+- echo '(cd $(MANDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT)' "$i"'.$(MANEXT))'
++ echo '$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT)'
++ echo '(cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT)' "$i"'.$(MANEXT))'
+ echo '@<<uninstall ordinary pages@>>='
+- echo 'rm -f $(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT)'
++ echo '$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT)'
+ done
+ echo '@<<compressed pages@>>='
+ for i in $NORMALPAGES; do
+- echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@"' \
+- "xdoc/$i.1" ' | gzip -9 > $(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz'
++ echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@"' \
++ "xdoc/$i.1" ' | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz'
+ done
+ for i in $NORMAL7PAGES; do
+- echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@"' \
+- "xdoc/$i.7" ' | gzip -9 > $(MAN7DIR)/'"$i"'.$(MAN7EXT).gz'
++ echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@"' \
++ "xdoc/$i.7" ' | gzip -9 > $(DESTDIR)$(MAN7DIR)/'"$i"'.$(MAN7EXT).gz'
+ done
+ for i in $LINKPAGES; do
+- echo 'rm -f $(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz'
+- echo '(cd $(MANDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT).gz' "$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz)'
++ echo '$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz'
++ echo '(cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT).gz' "$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz)'
+ done
+ echo '@<<preformatted compressed pages@>>='
+ for i in $NORMALPAGES; do
+- echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@"' \
+- "xdoc/$i.txt" ' | gzip > $(CATDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz'
++ echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@"' \
++ "xdoc/$i.txt" ' | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz'
+ done
+ for i in $NORMAL7PAGES; do
+- echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIBNAME)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXNAME)@"' \
+- "xdoc/$i.txt" ' | gzip > $(CAT7DIR)/'"$i"'.$(MAN7EXT).gz'
++ echo 'sed -e "s@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@" -e "s@|TEXINPUTS|@$(TEXINPUTS)@"' \
++ "xdoc/$i.txt" ' | gzip > $(DESTDIR)$(CAT7DIR)/'"$i"'.$(MAN7EXT).gz'
+ done
+ for i in $LINKPAGES; do
+- echo 'rm -f $(CATDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz'
+- echo '(cd $(CATDIR); ln notangle.$(MANEXT).gz' "$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz)'
++ echo '$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR)/'"$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz'
++ echo '(cd $(DESTDIR)$(CATDIR) && ln -s notangle.$(MANEXT).gz' "$i"'.$(MANEXT).gz)'
+ done
+ <<*>>=
+ install-tex:
+- -mkdir $(TEXINPUTS) 2>/dev/null
+- cp tex/nwmac.tex tex/noweb.sty $(TEXINPUTS)
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(TEXINPUTS)
++ cp tex/nwmac.tex tex/noweb.sty $(DESTDIR)$(TEXINPUTS)
+ -texhash || echo "Program texhash not found or failed"
+ uninstall-tex:
+- rm -f $(TEXINPUTS)/nwmac.tex $(TEXINPUTS)/noweb.sty
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(TEXINPUTS)/nwmac.tex $(DESTDIR)$(TEXINPUTS)/noweb.sty
+ install-elisp:
+- -mkdir $(ELISP) 2>/dev/null
+- cp elisp/noweb-mode.el $(ELISP)
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(ELISP)
++ cp elisp/noweb-mode.el $(DESTDIR)$(ELISP)
+ uninstall-elisp:
+- rm -f $(ELISP)/noweb-mode.el
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(ELISP)/noweb-mode.el
+ <<*>>=
+ checkin:
+- for i in lib tex xdoc; do (cd $$i; make "CINAME=$(CINAME)" "CIMSG=$(CIMSG)" checkin); done
++ for i in lib tex xdoc; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i "CINAME=$(CINAME)" "CIMSG=$(CIMSG)" checkin); done
+ for i in c icon awk; do (cd $$i; ci -l $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) *.nw Makefile); done
+ (cd elisp; ci -l $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) *.el)
+ source: FAQ
+- for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do (cd $$i; make CPIF=">" source); done
++ for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i CPIF=">" source); done
+ sleep 1
+- for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do (cd $$i; make touch); done
++ for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i touch); done
+ touch:
+ touch FAQ
+- for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do (cd $$i; make touch); done
++ for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i touch); done
+ clean:
+- for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do (cd $$i; make clean); done
+- rm -f nwsrcfilter *~ */*~
++ for i in c shell lib xdoc icon awk tex; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i clean); done
++ $(RM) nwsrcfilter *~ */*~
+ clobber: clean
+- for i in c lib icon awk xdoc; do (cd $$i; make clobber); done
++ for i in c lib icon awk xdoc; do ($(MAKE) -C $$i clobber); done
+ Makefile: Makefile.nw
+- chmod +w Makefile
+- notangle -R'script' Makefile.nw | sh > Makefile
+- chmod -w Makefile
++ chmod +w $@
++ notangle -R'script' $< | sh > $@
++ chmod -w $@
+diff --git a/src/awk/Makefile b/src/awk/Makefile
+--- a/src/awk/Makefile
++++ b/src/awk/Makefile
+@@ -6,33 +6,34 @@
+ SHELL=/bin/sh
+ LIBEXECS=totex noidx tohtml
+-all: $(EXECS)
++all: $(EXECS)
+ chmod +x $(EXECS)
+ sources: $(EXECS)
+ touch: $(EXECS)
+ touch $(EXECS)
+ install: all
+- cp $(LIBEXECS) $(LIB)
+- cp $(BINEXECS) $(BIN)
+ source: $(EXECS)
+ totex: totex.nw
+- notangle -Rtotex totex.nw > totex
++ notangle -Rtotex $< > $@
+ noidx: noidx.nw
+- notangle noidx.nw > noidx
++ notangle $< > $@
+ tohtml: tohtml.nw
+- notangle tohtml.nw > tohtml
++ notangle $< > $@
+-noindex: noindex.nw
+- notangle -Rnoindex noindex.nw > noindex
++noindex: noindex.nw
++ notangle -Rnoindex $< > $@
+-clean: ; rm -f *.log *.blg *.dvi *.toc *.aux *.tex *~ *.html
++ $(RM) *.log *.blg *.dvi *.toc *.aux *.tex *~ *.html
+ clobber: clean
+- rm -f totex noidx tohtml noindex
++ $(RM) totex noidx tohtml noindex
+diff --git a/src/c/Makefile b/src/c/Makefile
+--- a/src/c/Makefile
++++ b/src/c/Makefile
+@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
+ main.o errors.o columns.o
+ MARKUPOBJS=markmain.o strsave.o markup.o errors.o getline.o columns.o
+ FILES=markmain.nw markup.nw \
+- main.nw notangle.nw match.nw mnt.nw modules.nw modtrees.nw \
+- finduses.nw recognize.nw \
+- getline.nw columns.nw errors.nw strsave.nw
++ main.nw notangle.nw match.nw mnt.nw modules.nw modtrees.nw \
++ finduses.nw recognize.nw \
++ getline.nw columns.nw errors.nw strsave.nw
+ SRCS=columns.h errors.h getline.h markup.h match.h modtrees.h \
+ modules.h notangle.h recognize.h strsave.h \
+ columns.c errors.c getline.c finduses.c main.c markmain.c markup.c match.c \
+ mnt.c modtrees.c modules.c notangle.c readme.c recognize.c strsave.c \
+- markup.ps
++ markup.ps
+ NAME='name of RCS version'
+ NOTANGLE=notangle
+@@ -32,76 +32,76 @@
+ CPIF=>
+ .SUFFIXES: .nw .tex .dvi .h
+-.nw.tex: ; noweave $*.nw >$*.tex
+-.nw.c: ; $(NOTANGLE) -L $*.nw >$*.c
+-.nw.o: ; $(NOTANGLE) -L $*.nw >$*.c
+- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
+-.nw.h: ; $(NOTANGLE) -Rheader $*.nw $(CPIF) $*.h
++ noweave $*.nw >$*.tex
++ $(NOTANGLE) -L $*.nw >$*.c
++ $(NOTANGLE) -L $*.nw >$*.c
++ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
++ $(NOTANGLE) -Rheader $*.nw $(CPIF) $*.h
+-all: nt markup mnt finduses
++all: nt markup mnt finduses
+- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o nt $(TANGLEOBJS)
++ $(LINK.c) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
+-finduses: $(FINDUSESOBJS)
+- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o finduses $(FINDUSESOBJS)
++finduses: $(FINDUSESOBJS)
++markup: $(MARKUPOBJS)
++mnt: $(MNTOBJS)
+-markup: $(MARKUPOBJS)
+- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o markup $(MARKUPOBJS)
+-mnt: $(MNTOBJS)
+- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o mnt $(MNTOBJS)
+-source: $(SRCS)
++source: $(SRCS)
+ touch: $(SRCS)
+ touch $(SRCS)
+-clean: ; rm -f nt markup mnt finduses fakepretty
+- rm -f core *.makelog *.tex *.log *.blg *.dvi *.o *.toc *~
+- rm -f *.atac *.trace *.html
++ $(RM) nt markup mnt finduses fakepretty
++ $(RM) core *.makelog *.tex *.log *.blg *.dvi *.o *.toc *~
++ $(RM) *.atac *.trace *.html
+-clobber: clean
+- rm -f $(SRCS) fakepretty.c pretty.[ch]
++clobber: clean
++ $(RM) $(SRCS) fakepretty.c pretty.[ch]
+-checkin: $(FILES) doc.nw
+- ci $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) -l $(FILES) doc.nw
++checkin: $(FILES) doc.nw
++ ci $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) -l $(FILES) doc.nw
+-doc.tex: doc.nw
+- cp doc.nw doc.tex
++doc.tex: doc.nw
++ cp $< $@
+ allcode.tex: $(FILES)
+- noweave -n -index $(FILES) > allcode.tex
++ noweave -n -index $^ > $@
+-doc.dvi: doc.tex allcode.tex
+- latex doc; latex doc; latex doc
++doc.dvi: doc.tex allcode.tex
++ latex doc
++ latex doc
++ latex doc
+ doc.ps: doc.dvi
+ dvips doc
+ markup.ps: markmain.nw
+- notangle -Rmarkup.dot markmain.nw | dot -Tps > markup.ps
++ notangle -Rmarkup.dot $< | dot -Tps > $@
+ FPOBJS=fakepretty.o pretty.o errors.o getline.o match.o strsave.o columns.o
+ fakepretty.o: pretty.h
+ fakepretty: $(FPOBJS)
+- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o fakepretty $(FPOBJS)
+-columns.o: columns.h
+-errors.o: errors.h
+-finduses.o: errors.h match.h getline.h recognize.h
+-getline.o: columns.h errors.h getline.h
++columns.o: columns.h
++errors.o: errors.h
++finduses.o: errors.h match.h getline.h recognize.h
++getline.o: columns.h errors.h getline.h
+ main.o: notangle.h errors.h columns.h modules.h modtrees.h
+-markmain.o: errors.h markup.h getline.h columns.h
+-markup.o: markup.h strsave.h errors.h
+-match.o: match.h
+-mnt.o: modules.h modtrees.h notangle.h errors.h columns.h strsave.h
+-modtrees.o: strsave.h modules.h modtrees.h errors.h
+-modules.o: modules.h modtrees.h errors.h columns.h strsave.h
+-notangle.o: strsave.h getline.h modules.h modtrees.h errors.h match.h notangle.h
+-pretty.o: getline.h match.h errors.h pretty.h strsave.h
+-strsave.o: strsave.h errors.h
++markmain.o: errors.h markup.h getline.h columns.h
++markup.o: markup.h strsave.h errors.h
++match.o: match.h
++mnt.o: modules.h modtrees.h notangle.h errors.h columns.h strsave.h
++modtrees.o: strsave.h modules.h modtrees.h errors.h
++modules.o: modules.h modtrees.h errors.h columns.h strsave.h
++notangle.o: strsave.h getline.h modules.h modtrees.h errors.h match.h notangle.h
++pretty.o: getline.h match.h errors.h pretty.h strsave.h
++strsave.o: strsave.h errors.h
+diff --git a/src/icon/Makefile b/src/icon/Makefile
+--- a/src/icon/Makefile
++++ b/src/icon/Makefile
+@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
+ CPIF=| cpif # change to ">" to insure all sources always made
+ LIBEXECS=totex disambiguate noidx tohtml elide l2h docs2comments \
+- autodefs.tex autodefs.icon autodefs.yacc autodefs.sml autodefs.pascal \
++ autodefs.tex autodefs.icon autodefs.yacc autodefs.sml autodefs.pascal \
+ autodefs.promela autodefs.lrtl autodefs.asdl autodefs.mmix xchunks pipedocs
+ LIBSPECIAL=autodefs.cee
+ BINEXECS=noindex sl2h htmltoc
+ SRCS=totex.icn disambiguate.icn noidx.icn texdefs.icn icondefs.icn \
+- yaccdefs.icn noindex.icn smldefs.icn tohtml.icn cdefs.icn elide.icn \
++ yaccdefs.icn noindex.icn smldefs.icn tohtml.icn cdefs.icn elide.icn \
+ l2h.icn sl2h.icn pascaldefs.icn promeladefs.icn lrtldefs.icn asdldefs.icn \
+ mmixdefs.icn htmltoc.icn xchunks.icn
+@@ -32,112 +32,112 @@
+ touch $(SRCS)
+ install: $(EXECS)
+- cp $(LIBEXECS) $(LIB)
+- cp $(BINEXECS) $(BIN)
+- cp $(LIBSPECIAL) $(LIB)/autodefs.c
++ cp $(LIBSPECIAL) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/autodefs.c
+ clean:
+- /bin/rm -f *.tex *.dvi *.aux *.log *.blg *.bbl *~ *.toc *.html *.u1 *.u2
+- /bin/rm -f *.[ch] *.ps *.gz
+- /bin/rm -f $(EXECS)
+- /bin/rm -f sl2h
++ $(RM) *.tex *.dvi *.aux *.log *.blg *.bbl *~ *.toc *.html *.u1 *.u2
++ $(RM) *.[ch] *.ps *.gz
++ $(RM) $(EXECS)
++ $(RM) sl2h
+ clobber: clean
+- /bin/rm -f *.icn
++ $(RM) *.icn
+ texdefs.icn: texdefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' texdefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) texdefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ icondefs.icn: icondefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' icondefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) icondefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ yaccdefs.icn: yaccdefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' yaccdefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) yaccdefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ smldefs.icn: smldefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' smldefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) smldefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ cdefs.icn: cdefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' cdefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) cdefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ pascaldefs.icn: pascaldefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' pascaldefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) pascaldefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ promeladefs.icn: promeladefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' promeladefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) promeladefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ lrtldefs.icn: lrtldefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' lrtldefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) lrtldefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ asdldefs.icn: asdldefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' asdldefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) asdldefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ mmixdefs.icn: mmixdefs.nw defns.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' mmixdefs.nw defns.nw $(CPIF) mmixdefs.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' $^ $(CPIF) $@
+ autodefs.tex: texdefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.tex texdefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.icon: icondefs.icn
+- $(ICONC) -o autodefs.icon icondefs.icn
++ $(ICONC) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.yacc: yaccdefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.yacc yaccdefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.sml: smldefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.sml smldefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.cee: cdefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.cee cdefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.pascal: pascaldefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.pascal pascaldefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.promela: promeladefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.promela promeladefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.lrtl: lrtldefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.lrtl lrtldefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.asdl: asdldefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.asdl asdldefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ autodefs.mmix: mmixdefs.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o autodefs.mmix mmixdefs.icn
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $<
+ totex: totex.icn
+- $(ICONC) totex.icn
++ $(ICONC) $<
+ totexnr: totexnr.icn
+- $(ICONT) totexnr.icn
++ $(ICONT) $<
+ tohtml: tohtml.icn
+- $(ICONC) tohtml.icn
++ $(ICONC) $<
+ docs2comments: docs2comments.icn
+- $(ICONT) docs2comments.icn # no longer compiles with iconc
++ $(ICONT) $< # no longer compiles with iconc
+ xchunks: xchunks.icn
+- $(ICONT) xchunks.icn
++ $(ICONT) $<
+ l2h.icn: l2h.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' -R'l2h.icn' l2h.nw $(CPIF) l2h.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' -R'l2h.icn' $< $(CPIF) $@
+ l2h: l2h.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o l2h l2h.icn # no longer compiles with iconc
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $< # no longer compiles with iconc
+ sl2h.icn: l2h.nw
+- notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' -R'sl2h.icn' l2h.nw $(CPIF) sl2h.icn
++ notangle -L'#line %-1L "%F"%N' -R'sl2h.icn' $< $(CPIF) $@
+ sl2h: sl2h.icn
+- $(ICONT) -o sl2h sl2h.icn # no longer compiles with iconc
++ $(ICONT) -o $@ $< # no longer compiles with iconc
+ noindex: noindex.icn
+- $(ICONT) noindex.icn
++ $(ICONT) $<
+ noidx: noidx.icn
+- $(ICONT) noidx.icn # no longer compiles with iconc
++ $(ICONT) $< # no longer compiles with iconc
+ elide: elide.icn
+- $(ICONT) elide.icn
++ $(ICONT) $<
+ pipedocs: pipedocs.icn
+- $(ICONT) pipedocs.icn
++ $(ICONT) $<
+ pdcached: pdcached.icn
+- $(ICONT) pdcached.icn
++ $(ICONT) $<
+ disambiguate: disambiguate.icn
+- $(ICONT) disambiguate.icn
++ $(ICONT) $<
+ htmltoc: htmltoc.icn
+- $(ICONT) htmltoc.icn
++ $(ICONT) $<
+diff --git a/src/lib/Makefile b/src/lib/Makefile
+--- a/src/lib/Makefile
++++ b/src/lib/Makefile
+@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
+ chmod +x unmarkup emptydefn toascii nwmtime pipedocs h2a btdefn
+ install: all
+- cp unmarkup emptydefn toascii nwmtime h2a btdefn $(LIB)
+- sed 's@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@g' pipedocs > $(LIB)/pipedocs
+- chmod +x $(LIB)/pipedocs
++ cp unmarkup emptydefn toascii nwmtime h2a btdefn $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)
++ sed 's@|LIBDIR|@$(LIB)@g' pipedocs > $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/pipedocs
++ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(LIB)/pipedocs
+ checkin:
+ ci -l $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) $(RCSFILES)
+@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
+ touch toascii
+ toascii: toascii.nw
+- notangle -Rtoascii toascii.nw > toascii
++ notangle -Rtoascii $< > $@
+-clean: ; rm -f *.log *.blg *.dvi *.toc *.aux *.tex *~
++ $(RM) *.log *.blg *.dvi *.toc *.aux *.tex *~
+ clobber: clean
+- rm -f toascii
++ $(RM) toascii
+diff --git a/src/shell/Makefile b/src/shell/Makefile
+--- a/src/shell/Makefile
++++ b/src/shell/Makefile
+@@ -9,25 +9,27 @@
+-all: $(SRCS)
++all: $(SRCS)
+ source: $(SRCS)
+-touch: $(SRCS)
++touch: $(SRCS)
+ touch $(SRCS)
+ checkin:
+ ci -l $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) $(RCSFILES)
+ noweave: noweave.nw
+- notangle -Rnoweave noweave.nw > noweave
++ notangle -Rnoweave $< > $@
+ notangle: notangle.nw
+- notangle -Rnotangle notangle.nw > notangle
++ notangle -Rnotangle $< > $@
+-noweb: noweb.nw
+- notangle -Rnoweb noweb.nw > noweb
++noweb: noweb.nw
++ notangle -Rnoweb $< > $@
+ noroff toroff tmac.w: roff.nw
+- noweb -t roff.nw
++ noweb -t $<
+-clean: ; rm -f *.log *.blg *.dvi *.toc *.aux *.tex *~
+-clobber: clean ; rm -f $(SRCS)
++ $(RM) *.log *.blg *.dvi *.toc *.aux *.tex *~
++clobber: clean
++ $(RM) $(SRCS)
+diff --git a/src/tex/Makefile b/src/tex/Makefile
+--- a/src/tex/Makefile
++++ b/src/tex/Makefile
+@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
+ ci -l $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) $(RCSFILES)
+ nwmac.tex: support.nw
+- notangle -Rnwmac.tex support.nw > nwmac.tex
++ notangle -Rnwmac.tex $< > $@
+ noweb.sty: support.nw
+- notangle -Rnoweb.sty support.nw > noweb.sty
++ notangle -Rnoweb.sty $< > $@
+ support.tex: support.nw
+- noweave -delay -x support.nw > support.tex
++ noweave -delay -x $< > $@
+- /bin/rm -f *~ *.dvi *.aux *.log *.blg *.bbl *.toc
+- /bin/rm -f support.tex
++ $(RM) *~ *.dvi *.aux *.log *.blg *.bbl *.toc
++ $(RM) support.tex
+diff --git a/src/xdoc/Makefile b/src/xdoc/Makefile
+--- a/src/xdoc/Makefile
++++ b/src/xdoc/Makefile
+@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
+ WWW=$(HOME)/www/noweb
+ SHELL=/bin/sh
+ .SUFFIXES: .1 .7 .txt .ps
+-.1.txt: ; nroff -man $*.1 > $*.txt
+-.1.ps: ; psroff -t -man $*.1 > $*.ps
+-.7.txt: ; nroff -man $*.7 > $*.txt
+-.7.ps: ; psroff -t -man $*.7 > $*.ps
++ nroff -man $*.1 > $*.txt
++ psroff -t -man $*.1 > $*.ps
++ nroff -man $*.7 > $*.txt
++ psroff -t -man $*.7 > $*.ps
+ MANPAGES=notangle.1 cpif.1 noweb.1 nodefs.1 noroots.1 noindex.1 \
+- nowebstyle.7 nowebfilters.7 nuweb2noweb.1 sl2h.1 htmltoc.1 \
++ nowebstyle.7 nowebfilters.7 nuweb2noweb.1 sl2h.1 htmltoc.1 \
+ noroff.1
+ TXTPAGES=notangle.txt cpif.txt noweb.txt nodefs.txt noroots.txt noindex.txt \
+- nowebstyle.txt nowebfilters.txt nuweb2noweb.txt sl2h.txt htmltoc.txt \
++ nowebstyle.txt nowebfilters.txt nuweb2noweb.txt sl2h.txt htmltoc.txt \
+ noroff.txt
+@@ -30,52 +34,52 @@
+ ci -l $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) $(RCSFILES)
+ $(WWW)/onepage.ps: onepage.ps
+- cp onepage.ps $(WWW)
++ cp $< $@
+ $(WWW)/guide.ps: guide.ps
+- cp guide.ps $(WWW)
++ cp $< $@
+ $(WWW)/guide.html: guide.html
+- cp guide.html $(WWW)
++ cp $< $@
+ notangle.1: manpage.nw ../shell/noweave.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 -Rnotangle.1 manpage.nw ../shell/noweave.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > notangle.1
++ notangle -t8 -Rnotangle.1 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ nowebstyle.7: manpage.nw ../tex/support.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 -Rnowebstyle.7 manpage.nw ../tex/support.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > nowebstyle.7
++ notangle -t8 -Rnowebstyle.7 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ nowebfilters.7: nowebfilters.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 nowebfilters.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > nowebfilters.7
++ notangle -t8 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ noweb.1: manpage.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 -Rnoweb.1 manpage.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > noweb.1
++ notangle -t8 -Rnoweb.1 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ nodefs.1: nodefs.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 nodefs.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > nodefs.1
++ notangle -t8 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ noroots.1: noroots.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 noroots.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > noroots.1
++ notangle -t8 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ noindex.1: noindex.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 noindex.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > noindex.1
++ notangle -t8 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ sl2h.1: sl2h.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 sl2h.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > sl2h.1
++ notangle -t8 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ htmltoc.1: htmltoc.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 htmltoc.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > htmltoc.1
++ notangle -t8 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ cpif.1: manpage.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 -Rcpif.1 manpage.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > cpif.1
++ notangle -t8 -Rcpif.1 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ nuweb2noweb.1: manpage.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 -Rnuweb2noweb.1 manpage.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > nuweb2noweb.1
++ notangle -t8 -Rnuweb2noweb.1 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ noroff.1: noroff.nw docdate.nw
+- notangle -t8 noroff.nw docdate.nw | $(DOVERSION) > noroff.1
++ notangle -t8 $^ | $(DOVERSION) > $@
+ wc.tex: ../../examples/wc.nw
+- (cd ../../examples; noweave -n -index wc.nw) > wc.tex
++ (cd ../../examples; noweave -n -index wc.nw) > $@
+ techrep.dvi: techrep.tex wc.tex
+ latex '\scrollmode \input '"techrep"
+@@ -86,23 +90,23 @@
+ while grep -s 'Rerun to get cross-references right' onepage.log; do latex '\scrollmode \input '"onepage"; done
+ onepage.ps: onepage.dvi
+- dvips -P cmz -o onepage.ps onepage
++ dvips -P cmz -o $@ onepage
+ guide.dvi: guide.tex
+ latex '\scrollmode \input '"guide"
+ while grep -s 'Rerun to get cross-references right' guide.log; do latex '\scrollmode \input '"guide"; done
+ guide.ps: guide.dvi
+- dvips -P cmz -o guide.ps guide
++ dvips -P cmz -o $@ guide
+ guide.uu: guide.ps
+ gzip < guide.ps > guide.ps.gz
+- uuencode guide.ps.gz < guide.ps.gz > guide.uu
++ uuencode guide.ps.gz < guide.ps.gz > $@
+ guide.html: guide.dvi
+- sl2h guide.tex | htmltoc > guide.html
++ sl2h guide.tex | htmltoc > $@
+-clean: ; /bin/rm -f *.dvi *.log *.blg *~ wc.tex *.ps *.gz *.uu *.html
++ $(RM) *.dvi *.log *.blg *~ wc.tex *.ps *.gz *.uu *.html
+ clobber: clean
+- rm -f *.1 *.7 *.txt
++ $(RM) *.1 *.7 *.txt