path: root/desktop/icewm/icewm-xdg-menu
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Diffstat (limited to 'desktop/icewm/icewm-xdg-menu')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/desktop/icewm/icewm-xdg-menu b/desktop/icewm/icewm-xdg-menu
deleted file mode 100644
index 529f9e2ab3b4b..0000000000000
--- a/desktop/icewm/icewm-xdg-menu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-This script generates FreeDesktop application menu for IceWM window manager.
-Written by Konstantin Korikov <lostclus@ua.fm>, put in the public domain
-Requires pyxdg http://cvs.freedesktop.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/pyxdg/
-Add to $HOME/.icewm/menu this line:
- menuprog Applications - icewm-xdg-menu
-and restart IceWM.
-import sys
-import locale
-import getopt
-import re
-import xdg.Menu
-import xdg.DesktopEntry
-import xdg.IconTheme
-import xdg.Config
-version = "0.3"
-def print_usage(exit_code = 1):
- print """Usage: %s [options]
- --locale=locale set output languege and encoding
- --root-folder folder folder to generate (for example: /Games)
- --terminal command set terminal emulator command (default: xterm -e %%s)
- --default-folder-icon icon icon for folders that not provide Icon option
- --default-entry-icon icon icon for entries that not provide Icon option
- --with-theme-paths convert icon base names to icon absolute paths
- using icon theme
- --entire-menu print entire menu
- --icon-size set default icon size
- --theme theme set icon theme
- --help print this help and exit
- --version print version and exit
-""" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(exit_code)
-def print_version():
- print "%s version %s" % (
- os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), version)
- sys.exit(0)
-root_folder = ""
-terminal = "xterm -e %s"
-default_folder_icon = "folder"
-default_entry_icon = "-"
-entire_menu = False
-with_theme_paths = False
-icon_size = 16
-exec_clean1_re = re.compile(r'%[a-zA-Z]')
-exec_clean2_re = re.compile(r'%%')
-encoding = None
-locale_str = None
-def find_icon(entry):
- icon = entry.getIcon()
- if icon and with_theme_paths:
- icon = xdg.IconTheme.getIconPath(icon, icon_size) or icon
- return icon
-def process_menu(menu):
- for entry in menu.getEntries():
- if isinstance(entry, xdg.Menu.Menu):
- name = entry.getName() or entry.DesktopFileID
- icon = find_icon(entry) or default_folder_icon
- if entire_menu:
- print ("menu \"%s\" \"%s\" {" % (name, icon)).encode(encoding)
- process_menu(entry)
- print "}".encode(encoding)
- else:
- print (("menuprog \"%s\" \"%s\" %s" % (name, icon, sys.argv[0])) +
- (" --root-folder \"%s\"" % entry.getPath(org=True)) +
- (" --terminal \"%s\"" % terminal) +
- (" --default-folder-icon \"%s\"" % default_folder_icon) +
- (" --default-entry-icon \"%s\"" % default_entry_icon) +
- (" --theme \"%s\"" % xdg.Config.icon_theme) +
- (" --icon-size \"%d\"" % icon_size) +
- (with_theme_paths and " --with-theme-paths" or "")).encode(encoding),
- if locale_str:
- print (" --locale \"%s\"" % locale_str).encode(encoding),
- print
- elif isinstance(entry, xdg.Menu.MenuEntry):
- de = entry.DesktopEntry
- name = de.getName() or entry.DesktopFileID
- icon = find_icon(de) or default_entry_icon
- execute = exec_clean2_re.sub('%', exec_clean1_re.sub('', de.getExec()))
- if de.getTerminal(): execute = terminal % execute
- print ("prog \"%s\" \"%s\" %s" % (name, icon, execute)).encode(encoding)
-try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "",
- ("help", "version", "locale=",
- "root-folder=", "terminal=", "default-folder-icon=",
- "default-entry-icon=", "entire-menu", "theme=", "with-theme-paths",
- "icon-size="))
-except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage()
-locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
-for o, v in opts:
- if o == "--locale":
- locale_str = v
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_str)
- if o == "--root-folder": root_folder = v
- elif o == "--terminal": terminal = v
- elif o == "--default-folder-icon": default_folder_icon = v
- elif o == "--default-entry-icon": default_entry_icon = v
- elif o == "--entire-menu" : entire_menu = True
- elif o == "--with-theme-paths" : with_theme_paths = True
- elif o == "--icon-size": icon_size = int(v)
- elif o == "--theme" : xdg.Config.setIconTheme(v)
- elif o in ("-h", "-?", "--help"): print_usage(0)
- elif o in ("-v", "--version"): print_version()
-encoding = locale.getlocale()[1] or 'UTF-8'
-menu = xdg.Menu.parse()
-if root_folder: menu = menu.getMenu(root_folder)