diff options
-rw-r--r--games/nblood/icons/128.pngbin0 -> 16581 bytes
-rw-r--r--games/nblood/icons/256.pngbin0 -> 37567 bytes
-rw-r--r--games/nblood/icons/32.pngbin0 -> 2715 bytes
-rw-r--r--games/nblood/icons/48.pngbin0 -> 4501 bytes
-rw-r--r--games/nblood/icons/64.pngbin0 -> 6831 bytes
18 files changed, 483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games/nblood/README b/games/nblood/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..bed9e75816ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/README
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+nblood (game engine for Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, and Powerslave/Exhumed)
+nblood is a collection of reverse-engineered ports of Build games using
+EDuke32 engine technology and development principles.
+This package only includes the game engines. You'll have to provide the
+game data to actually play any of the games. See README_game_data.txt
+for the list of supported games and the data required for each one.
+Optional dependency: isextract. This is only needed to extract the game
+data from the Blood install CD.
diff --git a/games/nblood/README_game_data.txt b/games/nblood/README_game_data.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fc79a8aa69db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/README_game_data.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Game Data README for nblood
+nblood actually includes 3 game binaries: nblood itself, rednukem,
+and pcexhumed.
+The nblood binary plays only Blood version 1.21, and its add-on, Cryptic
+Passage. You'll need the "One Unit Whole Blood" CD-ROM: this is the only
+version of the game supported by nblood.
+If you want to include the game data in the nblood package:
+- First, install system/isextract. This is needed to extract the data.
+- Mount the CD-ROM (anywhere) before running the SlackBuild and the
+ build script will find the data there.
+- If you have an ISO image instead of a disc, just copy or symlink the .iso
+ file into the SlackBuild directory (no need to mount anything).
+If you have an installed copy of the game rather than a CD or ISO,
+you should be able to just copy it to /usr/share/games/nblood. Filename
+upper/lower case doesn't matter.
+If you're working from the original CD, you can also rip the audio
+tracks and convert them to ogg or flac. Follow the instructions in
+/usr/doc/nblood-$VERSION/README.md to hear them in the game.
+The rednukem binary only plays Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition v1.5 and
+possibly (untested) the Plutonium Pak.
+For Atomic Edition, all you need is the DUKE3D.GRP file from the install
+CD (mine's in atominst/ on the CD) or an installed copy of the game. It's
+44356548 bytes long and has an md5sum of 22b6938fe767e5cc57d1fe13080cd522.
+Copy this file to /usr/share/games/eduke32/ (no, that's not a typo,
+rednukem uses eduke32's data directory). The filename actually doesn't
+matter, rednukem uses the checksum to detect it.
+The pcexhumed binary plays:
+- Powerslave demo version. Install the powerslave_demo_data build to
+ play this.
+- The PC version of Exhumed. All I have is the demo version, and it fails
+ to play for me so I didn't make a package for it.
+- Supposedly the full versions of Powerslave and Exhumed are supported,
+ if you can find copies to try. Untested.
diff --git a/games/nblood/desktop/nblood-cryptic.desktop b/games/nblood/desktop/nblood-cryptic.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4b0e92fe790b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/desktop/nblood-cryptic.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=NBlood (Cryptic Passage)
+Comment=Blood Game Engine
+Exec=/usr/games/nblood -ini cryptic.ini %f
diff --git a/games/nblood/desktop/nblood.desktop b/games/nblood/desktop/nblood.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..eff4a1dab91bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/desktop/nblood.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Blood Game Engine
+Exec=/usr/games/nblood %f
diff --git a/games/nblood/desktop/pcexhumed.desktop b/games/nblood/desktop/pcexhumed.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2386b8a0630ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/desktop/pcexhumed.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Exhumed/Powerslave Game Engine
+Exec=/usr/games/pcexhumed %f
diff --git a/games/nblood/desktop/rednukem.desktop b/games/nblood/desktop/rednukem.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6624b1873fa7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/desktop/rednukem.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Duke 3D Game Engine
+Exec=/usr/games/rednukem %f
diff --git a/games/nblood/doinst.sh b/games/nblood/doinst.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..3e5691a052b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/doinst.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if [ -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database ]; then
+ /usr/bin/update-desktop-database -q usr/share/applications >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ -e usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache ]; then
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
+ /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache usr/share/icons/hicolor >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
diff --git a/games/nblood/extract-blood-data.sh b/games/nblood/extract-blood-data.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..374d2a13e558b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/extract-blood-data.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# extract-blood-data.sh - extract the game data from a mounted Blood
+# CD-ROM or (not mounted) .iso file in the current directory.
+# By B. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com>, released under the WTPL: Do WTF you
+# want with this.
+if [ "$( id -u )" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "$(basename $0) has to run as root because it needs to mount ISO images"
+ exit 1
+# Copy the game data here
+DEST="$( readlink -f "$DEST" )"
+# Deal with filenames case-insensitively
+shopt -s nocaseglob
+# Return true if directory $1 is a valid copy of the game.
+contents_ok() {
+ local mntpnt="$1"
+ [ -e "$mntpnt/blood.ini"* ] && \
+ [ -e "$mntpnt/data.z"* ] && \
+ [ -e "$mntpnt/readme.txt"* ] && \
+ head -n1 "$mntpnt/readme.txt"* | grep -q '^One Unit: WHOLE BLOOD(TM) v 1.21'
+ return $?
+# Try to find and mount a Blood ISO image, in the current directory.
+find_iso() {
+ local mntpnt="$1"
+ local iso
+ mkdir -p "$mntpnt"
+ for iso in *; do
+ [ -e "$iso" ] || continue
+ file -L --mime -b "$iso" | grep -qi 'iso.*9660' || continue
+ echo -n "Trying '$iso'... "
+ if /sbin/mount -o ro,loop -t iso9660 "$iso" "$mntpnt"; then
+ if contents_ok "$mntpnt"; then
+ echo "found One Unit Whole Blood ISO."
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo "mounted, but not a Blood ISO."
+ /sbin/umount "$mntpnt"
+ else
+ echo "couldn't mount."
+ fi
+ done
+ /sbin/umount "$mntpnt" &> /dev/null
+ echo "Couldn't find One Unit Whole Blood ISO in $( pwd )"
+ return 1
+# Extract the data we need. We might be including a little more
+# that necessary here.
+extract_data() {
+ local src="$1"
+ local dst="$2"
+ local tmpdir
+ echo "Extracting and copying data from $src to $dst"
+ mkdir -p "$dst"
+ tmpdir="$( mktemp -d ${TMP:-/tmp}/bloodtmp.XXXXXX )"
+ # most of the stuff we need is in data.z
+ isextract x "$src/data.z"* "$tmpdir"
+ cd "$tmpdir"
+ cp -a *.rff* \
+ *.dem* \
+ *.art* \
+ *.dat* \
+ "$dst"
+ cd -
+ # ...but not all of it
+ cp -a "$src/movie"* "$src/cryptic/"* "$src/blood.ini"* "$src/readme.txt"* "$dst"
+ # get rid of unnecessary cruft not used by nblood
+ rm -rf "$dst"/cryptic.exe* \
+ "$dst"/movie/directx* \
+ "$dst"/movie/amovie* \
+ "$dst"/movie/_* \
+ "$dst"/movie/*.exe* \
+ "$dst"/movie/*.ins*
+ find "$dst" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \+
+ chmod 755 "$dst/movie"*
+ rm -rf "$tmpdir"
+# main()
+if ! which isextract &>/dev/null; then
+ echo "Can't find isextract on PATH. Please install it and re-run this script."
+ exit 1
+# Try to find a mounted CD
+cat /proc/mounts | while read line; do
+ t="$( echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f3 )"
+ m="$( echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2 )"
+ if [ "$t" = "iso9660" ]; then
+ echo -n "Trying mount point '$m'..."
+ if contents_ok "$m"; then
+ echo OK
+ CDROM="$m"
+ break
+ fi
+ echo "not a Blood CD"
+ fi
+if [ -n "$CDROM" ]; then
+ echo "Found One Unit Whole Blood CD-ROM mounted on $CDROM"
+ CDROM="$( mktemp -d ${TMP:-/tmp}/bloodcd.XXXXXX )"
+ if ! find_iso "$CDROM"; then
+ echo "Couldn't find any game data"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+extract_data "$CDROM" "$DEST"
+if [ -n "$RMTMP" ]; then
+ umount "$RMTMP" &>/dev/null
+ rmdir "$RMTMP"
diff --git a/games/nblood/git2tarxz.sh b/games/nblood/git2tarxz.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2c8c7f8829c54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/git2tarxz.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Create source tarball from git repo, with generated version number.
+# NOTE: if you're copying this to use in another build, get rid of
+# the "rm -rf platform" or you might get surprised!
+# Takes one optional argument, which is the commit or tag to create a
+# tarball of. With no arg, HEAD is used.
+# Version number example: 0.0.1+20200227_ad7ec17
+# Notes:
+# Do not use this if you're packaging a release.
+# This script doesn't need to be run as root. It does need to be able
+# to write to the current directory it's run from.
+# Running this script twice for the same commit will NOT give identical
+# tarballs, even if the contents are identical. This is because tar
+# includes the current time in a newly-created tarball (plus there may
+# be other git-related reasons).
+# Once you've generated a tarball, you'll still need a place to host it.
+# Ask on the mailing list, if you don't have your own web server to
+# play with.
+## Config:
+# final tarball and slackbuild PRGNAM:
+# Github project and user names:
+# For github projects, you can use this unmodified:
+# For non-github projects, you might not need GITUSER, in which case
+# just omit it from the script.
+## End of config.
+set -e
+GITDIR=$( mktemp -dt $PRGNAM.git.XXXXXX )
+rm -rf $GITDIR
+git clone $CLONE_URL $GITDIR
+CWD="$( pwd )"
+if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
+ git reset --hard "$1" || exit 1
+GIT_SHA=$( git rev-parse --short HEAD )
+DATE=$( git log --date=format:%Y%m%d --format=%cd | head -1 )
+VERTAG=$( git tag -l | tail -1 )
+rm -rf .git
+find . -name .gitignore -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
+# NOTE: this line is specific to nblood!
+rm -rf platform
+cd "$CWD"
+echo "Created tarball: $PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.xz"
+echo "VERSION=\"$VERSION\""
+echo "MD5SUM=\"$( md5sum $PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.xz | cut -d' ' -f1 )\""
diff --git a/games/nblood/icons/128.png b/games/nblood/icons/128.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b334bc15e10c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/icons/128.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/games/nblood/icons/256.png b/games/nblood/icons/256.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e082493b2a33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/icons/256.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/games/nblood/icons/32.png b/games/nblood/icons/32.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8cdca712380d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/icons/32.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/games/nblood/icons/48.png b/games/nblood/icons/48.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..cbf82a152ad32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/icons/48.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/games/nblood/icons/64.png b/games/nblood/icons/64.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..66024e842cfa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/icons/64.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/games/nblood/nblood-cryptic b/games/nblood/nblood-cryptic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6f0c33d092005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/nblood-cryptic
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+exec nblood -ini cryptic.ini "$@"
diff --git a/games/nblood/nblood.SlackBuild b/games/nblood/nblood.SlackBuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d96b3e63e03da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/nblood.SlackBuild
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Slackware build script for nblood
+# Written by B. Watson (yalhcru@gmail.com)
+# Licensed under the WTFPL. See http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ for details.
+# Note: if you go digging into the source, you'll see that there are lots
+# of commented-out game variations, including shareware duke nukem, the
+# non-atomic full version, even redneck rampage. I tried uncommenting a
+# couple of them, but they don't work. So for now, rednukem can't play
+# the shareware version from eduke32_shareware_data. I expect upstream
+# will finish the support for these at a later date...
+if [ -z "$ARCH" ]; then
+ case "$( uname -m )" in
+ i?86) ARCH=i586 ;;
+ arm*) ARCH=arm ;;
+ *) ARCH=$( uname -m ) ;;
+ esac
+# 20200430 bkw: upstream includes a lot of fancy optimization flags that
+# are presumably well-tested, so I'm not using SLKCFLAGS. Also, nothing
+# here needs LIBDIRSUFFIX.
+set -e
+rm -rf $PKG
+mkdir -p $TMP $PKG $OUTPUT
+cd $TMP
+tar xvf $CWD/$PRGNAM-v$VERSION.tar.xz
+chown -R root:root .
+find -L . -perm /111 -a \! -perm 755 -a -exec chmod 755 {} \+ -o \
+ \! -perm /111 -a \! -perm 644 -a -exec chmod 644 {} \+
+# Where do we find the game data?
+# rednukem already looks in /usr/share/games/eduke32/, though it
+# hates the shareware .grp file from eduke32_shareware_data. It'll
+# play the atomic edition of the full game.
+# nblood looks in /usr/share/games/nblood/, which is fine.
+# pcexhumed doesn't look in /usr anywhere, so I'll make up a dir name
+# for it to use.
+sed -i \
+ '/^ *addsearchpath(cwd);/aaddsearchpath("/usr/share/games/pcexhumed");' \
+ source/exhumed/src/exhumed.cpp
+# The engine wants to write a log file in the current directory where
+# it gets run... and segfaults if it can't. The log file is just a copy
+# of the process's stderr it looks like, so let's disable it.
+sed -i.bak \
+ 's|OSD_SetLogFile(APPBASENAME ".log");|OSD_SetLogFile("/dev/null");|' \
+ source/blood/src/blood.cpp \
+ source/rr/src/game.cpp \
+ source/exhumed/src/exhumed.cpp
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/games $PKG/usr/share/applications
+for game in $PRGNAM $PRGNAM-cryptic pcexhumed rednukem; do
+ [ -e $game ] && install -s -m0755 $game $PKG/usr/games
+ cat $CWD/desktop/$game.desktop > $PKG/usr/share/applications/$game.desktop
+# Wrapper script for Cryptic Passage, since the game doesn't let you
+# choose it from the GUI.
+install -oroot -groot -m0755 $CWD/$PRGNAM-cryptic $PKG/usr/games
+# The .pk3 file has to be in the game data dir.
+mkdir -p $GAMEDIR
+install -oroot -groot -m0644 $PRGNAM.pk3 $GAMEDIR
+# Extract/copy the Blood gamedata. Automated here because a description of
+# the process amounts to a shell script anyway. It's a standalone script
+# so non-Slackware users might be able to use it.
+cd $CWD
+ WITHDATA="does not include"
+ TMP="$TMP" \
+ sh $CWD/extract-blood-data.sh $GAMEDIR && \
+ WITHDATA="includes"
+cd -
+# Icons extracted from source/blood/rsrc/game_icon.ico with icotool.
+for icon in $CWD/icons/*.png; do
+ size="$( basename $icon .png )"
+ idir=$PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps
+ mkdir -p $idir
+ cat $icon > $idir/$PRGNAM.png
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps
+cat $CWD/icons/64.png > $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps/$PRGNAM.png
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
+cp -a *.md source/blood/gpl-2.0.txt $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
+cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild > $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild
+mkdir -p $PKG/install
+sed "s,@WITHDATA@,$WITHDATA," $CWD/slack-desc > $PKG/install/slack-desc
+cat $CWD/doinst.sh > $PKG/install/doinst.sh
+cd $PKG
+/sbin/makepkg -l y -c n $OUTPUT/$PRGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD$TAG.${PKGTYPE:-tgz}
diff --git a/games/nblood/nblood.info b/games/nblood/nblood.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c1db7d9c52ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/nblood.info
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/games/nblood/slack-desc b/games/nblood/slack-desc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c3c450d4209a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/nblood/slack-desc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.
+# Line up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and
+# the '|' on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.
+# You must make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':' except on otherwise blank lines.
+ |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+nblood: nblood (game engine for Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, and Powerslave/Exhumed)
+nblood: nblood is a collection of reverse-engineered ports of Build games
+nblood: using EDuke32 engine technology and development principles.
+nblood: This package @WITHDATA@ the Blood game data.