path: root/system/hfsprogs/patches/0010-Rename-custom-macro-nil-with-NULL.patch
diff options
authorEric Fernandes Ferreira <candelabrus@gmail.com>2017-08-26 14:18:41 +0100
committerDavid Spencer <idlemoor@slackbuilds.org>2017-09-02 10:19:43 +0100
commit31453fca665a207d7965f620eb4de4e92cf1a6ff (patch)
tree88a54022dff1941880002a22b7538e8697b0ae03 /system/hfsprogs/patches/0010-Rename-custom-macro-nil-with-NULL.patch
parentb1fcef60af497bb6770121e251215230471efb62 (diff)
system/hfsprogs: Added (hfs+ user space utils).
Signed-off-by: David Spencer <idlemoor@slackbuilds.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'system/hfsprogs/patches/0010-Rename-custom-macro-nil-with-NULL.patch')
1 files changed, 1319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/system/hfsprogs/patches/0010-Rename-custom-macro-nil-with-NULL.patch b/system/hfsprogs/patches/0010-Rename-custom-macro-nil-with-NULL.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..354b4ffc042e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/hfsprogs/patches/0010-Rename-custom-macro-nil-with-NULL.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1319 @@
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Rog=C3=A9rio=20Brito?= <rbrito@ime.usp.br>
+Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 01:11:21 -0200
+Subject: Rename custom macro nil with NULL
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTree.c | 142 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeAllocate.c | 14 ++--
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeMiscOps.c | 26 +++----
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeNodeOps.c | 30 +++----
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeTreeOps.c | 38 ++++-----
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SControl.c | 56 +++++++-------
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SRepair.c | 6 +-
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SUtils.c | 6 +-
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify1.c | 32 ++++----
+ fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify2.c | 4 +-
+ 10 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTree.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTree.c
+index 7ad9fe0..c0c8744 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTree.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTree.c
+@@ -163,21 +163,21 @@ OSStatus BTInitialize (FCB *filePtr,
+ ////////////////////// Preliminary Error Checking ///////////////////////////
+- headerNode.buffer = nil;
++ headerNode.buffer = NULL;
+- if (pathPtr == nil) return paramErr;
++ if (pathPtr == NULL) return paramErr;
+ setEndOfForkProc = pathPtr->agentPtr->agent.setEndOfForkProc;
+ setBlockSizeProc = pathPtr->agentPtr->agent.setBlockSizeProc;
+- if (pathPtr->agentPtr->agent.getBlockProc == nil) return E_NoGetBlockProc;
+- if (pathPtr->agentPtr->agent.releaseBlockProc == nil) return E_NoReleaseBlockProc;
+- if (setEndOfForkProc == nil) return E_NoSetEndOfForkProc;
+- if (setBlockSizeProc == nil) return E_NoSetBlockSizeProc;
++ if (pathPtr->agentPtr->agent.getBlockProc == NULL) return E_NoGetBlockProc;
++ if (pathPtr->agentPtr->agent.releaseBlockProc == NULL) return E_NoReleaseBlockProc;
++ if (setEndOfForkProc == NULL) return E_NoSetEndOfForkProc;
++ if (setBlockSizeProc == NULL) return E_NoSetBlockSizeProc;
+ forkPtr = pathPtr->path.forkPtr;
+- if (forkPtr->fork.btreePtr != nil) return fsBTrFileAlreadyOpenErr;
++ if (forkPtr->fork.btreePtr != NULL) return fsBTrFileAlreadyOpenErr;
+ if ((maxKeyLength == 0) ||
+ (maxKeyLength > kMaxKeyLength)) return fsBTInvalidKeyLengthErr;
+@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ OSStatus BTInitialize (FCB *filePtr,
+ //////////////////////// Allocate Control Block /////////////////////////////
+ M_RESIDENT_ALLOCATE_FIXED_CLEAR( &btreePtr, sizeof( BTreeControlBlock ), kFSBTreeControlBlockType );
+- if (btreePtr == nil)
++ if (btreePtr == NULL)
+ {
+ err = memFullErr;
+ goto ErrorExit;
+@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ OSStatus BTInitialize (FCB *filePtr,
+ btreePtr->flags = 0;
+ btreePtr->attributes = 0;
+ btreePtr->forkPtr = forkPtr;
+- btreePtr->keyCompareProc = nil;
++ btreePtr->keyCompareProc = NULL;
+ btreePtr->keyDescPtr = keyDescPtr;
+ btreePtr->btreeType = btreeType;
+ btreePtr->treeDepth = 0;
+@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ OSStatus BTInitialize (FCB *filePtr,
+ ///////////////////// Copy Key Descriptor To Header /////////////////////////
+ #if SupportsKeyDescriptors
+- if (keyDescPtr != nil)
++ if (keyDescPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ err = CheckKeyDescriptor (keyDescPtr, maxKeyLength);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ OSStatus BTInitialize (FCB *filePtr,
+ err = UpdateHeader (btreePtr);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+- pathPtr->path.forkPtr->fork.btreePtr = nil;
++ pathPtr->path.forkPtr->fork.btreePtr = NULL;
+ M_RESIDENT_DEALLOCATE_FIXED( btreePtr, sizeof( BTreeControlBlock ), kFSBTreeControlBlockType );
+ return noErr;
+@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ OSStatus BTInitialize (FCB *filePtr,
+ ErrorExit:
+ (void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &headerNode);
+- if (btreePtr != nil)
++ if (btreePtr != NULL)
+ M_RESIDENT_DEALLOCATE_FIXED( btreePtr, sizeof( BTreeControlBlock ), kFSBTreeControlBlockType );
+ return err;
+@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Input: filePtr - pointer to file to open as a B-tree
+ setEndOfForkProc - pointer to client's SetEOF function
+ Result: noErr - success
+- paramErr - required ptr was nil
++ paramErr - required ptr was NULL
+ fsBTInvalidFileErr -
+ memFullErr -
+ != noErr - failure
+@@ -364,16 +364,16 @@ OSStatus BTOpenPath (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ////////////////////// Preliminary Error Checking ///////////////////////////
+- if ( filePtr == nil ||
+- getBlockProc == nil ||
+- releaseBlockProc == nil ||
+- setEndOfForkProc == nil ||
+- setBlockSizeProc == nil )
++ if (filePtr == NULL ||
++ getBlockProc == NULL ||
++ releaseBlockProc == NULL ||
++ setEndOfForkProc == NULL ||
++ setBlockSizeProc == NULL)
+ {
+ return paramErr;
+ }
+- if ( filePtr->fcbBtree != nil ) // already has a BTreeCB
++ if (filePtr->fcbBtree != NULL) // already has a BTreeCB
+ return noErr;
+ // is file large enough to contain header node?
+@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ OSStatus BTOpenPath (SFCB *filePtr,
+ //////////////////////// Allocate Control Block /////////////////////////////
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlock*) AllocateClearMemory( sizeof( BTreeControlBlock ) );
+- if (btreePtr == nil)
++ if (btreePtr == NULL)
+ {
+ Panic ("\pBTOpen: no memory for btreePtr.");
+ return memFullErr;
+@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ OSStatus BTOpenPath (SFCB *filePtr,
+ /////////////////////////// Read Header Node ////////////////////////////////
+- nodeRec.buffer = nil; // so we can call ReleaseNode
++ nodeRec.buffer = NULL; // so we can call ReleaseNode
+ btreePtr->fcbPtr = filePtr;
+ filePtr->fcbBtree = (void *) btreePtr; // attach btree cb to file
+@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ OSStatus BTOpenPath (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ////////////////////////// Get Key Descriptor ///////////////////////////////
+ #if SupportsKeyDescriptors
+- if ( keyCompareProc == nil ) // if no key compare proc then get key descriptor
++ if (keyCompareProc == NULL) // if no key compare proc then get key descriptor
+ {
+ err = GetKeyDescriptor (btreePtr, nodeRec.buffer); //ее it should check amount of memory allocated...
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ OSStatus BTOpenPath (SFCB *filePtr,
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+- btreePtr->keyDescPtr = nil; // clear it so we don't dispose garbage later
++ btreePtr->keyDescPtr = NULL; // clear it so we don't dispose garbage later
+ }
+ err = ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &nodeRec);
+@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ OSStatus BTOpenPath (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ErrorExit:
+- filePtr->fcbBtree = nil;
++ filePtr->fcbBtree = NULL;
+ (void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &nodeRec);
+ DisposeMemory( btreePtr );
+@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ OSStatus BTClosePath (SFCB *filePtr)
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlockPtr) filePtr->fcbBtree;
+- if (btreePtr == nil)
++ if (btreePtr == NULL)
+ return fsBTInvalidFileErr;
+ ////////////////////// Check for other BTree Paths //////////////////////////
+@@ -603,14 +603,14 @@ OSStatus BTClosePath (SFCB *filePtr)
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+ #if SupportsKeyDescriptors
+- if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr != nil) // deallocate keyDescriptor, if any
++ if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr != NULL) // deallocate keyDescriptor, if any
+ {
+ DisposeMemory( btreePtr->keyDescPtr );
+ }
+ #endif
+ DisposeMemory( btreePtr );
+- filePtr->fcbBtree = nil;
++ filePtr->fcbBtree = NULL;
+ // LogEndTime(kTraceCloseBTree, noErr);
+@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ Function: Search for position in B*Tree indicated by searchKey. If a valid node
+ Input: pathPtr - pointer to path for BTree file.
+ searchKey - pointer to search key to match.
+- hintPtr - pointer to hint (may be nil)
++ hintPtr - pointer to hint (may be NULL)
+ Output: record - pointer to BufferDescriptor containing record
+ recordLen - length of data at recordPtr
+@@ -678,14 +678,14 @@ OSStatus BTSearchRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ // LogStartTime(kTraceSearchBTree);
+- if (filePtr == nil) return paramErr;
+- if (searchIterator == nil) return paramErr;
++ if (filePtr == NULL) return paramErr;
++ if (searchIterator == NULL) return paramErr;
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlockPtr) filePtr->fcbBtree;
+- if (btreePtr == nil) return fsBTInvalidFileErr;
++ if (btreePtr == NULL) return fsBTInvalidFileErr;
+ #if SupportsKeyDescriptors
+- if (btreePtr->keyCompareProc == nil) // CheckKey if we using Key Descriptor
++ if (btreePtr->keyCompareProc == NULL) // CheckKey if we using Key Descriptor
+ {
+ err = CheckKey (&searchIterator->key, btreePtr->keyDescPtr, btreePtr->maxKeyLength);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+@@ -775,9 +775,9 @@ OSStatus BTSearchRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ //ее Should check for errors! Or BlockMove could choke on recordPtr!!!
+ GetRecordByIndex (btreePtr, node.buffer, index, &keyPtr, &recordPtr, &len);
+- if (recordLen != nil) *recordLen = len;
++ if (recordLen != NULL) *recordLen = len;
+- if (record != nil)
++ if (record != NULL)
+ {
+ ByteCount recordSize;
+@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ OSStatus BTSearchRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ /////////////////////// Success - Update Iterator ///////////////////////////
+- if (resultIterator != nil)
++ if (resultIterator != NULL)
+ {
+ resultIterator->hint.writeCount = btreePtr->writeCount;
+ resultIterator->hint.nodeNum = nodeNum;
+@@ -825,10 +825,10 @@ OSStatus BTSearchRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ErrorExit:
+- if (recordLen != nil)
++ if (recordLen != NULL)
+ *recordLen = 0;
+- if (resultIterator != nil)
++ if (resultIterator != NULL)
+ {
+ resultIterator->hint.writeCount = 0;
+ resultIterator->hint.nodeNum = 0;
+@@ -892,18 +892,18 @@ OSStatus BTIterateRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ////////////////////////// Priliminary Checks ///////////////////////////////
+- left.buffer = nil;
+- right.buffer = nil;
+- node.buffer = nil;
++ left.buffer = NULL;
++ right.buffer = NULL;
++ node.buffer = NULL;
+- if (filePtr == nil)
++ if (filePtr == NULL)
+ {
+ return paramErr;
+ }
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlockPtr) filePtr->fcbBtree;
+- if (btreePtr == nil)
++ if (btreePtr == NULL)
+ {
+ return fsBTInvalidFileErr; //ее handle properly
+ }
+@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ OSStatus BTIterateRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- if (left.buffer == nil)
++ if (left.buffer == NULL)
+ {
+ nodeNum = ((NodeDescPtr) node.buffer)->bLink;
+ if ( nodeNum > 0)
+@@ -981,13 +981,13 @@ OSStatus BTIterateRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ }
+ }
+ // Before we stomp on "right", we'd better release it if needed
+- if (right.buffer != nil) {
++ if (right.buffer != NULL) {
+ err = ReleaseNode(btreePtr, &right);
+ M_ExitOnError(err);
+ }
+ right = node;
+ node = left;
+- left.buffer = nil;
++ left.buffer = NULL;
+ index = ((NodeDescPtr) node.buffer)->numRecords -1;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ OSStatus BTIterateRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- if (right.buffer == nil)
++ if (right.buffer == NULL)
+ {
+ nodeNum = ((NodeDescPtr) node.buffer)->fLink;
+ if ( nodeNum > 0)
+@@ -1025,13 +1025,13 @@ OSStatus BTIterateRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ }
+ }
+ // Before we stomp on "left", we'd better release it if needed
+- if (left.buffer != nil) {
++ if (left.buffer != NULL) {
+ err = ReleaseNode(btreePtr, &left);
+ M_ExitOnError(err);
+ }
+ left = node;
+ node = right;
+- right.buffer = nil;
++ right.buffer = NULL;
+ index = 0;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1054,9 +1054,9 @@ CopyData:
+ err = GetRecordByIndex (btreePtr, node.buffer, index, &keyPtr, &recordPtr, &len);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+- if (recordLen != nil) *recordLen = len;
++ if (recordLen != NULL) *recordLen = len;
+- if (record != nil)
++ if (record != NULL)
+ {
+ ByteCount recordSize;
+@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ CopyData:
+ CopyMemory (recordPtr, record->bufferAddress, len);
+ }
+- if (iterator != nil) // first & last do not require iterator
++ if (iterator != NULL) // first & last do not require iterator
+ {
+ iterator->hint.writeCount = btreePtr->writeCount;
+ iterator->hint.nodeNum = nodeNum;
+@@ -1089,13 +1089,13 @@ CopyData:
+ err = ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &node);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+- if (left.buffer != nil)
++ if (left.buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ err = ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &left);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+ }
+- if (right.buffer != nil)
++ if (right.buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ err = ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &right);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+@@ -1113,10 +1113,10 @@ ErrorExit:
+ (void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &node);
+ (void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &right);
+- if (recordLen != nil)
++ if (recordLen != NULL)
+ *recordLen = 0;
+- if (iterator != nil)
++ if (iterator != NULL)
+ {
+ iterator->hint.writeCount = 0;
+ iterator->hint.nodeNum = 0;
+@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ OSStatus BTInsertRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ////////////////////////// Priliminary Checks ///////////////////////////////
+- nodeRec.buffer = nil; // so we can call ReleaseNode
++ nodeRec.buffer = NULL; // so we can call ReleaseNode
+ err = CheckInsertParams (filePtr, iterator, record, recordLen);
+ if (err != noErr)
+@@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ OSStatus BTSetRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ////////////////////////// Priliminary Checks ///////////////////////////////
+- nodeRec.buffer = nil; // so we can call ReleaseNode
++ nodeRec.buffer = NULL; // so we can call ReleaseNode
+ err = CheckInsertParams (filePtr, iterator, record, recordLen);
+ if (err != noErr)
+@@ -1506,7 +1506,7 @@ OSStatus BTReplaceRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ////////////////////////// Priliminary Checks ///////////////////////////////
+- nodeRec.buffer = nil; // so we can call ReleaseNode
++ nodeRec.buffer = NULL; // so we can call ReleaseNode
+ err = CheckInsertParams (filePtr, iterator, record, recordLen);
+ if (err != noErr)
+@@ -1645,20 +1645,20 @@ OSStatus BTDeleteRecord (SFCB *filePtr,
+ ////////////////////////// Priliminary Checks ///////////////////////////////
+- nodeRec.buffer = nil; // so we can call ReleaseNode
++ nodeRec.buffer = NULL; // so we can call ReleaseNode
+- M_ReturnErrorIf (filePtr == nil, paramErr);
+- M_ReturnErrorIf (iterator == nil, paramErr);
++ M_ReturnErrorIf (filePtr == NULL, paramErr);
++ M_ReturnErrorIf (iterator == NULL, paramErr);
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlockPtr) filePtr->fcbBtree;
+- if (btreePtr == nil)
++ if (btreePtr == NULL)
+ {
+ err = fsBTInvalidFileErr;
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ #if SupportsKeyDescriptors
+- if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr != nil)
++ if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ err = CheckKey (&iterator->key, btreePtr->keyDescPtr, btreePtr->maxKeyLength);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+@@ -1712,12 +1712,12 @@ OSStatus BTGetInformation (SFCB *filePtr,
+ BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr;
+- M_ReturnErrorIf (filePtr == nil, paramErr);
++ M_ReturnErrorIf (filePtr == NULL, paramErr);
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlockPtr) filePtr->fcbBtree;
+- M_ReturnErrorIf (btreePtr == nil, fsBTInvalidFileErr);
+- M_ReturnErrorIf (info == nil, paramErr);
++ M_ReturnErrorIf (btreePtr == NULL, fsBTInvalidFileErr);
++ M_ReturnErrorIf (info == NULL, paramErr);
+ //ее check version?
+@@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@ OSStatus BTGetInformation (SFCB *filePtr,
+ info->keyDescriptor = btreePtr->keyDescPtr; //ее this won't do at all...
+ info->reserved = 0;
+- if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr == nil)
++ if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr == NULL)
+ info->keyDescLength = 0;
+ else
+ info->keyDescLength = (UInt32) btreePtr->keyDescPtr->length;
+@@ -1762,11 +1762,11 @@ OSStatus BTFlushPath (SFCB *filePtr)
+ // LogStartTime(kTraceFlushBTree);
+- M_ReturnErrorIf (filePtr == nil, paramErr);
++ M_ReturnErrorIf (filePtr == NULL, paramErr);
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlockPtr) filePtr->fcbBtree;
+- M_ReturnErrorIf (btreePtr == nil, fsBTInvalidFileErr);
++ M_ReturnErrorIf (btreePtr == NULL, fsBTInvalidFileErr);
+ err = UpdateHeader (btreePtr);
+@@ -1788,13 +1788,13 @@ Input: iterator - pointer to BTreeIterator
+ Output: iterator - iterator with the hint.nodeNum cleared
+ Result: noErr - success
+- paramErr - iterator == nil
++ paramErr - iterator == NULL
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ OSStatus BTInvalidateHint (BTreeIterator *iterator )
+ {
+- if (iterator == nil)
++ if (iterator == NULL)
+ return paramErr;
+ iterator->hint.nodeNum = 0;
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeAllocate.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeAllocate.c
+index 485d867..02bdd8d 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeAllocate.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeAllocate.c
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ OSStatus AllocateNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr, UInt32 *nodeNum)
+ nodeNumber = 0; // first node number of header map record
+- node.buffer = nil; // clear node.buffer to get header node
++ node.buffer = NULL; // clear node.buffer to get header node
+ // - and for ErrorExit
+ while (true)
+@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ OSStatus FreeNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr, UInt32 nodeNum)
+ //////////////////////////// Find Map Record ////////////////////////////////
+ nodeIndex = 0; // first node number of header map record
+- node.buffer = nil; // invalidate node.buffer to get header node
++ node.buffer = NULL; // invalidate node.buffer to get header node
+ while (nodeNum >= nodeIndex)
+ {
+@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ OSStatus ExtendBTree (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ nodeSize = btreePtr->nodeSize;
+ filePtr = btreePtr->fcbPtr;
+- mapNode.buffer = nil;
+- newNode.buffer = nil;
++ mapNode.buffer = NULL;
++ newNode.buffer = NULL;
+ mapNodeRecSize = nodeSize - sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor) - 6; // 2 bytes of free space (see note)
+@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ ErrorExit:
+ Routine: GetMapNode - Get the next map node and pointer to the map record.
+ Function: Given a BlockDescriptor to a map node in nodePtr, GetMapNode releases
+- it and gets the next node. If nodePtr->buffer is nil, then the header
++ it and gets the next node. If nodePtr->buffer is NULL, then the header
+ node is retrieved.
+@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ OSStatus GetMapNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ UInt16 mapIndex;
+ UInt32 nextNodeNum;
+- if (nodePtr->buffer != nil) // if iterator is valid...
++ if (nodePtr->buffer != NULL) // if iterator is valid...
+ {
+ nextNodeNum = ((NodeDescPtr)nodePtr->buffer)->fLink;
+ if (nextNodeNum == 0)
+@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ ErrorExit:
+ (void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, nodePtr);
+- *mapPtr = nil;
++ *mapPtr = NULL;
+ *mapSize = 0;
+ return err;
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeMiscOps.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeMiscOps.c
+index 7c9edca..997f34b 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeMiscOps.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeMiscOps.c
+@@ -236,13 +236,13 @@ OSStatus FindIteratorPosition (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ // assume index points to UInt16
+ // assume foundRecord points to Boolean
+- left->buffer = nil;
+- middle->buffer = nil;
+- right->buffer = nil;
++ left->buffer = NULL;
++ middle->buffer = NULL;
++ right->buffer = NULL;
+ foundIt = false;
+- if (iterator == nil) // do we have an iterator?
++ if (iterator == NULL) // do we have an iterator?
+ {
+ err = fsBTInvalidIteratorErr;
+ goto ErrorExit;
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ OSStatus FindIteratorPosition (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ #if SupportsKeyDescriptors
+ //ее verify iterator key (change CheckKey to take btreePtr instead of keyDescPtr?)
+- if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr != nil)
++ if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ err = CheckKey (&iterator->key, btreePtr->keyDescPtr, btreePtr->maxKeyLength );
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ OSStatus FindIteratorPosition (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ {
+ *right = *middle;
+ *middle = *left;
+- left->buffer = nil;
++ left->buffer = NULL;
+ index = leftIndex;
+ goto SuccessfulExit;
+@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ OSStatus FindIteratorPosition (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ {
+ *right = *middle;
+ *middle = *left;
+- left->buffer = nil;
++ left->buffer = NULL;
+ index = leftIndex;
+ goto SuccessfulExit;
+@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ OSStatus FindIteratorPosition (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ {
+ *left = *middle;
+ *middle = *right;
+- right->buffer = nil;
++ right->buffer = NULL;
+ index = rightIndex;
+ goto SuccessfulExit;
+@@ -427,15 +427,15 @@ OSStatus CheckInsertParams (SFCB *filePtr,
+ {
+ BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr;
+- if (filePtr == nil) return paramErr;
++ if (filePtr == NULL) return paramErr;
+ btreePtr = (BTreeControlBlockPtr) filePtr->fcbBtree;
+- if (btreePtr == nil) return fsBTInvalidFileErr;
+- if (iterator == nil) return paramErr;
+- if (record == nil) return paramErr;
++ if (btreePtr == NULL) return fsBTInvalidFileErr;
++ if (iterator == NULL) return paramErr;
++ if (record == NULL) return paramErr;
+ #if SupportsKeyDescriptors
+- if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr != nil)
++ if (btreePtr->keyDescPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ OSStatus err;
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeNodeOps.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeNodeOps.c
+index da07cc7..ef2bd7b 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeNodeOps.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeNodeOps.c
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Function: Gets an existing BTree node from FS Agent and verifies it.
+ Input: btreePtr - pointer to BTree control block
+ nodeNum - number of node to request
+-Output: nodePtr - pointer to beginning of node (nil if error)
++Output: nodePtr - pointer to beginning of node (NULL if error)
+ Result:
+ noErr - success
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ OSStatus GetNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ if (err != noErr)
+ {
+ Panic ("\pGetNode: getNodeProc returned error.");
+- nodePtr->buffer = nil;
++ nodePtr->buffer = NULL;
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ ++btreePtr->numGetNodes;
+@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ OSStatus GetNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ return noErr;
+ ErrorExit:
+- nodePtr->buffer = nil;
+- nodePtr->blockHeader = nil;
++ nodePtr->buffer = NULL;
++ nodePtr->blockHeader = NULL;
+ // LogEndTime(kTraceGetNode, err);
+@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Function: Gets a new BTree node from FS Agent and initializes it to an empty
+ Input: btreePtr - pointer to BTree control block
+ nodeNum - number of node to request
+-Output: returnNodePtr - pointer to beginning of node (nil if error)
++Output: returnNodePtr - pointer to beginning of node (NULL if error)
+ Result: noErr - success
+ != noErr - failure
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ OSStatus GetNewNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ if (err != noErr)
+ {
+ Panic ("\pGetNewNode: getNodeProc returned error.");
+- returnNodePtr->buffer = nil;
++ returnNodePtr->buffer = NULL;
+ return err;
+ }
+ ++btreePtr->numGetNewNodes;
+@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ OSStatus ReleaseNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ err = noErr;
+- if (nodePtr->buffer != nil)
++ if (nodePtr->buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ /*
+ * The nodes must remain in the cache as big endian!
+@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ OSStatus ReleaseNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ ++btreePtr->numReleaseNodes;
+ }
+- nodePtr->buffer = nil;
+- nodePtr->blockHeader = nil;
++ nodePtr->buffer = NULL;
++ nodePtr->blockHeader = NULL;
+ // LogEndTime(kTraceReleaseNode, err);
+@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ OSStatus TrashNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ err = noErr;
+- if (nodePtr->buffer != nil)
++ if (nodePtr->buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ releaseNodeProc = btreePtr->releaseBlockProc;
+ err = releaseNodeProc (btreePtr->fcbPtr,
+@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ OSStatus TrashNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ ++btreePtr->numReleaseNodes;
+ }
+- nodePtr->buffer = nil;
+- nodePtr->blockHeader = nil;
++ nodePtr->buffer = NULL;
++ nodePtr->blockHeader = NULL;
+ return err;
+ }
+@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ OSStatus UpdateNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ err = noErr;
+- if (nodePtr->buffer != nil) //ее why call UpdateNode if nil ?!?
++ if (nodePtr->buffer != NULL) //ее why call UpdateNode if NULL ?!?
+ {
+ // LogStartTime(kTraceReleaseNode);
+ err = hfs_swap_BTNode(nodePtr, btreePtr->fcbPtr, kSwapBTNodeHostToBig);
+@@ -358,8 +358,8 @@ OSStatus UpdateNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ ++btreePtr->numUpdateNodes;
+ }
+- nodePtr->buffer = nil;
+- nodePtr->blockHeader = nil;
++ nodePtr->buffer = NULL;
++ nodePtr->blockHeader = NULL;
+ return noErr;
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeTreeOps.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeTreeOps.c
+index 37fb170..73e1fda 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeTreeOps.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/BTreeTreeOps.c
+@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Output: nodeNum - number of the node containing the key position
+ Result: noErr - key found, index is record index
+ fsBTRecordNotFoundErr - key not found, index is insert index
+- fsBTEmptyErr - key not found, return params are nil
++ fsBTEmptyErr - key not found, return params are NULL
+ otherwise - catastrophic failure (GetNode/ReleaseNode failed)
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+@@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ ReleaseAndExit:
+ ErrorExit:
+ *nodeNum = 0;
+- nodePtr->buffer = nil;
+- nodePtr->blockHeader = nil;
++ nodePtr->buffer = NULL;
++ nodePtr->blockHeader = NULL;
+ *returnIndex = 0;
+ return err;
+@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ OSStatus InsertTree ( BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ primaryKey.replacingKey = replacingKey;
+ primaryKey.skipRotate = false;
+- err = InsertLevel (btreePtr, treePathTable, &primaryKey, nil,
++ err = InsertLevel (btreePtr, treePathTable, &primaryKey, NULL,
+ targetNode, index, level, insertNode );
+ return err;
+@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ OSStatus InsertLevel (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ #if defined(applec) && !defined(__SC__)
+ PanicIf ((level == 1) && (((NodeDescPtr)targetNode->buffer)->kind != kBTLeafNode), "\P InsertLevel: non-leaf at level 1! ");
+ #endif
+- siblingNode.buffer = nil;
++ siblingNode.buffer = NULL;
+ targetNodeNum = treePathTable [level].node;
+ insertParent = false;
+@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ OSStatus InsertLevel (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ ////// process second insert (if any) //////
+- if ( secondaryKey != nil )
++ if (secondaryKey != NULL)
+ {
+ Boolean temp;
+@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ OSStatus InsertLevel (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ UInt8 * recPtr;
+ UInt16 recSize;
+- secondaryKey = nil;
++ secondaryKey = NULL;
+ PanicIf ( (level == btreePtr->treeDepth), "InsertLevel: unfinished insert!?");
+@@ -606,9 +606,9 @@ static OSErr InsertNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ if ( leftNodeNum > 0 )
+ {
+- PanicIf ( siblingNode->buffer != nil, "InsertNode: siblingNode already aquired!");
++ PanicIf(siblingNode->buffer != NULL, "InsertNode: siblingNode already aquired!");
+- if ( siblingNode->buffer == nil )
++ if (siblingNode->buffer == NULL)
+ {
+ err = GetNode (btreePtr, leftNodeNum, siblingNode); // will be released by caller or a split below
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
+@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ OSStatus DeleteTree (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ targetNodeNum = treePathTable[level].node;
+ targetNodePtr = targetNode->buffer;
+- PanicIf (targetNodePtr == nil, "DeleteTree: targetNode has nil buffer!");
++ PanicIf (targetNodePtr == NULL, "DeleteTree: targetNode has NULL buffer!");
+ DeleteRecord (btreePtr, targetNodePtr, index);
+@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ OSStatus DeleteTree (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ deleteRequired = false;
+ updateRequired = false;
+- if ( targetNode->buffer == nil ) // then root was freed and the btree is empty
++ if (targetNode->buffer == NULL) // then root was freed and the btree is empty
+ {
+ btreePtr->rootNode = 0;
+ btreePtr->treeDepth = 0;
+@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ static OSStatus SplitLeft (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ if ( (right->height == 1) && (right->kind != kBTLeafNode) )
+ return fsBTInvalidNodeErr;
+- if ( left != nil )
++ if (left != NULL)
+ {
+ if ( left->fLink != rightNodeNum )
+ return fsBTInvalidNodeErr; //ее E_BadSibling ?
+@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ static OSStatus SplitLeft (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ /////////////// Update Forward Link In Original Left Node ///////////////////
+- if ( left != nil )
++ if (left != NULL)
+ {
+ left->fLink = newNodeNum;
+ err = UpdateNode (btreePtr, leftNode);
+@@ -1240,8 +1240,8 @@ static OSStatus AddNewRootNode (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ Boolean didItFit;
+ UInt16 keyLength;
+- PanicIf (leftNode == nil, "AddNewRootNode: leftNode == nil");
+- PanicIf (rightNode == nil, "AddNewRootNode: rightNode == nil");
++ PanicIf (leftNode == NULL, "AddNewRootNode: leftNode == NULL");
++ PanicIf (rightNode == NULL, "AddNewRootNode: rightNode == NULL");
+ /////////////////////// Initialize New Root Node ////////////////////////////
+@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ static OSStatus SplitRight (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ if ( (leftPtr->height == 1) && (leftPtr->kind != kBTLeafNode) )
+ return fsBTInvalidNodeErr;
+- if ( rightPtr != nil )
++ if (rightPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ if ( rightPtr->bLink != nodeNum )
+ return fsBTInvalidNodeErr; //ее E_BadSibling ?
+@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ static OSStatus SplitRight (BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr,
+ /////////////// Update backward Link In Original Right Node ///////////////////
+- if ( rightPtr != nil )
++ if (rightPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ rightPtr->bLink = newNodeNum;
+ err = UpdateNode (btreePtr, rightNodePtr);
+@@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ static int DoKeyCheck( NodeDescPtr nodeP, BTreeControlBlock *btcb )
+ UInt16 keyLength;
+ KeyPtr keyPtr;
+ UInt8 *dataPtr;
+- KeyPtr prevkeyP = nil;
++ KeyPtr prevkeyP = NULL;
+ if ( nodeP->numRecords == 0 )
+@@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ static int DoKeyCheck( NodeDescPtr nodeP, BTreeControlBlock *btcb )
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+- if ( prevkeyP != nil )
++ if (prevkeyP != NULL)
+ {
+ if ( CompareKeys( (BTreeControlBlockPtr)btcb, prevkeyP, keyPtr ) >= 0 )
+ {
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SControl.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SControl.c
+index 8b03ece..d3145e0 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SControl.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SControl.c
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ CheckHFS( int fsReadRef, int fsWriteRef, int checkLevel, int repairLevel,
+ {
+ SGlob dataArea; // Allocate the scav globals
+ short temp;
+- FileIdentifierTable *fileIdentifierTable = nil;
++ FileIdentifierTable *fileIdentifierTable = NULL;
+ OSErr err = noErr;
+ OSErr scavError = 0;
+ int scanCount = 0;
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ DoAgain:
+ }
+ // Set up structures for post processing
+- if ( (autoRepair == true) && (dataArea.fileIdentifierTable != nil) )
++ if ((autoRepair == true) && (dataArea.fileIdentifierTable != NULL))
+ {
+ // *repairInfo = *repairInfo | kVolumeHadOverlappingExtents; // Report back that volume has overlapping extents
+ fileIdentifierTable = (FileIdentifierTable *) AllocateMemory( GetHandleSize( (Handle) dataArea.fileIdentifierTable ) );
+@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ DoAgain:
+ //
+ // Post processing
+ //
+- if ( fileIdentifierTable != nil )
++ if (fileIdentifierTable != NULL)
+ {
+ DisposeMemory( fileIdentifierTable );
+ }
+@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ short CheckForStop( SGlob *GPtr )
+ //if ( ((ticks - 10) > GPtr->lastTickCount) || (dfaStage == kAboutToRepairStage) ) // To reduce cursor flicker on fast machines, call through on a timed interval
+ //{
+- if ( GPtr->userCancelProc != nil )
++ if (GPtr->userCancelProc != NULL)
+ {
+ UInt64 progress = 0;
+ Boolean progressChanged;
+@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ static int ScavSetUp( SGlob *GPtr)
+ short ioRefNum;
+ #endif
+- GPtr->MinorRepairsP = nil;
++ GPtr->MinorRepairsP = NULL;
+ GPtr->itemsProcessed = 0;
+ GPtr->lastProgress = 0;
+@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ static int ScavSetUp( SGlob *GPtr)
+ ScavStaticStructures *pointer;
+ pointer = (ScavStaticStructures *) AllocateClearMemory( sizeof(ScavStaticStructures) );
+- if ( pointer == nil ) {
++ if (pointer == NULL) {
+ if ( GPtr->logLevel >= kDebugLog ) {
+ printf( "\t error %d - could not allocate %i bytes of memory \n",
+ R_NoMem, sizeof(ScavStaticStructures) );
+@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ static int ScavSetUp( SGlob *GPtr)
+ // Save current value of vcbWrCnt, to detect modifications to volume by other apps etc
+ if ( GPtr->volumeFeatures & volumeIsMountedMask )
+ {
+- FlushVol( nil, GPtr->realVCB->vcbVRefNum ); // Ask HFS to update all changes to disk
++ FlushVol(NULL, GPtr->realVCB->vcbVRefNum); // Ask HFS to update all changes to disk
+ GPtr->wrCnt = GPtr->realVCB->vcbWrCnt; // Remember write count after writing changes
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ static int ScavSetUp( SGlob *GPtr)
+ // Keep a valid file id list for HFS volumes
+ GPtr->validFilesList = (UInt32**)NewHandle( 0 );
+- if ( GPtr->validFilesList == nil ) {
++ if (GPtr->validFilesList == NULL) {
+ if ( GPtr->logLevel >= kDebugLog ) {
+ printf( "\t error %d - could not allocate file ID list \n", R_NoMem );
+ }
+@@ -995,17 +995,17 @@ static int ScavTerm( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ (void) BitMapCheckEnd();
+- while( (rP = GPtr->MinorRepairsP) != nil ) // loop freeing leftover (undone) repair orders
++ while((rP = GPtr->MinorRepairsP) != NULL) // loop freeing leftover (undone) repair orders
+ {
+ GPtr->MinorRepairsP = rP->link; // (in case repairs were not made)
+ DisposeMemory(rP);
+ err = MemError();
+ }
+- if( GPtr->validFilesList != nil )
++ if (GPtr->validFilesList != NULL)
+ DisposeHandle( (Handle) GPtr->validFilesList );
+- if( GPtr->overlappedExtents != nil ) {
++ if (GPtr->overlappedExtents != NULL) {
+ extentsTableH = GPtr->overlappedExtents;
+ /* Overlapped extents list also allocated memory for attribute name */
+@@ -1021,44 +1021,44 @@ static int ScavTerm( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ DisposeHandle( (Handle) GPtr->overlappedExtents );
+ }
+- if( GPtr->fileIdentifierTable != nil )
++ if (GPtr->fileIdentifierTable != NULL)
+ DisposeHandle( (Handle) GPtr->fileIdentifierTable );
+- if( GPtr->calculatedVCB == nil ) // already freed?
++ if (GPtr->calculatedVCB == NULL) // already freed?
+ return( noErr );
+ // If the FCB's and BTCB's have been set up, dispose of them
+ fcbP = GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB; // release extent file BTree bit map
+- if ( fcbP != nil )
++ if (fcbP != NULL)
+ {
+ btcbP = (BTreeControlBlock*)fcbP->fcbBtree;
+- if ( btcbP != nil)
++ if (btcbP != NULL)
+ {
+- if( btcbP->refCon != nil )
++ if (btcbP->refCon != NULL)
+ {
+- if(((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcbP->refCon)->BTCBMPtr != nil)
++ if (((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcbP->refCon)->BTCBMPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ DisposeMemory(((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcbP->refCon)->BTCBMPtr);
+ err = MemError();
+ }
+ DisposeMemory( (Ptr)btcbP->refCon );
+ err = MemError();
+- btcbP->refCon = nil;
++ btcbP->refCon = NULL;
+ }
+ fcbP = GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB; // release catalog BTree bit map
+ btcbP = (BTreeControlBlock*)fcbP->fcbBtree;
+- if( btcbP->refCon != nil )
++ if (btcbP->refCon != NULL)
+ {
+- if(((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcbP->refCon)->BTCBMPtr != nil)
++ if (((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcbP->refCon)->BTCBMPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ DisposeMemory(((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcbP->refCon)->BTCBMPtr);
+ err = MemError();
+ }
+ DisposeMemory( (Ptr)btcbP->refCon );
+ err = MemError();
+- btcbP->refCon = nil;
++ btcbP->refCon = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ static int ScavTerm( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ DisposeMemory( GPtr->calculatedVCB ); // Release our block of data structures
+ err = MemError();
+- GPtr->calculatedVCB = nil;
++ GPtr->calculatedVCB = NULL;
+ return( noErr );
+ }
+@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ Boolean IsBlueBoxSharedDrive ( DrvQElPtr dqPtr )
+ // Now look at the name of the Driver name. If it is .BlueBoxShared keep it out of the list of available disks.
+ driverDCtlHandle = GetDCtlEntry(dqPtr->dQRefNum);
+ driverDCtlPtr = *driverDCtlHandle;
+- if((((driverDCtlPtr->dCtlFlags) & Is_Native_Mask) == 0) && (driverDCtlPtr->dCtlDriver != nil))
++ if((((driverDCtlPtr->dCtlFlags) & Is_Native_Mask) == 0) && (driverDCtlPtr->dCtlDriver != NULL))
+ {
+ if (((driverDCtlPtr->dCtlFlags) & Is_Ram_Based_Mask) == 0)
+ {
+@@ -1127,19 +1127,19 @@ Boolean IsBlueBoxSharedDrive ( DrvQElPtr dqPtr )
+ }
+ driverName = (StringPtr)&(drvrHeaderPtr->drvrName);
+- if (!(IdenticalString(driverName,blueBoxSharedDriverName,nil)))
++ if (!(IdenticalString(driverName,blueBoxSharedDriverName,NULL)))
+ {
+ return( true );
+ }
+ // Special case for the ".Sony" floppy driver which might be accessed in Shared mode inside the Blue Box
+ // Test its "where" string instead of the driver name.
+- if (!(IdenticalString(driverName,sonyDriverName,nil)))
++ if (!(IdenticalString(driverName,sonyDriverName,NULL)))
+ {
+ CntrlParam paramBlock;
+- paramBlock.ioCompletion = nil;
+- paramBlock.ioNamePtr = nil;
++ paramBlock.ioCompletion = NULL;
++ paramBlock.ioNamePtr = NULL;
+ paramBlock.ioVRefNum = dqPtr->dQDrive;
+ paramBlock.ioCRefNum = dqPtr->dQRefNum;
+ paramBlock.csCode = kDriveIcon; // return physical icon
+@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ Boolean IsBlueBoxSharedDrive ( DrvQElPtr dqPtr )
+ iconAndStringRecPtr = * (IconAndStringRecPtr*) & paramBlock.csParam;
+ whereStringPtr = (StringPtr) & iconAndStringRecPtr->string;
+- if (!(IdenticalString(whereStringPtr,blueBoxFloppyWhereString,nil)))
++ if (!(IdenticalString(whereStringPtr,blueBoxFloppyWhereString,NULL)))
+ {
+ return( true );
+ }
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SRepair.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SRepair.c
+index 89c12d6..b261c37 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SRepair.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SRepair.c
+@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ static int DelFThd( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fid ) // the file ID
+ isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
+- BuildCatalogKey( fid, (const CatalogName*) nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
++ BuildCatalogKey(fid, NULL, isHFSPlus, &key);
+ result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
+ if ( result ) return ( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
+@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ static OSErr FixDirThread( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 did ) // the dir ID
+ isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
+- BuildCatalogKey( did, (const CatalogName*) nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
++ BuildCatalogKey(did, NULL, isHFSPlus, &key);
+ result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
+ if ( result )
+@@ -2171,7 +2171,7 @@ static OSErr FixOrphanedFiles ( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ }
+ //-- Build the key for the file thread
+- BuildCatalogKey( cNodeID, nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
++ BuildCatalogKey(cNodeID, NULL, isHFSPlus, &key);
+ err = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint,
+ &tempKey, &threadRecord, &recordSize, &hint2 );
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SUtils.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SUtils.c
+index 6e9253e..491afbf 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SUtils.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SUtils.c
+@@ -395,11 +395,11 @@ OSErr GetVolumeFeatures( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ err = GetVCBDriveNum( &GPtr->realVCB, GPtr->DrvNum );
+ ReturnIfError( err );
+- if ( GPtr->realVCB != nil )
++ if (GPtr->realVCB != NULL)
+ {
+ GPtr->volumeFeatures |= volumeIsMountedMask;
+- pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = nil;
++ pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
+ pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = GPtr->realVCB->vcbVRefNum;
+ pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &buffer;
+ pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof( buffer );
+@@ -2282,7 +2282,7 @@ void print_prime_buckets(PrimeBuckets *cur);
+ * 4. btreetye - can be kHFSPlusCatalogRecord or kHFSPlusAttributeRecord
+ * indicates which btree prime number bucket should be incremented
+ *
+- * Output: nil
++ * Output: NULL
+ */
+ void RecordXAttrBits(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt16 flags, HFSCatalogNodeID fileid, UInt16 btreetype)
+ {
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify1.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify1.c
+index 39bda5c..c33155f 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify1.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify1.c
+@@ -790,13 +790,13 @@ OSErr CreateExtentsBTreeControlBlock( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ // set up our DFA extended BTCB area. Will we have enough memory on all HFS+ volumes.
+ //
+ btcb->refCon = AllocateClearMemory( sizeof(BTreeExtensionsRec) ); // allocate space for our BTCB extensions
+- if ( btcb->refCon == nil ) {
++ if (btcb->refCon == NULL) {
+ err = R_NoMem;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ size = (btcb->totalNodes + 7) / 8; // size of BTree bit map
+ ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr = AllocateClearMemory(size); // get precleared bitmap
+- if ( ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == nil )
++ if (((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ err = R_NoMem;
+ goto exit;
+@@ -1145,13 +1145,13 @@ OSErr CreateCatalogBTreeControlBlock( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ //
+ btcb->refCon = AllocateClearMemory( sizeof(BTreeExtensionsRec) ); // allocate space for our BTCB extensions
+- if ( btcb->refCon == nil ) {
++ if (btcb->refCon == NULL) {
+ err = R_NoMem;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ size = (btcb->totalNodes + 7) / 8; // size of BTree bit map
+ ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr = AllocateClearMemory(size); // get precleared bitmap
+- if ( ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == nil )
++ if (((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ err = R_NoMem;
+ goto exit;
+@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ OSErr CatHChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ //ее Can we ignore this part by just taking advantage of setting the selCode = 0x8001;
+ {
+- BuildCatalogKey( 1, (const CatalogName *)nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
++ BuildCatalogKey(1, NULL, isHFSPlus, &key);
+ result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &threadRecord, &recSize, &hint );
+ GPtr->TarBlock = hint; /* set target block */
+@@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ OSErr CatHChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ /*
+ * Find thread record
+ */
+- BuildCatalogKey( dprP->directoryID, (const CatalogName *) nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
++ BuildCatalogKey(dprP->directoryID, NULL, isHFSPlus, &key);
+ result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &threadRecord, &recSize, &hint );
+ if ( result != noErr ) {
+ char idStr[16];
+@@ -1780,26 +1780,26 @@ OSErr CreateAttributesBTreeControlBlock( SGlobPtr GPtr )
+ // set up our DFA extended BTCB area. Will we have enough memory on all HFS+ volumes.
+ //
+ btcb->refCon = AllocateClearMemory( sizeof(BTreeExtensionsRec) ); // allocate space for our BTCB extensions
+- if ( btcb->refCon == nil ) {
++ if (btcb->refCon == NULL) {
+ err = R_NoMem;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (btcb->totalNodes == 0)
+ {
+- ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr = nil;
++ ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr = NULL;
+ ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMSize = 0;
+ ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->realFreeNodeCount = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- if ( btcb->refCon == nil ) {
++ if (btcb->refCon == NULL) {
+ err = R_NoMem;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ size = (btcb->totalNodes + 7) / 8; // size of BTree bit map
+ ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr = AllocateClearMemory(size); // get precleared bitmap
+- if ( ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == nil )
++ if (((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ err = R_NoMem;
+ goto exit;
+@@ -2358,7 +2358,7 @@ static OSErr RcdMDBEmbededVolDescriptionErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type, HFSMaste
+ RcdError( GPtr, type ); // first, record the error
+ p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr, sizeof(EmbededVolDescription) ); // get the node
+- if ( p == nil ) return( R_NoMem );
++ if (p == NULL) return( R_NoMem );
+ p->type = type; // save error info
+ desc = (EmbededVolDescription *) &(p->name);
+@@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@ static OSErr RcdInvalidWrapperExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type )
+ RcdError( GPtr, type ); // first, record the error
+ p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr, 0 ); // get the node
+- if ( p == nil ) return( R_NoMem );
++ if (p == NULL) return( R_NoMem );
+ p->type = type; // save error info
+@@ -3029,7 +3029,7 @@ OSErr CheckFileExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileNumber, UInt8 forkType,
+ foundBadExtent = false;
+ lastExtentIndex = GPtr->numExtents;
+- while ( (extents != nil) && (err == noErr) )
++ while ((extents != NULL) && (err == noErr))
+ {
+ // checkout the extent record first
+ err = ChkExtRec( GPtr, extents, &lastExtentIndex );
+@@ -3105,7 +3105,7 @@ OSErr CheckFileExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileNumber, UInt8 forkType,
+ if ( err == btNotFound )
+ {
+ err = noErr; // no more extent records
+- extents = nil;
++ extents = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( err != noErr )
+@@ -3121,7 +3121,7 @@ OSErr CheckFileExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileNumber, UInt8 forkType,
+ if ( err == btNotFound )
+ {
+ err = noErr; // no more extent records
+- extents = nil;
++ extents = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( err != noErr )
+@@ -3205,7 +3205,7 @@ static OSErr AddExtentToOverlapList( SGlobPtr GPtr, HFSCatalogNodeID fileNumber,
+ }
+ // If it's uninitialized
+- if ( GPtr->overlappedExtents == nil )
++ if (GPtr->overlappedExtents == NULL)
+ {
+ GPtr->overlappedExtents = (ExtentsTable **) NewHandleClear( sizeof(ExtentsTable) );
+ extentsTableH = GPtr->overlappedExtents;
+diff --git a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify2.c b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify2.c
+index c68f3d8..da1a982 100644
+--- a/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify2.c
++++ b/fsck_hfs.tproj/dfalib/SVerify2.c
+@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ static int BTKeyChk( SGlobPtr GPtr, NodeDescPtr nodeP, BTreeControlBlock *btcb )
+ UInt16 keyLength;
+ KeyPtr keyPtr;
+ UInt8 *dataPtr;
+- KeyPtr prevkeyP = nil;
++ KeyPtr prevkeyP = NULL;
+ if ( nodeP->numRecords == 0 )
+@@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ static int BTKeyChk( SGlobPtr GPtr, NodeDescPtr nodeP, BTreeControlBlock *btcb )
+ return( E_KeyLen );
+ }
+- if ( prevkeyP != nil )
++ if (prevkeyP != NULL)
+ {
+ if ( CompareKeys( (BTreeControlBlockPtr)btcb, prevkeyP, keyPtr ) >= 0 )
+ {