path: root/system/bbf
diff options
authorB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2023-03-29 02:16:57 +0100
committerWilly Sudiarto Raharjo <willysr@slackbuilds.org>2023-04-01 09:14:10 +0700
commit2ef974658270d44f0b45398d27874a53335e4f5b (patch)
treef99f90fb18aec56c64ba558897d78d11f86e1827 /system/bbf
parentdc028e94240cd9373593d587028946477d844feb (diff)
system/bbf: Added (bad block finder)
Signed-off-by: bedlam <dave@slackbuilds.org> Signed-off-by: Willy Sudiarto Raharjo <willysr@slackbuilds.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'system/bbf')
7 files changed, 889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/system/bbf/README b/system/bbf/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..16efd290b3184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bbf/README
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+bbf (bad block finder)
+bbf is a safer and more featureful tool for dealing with bad blocks
+on hard drives. It's built around the workflow of dealing with hard
+drive bad blocks. It has a number of features to limit risk in using
+the tool and provides features to more easily track down what files
+are affected by the bad blocks found. It also gives you the ability
+to manually mark blocks as corrupted in cases where a block isn't
+technically bad, but is causing issues.
diff --git a/system/bbf/bbf.8 b/system/bbf/bbf.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b523dfb2e62ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bbf/bbf.8
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
+.nr rst2man-indent-level 0
+.de1 rstReportMargin
+\\$1 \\n[an-margin]
+level \\n[rst2man-indent-level]
+level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
+.de1 INDENT
+.\" .rstReportMargin pre:
+. RS \\$1
+. nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin]
+. nr rst2man-indent-level +1
+.\" .rstReportMargin post:
+. RE
+.\" indent \\n[an-margin]
+.\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
+.nr rst2man-indent-level -1
+.\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
+.in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u
+.TH "BBF" 8 "2023-03-27" "20220524_0e90e04" "SlackBuilds.org"
+bbf \- bad block finder
+.\" RST source for bbf(1) man page. Convert with:
+.\" rst2man.py bbf.rst > bbf.8
+bbf [\fIoptions\fP] \fIinstruction\fP \fIpath\fP
+\fBbbf\fP is a safer and more featureful tool for dealing with bad
+blocks on hard drives. It\(aqs built around the workflow of dealing with
+hard drive bad blocks. It has a number of features to limit risk in
+using the tool and provides features to more easily track down what
+files are affected by the bad blocks found. It also gives you the
+ability to manually mark blocks as corrupted in cases where a block
+isn\(aqt technically bad, but is causing issues.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.INDENT 0.0
+.IP \(bu 2
+readonly scanning of bad blocks
+.IP \(bu 2
+safe \(aqfix\(aq mode which won\(aqt overwrite good blocks
+.IP \(bu 2
+burnin mode for checking new drives
+.IP \(bu 2
+manual marking blocks as corrupted
+.IP \(bu 2
+find files given list of blocks
+.IP \(bu 2
+dump list of files and associated block ranges
+.IP \(bu 2
+dump list of blocks used by a file
+.IP \(bu 2
+issue secure drive erasure
+.IP \(bu 2
+filesystem stressing
+.SS Arguments
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \-f\fP,\fB \-\-force
+override checking if drive is in use when trying to perform destructive actions
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \-t, \-\-rwtype \fIos|ata\fP
+select between OS or ATA reads and writes (default: os)
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \-q\fP,\fB \-\-quiet
+redirects stdout to /dev/null or otherwise limits output
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \-s, \-\-start\-block \fIlba\fP
+block to start from (default: 0)
+.B \-e, \-\-end\-block \fIlba\fP
+block to stop at (default: last block)
+.B \-S, \-\-stepping \fIn\fP
+number of logical blocks to read at a time (default: physical / logical)
+.B \-o, \-\-output \fIfile\fP
+file to write bad block list to (default: $HOME/badblocks.*captcha*)
+.B \-i, \-\-input \fIfile\fP
+file to read bad block list from (default: $HOME/badblocks.*captcha*)
+.B \-r, \-\-retries \fIcount\fP
+number of retries on certain reads & writes
+.B \-c, \-\-captcha \fIcaptcha\fP
+needed when performing destructive operations
+.B \-M, \-\-maxerrors \fIn\fP
+max r/w errors before exiting (default: 1024)
+.SS Instructions
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a block device. Prints out details about the block device.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a block device. Prints out captcha needed for certain instructions.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a block device. A read\-only scan of the block device for
+bad blocks. \fIrwtype=ata\fP will be slower but may catch more.
+Relevant options: rwtype, start block, end block, stepping, max errors, input file, output file.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a block device. Writes to bad blocks in an attempt to
+force the drive to reallocate the block. Attempts to read the block
+first and will write the read data if successful otherwise it will
+write zeros. This means it is pretty safe to use even if the blocks
+\(aqfixed\(aq aren\(aqt in fact damaged.
+\fIrwtype=ata\fP will work better.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+Requires captcha.
+Relevant options: captcha, rwtype, force, input file.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a file. Gets the list of blocks that a file uses and then
+goes through each block reading what is there and then writing it
+back which will force reallocation if a block is bad.
+\fIrwtype=ata\fP will work better.
+Requires captcha.
+Relevant options: captcha, rwtype, retries.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a block device. Iterates through the blocks of the device performing the following:
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.INDENT 0.0
+.IP 1. 3
+Read block data (zero out on failure)
+.IP 2. 3
+Write 0x00\(aqs and read back to confirm data integrity.
+.IP 3. 3
+Write 0x55\(aqs and read back to confirm data integrity.
+.IP 4. 3
+Write 0xAA\(aqs and read back to confirm data integrity.
+.IP 5. 3
+Write 0xFF\(aqs and read back to confirm data integrity.
+.IP 6. 3
+Write back originally read data.
+Requires captcha.
+Relevant options: rwtype, start block, end block, stepping, max
+errors, retries, input file, output file.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a directory. Spawns a number of threads to hammer the
+filesystem using a number of functions to stress the filesystem and
+underlying device. Functions include: create, open, mkdir, unlink,
+rmdir, write, read, close, readdir, stat, chmod, chown, link,
+symlink. Cleans up after itself on exit but does consume storage and
+inodes as it runs.
+Use \fI\-\-quiet\fP to keep it from printing out what it is doing and improve performance.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a non\-existent file. Creates a file, expands it to fill
+up the rest of the filesystem, and spawns a thread per core which
+writes 1MB blocks to the file at random offsets to stress the
+filesystem and unerlying device.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a filesystem mount point. Attempts to find the
+files associated with any blocks listed in the bad block input
+file. Useful after running \fIscan\fP to find the files with bad blocks.
+Relevant options: input file.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a filesystem. Scans the filesystem and dumps a list of the files with the blocks on the device it occupies.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is an existing file. Prints out a list of all logical blocks the file uses.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a block device. Marks blocks listed in the bad block input
+file as \(aqpseudo\(aq or \(aqflagged\(aq uncorrectable. Blocks marked \(aqpseudo\(aq,
+when read, cause the drive to perform normal error recovery and
+return errors if necessary. Blocks marked \(aqflagged\(aq, when read,
+will simply return errors indicating it is bad. \(aqwl\(aq means \(aqwith
+logging\(aq and if read will result in failed reads being stored in
+SMART logs. \(aqwol\(aq means \(aqwithout logging\(aq and will not log any read
+failures in the SMART log.
+Relevant options: input file.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fIpath\fP is a block device. Issues an ATA Security Erase command to
+the device. What this means specifically is device specific but
+generally it is supposed to be like a low\-level format. Use with
+Requires captcha.
+Relevant options: captcha.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+Theoretically a more thorough version of the standard ATA Security
+Erase command. Similarly its function depends on the device and may
+be the same as the regular security erase.
+Requires captcha.
+Relevant options: captcha.
+# bbf info /dev/sdb
+.in +2
+\- serial_number: XXXXXXXX
+\- firmware_revision: SC61
+\- model_number: ST8000VN0022\-2EL112
+\- RPM: 7200
+\- features:
+.in +2
+\- form_factor: 3.5"
+\- write_uncorrectable: 1
+\- smart_supported: 1
+\- smart_enabled: 1
+\- security_supported: 1
+\- security_enabled: 0
+\- security_locked: 0
+\- security_frozen: 0
+\- security_count_expired: 0
+\- security_enhanced_erase_supported: 1
+\- security_normal_erase_time: 698
+\- security_enhanced_erase_time: 698
+\- block_erase: 0
+\- overwrite: 1
+\- crypto_scramble: 0
+\- sanitize: 1
+\- supports_sata_gen1: 1
+\- supports_sata_gen2: 1
+\- supports_sata_gen3: 1
+\- trim_supported: 0
+.in -2
+\- block_size:
+.in +2
+\- physical: 4096
+\- logical: 512
+\- stepping: 8
+.in -2
+\- block_count:
+.in +2
+\- physical: 1953506646
+\- logical: 15628053168
+.in -2
+\- size:
+.in +2
+\- bytes: 8001563222016
+\- human:
+.in +2
+\- base2: 7.28TB
+\- base10: 8.00TiB
+.in -2
+.in -2
+.in -2
+# bbf \-S 256 \-t ata scan /dev/sdb
+start block: 0
+end block: 15628053168
+stepping: 256
+logical block size: 512
+physical block size: 4096
+read size: 131072
+Scanning: 0 \- 15628053168
+Current: 2425512192 (15.52%); bps: 179384.74; eta: 20:26:39; bad: 0
+# bbf captcha /dev/sdb
+# bbf \-i ~/badblocks.Z8400VR0 \-c Z8400VR0 fix /dev/sdb
+# bbf \-q fsthrash /mnt/mydrive0
+CTRL\-C to exit...
+^CCleaning up...
+# bbf filethrash /mnt/mydrive0/test
+Creating file: /mnt/mydrive0/test
+Expanding file to fill drive: 200209731584 bytes
+Spawning thrashing threads: 4 (one per core)
+CTRL\-C to exit...
+See the file /usr/doc/bbf\-20220524_0e90e04/LICENSE for license information.
+\fBbbf\fP was written by Antonio SJ Musumeci <\fI\%trapexit@spawn.link\fP>.
+This man page created for the SlackBuilds.org project by
+B. Watson. Since it\(aqs just copy/pasted from README.md, the man page is
+licensed the same as \fBbbf\fP itself.
+\fBbadblocks\fP(8), \fBsmartctl\fP(8), \fBfsck\fP(8)
+The \fBbbf\fP homepage: \fI\%https://github.com/trapexit/bbf\fP
+.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
diff --git a/system/bbf/bbf.SlackBuild b/system/bbf/bbf.SlackBuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b3313d7b63bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bbf/bbf.SlackBuild
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Slackware build script for bbf
+# Written by B. Watson (urchlay@slackware.uk)
+# Licensed under the WTFPL. See http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ for details.
+cd $(dirname $0) ; CWD=$(pwd)
+if [ -z "$ARCH" ]; then
+ case "$( uname -m )" in
+ i?86) ARCH=i586 ;;
+ arm*) ARCH=arm ;;
+ *) ARCH=$( uname -m ) ;;
+ esac
+if [ ! -z "${PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME}" ]; then
+ exit 0
+if [ "$ARCH" = "i586" ]; then
+ SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i586 -mtune=i686"
+elif [ "$ARCH" = "i686" ]; then
+ SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686 -mtune=i686"
+elif [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
+set -e
+rm -rf $PKG
+mkdir -p $TMP $PKG $OUTPUT
+cd $TMP
+tar xvf $CWD/$PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.xz
+chown -R root:root .
+find -L . -perm /111 -a \! -perm 755 -a -exec chmod 755 {} \+ -o \
+ \! -perm /111 -a \! -perm 644 -a -exec chmod 644 {} \+
+install -s -D $PRGNAM $PKG/usr/sbin/$PRGNAM
+# man page is copypasta from README.md, with nice formatting and
+# a few grammar/spelling fixes.
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man8
+gzip -9c < $CWD/$PRGNAM.8 > $PKG/usr/man/man8/$PRGNAM.8.gz
+mkdir -p $PKGDOC
+cp -a *.md LICENSE $PKGDOC
+cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild > $PKGDOC/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild
+mkdir -p $PKG/install
+cat $CWD/slack-desc > $PKG/install/slack-desc
+cd $PKG
diff --git a/system/bbf/bbf.info b/system/bbf/bbf.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0730843445abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bbf/bbf.info
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/system/bbf/bbf.rst b/system/bbf/bbf.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..20a7a1d3a84bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bbf/bbf.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+.. RST source for bbf(1) man page. Convert with:
+.. rst2man.py bbf.rst > bbf.8
+.. |version| replace:: 20220524_0e90e04
+.. |date| date::
+bad block finder
+:Manual section: 8
+:Manual group: SlackBuilds.org
+:Date: |date|
+:Version: |version|
+bbf [*options*] *instruction* *path*
+**bbf** is a safer and more featureful tool for dealing with bad
+blocks on hard drives. It's built around the workflow of dealing with
+hard drive bad blocks. It has a number of features to limit risk in
+using the tool and provides features to more easily track down what
+files are affected by the bad blocks found. It also gives you the
+ability to manually mark blocks as corrupted in cases where a block
+isn't technically bad, but is causing issues.
+ * readonly scanning of bad blocks
+ * safe 'fix' mode which won't overwrite good blocks
+ * burnin mode for checking new drives
+ * manual marking blocks as corrupted
+ * find files given list of blocks
+ * dump list of files and associated block ranges
+ * dump list of blocks used by a file
+ * issue secure drive erasure
+ * filesystem stressing
+-f, --force
+ override checking if drive is in use when trying to perform destructive actions
+-t, --rwtype *os|ata*
+ select between OS or ATA reads and writes (default: os)
+-q, --quiet
+ redirects stdout to /dev/null or otherwise limits output
+-s, --start-block *lba*
+ block to start from (default: 0)
+-e, --end-block *lba*
+ block to stop at (default: last block)
+-S, --stepping *n*
+ number of logical blocks to read at a time (default: physical / logical)
+-o, --output *file*
+ file to write bad block list to (default: $HOME/badblocks.*captcha*)
+-i, --input *file*
+ file to read bad block list from (default: $HOME/badblocks.*captcha*)
+-r, --retries *count*
+ number of retries on certain reads & writes
+-c, --captcha *captcha*
+ needed when performing destructive operations
+-M, --maxerrors *n*
+ max r/w errors before exiting (default: 1024)
+ *path* is a block device. Prints out details about the block device.
+ *path* is a block device. Prints out captcha needed for certain instructions.
+ *path* is a block device. A read-only scan of the block device for
+ bad blocks. *rwtype=ata* will be slower but may catch more.
+ Relevant options: rwtype, start block, end block, stepping, max errors, input file, output file.
+ *path* is a block device. Writes to bad blocks in an attempt to
+ force the drive to reallocate the block. Attempts to read the block
+ first and will write the read data if successful otherwise it will
+ write zeros. This means it is pretty safe to use even if the blocks
+ 'fixed' aren't in fact damaged.
+*rwtype=ata* will work better.
+ Requires captcha.
+ Relevant options: captcha, rwtype, force, input file.
+ *path* is a file. Gets the list of blocks that a file uses and then
+ goes through each block reading what is there and then writing it
+ back which will force reallocation if a block is bad.
+ *rwtype=ata* will work better.
+ Requires captcha.
+ Relevant options: captcha, rwtype, retries.
+ *path* is a block device. Iterates through the blocks of the device performing the following:
+ 1) Read block data (zero out on failure)
+ 2) Write 0x00's and read back to confirm data integrity.
+ 3) Write 0x55's and read back to confirm data integrity.
+ 4) Write 0xAA's and read back to confirm data integrity.
+ 5) Write 0xFF's and read back to confirm data integrity.
+ 6) Write back originally read data.
+ Requires captcha.
+ Relevant options: rwtype, start block, end block, stepping, max
+ errors, retries, input file, output file.
+ *path* is a directory. Spawns a number of threads to hammer the
+ filesystem using a number of functions to stress the filesystem and
+ underlying device. Functions include: create, open, mkdir, unlink,
+ rmdir, write, read, close, readdir, stat, chmod, chown, link,
+ symlink. Cleans up after itself on exit but does consume storage and
+ inodes as it runs.
+ Use *--quiet* to keep it from printing out what it is doing and improve performance.
+ *path* is a non-existent file. Creates a file, expands it to fill
+ up the rest of the filesystem, and spawns a thread per core which
+ writes 1MB blocks to the file at random offsets to stress the
+ filesystem and unerlying device.
+ *path* is a filesystem mount point. Attempts to find the
+ files associated with any blocks listed in the bad block input
+ file. Useful after running *scan* to find the files with bad blocks.
+ Relevant options: input file.
+ *path* is a filesystem. Scans the filesystem and dumps a list of the files with the blocks on the device it occupies.
+ *path* is an existing file. Prints out a list of all logical blocks the file uses.
+ *path* is a block device. Marks blocks listed in the bad block input
+ file as 'pseudo' or 'flagged' uncorrectable. Blocks marked 'pseudo',
+ when read, cause the drive to perform normal error recovery and
+ return errors if necessary. Blocks marked 'flagged', when read,
+ will simply return errors indicating it is bad. 'wl' means 'with
+ logging' and if read will result in failed reads being stored in
+ SMART logs. 'wol' means 'without logging' and will not log any read
+ failures in the SMART log.
+ Relevant options: input file.
+ *path* is a block device. Issues an ATA Security Erase command to
+ the device. What this means specifically is device specific but
+ generally it is supposed to be like a low-level format. Use with
+ care.
+ Requires captcha.
+ Relevant options: captcha.
+ Theoretically a more thorough version of the standard ATA Security
+ Erase command. Similarly its function depends on the device and may
+ be the same as the regular security erase.
+ Requires captcha.
+ Relevant options: captcha.
+| # bbf info /dev/sdb
+| /dev/sdi:
+| - serial_number: XXXXXXXX
+| - firmware_revision: SC61
+| - model_number: ST8000VN0022-2EL112
+| - RPM: 7200
+| - features:
+| - form_factor: 3.5"
+| - write_uncorrectable: 1
+| - smart_supported: 1
+| - smart_enabled: 1
+| - security_supported: 1
+| - security_enabled: 0
+| - security_locked: 0
+| - security_frozen: 0
+| - security_count_expired: 0
+| - security_enhanced_erase_supported: 1
+| - security_normal_erase_time: 698
+| - security_enhanced_erase_time: 698
+| - block_erase: 0
+| - overwrite: 1
+| - crypto_scramble: 0
+| - sanitize: 1
+| - supports_sata_gen1: 1
+| - supports_sata_gen2: 1
+| - supports_sata_gen3: 1
+| - trim_supported: 0
+| - block_size:
+| - physical: 4096
+| - logical: 512
+| - stepping: 8
+| - block_count:
+| - physical: 1953506646
+| - logical: 15628053168
+| - size:
+| - bytes: 8001563222016
+| - human:
+| - base2: 7.28TB
+| - base10: 8.00TiB
+| # bbf -S 256 -t ata scan /dev/sdb
+| start block: 0
+| end block: 15628053168
+| stepping: 256
+| logical block size: 512
+| physical block size: 4096
+| read size: 131072
+| Scanning: 0 - 15628053168
+| Current: 2425512192 (15.52%); bps: 179384.74; eta: 20:26:39; bad: 0
+| # bbf captcha /dev/sdb
+| Z8400VR0
+| # bbf -i ~/badblocks.Z8400VR0 -c Z8400VR0 fix /dev/sdb
+| # bbf -q fsthrash /mnt/mydrive0
+| CTRL-C to exit...
+| ^CCleaning up...
+| # bbf filethrash /mnt/mydrive0/test
+| Creating file: /mnt/mydrive0/test
+| Expanding file to fill drive: 200209731584 bytes
+| Spawning thrashing threads: 4 (one per core)
+| CTRL-C to exit...
+See the file /usr/doc/bbf-|version|/LICENSE for license information.
+**bbf** was written by Antonio SJ Musumeci <trapexit@spawn.link>.
+This man page created for the SlackBuilds.org project by
+B. Watson. Since it's just copy/pasted from README.md, the man page is
+licensed the same as **bbf** itself.
+**badblocks**\(8), **smartctl**\(8), **fsck**\(8)
+The **bbf** homepage: https://github.com/trapexit/bbf
diff --git a/system/bbf/git2tarxz.sh b/system/bbf/git2tarxz.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9c21b0defcd5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bbf/git2tarxz.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Create source tarball from git repo
+# Note that this script doesn't need to be run as root. It does need to
+# be able to write to the current directory it's run from.
+# Takes one optional argument, which is the commit or tag to create a
+# tarball of. With no arg, HEAD is used.
+set -e
+GITDIR=$( mktemp -dt $PRGNAM.git.XXXXXX )
+rm -rf $GITDIR
+git clone $CLONE_URL $GITDIR
+CWD="$( pwd )"
+if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
+ git reset --hard "$1" || exit 1
+GIT_SHA=$( git rev-parse --short HEAD )
+DATE=$( git log --date=format:%Y%m%d --format=%cd | head -1 )
+find . -name .git\* -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
+cd "$CWD"
+echo "Created tarball: $PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.xz"
diff --git a/system/bbf/slack-desc b/system/bbf/slack-desc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..281878c235a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bbf/slack-desc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.
+# Line up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and
+# the '|' on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.
+# You must make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':' except on otherwise blank lines.
+ |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+bbf: bbf (bad block finder)
+bbf: bbf is a safer and more featureful tool for dealing with bad blocks
+bbf: on hard drives. It's built around the workflow of dealing with hard
+bbf: drive bad blocks. It has a number of features to limit risk in using
+bbf: the tool and provides features to more easily track down what files
+bbf: are affected by the bad blocks found. It also gives you the ability
+bbf: to manually mark blocks as corrupted in cases where a block isn't
+bbf: technically bad, but is causing issues.