path: root/system/ansible
diff options
authorAlex Diaconu <hello@alexdiaconu.com>2014-10-30 10:15:00 +0700
committerWilly Sudiarto Raharjo <willysr@slackbuilds.org>2014-10-30 20:27:36 +0700
commitaa4e553cdd33f55e9b563fef8d032e5c359a14fc (patch)
tree8f2b8528269fa1df1c656f4e4882c3d553f44e57 /system/ansible
parent360f749b9af70dbdafe9ceaafd444ea2e3d89ce4 (diff)
system/ansible: Updated for version 1.7.2.
Signed-off-by: Willy Sudiarto Raharjo <willysr@slackbuilds.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'system/ansible')
5 files changed, 22 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/system/ansible/Makefile.patch b/system/ansible/Makefile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6afd372f5d8ea..0000000000000
--- a/system/ansible/Makefile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
---- a/Makefile 2013-07-05 14:59:24.000000000 +0200
-+++ b/Makefile 2013-07-05 15:01:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -21,34 +21,13 @@
- # This doesn't evaluate until it's called. The -D argument is the
- # directory of the target file ($@), kinda like `dirname`.
- MANPAGES := docs/man/man1/ansible.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-pull.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-doc.1
--ifneq ($(shell which a2x 2>/dev/null),)
--ASCII2MAN = a2x -D $(dir $@) -d manpage -f manpage $<
--ASCII2HTMLMAN = a2x -D docs/html/man/ -d manpage -f xhtml
--ASCII2MAN = @echo "ERROR: AsciiDoc 'a2x' command is not installed but is required to build $(MANPAGES)" && exit 1
- SITELIB = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")
- # VERSION file provides one place to update the software version
- VERSION := $(shell cat VERSION)
--# Get the branch information from git
--ifneq ($(shell which git),)
--GIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%ai")
--ifeq ($(OS), FreeBSD)
--DATE := $(shell date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%s" "$(GIT_DATE)" +%Y%m%d%H%M)
--ifeq ($(OS), Darwin)
--DATE := $(shell date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "$(GIT_DATE)" +%Y%m%d%H%M)
--DATE := $(shell date --utc --date="$(GIT_DATE)" +%Y%m%d%H%M)
- # RPM build parameters
- RPMSPECDIR= packaging/rpm
- RPMSPEC = $(RPMSPECDIR)/ansible.spec
-@@ -74,16 +53,6 @@
- authors:
- sh hacking/authors.sh
--# Regenerate %.1.asciidoc if %.1.asciidoc.in has been modified more
--# recently than %.1.asciidoc.
--%.1.asciidoc: %.1.asciidoc.in
-- sed "s/%VERSION%/$(VERSION)/" $< > $@
--# Regenerate %.1 if %.1.asciidoc or VERSION has been modified more
--# recently than %.1. (Implicitly runs the %.1.asciidoc recipe)
--%.1: %.1.asciidoc VERSION
- loc:
- sloccount lib library bin
diff --git a/system/ansible/README b/system/ansible/README
index dbc25930876df..0d4f3e9188a35 100644
--- a/system/ansible/README
+++ b/system/ansible/README
@@ -4,10 +4,4 @@ A radically simple, model-driven orchestration solution that automates
configuration, software deployment, and other IT needs.
It comes as an easy-to-use and powerful alternative to infrastructure
-management tools such as CFEngine, Chef, Puppet and SaltStack.
-*NOTE* that as the source tarball is hosted by github (nodeload), its filename
-will vary depending on the download method. The filename may be "release1.2"
-when downloaded via wget/curl or it may be "ansible-ansible-v1.2-*.tar.gz"
-when downloaded via a browser. Any other form will not be accounted for, as
-the SlackBuild script is set to handle only those two filename patterns.
+management tools such as CFEngine, Chef, Puppet, and SaltStack.
diff --git a/system/ansible/ansible.SlackBuild b/system/ansible/ansible.SlackBuild
index 3d10271527782..c4cd7a65d2c6f 100644
--- a/system/ansible/ansible.SlackBuild
+++ b/system/ansible/ansible.SlackBuild
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Slackware build script for ansible
-# Copyright 2013 Alex Diaconu <alex.diaconu@gmx.com>
+# Copyright 2014 Alex Diaconu <alex.diaconu@gmx.com>
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
@@ -67,44 +67,33 @@ find -L . \
\( -perm 777 -o -perm 775 -o -perm 750 -o -perm 711 -o -perm 555 \
-o -perm 511 \) -exec chmod 755 {} \; -o \
\( -perm 666 -o -perm 664 -o -perm 640 -o -perm 600 -o -perm 444 \
- -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+ -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) -exec chmod 644 {} \;
-patch -p1 < $CWD/Makefile.patch
+python setup.py install --root=$PKG
-make docs
-python setup.py install $SLKFLAGS --root=$PKG
-# Copy and compress manpages
+# We don't need these, do we?
rm -r docs/man/man1/*asciidoc.in
+# Copy docs, remove git traces, compress manpages
cp -a docs/man $PKG/usr/man
+find $PKG/usr/man \
+ \( -iname '.git*' \
+ -o -iname 'man3' \) -delete # "man3" contains a single ".gitdir" file (yeah)
find $PKG/usr/man -type f -exec gzip -9 {} \;
for i in $( find $PKG/usr/man -type l ) ; do ln -s $( readlink $i ).gz $i.gz ; rm $i ; done
-# Remove git remnants
-find $PKG/usr/man -iname '.git*' -delete
-# Remove redundant executable perms granted to some modules
+# 15 files (modules) out of 248 have their executable bit activated, while none
+# of them seems to require it. The command that follows simply assumes that
+# those files escaped upstream scrutiny and simply removes the executable
+# permissions.
find $PKG/usr/share/ansible -type f -perm /111 -exec chmod -x {} \;
-# Fix plugin paths and also remove the duplicated 'library' and 'hostfile' settings
-site_packages="$(python2 -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib();')/ansible"
-sed -i -r \
- -e "s:$orig_path/${plug_pat}_plugins:$site_packages/runner/\1_plugins:" \
- -e "s:$orig_path/callback_plugins:$site_packages/callback_plugins:" \
- -e "s:$orig_path/vars_plugins:$site_packages/inventory/vars_plugins:" \
- -e "7,12d" \
- examples/ansible.cfg
mkdir -p $PKG/etc/ansible
cp -a examples/ansible.cfg $PKG/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg.new
cp -a examples/hosts $PKG/etc/ansible/hosts.new
mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
-cp -a \
- examples COPYING RELEASES.txt *.md \
+cp -a examples COPYING *.md $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild > $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild
mkdir -p $PKG/install
diff --git a/system/ansible/ansible.info b/system/ansible/ansible.info
index 3b84e6812c480..5c6bdf48a3d06 100644
--- a/system/ansible/ansible.info
+++ b/system/ansible/ansible.info
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-REQUIRES="paramiko PyYAML Jinja2"
+REQUIRES="paramiko PyYAML Jinja2 httplib2"
MAINTAINER="Alex Diaconu"
diff --git a/system/ansible/slack-desc b/system/ansible/slack-desc
index 27641ae4679bc..f894230721bdd 100644
--- a/system/ansible/slack-desc
+++ b/system/ansible/slack-desc
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ansible:
ansible: A radically simple, model-driven orchestration solution that
ansible: automates configuration, software deployment, and other IT needs.
-ansible: Homepage: http://ansible.cc
+ansible: Homepage: http://ansible.com