path: root/network/openvpn-auth-ldap/auth-ldap.patch
diff options
authorRobby Workman <rworkman@slackbuilds.org>2012-09-30 20:12:36 -0500
committerRobby Workman <rworkman@slackbuilds.org>2012-09-30 20:12:36 -0500
commitcb5684c6ae4113561d7a020e192d269fd29d81d0 (patch)
treef392f74bb03c7f1543f64547410f7954f4fcd543 /network/openvpn-auth-ldap/auth-ldap.patch
parentc50b3841d8f4483dadbffa3d6400dbe7648b0b27 (diff)
network/openvpn-auth-ldap: Removed (build failure)
Signed-off-by: Robby Workman <rworkman@slackbuilds.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'network/openvpn-auth-ldap/auth-ldap.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/network/openvpn-auth-ldap/auth-ldap.patch b/network/openvpn-auth-ldap/auth-ldap.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e1cb9e055a5ef..0000000000000
--- a/network/openvpn-auth-ldap/auth-ldap.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/auth-ldap.conf auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/auth-ldap.conf
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/auth-ldap.conf 2007-01-22 12:50:42.000000000 -0600
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/auth-ldap.conf 2010-06-29 10:58:40.916276380 -0500
-*** 47,52 ****
---- 47,55 ----
- #PFTable ips_vpn_users
- <Group>
-+ # Match full user DN if true, uid only if false
-+ RFC2307bis true
- BaseDN "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
- SearchFilter "(|(cn=developers)(cn=artists))"
- MemberAttribute uniqueMember
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/LFAuthLDAPConfig.m auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/LFAuthLDAPConfig.m
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/LFAuthLDAPConfig.m 2007-01-22 12:50:42.000000000 -0600
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/LFAuthLDAPConfig.m 2010-06-29 10:58:40.916276380 -0500
-*** 79,84 ****
---- 79,85 ----
- /* Group Section Variables */
- LF_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE, /* Group Membership Attribute */
-+ LF_GROUP_MEMBER_RFC2307BIS, /* Look for full DN for user in attribute */
- /* Misc Shared */
- LF_UNKNOWN_OPCODE, /* Unknown Opcode */
-*** 146,151 ****
---- 147,153 ----
- static OpcodeTable GroupSectionVariables[] = {
- /* name opcode multi required */
- { "MemberAttribute", LF_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE, NO, NO },
-+ { "RFC2307bis", LF_GROUP_MEMBER_RFC2307BIS, NO, NO },
- { NULL, 0 }
- };
-*** 696,707 ****
---- 698,719 ----
- switch(opcodeEntry->opcode) {
- TRLDAPGroupConfig *config;
-+ BOOL memberRFC2307BIS;
- config = [self currentSectionContext];
- [config setMemberAttribute: [value string]];
- break;
-+ config = [self currentSectionContext];
-+ if (![value boolValue: &memberRFC2307BIS]) {
-+ [self errorBoolValue: value];
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ [config setMemberRFC2307BIS: memberRFC2307BIS];
-+ break;
- config = [self currentSectionContext];
- [config setBaseDN: [value string]];
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/LFLDAPConnection.h auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/LFLDAPConnection.h
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/LFLDAPConnection.h 2007-01-22 12:50:42.000000000 -0600
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/LFLDAPConnection.h 2010-06-29 10:58:40.920285882 -0500
-*** 56,61 ****
---- 56,62 ----
- baseDN: (LFString *) base
- attributes: (TRArray *) attributes;
- - (BOOL) compareDN: (LFString *) dn withAttribute: (LFString *) attribute value: (LFString *) value;
-+ - (BOOL) compare: (LFString *) dn withAttribute: (LFString *) attribute value: (LFString *) value;
- - (BOOL) setReferralEnabled: (BOOL) enabled;
- - (BOOL) setTLSCACertFile: (LFString *) fileName;
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/LFLDAPConnection.m auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/LFLDAPConnection.m
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/LFLDAPConnection.m 2007-03-22 15:09:51.000000000 -0500
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/LFLDAPConnection.m 2010-06-29 10:58:40.920285882 -0500
-*** 405,410 ****
---- 405,454 ----
- return NO;
- }
-+ - (BOOL) compare: (LFString *) dn withAttribute: (LFString *) attribute value: (LFString *) value {
-+ struct timeval timeout;
-+ LDAPMessage *res;
-+ struct berval bval;
-+ int err;
-+ int msgid;
-+ /* Set up the ber structure for our value */
-+ bval.bv_val = (char *) [value cString];
-+ bval.bv_len = [value length] - 1; /* Length includes NULL terminator */
-+ /* Set up the timeout */
-+ timeout.tv_sec = _timeout;
-+ timeout.tv_usec = 0;
-+ /* Perform the compare */
-+ if ((err = ldap_compare_ext(ldapConn, [dn cString], [attribute cString], &bval, NULL, NULL, &msgid)) != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
-+ [TRLog debug: "LDAP compare failed: %d: %s", err, ldap_err2string(err)];
-+ return NO;
-+ }
-+ /* Wait for the result */
-+ if (ldap_result(ldapConn, msgid, 1, &timeout, &res) == -1) {
-+ err = ldap_get_errno(ldapConn);
-+ if (err == LDAP_TIMEOUT)
-+ ldap_abandon_ext(ldapConn, msgid, NULL, NULL);
-+ [TRLog debug: "ldap_compare_ext failed: %s", ldap_err2string(err)];
-+ return NO;
-+ }
-+ /* Check the result */
-+ if (ldap_parse_result(ldapConn, res, &err, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
-+ /* Parsing failed */
-+ return NO;
-+ }
-+ if (err == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE)
-+ return YES;
-+ else
-+ return NO;
-+ return NO;
-+ }
- - (BOOL) _setLDAPOption: (int) opt value: (const char *) value connection: (LDAP *) ldapConn {
- int err;
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/TRLDAPEntry.h auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/TRLDAPEntry.h
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/TRLDAPEntry.h 2006-07-25 18:55:47.000000000 -0500
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/TRLDAPEntry.h 2010-06-29 10:58:40.920285882 -0500
-*** 40,50 ****
---- 40,53 ----
- @interface TRLDAPEntry : TRObject {
- LFString *_dn;
-+ LFString *_rdn;
- TRHash *_attributes;
- }
- - (id) initWithDN: (LFString *) dn attributes: (TRHash *) attributes;
- - (LFString *) dn;
-+ - (LFString *) rdn;
-+ - (void) setRDN: (LFString *) rdn;
- - (TRHash *) attributes;
- @end
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/TRLDAPEntry.m auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/TRLDAPEntry.m
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/TRLDAPEntry.m 2006-07-25 18:55:47.000000000 -0500
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/TRLDAPEntry.m 2010-06-29 10:58:40.920285882 -0500
-*** 42,47 ****
---- 42,48 ----
- return self;
- _dn = [dn retain];
-+ _rdn = nil;
- _attributes = [attributes retain];
- return self;
-*** 49,54 ****
---- 50,56 ----
- - (void) dealloc {
- [_dn release];
-+ [_rdn release];
- [_attributes release];
- [super dealloc];
- }
-*** 57,62 ****
---- 59,72 ----
- return _dn;
- }
-+ - (LFString *) rdn {
-+ return _rdn;
-+ }
-+ - (void) setRDN: (LFString *) rdn {
-+ _rdn=rdn;
-+ }
- - (TRHash *) attributes {
- return _attributes;
- }
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/TRLDAPGroupConfig.h auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/TRLDAPGroupConfig.h
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/TRLDAPGroupConfig.h 2006-07-30 15:19:54.000000000 -0500
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/TRLDAPGroupConfig.h 2010-06-29 10:58:40.920285882 -0500
-*** 42,47 ****
---- 42,48 ----
- LFString *_baseDN;
- LFString *_searchFilter;
- LFString *_memberAttribute;
-+ BOOL _memberRFC2307BIS;
- LFString *_pfTable;
- }
-*** 54,59 ****
---- 55,63 ----
- - (LFString *) memberAttribute;
- - (void) setMemberAttribute: (LFString *) memberAttribute;
-+ - (BOOL) memberRFC2307BIS;
-+ - (void) setMemberRFC2307BIS: (BOOL) memberRFC2307BIS;
- - (LFString *) pfTable;
- - (void) setPFTable: (LFString *) tableName;
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/TRLDAPGroupConfig.m auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/TRLDAPGroupConfig.m
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/TRLDAPGroupConfig.m 2006-07-30 15:19:54.000000000 -0500
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/TRLDAPGroupConfig.m 2010-06-29 10:58:40.920285882 -0500
-*** 81,86 ****
---- 81,94 ----
- _memberAttribute = [memberAttribute retain];
- }
-+ - (BOOL) memberRFC2307BIS {
-+ return (_memberRFC2307BIS);
-+ }
-+ - (void) setMemberRFC2307BIS: (BOOL) memberRFC2307BIS {
-+ _memberRFC2307BIS = memberRFC2307BIS;
-+ }
- - (void) setPFTable: (LFString *) tableName {
- if (_pfTable)
- [_pfTable release];
-diff -crB auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/auth-ldap.m auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/auth-ldap.m
-*** auth-ldap-2.0.3/src/auth-ldap.m 2007-01-22 12:50:42.000000000 -0600
---- auth-ldap-2.0.3-patched/src/auth-ldap.m 2010-06-29 11:02:14.680387830 -0500
-*** 307,320 ****
- goto error;
- }
-- /* Bind if requested */
-- if ([config bindDN]) {
-- if (![ldap bindWithDN: [config bindDN] password: [config bindPassword]]) {
-- [TRLog error: "Unable to bind as %s", [[config bindDN] cString]];
-- goto error;
-- }
-- }
- /* Certificate file */
- if ((value = [config tlsCACertFile]))
- if (![ldap setTLSCACertFile: value])
---- 307,312 ----
-*** 340,345 ****
---- 332,345 ----
- if (![ldap startTLS])
- goto error;
-+ /* Bind if requested */
-+ if ([config bindDN]) {
-+ if (![ldap bindWithDN: [config bindDN] password: [config bindPassword]]) {
-+ [TRLog error: "Unable to bind as %s", [[config bindDN] cString]];
-+ goto error;
-+ }
-+ }
- return ldap;
- error:
-*** 409,414 ****
---- 409,415 ----
- TREnumerator *entryIter;
- TRLDAPEntry *entry;
- TRLDAPGroupConfig *result = nil;
-+ int userNameLength;
- /*
- * Groups are loaded into the array in the order that they are listed
-*** 426,440 ****
- /* Error occured, all stop */
- if (!ldapEntries)
- break;
-! /* Iterate over the returned entries */
-! entryIter = [ldapEntries objectEnumerator];
-! while ((entry = [entryIter nextObject]) != nil) {
-! if ([ldap compareDN: [entry dn] withAttribute: [groupConfig memberAttribute] value: [ldapUser dn]]) {
-! /* Group match! */
-! result = groupConfig;
- }
- }
- [entryIter release];
- [ldapEntries release];
- if (result)
---- 427,453 ----
- /* Error occured, all stop */
- if (!ldapEntries)
- break;
-! if ([groupConfig memberRFC2307BIS]) {
-! /* Iterate over the returned entries */
-! entryIter = [ldapEntries objectEnumerator];
-! while ((entry = [entryIter nextObject]) != nil) {
-! if ([ldap compareDN: [entry dn] withAttribute: [groupConfig memberAttribute] value: [ldapUser dn]]) {
-! /* Group match! */
-! result = groupConfig;
-! }
-! }
-! } else {
-! /* Iterate over the returned entries */
-! entryIter = [ldapEntries objectEnumerator];
-! while ((entry = [entryIter nextObject]) != nil) {
-! if ([ldap compare: [entry dn] withAttribute: [groupConfig memberAttribute] value: [ldapUser rdn]]) {
-! /* Group match! */
-! result = groupConfig;
-! }
- }
- }
- [entryIter release];
- [ldapEntries release];
- if (result)
-*** 551,556 ****
---- 564,570 ----
- username = get_env("username", envp);
-+ LFString *userName=[[LFString alloc]initWithCString: username];
- password = get_env("password", envp);
- remoteAddress = get_env("ifconfig_pool_remote_ip", envp);
-*** 568,573 ****
---- 582,588 ----
- /* Find the user record */
- ldapUser = find_ldap_user(ldap, ctx->config, username);
-+ [ldapUser setRDN: userName];
- if (!ldapUser) {
- /* No such user. */
- [TRLog warning: "LDAP user \"%s\" was not found.", username];