path: root/misc/funny-manpages/funny-manpages.SlackBuild
diff options
authorAndrew Clemons <andrew.clemons@gmail.com>2021-08-22 21:16:50 +1200
committerWilly Sudiarto Raharjo <willysr@slackbuilds.org>2021-08-25 12:11:35 +0700
commit2db83ba1a808f6ed8980da57a91e96f5caeb91cc (patch)
tree354b6bbc55ccd4cd7f89e9ca67f49b63c02f49c7 /misc/funny-manpages/funny-manpages.SlackBuild
parentf950a678cfd7027bcb7199ece3d849e8929c48ad (diff)
misc/funny-manpages: Updated for version 2.3.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Clemons <andrew.clemons@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Willy Sudiarto Raharjo <willysr@slackbuilds.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/funny-manpages/funny-manpages.SlackBuild')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/misc/funny-manpages/funny-manpages.SlackBuild b/misc/funny-manpages/funny-manpages.SlackBuild
index 65e8fb25cccb2..209cedf7f1337 100644
--- a/misc/funny-manpages/funny-manpages.SlackBuild
+++ b/misc/funny-manpages/funny-manpages.SlackBuild
@@ -26,15 +26,13 @@
cd $(dirname $0) ; CWD=$(pwd)
-SRC_VERSION=$( echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f1,2 )
# If the variable PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME is set, then this script will report what
# the name of the created package would be, and then exit. This information
# could be useful to other scripts.
@@ -52,45 +50,35 @@ set -e
rm -rf $PKG
mkdir -p $TMP $PKG $OUTPUT
cd $TMP
-tar xvf $CWD/${PRGNAM}_$SRC_VERSION.orig.tar.gz
+rm -rf $PRGNAM
+tar xvf $CWD/${PRGNAM}_$VERSION.orig.tar.gz
chown -R root:root .
find -L . \
- \( -perm 777 -o -perm 775 -o -perm 750 -o -perm 711 -o -perm 555 -o -perm 511 \) \
- -exec chmod 755 {} \; -o \
- \( -perm 666 -o -perm 664 -o -perm 600 -o -perm 444 -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) \
- -exec chmod 644 {} \;
-# Patch the manpages to the latest version.
-patch -p1 < $CWD/${PRGNAM}_$SRC_VERSION-$DEB_VERSION.diff
+ \( -perm 777 -o -perm 775 -o -perm 750 -o -perm 711 -o -perm 555 \
+ -o -perm 511 \) -exec chmod 755 {} \; -o \
+ \( -perm 666 -o -perm 664 -o -perm 640 -o -perm 600 -o -perm 444 \
+ -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) -exec chmod 644 {} \;
-# Create the directories we need
-mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,3,6,7}
+make install DESTDIR=$PKG
-for manpage in $(echo *fun); do
- section=$(echo $manpage | awk -F. '{print $2}' | colrm 2 4)
- install -m 0644 $manpage $PKG/usr/man/man$section/$manpage
+mv $PKG/usr/share/man $PKG/usr
+rm -rf $PKG/usr/share
# Move date.1fun over to mansection 6. It is kinda screwing with upstream,
# but right now causes a conflict with the systems date(1)
( cd $PKG/usr/man/man1
- ln -sf grope.1fun egrope.1fun
- ln -sf grope.1fun fgrope.1fun
mv date.1fun ../man6/date.6fun
# Add custom noobfarm manpage. Thanks to Matt Hayes.
-install -m 0644 $CWD/noobfarm.7 $PKG/usr/man/man7/noobfarm.7fun
+install -m644 -D $CWD/noobfarm.7 $PKG/usr/man/man7/noobfarm.7fun
-( cd $PKG/usr/man
- find . -type f -exec gzip -9 {} \;
- for i in $( find . -type l ) ; do ln -s $( readlink $i ).gz $i.gz ; rm $i ; done
+find $PKG/usr/man -type f -exec gzip -9 {} \;
+for i in $( find $PKG/usr/man -type l ) ; do ln -s $( readlink $i ).gz $i.gz ; rm $i ; done
mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
-cp -a debian/README.Debian debian/changelog debian/copyright \
cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild > $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild