path: root/games
diff options
authorB. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com>2022-02-20 14:00:48 -0500
committerRobby Workman <rworkman@slackbuilds.org>2022-02-21 14:34:27 -0600
commitd163408d552135512545ca2e3c48a3ea4fb02119 (patch)
treee3b3e98f9a08d09d0a2ebb423b1d90340252d416 /games
parent94efcd10f448aa3d6c2319522ba722888845d3a8 (diff)
games/freeorion: Updated for version
Signed-off-by: B. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'games')
2 files changed, 10 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/games/freeorion/freeorion.SlackBuild b/games/freeorion/freeorion.SlackBuild
index d4101222130a5..52bc74e815581 100644
--- a/games/freeorion/freeorion.SlackBuild
+++ b/games/freeorion/freeorion.SlackBuild
@@ -26,10 +26,13 @@
# have no idea how this build passed QA, since it was broken all
# along.
+# 20210217 bkw: modified by SlackBuilds.org: update for v0.4.10.2, to
+# fix compile issues on 15.0. Also move the binary to /usr/games.
cd $(dirname $0) ; CWD=$(pwd)
@@ -42,9 +45,6 @@ if [ -z "$ARCH" ]; then
-# If the variable PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME is set, then this script will report what
-# the name of the created package would be, and then exit. This information
-# could be useful to other scripts.
if [ ! -z "${PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME}" ]; then
exit 0
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ TMP=${TMP:-/tmp/SBo}
+# 20220220 bkw: these flags aren't really used.
if [ "$ARCH" = "i586" ]; then
SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i586 -mtune=i686"
@@ -79,11 +80,9 @@ cd $PRGNAM-$VERSION
chown -R root:root .
find -L . \
\( -perm 777 -o -perm 775 -o -perm 750 -o -perm 711 -o -perm 555 \
- -o -perm 511 \) -exec chmod 755 {} \; -o \
+ -o -perm 511 \) -exec chmod 755 {} \+ -o \
\( -perm 666 -o -perm 664 -o -perm 640 -o -perm 600 -o -perm 444 \
- -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) -exec chmod 644 {} \;
-patch -p0 < $CWD/ftb.patch
+ -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) -exec chmod 644 {} \+
# tell cmake to use clang
export CC=/usr/bin/clang
@@ -97,13 +96,13 @@ cd build
- make install DESTDIR=$PKG
+ make install/strip DESTDIR=$PKG
cd ..
-find $PKG -print0 | xargs -0 file | grep -e "executable" -e "shared object" | grep ELF \
- | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null || true
+sed -i '/^Exec=/s,=,=/usr/games/,' $PKG/usr/share/applications/*desktop
mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
cp -a README.md CONTRIBUTING.md ChangeLog.md $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
diff --git a/games/freeorion/ftb.patch b/games/freeorion/ftb.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b888eca76507..0000000000000
--- a/games/freeorion/ftb.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
---- UI/CombatReport/GraphicalSummary.cpp 2021-07-10 14:11:25.281161865 -0500
-+++ UI/CombatReport/GraphicalSummary.cpp 2021-07-10 14:11:34.010981701 -0500
-@@ -409,91 +409,6 @@
- m_y_axis_label->MoveTo(GG::Pt(-m_y_axis_label->MinUsableSize().x / 2 - AXIS_WIDTH, Height()/2 - m_y_axis_label->Height()/2));
- }
-- void DrawArrow(GG::Pt begin, GG::Pt end) {
-- double head_width = 5.0;
-- // A vector (math) of the arrow we wish to draw
-- GG::Pt direction = end - begin;
-- double length = sqrt(1.0*(Value(direction.x)*Value(direction.x) +
-- Value(direction.y)*Value(direction.y)));
-- if (length == 0) {
-- return;
-- }
-- // The point in the main line of the arrow,
-- // paraller to which the head ends
-- // \.
-- // \.
-- // --------h-->
-- // /.
-- // /.
-- // h is at the handle
-- GG::Pt handle;
-- // How much to move off the handle to get to
-- // the end point of one of the head lines
-- GG::X delta_x;
-- GG::Y delta_y;
-- if (direction.x != 0 && direction.y != 0) {
-- // In a skewed arrow we need
-- // a bit of geometry to figure out the head
-- double x = Value(direction.x);
-- double y = Value(direction.y);
-- double normalizer = head_width / sqrt(1 + x*x / (y*y));
-- delta_x = GG::X(normalizer);
-- delta_y = GG::Y(- x / y * normalizer);
-- handle = end - GG::Pt((head_width / length) * direction.x, (head_width / length) * direction.y);
-- } else if (direction.x == 0) {
-- // Vertical arrow
-- handle = end;
-- handle.y -= boost::math::sign(Value(direction.y))*GG::Y(head_width);
-- delta_x = GG::X(head_width);
-- delta_y = GG::Y0;
-- } else {
-- //horizontal arrow
-- handle = end;
-- handle.x -= boost::math::sign(Value(direction.x)) * GG::X(head_width);
-- delta_x = GG::X0;
-- delta_y = GG::Y(head_width);
-- }
-- GG::Pt left_head = handle;
-- GG::Pt right_head = handle;
-- left_head.x += delta_x;
-- left_head.y += delta_y;
-- // The other line is on the opposite side of the handle
-- right_head.x -= delta_x;
-- right_head.y -= delta_y;
-- GG::glColor(GG::CLR_WHITE);
-- glLineWidth(2);
-- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-- GG::GL2DVertexBuffer verts;
-- verts.reserve(6);
-- verts.store(Value(begin.x), Value(begin.y));
-- verts.store(Value(end.x), Value(end.y));
-- verts.store(Value(end.x), Value(end.y));
-- verts.store(Value(left_head.x), Value(left_head.y));
-- verts.store(Value(end.x), Value(end.y));
-- verts.store(Value(right_head.x),Value(right_head.y));
-- verts.activate();
-- glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, verts.size());
-- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-- }
-- void Render() override {
-- // Draw the axes outside th3e client area
-- GG::Pt begin(ClientUpperLeft().x - AXIS_WIDTH/2, ClientLowerRight().y + AXIS_HEIGHT/2);
-- GG::Pt x_end(ClientLowerRight().x, begin.y);
-- GG::Pt y_end(begin.x, ClientUpperLeft().y);
-- DrawArrow(begin, x_end);
-- DrawArrow(begin, y_end);
-- }
- void SizeMove(const GG::Pt& ul, const GG::Pt& lr) override {
- GG::Wnd::SizeMove(ul, lr);
- DoLayout();
---- universe/Conditions.cpp 2021-07-10 14:11:05.049579392 -0500
-+++ universe/Conditions.cpp 2021-07-10 14:13:39.582389758 -0500
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- #include "Conditions.h"
-+#include <cfloat>
- #include "../util/Logger.h"
- #include "../util/Random.h"
- #include "../util/i18n.h"