path: root/games/stella/stella.pod
diff options
authorB. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com>2015-03-27 07:51:45 +0700
committerWilly Sudiarto Raharjo <willysr@slackbuilds.org>2015-03-27 07:51:45 +0700
commite70829192d6d9e4f86d8bc6a85299f47094d44c0 (patch)
treeaf511a316075ee06ca6951b019b8e7457ccd9f2b /games/stella/stella.pod
parent3a2a37ca3aaefebf43f84f3f0aeef72c0dda02a2 (diff)
games/stella: Updated for version 4.6.
Signed-off-by: Willy Sudiarto Raharjo <willysr@slackbuilds.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'games/stella/stella.pod')
1 files changed, 1379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games/stella/stella.pod b/games/stella/stella.pod
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f1162760bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/stella/stella.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,1379 @@
+# pod source for stella man page. Convert with:
+# pod2man --stderr -s6 -cSlackBuilds.org -r4.6 -u stella.pod > stella.6
+=head1 NAME
+stella - an Atari 2600 emulator
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<stella> I<options> I<ROM file>
+B<stella> is a comprehensive emulator of the old Atari 2600 video-game
+console. It support most Atari 2600 games and many peripherals.
+If you start Stella and do not specify a ROM image, it will start in
+'ROM Launcher' mode. If this is your first time starting Stella, you
+will be asked to select the default ROM directory to use.
+This man page only documents the command-line options and default
+keybindings. The complete documentation is in I<index.html> and
+I<debugger.html>, usually installed in I</usr/share/doc/stella/> or
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-video> <direct3d|opengl|opengles2|opengles|software>
+Use the given rendering backend (where applicable); default is the best
+available mode detected.
+=item B<-vsync> <1|0>
+Synchronize screen updates to the vertical blank period. This can
+result in smoother updates, and eliminate tearing.
+=item B<-fullscreen> <1|0>
+Enable fullscreen mode.
+=item B<-center> <1|0>
+Centers game window (if possible).
+=item B<-palette> <standard|z26|user>
+Set the palette to either normal Stella, the one used in the z26
+emulator, or a user-defined palette.
+=item B<-colorloss> <1|0>
+Enable/disable the PAL color-loss effect.
+=item B<-framerate> <number>
+Display the given number of frames per second. Normally, Stella will
+determine framerate based on number of scanlines. Setting this to 0
+automatically enables auto-frame calculation (ie, framerate based on
+=item B<-timing> <sleep|busy>
+Determines type of wait to perform between processing frames. Sleep
+will release the CPU as much as possible, and is the preferred method
+on laptops (and other low-powered devices) and when using VSync. Busy
+will emulate z26 busy-wait behaviour, and use all possible CPU time,
+but may eliminate graphical 'tearing' in software mode.
+=item B<-uimessages> <1|0>
+Enable or disable display of message in the UI. Note that messages
+indicating serious errors override this setting, and are always shown.
+=item B<-sound> <1|0>
+Enable or disable sound generation.
+=item B<-fragsize> <number>
+Specify the sound fragment size to use. Linux/Mac seems to work with
+512, Windows usually needs 1024.
+=item B<-freq> <number>
+Set sound sample output frequency (11025,22050,31400,44100,48000)
+Default is 31400. Do not change unless you experience sound issues.
+=item B<-volume> <number>
+Set the volume (0 - 100).
+=item B<-tia.zoom> <zoom>
+Use the specified zoom level (integer) while in TIA/emulation mode.
+=item B<-tia.inter> <1|0>
+Use interpolation for the TIA image (results in blending/smoothing of
+the image).
+=item B<-tia.aspectn> <number>
+=item B<-tia.aspectp> <number>
+Specify the amount (as a percentage) to scale the TIA image width in
+NTSC and PAL mode. Since many video modes do not use square pixels, you
+can reduce width until the pixels appear square. Allowable values are
+80 - 120; I find 85 - 90 gives the most authentic look for NTSC, and
+105 - 110 for PAL.
+=item B<-tia.fsfill> <1|0>
+Stretch TIA image completely while in fullscreen mode (vs. an integral
+stretch which won't necessarily completely fill the screen).
+=item B<-tv.filter> <1 - 6>
+Blargg TV effects, 0 is disabled, next numbers in sequence represent
+presets for 'Composite', 'S-Video', 'RGB', 'Bad Adjust', and 'Custom'
+=item B<-tv.scanlines> <0 - 100>
+Blargg TV effects scanline intensity, where 0 means completely off.
+=item B<-tv.scaninter> <1|0>
+Blargg TV effects scanline interpolation, resulting in
+blending/smoothing of the scanlines.
+=item B<-tv.contrast> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'contrast' (only available in custom mode, range -1.0
+to 1.0).
+=item B<-tv.brightness> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'brightness' (only available in custom mode, range
+-1.0 to 1.0).
+=item B<-tv.hue> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'hue' (only available in custom mode, range -1.0 to
+=item B<-tv.saturation> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'saturation' (only available in custom mode, range
+-1.0 to 1.0).
+=item B<-tv.gamma> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'gamma' (only available in custom mode, range -1.0 to
+=item B<-tv.sharpness> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'sharpness' (only available in custom mode, range
+-1.0 to 1.0).
+=item B<-tv.resolution> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'resolution' (only available in custom mode, range
+-1.0 to 1.0).
+=item B<-tv.artifacts> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'artifacts' (only available in custom mode, range
+-1.0 to 1.0).
+=item B<-tv.fringing> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'fringing' (only available in custom mode, range -1.0
+to 1.0).
+=item B<-tv.bleed> <number>
+Blargg TV effects 'bleed' (only available in custom mode, range -1.0 to
+=item B<-cheat> <code>
+Use the specified cheatcode (see Cheat section for description).
+=item B<-loglevel> <0|1|2>
+Indicates level of logging to perform while the application is running.
+Zero completely disables logging (except for serious errors), while the
+remaining numbers show increasingly more detail.
+=item B<-logtoconsole> <1|0>
+Indicates that logged output should be printed to the
+console/commandline as it's being collected. An internal log will still
+be kept, and the amount of logging is still controlled by 'loglevel'.
+=item B<-joydeadzone> <number>
+Sets the joystick axis deadzone area for joysticks/gamepads. All values
+within the deadzone are treated as zero-axis values, while only those
+values outside are registered as valid input. Accepts a number from 0 -
+29, and uses the formula 3200 + number * 1000. So the possible deadzone
+values range from 3200 to 32200.
+=item B<-joyallow4> <1|0>
+Allow all 4 directions on a joystick to be pressed simultaneously.
+Bumper Bash ignores this setting, and always allows all 4 directions.
+=item B<-usemouse> <always|analog|never>
+Use mouse as a controller as specified by ROM properties in specific
+case. Always and never are self-explanatory, analog means only for
+analog-type devices (paddles, trackball, etc).
+=item B<-grabmouse> <1|0>
+Locks the mouse cursor in the game window in emulation mode.
+=item B<-hidecursor> <1|0>
+Always hide the mouse cursor, or show it when appropriate.
+=item B<-dsense> <number>
+Sensitivity for emulation of paddles when using a digital device (ie,
+joystick digital axis or button, keyboard key, etc). Valid range of
+values is from 1 to 10, with larger numbers causing faster movement.
+=item B<-msense> <number>
+Sensitivity for emulation of paddles when using a mouse. Valid range of
+values is from 1 to 15, with larger numbers causing faster movement.
+=item B<-saport> <lr|rl>
+Determines how to enumerate the Stelladaptor/2600-daptor devices in the
+order they are found: 'lr' means first is left port, second is right
+port, 'rl' means the opposite.
+=item B<-ctrlcombo> <1|0>
+Use control-x key combos. This is normally enabled, since the Quit
+command is tied to 'Control-q'. However, there are times when a
+2-player game is using either the 'f' or 'r' keys for movement, and
+pressing Control (for Fire) will perform an unwanted action associated
+with Control-r or Control-f.
+=item B<-autoslot> <1|0>
+Automatically switch to the next available save state slot after saving
+a ROM state file.
+=item B<-stats> <1|0>
+Overlay console info on the TIA image during emulation.
+=item B<-fastscbios> <1|0>
+Disable Supercharger BIOS progress loading bars.
+=item B<-snapsavedir> <path>
+The directory to save snapshot files to.
+=item B<-snaploaddir> <path>
+The directory to load snapshot files from.
+=item B<-snapname> <int|rom>
+When saving snapshots, use either the internal database name or the
+actual ROM filename.
+=item B<-sssingle> <1|0>
+Generate single snapshot instead of many, overwriting any previous
+=item B<-ss1x> <1|0>
+Ignore any scaling applied to the TIA image, and save snapshot in
+unscaled (1x) mode.
+=item B<-ssinterval> <number>
+Set the interval in seconds between taking snapshots in continuous
+snapshot mode (currently, 1 - 10).
+=item B<-rominfo> <rom>
+Display detailed information about the given ROM, and then exit Stella.
+=item B<-listrominfo>
+Prints relevant contents of the Stella ROM database, one ROM per line,
+and then exit Stella. This can be used for external frontends.
+=item B<-exitlauncher> <1|0>
+Always exit to ROM launcher when exiting a ROM (normally, an exit to
+launcher only happens when started with the launcher).
+=item B<-launcherres> <WxH>
+Set the size of the ROM launcher.
+=item B<-launcherfont> <small|medium|large>
+Set the size of the font in the ROM launcher.
+=item B<-launcherexts> <allfiles|allroms|LIST>
+Specifies which files to show in the ROM launcher ('allfiles' is
+self-explanatory, 'allroms' is all files with valid rom extensions
+(currently: a26, bin, rom, gz, zip), 'LIST' is a ':' separated list of
+valid rom extensions.
+=item B<-romviewer> <0|1|2>
+Hide ROM info viewer in ROM launcher mode (0), or use the given zoom
+level (1 or 2).
+=item B<-uipalette> <standard|classic>
+Use the specified palette for UI elements.
+=item B<-listdelay> <delay>
+Set the amount of time to wait between treating successive keypresses
+as a single word in list widgets (value can range from 300-1000). Use
+'0' to disable list-skipping completely,
+=item B<-mwheel> <lines>
+Set the number of lines a mousewheel will scroll in the UI.
+=item B<-romdir> <dir>
+Set the directory where the ROM launcher will start.
+=item B<-statedir> <dir>
+Set the directory in which to access state files.
+=item B<-cheatfile> <file>
+Set the full pathname of the cheatfile database.
+=item B<-palettefile> <file>
+Set the full pathname of the user-defined palette file.
+=item B<-propsfile> <file>
+Set the full pathname of the ROM properties file.
+=item B<-nvramdir> <dir>
+Set the directory in which to access non-volatile (flash/EEPROM) files.
+=item B<-cfgdir> <dir>
+Set the directory in which to access Distella config files.
+=item B<-avoxport> <name>
+Set the name of the serial port where an AtariVox is connected.
+=item B<-maxres> <WxH>
+Useful for developers, this sets the maximum size of window that can be
+created, allowing to simulate testing on 'smaller' systems.
+=item B<-help>
+Prints a help message describing these options, and then exit Stella.
+The following are useful to developers. Only use them if you know
+what you're doing! Note that in all cases, the values supplied to
+the arguments are not case sensitive.
+Argument Description
+=item B<-dis.resolve> <1|0>
+Try to differentiate between code vs. data sections in the
+disassembler. See the Debugger section for more information.
+=item B<-dis.gfxformat> <2|16>
+Sets the base to use for displaying GFX sections in the disassembler.
+=item B<-dis.showaddr> <1|0>
+Shows/hides opcode addresses in the disassembler.
+=item B<-dis.relocate> <1|0>
+Relocate calls out of address range in the disassembler.
+=item B<-dbg.res> <WxH>
+Set the size of the debugger window.
+=item B<-dbg.fontstyle> <0|1|2|3>
+How to use bold fonts in the debugger window. '0' means all normal
+font, '1' is bold labels only, '2' is bold non-labels only, '3' is all
+bold font.
+=item B<-break> <address>
+Set a breakpoint at specified address.
+=item B<-debug>
+Immediately jump to debugger mode when starting Stella.
+=item B<-holdjoy0> <U,D,L,R,F>
+Start the emulator with the left joystick direction/button held down
+(ie, use 'UF' for up and fire).
+=item B<-holdjoy1> <U,D,L,R,F>
+Start the emulator with the right joystick direction/button held down
+(ie, use 'UF' for up and fire).
+=item B<-holdselect>
+Start the emulator with the Game Select switch held down.
+=item B<-holdreset>
+Start the emulator with the Game Reset switch held down.
+=item B<-tiadriven> <1|0>
+Set unused TIA pins to be randomly driven high or low on a read/peek.
+If disabled, use the last databus value for those pins instead.
+=item B<-cpurandom> <S,A,X,Y,P>
+On reset, randomize the content of the specified CPU registers.
+=item B<-ramrandom> <1|0>
+On reset, either randomize all RAM content, or zero it out instead.
+=item B<-bs> <type>
+Set "Cartridge.Type" property. See the Game Properties section for
+valid types.
+=item B<-type> <type>
+Same as using -bs.
+=item B<-channels> <Mono|Stereo>
+Set "Cartridge.Sound" property.
+=item B<-ld> <A|B>
+Set "Console.LeftDifficulty" property.
+=item B<-rd> <A|B>
+Set "Console.RightDifficulty" property.
+=item B<-tv> <Color|BW>
+Set "Console.TelevisionType" property.
+=item B<-sp> <Yes|No>
+Set "Console.SwapPorts" property.
+=item B<-lc> <type>
+Set "Controller.Left" property. See the Game Properties section for
+valid types.
+=item B<-rc> <type>
+Set "Controller.Right" property. See the Game Properties section for
+valid types.
+=item B<-bc> <type>
+Sets both "Controller.Left" and "Controller.Right" properties. See the
+Game Properties section for valid types.
+=item B<-cp> <Yes|No>
+Set "Controller.SwapPaddles" property.
+=item B<-ma> <Auto|XY>
+Set "Controller.MouseAxis" property. See the Game Properties section
+for valid types.
+=item B<-format> <format>
+Set "Display.Format" property. See the Game Properties section for
+valid formats.
+=item B<-ystart> <number>
+Set "Display.YStart" property (0 - 64).
+=item B<-height> <number>
+Set "Display.Height" property (210 - 256).
+=item B<-pp> <Yes|No>
+Set "Display.Phosphor" property.
+=item B<-ppblend> <number>
+Set "Display.PPBlend" property, used for phosphor effect (0-100).
+Default is 77.
+=item B<-thumb.trapfatal> <1|0>
+The default of true allows the Thumb ARM emulation to throw an
+exception and enter the debugger on fatal errors. When disabled, such
+fatal errors are simply logged, and emulation continues. Do not use
+this unless you know exactly what you're doing, as it changes the
+behaviour as compared to real hardware.
+=head1 KEYBOARD
+The Atari 2600 console controls and controllers are mapped to the
+computer's keyboard as shown in the following tables. However, most of
+these events can be remapped to other keys on your keyboard or buttons
+on your joystick (see B<Advanced Configuration - Event Remapping> in
+the HTML documentation). The tables below show the default settings.
+=head2 Console Controls (can be remapped)
+=over 4
+=item B<Control + q>
+Exit emulator
+=item B<Escape>
+Exit game mode/enter launcher mode
+=item B<Tab>
+Enter/exit options mode
+=item B<Backslash (\)>
+Enter/exit command mode
+=item B<Backquote (`)>
+Enter/exit debugger
+=item B<F1>
+Select Game
+=item B<F2>
+Reset Game
+=item B<F3>
+Color TV
+=item B<F4>
+Black/White TV
+=item B<F5>
+Left Player Difficulty A
+=item B<F6>
+Left Player Difficulty B
+=item B<F7>
+Right Player Difficulty A
+=item B<F8>
+Right Player Difficulty B
+=item B<F9>
+Save state to current slot
+=item B<F10>
+Change current state slot
+=item B<F11>
+Load state from current slot
+=item B<F12>
+Save PNG snapshot
+=item B<Pause>
+Pause/resume emulation
+=head2 Joystick / BoosterGrip Controller (can be remapped)
+=head3 Left Joystick (Joy0)
+=over 4
+=item B<Up arrow>
+Joystick Up
+=item B<Down arrow>
+Joystick Down
+=item B<Left arrow>
+Joystick Left
+=item B<Right arrow>
+Joystick Right
+=item B<Space>
+Fire Button
+=item B<4>
+Trigger Button
+=item B<5>
+Booster Button
+=head3 Right Joystick (Joy1)
+=over 4
+=item B<Y>
+Joystick Up
+=item B<H>
+Joystick Down
+=item B<G>
+Joystick Left
+=item B<J>
+Joystick Right
+=item B<F>
+Fire Button
+=item B<6>
+Trigger Button
+=item B<7>
+Booster Button
+=head2 Paddle Controller digital emulation (can be remapped independently of joystick controller)
+=head3 Left Paddles
+=over 4
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Left'>
+Paddle 0 decrease
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Right'>
+Paddle 0 increase
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Fire'>
+Paddle 0 Fire
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Up'>
+Paddle 1 decrease
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Down'>
+Paddle 1 increase
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Booster'>
+Paddle 1 Fire
+=head3 Right Paddles
+=over 4
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Left'>
+Paddle 2 decrease
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Right'>
+Paddle 2 increase
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Fire'>
+Paddle 2 Fire
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Up'>
+Paddle 3 decrease
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Down'>
+Paddle 3 increase
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Booster'>
+Paddle 3 Fire
+=head2 Driving Controller (cannot be remapped, always associated with joystick controller)
+=head3 Left Driving
+=over 4
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Left'>
+Left Direction
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Right'>
+Right Direction
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Fire'>
+Fire Button
+=head3 Right Driving
+=over 4
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Left'>
+Left Direction
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Right'>
+Right Direction
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Fire'>
+Fire Button
+=head2 Sega Genesis Controller (cannot be remapped, always associated with joystick and booster-grip controllers)
+=head3 Left Pad
+=over 4
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Up'>
+Pad Up
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Down'>
+Pad Down
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Left'>
+Pad Left
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Right'>
+Pad Right
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Fire'>
+Button 'B'
+=item B<Same as 'Joy0 Booster'>
+Button 'C'
+=head3 Right Pad
+=over 4
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Up'>
+Pad Up
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Down'>
+Pad Down
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Left'>
+Pad Left
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Right'>
+Pad Right
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Fire'>
+Button 'B'
+=item B<Same as 'Joy1 Booster'>
+Button 'C'
+=head2 Keypad Controller (can be remapped)
+=head3 Left Keypad
+=over 4
+=item B<1>
+=item B<2>
+=item B<3>
+=item B<Q>
+=item B<W>
+=item B<E>
+=item B<A>
+=item B<S>
+=item B<D>
+=item B<Z>
+=item B<X>
+=item B<C>
+=head3 Right Keypad
+=over 4
+=item B<8>
+=item B<9>
+=item B<0>
+=item B<I>
+=item B<O>
+=item B<P>
+=item B<K>
+=item B<L>
+=item B<;>
+=item B<,>
+=item B<.>
+=item B</>
+=head2 CompuMate Controller (cannot be remapped)
+=over 4
+=item B< 0 - 9>
+0 - 9
+=item B< A - Z>
+A - Z
+=item B< Comma>
+=item B< Period>
+=item B< Control (left or right)>
+=item B< Shift (left or right)>
+=item B< Return/Enter>
+=item B< Space>
+=item B< Backspace>
+=item B< + or Shift-1>
+=item B< - or Shift-2>
+=item B< Shift-3>
+=item B< / or Shift-4>
+=item B< = or Shift-5>
+=item B< ? (Shift-/) or Shift-6>
+=item B< Shift-7>
+=item B< [ or Shift-8>
+=item B< ] or Shift-9>
+=item B< " (Shift-') or Shift-0>
+=head2 TV effects (cannot be remapped, only active in TIA mode)
+=over 4
+=item B<Alt + 1>
+Disable TV effects
+=item B<Alt + 2>
+Select 'Composite' preset
+=item B<Alt + 3>
+Select 'S-video' preset
+=item B<Alt + 4>
+Select 'RGB' preset
+=item B<Alt + 5>
+Select 'Badly adjusted' preset
+=item B<Alt + 6>
+Select 'Custom' preset
+=item B<Shift-Alt + 7>
+Decrease scanline intensity
+=item B<Alt + 7>
+Increase scanline intensity
+=item B<Shift-Alt + 8>
+Disable scanline interpolation
+=item B<Alt + 8>
+Enable scanline interpolation
+=item B<Shift-Alt + 9>
+Select previous 'Custom' mode attribute (*)
+=item B<Alt + 9>
+Select next 'Custom' mode attribute (*)
+=item B<Shift-Alt + 0>
+Decrease 'Custom' selected attribute value (*)
+=item B<Alt + 0>
+Increase 'Custom' selected attribute value (*)
+Items marked as (*) are only available in 'Custom' preset mode
+=head2 Developer Keys in TIA mode (cannot be remapped)
+=item B<Alt + PageUp>
+Set "Display.YStart" to next larger value
+=item B<Alt + PageDown>
+Set "Display.YStart" to next smaller value
+=item B<Control + PageUp>
+Set "Display.Height" to next larger value
+=item B<Control + PageDown>
+Set "Display.Height" to next smaller value
+=item B<Alt + l>
+Toggle frame stats (scanline count/fps/bs type/etc)
+=item B<Alt + z>
+Toggle TIA Player0 object
+=item B<Alt + x>
+Toggle TIA Player1 object
+=item B<Alt + c>
+Toggle TIA Missile0 object
+=item B<Alt + v>
+Toggle TIA Missile1 object
+=item B<Alt + b>
+Toggle TIA Ball object
+=item B<Alt + n>
+Toggle TIA Playfield object
+=item B<Shift-Alt + z>
+Toggle TIA Player0 collisions
+=item B<Shift-Alt + x>
+Toggle TIA Player1 collisions
+=item B<Shift-Alt + c>
+Toggle TIA Missile0 collisions
+=item B<Shift-Alt + v>
+Toggle TIA Missile1 collisions
+=item B<Shift-Alt + b>
+Toggle TIA Ball collisions
+=item B<Shift-Alt + n>
+Toggle TIA Playfield collisions
+=item B<Alt + m>
+Toggle TIA HMOVE blanks
+=item B<Alt + Comma>
+Toggle TIA 'Fixed Debug Colors' mode
+=item B<Alt + .>
+Toggle all TIA objects
+=item B<Shift-Alt + .>
+Toggle all TIA collisions
+=head2 Other Keys (cannot be remapped, except those marked with '*')
+=over 4
+=item B<Alt + =>
+Switch to next larger zoom level
+=item B<Alt + ->
+Switch to next smaller zoom level
+=item B<Alt + Enter>
+Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
+=item B<Alt + [>
+Decrease volume (*)
+=item B<Alt + ]>
+Increase volume (*)
+=item B<Control + f>
+Toggle console type in increasing order (NTSC/PAL/SECAM, etc))
+=item B<Shift-Control + f>
+Toggle console type in decreasing order (NTSC/PAL/SECAM, etc))
+=item B<Control + s>
+Save current properties to a new properties file
+=item B<Control + 0>
+Switch mouse between controller emulation modes
+=item B<Control + 1>
+Swap Stelladaptor/2600-daptor port ordering
+=item B<Control + r>
+Reload current ROM (singlecart ROM, TIA mode) or Load next game in ROM (multicart ROM, TIA mode)
+=item B<Control + r>
+Reload ROM listing (ROM launcher mode)
+=item B<Backspace>
+Emulate 'frying' effect (TIA mode) (*), Go to parent directory (UI mode) (*)
+=item B<Alt + p>
+Toggle 'phosphor' effect
+=item B<Control + p>
+Toggle palette
+=item B<Control + l>
+Toggle PAL color-loss effect
+=item B<Alt + s>
+Save continuous PNG snapshots (per interval)
+=item B<Shift-Alt + s>
+Save continuous PNG snapshots (every frame)
+=head2 UI keys in Text Editing areas (cannot be remapped)
+=over 4
+=item B<Home>
+Move cursor to beginning of line
+=item B<End>
+Move cursor to end of line
+=item B<Delete>
+Remove character to right of cursor
+=item B<Backspace>
+Remove character to left of cursor
+=item B<Control-a>
+Same function as 'Home'
+=item B<Control-e>
+Same function as 'End'
+=item B<Control-d>
+Same function as 'Delete'
+=item B<Control-k>
+Remove all characters from cursor to end of line
+=item B<Control-u>
+Remove all characters from cursor to beginning of line
+=item B<Control-w>
+Remove entire word to left of cursor
+=item B<Control-Left>
+Move cursor to beginning of word to the left
+=item B<Control-Right>
+Move cursor to beginning of word to the right
+=item B<Control-c>
+Copy entire line to clipboard (not complete)
+=item B<Control-v>
+Paste clipboard contents (not complete)
+=head1 FILES
+B<$HOME/.stella/> contains the following:
+=over 4
+=item B<stellarc>
+The Stella config file, created by B<stella>. May be hand-edited, but
+normally the built-in GUI is used to set these options.
+=item B<cfg/>
+Directory for DiStella config files, used only by the debugger.
+=item B<nvram/>
+Directory used to store the contents of non-volatile cartridge memory.
+=item B<state/>
+Directory used to store save-states (see B<F9> key).
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Stella was originally developed for Linux by Bradford W. Mott
+<bwmott@users.sourceforge.net>, and is currently maintained by Stephen
+Anthony <stephena@users.sourceforge.net>. Other contributors include
+Eckhard Stolberg <estolberg@users.sourceforge.net> and Brian Watson
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Stella web site: I<http://stella.sourceforge.net/>.