path: root/development/scite/config
diff options
authorJens Weber <jens@tuxane.com>2012-06-25 21:23:22 -0400
committerdsomero <xgizzmo@slackbuilds.org>2012-06-25 21:23:22 -0400
commit752dd5ee3130550cc78e7f8190f29dc02c20323a (patch)
tree7422c8d86ae95f7fe9f8f9c25c2da3f330b9debf /development/scite/config
parent128b1274f2cde25a526fd087d97b37e645e4256d (diff)
development/scite: Updated for version 3.20.
Signed-off-by: dsomero <xgizzmo@slackbuilds.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'development/scite/config')
4 files changed, 663 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/development/scite/config/README.Slackware b/development/scite/config/README.Slackware
index 9d0a6014b35d1..79ad458843590 100644
--- a/development/scite/config/README.Slackware
+++ b/development/scite/config/README.Slackware
@@ -4,12 +4,23 @@ SciTE.SlackBuild
The SciTE.SlackBuild is now also available from git: git://github.com/schiffsratte/scite.slackbuild.git
+Changes in Version 3.2.0:
+- allows Ctrl to be used with mouse double and triple clicks to add words and lines to the selection.
+- can define a button as the default in strips.
+- can save files automatically in the background and scripts can create user interfaces as strips.
+- supports printing on GTK+ 2.x and uses fractional positioning in more situations.
+Changes in Version 3.0.2:
In version 3.02 SciTE's GTK+3 support has still improved, it will integrate nicely into the Gnome3
Desktop and use Adwaita or any other GTK+3 theme, if installed.
It now saves files in the background and can print on GTK+3.
+Changes in Version 2.29:
Since 2.29 it always draws with Cairo on GTK+, gdk-pixbuf is no longer needed - compilation errors with GSB-Desktop installed at the same time are gone.
The handling of the "properties" files has been changed again to avoid the replacement
of existing settings.
+In general:
All examples can be found now in /usr/doc/scite-$ver as it seems the right place to put them.
The also got the extension "new" to mark them as templates.
The main file SciTEGlobal.properties doesn't get altered anymore from within the SlackBuild (with one exception),but if you made changes to your existing SciTEGlobal.properties file, you need to back it up,
@@ -21,6 +32,6 @@ For example with Bluefish installed the help pages might open with Bluefish inst
As a full Slackware installation installs Seamonkey, the mozilla command should make sure to open the help pages in a browser.
If you prefer the system standard browser instead, comment out line 51/52 of the SlackBuild.
The SciTEUser.properties in your home directory stays untouched and will not be invalidated anymore from the changes in SciTEGlobal.properties.
Finally the CFLAGS have been removed from the SlackBuild, as the makefiles of Scintilla and Scite use those flags, which had been replaced before, now by default.
+For v3.20 there are many more options in the SciTEGlobal.properties (all I could find), but most of them are commented out.
+Please review those files and make your changes before using them.
diff --git a/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new b/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new
index 8a954b8a45dc4..02b079ea34689 100644
--- a/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new
+++ b/development/scite/config/SciTEGlobal.properties.new
@@ -1,105 +1,620 @@
-# Those settings get merged at package build time
-# Globals
+# Global initialisation file for SciTE
+# For Linux, place in $prefix/share/scite
+# For Windows, place in same directory as SciTE.EXE (or Sc1.EXE)
+# Documentation at http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDoc.html
+# Globals
+# Window sizes and visibility
+ position.left=0
+ position.top=0
+ position.left=5
+ position.top=22
# Sizes and visibility in edit pane
# Element styles
+# DADADA used as background because it yields standard silver C0C0C0
+# on low colour displays and a reasonable light grey on higher bit depths
+ selection.alpha=32
+ selection.back=#000000
+ selection.alpha=30
+ selection.back=#000000
+ selection.alpha=32
+ selection.back=#000000
# Scripting
# Checking
# Indentation
# Wrapping of long lines
# Folding
# enable folding, and show lines below when collapsed.
# Find and Replace
- find.command=grep --line-number "$(find.what)" $(find.files)
+# Internal search always available with recursive capability so use in preference to external tool
+# findstr is available on recent versions of Windows including 2000
+# find.command=findstr /n /s $(find.what) $(find.files)
+# find.command=grep --line-number "$(find.what)" $(find.files)
+find.files=*.c *.cxx *.h
# Behaviour
- font.base=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:12
- # font.base=font:Arial,size:10
- font.small=$(font.base)
- font.comment=$(font.base)
- font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
- font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
- font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
- font.text=$(font.base)
- font.text.comment=$(font.base)
- font.embedded.base=$(font.base)
- font.embedded.comment=$(font.base)
- font.monospace=$(font.base)
- font.vbs=$(font.base)
# Status Bar
+li=$(LineNumber) co=$(ColumnNumber) $(OverType) ($(EOLMode)) $(FileAttr)
+$(BufferLength) chars in $(NbOfLines) lines. Sel: $(SelLength) chars.
+Now is: Date=$(CurrentDate) Time=$(CurrentTime)
+$(FileNameExt) : $(FileDate) - $(FileTime) | $(FileAttr)
+ command.scite.help="file://$(SciteDefaultHome)\SciTEDoc.html"
+ command.scite.help.subsystem=2
command.print.*=a2ps "$(FileNameExt)"
command.scite.help=mozilla "file://$(SciteDefaultHome)/SciTEDoc.html"
# Internationalisation
+# Japanese input code page 932 and ShiftJIS character set 128
+# Unicode
+#command.discover.properties=python /home/user/FileDetect.py "$(FilePath)"
+# Required for Unicode to work on GTK+:
+ output.code.page=65001
+ output.code.page=65001
# Export
+# Magnification (added to default screen font size)
+# Font: Courier, Helvetica or Times (Courier line-wraps)
+# Page size (in points): width, height
+# E.g. Letter 612,792; A4 595,842; maximum 14400,14400
+# Margins (in points): left, right, top, bottom
# Define values for use in the imported properties files
+# This is a better set for Russian:
+# The open.filter setting is used in the file selector which has a menu of filters to apply
+# to the types of files seen when opening.
+# There is a limit (possibly 256 characters) to the length of a filter on Windows,
+# so not all source extensions can be in this setting.
+# Each platform has a different idea of the most important filters
+ all.files=All Files (*.*)|*.*|
+ top.filters=All Source|$(source.files)|$(all.files)
+ all.files=All Files (*)|*|Hidden Files (.*)|.*|
+ top.filters=All Source|$(source.files)|$(all.files)
+# As OS X only greys out filtered files, show all as default
+ all.files=All Files (*.*)|*.*|
+ top.filters=$(all.files)All Source|$(source.files)|
+# Give symbolic names to the set of fonts used in the standard styles.
+ font.base=font:Verdana,size:10
+ font.small=font:Verdana,size:8
+ font.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:9
+ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.nested=$(font.comment)
+ font.text=font:Times New Roman,size:11
+ font.text.comment=font:Verdana,size:9
+ font.embedded.base=font:Verdana,size:9
+ font.embedded.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:8
+ font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:10
+ font.vbs=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:10
+ font.base=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans,size:9
+ font.small=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans,size:8
+ font.comment=font:!Bitstream Vera Serif,size:9
+ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.nested=$(font.comment)
+ font.text=font:!Bitstream Charter,size:10
+ font.text.comment=font:!Serif,size:9
+ font.embedded.base=font:!Serif,size:9
+ font.embedded.comment=font:!Serif,size:9
+ font.monospace=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:9
+ font.vbs=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:9
+ font.base=font:Verdana,size:12
+ font.small=font:Verdana,size:10
+ font.comment=font:Georgia,size:13
+ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
+ font.code.comment.nested=$(font.comment)
+ font.text=font:Times New Roman,size:13
+ font.text.comment=font:Verdana,size:11
+ font.embedded.base=font:Verdana,size:11
+ font.embedded.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:10
+ font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:12
+ font.vbs=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:12
-Apache Confi&g|conf||\
-&nnCron crontab|tab||\
+# Old GTK+ font settings are faster but not antialiased
+ #~ font.base=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
+ #~ font.small=font:lucidatypewriter,size:10
+ #~ font.comment=font:new century schoolbook,size:12
+ #~ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
+ #~ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
+ #~ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
+ #~ font.text=font:times,size:14
+ #~ font.text.comment=font:lucidatypewriter,size:10
+ #~ font.embedded.base=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
+ #~ font.embedded.comment=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
+ #~ font.monospace=font:courier,size:12
+ #~ font.vbs=font:new century schoolbook,size:12
+# Give symbolic names to the set of colours used in the standard styles.
+# Global default styles for all languages
+# Default
+# Line number
+# Brace highlight
+# Brace incomplete highlight
+# Control characters
+# Indentation guides
+# Printing
+# Windows-only setup: left, right, top, bottom margins, in local units:
+# hundredths of millimeters or thousandths of inches
+# Header/footer:
+print.header.format=$(FileNameExt) -- Printed on $(CurrentDate), $(CurrentTime) -- Page $(CurrentPage)
+print.footer.format=$(FilePath) -- File date: $(FileDate) -- File time: $(FileTime)
+# Header/footer style
+print.footer.style=font:Arial Narrow,size:10,italics
+# Warnings - only works on Windows and needs to be pointed at files on machine
+# warning.findwrapped=100,E:\Windows\Media\SFX\Boing.wav
+# warning.notfound=0,Effect.wav
+# warning.wrongfile=0,Glass.wav
+# warning.executeok=0,Fanfare.wav
+# warning.executeko=100,GlassBreak.wav
+# warning.nootherbookmark=100,Boing2.wav
+# Define the Lexer menu,
+# Each item contains three parts: menu string | file extension | key
+# The only keys allowed currently are based on F-keys and alphabetic keys and look like
+# [Ctrl+][Shift+][Fn|a] such as F12 or Ctrl+Shift+D.
+# A '&' may be placed before a letter to be used as an accelerator. This does not work on GTK+.
+# On OS X, F11 is used by Expose, F12 by Dashbard
+ os.x.home.end.keys=1
+ keyText=Shift+F13
+ keyMake=Ctrl+Shift+F13
+ keyHTML=Ctrl+Shift+F14
+ keyXML=Shift+F14
+#Apache Confi&g|conf||\
+&C / C++|c||\
+#&nnCron crontab|tab||\
+#Objective Caml|ml||\
+#P&OV-Ray SDL|pov||\
+# User defined key commands
+#Next File|IDM_NEXTFILE|\
+# To keep menus short, these .properties files are not loaded by default.
+imports.exclude=abaqus asn1 au3 avenue baan blitzbasic bullant \
+cobol cmake csound escript flagship forth freebasic gap haskell inno \
+kix latex lot lout metapost mmixal modula3 nimrod nncrontab nsis \
+opal powerpro powershell purebasic r rebol \
+scriptol smalltalk sorcins spice specman \
+tacl tal txt2tags verilog vhdl
+# Newly removed: avenue baan escript lot metapost mmixal
+# The set of imports allowed can be set with
+# Import all the language specific properties files in this directory
+import *
-# Import all the language specific properties files
-import cmake
-import nncrontab
diff --git a/development/scite/config/SciTEUser.properties.new b/development/scite/config/SciTEUser.properties.new
index 23477b7affb4e..929e0c7290a6b 100644
--- a/development/scite/config/SciTEUser.properties.new
+++ b/development/scite/config/SciTEUser.properties.new
@@ -1,31 +1,75 @@
+# Sizes and visibility in edit pane
+# Element styles
+# Scripting
+# Checking
+# Indentation
+# Wrapping of long lines
+# Folding
+# enable folding, and show lines below when collapsed.
+# Find and Replace
+ find.command=grep --line-number "$(find.what)" $(find.files)
# if you want to be able to edit Unicode files, uncomment this:
- font.base=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:12
- # font.base=font:Arial,size:10
+ font.base=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:10
@@ -42,3 +86,12 @@ font.js=$(font.comment)
+Apache Confi&g|conf||\
+&nnCron crontab|tab||\
+# Import all the language specific properties files
+import cmake
+import nncrontab
+lexer.*.SlackBuild=shell \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/development/scite/config/changelog b/development/scite/config/changelog
index 0ebafeb62acda..50e49e2626ec0 100644
--- a/development/scite/config/changelog
+++ b/development/scite/config/changelog
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SciTE.SlackBuild changelog as of 28/December 2011
+SciTE.SlackBuild changelog as of 18/June 2012
v2.21: 1): Initial? version written by Iskar Enev <iskar.enev[@]gmail.com>
v2.27: 1): Some modifications and new maintainer Jens Weber <jens@tuxane.com>
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ v3.02: 1): Changed the handling of the "properties" files to avoid to overwrite
2): The example files are now in /usr/doc/scite-VERSION
3): SciTEGlobal.properties changed browser to mozilla
4): The SlackBuild doesn't change the CFLAGS anymore .
+v3.20 1): version update