diff options
authorB. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com>2011-12-30 14:03:22 -0200
committerRobby Workman <rworkman@slackbuilds.org>2011-12-31 00:25:00 -0600
commit72d0beb5044ac31478607d8124456cf474041512 (patch)
parentf3339e45c5bba779320b867e5389d04ed4f120d6 (diff)
games/uqm: Updated for version 0.7.0.
Signed-off-by: Niels Horn <niels.horn@slackbuilds.org>
6 files changed, 185 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/games/uqm/README b/games/uqm/README
index c83458e6dc1df..3717c399ead4d 100644
--- a/games/uqm/README
+++ b/games/uqm/README
@@ -3,8 +3,3 @@ Control II". It runs on modern operating systems and is 100% free.
You may also want the optional uqm_voice and uqm_3domusic packages, for
a more festive gaming experience.
-Note: The version number for the binary is 0.6.2. The version number for
-and for the content, voice, and 3domusic packages is 0.6.0.
-This is correct.
diff --git a/games/uqm/doinst.sh b/games/uqm/doinst.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5fb28930db0b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/uqm/doinst.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database ]; then
+ /usr/bin/update-desktop-database -q usr/share/applications >/dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/games/uqm/uqm.SlackBuild b/games/uqm/uqm.SlackBuild
index 80a192bddaa63..d167846b16464 100644
--- a/games/uqm/uqm.SlackBuild
+++ b/games/uqm/uqm.SlackBuild
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
# Slackware build script for uqm
# Written by B. Watson (yalhcru@gmail.com)
-# Automatically determine the architecture we're building on:
if [ -z "$ARCH" ]; then
case "$( uname -m )" in
i?86) ARCH=i486 ;;
arm*) ARCH=arm ;;
- # Unless $ARCH is already set, use uname -m for all other archs:
*) ARCH=$( uname -m ) ;;
@@ -70,7 +68,8 @@ build_config() {
echo 2 # 1 = Don't include, 2 = Include OpenGL graphics support
echo 4 # Top-level menu option 4: Tracker music support
echo 1 # 1 = included libmikmod, 2 = system libmikmod
- echo 10 # Top-level menu option 10: Installation paths...
+ echo 11 # Top-level menu option 11: Installation paths...
+ # (N.B. option 11 was option 10 in uqm 0.6.2)
echo 1 # Option 1 = Installation prefix
echo /usr # New value:
echo 3 # Option 3 = Location for non-sharable data
@@ -88,9 +87,8 @@ if [ ! -e $CWD/$PRGNAM-$CONTVER-content.uqm ]; then
-cd sc2
build_config | sh build.sh uqm config
-sed -i.bak "s/-O3/$SLKCFLAGS/" build.vars
+sed -i "s/-O3/$SLKCFLAGS/" build.vars
sh build.sh uqm
strip $PRGNAM
@@ -101,15 +99,23 @@ mkdir -p $PKG/usr/bin
cat $PRGNAM-wrapper > $PKG/usr/bin/$PRGNAM
chmod 0755 $PKG/usr/bin/$PRGNAM
-mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/content/packages/addons
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/content/{addons,packages}
cp content/version $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/content
# Install the uqm content. Without this the binary is not useful.
cat $CWD/$PRGNAM-$CONTVER-content.uqm > \
+# Man page created for SBo (it's basically the README + roff markup)
mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man1
gzip -9c $CWD/$PRGNAM.1 > $PKG/usr/man/man1/$PRGNAM.1.gz
+# .desktop and icon borrowed from Debian
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/applications
+cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.desktop > $PKG/usr/share/applications/$PRGNAM.desktop
+mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps
+cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.xpm > $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps/$PRGNAM.xpm
mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
cp $PRGNAM.lsm AUTHORS BUGS COPYING ChangeLog Contributing README WhatsNew \
doc/users/manual.txt $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
@@ -117,6 +123,7 @@ cat $CWD/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild > $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/$PRGNAM.SlackBuild
mkdir -p $PKG/install
cat $CWD/slack-desc > $PKG/install/slack-desc
+cat $CWD/doinst.sh > $PKG/install/doinst.sh
cd $PKG
/sbin/makepkg -l y -c n $OUTPUT/$PRGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD$TAG.${PKGTYPE:-tgz}
diff --git a/games/uqm/uqm.desktop b/games/uqm/uqm.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8fdd54b012f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/uqm/uqm.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=The Ur-Quan Masters
+Name[de]=Der Ur-Quan Dominanz
+Name[en]=The Ur-Quan Masters
+Name[es]=Los Amos Ur-Quan
+Name[fi]=Ur-Quan Mastersiin
+Name[fr]=Les Seigneurs Ur-Quan
+Name[it]=I Dominatori Ur-Quan
+Name[ru]=Ур-Кванские Хозяева
+Comment=An interstellar adventure game
+Comment[de]=Ein interstellar Abenteuerspiel
+Comment[en]=An interstellar adventure game
+Comment[es]=Una aventura interestelar
+Comment[fr]=Une aventure interstellaire
diff --git a/games/uqm/uqm.info b/games/uqm/uqm.info
index b4b6b33197ee6..8e84fd8c5d132 100644
--- a/games/uqm/uqm.info
+++ b/games/uqm/uqm.info
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-DOWNLOAD="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sc2/uqm-0.6.2-source.tgz \
- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sc2/uqm-0.6.0-content.uqm"
-MD5SUM="ba4ee595b62349873d510b9827e7648d \
- 7e8f0ed8490e24231431420ea2ba6a03"
+DOWNLOAD="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sc2/uqm-0.7.0-source.tgz \
+ http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sc2/uqm-0.7.0-content.uqm"
+MD5SUM="f9018ea0493d7dac6a9e1006b00af7df \
+ 2f36dcb15274dbbcb5e266f2ed84d5b2"
+APPROVED="Niels Horn"
diff --git a/games/uqm/uqm.xpm b/games/uqm/uqm.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fb472c6347bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/uqm/uqm.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *ur-quan-icon-std-3[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"32 32 100 2",
+" c black",
+". c #0D350C",
+"X c #0B390B",
+"o c #142F12",
+"O c #1E2713",
+"+ c #2F1D16",
+"@ c #3E1B0F",
+"# c #3D1A10",
+"$ c #2B251D",
+"% c #342111",
+"& c #2C2D24",
+"* c #2F3026",
+"= c #32342B",
+"- c #373732",
+"; c #3B3D39",
+": c #064A06",
+"> c #044E04",
+", c #084108",
+"< c #035802",
+"1 c #036202",
+"2 c #036D02",
+"3 c #027802",
+"4 c #3D413C",
+"5 c #3E433E",
+"6 c #414540",
+"7 c #434843",
+"8 c #484D47",
+"9 c #4F544E",
+"0 c #595C55",
+"q c #605C5A",
+"w c #695A5E",
+"e c #7F5567",
+"r c #038303",
+"t c #018A01",
+"y c #029100",
+"u c #019800",
+"i c #009B00",
+"p c #009E00",
+"a c #00A200",
+"s c #00A800",
+"d c #00AE00",
+"f c #01B200",
+"g c #01B700",
+"h c #01BB00",
+"j c #00BE00",
+"k c #33B70D",
+"l c #00C300",
+"z c #00C600",
+"x c #01C701",
+"c c #00CA00",
+"v c #00D000",
+"b c #00D400",
+"n c #00D800",
+"m c #00DE00",
+"M c #1FCB10",
+"N c #18D40F",
+"B c #00E100",
+"V c #00E500",
+"C c #00EC00",
+"Z c #0EE30B",
+"A c #01F101",
+"S c #03F102",
+"D c #01F401",
+"F c #29C010",
+"G c #40B110",
+"H c #4FB114",
+"J c #5CAA0D",
+"K c #5AAE13",
+"L c #61A90D",
+"P c #CB4002",
+"I c #CE4102",
+"U c #CC4902",
+"Y c #DA4703",
+"T c #DC4C03",
+"R c #DC4F04",
+"E c #DE5306",
+"W c #DE6D02",
+"Q c #E15C0A",
+"! c #E47D01",
+"~ c #E6793C",
+"^ c #A5BA7F",
+"/ c #B8E332",
+"( c #BDE438",
+") c #EC9101",
+"_ c #EC9C01",
+"` c #E7A601",
+"' c #EBB601",
+"] c #ECBC02",
+"[ c #CFD41A",
+"{ c #DFC809",
+"} c #C7E742",
+"| c #D4E84C",
+" . c #D7E755",
+".. c #D5E55B",
+"X. c #9BAC93",
+"o. c #99AB98",
+"O. c #9EB589",
+"+. c #D1D0D5",
+"@. c #D3D1D7",
+"#. c None",
+/* pixels */
+"#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.# + #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.",
+"#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.; * Q Y = #.#.o > < < < < < > < % = #.#.#.#.#.",
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+"#.#.#.#.#.#.#.5 . 2 q o.O.Q % , y p J ) ) ` { [ h a L P #.#.#.#.",
+"#.#.#.#.#.#.& : 2 p M O.@.w = . 2 p a d d d K .} F x W @ 5 #.#.",
+"#.#.#.#.#.o > 3 u c V l 5 4 #.o 1 u d v c c x ( ..| N j y o #.#.",
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+"#.#.#.- , r p c n s : 5 #.#.5 : u p d b v c v b c / ./ u O #.#.",
+"#.#.#.o 3 f n N 8 o 6 #.#.7 3 a p a j n v x x l c x K ( p O #.#.",
+"#.#.5 < a n N w q ; & #.#.> a u a h b m c l x j c l H ( a O #.#.",
+"#.#.& t v n t w w 9 & $ > u p s j v n x j j x l c x H ( a O #.#.",
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