path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDTbin6422 -> 6501 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpierstbin6382 -> 6461 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpihmatbin7747 -> 7826 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.bridgebin9496 -> 9575 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.cphpbin6886 -> 6965 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.dimmpxmbin8076 -> 8155 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbridgebin6382 -> 6461 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbrrootbin3069 -> 3107 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.ipmikcsbin6494 -> 6573 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.memhpbin7781 -> 7860 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.nohpetbin6280 -> 6359 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.numamembin6428 -> 6507 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.roothpbin6656 -> 6699 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/pc/SSDT.dimmpxmbin734 -> 1815 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/APIC.acpihmat-noinitiatorbin0 -> 144 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/APIC.core-count2bin0 -> 2478 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDTbin8320 -> 8412 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpierstbin8337 -> 8429 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmatbin9645 -> 9737 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmat-noinitiatorbin0 -> 8691 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.applesmcbin8366 -> 8458 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.bridgebin11449 -> 11541 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.core-count2bin0 -> 32552 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cphpbin8784 -> 8876 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cxlbin9646 -> 9738 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.dimmpxmbin9974 -> 10066 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmibtbin8395 -> 8487 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmismbusbin8409 -> 8500 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ivrsbin8337 -> 8429 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.memhpbin9679 -> 9771 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.mmio64bin9450 -> 9542 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.multi-bridgebin8640 -> 8732 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.nohpetbin8178 -> 8270 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.numamembin8326 -> 8418 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.pvpanic-isabin8421 -> 8513 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm12bin8926 -> 9018 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm2bin8952 -> 9044 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.viotbin9429 -> 9521 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.xapicbin35683 -> 35775 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/FACP.core-count2bin0 -> 244 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/HMAT.acpihmat-noinitiatorbin0 -> 288 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/SRAT.acpihmat-noinitiatorbin0 -> 312 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/q35/SSDT.dimmpxmbin734 -> 1815 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/APICbin168 -> 172 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.acpihmatvirtbin0 -> 412 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.memhpbin168 -> 172 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.numamembin168 -> 172 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/DSDT.acpihmatvirtbin0 -> 5282 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/FACPbin268 -> 276 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.memhpbin268 -> 276 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.numamembin268 -> 276 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/HMAT.acpihmatvirtbin0 -> 288 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/PPTT.acpihmatvirtbin0 -> 196 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/SRAT.acpihmatvirtbin0 -> 240 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/data/acpi/virt/SSDT.memhpbin736 -> 1817 bytes
62 files changed, 3544 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/tests/avocado/acpi-bits.py b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8745a58a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits.py
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# group: rw quick
+# Exercize QEMU generated ACPI/SMBIOS tables using biosbits,
+# https://biosbits.org/
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Author:
+# Ani Sinha <ani@anisinha.ca>
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
+This is QEMU ACPI/SMBIOS avocado tests using biosbits.
+Biosbits is available originally at https://biosbits.org/.
+This test uses a fork of the upstream bits and has numerous fixes
+including an upgraded acpica. The fork is located here:
+https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/biosbits-bits .
+import logging
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import time
+import zipfile
+from typing import (
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ Sequence,
+from qemu.machine import QEMUMachine
+from avocado import skipIf
+from avocado_qemu import QemuBaseTest
+deps = ["xorriso"] # dependent tools needed in the test setup/box.
+supported_platforms = ['x86_64'] # supported test platforms.
+def which(tool):
+ """ looks up the full path for @tool, returns None if not found
+ or if @tool does not have executable permissions.
+ """
+ paths=os.getenv('PATH')
+ for p in paths.split(os.path.pathsep):
+ p = os.path.join(p, tool)
+ if os.path.exists(p) and os.access(p, os.X_OK):
+ return p
+ return None
+def missing_deps():
+ """ returns True if any of the test dependent tools are absent.
+ """
+ for dep in deps:
+ if which(dep) is None:
+ return True
+ return False
+def supported_platform():
+ """ checks if the test is running on a supported platform.
+ """
+ return platform.machine() in supported_platforms
+class QEMUBitsMachine(QEMUMachine): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ """
+ A QEMU VM, with isa-debugcon enabled and bits iso passed
+ using -cdrom to QEMU commandline.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ binary: str,
+ args: Sequence[str] = (),
+ wrapper: Sequence[str] = (),
+ name: Optional[str] = None,
+ base_temp_dir: str = "/var/tmp",
+ debugcon_log: str = "debugcon-log.txt",
+ debugcon_addr: str = "0x403",
+ sock_dir: Optional[str] = None,
+ qmp_timer: Optional[float] = None):
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ if name is None:
+ name = "qemu-bits-%d" % os.getpid()
+ if sock_dir is None:
+ sock_dir = base_temp_dir
+ super().__init__(binary, args, wrapper=wrapper, name=name,
+ base_temp_dir=base_temp_dir,
+ sock_dir=sock_dir, qmp_timer=qmp_timer)
+ self.debugcon_log = debugcon_log
+ self.debugcon_addr = debugcon_addr
+ self.base_temp_dir = base_temp_dir
+ @property
+ def _base_args(self) -> List[str]:
+ args = super()._base_args
+ args.extend([
+ '-chardev',
+ 'file,path=%s,id=debugcon' %os.path.join(self.base_temp_dir,
+ self.debugcon_log),
+ '-device',
+ 'isa-debugcon,iobase=%s,chardev=debugcon' %self.debugcon_addr,
+ ])
+ return args
+ def base_args(self):
+ """return the base argument to QEMU binary"""
+ return self._base_args
+@skipIf(not supported_platform() or missing_deps() or os.getenv('GITLAB_CI'),
+ 'incorrect platform or dependencies (%s) not installed ' \
+ 'or running on GitLab' % ','.join(deps))
+class AcpiBitsTest(QemuBaseTest): #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+ """
+ ACPI and SMBIOS tests using biosbits.
+ :avocado: tags=arch:x86_64
+ :avocado: tags=acpi
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._vm = None
+ self._workDir = None
+ self._baseDir = None
+ # following are some standard configuration constants
+ self._bitsInternalVer = 2020
+ self._bitsCommitHash = 'b48b88ff' # commit hash must match
+ # the artifact tag below
+ self._bitsTag = "qemu-bits-10182022" # this is the latest bits
+ # release as of today.
+ self._bitsArtSHA1Hash = 'b04790ac9b99b5662d0416392c73b97580641fe5'
+ self._bitsArtURL = ("https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/"
+ "biosbits-bits/-/jobs/artifacts/%s/"
+ "download?job=qemu-bits-build" %self._bitsTag)
+ self._debugcon_addr = '0x403'
+ self._debugcon_log = 'debugcon-log.txt'
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('acpi-bits')
+ def _print_log(self, log):
+ self.logger.info('\nlogs from biosbits follows:')
+ self.logger.info('==========================================\n')
+ self.logger.info(log)
+ self.logger.info('==========================================\n')
+ def copy_bits_config(self):
+ """ copies the bios bits config file into bits.
+ """
+ config_file = 'bits-cfg.txt'
+ bits_config_dir = os.path.join(self._baseDir, 'acpi-bits',
+ 'bits-config')
+ target_config_dir = os.path.join(self._workDir,
+ 'bits-%d' %self._bitsInternalVer,
+ 'boot')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(bits_config_dir))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(target_config_dir))
+ self.assertTrue(os.access(os.path.join(bits_config_dir,
+ config_file), os.R_OK))
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(bits_config_dir, config_file),
+ target_config_dir)
+ self.logger.info('copied config file %s to %s',
+ config_file, target_config_dir)
+ def copy_test_scripts(self):
+ """copies the python test scripts into bits. """
+ bits_test_dir = os.path.join(self._baseDir, 'acpi-bits',
+ 'bits-tests')
+ target_test_dir = os.path.join(self._workDir,
+ 'bits-%d' %self._bitsInternalVer,
+ 'boot', 'python')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(bits_test_dir))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(target_test_dir))
+ for filename in os.listdir(bits_test_dir):
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bits_test_dir, filename)) and \
+ filename.endswith('.py2'):
+ # all test scripts are named with extension .py2 so that
+ # avocado does not try to load them. These scripts are
+ # written for python 2.7 not python 3 and hence if avocado
+ # loaded them, it would complain about python 3 specific
+ # syntaxes.
+ newfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.py'
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(bits_test_dir, filename),
+ os.path.join(target_test_dir, newfilename))
+ self.logger.info('copied test file %s to %s',
+ filename, target_test_dir)
+ # now remove the pyc test file if it exists, otherwise the
+ # changes in the python test script won't be executed.
+ testfile_pyc = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.pyc'
+ if os.access(os.path.join(target_test_dir, testfile_pyc),
+ os.F_OK):
+ os.remove(os.path.join(target_test_dir, testfile_pyc))
+ self.logger.info('removed compiled file %s',
+ os.path.join(target_test_dir,
+ testfile_pyc))
+ def fix_mkrescue(self, mkrescue):
+ """ grub-mkrescue is a bash script with two variables, 'prefix' and
+ 'libdir'. They must be pointed to the right location so that the
+ iso can be generated appropriately. We point the two variables to
+ the directory where we have extracted our pre-built bits grub
+ tarball.
+ """
+ grub_x86_64_mods = os.path.join(self._workDir, 'grub-inst-x86_64-efi')
+ grub_i386_mods = os.path.join(self._workDir, 'grub-inst')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(grub_x86_64_mods))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(grub_i386_mods))
+ new_script = ""
+ with open(mkrescue, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as filehandle:
+ orig_script = filehandle.read()
+ new_script = re.sub('(^prefix=)(.*)',
+ r'\1"%s"' %grub_x86_64_mods,
+ orig_script, flags=re.M)
+ new_script = re.sub('(^libdir=)(.*)', r'\1"%s/lib"' %grub_i386_mods,
+ new_script, flags=re.M)
+ with open(mkrescue, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as filehandle:
+ filehandle.write(new_script)
+ def generate_bits_iso(self):
+ """ Uses grub-mkrescue to generate a fresh bits iso with the python
+ test scripts
+ """
+ bits_dir = os.path.join(self._workDir,
+ 'bits-%d' %self._bitsInternalVer)
+ iso_file = os.path.join(self._workDir,
+ 'bits-%d.iso' %self._bitsInternalVer)
+ mkrescue_script = os.path.join(self._workDir,
+ 'grub-inst-x86_64-efi', 'bin',
+ 'grub-mkrescue')
+ self.assertTrue(os.access(mkrescue_script,
+ os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK))
+ self.fix_mkrescue(mkrescue_script)
+ self.logger.info('using grub-mkrescue for generating biosbits iso ...')
+ try:
+ if os.getenv('V'):
+ subprocess.check_call([mkrescue_script, '-o', iso_file,
+ bits_dir], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ else:
+ subprocess.check_call([mkrescue_script, '-o',
+ iso_file, bits_dir],
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
+ except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ self.skipTest("Error while generating the bits iso. "
+ "Pass V=1 in the environment to get more details. "
+ + str(e))
+ self.assertTrue(os.access(iso_file, os.R_OK))
+ self.logger.info('iso file %s successfully generated.', iso_file)
+ def setUp(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ super().setUp('qemu-system-')
+ self._baseDir = os.getenv('AVOCADO_TEST_BASEDIR')
+ # workdir could also be avocado's own workdir in self.workdir.
+ # At present, I prefer to maintain my own temporary working
+ # directory. It gives us more control over the generated bits
+ # log files and also for debugging, we may chose not to remove
+ # this working directory so that the logs and iso can be
+ # inspected manually and archived if needed.
+ self._workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='acpi-bits-',
+ suffix='.tmp')
+ self.logger.info('working dir: %s', self._workDir)
+ prebuiltDir = os.path.join(self._workDir, 'prebuilt')
+ if not os.path.isdir(prebuiltDir):
+ os.mkdir(prebuiltDir, mode=0o775)
+ bits_zip_file = os.path.join(prebuiltDir, 'bits-%d-%s.zip'
+ %(self._bitsInternalVer,
+ self._bitsCommitHash))
+ grub_tar_file = os.path.join(prebuiltDir,
+ 'bits-%d-%s-grub.tar.gz'
+ %(self._bitsInternalVer,
+ self._bitsCommitHash))
+ bitsLocalArtLoc = self.fetch_asset(self._bitsArtURL,
+ asset_hash=self._bitsArtSHA1Hash)
+ self.logger.info("downloaded bits artifacts to %s", bitsLocalArtLoc)
+ # extract the bits artifact in the temp working directory
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(bitsLocalArtLoc, 'r') as zref:
+ zref.extractall(prebuiltDir)
+ # extract the bits software in the temp working directory
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(bits_zip_file, 'r') as zref:
+ zref.extractall(self._workDir)
+ with tarfile.open(grub_tar_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as tarball:
+ tarball.extractall(self._workDir)
+ self.copy_test_scripts()
+ self.copy_bits_config()
+ self.generate_bits_iso()
+ def parse_log(self):
+ """parse the log generated by running bits tests and
+ check for failures.
+ """
+ debugconf = os.path.join(self._workDir, self._debugcon_log)
+ log = ""
+ with open(debugconf, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as filehandle:
+ log = filehandle.read()
+ matchiter = re.finditer(r'(.*Summary: )(\d+ passed), (\d+ failed).*',
+ log)
+ for match in matchiter:
+ # verify that no test cases failed.
+ try:
+ self.assertEqual(match.group(3).split()[0], '0',
+ 'Some bits tests seems to have failed. ' \
+ 'Please check the test logs for more info.')
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ self._print_log(log)
+ raise e
+ else:
+ if os.getenv('V'):
+ self._print_log(log)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """
+ Lets do some cleanups.
+ """
+ if self._vm:
+ self.assertFalse(not self._vm.is_running)
+ self.logger.info('removing the work directory %s', self._workDir)
+ shutil.rmtree(self._workDir)
+ super().tearDown()
+ def test_acpi_smbios_bits(self):
+ """The main test case implementaion."""
+ iso_file = os.path.join(self._workDir,
+ 'bits-%d.iso' %self._bitsInternalVer)
+ self.assertTrue(os.access(iso_file, os.R_OK))
+ self._vm = QEMUBitsMachine(binary=self.qemu_bin,
+ base_temp_dir=self._workDir,
+ debugcon_log=self._debugcon_log,
+ debugcon_addr=self._debugcon_addr)
+ self._vm.add_args('-cdrom', '%s' %iso_file)
+ # the vm needs to be run under icount so that TCG emulation is
+ # consistent in terms of timing. smilatency tests have consistent
+ # timing requirements.
+ self._vm.add_args('-icount', 'auto')
+ args = " ".join(str(arg) for arg in self._vm.base_args()) + \
+ " " + " ".join(str(arg) for arg in self._vm.args)
+ self.logger.info("launching QEMU vm with the following arguments: %s",
+ args)
+ self._vm.launch()
+ # biosbits has been configured to run all the specified test suites
+ # in batch mode and then automatically initiate a vm shutdown.
+ # sleep for maximum of one minute
+ max_sleep_time = time.monotonic() + 60
+ while self._vm.is_running() and time.monotonic() < max_sleep_time:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ self.assertFalse(time.monotonic() > max_sleep_time,
+ 'The VM seems to have failed to shutdown in time')
+ self.parse_log()
diff --git a/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-config/bits-cfg.txt b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-config/bits-cfg.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8010804453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-config/bits-cfg.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# BITS configuration file
+# To run BITS in batch mode, set batch to a list of one or more of the
+# following keywords; BITS will then run all of the requested operations, then
+# save the log file to disk.
+# test: Run the full BITS testsuite.
+# acpi: Dump all ACPI structures.
+# smbios: Dump all SMBIOS structures.
+# Leave batch set to an empty string to disable batch mode.
+# batch =
+# Uncomment the following to run all available batch operations
+# please take a look at boot/python/init.py in bits zip file
+# to see how these options are parsed and used.
+batch = test acpi smbios
diff --git a/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/smbios.py2 b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/smbios.py2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9667d0542c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/smbios.py2
@@ -0,0 +1,2430 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
+# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+# without specific prior written permission.
+"""SMBIOS/DMI module."""
+import bits
+import bitfields
+import ctypes
+import redirect
+import struct
+import uuid
+import unpack
+import ttypager
+import sys
+class SMBIOS(unpack.Struct):
+ def __new__(cls):
+ if sys.platform == "BITS-EFI":
+ import efi
+ sm_ptr = efi.system_table.ConfigurationTableDict.get(efi.SMBIOS_TABLE_GUID)
+ else:
+ address = 0xF0000
+ mem = bits.memory(0xF0000, 0x10000)
+ for offset in range(0, len(mem), 16):
+ signature = (ctypes.c_char * 4).from_address(address + offset).value
+ if signature == "_SM_":
+ entry_point_length = ctypes.c_ubyte.from_address(address + offset + 5).value
+ csum = sum(map(ord, mem[offset:offset + entry_point_length])) & 0xff
+ if csum == 0:
+ sm_ptr = address + offset
+ break
+ else:
+ return None
+ if not sm_ptr:
+ return None
+ sm = super(SMBIOS, cls).__new__(cls)
+ sm._header_memory = bits.memory(sm_ptr, 0x1f)
+ return sm
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(SMBIOS, self).__init__()
+ u = unpack.Unpackable(self._header_memory)
+ self.add_field('header', Header(u))
+ self._structure_memory = bits.memory(self.header.structure_table_address, self.header.structure_table_length)
+ u = unpack.Unpackable(self._structure_memory)
+ self.add_field('structures', unpack.unpack_all(u, _smbios_structures, self), unpack.format_each("\n\n{!r}"))
+ def structure_type(self, num):
+ '''Dumps structure of given Type if present'''
+ try:
+ types_present = [self.structures[x].smbios_structure_type for x in range(len(self.structures))]
+ matrix = dict()
+ for index in range(len(types_present)):
+ if types_present.count(types_present[index]) == 1:
+ matrix[types_present[index]] = self.structures[index]
+ else: # if multiple structures of the same type, return a list of structures for the type number
+ if matrix.has_key(types_present[index]):
+ matrix[types_present[index]].append(self.structures[index])
+ else:
+ matrix[types_present[index]] = [self.structures[index]]
+ return matrix[num]
+ except:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - not found".format(num)
+class Header(unpack.Struct):
+ def __new__(cls, u):
+ return super(Header, cls).__new__(cls)
+ def __init__(self, u):
+ super(Header, self).__init__()
+ self.raw_data = u.unpack_rest()
+ u = unpack.Unpackable(self.raw_data)
+ self.add_field('anchor_string', u.unpack_one("4s"))
+ self.add_field('checksum', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('length', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('major_version', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('minor_version', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('max_structure_size', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('entry_point_revision', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('formatted_area', u.unpack_one("5s"))
+ self.add_field('intermediate_anchor_string', u.unpack_one("5s"))
+ self.add_field('intermediate_checksum', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('structure_table_length', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('structure_table_address', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ self.add_field('number_structures', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('bcd_revision', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if not u.at_end():
+ self.add_field('data', u.unpack_rest())
+class SmbiosBaseStructure(unpack.Struct):
+ def __new__(cls, u, sm):
+ t = u.unpack_peek_one("B")
+ if cls.smbios_structure_type is not None and t != cls.smbios_structure_type:
+ return None
+ return super(SmbiosBaseStructure, cls).__new__(cls)
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SmbiosBaseStructure, self).__init__()
+ self.start_offset = u.offset
+ length = u.unpack_peek_one("<xB")
+ self.raw_data = u.unpack_raw(length)
+ self.u = unpack.Unpackable(self.raw_data)
+ self.strings_offset = u.offset
+ def unpack_string():
+ return "".join(iter(lambda: u.unpack_one("c"), "\x00"))
+ strings = list(iter(unpack_string, ""))
+ if not strings:
+ u.skip(1)
+ self.strings_length = u.offset - self.strings_offset
+ self.raw_strings = str(bits.memory(sm.header.structure_table_address + self.strings_offset, self.strings_length))
+ if len(strings):
+ self.strings = strings
+ self.add_field('type', self.u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('length', self.u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('handle', self.u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ def fini(self):
+ if not self.u.at_end():
+ self.add_field('data', self.u.unpack_rest())
+ del self.u
+ def fmtstr(self, i):
+ """Format the specified index and the associated string"""
+ return "{} '{}'".format(i, self.getstr(i))
+ def getstr(self, i):
+ """Get the string associated with the given index"""
+ if i == 0:
+ return "(none)"
+ if not hasattr(self, "strings"):
+ return "(error: structure has no strings)"
+ if i > len(self.strings):
+ return "(error: string index out of range)"
+ return self.strings[i - 1]
+class BIOSInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 0
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(BIOSInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('vendor', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('version', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('starting_address_segment', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('release_date', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('rom_size', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('characteristics', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ minor_version_str = str(sm.header.minor_version) # 34 is .34, 4 is .4, 41 is .41; compare ASCIIbetically to compare initial digits rather than numeric value
+ if (sm.header.major_version, minor_version_str) >= (2,"4"):
+ characteristic_bytes = 2
+ else:
+ characteristic_bytes = self.length - 0x12
+ self.add_field('characteristics_extensions', [u.unpack_one("B") for b in range(characteristic_bytes)])
+ if (sm.header.major_version, minor_version_str) >= (2,"4"):
+ self.add_field('major_release', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('minor_release', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('ec_major_release', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('ec_minor_release', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ except:
+ self.decode_failure = True
+ print "Error parsing BIOSInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 1
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('manufacturer', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('product_name', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('version', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('serial_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('uuid', uuid.UUID(bytes_le=u.unpack_one("16s")))
+ wakeup_types = {
+ 0: 'Reserved',
+ 1: 'Other',
+ 2: 'Unknown',
+ 3: 'APM Timer',
+ 4: 'Modem Ring',
+ 5: 'LAN Remote',
+ 6: 'Power Switch',
+ 7: 'PCI PME#',
+ 8: 'AC Power Restored'
+ }
+ self.add_field('wakeup_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", wakeup_types))
+ if self.length > 0x19:
+ self.add_field('sku_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('family', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ except:
+ self.decode_failure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+_board_types = {
+ 1: 'Unknown',
+ 2: 'Other',
+ 3: 'Server Blade',
+ 4: 'Connectivity Switch',
+ 5: 'System Management Module',
+ 6: 'Processor Module',
+ 7: 'I/O Module',
+ 8: 'Memory Module',
+ 9: 'Daughter Board',
+ 0xA: 'Motherboard',
+ 0xB: 'Processor/Memory Module',
+ 0xC: 'Processor/IO Module',
+ 0xD: 'Interconnect Board'
+class BaseboardInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 2
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(BaseboardInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('manufacturer', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('product', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('version', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('serial_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('asset_tag', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x9:
+ self.add_field('feature_flags', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('hosting_board', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.feature_flags, 0)), "feature_flags[0]={}")
+ self.add_field('requires_daughter_card', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.feature_flags, 1)), "feature_flags[1]={}")
+ self.add_field('removable', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.feature_flags, 2)), "feature_flags[2]={}")
+ self.add_field('replaceable', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.feature_flags, 3)), "feature_flags[3]={}")
+ self.add_field('hot_swappable', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.feature_flags, 4)), "feature_flags[4]={}")
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('location', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0xB:
+ self.add_field('chassis_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xD:
+ self.add_field('board_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _board_types))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('handle_count', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.handle_count > 0:
+ self.add_field('contained_object_handles', tuple(u.unpack_one("<H") for i in range(self.handle_count)))
+ except:
+ self.decode_failure = True
+ print "Error parsing BaseboardInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemEnclosure(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 3
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemEnclosure, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('manufacturer', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('enumerated_type', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('chassis_lock_present', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.enumerated_type, 7)), "enumerated_type[7]={}")
+ board_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Desktop',
+ 0x04: 'Low Profile Desktop',
+ 0x05: 'Pizza Box',
+ 0x06: 'Mini Tower',
+ 0x07: 'Tower',
+ 0x08: 'Portable',
+ 0x09: 'Laptop',
+ 0x0A: 'Notebook',
+ 0x0B: 'Hand Held',
+ 0x0C: 'Docking Station',
+ 0x0D: 'All in One',
+ 0x0E: 'Sub Notebook',
+ 0x0F: 'Space-saving',
+ 0x10: 'Lunch Box',
+ 0x11: 'Main Server Chassis',
+ 0x12: 'Expansion Chassis',
+ 0x13: 'SubChassis',
+ 0x14: 'Bus Expansion Chassis',
+ 0x15: 'Peripheral Chassis',
+ 0x16: 'RAID Chassis',
+ 0x17: 'Rack Mount Chassis',
+ 0x18: 'Sealed-case PC',
+ 0x19: 'Multi-system chassis W',
+ 0x1A: 'Compact PCI',
+ 0x1B: 'Advanced TCA',
+ 0x1C: 'Blade',
+ 0x1D: 'Blade Enclosure',
+ }
+ self.add_field('system_enclosure_type', bitfields.getbits(self.enumerated_type, 6, 0), unpack.format_table("enumerated_type[6:0]={}", board_types))
+ self.add_field('version', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('serial_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('asset_tag', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ minor_version_str = str(sm.header.minor_version) # 34 is .34, 4 is .4, 41 is .41; compare ASCIIbetically to compare initial digits rather than numeric value
+ if self.length > 9:
+ chassis_states = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Safe',
+ 0x04: 'Warning',
+ 0x05: 'Critical',
+ 0x06: 'Non-recoverable',
+ }
+ self.add_field('bootup_state', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", chassis_states))
+ self.add_field('power_supply_state', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", chassis_states))
+ self.add_field('thermal_state', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", chassis_states))
+ security_states = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'None',
+ 0x04: 'External interface locked out',
+ 0x05: 'External interface enabled',
+ }
+ self.add_field('security_status', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", security_states))
+ if self.length > 0xd:
+ self.add_field('oem_defined', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0x11:
+ self.add_field('height', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('num_power_cords', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('contained_element_count', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('contained_element_length', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if getattr(self, 'contained_element_count', 0):
+ self.add_field('contained_elements', tuple(SystemEnclosureContainedElement(u, self.contained_element_length) for i in range(self.contained_element_count)))
+ if self.length > (0x15 + (getattr(self, 'contained_element_count', 0) * getattr(self, 'contained_element_length', 0))):
+ self.add_field('sku_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ except:
+ self.decode_failure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemEnclosure"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemEnclosureContainedElement(unpack.Struct):
+ def __init__(self, u, length):
+ super(SystemEnclosureContainedElement, self).__init__()
+ self.start_offset = u.offset
+ self.raw_data = u.unpack_raw(length)
+ self.u = unpack.Unpackable(self.raw_data)
+ u = self.u
+ self.add_field('contained_element_type', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ type_selections = {
+ 0: 'SMBIOS baseboard type enumeration',
+ 1: 'SMBIOS structure type enumeration',
+ }
+ self.add_field('type_select', bitfields.getbits(self.contained_element_type, 7), unpack.format_table("contained_element_type[7]={}", type_selections))
+ self.add_field('type', bitfields.getbits(self.contained_element_type, 6, 0))
+ if self.type_select == 0:
+ self.add_field('smbios_board_type', self.type, unpack.format_table("{}", _board_types))
+ else:
+ self.add_field('smbios_structure_type', self.type)
+ self.add_field('minimum', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('maximum', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if not u.at_end():
+ self.add_field('data', u.unpack_rest())
+ del self.u
+class ProcessorInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 4
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(ProcessorInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('socket_designation', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ processor_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Central Processor',
+ 0x04: 'Math Processor',
+ 0x05: 'DSP Processor',
+ 0x06: 'Video Processor',
+ }
+ self.add_field('processor_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", processor_types))
+ self.add_field('processor_family', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('processor_manufacturer', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('processor_id', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ self.add_field('processor_version', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('voltage', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('external_clock', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('max_speed', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('current_speed', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('status', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ processor_upgrades = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Daughter Board',
+ 0x04: 'ZIF Socket',
+ 0x05: 'Replaceable Piggy Back',
+ 0x06: 'None',
+ 0x07: 'LIF Socket',
+ 0x08: 'Slot 1',
+ 0x09: 'Slot 2',
+ 0x0A: '370-pin socket',
+ 0x0B: 'Slot A',
+ 0x0C: 'Slot M',
+ 0x0D: 'Socket 423',
+ 0x0E: 'Socket A (Socket 462)',
+ 0x0F: 'Socket 478',
+ 0x10: 'Socket 754',
+ 0x11: 'Socket 940',
+ 0x12: 'Socket 939',
+ 0x13: 'Socket mPGA604',
+ 0x14: 'Socket LGA771',
+ 0x15: 'Socket LGA775',
+ 0x16: 'Socket S1',
+ 0x17: 'Socket AM2',
+ 0x18: 'Socket F (1207)',
+ 0x19: 'Socket LGA1366',
+ 0x1A: 'Socket G34',
+ 0x1B: 'Socket AM3',
+ 0x1C: 'Socket C32',
+ 0x1D: 'Socket LGA1156',
+ 0x1E: 'Socket LGA1567',
+ 0x1F: 'Socket PGA988A',
+ 0x20: 'Socket BGA1288',
+ 0x21: 'Socket rPGA988B',
+ 0x22: 'Socket BGA1023',
+ 0x23: 'Socket BGA1224',
+ 0x24: 'Socket BGA1155',
+ 0x25: 'Socket LGA1356',
+ 0x26: 'Socket LGA2011',
+ 0x27: 'Socket FS1',
+ 0x28: 'Socket FS2',
+ 0x29: 'Socket FM1',
+ 0x2A: 'Socket FM2',
+ }
+ self.add_field('processor_upgrade', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", processor_upgrades))
+ if self.length > 0x1A:
+ self.add_field('l1_cache_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('l2_cache_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('l3_cache_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x20:
+ self.add_field('serial_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('asset_tag', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('part_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x24:
+ self.add_field('core_count', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('core_enabled', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('thread_count', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('processor_characteristics', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x28:
+ self.add_field('processor_family_2', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x2A:
+ self.add_field('core_count2', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('core_enabled2', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('thread_count2', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decode_failure = True
+ print "Error parsing Processor Information"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class MemoryControllerInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure): #obsolete starting with v2.1
+ smbios_structure_type = 5
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(MemoryControllerInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ _error_detecting_method = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'None',
+ 0x04: '8-bit Parity',
+ 0x05: '32-bit ECC',
+ 0x06: '64-bit ECC',
+ 0x07: '128-bit ECC',
+ 0x08: 'CRC'
+ }
+ self.add_field('error_detecting_method', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_detecting_method))
+ self.add_field('error_correcting_capability', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ _interleaves = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'One-Way Interleave',
+ 0x04: 'Two-Way Interleave',
+ 0x05: 'Four-Way Interleave',
+ 0x06: 'Eight-Way Interleave',
+ 0x07: 'Sixteen-Way Interleave'
+ }
+ self.add_field('supported_interleave', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _interleaves))
+ self.add_field('current_interleave', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _interleaves))
+ self.add_field('max_memory_module_size', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('supported_speeds', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('supported_memory_types', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('memory_module_voltage', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('req_voltage_b2', bitfields.getbits(self.memory_module_voltage, 2), "memory_module_voltage[2]={}")
+ self.add_field('req_voltage_b1', bitfields.getbits(self.memory_module_voltage, 1), "memory_module_voltage[1]={}")
+ self.add_field('req_voltage_b0', bitfields.getbits(self.memory_module_voltage, 0), "memory_module_voltage[0]={}")
+ self.add_field('num_associated_memory_slots', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('memory_module_configuration_handles', u.unpack_one("<(self.num_associated_memory_slots)H"))
+ self.add_field('enabled_error_correcting_capabilities', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ except:
+ self.decode_failure = True
+ print "Error parsing MemoryControllerInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class MemoryModuleInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure): #obsolete starting with v2.1
+ smbios_structure_type = 6
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(MemoryModuleInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('socket_designation', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('bank_connections', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('current_speed', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('current_memory_type', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ _mem_connection = {
+ 0: 'single',
+ 1: 'double-bank'
+ }
+ self.add_field('installed_mem', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('installed_size', bitfields.getbits(self.installed_mem, 6, 0), "installed_mem[6:0]={}")
+ self.add_field('installed_memory_module_connection', bitfields.getbits(self.installed_mem, 7), unpack.format_table("installed_mem[7]={}", _mem_connection))
+ self.add_field('enabled_mem', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('enabled_size', bitfields.getbits(self.installed_mem, 6, 0), "enabled_mem[6:0]={}")
+ self.add_field('enabled_memory_module_connection', bitfields.getbits(self.installed_mem, 7), unpack.format_table("enabled_mem[7]={}", _mem_connection))
+ self.add_field('error_status', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('error_status_info_obstained_from_event_log', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.error_status, 2)), unpack.format_table("error_status[2]={}", _mem_connection))
+ self.add_field('correctable_errors_received', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.error_status, 1)), unpack.format_table("error_status[1]={}", _mem_connection))
+ self.add_field('uncorrectable_errors_received', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.error_status, 0)), unpack.format_table("error_status[0]={}", _mem_connection))
+ except:
+ self.decode_failure = True
+ print "Error parsing MemoryModuleInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class CacheInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 7
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(CacheInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('socket_designation', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ processor_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Central Processor',
+ 0x04: 'Math Processor',
+ 0x05: 'DSP Processor',
+ 0x06: 'Video Processor',
+ }
+ self.add_field('cache_configuration', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ _operational_mode = {
+ 0b00: 'Write Through',
+ 0b01: 'Write Back',
+ 0b10: 'Varies with Memory Address',
+ 0b11: 'Unknown'
+ }
+ self.add_field('operational_mode', bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 9, 8), unpack.format_table("cache_configuration[9:8]={}", _operational_mode))
+ self.add_field('enabled_at_boot_time', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 7)), "cache_configuration[7]={}")
+ _location = {
+ 0b00: 'Internal',
+ 0b01: 'External',
+ 0b10: 'Reserved',
+ 0b11: 'Unknown'
+ }
+ self.add_field('location_relative_to_cpu_module', bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 6, 5), unpack.format_table("cache_configuration[6:5]={}", _location))
+ self.add_field('cache_socketed', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 3)), "cache_configuration[3]={}")
+ self.add_field('cache_level', bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 2, 0), "cache_configuration[2:0]={}")
+ self.add_field('max_cache_size', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ _granularity = {
+ 0: '1K granularity',
+ 1: '64K granularity'
+ }
+ self.add_field('max_granularity', bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 15), unpack.format_table("max_cache_size[15]={}", _granularity))
+ self.add_field('max_size_in_granularity', bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 14, 0), "max_cache_size[14, 0]={}")
+ self.add_field('installed_size', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.installed_size != 0:
+ self.add_field('installed_granularity', bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 15), unpack.format_table("installed_size[15]={}", _granularity))
+ self.add_field('installed_size_in_granularity', bitfields.getbits(self.cache_configuration, 14, 0), "installed_size[14, 0]={}")
+ self.add_field('supported_sram_type', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('current_sram_type', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x0F:
+ self.add_field('cache_speed', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ _error_correction = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'None',
+ 0x04: 'Parity',
+ 0x05: 'Single-bit ECC',
+ 0x06: 'Multi-bit ECC'
+ }
+ self.add_field('error_correction', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_correction))
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ _system_cache_type = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Instruction',
+ 0x04: 'Data',
+ 0x05: 'Unified'
+ }
+ self.add_field('system_cache_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _system_cache_type))
+ if self.length > 0x12:
+ _associativity = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Direct Mapped',
+ 0x04: '2-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x05: '4-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x06: 'Fully Associative',
+ 0x07: '8-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x08: '16-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x09: '12-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x0A: '24-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x0B: '32-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x0C: '48-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x0D: '64-way Set-Associative',
+ 0x0E: '20-way Set-Associative'
+ }
+ self.add_field('associativity', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _associativity))
+ except:
+ self.decode_failure = True
+ print "Error parsing CacheInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class PortConnectorInfo(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 8
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(PortConnectorInfo, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('internal_reference_designator', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ connector_types = {
+ 0x00: 'None',
+ 0x01: 'Centronics',
+ 0x02: 'Mini Centronics',
+ 0x03: 'Proprietary',
+ 0x04: 'DB-25 pin male',
+ 0x05: 'DB-25 pin female',
+ 0x06: 'DB-15 pin male',
+ 0x07: 'DB-15 pin female',
+ 0x08: 'DB-9 pin male',
+ 0x09: 'DB-9 pin female',
+ 0x0A: 'RJ-11',
+ 0x0B: 'RJ-45',
+ 0x0C: '50-pin MiniSCSI',
+ 0x0D: 'Mini-DIN',
+ 0x0E: 'Micro-DIN',
+ 0x0F: 'PS/2',
+ 0x10: 'Infrared',
+ 0x11: 'HP-HIL',
+ 0x12: 'Access Bus (USB)',
+ 0x13: 'SSA SCSI',
+ 0x14: 'Circular DIN-8 male',
+ 0x15: 'Circular DIN-8 female',
+ 0x16: 'On Board IDE',
+ 0x17: 'On Board Floppy',
+ 0x18: '9-pin Dual Inline (pin 10 cut)',
+ 0x19: '25-pin Dual Inline (pin 26 cut)',
+ 0x1A: '50-pin Dual Inline',
+ 0x1B: '68-pin Dual Inline',
+ 0x1C: 'On Board Sound Input from CD-ROM',
+ 0x1D: 'Mini-Centronics Type-14',
+ 0x1E: 'Mini-Centronics Type-26',
+ 0x1F: 'Mini-jack (headphones)',
+ 0x20: 'BNC',
+ 0x21: '1394',
+ 0x22: 'SAS/SATA Plug Receptacle',
+ 0xA0: 'PC-98',
+ 0xA1: 'PC-98Hireso',
+ 0xA2: 'PC-H98',
+ 0xA3: 'PC-98Note',
+ 0xA4: 'PC-98Full',
+ 0xFF: 'Other',
+ }
+ self.add_field('internal_connector_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", connector_types))
+ self.add_field('external_reference_designator', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('external_connector_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", connector_types))
+ port_types = {
+ 0x00: 'None',
+ 0x01: 'Parallel Port XT/AT Compatible',
+ 0x02: 'Parallel Port PS/2',
+ 0x03: 'Parallel Port ECP',
+ 0x04: 'Parallel Port EPP',
+ 0x05: 'Parallel Port ECP/EPP',
+ 0x06: 'Serial Port XT/AT Compatible',
+ 0x07: 'Serial Port 16450 Compatible',
+ 0x08: 'Serial Port 16550 Compatible',
+ 0x09: 'Serial Port 16550A Compatible',
+ 0x0A: 'SCSI Port',
+ 0x0B: 'MIDI Port',
+ 0x0C: 'Joy Stick Port',
+ 0x0D: 'Keyboard Port',
+ 0x0E: 'Mouse Port',
+ 0x0F: 'SSA SCSI',
+ 0x10: 'USB',
+ 0x11: 'FireWire (IEEE P1394)',
+ 0x12: 'PCMCIA Type I2',
+ 0x13: 'PCMCIA Type II',
+ 0x14: 'PCMCIA Type III',
+ 0x15: 'Cardbus',
+ 0x16: 'Access Bus Port',
+ 0x17: 'SCSI II',
+ 0x18: 'SCSI Wide',
+ 0x19: 'PC-98',
+ 0x1A: 'PC-98-Hireso',
+ 0x1B: 'PC-H98',
+ 0x1C: 'Video Port',
+ 0x1D: 'Audio Port',
+ 0x1E: 'Modem Port',
+ 0x1F: 'Network Port',
+ 0x20: 'SATA',
+ 0x21: 'SAS',
+ 0xA0: '8251 Compatible',
+ 0xA1: '8251 FIFO Compatible',
+ 0xFF: 'Other',
+ }
+ self.add_field('port_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", port_types))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing PortConnectorInfo"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemSlots(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 9
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemSlots, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('designation', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ _slot_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'ISA',
+ 0x04: 'MCA',
+ 0x05: 'EISA',
+ 0x06: 'PCI',
+ 0x07: 'PC Card (PCMCIA)',
+ 0x08: 'VL-VESA',
+ 0x09: 'Proprietary',
+ 0x0A: 'Processor Card Slot',
+ 0x0B: 'Proprietary Memory Card Slot',
+ 0x0C: 'I/O Riser Card Slot',
+ 0x0D: 'NuBus',
+ 0x0E: 'PCI 66MHz Capable',
+ 0x0F: 'AGP',
+ 0x10: 'AGP 2X',
+ 0x11: 'AGP 4X',
+ 0x12: 'PCI-X',
+ 0x13: 'AGP 8X',
+ 0xA0: 'PC-98/C20',
+ 0xA1: 'PC-98/C24',
+ 0xA2: 'PC-98/E',
+ 0xA3: 'PC-98/Local Bus',
+ 0xA4: 'PC-98/Card',
+ 0xA5: 'PCI Express',
+ 0xA6: 'PCI Express x1',
+ 0xA7: 'PCI Express x2',
+ 0xA8: 'PCI Express x4',
+ 0xA9: 'PCI Express x8',
+ 0xAA: 'PCI Express x16',
+ 0xAB: 'PCI Express Gen 2',
+ 0xAC: 'PCI Express Gen 2 x1',
+ 0xAD: 'PCI Express Gen 2 x2',
+ 0xAE: 'PCI Express Gen 2 x4',
+ 0xAF: 'PCI Express Gen 2 x8',
+ 0xB0: 'PCI Express Gen 2 x16',
+ 0xB1: 'PCI Express Gen 3',
+ 0xB2: 'PCI Express Gen 3 x1',
+ 0xB3: 'PCI Express Gen 3 x2',
+ 0xB4: 'PCI Express Gen 3 x4',
+ 0xB5: 'PCI Express Gen 3 x8',
+ 0xB6: 'PCI Express Gen 3 x16',
+ }
+ self.add_field('slot_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _slot_types))
+ _slot_data_bus_widths = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: '8 bit',
+ 0x04: '16 bit',
+ 0x05: '32 bit',
+ 0x06: '64 bit',
+ 0x07: '128 bit',
+ 0x08: '1x or x1',
+ 0x09: '2x or x2',
+ 0x0A: '4x or x4',
+ 0x0B: '8x or x8',
+ 0x0C: '12x or x12',
+ 0x0D: '16x or x16',
+ 0x0E: '32x or x32',
+ }
+ self.add_field('slot_data_bus_width', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", _slot_data_bus_widths))
+ _current_usages = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Available',
+ 0x04: 'In use',
+ }
+ self.add_field('current_usage', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", _current_usages))
+ _slot_lengths = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Short Length',
+ 0x04: 'Long Length',
+ }
+ self.add_field('slot_length', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", _slot_lengths))
+ self.add_field('slot_id', u.unpack_one('<H'))
+ self.add_field('characteristics1', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ self.add_field('characteristics_unknown', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics1, 0)), "characteristics1[0]={}")
+ self.add_field('provides_5_0_volts', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics1, 1)), "characteristics1[1]={}")
+ self.add_field('provides_3_3_volts', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics1, 2)), "characteristics1[2]={}")
+ self.add_field('shared_slot', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics1, 3)), "characteristics1[3]={}")
+ self.add_field('supports_pc_card_16', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics1, 4)), "characteristics1[4]={}")
+ self.add_field('supports_cardbus', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics1, 5)), "characteristics1[5]={}")
+ self.add_field('supports_zoom_video', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics1, 6)), "characteristics1[6]={}")
+ self.add_field('supports_modem_ring_resume', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics1, 7)), "characteristics1[7]={}")
+ if self.length > 0x0C:
+ self.add_field('characteristics2', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ self.add_field('supports_PME', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics2, 0)), "characteristics2[0]={}")
+ self.add_field('supports_hot_plug', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics2, 1)), "characteristics2[1]={}")
+ self.add_field('supports_smbus', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.characteristics2, 2)), "characteristics2[2]={}")
+ if self.length > 0x0D:
+ self.add_field('segment_group_number', u.unpack_one('<H'))
+ self.add_field('bus_number', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ self.add_field('device_function_number', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ self.add_field('device_number', bitfields.getbits(self.device_function_number, 7, 3), "device_function_number[7:3]={}")
+ self.add_field('function_number', bitfields.getbits(self.device_function_number, 2, 0), "device_function_number[2:0]={}")
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemSlots"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class OnBoardDevicesInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 10
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(OnBoardDevicesInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('device_type', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('device_enabled', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.device_type, 7)), "device_type[7]={}")
+ _device_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Video',
+ 0x04: 'SCSI Controller',
+ 0x05: 'Ethernet',
+ 0x06: 'Token Ring',
+ 0x07: 'Sound',
+ 0x08: 'PATA Controller',
+ 0x09: 'SATA Controller',
+ 0x0A: 'SAS Controller'
+ }
+ self.add_field('type_of_device', bitfields.getbits(self.device_type, 6, 0), unpack.format_table("device_type[6:0]={}", _device_types))
+ self.add_field('description_string', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing OnBoardDevicesInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class OEMStrings(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 11
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(OEMStrings, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('count', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing OEMStrings"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemConfigOptions(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 12
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemConfigOptions, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('count', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemConfigOptions"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class BIOSLanguageInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 13
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(BIOSLanguageInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('installable_languages', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x05:
+ self.add_field('flags', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ self.add_field('abbreviated_format', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.flags, 0)), "flags[0]={}")
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ u.skip(15)
+ self.add_field('current_language', u.unpack_one('B'), self.fmtstr)
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing BIOSLanguageInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class GroupAssociations(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 14
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(GroupAssociations, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('group_name', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('item_type', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ self.add_field('item_handle', u.unpack_one('<H'))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing GroupAssociations"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemEventLog(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 15
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemEventLog, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ self.add_field('log_area_length', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('log_header_start_offset', u.unpack_one('<H'))
+ self.add_field('log_data_start_offset', u.unpack_one('<H'))
+ _access_method = {
+ 0x00: 'Indexed I/O: 1 8-bit index port, 1 8-bit data port',
+ 0x01: 'Indexed I/O: 2 8-bit index ports, 1 8-bit data port',
+ 0x02: 'Indexed I/O: 1 16-bit index port, 1 8-bit data port',
+ 0x03: 'Memory-mapped physical 32-bit address',
+ 0x04: 'Available through General-Purpose NonVolatile Data functions',
+ xrange(0x05, 0x07F): 'Available for future assignment',
+ xrange(0x80, 0xFF): 'BIOS Vendor/OEM-specific'
+ }
+ self.add_field('access_method', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", _access_method))
+ self.add_field('log_status', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ self.add_field('log_area_full', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.log_status, 1)), "log_status[1]={}")
+ self.add_field('log_area_valid', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.log_status, 0)), "log_status[0]={}")
+ self.add_field('log_change_token', u.unpack_one('<I'))
+ self.add_field('access_method_address', u.unpack_one('<I'))
+ if self.length > 0x14:
+ _log_header_formats = {
+ 0: 'No header',
+ 1: 'Type 1 log header',
+ xrange(2, 0x7f): 'Available for future assignment',
+ xrange(0x80, 0xff): 'BIOS vendor or OEM-specific format'
+ }
+ self.add_field('log_header_format', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _log_header_formats))
+ if self.length > 0x15:
+ self.add_field('num_supported_log_type_descriptors', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ if self.length > 0x16:
+ self.add_field('length_log_type_descriptor', u.unpack_one('B'))
+ if self.length != (0x17 + (self.num_supported_log_type_descriptors * self.length_log_type_descriptor)):
+ print "Error: structure length ({}) != 0x17 + (num_supported_log_type_descriptors ({}) * length_log_type_descriptor({}))".format(self.length, self.num_supported_log_type_descriptors, self.length_log_type_descriptor)
+ print "structure length = {}".format(self.length)
+ print "num_supported_log_type_descriptors = {}".format(self.num_supported_log_type_descriptors)
+ print "length_log_type_descriptor = {}".format(self.length_log_type_descriptor)
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ self.add_field('descriptors', tuple(EventLogDescriptor.unpack(u) for i in range(self.num_supported_log_type_descriptors)), unpack.format_each("\n{!r}"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemEventLog"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class EventLogDescriptor(unpack.Struct):
+ @staticmethod
+ def _unpack(u):
+ _event_log_type_descriptors = {
+ 0x00: 'Reserved',
+ 0x01: 'Single-bit ECC memory error',
+ 0x02: 'Multi-bit ECC memory error',
+ 0x03: 'Parity memory error',
+ 0x04: 'Bus time-out',
+ 0x05: 'I/O Channel Check',
+ 0x06: 'Software NMI',
+ 0x07: 'POST Memory Resize',
+ 0x08: 'POST Error',
+ 0x09: 'PCI Parity Error',
+ 0x0A: 'PCI System Error',
+ 0x0B: 'CPU Failure',
+ 0x0C: 'EISA FailSafe Timer time-out',
+ 0x0D: 'Correctable memory log disabled',
+ 0x0E: 'Logging disabled for a specific Event Type - too many errors of the same type received in a short amount of time',
+ 0x0F: 'Reserved',
+ 0x10: 'System Limit Exceeded',
+ 0x11: 'Asynchronous hardware timer expired and issued a system reset',
+ 0x12: 'System configuration information',
+ 0x13: 'Hard-disk information',
+ 0x14: 'System reconfigured',
+ 0x15: 'Uncorrectable CPU-complex error',
+ 0x16: 'Log Area Reset/Cleared',
+ 0x17: 'System boot',
+ xrange(0x18, 0x7F): 'Unused, available for assignment',
+ xrange(0x80, 0xFE): 'Availalbe for system- and OEM-specific assignments',
+ 0xFF: 'End of log'
+ }
+ yield 'log_type', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", _event_log_type_descriptors)
+ _event_log_format = {
+ 0x00: 'None',
+ 0x01: 'Handle',
+ 0x02: 'Multiple-Event',
+ 0x03: 'Multiple-Event Handle',
+ 0x04: 'POST Results Bitmap',
+ 0x05: 'System Management Type',
+ 0x06: 'Multiple-Event System Management Type',
+ xrange(0x80, 0xFF): 'OEM assigned'
+ }
+ yield 'variable_data_format_type', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", _event_log_format)
+class PhysicalMemoryArray(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 16
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(PhysicalMemoryArray, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ _location_field = {
+ 0x01: "Other",
+ 0x02: "Unknown",
+ 0x03: "System board or motherboard",
+ 0x04: "ISA add-on card",
+ 0x05: "EISA add-on card",
+ 0x06: "PCI add-on card",
+ 0x07: "MCA add-on card",
+ 0x08: "PCMCIA add-on card",
+ 0x09: "Proprietary add-on card",
+ 0x0A: "NuBus",
+ 0xA0: "PC-98/C20 add-on card",
+ 0xA1: "PC-98/C24 add-on card",
+ 0xA2: "PC-98/E add-on card",
+ 0xA3: "PC-98/Local bus add-on card"
+ }
+ self.add_field('location', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _location_field))
+ if self.length > 0x05:
+ _use = {
+ 0x01: "Other",
+ 0x02: "Unknown",
+ 0x03: "System memory",
+ 0x04: "Video memory",
+ 0x05: "Flash memory",
+ 0x06: "Non-volatile RAM",
+ 0x07: "Cache memory"
+ }
+ self.add_field('use', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", _use))
+ if self.length > 0x06:
+ _error_correction = {
+ 0x01: "Other",
+ 0x02: "Unknown",
+ 0x03: "None",
+ 0x04: "Parity",
+ 0x05: "Single-bit ECC",
+ 0x06: "Multi-bit ECC",
+ 0x07: "CRC"
+ }
+ self.add_field('memory_error_correction', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_correction))
+ if self.length > 0x07:
+ self.add_field('maximum_capacity', u.unpack_one('<I'))
+ if self.length > 0x0B:
+ self.add_field('memory_error_information_handle', u.unpack_one('<H'))
+ if self.length > 0x0D:
+ self.add_field('num_memory_devices', u.unpack_one('<H'))
+ if self.length > 0x0F:
+ self.add_field('extended_maximum_capacity', u.unpack_one('<Q'))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing PhysicalMemoryArray"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class MemoryDevice(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 17
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(MemoryDevice, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('physical_memory_array_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('memory_error_information_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('total_width', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('data_width', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('size', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ _form_factors = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'SIMM',
+ 0x04: 'SIP',
+ 0x05: 'Chip',
+ 0x06: 'DIP',
+ 0x07: 'ZIP',
+ 0x08: 'Proprietary Card',
+ 0x09: 'DIMM',
+ 0x0A: 'TSOP',
+ 0x0B: 'Row of chips',
+ 0x0C: 'RIMM',
+ 0x0D: 'SODIMM',
+ 0x0E: 'SRIMM',
+ 0x0F: 'FB-DIMM'
+ }
+ self.add_field('form_factor', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _form_factors))
+ if self.length > 0xF:
+ self.add_field('device_set', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ self.add_field('device_locator', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x11:
+ self.add_field('bank_locator', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x12:
+ _memory_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'DRAM',
+ 0x04: 'EDRAM',
+ 0x05: 'VRAM',
+ 0x06: 'SRAM',
+ 0x07: 'RAM',
+ 0x08: 'ROM',
+ 0x09: 'FLASH',
+ 0x0A: 'EEPROM',
+ 0x0B: 'FEPROM',
+ 0x0C: 'EPROM',
+ 0x0D: 'CDRAM',
+ 0x0E: '3DRAM',
+ 0x0F: 'SDRAM',
+ 0x10: 'SGRAM',
+ 0x11: 'RDRAM',
+ 0x12: 'DDR',
+ 0x13: 'DDR2',
+ 0x14: 'DDR2 FB-DIMM',
+ xrange(0x15, 0x17): 'Reserved',
+ 0x18: 'DDR3',
+ 0x19: 'FBD2'
+ }
+ self.add_field('memory_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _memory_types))
+ if self.length > 0x13:
+ self.add_field('type_detail', u.unpack_one('<H'))
+ if self.length > 0x15:
+ self.add_field('speed', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x17:
+ self.add_field('manufacturer', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x18:
+ self.add_field('serial_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x19:
+ self.add_field('asset_tag', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x1A:
+ self.add_field('part_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x1B:
+ self.add_field('attributes', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('rank', bitfields.getbits(self.attributes, 3, 0), "attributes[3:0]={}")
+ if self.length > 0x1C:
+ if self.size == 0x7FFF:
+ self.add_field('extended_size', u.unpack_one('<I'))
+ self.add_field('mem_size', bitfields.getbits(self.type_detail, 30, 0), "type_detail[30:0]={}")
+ else:
+ u.skip(4)
+ if self.length > 0x20:
+ self.add_field('configured_memory_clock_speed', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x22:
+ self.add_field('minimum_voltage', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x24:
+ self.add_field('maximum_voltage', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x26:
+ self.add_field('configured_voltage', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing MemoryDevice"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class MemoryErrorInfo32Bit(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 18
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(MemoryErrorInfo32Bit, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ _error_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'OK',
+ 0x04: 'Bad read',
+ 0x05: 'Parity error',
+ 0x06: 'Single-bit error',
+ 0x07: 'Double-bit error',
+ 0x08: 'Multi-bit error',
+ 0x09: 'Nibble error',
+ 0x0A: 'Checksum error',
+ 0x0B: 'CRC error',
+ 0x0C: 'Corrected single-bit error',
+ 0x0D: 'Corrected error',
+ 0x0E: 'Uncorrectable error'
+ }
+ self.add_field('error_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_types))
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ _error_granularity_field = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Device level',
+ 0x04: 'Memory partition level'
+ }
+ self.add_field('error_granularity', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_granularity_field))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ _error_operation_field = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Read',
+ 0x04: 'Write',
+ 0x05: 'Partial write'
+ }
+ self.add_field('error_operation', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_operation_field))
+ if self.length > 0x7:
+ self.add_field('vendor_syndrome', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0xB:
+ self.add_field('memory_array_error_address', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0xF:
+ self.add_field('device_error_address', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0x13:
+ self.add_field('error_resolution', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing MemoryErrorInfo32Bit"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class MemoryArrayMappedAddress(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 19
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(MemoryArrayMappedAddress, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('starting_address', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ # if FFFF FFFF: address stored in Extended Starting Address
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('ending_address', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('memory_array_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('partition_width', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0xF:
+ # valid if starting_address = FFFF FFFF
+ if self.starting_address == 0xFFFFFFFF:
+ self.add_field('extended_starting_address', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ if self.length > 0x17:
+ self.add_field('extended_ending_address', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ else:
+ u.skip(16)
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing MemoryArrayMappedAddress"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class MemoryDeviceMappedAddress(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 20
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(MemoryDeviceMappedAddress, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('starting_address', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ # if FFFF FFFF: address stored in Extended Starting Address
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('ending_address', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('memory_device_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('memory_array_mapped_address_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ self.add_field('partition_row_position', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x11:
+ self.add_field('interleave_position', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x12:
+ self.add_field('interleave_data_depth', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x13:
+ # valid if starting_address = FFFF FFFF
+ if self.starting_address == 0xFFFFFFFF:
+ self.add_field('extended_starting_address', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ if self.length > 0x1B:
+ self.add_field('extended_ending_address', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ else:
+ u.skip(16)
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing MemoryDeviceMappedAddress"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class BuiltInPointingDevice(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 21
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(BuiltInPointingDevice, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ _pointing_device_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Mouse',
+ 0x04: 'Track Ball',
+ 0x05: 'Track Point',
+ 0x06: 'Glide Point',
+ 0x07: 'Touch Pad',
+ 0x08: 'Touch Screen',
+ 0x09: 'Optical Sensor'
+ }
+ self.add_field('pointing_device_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _pointing_device_types))
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ _interfaces = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Serial',
+ 0x04: 'PS/2',
+ 0x05: 'Infared',
+ 0x06: 'HP-HIL',
+ 0x07: 'Bus mouse',
+ 0x08: 'ADB (Apple Desktop Bus)',
+ 0x09: 'Bus mouse DB-9',
+ 0x0A: 'Bus mouse micro-DIN',
+ 0x0B: 'USB'
+ }
+ self.add_field('interface', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _interfaces))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('num_buttons', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing BuiltInPointingDevice"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class PortableBattery(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 22
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(PortableBattery, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('location', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('manufacturer', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('manufacturer_date', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x7:
+ self.add_field('serial_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('device_name', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x9:
+ _device_chemistry = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Lead Acid',
+ 0x04: 'Nickel Cadmium',
+ 0x05: 'Nickel metal hydride',
+ 0x06: 'Lithium-ion',
+ 0x07: 'Zinc air',
+ 0x08: 'Lithium Polymer'
+ }
+ self.add_field('device_chemistry', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _device_chemistry))
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('design_capacity', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('design_voltage', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('sbds_version_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0xF:
+ self.add_field('max_error_battery_data', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ if self.serial_number == 0:
+ self.add_field('sbds_serial_number', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ else:
+ u.skip(2)
+ if self.length > 0x12:
+ if self.manufacturer_date == 0:
+ self.add_field('sbds_manufacture_date', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('year_biased_by_1980', bitfields.getbits(self.sbds_manufacture_date, 15, 9), "sbds_manufacture_date[15:9]={}")
+ self.add_field('month', bitfields.getbits(self.sbds_manufacture_date, 8, 5), "sbds_manufacture_date[8:5]={}")
+ self.add_field('date', bitfields.getbits(self.sbds_manufacture_date, 4, 0), "sbds_manufacture_date[4:0]={}")
+ else:
+ u.skip(2)
+ if self.length > 0x14:
+ if self.device_chemistry == 0x02:
+ self.add_field('sbds_device_chemistry', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ else:
+ u.skip(1)
+ if self.length > 0x15:
+ self.add_field('design_capacity_multiplier', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x16:
+ self.add_field('oem_specific', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing PortableBattery"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemReset(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 23
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemReset, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('capabilities', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('contains_watchdog_timer', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.capabilities, 5)), "capabilities[5]={}")
+ _boot_option = {
+ 0b00: 'Reserved, do not use',
+ 0b01: 'Operating System',
+ 0b10: 'System utilities',
+ 0b11: 'Do not reboot'
+ }
+ self.add_field('boot_option_on_limit', bitfields.getbits(self.capabilities, 4, 3), unpack.format_table("capabilities[4:3]={}", _boot_option))
+ self.add_field('boot_option_after_watchdog_reset', bitfields.getbits(self.capabilities, 2, 1), unpack.format_table("capabilities[2:1]={}", _boot_option))
+ self.add_field('system_reset_enabled_by_user', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.capabilities, 0)), "capabilities[0]={}")
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('reset_count', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('reset_limit', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x9:
+ self.add_field('timer_interval', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xB:
+ self.add_field('timeout', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemReset"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class HardwareSecurity(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 24
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(HardwareSecurity, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('hardware_security_settings', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ _status = {
+ 0x00: 'Disabled',
+ 0x01: 'Enabled',
+ 0x02: 'Not Implemented',
+ 0x03: 'Unknown'
+ }
+ self.add_field('power_on_password_status', bitfields.getbits(self.hardware_security_settings, 7, 6), unpack.format_table("hardware_security_settings[7:6]={}", _status))
+ self.add_field('keyboard_password_status', bitfields.getbits(self.hardware_security_settings, 5, 4), unpack.format_table("hardware_security_settings[5:4]={}", _status))
+ self.add_field('admin_password_status', bitfields.getbits(self.hardware_security_settings, 3, 2), unpack.format_table("hardware_security_settings0[3:2]={}", _status))
+ self.add_field('front_panel_reset_status', bitfields.getbits(self.hardware_security_settings, 1, 0), unpack.format_table("hardware_security_settings[1:0]={}", _status))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing HardwareSecurity"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemPowerControls(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 25
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemPowerControls, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('next_scheduled_poweron_month', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('next_scheduled_poweron_day_of_month', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('next_scheduled_poweron_hour', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('next_scheduled_poweron_minute', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('next_scheduled_poweron_second', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemPowerControls"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class VoltageProbe(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 26
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(VoltageProbe, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('description', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('location_and_status', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ _status = {
+ 0b001: 'Other',
+ 0b010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b011: 'OK',
+ 0b100: 'Non-critical',
+ 0b101: 'Critical',
+ 0b110: 'Non-recoverable'
+ }
+ _location = {
+ 0b00001: 'Other',
+ 0b00010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b00011: 'Processor',
+ 0b00100: 'Disk',
+ 0b00101: 'Peripheral Bay',
+ 0b00110: 'System Management Module',
+ 0b00111: 'Motherboard',
+ 0b01000: 'Memory Module',
+ 0b01001: 'Processor Module',
+ 0b01010: 'Power Unit',
+ 0b01011: 'Add-in Card'
+ }
+ self.add_field('status', bitfields.getbits(self.location_and_status, 7, 5), unpack.format_table("location_and_status[7:5]={}", _status))
+ self.add_field('location', bitfields.getbits(self.location_and_status, 4, 0), unpack.format_table("location_and_status[4:0]={}", _location))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('max_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('min_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('resolution', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('tolerance', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('accuracy', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ self.add_field('oem_defined', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0x14:
+ self.add_field('nominal_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing VoltageProbe"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class CoolingDevice(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 27
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(CoolingDevice, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('temperature_probe_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('device_type_and_status', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ _status = {
+ 0b001: 'Other',
+ 0b010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b011: 'OK',
+ 0b100: 'Non-critical',
+ 0b101: 'Critical',
+ 0b110: 'Non-recoverable'
+ }
+ _type = {
+ 0b00001: 'Other',
+ 0b00010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b00011: 'Fan',
+ 0b00100: 'Centrifugal Blower',
+ 0b00101: 'Chip Fan',
+ 0b00110: 'Cabinet Fan',
+ 0b00111: 'Power Supply Fan',
+ 0b01000: 'Heat Pipe',
+ 0b01001: 'Integrated Refrigeration',
+ 0b10000: 'Active Cooling',
+ 0b10001: 'Passive Cooling'
+ }
+ self.add_field('status', bitfields.getbits(self.device_type_and_status, 7, 5), unpack.format_table("device_type_and_status[7:5]={}", _status))
+ self.add_field('device_type', bitfields.getbits(self.device_type_and_status, 4, 0), unpack.format_table("device_type_and_status[4:0]={}", _type))
+ if self.length > 0x7:
+ self.add_field('cooling_unit_group', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('OEM_defined', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('nominal_speed', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('description', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing CoolingDevice"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class TemperatureProbe(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 28
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(TemperatureProbe, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('description', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('location_and_status', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ _status = {
+ 0b001: 'Other',
+ 0b010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b011: 'OK',
+ 0b100: 'Non-critical',
+ 0b101: 'Critical',
+ 0b110: 'Non-recoverable'
+ }
+ _location = {
+ 0b00001: 'Other',
+ 0b00010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b00011: 'Processor',
+ 0b00100: 'Disk',
+ 0b00101: 'Peripheral Bay',
+ 0b00110: 'System Management Module',
+ 0b00111: 'Motherboard',
+ 0b01000: 'Memory Module',
+ 0b01001: 'Processor Module',
+ 0b01010: 'Power Unit',
+ 0b01011: 'Add-in Card',
+ 0b01100: 'Front Panel Board',
+ 0b01101: 'Back Panel Board',
+ 0b01110: 'Power System Board',
+ 0b01111: 'Drive Back Plane'
+ }
+ self.add_field('status', bitfields.getbits(self.location_and_status, 7, 5), unpack.format_table("location_and_status[7:5]={}", _status))
+ self.add_field('location', bitfields.getbits(self.location_and_status, 4, 0), unpack.format_table("location_and_status[4:0]={}", _location))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('maximum_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('minimum_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('resolution', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('tolerance', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('accuracy', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ self.add_field('OEM_defined', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0x14:
+ self.add_field('nominal_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing TemperatureProbe"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class ElectricalCurrentProbe(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 29
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(ElectricalCurrentProbe, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('description', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('location_and_status', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ _status = {
+ 0b001: 'Other',
+ 0b010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b011: 'OK',
+ 0b100: 'Non-critical',
+ 0b101: 'Critical',
+ 0b110: 'Non-recoverable'
+ }
+ _location = {
+ 0b00001: 'Other',
+ 0b00010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b00011: 'Processor',
+ 0b00100: 'Disk',
+ 0b00101: 'Peripheral Bay',
+ 0b00110: 'System Management Module',
+ 0b00111: 'Motherboard',
+ 0b01000: 'Memory Module',
+ 0b01001: 'Processor Module',
+ 0b01010: 'Power Unit',
+ 0b01011: 'Add-in Card',
+ 0b01100: 'Front Panel Board',
+ 0b01101: 'Back Panel Board',
+ 0b01110: 'Power System Board',
+ 0b01111: 'Drive Back Plane'
+ }
+ self.add_field('status', bitfields.getbits(self.location_and_status, 7, 5), unpack.format_table("location_and_status[7:5]={}", _status))
+ self.add_field('location', bitfields.getbits(self.location_and_status, 4, 0), unpack.format_table("location_and_status[4:0]={}", _location))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('maximum_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('minimum_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('resolution', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('tolerance', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('accuracy', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ self.add_field('OEM_defined', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0x14:
+ self.add_field('nominal_value', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing ElectricalCurrentProbe"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class OutOfBandRemoteAccess(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 30
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(OutOfBandRemoteAccess, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('manufacturer_name', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('connections', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('outbound_connection_enabled', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.connections, 1)), "connections[1]={}")
+ self.add_field('inbound_connection_enabled', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.connections, 0)), "connections[0]={}")
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing OutOfBandRemoteAccess"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class BootIntegrityServicesEntryPoint(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 31
+class SystemBootInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 32
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemBootInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ u.skip(6)
+ _boot_status = {
+ 0: 'No errors detected',
+ 1: 'No bootable media',
+ 2: '"normal" operating system failed to load',
+ 3: 'Firmware-detected hardware failure, including "unknown" failure types',
+ 4: 'Operating system-detected hardware failure',
+ 5: 'User-requested boot, usually through a keystroke',
+ 6: 'System security violation',
+ 7: 'Previously-requested image',
+ 8: 'System watchdog timer expired, causing the system to reboot',
+ xrange(9,127): 'Reserved for future assignment',
+ xrange(128, 191): 'Vendor/OEM-specific implementations',
+ xrange(192, 255): 'Product-specific implementations'
+ }
+ self.add_field('boot_status', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _boot_status))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemBootInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class MemoryErrorInfo64Bit(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 33
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(MemoryErrorInfo64Bit, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ _error_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'OK',
+ 0x04: 'Bad read',
+ 0x05: 'Parity error',
+ 0x06: 'Single-bit error',
+ 0x07: 'Double-bit error',
+ 0x08: 'Multi-bit error',
+ 0x09: 'Nibble error',
+ 0x0A: 'Checksum error',
+ 0x0B: 'CRC error',
+ 0x0C: 'Corrected single-bit error',
+ 0x0D: 'Corrected error',
+ 0x0E: 'Uncorrectable error'
+ }
+ self.add_field('error_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_types))
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ _error_granularity_field = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Device level',
+ 0x04: 'Memory partition level'
+ }
+ self.add_field('error_granularity', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_granularity_field))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ _error_operation_field = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Read',
+ 0x04: 'Write',
+ 0x05: 'Partial write'
+ }
+ self.add_field('error_operation', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _error_operation_field))
+ if self.length > 0x7:
+ self.add_field('vendor_syndrome', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0xB:
+ self.add_field('memory_array_error_address', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ if self.length > 0xF:
+ self.add_field('device_error_address', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ if self.length > 0x13:
+ self.add_field('error_resolution', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing MemoryErrorInfo64Bit"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class ManagementDevice(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 34
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(ManagementDevice, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('description', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ _type = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'National Semiconductor LM75',
+ 0x04: 'National Semiconductor LM78',
+ 0x05: 'National Semiconductor LM79',
+ 0x06: 'National Semiconductor LM80',
+ 0x07: 'National Semiconductor LM81',
+ 0x08: 'Analog Devices ADM9240',
+ 0x09: 'Dallas Semiconductor DS1780',
+ 0x0A: 'Maxim 1617',
+ 0x0B: 'Genesys GL518SM',
+ 0x0C: 'Winbond W83781D',
+ 0x0D: 'Holtek HT82H791'
+ }
+ self.add_field('device_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _type))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('address', u.unpack_one("<I"))
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ _address_type = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'I/O Port',
+ 0x04: 'Memory',
+ 0x05: 'SM Bus'
+ }
+ self.add_field('address_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _address_type))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing ManagementDevice"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class ManagementDeviceComponent(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 35
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(ManagementDeviceComponent, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('description', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('management_device_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x7:
+ self.add_field('component_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x9:
+ self.add_field('threshold_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing ManagementDeviceComponent"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class ManagementDeviceThresholdData(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 36
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(ManagementDeviceThresholdData, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('lower_threshold_noncritical', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('upper_threshold_noncritical', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('lower_threshold_critical', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('upper_threshold_critical', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('lower_threshold_nonrecoverable', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('upper_threshold_nonrecoverable', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing ManagementDeviceThresholdData"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class MemoryChannel(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 37
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(MemoryChannel, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ _channel_type = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'RamBus',
+ 0x04: 'SyncLink'
+ }
+ self.add_field('channel_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _channel_type))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('max_channel_load', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('memory_device_count', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('memory_device_load', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('memory_device_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing MemoryChannel"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class IPMIDeviceInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 38
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(IPMIDeviceInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ _interface_type = {
+ 0x00: 'Unknown',
+ 0x01: 'KCS: Keyboard Controller Style',
+ 0x02: 'SMIC: Server Management Interface Chip',
+ 0x03: 'BT: Block Transfer',
+ xrange(0x04, 0xFF): 'Reserved'
+ }
+ self.add_field('interface_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _interface_type))
+ self.add_field('ipmi_specification_revision', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('msd_revision', bitfields.getbits(self.ipmi_specification_revision, 7, 4), "ipmi_specification_revision[7:4]={}")
+ self.add_field('lsd_revision', bitfields.getbits(self.ipmi_specification_revision, 3, 0), "ipmi_specification_revision[3:0]={}")
+ self.add_field('i2c_slave_address', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('nv_storage_device_address', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('base_address', u.unpack_one("<Q"))
+ # if lsb is 1, address is in IO space. otherwise, memory-mapped
+ self.add_field('base_address_modifier_interrupt_info', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ _reg_spacing = {
+ 0b00: 'Interface registers are on successive byte boundaries',
+ 0b01: 'Interface registers are on 32-bit boundaries',
+ 0b10: 'Interface registers are on 16-byte boundaries',
+ 0b11: 'Reserved'
+ }
+ self.add_field('register_spacing', bitfields.getbits(self.base_address_modifier_interrupt_info, 7, 6), unpack.format_table("base_address_modifier_interrupt_info[7:6]={}", _reg_spacing))
+ self.add_field('ls_bit_for_addresses', bitfields.getbits(self.base_address_modifier_interrupt_info, 4), "base_address_modifier_interrupt_info[4]={}")
+ self.add_field('interrupt_info_specified', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.base_address_modifier_interrupt_info, 3)), "base_address_modifier_interrupt_info[3]={}")
+ _polarity = {
+ 0: 'active low',
+ 1: 'active high'
+ }
+ self.add_field('interrupt_polarity', bitfields.getbits(self.base_address_modifier_interrupt_info, 1), unpack.format_table("base_address_modifier_interrupt_info[1]={}", _polarity))
+ _interrupt_trigger = {
+ 0: 'edge',
+ 1: 'level'
+ }
+ self.add_field('interrupt_trigger_mode', bitfields.getbits(self.base_address_modifier_interrupt_info, 0), unpack.format_table("base_address_modifier_interrupt_info[0]={}", _interrupt_trigger))
+ self.add_field('interrupt_number', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing IPMIDeviceInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class SystemPowerSupply(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 39
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SystemPowerSupply, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('power_unit_group', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('location', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('device_name', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x7:
+ self.add_field('manufacturer', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x8:
+ self.add_field('serial_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x9:
+ self.add_field('asset_tag', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('model_part_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0xB:
+ self.add_field('revision_level', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0xC:
+ self.add_field('max_power_capacity', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0xE:
+ self.add_field('power_supply_characteristics', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ _dmtf_power_supply_type = {
+ 0b001: 'Other',
+ 0b010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b011: 'Linear',
+ 0b100: 'Switching',
+ 0b101: 'Battery',
+ 0b110: 'UPS',
+ 0b111: 'Converter',
+ 0b1000: 'Regulator',
+ xrange(0b1001, 0b1111): 'Reserved'
+ }
+ self.add_field('dmtf_power_supply_type', bitfields.getbits(self.power_supply_characteristics, 13, 10), unpack.format_table("power_supply_characteristics[13:10]={}", _dmtf_power_supply_type))
+ _status = {
+ 0b001: 'Other',
+ 0b010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b011: 'OK',
+ 0b100: 'Non-critical',
+ 0b101: 'Critical; power supply has failed and has been taken off-line'
+ }
+ self.add_field('status', bitfields.getbits(self.power_supply_characteristics, 9, 7), unpack.format_table("power_supply_characteristics[9:7]={}", _status))
+ _dmtf_input_voltage_range_switching = {
+ 0b001: 'Other',
+ 0b010: 'Unknown',
+ 0b011: 'Manual',
+ 0b100: 'Auto-switch',
+ 0b101: 'Wide range',
+ 0b110: 'Not applicable',
+ xrange(0b0111, 0b1111): 'Reserved'
+ }
+ self.add_field('dmtf_input_voltage_range_switching', bitfields.getbits(self.power_supply_characteristics, 6, 3), unpack.format_table("power_supply_characteristics[6:3]={}", _dmtf_input_voltage_range_switching))
+ self.add_field('power_supply_unplugged', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.power_supply_characteristics, 2)), "power_supply_characteristics[2]={}")
+ self.add_field('power_supply_present', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.power_supply_characteristics, 1)), "power_supply_characteristics[1]={}")
+ self.add_field('power_supply_hot_replaceable', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.power_supply_characteristics, 0)), "power_supply_characteristics[0]={}")
+ if self.length > 0x10:
+ self.add_field('input_voltage_probe_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x12:
+ self.add_field('cooling_device_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x14:
+ self.add_field('input_current_probe_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing SystemPowerSupply"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class AdditionalInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 40
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(AdditionalInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('num_additional_information_entries', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('additional_information_entry_length', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('referenced_handle', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ self.add_field('referenced_offset', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('string', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ self.add_field('value', u.unpack_rest())
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing AdditionalInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class OnboardDevicesExtendedInformation(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 41
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(OnboardDevicesExtendedInformation, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ self.add_field('reference_designation', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('device_type', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('device_enabled', bool(bitfields.getbits(self.device_type, 7)), "device_type[7]={}")
+ _device_types = {
+ 0x01: 'Other',
+ 0x02: 'Unknown',
+ 0x03: 'Video',
+ 0x04: 'SCSI Controller',
+ 0x05: 'Ethernet',
+ 0x06: 'Token Ring',
+ 0x07: 'Sound',
+ 0x08: 'PATA Controller',
+ 0x09: 'SATA Controller',
+ 0x0A: 'SAS Controller'
+ }
+ self.add_field('type_of_device', bitfields.getbits(self.device_type, 6, 0), unpack.format_table("device_type[6:0]={}", _device_types))
+ if self.length > 0x6:
+ self.add_field('device_type_instance', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ if self.length > 0x7:
+ self.add_field('segment_group_number', u.unpack_one("<H"))
+ if self.length > 0x9:
+ self.add_field('bus_number', u.unpack_one("B"), self.fmtstr)
+ if self.length > 0xA:
+ self.add_field('device_and_function_number', u.unpack_one("B"))
+ self.add_field('device_number', bitfields.getbits(self.device_type, 7, 3), "device_and_function_number[7:3]={}")
+ self.add_field('function_number', bitfields.getbits(self.device_type, 2, 0), "device_and_function_number[2:0]={}")
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing OnboardDevicesExtendedInformation"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class ManagementControllerHostInterface(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 42
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(ManagementControllerHostInterface, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ u = self.u
+ try:
+ if self.length > 0x4:
+ _interface_types = {
+ 0x00: 'Reserved',
+ 0x01: 'Reserved',
+ 0x02: 'KCS: Keyboard Controller Style',
+ 0x03: '8250 UART Register Compatible',
+ 0x04: '16450 UART Register Compatible',
+ 0x05: '16550/16550A UART Register Compatible',
+ 0x06: '16650/16650A UART Register Compatible',
+ 0x07: '16750/16750A UART Register Compatible',
+ 0x08: '16850/16850A UART Register Compatible',
+ 0xF0: 'OEM'
+ }
+ self.add_field('interface_type', u.unpack_one("B"), unpack.format_table("{}", _interface_types))
+ if self.length > 0x5:
+ self.add_field('mc_host_interface_data', u.unpack_rest(), self.fmtstr)
+ except:
+ self.decodeFailure = True
+ print "Error parsing ManagementControllerHostInterface"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.fini()
+class Inactive(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 126
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(Inactive, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ self.fini()
+class EndOfTable(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = 127
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(EndOfTable, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ self.fini()
+class SmbiosStructureUnknown(SmbiosBaseStructure):
+ smbios_structure_type = None
+ def __init__(self, u, sm):
+ super(SmbiosStructureUnknown, self).__init__(u, sm)
+ self.fini()
+_smbios_structures = [
+ BIOSInformation,
+ SystemInformation,
+ BaseboardInformation,
+ SystemEnclosure,
+ ProcessorInformation,
+ MemoryControllerInformation,
+ MemoryModuleInformation,
+ CacheInformation,
+ PortConnectorInfo,
+ SystemSlots,
+ OnBoardDevicesInformation,
+ OEMStrings,
+ SystemConfigOptions,
+ BIOSLanguageInformation,
+ GroupAssociations,
+ SystemEventLog,
+ PhysicalMemoryArray,
+ MemoryDevice,
+ MemoryErrorInfo32Bit,
+ MemoryArrayMappedAddress,
+ MemoryDeviceMappedAddress,
+ BuiltInPointingDevice,
+ PortableBattery,
+ SystemReset,
+ HardwareSecurity,
+ SystemPowerControls,
+ VoltageProbe,
+ CoolingDevice,
+ TemperatureProbe,
+ ElectricalCurrentProbe,
+ OutOfBandRemoteAccess,
+ BootIntegrityServicesEntryPoint,
+ SystemBootInformation,
+ MemoryErrorInfo64Bit,
+ ManagementDevice,
+ ManagementDeviceComponent,
+ ManagementDeviceThresholdData,
+ MemoryChannel,
+ IPMIDeviceInformation,
+ SystemPowerSupply,
+ AdditionalInformation,
+ OnboardDevicesExtendedInformation,
+ ManagementControllerHostInterface,
+ Inactive,
+ EndOfTable,
+ SmbiosStructureUnknown, # Must always come last
+def log_smbios_info():
+ with redirect.logonly():
+ try:
+ sm = SMBIOS()
+ print
+ if sm is None:
+ print "No SMBIOS structures found"
+ return
+ output = {}
+ known_types = (0, 1)
+ for sm_struct in sm.structures:
+ if sm_struct.type in known_types:
+ output.setdefault(sm_struct.type, []).append(sm_struct)
+ if len(output) == len(known_types):
+ break
+ print "SMBIOS information:"
+ for key in sorted(known_types):
+ for s in output.get(key, ["No structure of type {} found".format(key)]):
+ print ttypager._wrap("{}: {}".format(key, s))
+ except:
+ print "Error parsing SMBIOS information:"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+def dump_raw():
+ try:
+ sm = SMBIOS()
+ if sm:
+ s = "SMBIOS -- Raw bytes and structure decode.\n\n"
+ s += str(sm.header) + '\n'
+ s += bits.dumpmem(sm._header_memory) + '\n'
+ s += "Raw bytes for the SMBIOS structures\n"
+ s += bits.dumpmem(sm._structure_memory) + '\n'
+ for sm_struct in sm.structures:
+ s += str(sm_struct) + '\n'
+ s += bits.dumpmem(sm_struct.raw_data)
+ s += "Strings:\n"
+ for n in range(1, len(getattr(sm_struct, "strings", [])) + 1):
+ s += str(sm_struct.fmtstr(n)) + '\n'
+ s += bits.dumpmem(sm_struct.raw_strings) + '\n'
+ else:
+ s = "No SMBIOS structures found"
+ ttypager.ttypager_wrap(s, indent=False)
+ except:
+ print "Error parsing SMBIOS information:"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+def dump():
+ try:
+ sm = SMBIOS()
+ if sm:
+ s = str(sm)
+ else:
+ s = "No SMBIOS structures found"
+ ttypager.ttypager_wrap(s, indent=False)
+ except:
+ print "Error parsing SMBIOS information:"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+def annex_a_conformance():
+ try:
+ sm = SMBIOS()
+ # check: 1. The table anchor string "_SM_" is present in the address range 0xF0000 to 0xFFFFF on a 16-byte bound
+ def table_entry_point_verification():
+ ''' Verify table entry-point'''
+ if (sm.header.length < 0x1F):
+ print "Failure: Table entry-point - The entry-point Length must be at least 0x1F"
+ if sm.header.checksum != 0:
+ print "Failure: Table entry-point - The entry-point checksum must evaluate to 0"
+ if ((sm.header.major_version < 2) and (sm.header.minor_version < 4)):
+ print "Failure: Table entry-point - SMBIOS version must be at least 2.4"
+ if (sm.header.intermediate_anchor_string == '_DMI_'):
+ print "Failure: Table entry-point - The Intermediate Anchor String must be '_DMI_'"
+ if (sm.header.intermediate_checksum != 0):
+ print "Failure: Table entry-point - The Intermediate checksum must evaluate to 0"
+ #check: 3. The structure-table is traversable and conforms to the entry-point specifications:
+ def req_structures():
+ '''Checks for required structures and corresponding data'''
+ types_present = [sm.structures[x].smbios_structure_type for x in range(len(sm.structures))]
+ required = [0, 1, 4, 7, 9, 16, 17, 19, 31, 32]
+ for s in required:
+ if s not in set(types_present):
+ print "Failure: Type {} required but not found".format(s)
+ else:
+ if s == 0:
+ if types_present.count(s) > 1:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - One and only one structure of this type must be present.".format(s)
+ if sm.structure_type(s).length < 0x18:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - The structure Length field must be at least 0x18".format(s)
+ if sm.structure_type(s).version is None:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - BIOS Version string must be present and non-null.".format(s)
+ if sm.structure_type(s).release_date is None:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - BIOS Release Date string must be present, non-null, and include a 4-digit year".format(s)
+ if bitfields.getbits(sm.structure_type(s).characteristics, 3, 0) != 0 or bitfields.getbits(sm.structure_type(s).characteristics, 31, 4) == 0:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - BIOS Characteristics: bits 3:0 must all be 0, and at least one of bits 31:4 must be set to 1.".format(s)
+ elif s == 1:
+ if types_present.count(s) > 1:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - One and only one structure of this type must be present.".format(s)
+ if sm.structure_type(s).length < 0x1B:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - The structure Length field must be at least 0x1B".format(s)
+ if sm.structure_type(s).manufacturer == None:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - Manufacturer string must be present and non-null.".format(s)
+ if sm.structure_type(s).product_name == None:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - Product Name string must be present and non-null".format(s)
+ if sm.structure_type(s).uuid == '00000000 00000000' and sm.structure_type(s).uuid == 'FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF':
+ print "Failure: Type {} - UUID field must be neither 00000000 00000000 nor FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF.".format(s)
+ if sm.structure_type(s).wakeup_type == 00 and sm.structure_type(s).wakeup_type == 0x02:
+ print "Failure: Type {} - Wake-up Type field must be neither 00h (Reserved) nor 02h (Unknown).".format(s)
+ # continue for remaining required types
+ # check remaining conformance guidelines
+ table_entry_point_verification()
+ req_structures()
+ except:
+ print "Error checking ANNEX A conformance guidelines"
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
diff --git a/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/testacpi.py2 b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/testacpi.py2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbc150076e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/testacpi.py2
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
+# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+# without specific prior written permission.
+"""Tests for ACPI"""
+import acpi
+import bits
+import bits.mwait
+import struct
+import testutil
+import testsuite
+import time
+def register_tests():
+ testsuite.add_test("ACPI _MAT (Multiple APIC Table Entry) under Processor objects", test_mat, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+# testsuite.add_test("ACPI _PSS (Pstate) table conformance tests", test_pss, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+# testsuite.add_test("ACPI _PSS (Pstate) runtime tests", test_pstates, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+ testsuite.add_test("ACPI DSDT (Differentiated System Description Table)", test_dsdt, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+ testsuite.add_test("ACPI FACP (Fixed ACPI Description Table)", test_facp, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+ testsuite.add_test("ACPI HPET (High Precision Event Timer Table)", test_hpet, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+ testsuite.add_test("ACPI MADT (Multiple APIC Description Table)", test_apic, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+ testsuite.add_test("ACPI MPST (Memory Power State Table)", test_mpst, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+ testsuite.add_test("ACPI RSDP (Root System Description Pointer Structure)", test_rsdp, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+ testsuite.add_test("ACPI XSDT (Extended System Description Table)", test_xsdt, submenu="ACPI Tests")
+def test_mat():
+ cpupaths = acpi.get_cpupaths()
+ apic = acpi.parse_apic()
+ procid_apicid = apic.procid_apicid
+ uid_x2apicid = apic.uid_x2apicid
+ for cpupath in cpupaths:
+ # Find the ProcId defined by the processor object
+ processor = acpi.evaluate(cpupath)
+ # Find the UID defined by the processor object's _UID method
+ uid = acpi.evaluate(cpupath + "._UID")
+ mat_buffer = acpi.evaluate(cpupath + "._MAT")
+ if mat_buffer is None:
+ continue
+ # Process each _MAT subtable
+ mat = acpi._MAT(mat_buffer)
+ for index, subtable in enumerate(mat):
+ if subtable.subtype == acpi.MADT_TYPE_LOCAL_APIC:
+ if subtable.flags.bits.enabled:
+ testsuite.test("{} Processor declaration ProcId = _MAT ProcId".format(cpupath), processor.ProcId == subtable.proc_id)
+ testsuite.print_detail("{} ProcId ({:#02x}) != _MAT ProcId ({:#02x})".format(cpupath, processor.ProcId, subtable.proc_id))
+ testsuite.print_detail("Processor Declaration: {}".format(processor))
+ testsuite.print_detail("_MAT entry[{}]: {}".format(index, subtable))
+ if testsuite.test("{} with local APIC in _MAT has local APIC in MADT".format(cpupath), processor.ProcId in procid_apicid):
+ testsuite.test("{} ApicId derived using Processor declaration ProcId = _MAT ApicId".format(cpupath), procid_apicid[processor.ProcId] == subtable.apic_id)
+ testsuite.print_detail("{} ApicId derived from MADT ({:#02x}) != _MAT ApicId ({:#02x})".format(cpupath, procid_apicid[processor.ProcId], subtable.apic_id))
+ testsuite.print_detail("Processor Declaration: {}".format(processor))
+ testsuite.print_detail("_MAT entry[{}]: {}".format(index, subtable))
+ if subtable.subtype == acpi.MADT_TYPE_LOCAL_X2APIC:
+ if subtable.flags.bits.enabled:
+ if testsuite.test("{} with x2Apic in _MAT has _UID".format(cpupath), uid is not None):
+ testsuite.test("{}._UID = _MAT UID".format(cpupath), uid == subtable.uid)
+ testsuite.print_detail("{}._UID ({:#x}) != _MAT UID ({:#x})".format(cpupath, uid, subtable.uid))
+ testsuite.print_detail("_MAT entry[{}]: {}".format(index, subtable))
+ if testsuite.test("{} with _MAT x2Apic has x2Apic in MADT".format(cpupath), subtable.uid in uid_x2apicid):
+ testsuite.test("{} x2ApicId derived from MADT using UID = _MAT x2ApicId".format(cpupath), uid_x2apicid[subtable.uid] == subtable.x2apicid)
+ testsuite.print_detail("{} x2ApicId derived from MADT ({:#02x}) != _MAT x2ApicId ({:#02x})".format(cpupath, uid_x2apicid[subtable.uid], subtable.x2apicid))
+ testsuite.print_detail("_MAT entry[{}]: {}".format(index, subtable))
+def test_pss():
+ uniques = acpi.parse_cpu_method("_PSS")
+ # We special-case None here to avoid a double-failure for CPUs without a _PSS
+ testsuite.test("_PSS must be identical for all CPUs", len(uniques) <= 1 or (len(uniques) == 2 and None in uniques))
+ for pss, cpupaths in uniques.iteritems():
+ if not testsuite.test("_PSS must exist", pss is not None):
+ testsuite.print_detail(acpi.factor_commonprefix(cpupaths))
+ testsuite.print_detail('No _PSS exists')
+ continue
+ if not testsuite.test("_PSS must not be empty", pss.pstates):
+ testsuite.print_detail(acpi.factor_commonprefix(cpupaths))
+ testsuite.print_detail('_PSS is empty')
+ continue
+ testsuite.print_detail(acpi.factor_commonprefix(cpupaths))
+ for index, pstate in enumerate(pss.pstates):
+ testsuite.print_detail("P[{}]: {}".format(index, pstate))
+ testsuite.test("_PSS must contain at most 16 Pstates", len(pss.pstates) <= 16)
+ testsuite.test("_PSS must have no duplicate Pstates", len(pss.pstates) == len(set(pss.pstates)))
+ frequencies = [p.core_frequency for p in pss.pstates]
+ testsuite.test("_PSS must list Pstates in descending order of frequency", frequencies == sorted(frequencies, reverse=True))
+ testsuite.test("_PSS must have Pstates with no duplicate frequencies", len(frequencies) == len(set(frequencies)))
+ dissipations = [p.power for p in pss.pstates]
+ testsuite.test("_PSS must list Pstates in descending order of power dissipation", dissipations == sorted(dissipations, reverse=True))
+def test_pstates():
+ """Execute and verify frequency for each Pstate in the _PSS"""
+ IA32_PERF_CTL = 0x199
+ with bits.mwait.use_hint(), bits.preserve_msr(IA32_PERF_CTL):
+ cpupath_procid = acpi.find_procid()
+ cpupath_uid = acpi.find_uid()
+ apic = acpi.parse_apic()
+ procid_apicid = apic.procid_apicid
+ uid_x2apicid = apic.uid_x2apicid
+ def cpupath_apicid(cpupath):
+ if procid_apicid is not None:
+ procid = cpupath_procid.get(cpupath, None)
+ if procid is not None:
+ apicid = procid_apicid.get(procid, None)
+ if apicid is not None:
+ return apicid
+ if uid_x2apicid is not None:
+ uid = cpupath_uid.get(cpupath, None)
+ if uid is not None:
+ apicid = uid_x2apicid.get(uid, None)
+ if apicid is not None:
+ return apicid
+ return bits.cpus()[0]
+ bclk = testutil.adjust_to_nearest(bits.bclk(), 100.0/12) * 1000000
+ uniques = acpi.parse_cpu_method("_PSS")
+ for pss, cpupaths in uniques.iteritems():
+ if not testsuite.test("_PSS must exist", pss is not None):
+ testsuite.print_detail(acpi.factor_commonprefix(cpupaths))
+ testsuite.print_detail('No _PSS exists')
+ continue
+ for n, pstate in enumerate(pss.pstates):
+ for cpupath in cpupaths:
+ apicid = cpupath_apicid(cpupath)
+ if apicid is None:
+ print 'Failed to find apicid for cpupath {}'.format(cpupath)
+ continue
+ bits.wrmsr(apicid, IA32_PERF_CTL, pstate.control)
+ # Detecting Turbo frequency requires at least 2 pstates
+ # since turbo frequency = max non-turbo frequency + 1
+ turbo = False
+ if len(pss.pstates) >= 2:
+ turbo = (n == 0 and pstate.core_frequency == (pss.pstates[1].core_frequency + 1))
+ if turbo:
+ # Needs to busywait, not sleep
+ start = time.time()
+ while (time.time() - start < 2):
+ pass
+ for duration in (0.1, 1.0):
+ frequency_data = bits.cpu_frequency(duration)
+ # Abort the test if no cpu frequency is not available
+ if frequency_data is None:
+ continue
+ aperf = frequency_data[1]
+ aperf = testutil.adjust_to_nearest(aperf, bclk/2)
+ aperf = int(aperf / 1000000)
+ if turbo:
+ if aperf >= pstate.core_frequency:
+ break
+ else:
+ if aperf == pstate.core_frequency:
+ break
+ if turbo:
+ testsuite.test("P{}: Turbo measured frequency {} >= expected {} MHz".format(n, aperf, pstate.core_frequency), aperf >= pstate.core_frequency)
+ else:
+ testsuite.test("P{}: measured frequency {} MHz == expected {} MHz".format(n, aperf, pstate.core_frequency), aperf == pstate.core_frequency)
+def test_psd_thread_scope():
+ uniques = acpi.parse_cpu_method("_PSD")
+ if not testsuite.test("_PSD (P-State Dependency) must exist for each processor", None not in uniques):
+ testsuite.print_detail(acpi.factor_commonprefix(uniques[None]))
+ testsuite.print_detail('No _PSD exists')
+ return
+ unique_num_dependencies = {}
+ unique_num_entries = {}
+ unique_revision = {}
+ unique_domain = {}
+ unique_coordination_type = {}
+ unique_num_processors = {}
+ for value, cpupaths in uniques.iteritems():
+ unique_num_dependencies.setdefault(len(value.dependencies), []).extend(cpupaths)
+ unique_num_entries.setdefault(value.dependencies[0].num_entries, []).extend(cpupaths)
+ unique_revision.setdefault(value.dependencies[0].revision, []).extend(cpupaths)
+ unique_domain.setdefault(value.dependencies[0].domain, []).extend(cpupaths)
+ unique_coordination_type.setdefault(value.dependencies[0].coordination_type, []).extend(cpupaths)
+ unique_num_processors.setdefault(value.dependencies[0].num_processors, []).extend(cpupaths)
+ def detail(d, fmt):
+ for value, cpupaths in sorted(d.iteritems(), key=(lambda (k,v): v)):
+ testsuite.print_detail(acpi.factor_commonprefix(cpupaths))
+ testsuite.print_detail(fmt.format(value))
+ testsuite.test('Dependency count for each processor must be 1', unique_num_dependencies.keys() == [1])
+ detail(unique_num_dependencies, 'Dependency count for each processor = {} (Expected 1)')
+ testsuite.test('_PSD.num_entries must be 5', unique_num_entries.keys() == [5])
+ detail(unique_num_entries, 'num_entries = {} (Expected 5)')
+ testsuite.test('_PSD.revision must be 0', unique_revision.keys() == [0])
+ detail(unique_revision, 'revision = {}')
+ testsuite.test('_PSD.coordination_type must be 0xFE (HW_ALL)', unique_coordination_type.keys() == [0xfe])
+ detail(unique_coordination_type, 'coordination_type = {:#x} (Expected 0xFE HW_ALL)')
+ testsuite.test('_PSD.domain must be unique (thread-scoped) for each processor', len(unique_domain) == len(acpi.get_cpupaths()))
+ detail(unique_domain, 'domain = {:#x} (Expected a unique value for each processor)')
+ testsuite.test('_PSD.num_processors must be 1', unique_num_processors.keys() == [1])
+ detail(unique_num_processors, 'num_processors = {} (Expected 1)')
+def test_table_checksum(data):
+ csum = sum(ord(c) for c in data) % 0x100
+ testsuite.test('ACPI table cumulative checksum must equal 0', csum == 0)
+ testsuite.print_detail("Cumulative checksum = {} (Expected 0)".format(csum))
+def test_apic():
+ data = acpi.get_table("APIC")
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ test_table_checksum(data)
+ apic = acpi.parse_apic()
+def test_dsdt():
+ data = acpi.get_table("DSDT")
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ test_table_checksum(data)
+def test_facp():
+ data = acpi.get_table("FACP")
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ test_table_checksum(data)
+ facp = acpi.parse_facp()
+def test_hpet():
+ data = acpi.get_table("HPET")
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ test_table_checksum(data)
+ hpet = acpi.parse_hpet()
+def test_mpst():
+ data = acpi.get_table("MPST")
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ test_table_checksum(data)
+ mpst = acpi.MPST(data)
+def test_rsdp():
+ data = acpi.get_table("RSD PTR ")
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ # Checksum the first 20 bytes per ACPI 1.0
+ csum = sum(ord(c) for c in data[:20]) % 0x100
+ testsuite.test('ACPI 1.0 table first 20 bytes cummulative checksum must equal 0', csum == 0)
+ testsuite.print_detail("Cummulative checksum = {} (Expected 0)".format(csum))
+ test_table_checksum(data)
+ rsdp = acpi.parse_rsdp()
+def test_xsdt():
+ data = acpi.get_table("XSDT")
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ test_table_checksum(data)
+ xsdt = acpi.parse_xsdt()
diff --git a/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/testcpuid.py2 b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/testcpuid.py2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac55d912e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/testcpuid.py2
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
+# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+# without specific prior written permission.
+"""Tests and helpers for CPUID."""
+import bits
+import testsuite
+import testutil
+def cpuid_helper(function, index=None, shift=0, mask=~0, eax_mask=~0, ebx_mask=~0, ecx_mask=~0, edx_mask=~0):
+ if index is None:
+ index = 0
+ indexdesc = ""
+ else:
+ indexdesc = " index {0:#x}".format(index)
+ def find_mask(m):
+ if m == ~0:
+ return mask
+ return m
+ masks = map(find_mask, [eax_mask, ebx_mask, ecx_mask, edx_mask])
+ uniques = {}
+ for cpu in bits.cpus():
+ regs = bits.cpuid_result(*[(r >> shift) & m for r, m in zip(bits.cpuid(cpu, function, index), masks)])
+ uniques.setdefault(regs, []).append(cpu)
+ desc = ["CPUID function {:#x}{}".format(function, indexdesc)]
+ if shift != 0:
+ desc.append("Register values have been shifted by {}".format(shift))
+ if mask != ~0 or eax_mask != ~0 or ebx_mask != ~0 or ecx_mask != ~0 or edx_mask != ~0:
+ desc.append("Register values have been masked:")
+ shifted_masks = bits.cpuid_result(*[m << shift for m in masks])
+ desc.append("Masks: eax={eax:#010x} ebx={ebx:#010x} ecx={ecx:#010x} edx={edx:#010x}".format(**shifted_masks._asdict()))
+ if len(uniques) > 1:
+ regvalues = zip(*uniques.iterkeys())
+ common_masks = bits.cpuid_result(*map(testutil.find_common_mask, regvalues))
+ common_values = bits.cpuid_result(*[v[0] & m for v, m in zip(regvalues, common_masks)])
+ desc.append('Register values are not unique across all logical processors')
+ desc.append("Common bits: eax={eax:#010x} ebx={ebx:#010x} ecx={ecx:#010x} edx={edx:#010x}".format(**common_values._asdict()))
+ desc.append("Mask of common bits: {eax:#010x} {ebx:#010x} {ecx:#010x} {edx:#010x}".format(**common_masks._asdict()))
+ for regs in sorted(uniques.iterkeys()):
+ cpus = uniques[regs]
+ desc.append("Register value: eax={eax:#010x} ebx={ebx:#010x} ecx={ecx:#010x} edx={edx:#010x}".format(**regs._asdict()))
+ desc.append("On {0} CPUs: {1}".format(len(cpus), testutil.apicid_list(cpus)))
+ return uniques, desc
+def test_cpuid_consistency(text, function, index=None, shift=0, mask=~0, eax_mask=~0, ebx_mask=~0, ecx_mask=~0, edx_mask=~0):
+ uniques, desc = cpuid_helper(function, index, shift, mask, eax_mask, ebx_mask, ecx_mask, edx_mask)
+ desc[0] += " Consistency Check"
+ if text:
+ desc.insert(0, text)
+ status = testsuite.test(desc[0], len(uniques) == 1)
+ for line in desc[1:]:
+ testsuite.print_detail(line)
+ return status
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT
index da2a3e5c05..f1cf7fab34 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpierst b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpierst
index abcd6d9d30..5cb477625e 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpierst
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpierst
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpihmat b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpihmat
index 884d4871a2..76e8bef36f 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpihmat
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.acpihmat
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.bridge b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.bridge
index 31a79aa476..c94c1b54b3 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.bridge
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.bridge
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.cphp b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.cphp
index 8b0cae4dbf..eb3da0e232 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.cphp
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.cphp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.dimmpxm b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.dimmpxm
index 38865fb667..6553e4c605 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.dimmpxm
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.dimmpxm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbridge b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbridge
index abcd6d9d30..5cb477625e 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbridge
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbridge
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbrroot b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbrroot
index dd2c8c0c8c..ff04ad360b 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbrroot
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.hpbrroot
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.ipmikcs b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.ipmikcs
index e819ce6946..83eec58a52 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.ipmikcs
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.ipmikcs
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.memhp b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.memhp
index 03a9decdc1..9e2201d170 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.memhp
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.memhp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.nohpet b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.nohpet
index b413d9f31d..c969e0dae4 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.nohpet
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.nohpet
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.numamem b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.numamem
index 9e701b2983..1cecaa64e9 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.numamem
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.numamem
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.roothp b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.roothp
index 8c3956c9ec..f57a14cd5c 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.roothp
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/DSDT.roothp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/pc/SSDT.dimmpxm b/tests/data/acpi/pc/SSDT.dimmpxm
index ac55387d57..70f133412f 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/pc/SSDT.dimmpxm
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/pc/SSDT.dimmpxm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/APIC.acpihmat-noinitiator b/tests/data/acpi/q35/APIC.acpihmat-noinitiator
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d904d4a70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/APIC.acpihmat-noinitiator
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/APIC.core-count2 b/tests/data/acpi/q35/APIC.core-count2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a255082ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/APIC.core-count2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT
index 3870958969..8e989819a5 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpierst b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpierst
index c9c18fa4e4..03745d78de 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpierst
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpierst
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmat b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmat
index a32e90b5d9..3ad9ba3c98 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmat
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmat
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmat-noinitiator b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmat-noinitiator
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8efa1c5ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.acpihmat-noinitiator
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.applesmc b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.applesmc
index 5507b6b8f5..5f01572dc2 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.applesmc
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.applesmc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.bridge b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.bridge
index a42eb674fa..97141f9db2 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.bridge
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.bridge
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.core-count2 b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.core-count2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca309f6569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.core-count2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cphp b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cphp
index 2d8cb603c9..622e8e5f37 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cphp
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cphp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cxl b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cxl
index 20d0fb64ea..cecc1caaab 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cxl
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.cxl
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.dimmpxm b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.dimmpxm
index b23339513a..e5be00b4fa 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.dimmpxm
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.dimmpxm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmibt b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmibt
index 8af2695ede..c4f8212c63 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmibt
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmibt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmismbus b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmismbus
index 479df48cd3..05fb38820f 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmismbus
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ipmismbus
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ivrs b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ivrs
index c9c18fa4e4..03745d78de 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ivrs
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.ivrs
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.memhp b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.memhp
index a5730b8ab8..2a4635d48c 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.memhp
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.memhp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.mmio64 b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.mmio64
index a4293c20fe..0491761dc7 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.mmio64
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.mmio64
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.multi-bridge b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.multi-bridge
index 88bf47ab18..485f571afd 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.multi-bridge
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.multi-bridge
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.nohpet b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.nohpet
index 6feed2ee10..9c2ec9f2c9 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.nohpet
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.nohpet
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.numamem b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.numamem
index 414b8af67b..2302de88e9 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.numamem
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.numamem
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.pvpanic-isa b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.pvpanic-isa
index 7277a01050..5e4b51d33b 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.pvpanic-isa
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.pvpanic-isa
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm12 b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm12
index 253a66e658..1723fca446 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm12
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm12
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm2 b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm2
index 76bd4661e6..1a0d6284da 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm2
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.tis.tpm2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.viot b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.viot
index 3f14b57f07..6927d1cc96 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.viot
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.viot
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.xapic b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.xapic
index baa88f6f21..4a8a4af625 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.xapic
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/DSDT.xapic
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/FACP.core-count2 b/tests/data/acpi/q35/FACP.core-count2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31fa5dd19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/FACP.core-count2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/HMAT.acpihmat-noinitiator b/tests/data/acpi/q35/HMAT.acpihmat-noinitiator
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6494d11b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/HMAT.acpihmat-noinitiator
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/SRAT.acpihmat-noinitiator b/tests/data/acpi/q35/SRAT.acpihmat-noinitiator
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a11d3119ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/SRAT.acpihmat-noinitiator
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/q35/SSDT.dimmpxm b/tests/data/acpi/q35/SSDT.dimmpxm
index 98e6f0e3f3..9ea4e0d0ce 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/q35/SSDT.dimmpxm
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/q35/SSDT.dimmpxm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC b/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC
index 023f15f12e..179d274770 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.acpihmatvirt b/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.acpihmatvirt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68200204c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.acpihmatvirt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.memhp b/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.memhp
index 023f15f12e..179d274770 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.memhp
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.memhp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.numamem b/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.numamem
index 023f15f12e..179d274770 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.numamem
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/APIC.numamem
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/DSDT.acpihmatvirt b/tests/data/acpi/virt/DSDT.acpihmatvirt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aee6ba017c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/DSDT.acpihmatvirt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP b/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP
index 1f764220f8..ac05c35a69 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.memhp b/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.memhp
index 1f764220f8..ac05c35a69 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.memhp
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.memhp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.numamem b/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.numamem
index 1f764220f8..ac05c35a69 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.numamem
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/FACP.numamem
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/HMAT.acpihmatvirt b/tests/data/acpi/virt/HMAT.acpihmatvirt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6494d11b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/HMAT.acpihmatvirt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/PPTT.acpihmatvirt b/tests/data/acpi/virt/PPTT.acpihmatvirt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..710dba5e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/PPTT.acpihmatvirt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/SRAT.acpihmatvirt b/tests/data/acpi/virt/SRAT.acpihmatvirt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..691ef56e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/SRAT.acpihmatvirt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/virt/SSDT.memhp b/tests/data/acpi/virt/SSDT.memhp
index 4c363a6d95..2fcfc5fda9 100644
--- a/tests/data/acpi/virt/SSDT.memhp
+++ b/tests/data/acpi/virt/SSDT.memhp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/qtest/bios-tables-test.c b/tests/qtest/bios-tables-test.c
index e6096e7f73..395d441212 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/bios-tables-test.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/bios-tables-test.c
@@ -88,10 +88,12 @@ typedef struct {
uint64_t rsdp_addr;
uint8_t rsdp_table[36 /* ACPI 2.0+ RSDP size */];
GArray *tables;
- uint32_t smbios_ep_addr;
- struct smbios_21_entry_point smbios_ep_table;
+ uint64_t smbios_ep_addr[SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE__MAX];
+ SmbiosEntryPoint smbios_ep_table;
uint16_t smbios_cpu_max_speed;
uint16_t smbios_cpu_curr_speed;
+ uint8_t smbios_core_count;
+ uint16_t smbios_core_count2;
uint8_t *required_struct_types;
int required_struct_types_len;
QTestState *qts;
@@ -533,10 +535,9 @@ static void test_acpi_asl(test_data *data)
-static bool smbios_ep_table_ok(test_data *data)
+static bool smbios_ep2_table_ok(test_data *data, uint32_t addr)
- struct smbios_21_entry_point *ep_table = &data->smbios_ep_table;
- uint32_t addr = data->smbios_ep_addr;
+ struct smbios_21_entry_point *ep_table = &data->smbios_ep_table.ep21;
qtest_memread(data->qts, addr, ep_table, sizeof(*ep_table));
if (memcmp(ep_table->anchor_string, "_SM_", 4)) {
@@ -559,13 +560,29 @@ static bool smbios_ep_table_ok(test_data *data)
return true;
-static void test_smbios_entry_point(test_data *data)
+static bool smbios_ep3_table_ok(test_data *data, uint64_t addr)
+ struct smbios_30_entry_point *ep_table = &data->smbios_ep_table.ep30;
+ qtest_memread(data->qts, addr, ep_table, sizeof(*ep_table));
+ if (memcmp(ep_table->anchor_string, "_SM3_", 5)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (acpi_calc_checksum((uint8_t *)ep_table, sizeof *ep_table)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static SmbiosEntryPointType test_smbios_entry_point(test_data *data)
uint32_t off;
/* find smbios entry point structure */
for (off = 0xf0000; off < 0x100000; off += 0x10) {
- uint8_t sig[] = "_SM_";
+ uint8_t sig[] = "_SM_", sig3[] = "_SM3_";
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof sig - 1; ++i) {
@@ -574,14 +591,30 @@ static void test_smbios_entry_point(test_data *data)
if (!memcmp(sig, "_SM_", sizeof sig)) {
/* signature match, but is this a valid entry point? */
- data->smbios_ep_addr = off;
- if (smbios_ep_table_ok(data)) {
+ if (smbios_ep2_table_ok(data, off)) {
+ data->smbios_ep_addr[SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_32] = off;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof sig3 - 1; ++i) {
+ sig3[i] = qtest_readb(data->qts, off + i);
+ }
+ if (!memcmp(sig3, "_SM3_", sizeof sig3)) {
+ if (smbios_ep3_table_ok(data, off)) {
+ data->smbios_ep_addr[SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_64] = off;
+ /* found 64-bit entry point, no need to look for 32-bit one */
- g_assert_cmphex(off, <, 0x100000);
+ /* found at least one entry point */
+ g_assert_true(data->smbios_ep_addr[SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_32] ||
+ data->smbios_ep_addr[SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_64]);
+ return data->smbios_ep_addr[SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_64] ?
static inline bool smbios_single_instance(uint8_t type)
@@ -600,41 +633,61 @@ static inline bool smbios_single_instance(uint8_t type)
-static bool smbios_cpu_test(test_data *data, uint32_t addr)
+static void smbios_cpu_test(test_data *data, uint32_t addr,
+ SmbiosEntryPointType ep_type)
- uint16_t expect_speed[2];
- uint16_t real;
+ uint8_t core_count, expected_core_count = data->smbios_core_count;
+ uint16_t speed, expected_speed[2];
+ uint16_t core_count2, expected_core_count2 = data->smbios_core_count2;
int offset[2];
int i;
/* Check CPU speed for backward compatibility */
offset[0] = offsetof(struct smbios_type_4, max_speed);
offset[1] = offsetof(struct smbios_type_4, current_speed);
- expect_speed[0] = data->smbios_cpu_max_speed ? : 2000;
- expect_speed[1] = data->smbios_cpu_curr_speed ? : 2000;
+ expected_speed[0] = data->smbios_cpu_max_speed ? : 2000;
+ expected_speed[1] = data->smbios_cpu_curr_speed ? : 2000;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- real = qtest_readw(data->qts, addr + offset[i]);
- if (real != expect_speed[i]) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected SMBIOS CPU speed: real %u expect %u\n",
- real, expect_speed[i]);
- return false;
- }
+ speed = qtest_readw(data->qts, addr + offset[i]);
+ g_assert_cmpuint(speed, ==, expected_speed[i]);
- return true;
+ core_count = qtest_readb(data->qts,
+ addr + offsetof(struct smbios_type_4, core_count));
+ if (expected_core_count) {
+ g_assert_cmpuint(core_count, ==, expected_core_count);
+ }
+ if (ep_type == SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_64) {
+ core_count2 = qtest_readw(data->qts,
+ addr + offsetof(struct smbios_type_4, core_count2));
+ /* Core Count has reached its limit, checking Core Count 2 */
+ if (expected_core_count == 0xFF && expected_core_count2) {
+ g_assert_cmpuint(core_count2, ==, expected_core_count2);
+ }
+ }
-static void test_smbios_structs(test_data *data)
+static void test_smbios_structs(test_data *data, SmbiosEntryPointType ep_type)
DECLARE_BITMAP(struct_bitmap, SMBIOS_MAX_TYPE+1) = { 0 };
- struct smbios_21_entry_point *ep_table = &data->smbios_ep_table;
- uint32_t addr = le32_to_cpu(ep_table->structure_table_address);
- int i, len, max_len = 0;
+ SmbiosEntryPoint *ep_table = &data->smbios_ep_table;
+ int i = 0, len, max_len = 0;
uint8_t type, prv, crt;
+ uint64_t addr;
+ if (ep_type == SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_32) {
+ addr = le32_to_cpu(ep_table->ep21.structure_table_address);
+ } else {
+ addr = le64_to_cpu(ep_table->ep30.structure_table_address);
+ }
/* walk the smbios tables */
- for (i = 0; i < le16_to_cpu(ep_table->number_of_structures); i++) {
+ do {
/* grab type and formatted area length from struct header */
type = qtest_readb(data->qts, addr);
@@ -648,7 +701,7 @@ static void test_smbios_structs(test_data *data)
set_bit(type, struct_bitmap);
if (type == 4) {
- g_assert(smbios_cpu_test(data, addr));
+ smbios_cpu_test(data, addr, ep_type);
/* seek to end of unformatted string area of this struct ("\0\0") */
@@ -660,19 +713,33 @@ static void test_smbios_structs(test_data *data)
/* keep track of max. struct size */
- if (max_len < len) {
+ if (ep_type == SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_32 && max_len < len) {
max_len = len;
- g_assert_cmpuint(max_len, <=, ep_table->max_structure_size);
+ g_assert_cmpuint(max_len, <=, ep_table->ep21.max_structure_size);
/* start of next structure */
addr += len;
- }
- /* total table length and max struct size must match entry point values */
- g_assert_cmpuint(le16_to_cpu(ep_table->structure_table_length), ==,
- addr - le32_to_cpu(ep_table->structure_table_address));
- g_assert_cmpuint(le16_to_cpu(ep_table->max_structure_size), ==, max_len);
+ /*
+ * Until all structures have been scanned (ep21)
+ * or an EOF structure is found (ep30)
+ */
+ } while (ep_type == SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_32 ?
+ ++i < le16_to_cpu(ep_table->ep21.number_of_structures) :
+ type != 127);
+ if (ep_type == SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_TYPE_32) {
+ /*
+ * Total table length and max struct size
+ * must match entry point values
+ */
+ g_assert_cmpuint(le16_to_cpu(ep_table->ep21.structure_table_length), ==,
+ addr - le32_to_cpu(ep_table->ep21.structure_table_address));
+ g_assert_cmpuint(le16_to_cpu(ep_table->ep21.max_structure_size), ==,
+ max_len);
+ }
/* required struct types must all be present */
for (i = 0; i < data->required_struct_types_len; i++) {
@@ -756,8 +823,8 @@ static void test_acpi_one(const char *params, test_data *data)
* https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1821884
if (!use_uefi) {
- test_smbios_entry_point(data);
- test_smbios_structs(data);
+ SmbiosEntryPointType ep_type = test_smbios_entry_point(data);
+ test_smbios_structs(data, ep_type);
@@ -856,6 +923,21 @@ static void test_acpi_q35_tcg(void)
+static void test_acpi_q35_tcg_core_count2(void)
+ test_data data = {
+ .machine = MACHINE_Q35,
+ .variant = ".core-count2",
+ .required_struct_types = base_required_struct_types,
+ .required_struct_types_len = ARRAY_SIZE(base_required_struct_types),
+ .smbios_core_count = 0xFF,
+ .smbios_core_count2 = 275,
+ };
+ test_acpi_one("-machine smbios-entry-point-type=64 -smp 275", &data);
+ free_test_data(&data);
static void test_acpi_q35_tcg_bridge(void)
test_data data;
@@ -1461,6 +1543,111 @@ static void test_acpi_piix4_tcg_acpi_hmat(void)
+static void test_acpi_virt_tcg_acpi_hmat(void)
+ test_data data = {
+ .machine = "virt",
+ .tcg_only = true,
+ .uefi_fl1 = "pc-bios/edk2-aarch64-code.fd",
+ .uefi_fl2 = "pc-bios/edk2-arm-vars.fd",
+ .cd = "tests/data/uefi-boot-images/bios-tables-test.aarch64.iso.qcow2",
+ .ram_start = 0x40000000ULL,
+ .scan_len = 128ULL * 1024 * 1024,
+ };
+ data.variant = ".acpihmatvirt";
+ test_acpi_one(" -machine hmat=on"
+ " -cpu cortex-a57"
+ " -smp 4,sockets=2"
+ " -m 256M"
+ " -object memory-backend-ram,size=64M,id=ram0"
+ " -object memory-backend-ram,size=64M,id=ram1"
+ " -object memory-backend-ram,size=128M,id=ram2"
+ " -numa node,nodeid=0,memdev=ram0"
+ " -numa node,nodeid=1,memdev=ram1"
+ " -numa node,nodeid=2,memdev=ram2"
+ " -numa cpu,node-id=0,socket-id=0"
+ " -numa cpu,node-id=0,socket-id=0"
+ " -numa cpu,node-id=1,socket-id=1"
+ " -numa cpu,node-id=1,socket-id=1"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=0,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=10"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=0,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=10485760"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=1,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=20"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=1,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=5242880"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=2,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=30"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=2,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=1048576"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=0,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=20"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=0,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=5242880"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=1,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=10"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=1,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=10485760"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=2,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=30"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=2,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=1048576",
+ &data);
+ free_test_data(&data);
+static void test_acpi_q35_tcg_acpi_hmat_noinitiator(void)
+ test_data data;
+ memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
+ data.machine = MACHINE_Q35;
+ data.variant = ".acpihmat-noinitiator";
+ test_acpi_one(" -machine hmat=on"
+ " -smp 4,sockets=2"
+ " -m 128M"
+ " -object memory-backend-ram,size=32M,id=ram0"
+ " -object memory-backend-ram,size=32M,id=ram1"
+ " -object memory-backend-ram,size=64M,id=ram2"
+ " -numa node,nodeid=0,memdev=ram0"
+ " -numa node,nodeid=1,memdev=ram1"
+ " -numa node,nodeid=2,memdev=ram2"
+ " -numa cpu,node-id=0,socket-id=0"
+ " -numa cpu,node-id=0,socket-id=0"
+ " -numa cpu,node-id=1,socket-id=1"
+ " -numa cpu,node-id=1,socket-id=1"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=0,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=10"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=0,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=10485760"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=1,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=20"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=1,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=5242880"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=2,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=30"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=0,target=2,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=1048576"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=0,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=20"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=0,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=5242880"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=1,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=10"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=1,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=10485760"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=2,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-latency,latency=30"
+ " -numa hmat-lb,initiator=1,target=2,hierarchy=memory,"
+ "data-type=access-bandwidth,bandwidth=1048576",
+ &data);
+ free_test_data(&data);
static void test_acpi_erst(const char *machine)
@@ -1824,6 +2011,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/nohpet", test_acpi_q35_tcg_nohpet);
qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/dimmpxm", test_acpi_q35_tcg_dimm_pxm);
qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/acpihmat", test_acpi_q35_tcg_acpi_hmat);
+ qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/acpihmat-noinitiator",
+ test_acpi_q35_tcg_acpi_hmat_noinitiator);
qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/acpierst", test_acpi_q35_acpi_erst);
@@ -1835,6 +2024,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (has_kvm) {
qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/kvm/xapic", test_acpi_q35_kvm_xapic);
qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/kvm/dmar", test_acpi_q35_kvm_dmar);
+ qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/core-count2",
+ test_acpi_q35_tcg_core_count2);
qtest_add_func("acpi/q35/viot", test_acpi_q35_viot);
@@ -1864,6 +2055,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
} else if (strcmp(arch, "aarch64") == 0) {
if (has_tcg) {
qtest_add_func("acpi/virt", test_acpi_virt_tcg);
+ qtest_add_func("acpi/virt/acpihmatvirt",
+ test_acpi_virt_tcg_acpi_hmat);
qtest_add_func("acpi/virt/numamem", test_acpi_virt_tcg_numamem);
qtest_add_func("acpi/virt/memhp", test_acpi_virt_tcg_memhp);
qtest_add_func("acpi/virt/pxb", test_acpi_virt_tcg_pxb);
diff --git a/tests/unit/test-crypto-der.c b/tests/unit/test-crypto-der.c
index aed0f28d68..d218a7f170 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test-crypto-der.c
+++ b/tests/unit/test-crypto-der.c
@@ -147,13 +147,58 @@ static const uint8_t test_rsa2048_priv_key[] =
+static const uint8_t test_ecdsa_p192_priv_key[] =
+ "\x30\x53" /* SEQUENCE, offset 0, length 83 */
+ "\x02\x01\x01" /* INTEGER, offset 2, length 1 */
+ "\x04\x18" /* OCTET STRING, offset 5, length 24 */
+ "\xcb\xc8\x86\x0e\x66\x3c\xf7\x5a\x44\x13\xb8\xef\xea\x1d\x7b\xa6"
+ "\x1c\xda\xf4\x1b\xc7\x67\x6b\x35"
+ "\xa1\x34" /* CONTEXT SPECIFIC 1, offset 31, length 52 */
+ "\x03\x32" /* BIT STRING, offset 33, length 50 */
+ "\x00\x04\xc4\x16\xb3\xff\xac\xd5\x87\x98\xf7\xd9\x45\xfe\xd3\x5c"
+ "\x17\x9d\xb2\x36\x22\xcc\x07\xb3\x6d\x3c\x4e\x04\x5f\xeb\xb6\x52"
+ "\x58\xfb\x36\x10\x52\xb7\x01\x62\x0e\x94\x51\x1d\xe2\xef\x10\x82"
+ "\x88\x78";
+static const uint8_t test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key[] =
+ "\x30\x77" /* SEQUENCE, offset 0, length 119 */
+ "\x02\x01\x01" /* INTEGER, offset 2, length 1 */
+ "\x04\x20" /* OCTET STRING, offset 5, length 32 */
+ "\xf6\x92\xdd\x29\x1c\x6e\xef\xb6\xb2\x73\x9f\x40\x1b\xb3\x2a\x28"
+ "\xd2\x37\xd6\x4a\x5b\xe4\x40\x4c\x6a\x95\x99\xfa\xf7\x92\x49\xbe"
+ "\xa0\x0a" /* CONTEXT SPECIFIC 0, offset 39, length 10 */
+ "\x06\x08" /* OID, offset 41, length 8 */
+ "\x2a\x86\x48\xce\x3d\x03\x01\x07"
+ "\xa1\x44" /* CONTEXT SPECIFIC 1, offset 51, length 68 */
+ "\x03\x42" /* BIT STRING, offset 53, length 66 */
+ "\x00\x04\xed\x42\x9c\x67\x79\xbe\x46\x83\x88\x3e\x8c\xc1\x33\xf3"
+ "\xc3\xf6\x2c\xf3\x13\x6a\x00\xc2\xc9\x3e\x87\x7f\x86\x39\xe6\xae"
+ "\xe3\xb9\xba\x2f\x58\x63\x32\x62\x62\x54\x07\x27\xf9\x5a\x3a\xc7"
+ "\x3a\x6b\x5b\xbc\x0d\x33\xba\xbb\xd4\xa3\xff\x4f\x9e\xdd\xf5\x59"
+ "\xc0\xf6";
+static int qcrypto_wrapped_decode_ctx_tag0(const uint8_t **data, size_t *dlen,
+ QCryptoDERDecodeCb cb, void *opaque,
+ Error **errp)
+ return qcrypto_der_decode_ctx_tag(data, dlen, 0, cb, opaque, errp);
+static int qcrypto_wrapped_decode_ctx_tag1(const uint8_t **data, size_t *dlen,
+ QCryptoDERDecodeCb cb, void *opaque,
+ Error **errp)
+ return qcrypto_der_decode_ctx_tag(data, dlen, 1, cb, opaque, errp);
typedef struct QCryptoAns1DecoderResultChecker QCryptoAns1DecoderResultChecker;
struct QCryptoAns1DecoderResultChecker {
int (*action) (const uint8_t **data, size_t *dlen,
QCryptoDERDecodeCb cb, void *opaque, Error **errp);
QCryptoDERDecodeCb cb;
+ bool constructed;
const uint8_t *exp_value;
size_t exp_vlen;
@@ -204,7 +249,7 @@ static void test_ans1(const void *opaque)
g_assert(checker->action(&c->data, &c->dlen, checker_callback,
(void *)checker, &error_abort)
== checker->exp_vlen);
- if (checker->action == qcrypto_der_decode_seq) {
+ if (checker->constructed) {
ctx[seq_depth].data = checker->exp_value;
ctx[seq_depth].dlen = checker->exp_vlen;
@@ -225,25 +270,25 @@ static QCryptoAns1DecoderTestData test_data[] = {
.test_data = test_rsa512_priv_key,
.test_data_len = sizeof(test_rsa512_priv_key) - 1,
.checker = {
- { qcrypto_der_decode_seq, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_seq, checker_callback, true,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 4, 313 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 4 + 2, 1 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 7 + 2, 65 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 74 + 2, 3 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 79 + 2, 64 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 145 + 2, 33 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 180 + 2, 33 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 215 + 2, 32 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 249 + 2, 32 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa512_priv_key + 283 + 2, 32 },
@@ -252,29 +297,66 @@ static QCryptoAns1DecoderTestData test_data[] = {
.test_data = test_rsa2048_priv_key,
.test_data_len = sizeof(test_rsa2048_priv_key) - 1,
.checker = {
- { qcrypto_der_decode_seq, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_seq, checker_callback, true,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 4, 1190 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 4 + 2, 1 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 7 + 4, 257 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 268 + 2, 3 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 273 + 4, 257 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 534 + 3, 129 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 666 + 3, 129 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 798 + 3, 129 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 930 + 3, 129 },
- { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback,
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
test_rsa2048_priv_key + 1062 + 3, 129 },
+ .path = "/crypto/der/parse-ecdsa-p192-priv-key",
+ .test_data = test_ecdsa_p192_priv_key,
+ .test_data_len = sizeof(test_ecdsa_p192_priv_key) - 1,
+ .checker = {
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_seq, checker_callback, true,
+ test_ecdsa_p192_priv_key + 2, 83 },
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
+ test_ecdsa_p192_priv_key + 2 + 2, 1 },
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_octet_str, checker_callback, false,
+ test_ecdsa_p192_priv_key + 5 + 2, 24 },
+ { qcrypto_wrapped_decode_ctx_tag1, checker_callback, true,
+ test_ecdsa_p192_priv_key + 31 + 2, 52 },
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_bit_str , checker_callback, false,
+ test_ecdsa_p192_priv_key + 33 + 2, 50 },
+ },
+ .path = "/crypto/der/parse-ecdsa-p256-priv-key",
+ .test_data = test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key,
+ .test_data_len = sizeof(test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key) - 1,
+ .checker = {
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_seq, checker_callback, true,
+ test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key + 2, 119 },
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_int, checker_callback, false,
+ test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key + 2 + 2, 1 },
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_octet_str, checker_callback, false,
+ test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key + 5 + 2, 32 },
+ { qcrypto_wrapped_decode_ctx_tag0, checker_callback, true,
+ test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key + 39 + 2, 10 },
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_oid, checker_callback, false,
+ test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key + 41 + 2, 8 },
+ { qcrypto_wrapped_decode_ctx_tag1, checker_callback, true,
+ test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key + 51 + 2, 68 },
+ { qcrypto_der_decode_bit_str , checker_callback, false,
+ test_ecdsa_p256_priv_key + 53 + 2, 66 },
+ },
int main(int argc, char **argv)