path: root/tests/acceptance/boot_linux_console.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/acceptance/boot_linux_console.py')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/boot_linux_console.py b/tests/acceptance/boot_linux_console.py
index e035c88b07..f825cd9ef5 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/boot_linux_console.py
+++ b/tests/acceptance/boot_linux_console.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import shutil
from avocado import skipUnless
from avocado_qemu import Test
from avocado_qemu import exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern
+from avocado_qemu import interrupt_interactive_console_until_pattern
from avocado_qemu import wait_for_console_pattern
from avocado.utils import process
from avocado.utils import archive
@@ -667,6 +668,75 @@ class BootLinuxConsole(Test):
'to <orangepipc>')
self.wait_for_console_pattern('Starting Load Kernel Modules...')
+ @skipUnless(os.getenv('AVOCADO_ALLOW_LARGE_STORAGE'), 'storage limited')
+ def test_arm_orangepi_uboot_netbsd9(self):
+ """
+ :avocado: tags=arch:arm
+ :avocado: tags=machine:orangepi-pc
+ """
+ # This test download a 304MB compressed image and expand it to 1.3GB...
+ deb_url = ('http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/'
+ '20200108T145233Z/pool/main/u/u-boot/'
+ 'u-boot-sunxi_2020.01%2Bdfsg-1_armhf.deb')
+ deb_hash = 'f67f404a80753ca3d1258f13e38f2b060e13db99'
+ deb_path = self.fetch_asset(deb_url, asset_hash=deb_hash)
+ # We use the common OrangePi PC 'plus' build of U-Boot for our secondary
+ # program loader (SPL). We will then set the path to the more specific
+ # OrangePi "PC" device tree blob with 'setenv fdtfile' in U-Boot prompt,
+ # before to boot NetBSD.
+ uboot_path = '/usr/lib/u-boot/orangepi_plus/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin'
+ uboot_path = self.extract_from_deb(deb_path, uboot_path)
+ image_url = ('https://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-9.0/'
+ 'evbarm-earmv7hf/binary/gzimg/armv7.img.gz')
+ image_hash = '2babb29d36d8360adcb39c09e31060945259917a'
+ image_path_gz = self.fetch_asset(image_url, asset_hash=image_hash)
+ image_path = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'armv7.img')
+ image_drive_args = 'if=sd,format=raw,snapshot=on,file=' + image_path
+ archive.gzip_uncompress(image_path_gz, image_path)
+ # dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=armv7.img bs=1K seek=8 conv=notrunc
+ with open(uboot_path, 'rb') as f_in:
+ with open(image_path, 'r+b') as f_out:
+ f_out.seek(8 * 1024)
+ shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
+ # Extend image, to avoid that NetBSD thinks the partition
+ # inside the image is larger than device size itself
+ f_out.seek(0, 2)
+ f_out.seek(64 * 1024 * 1024, 1)
+ f_out.write(bytearray([0x00]))
+ self.vm.set_console()
+ self.vm.add_args('-nic', 'user',
+ '-drive', image_drive_args,
+ '-global', 'allwinner-rtc.base-year=2000',
+ '-no-reboot')
+ self.vm.launch()
+ wait_for_console_pattern(self, 'U-Boot 2020.01+dfsg-1')
+ interrupt_interactive_console_until_pattern(self,
+ 'Hit any key to stop autoboot:',
+ 'switch to partitions #0, OK')
+ exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, '', '=>')
+ cmd = 'setenv bootargs root=ld0a'
+ exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, cmd, '=>')
+ cmd = 'setenv kernel netbsd-GENERIC.ub'
+ exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, cmd, '=>')
+ cmd = 'setenv fdtfile dtb/sun8i-h3-orangepi-pc.dtb'
+ exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, cmd, '=>')
+ cmd = ("setenv bootcmd 'fatload mmc 0:1 ${kernel_addr_r} ${kernel}; "
+ "fatload mmc 0:1 ${fdt_addr_r} ${fdtfile}; "
+ "fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; "
+ "bootm ${kernel_addr_r} - ${fdt_addr_r}'")
+ exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, cmd, '=>')
+ exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'boot',
+ 'Booting kernel from Legacy Image')
+ wait_for_console_pattern(self, 'Starting kernel ...')
+ wait_for_console_pattern(self, 'NetBSD 9.0 (GENERIC)')
+ # Wait for user-space
+ wait_for_console_pattern(self, 'Starting root file system check')
def test_s390x_s390_ccw_virtio(self):
:avocado: tags=arch:s390x