path: root/include/hw/nvram
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diff --git a/include/hw/nvram/fw_cfg.h b/include/hw/nvram/fw_cfg.h
index ee0cd8adb3..4b5e196d17 100644
--- a/include/hw/nvram/fw_cfg.h
+++ b/include/hw/nvram/fw_cfg.h
@@ -73,19 +73,148 @@ typedef struct FWCfgDmaAccess {
typedef void (*FWCfgCallback)(void *opaque, uint8_t *data);
typedef void (*FWCfgReadCallback)(void *opaque, uint32_t offset);
+ * fw_cfg_add_bytes:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @key: selector key value for new fw_cfg item
+ * @data: pointer to start of item data
+ * @len: size of item data
+ *
+ * Add a new fw_cfg item, available by selecting the given key, as a raw
+ * "blob" of the given size. The data referenced by the starting pointer
+ * is only linked, NOT copied, into the data structure of the fw_cfg device.
+ */
void fw_cfg_add_bytes(FWCfgState *s, uint16_t key, void *data, size_t len);
+ * fw_cfg_add_string:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @key: selector key value for new fw_cfg item
+ * @value: NUL-terminated ascii string
+ *
+ * Add a new fw_cfg item, available by selecting the given key. The item
+ * data will consist of a dynamically allocated copy of the provided string,
+ * including its NUL terminator.
+ */
void fw_cfg_add_string(FWCfgState *s, uint16_t key, const char *value);
+ * fw_cfg_add_i16:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @key: selector key value for new fw_cfg item
+ * @value: 16-bit integer
+ *
+ * Add a new fw_cfg item, available by selecting the given key. The item
+ * data will consist of a dynamically allocated copy of the given 16-bit
+ * value, converted to little-endian representation.
+ */
void fw_cfg_add_i16(FWCfgState *s, uint16_t key, uint16_t value);
+ * fw_cfg_modify_i16:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @key: selector key value for new fw_cfg item
+ * @value: 16-bit integer
+ *
+ * Replace the fw_cfg item available by selecting the given key. The new
+ * data will consist of a dynamically allocated copy of the given 16-bit
+ * value, converted to little-endian representation. The data being replaced,
+ * assumed to have been dynamically allocated during an earlier call to
+ * either fw_cfg_add_i16() or fw_cfg_modify_i16(), is freed before returning.
+ */
void fw_cfg_modify_i16(FWCfgState *s, uint16_t key, uint16_t value);
+ * fw_cfg_add_i32:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @key: selector key value for new fw_cfg item
+ * @value: 32-bit integer
+ *
+ * Add a new fw_cfg item, available by selecting the given key. The item
+ * data will consist of a dynamically allocated copy of the given 32-bit
+ * value, converted to little-endian representation.
+ */
void fw_cfg_add_i32(FWCfgState *s, uint16_t key, uint32_t value);
+ * fw_cfg_add_i64:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @key: selector key value for new fw_cfg item
+ * @value: 64-bit integer
+ *
+ * Add a new fw_cfg item, available by selecting the given key. The item
+ * data will consist of a dynamically allocated copy of the given 64-bit
+ * value, converted to little-endian representation.
+ */
void fw_cfg_add_i64(FWCfgState *s, uint16_t key, uint64_t value);
+ * fw_cfg_add_file:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @filename: name of new fw_cfg file item
+ * @data: pointer to start of item data
+ * @len: size of item data
+ *
+ * Add a new NAMED fw_cfg item as a raw "blob" of the given size. The data
+ * referenced by the starting pointer is only linked, NOT copied, into the
+ * data structure of the fw_cfg device.
+ * The next available (unused) selector key starting at FW_CFG_FILE_FIRST
+ * will be used; also, a new entry will be added to the file directory
+ * structure residing at key value FW_CFG_FILE_DIR, containing the item name,
+ * data size, and assigned selector key value.
+ */
void fw_cfg_add_file(FWCfgState *s, const char *filename, void *data,
size_t len);
+ * fw_cfg_add_file_callback:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @filename: name of new fw_cfg file item
+ * @callback: callback function
+ * @callback_opaque: argument to be passed into callback function
+ * @data: pointer to start of item data
+ * @len: size of item data
+ *
+ * Add a new NAMED fw_cfg item as a raw "blob" of the given size. The data
+ * referenced by the starting pointer is only linked, NOT copied, into the
+ * data structure of the fw_cfg device.
+ * The next available (unused) selector key starting at FW_CFG_FILE_FIRST
+ * will be used; also, a new entry will be added to the file directory
+ * structure residing at key value FW_CFG_FILE_DIR, containing the item name,
+ * data size, and assigned selector key value.
+ * Additionally, set a callback function (and argument) to be called each
+ * time a byte is read by the guest from this particular item, or, in the
+ * case of DMA, each time a read or skip request overlaps with the valid
+ * offset range of the item.
+ * NOTE: In addition to the opaque argument set here, the callback function
+ * takes the current data offset as an additional argument, allowing it the
+ * option of only acting upon specific offset values (e.g., 0, before the
+ * first data byte of the selected item is returned to the guest).
+ */
void fw_cfg_add_file_callback(FWCfgState *s, const char *filename,
FWCfgReadCallback callback, void *callback_opaque,
void *data, size_t len);
+ * fw_cfg_modify_file:
+ * @s: fw_cfg device being modified
+ * @filename: name of new fw_cfg file item
+ * @data: pointer to start of item data
+ * @len: size of item data
+ *
+ * Replace a NAMED fw_cfg item. If an existing item is found, its callback
+ * information will be cleared, and a pointer to its data will be returned
+ * to the caller, so that it may be freed if necessary. If an existing item
+ * is not found, this call defaults to fw_cfg_add_file(), and NULL is
+ * returned to the caller.
+ * In either case, the new item data is only linked, NOT copied, into the
+ * data structure of the fw_cfg device.
+ *
+ * Returns: pointer to old item's data, or NULL if old item does not exist.
+ */
void *fw_cfg_modify_file(FWCfgState *s, const char *filename, void *data,
size_t len);
FWCfgState *fw_cfg_init_io_dma(uint32_t iobase, uint32_t dma_iobase,
AddressSpace *dma_as);
FWCfgState *fw_cfg_init_io(uint32_t iobase);