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1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/decodetree.py b/scripts/decodetree.py
index 73d569c128..db019a25c6 100644
--- a/scripts/decodetree.py
+++ b/scripts/decodetree.py
@@ -54,6 +54,80 @@ re_fld_ident = '%[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
re_fmt_ident = '@[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
re_pat_ident = '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
+# Local implementation of a topological sort. We use the same API that
+# the Python graphlib does, so that when QEMU moves forward to a
+# baseline of Python 3.9 or newer this code can all be dropped and
+# replaced with:
+# from graphlib import TopologicalSorter, CycleError
+# https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/graphlib.html#graphlib.TopologicalSorter
+# We only implement the parts of TopologicalSorter we care about:
+# ts = TopologicalSorter(graph=None)
+# create the sorter. graph is a dictionary whose keys are
+# nodes and whose values are lists of the predecessors of that node.
+# (That is, if graph contains "A" -> ["B", "C"] then we must output
+# B and C before A.)
+# ts.static_order()
+# returns a list of all the nodes in sorted order, or raises CycleError
+# CycleError
+# exception raised if there are cycles in the graph. The second
+# element in the args attribute is a list of nodes which form a
+# cycle; the first and last element are the same, eg [a, b, c, a]
+# (Our implementation doesn't give the order correctly.)
+# For our purposes we can assume that the data set is always small
+# (typically 10 nodes or less, actual links in the graph very rare),
+# so we don't need to worry about efficiency of implementation.
+# The core of this implementation is from
+# https://code.activestate.com/recipes/578272-topological-sort/
+# (but updated to Python 3), and is under the MIT license.
+class CycleError(ValueError):
+ """Subclass of ValueError raised if cycles exist in the graph"""
+ pass
+class TopologicalSorter:
+ """Topologically sort a graph"""
+ def __init__(self, graph=None):
+ self.graph = graph
+ def static_order(self):
+ # We do the sort right here, unlike the stdlib version
+ from functools import reduce
+ data = {}
+ r = []
+ if not self.graph:
+ return []
+ # This code wants the values in the dict to be specifically sets
+ for k, v in self.graph.items():
+ data[k] = set(v)
+ # Find all items that don't depend on anything.
+ extra_items_in_deps = (reduce(set.union, data.values())
+ - set(data.keys()))
+ # Add empty dependencies where needed
+ data.update({item:{} for item in extra_items_in_deps})
+ while True:
+ ordered = set(item for item, dep in data.items() if not dep)
+ if not ordered:
+ break
+ r.extend(ordered)
+ data = {item: (dep - ordered)
+ for item, dep in data.items()
+ if item not in ordered}
+ if data:
+ # This doesn't give as nice results as the stdlib, which
+ # gives you the cycle by listing the nodes in order. Here
+ # we only know the nodes in the cycle but not their order.
+ raise CycleError(f'nodes are in a cycle', list(data.keys()))
+ return r
+# end TopologicalSorter
def error_with_file(file, lineno, *args):
"""Print an error message from file:line and args and exit."""
global output_file