path: root/tests
diff options
authorAlex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org>2022-09-14 16:59:45 +0100
committerAlex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org>2022-09-20 17:22:08 +0100
commitcd150e19e83833d164d69fd159ee95ff3a203e17 (patch)
treea3e751aae5c227b46a9d77376f55088a1aedcb83 /tests
parent8bb499955e26466b2b64f0736d77037a56fcddcb (diff)
tests/docker: update and flatten debian-amd64-cross
Now lcitool has support for building a x86_64 cross image we can use it for this. Signed-off-by: Alex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org> Acked-by: Thomas Huth <thuth@redhat.com> Message-Id: <20220914155950.804707-26-alex.bennee@linaro.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 169 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/tests/docker/Makefile.include b/tests/docker/Makefile.include
index ddcc502049..a0f5109628 100644
--- a/tests/docker/Makefile.include
+++ b/tests/docker/Makefile.include
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES := debian10 debian11
ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),x86_64)
DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES += debian-amd64-cross
-docker-image-debian-amd64-cross: docker-image-debian10
diff --git a/tests/docker/dockerfiles/debian-amd64-cross.docker b/tests/docker/dockerfiles/debian-amd64-cross.docker
index 870109ef6a..7d2feb7bf7 100644
--- a/tests/docker/dockerfiles/debian-amd64-cross.docker
+++ b/tests/docker/dockerfiles/debian-amd64-cross.docker
@@ -1,22 +1,168 @@
-# Docker x86_64 cross target
+# $ lcitool dockerfile --layers all --cross x86_64 debian-11 qemu
-# This docker target is used on non-x86_64 machines which need the
-# x86_64 cross compilers installed.
-FROM qemu/debian10
-MAINTAINER Alex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org>
+# https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt-ci
+FROM docker.io/library/debian:11-slim
+RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y eatmydata && \
+ eatmydata apt-get dist-upgrade -y && \
+ eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ bash \
+ bc \
+ bsdextrautils \
+ bzip2 \
+ ca-certificates \
+ ccache \
+ dbus \
+ debianutils \
+ diffutils \
+ exuberant-ctags \
+ findutils \
+ gcovr \
+ genisoimage \
+ gettext \
+ git \
+ hostname \
+ libpcre2-dev \
+ libspice-protocol-dev \
+ llvm \
+ locales \
+ make \
+ meson \
+ ncat \
+ ninja-build \
+ openssh-client \
+ perl-base \
+ pkgconf \
+ python3 \
+ python3-numpy \
+ python3-opencv \
+ python3-pillow \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3-sphinx \
+ python3-sphinx-rtd-theme \
+ python3-venv \
+ python3-yaml \
+ rpm2cpio \
+ sed \
+ sparse \
+ tar \
+ tesseract-ocr \
+ tesseract-ocr-eng \
+ texinfo && \
+ eatmydata apt-get autoremove -y && \
+ eatmydata apt-get autoclean -y && \
+ sed -Ei 's,^# (en_US\.UTF-8 .*)$,\1,' /etc/locale.gen && \
+ dpkg-reconfigure locales
+ENV MAKE "/usr/bin/make"
+ENV NINJA "/usr/bin/ninja"
+ENV PYTHON "/usr/bin/python3"
+ENV CCACHE_WRAPPERSDIR "/usr/libexec/ccache-wrappers"
-# Add the foreign architecture we want and install dependencies
-RUN dpkg --add-architecture amd64
-RUN apt update && \
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive eatmydata \
- apt install -y --no-install-recommends \
- crossbuild-essential-amd64
-RUN apt update && \
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive eatmydata \
- apt build-dep -yy -a amd64 --arch-only qemu
+RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \
+ dpkg --add-architecture amd64 && \
+ eatmydata apt-get update && \
+ eatmydata apt-get dist-upgrade -y && \
+ eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y dpkg-dev && \
+ eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ g++-x86-64-linux-gnu \
+ gcc-x86-64-linux-gnu \
+ libaio-dev:amd64 \
+ libasan5:amd64 \
+ libasound2-dev:amd64 \
+ libattr1-dev:amd64 \
+ libbpf-dev:amd64 \
+ libbrlapi-dev:amd64 \
+ libbz2-dev:amd64 \
+ libc6-dev:amd64 \
+ libcacard-dev:amd64 \
+ libcap-ng-dev:amd64 \
+ libcapstone-dev:amd64 \
+ libcmocka-dev:amd64 \
+ libcurl4-gnutls-dev:amd64 \
+ libdaxctl-dev:amd64 \
+ libdrm-dev:amd64 \
+ libepoxy-dev:amd64 \
+ libfdt-dev:amd64 \
+ libffi-dev:amd64 \
+ libfuse3-dev:amd64 \
+ libgbm-dev:amd64 \
+ libgcrypt20-dev:amd64 \
+ libglib2.0-dev:amd64 \
+ libglusterfs-dev:amd64 \
+ libgnutls28-dev:amd64 \
+ libgtk-3-dev:amd64 \
+ libibumad-dev:amd64 \
+ libibverbs-dev:amd64 \
+ libiscsi-dev:amd64 \
+ libjemalloc-dev:amd64 \
+ libjpeg62-turbo-dev:amd64 \
+ libjson-c-dev:amd64 \
+ liblttng-ust-dev:amd64 \
+ liblzo2-dev:amd64 \
+ libncursesw5-dev:amd64 \
+ libnfs-dev:amd64 \
+ libnuma-dev:amd64 \
+ libpam0g-dev:amd64 \
+ libpixman-1-dev:amd64 \
+ libpmem-dev:amd64 \
+ libpng-dev:amd64 \
+ libpulse-dev:amd64 \
+ librbd-dev:amd64 \
+ librdmacm-dev:amd64 \
+ libsasl2-dev:amd64 \
+ libsdl2-dev:amd64 \
+ libsdl2-image-dev:amd64 \
+ libseccomp-dev:amd64 \
+ libselinux1-dev:amd64 \
+ libslirp-dev:amd64 \
+ libsnappy-dev:amd64 \
+ libspice-server-dev:amd64 \
+ libssh-gcrypt-dev:amd64 \
+ libsystemd-dev:amd64 \
+ libtasn1-6-dev:amd64 \
+ libubsan1:amd64 \
+ libudev-dev:amd64 \
+ liburing-dev:amd64 \
+ libusb-1.0-0-dev:amd64 \
+ libusbredirhost-dev:amd64 \
+ libvdeplug-dev:amd64 \
+ libvirglrenderer-dev:amd64 \
+ libvte-2.91-dev:amd64 \
+ libxen-dev:amd64 \
+ libzstd-dev:amd64 \
+ nettle-dev:amd64 \
+ systemtap-sdt-dev:amd64 \
+ xfslibs-dev:amd64 \
+ zlib1g-dev:amd64 && \
+ eatmydata apt-get autoremove -y && \
+ eatmydata apt-get autoclean -y && \
+ mkdir -p /usr/local/share/meson/cross && \
+ echo "[binaries]\n\
+c = '/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc'\n\
+ar = '/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ar'\n\
+strip = '/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-strip'\n\
+pkgconfig = '/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-pkg-config'\n\
+system = 'linux'\n\
+cpu_family = 'x86_64'\n\
+cpu = 'x86_64'\n\
+endian = 'little'" > /usr/local/share/meson/cross/x86_64-linux-gnu && \
+ dpkg-query --showformat '${Package}_${Version}_${Architecture}\n' --show > /packages.txt && \
+ mkdir -p /usr/libexec/ccache-wrappers && \
+ ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/libexec/ccache-wrappers/x86_64-linux-gnu-c++ && \
+ ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/libexec/ccache-wrappers/x86_64-linux-gnu-cc && \
+ ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/libexec/ccache-wrappers/x86_64-linux-gnu-g++ && \
+ ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/libexec/ccache-wrappers/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc
-# Specify the cross prefix for this image (see tests/docker/common.rc)
+ENV ABI "x86_64-linux-gnu"
+ENV MESON_OPTS "--cross-file=x86_64-linux-gnu"
ENV QEMU_CONFIGURE_OPTS --cross-prefix=x86_64-linux-gnu-
ENV DEF_TARGET_LIST x86_64-softmmu,x86_64-linux-user,i386-softmmu,i386-linux-user
diff --git a/tests/lcitool/refresh b/tests/lcitool/refresh
index 2a59150322..fc604d8a21 100755
--- a/tests/lcitool/refresh
+++ b/tests/lcitool/refresh
@@ -119,6 +119,13 @@ try:
# Cross compiling builds
+ generate_dockerfile("debian-amd64-cross", "debian-11",
+ cross="x86_64",
+ trailer=debian_cross_build("x86_64-linux-gnu-",
+ "x86_64-softmmu,"
+ "x86_64-linux-user,"
+ "i386-softmmu,i386-linux-user"))
generate_dockerfile("debian-arm64-cross", "debian-11",