path: root/tests/qtest/fuzz
diff options
authorAlexander Bulekov <alxndr@bu.edu>2023-02-04 23:29:44 -0500
committerAlexander Bulekov <alxndr@bu.edu>2023-02-16 22:55:47 -0500
commit1375104370fc80bbcaa55430d2fbc0b1d8fc158b (patch)
treeb8f847fa270c29ec57970877339254ab0c9c7395 /tests/qtest/fuzz
parent8d1e76b35b420a6ecf3f69730a7588279031d617 (diff)
fuzz/generic-fuzz: use reboots instead of forks to reset state
Signed-off-by: Alexander Bulekov <alxndr@bu.edu> Reviewed-by: Darren Kenny <darren.kenny@oracle.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/qtest/fuzz')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c b/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
index 7326f6840b..f4acfa45cc 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#include "tests/qtest/libqtest.h"
#include "tests/qtest/libqos/pci-pc.h"
#include "fuzz.h"
-#include "fork_fuzz.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include "exec/ramblock.h"
@@ -29,6 +28,8 @@
#include "generic_fuzz_configs.h"
#include "hw/mem/sparse-mem.h"
+static void pci_enum(gpointer pcidev, gpointer bus);
* SEPARATOR is used to separate "operations" in the fuzz input
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ enum cmds {
-#define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_US 100000
#define USEC_IN_SEC 1000000000
#define MAX_DMA_FILL_SIZE 0x10000
@@ -60,8 +60,6 @@ typedef struct {
ram_addr_t size; /* The number of bytes until the end of the I/O region */
} address_range;
-static useconds_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_US;
static bool qtest_log_enabled;
MemoryRegion *sparse_mem_mr;
@@ -589,30 +587,6 @@ static void op_disable_pci(QTestState *s, const unsigned char *data, size_t len)
pci_disabled = true;
-static void handle_timeout(int sig)
- if (qtest_log_enabled) {
- fprintf(stderr, "[Timeout]\n");
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- /*
- * If there is a crash, libfuzzer/ASAN forks a child to run an
- * "llvm-symbolizer" process for printing out a pretty stacktrace. It
- * communicates with this child using a pipe. If we timeout+Exit, while
- * libfuzzer is still communicating with the llvm-symbolizer child, we will
- * be left with an orphan llvm-symbolizer process. Sometimes, this appears
- * to lead to a deadlock in the forkserver. Use waitpid to check if there
- * are any waitable children. If so, exit out of the signal-handler, and
- * let libfuzzer finish communicating with the child, and exit, on its own.
- */
- if (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- _Exit(0);
* Here, we interpret random bytes from the fuzzer, as a sequence of commands.
* Some commands can be variable-width, so we use a separator, SEPARATOR, to
@@ -669,64 +643,32 @@ static void generic_fuzz(QTestState *s, const unsigned char *Data, size_t Size)
size_t cmd_len;
uint8_t op;
- if (fork() == 0) {
- struct sigaction sact;
- struct itimerval timer;
- sigset_t set;
- /*
- * Sometimes the fuzzer will find inputs that take quite a long time to
- * process. Often times, these inputs do not result in new coverage.
- * Even if these inputs might be interesting, they can slow down the
- * fuzzer, overall. Set a timeout for each command to avoid hurting
- * performance, too much
- */
- if (timeout) {
- sigemptyset(&sact.sa_mask);
- sact.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER;
- sact.sa_handler = handle_timeout;
- sigaction(SIGALRM, &sact, NULL);
+ op_clear_dma_patterns(s, NULL, 0);
+ pci_disabled = false;
- sigemptyset(&set);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGALRM);
- pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL);
- memset(&timer, 0, sizeof(timer));
- timer.it_value.tv_sec = timeout / USEC_IN_SEC;
- timer.it_value.tv_usec = timeout % USEC_IN_SEC;
- }
- op_clear_dma_patterns(s, NULL, 0);
- pci_disabled = false;
- while (cmd && Size) {
- /* Reset the timeout, each time we run a new command */
- if (timeout) {
- setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timer, NULL);
- }
+ QPCIBus *pcibus = qpci_new_pc(s, NULL);
+ g_ptr_array_foreach(fuzzable_pci_devices, pci_enum, pcibus);
+ qpci_free_pc(pcibus);
- /* Get the length until the next command or end of input */
- nextcmd = memmem(cmd, Size, SEPARATOR, strlen(SEPARATOR));
- cmd_len = nextcmd ? nextcmd - cmd : Size;
+ while (cmd && Size) {
+ /* Get the length until the next command or end of input */
+ nextcmd = memmem(cmd, Size, SEPARATOR, strlen(SEPARATOR));
+ cmd_len = nextcmd ? nextcmd - cmd : Size;
- if (cmd_len > 0) {
- /* Interpret the first byte of the command as an opcode */
- op = *cmd % (sizeof(ops) / sizeof((ops)[0]));
- ops[op](s, cmd + 1, cmd_len - 1);
+ if (cmd_len > 0) {
+ /* Interpret the first byte of the command as an opcode */
+ op = *cmd % (sizeof(ops) / sizeof((ops)[0]));
+ ops[op](s, cmd + 1, cmd_len - 1);
- /* Run the main loop */
- flush_events(s);
- }
- /* Advance to the next command */
- cmd = nextcmd ? nextcmd + sizeof(SEPARATOR) - 1 : nextcmd;
- Size = Size - (cmd_len + sizeof(SEPARATOR) - 1);
- g_array_set_size(dma_regions, 0);
+ /* Run the main loop */
+ flush_events(s);
- _Exit(0);
- } else {
- flush_events(s);
- wait(0);
+ /* Advance to the next command */
+ cmd = nextcmd ? nextcmd + sizeof(SEPARATOR) - 1 : nextcmd;
+ Size = Size - (cmd_len + sizeof(SEPARATOR) - 1);
+ g_array_set_size(dma_regions, 0);
+ fuzz_reset(s);
static void usage(void)
@@ -738,8 +680,6 @@ static void usage(void)
printf("Optionally: QEMU_AVOID_DOUBLE_FETCH= "
"Try to avoid racy DMA double fetch bugs? %d by default\n",
- printf("Optionally: QEMU_FUZZ_TIMEOUT= Specify a custom timeout (us). "
- "0 to disable. %d by default\n", timeout);
@@ -825,7 +765,6 @@ static void generic_pre_fuzz(QTestState *s)
GHashTableIter iter;
MemoryRegion *mr;
- QPCIBus *pcibus;
char **result;
GString *name_pattern;
@@ -838,9 +777,6 @@ static void generic_pre_fuzz(QTestState *s)
if (getenv("QEMU_AVOID_DOUBLE_FETCH")) {
avoid_double_fetches = 1;
- if (getenv("QEMU_FUZZ_TIMEOUT")) {
- timeout = g_ascii_strtoll(getenv("QEMU_FUZZ_TIMEOUT"), NULL, 0);
- }
qts_global = s;
@@ -883,12 +819,6 @@ static void generic_pre_fuzz(QTestState *s)
printf("No fuzzable memory regions found...\n");
- pcibus = qpci_new_pc(s, NULL);
- g_ptr_array_foreach(fuzzable_pci_devices, pci_enum, pcibus);
- qpci_free_pc(pcibus);
- counter_shm_init();