path: root/userapi/storage/interface.go
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1 files changed, 58 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/userapi/storage/interface.go b/userapi/storage/interface.go
index b15470dd..a4562cf1 100644
--- a/userapi/storage/interface.go
+++ b/userapi/storage/interface.go
@@ -27,18 +27,24 @@ import (
type Profile interface {
GetProfileByLocalpart(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (*authtypes.Profile, error)
SearchProfiles(ctx context.Context, searchString string, limit int) ([]authtypes.Profile, error)
- SetPassword(ctx context.Context, localpart string, plaintextPassword string) error
SetAvatarURL(ctx context.Context, localpart string, avatarURL string) error
SetDisplayName(ctx context.Context, localpart string, displayName string) error
-type Database interface {
- Profile
- GetAccountByPassword(ctx context.Context, localpart, plaintextPassword string) (*api.Account, error)
+type Account interface {
// CreateAccount makes a new account with the given login name and password, and creates an empty profile
// for this account. If no password is supplied, the account will be a passwordless account. If the
// account already exists, it will return nil, ErrUserExists.
CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, localpart string, plaintextPassword string, appserviceID string, accountType api.AccountType) (*api.Account, error)
+ GetAccountByPassword(ctx context.Context, localpart, plaintextPassword string) (*api.Account, error)
+ GetNewNumericLocalpart(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
+ CheckAccountAvailability(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (bool, error)
+ GetAccountByLocalpart(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (*api.Account, error)
+ DeactivateAccount(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (err error)
+ SetPassword(ctx context.Context, localpart string, plaintextPassword string) error
+type AccountData interface {
SaveAccountData(ctx context.Context, localpart, roomID, dataType string, content json.RawMessage) error
GetAccountData(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (global map[string]json.RawMessage, rooms map[string]map[string]json.RawMessage, err error)
// GetAccountDataByType returns account data matching a given
@@ -46,26 +52,9 @@ type Database interface {
// If no account data could be found, returns nil
// Returns an error if there was an issue with the retrieval
GetAccountDataByType(ctx context.Context, localpart, roomID, dataType string) (data json.RawMessage, err error)
- GetNewNumericLocalpart(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- SaveThreePIDAssociation(ctx context.Context, threepid, localpart, medium string) (err error)
- RemoveThreePIDAssociation(ctx context.Context, threepid string, medium string) (err error)
- GetLocalpartForThreePID(ctx context.Context, threepid string, medium string) (localpart string, err error)
- GetThreePIDsForLocalpart(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (threepids []authtypes.ThreePID, err error)
- CheckAccountAvailability(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (bool, error)
- GetAccountByLocalpart(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (*api.Account, error)
- DeactivateAccount(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (err error)
- CreateOpenIDToken(ctx context.Context, token, localpart string) (exp int64, err error)
- GetOpenIDTokenAttributes(ctx context.Context, token string) (*api.OpenIDTokenAttributes, error)
- // Key backups
- CreateKeyBackup(ctx context.Context, userID, algorithm string, authData json.RawMessage) (version string, err error)
- UpdateKeyBackupAuthData(ctx context.Context, userID, version string, authData json.RawMessage) (err error)
- DeleteKeyBackup(ctx context.Context, userID, version string) (exists bool, err error)
- GetKeyBackup(ctx context.Context, userID, version string) (versionResult, algorithm string, authData json.RawMessage, etag string, deleted bool, err error)
- UpsertBackupKeys(ctx context.Context, version, userID string, uploads []api.InternalKeyBackupSession) (count int64, etag string, err error)
- GetBackupKeys(ctx context.Context, version, userID, filterRoomID, filterSessionID string) (result map[string]map[string]api.KeyBackupSession, err error)
- CountBackupKeys(ctx context.Context, version, userID string) (count int64, err error)
+type Device interface {
GetDeviceByAccessToken(ctx context.Context, token string) (*api.Device, error)
GetDeviceByID(ctx context.Context, localpart, deviceID string) (*api.Device, error)
GetDevicesByLocalpart(ctx context.Context, localpart string) ([]api.Device, error)
@@ -79,11 +68,22 @@ type Database interface {
CreateDevice(ctx context.Context, localpart string, deviceID *string, accessToken string, displayName *string, ipAddr, userAgent string) (dev *api.Device, returnErr error)
UpdateDevice(ctx context.Context, localpart, deviceID string, displayName *string) error
UpdateDeviceLastSeen(ctx context.Context, localpart, deviceID, ipAddr string) error
- RemoveDevice(ctx context.Context, deviceID, localpart string) error
RemoveDevices(ctx context.Context, localpart string, devices []string) error
// RemoveAllDevices deleted all devices for this user. Returns the devices deleted.
RemoveAllDevices(ctx context.Context, localpart, exceptDeviceID string) (devices []api.Device, err error)
+type KeyBackup interface {
+ CreateKeyBackup(ctx context.Context, userID, algorithm string, authData json.RawMessage) (version string, err error)
+ UpdateKeyBackupAuthData(ctx context.Context, userID, version string, authData json.RawMessage) (err error)
+ DeleteKeyBackup(ctx context.Context, userID, version string) (exists bool, err error)
+ GetKeyBackup(ctx context.Context, userID, version string) (versionResult, algorithm string, authData json.RawMessage, etag string, deleted bool, err error)
+ UpsertBackupKeys(ctx context.Context, version, userID string, uploads []api.InternalKeyBackupSession) (count int64, etag string, err error)
+ GetBackupKeys(ctx context.Context, version, userID, filterRoomID, filterSessionID string) (result map[string]map[string]api.KeyBackupSession, err error)
+ CountBackupKeys(ctx context.Context, version, userID string) (count int64, err error)
+type LoginToken interface {
// CreateLoginToken generates a token, stores and returns it. The lifetime is
// determined by the loginTokenLifetime given to the Database constructor.
CreateLoginToken(ctx context.Context, data *api.LoginTokenData) (*api.LoginTokenMetadata, error)
@@ -94,19 +94,48 @@ type Database interface {
// GetLoginTokenDataByToken returns the data associated with the given token.
// May return sql.ErrNoRows.
GetLoginTokenDataByToken(ctx context.Context, token string) (*api.LoginTokenData, error)
+type OpenID interface {
+ CreateOpenIDToken(ctx context.Context, token, userID string) (exp int64, err error)
+ GetOpenIDTokenAttributes(ctx context.Context, token string) (*api.OpenIDTokenAttributes, error)
+type Pusher interface {
+ UpsertPusher(ctx context.Context, p api.Pusher, localpart string) error
+ GetPushers(ctx context.Context, localpart string) ([]api.Pusher, error)
+ RemovePusher(ctx context.Context, appid, pushkey, localpart string) error
+ RemovePushers(ctx context.Context, appid, pushkey string) error
+type ThreePID interface {
+ SaveThreePIDAssociation(ctx context.Context, threepid, localpart, medium string) (err error)
+ RemoveThreePIDAssociation(ctx context.Context, threepid string, medium string) (err error)
+ GetLocalpartForThreePID(ctx context.Context, threepid string, medium string) (localpart string, err error)
+ GetThreePIDsForLocalpart(ctx context.Context, localpart string) (threepids []authtypes.ThreePID, err error)
+type Notification interface {
InsertNotification(ctx context.Context, localpart, eventID string, pos int64, tweaks map[string]interface{}, n *api.Notification) error
DeleteNotificationsUpTo(ctx context.Context, localpart, roomID string, pos int64) (affected bool, err error)
- SetNotificationsRead(ctx context.Context, localpart, roomID string, pos int64, b bool) (affected bool, err error)
+ SetNotificationsRead(ctx context.Context, localpart, roomID string, pos int64, read bool) (affected bool, err error)
GetNotifications(ctx context.Context, localpart string, fromID int64, limit int, filter tables.NotificationFilter) ([]*api.Notification, int64, error)
GetNotificationCount(ctx context.Context, localpart string, filter tables.NotificationFilter) (int64, error)
GetRoomNotificationCounts(ctx context.Context, localpart, roomID string) (total int64, highlight int64, _ error)
DeleteOldNotifications(ctx context.Context) error
- UpsertPusher(ctx context.Context, p api.Pusher, localpart string) error
- GetPushers(ctx context.Context, localpart string) ([]api.Pusher, error)
- RemovePusher(ctx context.Context, appid, pushkey, localpart string) error
- RemovePushers(ctx context.Context, appid, pushkey string) error
+type Database interface {
+ Account
+ AccountData
+ Device
+ KeyBackup
+ LoginToken
+ Notification
+ OpenID
+ Profile
+ Pusher
+ ThreePID
// Err3PIDInUse is the error returned when trying to save an association involving