path: root/userapi/storage/interface.go
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1 files changed, 74 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/userapi/storage/interface.go b/userapi/storage/interface.go
index c22b7658..27837886 100644
--- a/userapi/storage/interface.go
+++ b/userapi/storage/interface.go
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ type KeyBackup interface {
type LoginToken interface {
// CreateLoginToken generates a token, stores and returns it. The lifetime is
- // determined by the loginTokenLifetime given to the Database constructor.
+ // determined by the loginTokenLifetime given to the UserDatabase constructor.
CreateLoginToken(ctx context.Context, data *api.LoginTokenData) (*api.LoginTokenMetadata, error)
// RemoveLoginToken removes the named token (and may clean up other expired tokens).
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ type Notification interface {
DeleteOldNotifications(ctx context.Context) error
-type Database interface {
+type UserDatabase interface {
@@ -144,6 +144,78 @@ type Database interface {
+type KeyChangeDatabase interface {
+ // StoreKeyChange stores key change metadata and returns the device change ID which represents the position in the /sync stream for this device change.
+ // `userID` is the the user who has changed their keys in some way.
+ StoreKeyChange(ctx context.Context, userID string) (int64, error)
+type KeyDatabase interface {
+ KeyChangeDatabase
+ // ExistingOneTimeKeys returns a map of keyIDWithAlgorithm to key JSON for the given parameters. If no keys exist with this combination
+ // of user/device/key/algorithm 4-uple then it is omitted from the map. Returns an error when failing to communicate with the database.
+ ExistingOneTimeKeys(ctx context.Context, userID, deviceID string, keyIDsWithAlgorithms []string) (map[string]json.RawMessage, error)
+ // StoreOneTimeKeys persists the given one-time keys.
+ StoreOneTimeKeys(ctx context.Context, keys api.OneTimeKeys) (*api.OneTimeKeysCount, error)
+ // OneTimeKeysCount returns a count of all OTKs for this device.
+ OneTimeKeysCount(ctx context.Context, userID, deviceID string) (*api.OneTimeKeysCount, error)
+ // DeviceKeysJSON populates the KeyJSON for the given keys. If any proided `keys` have a `KeyJSON` or `StreamID` already then it will be replaced.
+ DeviceKeysJSON(ctx context.Context, keys []api.DeviceMessage) error
+ // StoreLocalDeviceKeys persists the given keys. Keys with the same user ID and device ID will be replaced. An empty KeyJSON removes the key
+ // for this (user, device).
+ // The `StreamID` for each message is set on successful insertion. In the event the key already exists, the existing StreamID is set.
+ // Returns an error if there was a problem storing the keys.
+ StoreLocalDeviceKeys(ctx context.Context, keys []api.DeviceMessage) error
+ // StoreRemoteDeviceKeys persists the given keys. Keys with the same user ID and device ID will be replaced. An empty KeyJSON removes the key
+ // for this (user, device). Does not modify the stream ID for keys. User IDs in `clearUserIDs` will have all their device keys deleted prior
+ // to insertion - use this when you have a complete snapshot of a user's keys in order to track device deletions correctly.
+ StoreRemoteDeviceKeys(ctx context.Context, keys []api.DeviceMessage, clearUserIDs []string) error
+ // PrevIDsExists returns true if all prev IDs exist for this user.
+ PrevIDsExists(ctx context.Context, userID string, prevIDs []int64) (bool, error)
+ // DeviceKeysForUser returns the device keys for the device IDs given. If the length of deviceIDs is 0, all devices are selected.
+ // If there are some missing keys, they are omitted from the returned slice. There is no ordering on the returned slice.
+ DeviceKeysForUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, deviceIDs []string, includeEmpty bool) ([]api.DeviceMessage, error)
+ // DeleteDeviceKeys removes the device keys for a given user/device, and any accompanying
+ // cross-signing signatures relating to that device.
+ DeleteDeviceKeys(ctx context.Context, userID string, deviceIDs []gomatrixserverlib.KeyID) error
+ // ClaimKeys based on the 3-uple of user_id, device_id and algorithm name. Returns the keys claimed. Returns no error if a key
+ // cannot be claimed or if none exist for this (user, device, algorithm), instead it is omitted from the returned slice.
+ ClaimKeys(ctx context.Context, userToDeviceToAlgorithm map[string]map[string]string) ([]api.OneTimeKeys, error)
+ // KeyChanges returns a list of user IDs who have modified their keys from the offset given (exclusive) to the offset given (inclusive).
+ // A to offset of types.OffsetNewest means no upper limit.
+ // Returns the offset of the latest key change.
+ KeyChanges(ctx context.Context, fromOffset, toOffset int64) (userIDs []string, latestOffset int64, err error)
+ // StaleDeviceLists returns a list of user IDs ending with the domains provided who have stale device lists.
+ // If no domains are given, all user IDs with stale device lists are returned.
+ StaleDeviceLists(ctx context.Context, domains []gomatrixserverlib.ServerName) ([]string, error)
+ // MarkDeviceListStale sets the stale bit for this user to isStale.
+ MarkDeviceListStale(ctx context.Context, userID string, isStale bool) error
+ CrossSigningKeysForUser(ctx context.Context, userID string) (map[gomatrixserverlib.CrossSigningKeyPurpose]gomatrixserverlib.CrossSigningKey, error)
+ CrossSigningKeysDataForUser(ctx context.Context, userID string) (types.CrossSigningKeyMap, error)
+ CrossSigningSigsForTarget(ctx context.Context, originUserID, targetUserID string, targetKeyID gomatrixserverlib.KeyID) (types.CrossSigningSigMap, error)
+ StoreCrossSigningKeysForUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, keyMap types.CrossSigningKeyMap) error
+ StoreCrossSigningSigsForTarget(ctx context.Context, originUserID string, originKeyID gomatrixserverlib.KeyID, targetUserID string, targetKeyID gomatrixserverlib.KeyID, signature gomatrixserverlib.Base64Bytes) error
+ DeleteStaleDeviceLists(
+ ctx context.Context,
+ userIDs []string,
+ ) error
type Statistics interface {
UserStatistics(ctx context.Context) (*types.UserStatistics, *types.DatabaseEngine, error)
DailyRoomsMessages(ctx context.Context, serverName gomatrixserverlib.ServerName) (stats types.MessageStats, activeRooms, activeE2EERooms int64, err error)