diff options
8 files changed, 430 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/generate-config/main.go b/cmd/generate-config/main.go
index 4dd12593..cff376d8 100644
--- a/cmd/generate-config/main.go
+++ b/cmd/generate-config/main.go
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ import (
func main() {
cfg := &config.Dendrite{}
+ cfg.Global.TrustedIDServers = []string{
+ "matrix.org",
+ "vector.im",
+ }
cfg.Logging = []config.LogrusHook{
Type: "file",
@@ -19,6 +23,38 @@ func main() {
+ cfg.ServerKeyAPI.KeyPerspectives = config.KeyPerspectives{
+ {
+ ServerName: "matrix.org",
+ Keys: []config.KeyPerspectiveTrustKey{
+ {
+ KeyID: "ed25519:auto",
+ PublicKey: "Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw",
+ },
+ {
+ KeyID: "ed25519:a_RXGa",
+ PublicKey: "l8Hft5qXKn1vfHrg3p4+W8gELQVo8N13JkluMfmn2sQ",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ cfg.MediaAPI.ThumbnailSizes = []config.ThumbnailSize{
+ {
+ Width: 32,
+ Height: 32,
+ ResizeMethod: "crop",
+ },
+ {
+ Width: 96,
+ Height: 96,
+ ResizeMethod: "crop",
+ },
+ {
+ Width: 640,
+ Height: 480,
+ ResizeMethod: "scale",
+ },
+ }
j, err := yaml.Marshal(cfg)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/dendrite-config.yaml b/dendrite-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74bb0711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dendrite-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# This is the Dendrite configuration file.
+# The configuration is split up into sections - each Dendrite component has a
+# configuration section, in addition to the "global" section which applies to
+# all components.
+# At a minimum, to get started, you will need to update the settings in the
+# "global" section for your deployment, and you will need to check that the
+# database "connection_string" line in each component section is correct.
+# Each component with a "database" section can accept the following formats
+# for "connection_string":
+# SQLite: file:filename.db
+# file:///path/to/filename.db
+# PostgreSQL: postgresql://user:pass@hostname/database?params=...
+# SQLite is embedded into Dendrite and therefore no further prerequisites are
+# needed for the database when using SQLite mode. However, performance with
+# PostgreSQL is significantly better and recommended for multi-user deployments.
+# SQLite is typically around 20-30% slower than PostgreSQL when tested with a
+# small number of users and likely will perform worse still with a higher volume
+# of users.
+# The "max_open_conns" and "max_idle_conns" settings configure the maximum
+# number of open/idle database connections. The value 0 will use the database
+# engine default, and a negative value will use unlimited connections. The
+# "conn_max_lifetime" option controls the maximum length of time a database
+# connection can be idle in seconds - a negative value is unlimited.
+# The version of the configuration file.
+version: 1
+# Global Matrix configuration. This configuration applies to all components.
+ # The domain name of this homeserver.
+ server_name: localhost
+ # The path to the signing private key file, used to sign requests and events.
+ private_key: matrix_key.pem
+ # A unique identifier for this private key. Must start with the prefix "ed25519:".
+ key_id: ed25519:auto
+ # How long a remote server can cache our server signing key before requesting it
+ # again. Increasing this number will reduce the number of requests made by other
+ # servers for our key but increases the period that a compromised key will be
+ # considered valid by other homeservers.
+ key_validity_period: 168h0m0s
+ # Lists of domains that the server will trust as identity servers to verify third
+ # party identifiers such as phone numbers and email addresses.
+ trusted_third_party_id_servers:
+ - matrix.org
+ - vector.im
+ # Configuration for Kafka/Naffka.
+ kafka:
+ # List of Kafka broker addresses to connect to. This is not needed if using
+ # Naffka in monolith mode.
+ addresses:
+ - localhost:2181
+ # The prefix to use for Kafka topic names for this homeserver. Change this only if
+ # you are running more than one Dendrite homeserver on the same Kafka deployment.
+ topic_prefix: Dendrite
+ # Whether to use Naffka instead of Kafka. This is only available in monolith
+ # mode, but means that you can run a single-process server without requiring
+ # Kafka.
+ use_naffka: true
+ # Naffka database options. Not required when using Kafka.
+ naffka_database:
+ connection_string: file:naffka.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+ # Configuration for Prometheus metric collection.
+ metrics:
+ # Whether or not Prometheus metrics are enabled.
+ enabled: false
+ # HTTP basic authentication to protect access to monitoring.
+ basic_auth:
+ username: metrics
+ password: metrics
+# Configuration for the Appservice API.
+ listen: localhost:7777
+ bind: localhost:7777
+ database:
+ connection_string: file:appservice.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+ # Appservice configuration files to load into this homeserver.
+ config_files: []
+# Configuration for the Client API.
+ listen: localhost:7771
+ bind: localhost:7771
+ # Prevents new users from being able to register on this homeserver, except when
+ # using the registration shared secret below.
+ registration_disabled: false
+ # If set, allows registration by anyone who knows the shared secret, regardless of
+ # whether registration is otherwise disabled.
+ registration_shared_secret: ""
+ # Whether to require reCAPTCHA for registration.
+ enable_registration_captcha: false
+ # Settings for ReCAPTCHA.
+ recaptcha_public_key: ""
+ recaptcha_private_key: ""
+ recaptcha_bypass_secret: ""
+ recaptcha_siteverify_api: ""
+ # TURN server information that this homeserver should send to clients.
+ turn:
+ turn_user_lifetime: ""
+ turn_uris: []
+ turn_shared_secret: ""
+ turn_username: ""
+ turn_password: ""
+# Configuration for the Current State Server.
+ listen: localhost:7782
+ bind: localhost:7782
+ database:
+ connection_string: file:currentstate.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+# Configuration for the EDU server.
+ listen: localhost:7778
+ bind: localhost:7778
+# Configuration for the Federation API.
+ listen: localhost:7772
+ bind: localhost:7772
+ # List of paths to X.509 certificates to be used by the external federation listeners.
+ # These certificates will be used to calculate the TLS fingerprints and other servers
+ # will expect the certificate to match these fingerprints. Certificates must be in PEM
+ # format.
+ federation_certificates: []
+# Configuration for the Federation Sender.
+ listen: localhost:7775
+ bind: localhost:7775
+ database:
+ connection_string: file:federationsender.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+ # How many times we will try to resend a failed transaction to a specific server. The
+ # backoff is 2**x seconds, so 1 = 2 seconds, 2 = 4 seconds, 3 = 8 seconds etc.
+ send_max_retries: 16
+ # Disable the validation of TLS certificates of remote federated homeservers. Do not
+ # enable this option in production as it presents a security risk!
+ disable_tls_validation: false
+ # Use the following proxy server for outbound federation traffic.
+ proxy_outbound:
+ enabled: false
+ protocol: http
+ host: localhost
+ port: 8080
+# Configuration for the Key Server (for end-to-end encryption).
+ listen: localhost:7779
+ bind: localhost:7779
+ database:
+ connection_string: file:keyserver.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+# Configuration for the Media API.
+ listen: localhost:7774
+ bind: localhost:7774
+ database:
+ connection_string: file:mediaapi.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+ # Storage path for uploaded media. May be relative or absolute.
+ base_path: ./media_store
+ # The maximum allowed file size (in bytes) for media uploads to this homeserver
+ # (0 = unlimited).
+ max_file_size_bytes: 10485760
+ # Whether to dynamically generate thumbnails if needed.
+ dynamic_thumbnails: false
+ # The maximum number of simultaneous thumbnail generators to run.
+ max_thumbnail_generators: 10
+ # A list of thumbnail sizes to be generated for media content.
+ thumbnail_sizes:
+ - width: 32
+ height: 32
+ method: crop
+ - width: 96
+ height: 96
+ method: crop
+ - width: 640
+ height: 480
+ method: scale
+# Configuration for the Room Server.
+ listen: localhost:7770
+ bind: localhost:7770
+ database:
+ connection_string: file:roomserver.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+# Configuration for the Server Key API (for server signing keys).
+ listen: localhost:7780
+ bind: localhost:7780
+ database:
+ connection_string: file:serverkeyapi.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+ # Perspective keyservers to use as a backup when direct key fetches fail. This may
+ # be required to satisfy key requests for servers that are no longer online when
+ # joining some rooms.
+ key_perspectives:
+ - server_name: matrix.org
+ keys:
+ - key_id: ed25519:auto
+ public_key: Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw
+ - key_id: ed25519:a_RXGa
+ public_key: l8Hft5qXKn1vfHrg3p4+W8gELQVo8N13JkluMfmn2sQ
+# Configuration for the Sync API.
+ listen: localhost:7773
+ bind: localhost:7773
+ database:
+ connection_string: file:syncapi.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+# Configuration for the User API.
+ listen: localhost:7781
+ bind: localhost:7781
+ account_database:
+ connection_string: file:userapi_accounts.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+ device_database:
+ connection_string: file:userapi_devices.db
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
+ conn_max_lifetime: -1
+# Configuration for Opentracing.
+ enabled: false
+ jaeger:
+ serviceName: ""
+ disabled: false
+ rpc_metrics: false
+ tags: []
+ sampler: null
+ reporter: null
+ headers: null
+ baggage_restrictions: null
+ throttler: null
+# Logging configuration, in addition to the standard logging that is sent to
+# stdout by Dendrite.
+- type: file
+ level: info
+ params:
+ path: /var/log/dendrite \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/internal/config/config.go b/internal/config/config.go
index cf9168f7..6cd04722 100644
--- a/internal/config/config.go
+++ b/internal/config/config.go
@@ -110,21 +110,6 @@ type Derived struct {
// servers from creating RoomIDs in exclusive application service namespaces
-// KeyPerspectives are used to configure perspective key servers for
-// retrieving server keys.
-type KeyPerspectives []struct {
- // The server name of the perspective key server
- ServerName gomatrixserverlib.ServerName `yaml:"server_name"`
- // Server keys for the perspective user, used to verify the
- // keys have been signed by the perspective server
- Keys []struct {
- // The key ID, e.g. ed25519:auto
- KeyID gomatrixserverlib.KeyID `yaml:"key_id"`
- // The public key in base64 unpadded format
- PublicKey string `yaml:"public_key"`
- } `yaml:"keys"`
// A Path on the filesystem.
type Path string
diff --git a/internal/config/config_clientapi.go b/internal/config/config_clientapi.go
index c441a9c0..ae146fcb 100644
--- a/internal/config/config_clientapi.go
+++ b/internal/config/config_clientapi.go
@@ -12,24 +12,25 @@ type ClientAPI struct {
Listen Address `yaml:"listen"`
Bind Address `yaml:"bind"`
+ // If set disables new users from registering (except via shared
+ // secrets)
+ RegistrationDisabled bool `yaml:"registration_disabled"`
// If set, allows registration by anyone who also has the shared
// secret, even if registration is otherwise disabled.
RegistrationSharedSecret string `yaml:"registration_shared_secret"`
+ // Boolean stating whether catpcha registration is enabled
+ // and required
+ RecaptchaEnabled bool `yaml:"enable_registration_captcha"`
// This Home Server's ReCAPTCHA public key.
RecaptchaPublicKey string `yaml:"recaptcha_public_key"`
// This Home Server's ReCAPTCHA private key.
RecaptchaPrivateKey string `yaml:"recaptcha_private_key"`
- // Boolean stating whether catpcha registration is enabled
- // and required
- RecaptchaEnabled bool `yaml:"enable_registration_captcha"`
// Secret used to bypass the captcha registration entirely
- RecaptchaBypassSecret string `yaml:"captcha_bypass_secret"`
+ RecaptchaBypassSecret string `yaml:"recaptcha_bypass_secret"`
// HTTP API endpoint used to verify whether the captcha response
// was successful
RecaptchaSiteVerifyAPI string `yaml:"recaptcha_siteverify_api"`
- // If set disables new users from registering (except via shared
- // secrets)
- RegistrationDisabled bool `yaml:"registration_disabled"`
// TURN options
TURN TURN `yaml:"turn"`
diff --git a/internal/config/config_global.go b/internal/config/config_global.go
index 785a8033..2b36da2f 100644
--- a/internal/config/config_global.go
+++ b/internal/config/config_global.go
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type Global struct {
// An arbitrary string used to uniquely identify the PrivateKey. Must start with the
// prefix "ed25519:".
- KeyID gomatrixserverlib.KeyID `yaml:"-"`
+ KeyID gomatrixserverlib.KeyID `yaml:"key_id"`
// How long a remote server can cache our server key for before requesting it again.
// Increasing this number will reduce the number of requests made by remote servers
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type Global struct {
func (c *Global) Defaults() {
c.ServerName = "localhost"
- c.PrivateKeyPath = "matrix.pem"
+ c.PrivateKeyPath = "matrix_key.pem"
_, c.PrivateKey, _ = ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)))
c.KeyID = "ed25519:auto"
c.KeyValidityPeriod = time.Hour * 24 * 7
diff --git a/internal/config/config_kafka.go b/internal/config/config_kafka.go
index 43a27cf2..e2bd6538 100644
--- a/internal/config/config_kafka.go
+++ b/internal/config/config_kafka.go
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ const (
type Kafka struct {
// A list of kafka addresses to connect to.
Addresses []string `yaml:"addresses"`
+ // The prefix to use for Kafka topic names for this homeserver - really only
+ // useful if running more than one Dendrite on the same Kafka deployment.
+ TopicPrefix string `yaml:"topic_prefix"`
// Whether to use naffka instead of kafka.
// Naffka can only be used when running dendrite as a single monolithic server.
// Kafka can be used both with a monolithic server and when running the
@@ -21,9 +24,6 @@ type Kafka struct {
UseNaffka bool `yaml:"use_naffka"`
// The Naffka database is used internally by the naffka library, if used.
Database DatabaseOptions `yaml:"naffka_database"`
- // The prefix to use for Kafka topic names for this homeserver - really only
- // useful if running more than one Dendrite on the same Kafka deployment.
- TopicPrefix string `yaml:"topic_prefix"`
func (k *Kafka) TopicFor(name string) string {
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ func (k *Kafka) TopicFor(name string) string {
func (c *Kafka) Defaults() {
c.UseNaffka = true
+ c.Addresses = []string{"localhost:2181"}
c.Database.ConnectionString = DataSource("file:naffka.db")
c.TopicPrefix = "Dendrite"
diff --git a/internal/config/config_serverkey.go b/internal/config/config_serverkey.go
index cf1f537a..78dc1194 100644
--- a/internal/config/config_serverkey.go
+++ b/internal/config/config_serverkey.go
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package config
+import "github.com/matrix-org/gomatrixserverlib"
type ServerKeyAPI struct {
Matrix *Global `yaml:"-"`
@@ -27,3 +29,22 @@ func (c *ServerKeyAPI) Verify(configErrs *ConfigErrors, isMonolith bool) {
checkNotEmpty(configErrs, "server_key_api.bind", string(c.Bind))
checkNotEmpty(configErrs, "server_key_api.database.connection_string", string(c.Database.ConnectionString))
+// KeyPerspectives are used to configure perspective key servers for
+// retrieving server keys.
+type KeyPerspectives []KeyPerspective
+type KeyPerspective struct {
+ // The server name of the perspective key server
+ ServerName gomatrixserverlib.ServerName `yaml:"server_name"`
+ // Server keys for the perspective user, used to verify the
+ // keys have been signed by the perspective server
+ Keys []KeyPerspectiveTrustKey `yaml:"keys"`
+type KeyPerspectiveTrustKey struct {
+ // The key ID, e.g. ed25519:auto
+ KeyID gomatrixserverlib.KeyID `yaml:"key_id"`
+ // The public key in base64 unpadded format
+ PublicKey string `yaml:"public_key"`
diff --git a/internal/config/config_test.go b/internal/config/config_test.go
index 4ff170e4..050debff 100644
--- a/internal/config/config_test.go
+++ b/internal/config/config_test.go
@@ -37,22 +37,20 @@ version: 1
server_name: localhost
private_key: matrix_key.pem
+ key_id: ed25519:auto
key_validity_period: 168h0m0s
- trusted_third_party_id_servers: []
+ trusted_third_party_id_servers:
+ - matrix.org
+ - vector.im
addresses: []
+ topic_prefix: Dendrite
use_naffka: true
connection_string: file:naffka.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
- topics:
- output_room_event: OutputRoomEventTopic
- output_client_data: OutputClientDataTopic
- output_typing_event: OutputTypingEventTopic
- output_send_to_device_event: OutputSendToDeviceEventTopic
- output_key_change_event: OutputKeyChangeEventTopic
enabled: false
@@ -63,20 +61,20 @@ app_service_api:
bind: localhost:7777
connection_string: file:appservice.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
config_files: []
listen: localhost:7771
bind: localhost:7771
+ registration_disabled: false
registration_shared_secret: ""
+ enable_registration_captcha: false
recaptcha_public_key: ""
recaptcha_private_key: ""
- enable_registration_captcha: false
- captcha_bypass_secret: ""
+ recaptcha_bypass_secret: ""
recaptcha_siteverify_api: ""
- registration_disabled: false
turn_user_lifetime: ""
turn_uris: []
@@ -88,8 +86,8 @@ current_state_server:
bind: localhost:7782
connection_string: file:currentstate.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
listen: localhost:7778
@@ -103,10 +101,11 @@ federation_sender:
bind: localhost:7775
connection_string: file:federationsender.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
- federation_max_retries: 16
+ send_max_retries: 16
+ disable_tls_validation: false
enabled: false
protocol: http
@@ -117,59 +116,74 @@ key_server:
bind: localhost:7779
connection_string: file:keyserver.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
listen: localhost:7774
bind: localhost:7774
connection_string: file:mediaapi.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
- base_path: ""
+ base_path: ./media_store
max_file_size_bytes: 10485760
dynamic_thumbnails: false
max_thumbnail_generators: 10
- thumbnail_sizes: []
+ thumbnail_sizes:
+ - width: 32
+ height: 32
+ method: crop
+ - width: 96
+ height: 96
+ method: crop
+ - width: 640
+ height: 480
+ method: scale
listen: localhost:7770
bind: localhost:7770
connection_string: file:roomserver.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
listen: localhost:7780
bind: localhost:7780
connection_string: file:serverkeyapi.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
- key_perspectives: []
+ key_perspectives:
+ - server_name: matrix.org
+ keys:
+ - key_id: ed25519:auto
+ public_key: Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw
+ - key_id: ed25519:a_RXGa
+ public_key: l8Hft5qXKn1vfHrg3p4+W8gELQVo8N13JkluMfmn2sQ
listen: localhost:7773
bind: localhost:7773
connection_string: file:syncapi.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
listen: localhost:7781
bind: localhost:7781
connection_string: file:userapi_accounts.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
connection_string: file:userapi_devices.db
- max_open_conns: 0
- max_idle_conns: 0
+ max_open_conns: 100
+ max_idle_conns: 2
conn_max_lifetime: -1
enabled: false
@@ -183,7 +197,11 @@ tracing:
headers: null
baggage_restrictions: null
throttler: null
-logging: []
+- type: file
+ level: info
+ params:
+ path: /var/log/dendrite
type mockReadFile map[string]string