path: root/syncapi
diff options
authorKegsay <kegan@matrix.org>2020-04-30 17:15:29 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2020-04-30 17:15:29 +0100
commitebbfc125920beb321713e28a2a137d768406fa15 (patch)
tree34da747b7db3707ec1888e15e2297ecb4fcf1737 /syncapi
parent540f6fcd9475a9c562837d59cf008ee6d0ce8983 (diff)
Add tests for the storage interface (#995)
* Move docs to interface * Add tests around syncing * Add topology token test * Linting
Diffstat (limited to 'syncapi')
3 files changed, 371 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/syncapi/storage/interface.go b/syncapi/storage/interface.go
index a3efd8d5..bd9504db 100644
--- a/syncapi/storage/interface.go
+++ b/syncapi/storage/interface.go
@@ -28,26 +28,83 @@ import (
type Database interface {
+ // AllJoinedUsersInRooms returns a map of room ID to a list of all joined user IDs.
AllJoinedUsersInRooms(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]string, error)
+ // Events lookups a list of event by their event ID.
+ // Returns a list of events matching the requested IDs found in the database.
+ // If an event is not found in the database then it will be omitted from the list.
+ // Returns an error if there was a problem talking with the database.
+ // Does not include any transaction IDs in the returned events.
Events(ctx context.Context, eventIDs []string) ([]gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, error)
- WriteEvent(context.Context, *gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, []string, []string, *api.TransactionID, bool) (types.StreamPosition, error)
+ // WriteEvent into the database. It is not safe to call this function from multiple goroutines, as it would create races
+ // when generating the sync stream position for this event. Returns the sync stream position for the inserted event.
+ // Returns an error if there was a problem inserting this event.
+ WriteEvent(ctx context.Context, ev *gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, addStateEvents []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent,
+ addStateEventIDs []string, removeStateEventIDs []string, transactionID *api.TransactionID, excludeFromSync bool) (types.StreamPosition, error)
+ // GetStateEvent returns the Matrix state event of a given type for a given room with a given state key
+ // If no event could be found, returns nil
+ // If there was an issue during the retrieval, returns an error
GetStateEvent(ctx context.Context, roomID, evType, stateKey string) (*gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, error)
+ // GetStateEventsForRoom fetches the state events for a given room.
+ // Returns an empty slice if no state events could be found for this room.
+ // Returns an error if there was an issue with the retrieval.
GetStateEventsForRoom(ctx context.Context, roomID string, stateFilterPart *gomatrixserverlib.StateFilter) (stateEvents []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, err error)
+ // SyncPosition returns the latest positions for syncing.
SyncPosition(ctx context.Context) (types.PaginationToken, error)
+ // IncrementalSync returns all the data needed in order to create an incremental
+ // sync response for the given user. Events returned will include any client
+ // transaction IDs associated with the given device. These transaction IDs come
+ // from when the device sent the event via an API that included a transaction
+ // ID.
IncrementalSync(ctx context.Context, device authtypes.Device, fromPos, toPos types.PaginationToken, numRecentEventsPerRoom int, wantFullState bool) (*types.Response, error)
+ // CompleteSync returns a complete /sync API response for the given user.
CompleteSync(ctx context.Context, userID string, numRecentEventsPerRoom int) (*types.Response, error)
+ // GetAccountDataInRange returns all account data for a given user inserted or
+ // updated between two given positions
+ // Returns a map following the format data[roomID] = []dataTypes
+ // If no data is retrieved, returns an empty map
+ // If there was an issue with the retrieval, returns an error
GetAccountDataInRange(ctx context.Context, userID string, oldPos, newPos types.StreamPosition, accountDataFilterPart *gomatrixserverlib.EventFilter) (map[string][]string, error)
+ // UpsertAccountData keeps track of new or updated account data, by saving the type
+ // of the new/updated data, and the user ID and room ID the data is related to (empty)
+ // room ID means the data isn't specific to any room)
+ // If no data with the given type, user ID and room ID exists in the database,
+ // creates a new row, else update the existing one
+ // Returns an error if there was an issue with the upsert
UpsertAccountData(ctx context.Context, userID, roomID, dataType string) (types.StreamPosition, error)
+ // AddInviteEvent stores a new invite event for a user.
+ // If the invite was successfully stored this returns the stream ID it was stored at.
+ // Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the database.
AddInviteEvent(ctx context.Context, inviteEvent gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent) (types.StreamPosition, error)
+ // RetireInviteEvent removes an old invite event from the database.
+ // Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the database.
RetireInviteEvent(ctx context.Context, inviteEventID string) error
+ // SetTypingTimeoutCallback sets a callback function that is called right after
+ // a user is removed from the typing user list due to timeout.
SetTypingTimeoutCallback(fn cache.TimeoutCallbackFn)
+ // AddTypingUser adds a typing user to the typing cache.
+ // Returns the newly calculated sync position for typing notifications.
AddTypingUser(userID, roomID string, expireTime *time.Time) types.StreamPosition
+ // RemoveTypingUser removes a typing user from the typing cache.
+ // Returns the newly calculated sync position for typing notifications.
RemoveTypingUser(userID, roomID string) types.StreamPosition
+ // GetEventsInRange retrieves all of the events on a given ordering using the
+ // given extremities and limit.
GetEventsInRange(ctx context.Context, from, to *types.PaginationToken, roomID string, limit int, backwardOrdering bool) (events []types.StreamEvent, err error)
+ // EventPositionInTopology returns the depth of the given event.
EventPositionInTopology(ctx context.Context, eventID string) (types.StreamPosition, error)
+ // EventsAtTopologicalPosition returns all of the events matching a given
+ // position in the topology of a given room.
EventsAtTopologicalPosition(ctx context.Context, roomID string, pos types.StreamPosition) ([]types.StreamEvent, error)
+ // BackwardExtremitiesForRoom returns the event IDs of all of the backward
+ // extremities we know of for a given room.
BackwardExtremitiesForRoom(ctx context.Context, roomID string) (backwardExtremities []string, err error)
+ // MaxTopologicalPosition returns the highest topological position for a given room.
MaxTopologicalPosition(ctx context.Context, roomID string) (types.StreamPosition, error)
+ // StreamEventsToEvents converts streamEvent to Event. If device is non-nil and
+ // matches the streamevent.transactionID device then the transaction ID gets
+ // added to the unsigned section of the output event.
StreamEventsToEvents(device *authtypes.Device, in []types.StreamEvent) []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent
+ // SyncStreamPosition returns the latest position in the sync stream. Returns 0 if there are no events yet.
SyncStreamPosition(ctx context.Context) (types.StreamPosition, error)
diff --git a/syncapi/storage/postgres/syncserver.go b/syncapi/storage/postgres/syncserver.go
index 9d61ccfc..ef970739 100644
--- a/syncapi/storage/postgres/syncserver.go
+++ b/syncapi/storage/postgres/syncserver.go
@@ -93,16 +93,10 @@ func NewSyncServerDatasource(dbDataSourceName string) (*SyncServerDatasource, er
return &d, nil
-// AllJoinedUsersInRooms returns a map of room ID to a list of all joined user IDs.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) AllJoinedUsersInRooms(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]string, error) {
return d.roomstate.selectJoinedUsers(ctx)
-// Events lookups a list of event by their event ID.
-// Returns a list of events matching the requested IDs found in the database.
-// If an event is not found in the database then it will be omitted from the list.
-// Returns an error if there was a problem talking with the database.
-// Does not include any transaction IDs in the returned events.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) Events(ctx context.Context, eventIDs []string) ([]gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, error) {
streamEvents, err := d.events.selectEvents(ctx, nil, eventIDs)
if err != nil {
@@ -148,9 +142,6 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) handleBackwardExtremities(ctx context.Context, tx
return nil
-// WriteEvent into the database. It is not safe to call this function from multiple goroutines, as it would create races
-// when generating the sync stream position for this event. Returns the sync stream position for the inserted event.
-// Returns an error if there was a problem inserting this event.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) WriteEvent(
ctx context.Context,
ev *gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent,
@@ -221,18 +212,12 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) updateRoomState(
return nil
-// GetStateEvent returns the Matrix state event of a given type for a given room with a given state key
-// If no event could be found, returns nil
-// If there was an issue during the retrieval, returns an error
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) GetStateEvent(
ctx context.Context, roomID, evType, stateKey string,
) (*gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, error) {
return d.roomstate.selectStateEvent(ctx, roomID, evType, stateKey)
-// GetStateEventsForRoom fetches the state events for a given room.
-// Returns an empty slice if no state events could be found for this room.
-// Returns an error if there was an issue with the retrieval.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) GetStateEventsForRoom(
ctx context.Context, roomID string, stateFilter *gomatrixserverlib.StateFilter,
) (stateEvents []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, err error) {
@@ -243,8 +228,6 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) GetStateEventsForRoom(
-// GetEventsInRange retrieves all of the events on a given ordering using the
-// given extremities and limit.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) GetEventsInRange(
ctx context.Context,
from, to *types.PaginationToken,
@@ -306,29 +289,22 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) GetEventsInRange(
-// SyncPosition returns the latest positions for syncing.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) SyncPosition(ctx context.Context) (types.PaginationToken, error) {
return d.syncPositionTx(ctx, nil)
-// BackwardExtremitiesForRoom returns the event IDs of all of the backward
-// extremities we know of for a given room.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) BackwardExtremitiesForRoom(
ctx context.Context, roomID string,
) (backwardExtremities []string, err error) {
return d.backwardExtremities.SelectBackwardExtremitiesForRoom(ctx, roomID)
-// MaxTopologicalPosition returns the highest topological position for a given
-// room.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) MaxTopologicalPosition(
ctx context.Context, roomID string,
) (types.StreamPosition, error) {
return d.topology.selectMaxPositionInTopology(ctx, roomID)
-// EventsAtTopologicalPosition returns all of the events matching a given
-// position in the topology of a given room.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) EventsAtTopologicalPosition(
ctx context.Context, roomID string, pos types.StreamPosition,
) ([]types.StreamEvent, error) {
@@ -346,7 +322,6 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) EventPositionInTopology(
return d.topology.selectPositionInTopology(ctx, eventID)
-// SyncStreamPosition returns the latest position in the sync stream. Returns 0 if there are no events yet.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) SyncStreamPosition(ctx context.Context) (types.StreamPosition, error) {
return d.syncStreamPositionTx(ctx, nil)
@@ -511,11 +486,6 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) addEDUDeltaToResponse(
-// IncrementalSync returns all the data needed in order to create an incremental
-// sync response for the given user. Events returned will include any client
-// transaction IDs associated with the given device. These transaction IDs come
-// from when the device sent the event via an API that included a transaction
-// ID.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) IncrementalSync(
ctx context.Context,
device authtypes.Device,
@@ -645,7 +615,6 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) getResponseWithPDUsForCompleteSync(
return res, toPos, joinedRoomIDs, err
-// CompleteSync returns a complete /sync API response for the given user.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) CompleteSync(
ctx context.Context, userID string, numRecentEventsPerRoom int,
) (*types.Response, error) {
@@ -677,11 +646,6 @@ var txReadOnlySnapshot = sql.TxOptions{
ReadOnly: true,
-// GetAccountDataInRange returns all account data for a given user inserted or
-// updated between two given positions
-// Returns a map following the format data[roomID] = []dataTypes
-// If no data is retrieved, returns an empty map
-// If there was an issue with the retrieval, returns an error
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) GetAccountDataInRange(
ctx context.Context, userID string, oldPos, newPos types.StreamPosition,
accountDataFilterPart *gomatrixserverlib.EventFilter,
@@ -689,29 +653,18 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) GetAccountDataInRange(
return d.accountData.selectAccountDataInRange(ctx, userID, oldPos, newPos, accountDataFilterPart)
-// UpsertAccountData keeps track of new or updated account data, by saving the type
-// of the new/updated data, and the user ID and room ID the data is related to (empty)
-// room ID means the data isn't specific to any room)
-// If no data with the given type, user ID and room ID exists in the database,
-// creates a new row, else update the existing one
-// Returns an error if there was an issue with the upsert
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) UpsertAccountData(
ctx context.Context, userID, roomID, dataType string,
) (types.StreamPosition, error) {
return d.accountData.insertAccountData(ctx, userID, roomID, dataType)
-// AddInviteEvent stores a new invite event for a user.
-// If the invite was successfully stored this returns the stream ID it was stored at.
-// Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the database.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) AddInviteEvent(
ctx context.Context, inviteEvent gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent,
) (types.StreamPosition, error) {
return d.invites.insertInviteEvent(ctx, inviteEvent)
-// RetireInviteEvent removes an old invite event from the database.
-// Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the database.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) RetireInviteEvent(
ctx context.Context, inviteEventID string,
) error {
@@ -725,16 +678,12 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) SetTypingTimeoutCallback(fn cache.TimeoutCallback
-// AddTypingUser adds a typing user to the typing cache.
-// Returns the newly calculated sync position for typing notifications.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) AddTypingUser(
userID, roomID string, expireTime *time.Time,
) types.StreamPosition {
return types.StreamPosition(d.eduCache.AddTypingUser(userID, roomID, expireTime))
-// RemoveTypingUser removes a typing user from the typing cache.
-// Returns the newly calculated sync position for typing notifications.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) RemoveTypingUser(
userID, roomID string,
) types.StreamPosition {
@@ -1073,9 +1022,6 @@ func (d *SyncServerDatasource) currentStateStreamEventsForRoom(
return s, nil
-// StreamEventsToEvents converts streamEvent to Event. If device is non-nil and
-// matches the streamevent.transactionID device then the transaction ID gets
-// added to the unsigned section of the output event.
func (d *SyncServerDatasource) StreamEventsToEvents(device *authtypes.Device, in []types.StreamEvent) []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent {
out := make([]gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, len(in))
for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ {
diff --git a/syncapi/storage/storage_test.go b/syncapi/storage/storage_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e591e7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syncapi/storage/storage_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+package storage_test
+import (
+ "context"
+ "crypto/ed25519"
+ "fmt"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/clientapi/auth/authtypes"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/syncapi/storage"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/syncapi/storage/sqlite3"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/syncapi/types"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/gomatrixserverlib"
+var (
+ ctx = context.Background()
+ emptyStateKey = ""
+ testOrigin = gomatrixserverlib.ServerName("hollow.knight")
+ testRoomID = fmt.Sprintf("!hallownest:%s", testOrigin)
+ testUserIDA = fmt.Sprintf("@hornet:%s", testOrigin)
+ testUserIDB = fmt.Sprintf("@paleking:%s", testOrigin)
+ testUserDeviceA = authtypes.Device{
+ UserID: testUserIDA,
+ ID: "device_id_A",
+ DisplayName: "Device A",
+ }
+ testRoomVersion = gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersionV4
+ testKeyID = gomatrixserverlib.KeyID("ed25519:storage_test")
+ testPrivateKey = ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed([]byte{
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
+ 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
+ })
+func MustCreateEvent(t *testing.T, roomID string, prevs []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, b *gomatrixserverlib.EventBuilder) gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent {
+ b.RoomID = roomID
+ if prevs != nil {
+ prevIDs := make([]string, len(prevs))
+ for i := range prevs {
+ prevIDs[i] = prevs[i].EventID()
+ }
+ b.PrevEvents = prevIDs
+ }
+ e, err := b.Build(time.Now(), testOrigin, testKeyID, testPrivateKey, testRoomVersion)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to build event: %s", err)
+ }
+ return e.Headered(testRoomVersion)
+func MustCreateDatabase(t *testing.T) storage.Database {
+ db, err := sqlite3.NewSyncServerDatasource("file::memory:")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewSyncServerDatasource returned %s", err)
+ }
+ return db
+// Create a list of events which include a create event, join event and some messages.
+func SimpleRoom(t *testing.T, roomID, userA, userB string) (msgs []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, state []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent) {
+ var events []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent
+ events = append(events, MustCreateEvent(t, roomID, nil, &gomatrixserverlib.EventBuilder{
+ Content: []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"room_version":"4","creator":"%s"}`, userA)),
+ Type: "m.room.create",
+ StateKey: &emptyStateKey,
+ Sender: userA,
+ Depth: int64(len(events) + 1),
+ }))
+ state = append(state, events[len(events)-1])
+ events = append(events, MustCreateEvent(t, roomID, []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent{events[len(events)-1]}, &gomatrixserverlib.EventBuilder{
+ Content: []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"membership":"join"}`)),
+ Type: "m.room.member",
+ StateKey: &userA,
+ Sender: userA,
+ Depth: int64(len(events) + 1),
+ }))
+ state = append(state, events[len(events)-1])
+ for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
+ events = append(events, MustCreateEvent(t, roomID, []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent{events[len(events)-1]}, &gomatrixserverlib.EventBuilder{
+ Content: []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"body":"Message A %d"}`, i+1)),
+ Type: "m.room.message",
+ Sender: userA,
+ Depth: int64(len(events) + 1),
+ }))
+ }
+ events = append(events, MustCreateEvent(t, roomID, []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent{events[len(events)-1]}, &gomatrixserverlib.EventBuilder{
+ Content: []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"membership":"join"}`)),
+ Type: "m.room.member",
+ StateKey: &userB,
+ Sender: userB,
+ Depth: int64(len(events) + 1),
+ }))
+ state = append(state, events[len(events)-1])
+ for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
+ events = append(events, MustCreateEvent(t, roomID, []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent{events[len(events)-1]}, &gomatrixserverlib.EventBuilder{
+ Content: []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"body":"Message B %d"}`, i+1)),
+ Type: "m.room.message",
+ Sender: userB,
+ Depth: int64(len(events) + 1),
+ }))
+ }
+ return events, state
+func MustWriteEvents(t *testing.T, db storage.Database, events []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent) (positions []types.StreamPosition) {
+ for _, ev := range events {
+ var addStateEvents []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent
+ var addStateEventIDs []string
+ var removeStateEventIDs []string
+ if ev.StateKey() != nil {
+ addStateEvents = append(addStateEvents, ev)
+ addStateEventIDs = append(addStateEventIDs, ev.EventID())
+ }
+ pos, err := db.WriteEvent(ctx, &ev, addStateEvents, addStateEventIDs, removeStateEventIDs, nil, false)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("WriteEvent failed: %s", err)
+ }
+ positions = append(positions, pos)
+ }
+ return
+func TestWriteEvents(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ db := MustCreateDatabase(t)
+ events, _ := SimpleRoom(t, testRoomID, testUserIDA, testUserIDB)
+ MustWriteEvents(t, db, events)
+// These tests assert basic functionality of the IncrementalSync and CompleteSync functions.
+func TestSyncResponse(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ db := MustCreateDatabase(t)
+ events, state := SimpleRoom(t, testRoomID, testUserIDA, testUserIDB)
+ positions := MustWriteEvents(t, db, events)
+ latest, err := db.SyncPosition(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to get SyncPosition: %s", err)
+ }
+ testCases := []struct {
+ Name string
+ DoSync func() (*types.Response, error)
+ WantTimeline []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent
+ WantState []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent
+ }{
+ // The purpose of this test is to make sure that incremental syncs are including up to the latest events.
+ // It's a basic sanity test that sync works. It creates a `since` token that is on the penultimate event.
+ // It makes sure the response includes the final event.
+ {
+ Name: "IncrementalSync penultimate",
+ DoSync: func() (*types.Response, error) {
+ from := types.NewPaginationTokenFromTypeAndPosition( // pretend we are at the penultimate event
+ types.PaginationTokenTypeStream, positions[len(positions)-2], types.StreamPosition(0),
+ )
+ return db.IncrementalSync(ctx, testUserDeviceA, *from, latest, 5, false)
+ },
+ WantTimeline: events[len(events)-1:],
+ },
+ // The purpose of this test is to check that passing a `numRecentEventsPerRoom` correctly limits the
+ // number of returned events. This is critical for big rooms hence the test here.
+ {
+ Name: "IncrementalSync limited",
+ DoSync: func() (*types.Response, error) {
+ from := types.NewPaginationTokenFromTypeAndPosition( // pretend we are 10 events behind
+ types.PaginationTokenTypeStream, positions[len(positions)-11], types.StreamPosition(0),
+ )
+ // limit is set to 5
+ return db.IncrementalSync(ctx, testUserDeviceA, *from, latest, 5, false)
+ },
+ // want the last 5 events, NOT the last 10.
+ WantTimeline: events[len(events)-5:],
+ },
+ // The purpose of this test is to check that CompleteSync returns all the current state as well as
+ // honouring the `numRecentEventsPerRoom` value
+ {
+ Name: "CompleteSync limited",
+ DoSync: func() (*types.Response, error) {
+ // limit set to 5
+ return db.CompleteSync(ctx, testUserIDA, 5)
+ },
+ // want the last 5 events, NOT the last 10.
+ WantTimeline: events[len(events)-5:],
+ // want all state for the room
+ WantState: state,
+ },
+ // The purpose of this test is to check that CompleteSync can return everything with a high enough
+ // `numRecentEventsPerRoom`.
+ {
+ Name: "CompleteSync",
+ DoSync: func() (*types.Response, error) {
+ return db.CompleteSync(ctx, testUserIDA, len(events)+1)
+ },
+ WantTimeline: events,
+ // We want no state at all as that field in /sync is the delta between the token (beginning of time)
+ // and the START of the timeline.
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tc.Name, func(st *testing.T) {
+ res, err := tc.DoSync()
+ if err != nil {
+ st.Fatalf("failed to do sync: %s", err)
+ }
+ next := types.NewPaginationTokenFromTypeAndPosition(types.PaginationTokenTypeStream, latest.PDUPosition, latest.EDUTypingPosition)
+ if res.NextBatch != next.String() {
+ st.Errorf("NextBatch got %s want %s", res.NextBatch, next.String())
+ }
+ roomRes, ok := res.Rooms.Join[testRoomID]
+ if !ok {
+ st.Fatalf("IncrementalSync response missing room %s - response: %+v", testRoomID, res)
+ }
+ assertEventsEqual(st, "state for "+testRoomID, false, roomRes.State.Events, tc.WantState)
+ assertEventsEqual(st, "timeline for "+testRoomID, false, roomRes.Timeline.Events, tc.WantTimeline)
+ })
+ }
+// The purpose of this test is to ensure that backfill does indeed go backwards, using a stream token.
+func TestGetEventsInRangeWithStreamToken(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ db := MustCreateDatabase(t)
+ events, _ := SimpleRoom(t, testRoomID, testUserIDA, testUserIDB)
+ MustWriteEvents(t, db, events)
+ latest, err := db.SyncPosition(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to get SyncPosition: %s", err)
+ }
+ // head towards the beginning of time
+ to := types.NewPaginationTokenFromTypeAndPosition(types.PaginationTokenTypeTopology, 0, 0)
+ // backpaginate 5 messages starting at the latest position.
+ paginatedEvents, err := db.GetEventsInRange(ctx, &latest, to, testRoomID, 5, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetEventsInRange returned an error: %s", err)
+ }
+ gots := gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedToClientEvents(db.StreamEventsToEvents(&testUserDeviceA, paginatedEvents), gomatrixserverlib.FormatAll)
+ assertEventsEqual(t, "", true, gots, reversed(events[len(events)-5:]))
+// The purpose of this test is to ensure that backfill does indeed go backwards, using a topology token
+func TestGetEventsInRangeWithTopologyToken(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ db := MustCreateDatabase(t)
+ events, _ := SimpleRoom(t, testRoomID, testUserIDA, testUserIDB)
+ MustWriteEvents(t, db, events)
+ latest, err := db.MaxTopologicalPosition(ctx, testRoomID)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to get MaxTopologicalPosition: %s", err)
+ }
+ from := types.NewPaginationTokenFromTypeAndPosition(types.PaginationTokenTypeTopology, latest, 0)
+ // head towards the beginning of time
+ to := types.NewPaginationTokenFromTypeAndPosition(types.PaginationTokenTypeTopology, 0, 0)
+ // backpaginate 5 messages starting at the latest position.
+ paginatedEvents, err := db.GetEventsInRange(ctx, from, to, testRoomID, 5, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetEventsInRange returned an error: %s", err)
+ }
+ gots := gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedToClientEvents(db.StreamEventsToEvents(&testUserDeviceA, paginatedEvents), gomatrixserverlib.FormatAll)
+ assertEventsEqual(t, "", true, gots, reversed(events[len(events)-5:]))
+func assertEventsEqual(t *testing.T, msg string, checkRoomID bool, gots []gomatrixserverlib.ClientEvent, wants []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent) {
+ if len(gots) != len(wants) {
+ t.Fatalf("%s response returned %d events, want %d", msg, len(gots), len(wants))
+ }
+ for i := range gots {
+ g := gots[i]
+ w := wants[i]
+ if g.EventID != w.EventID() {
+ t.Errorf("%s event[%d] event_id mismatch: got %s want %s", msg, i, g.EventID, w.EventID())
+ }
+ if g.Sender != w.Sender() {
+ t.Errorf("%s event[%d] sender mismatch: got %s want %s", msg, i, g.Sender, w.Sender())
+ }
+ if checkRoomID && g.RoomID != w.RoomID() {
+ t.Errorf("%s event[%d] room_id mismatch: got %s want %s", msg, i, g.RoomID, w.RoomID())
+ }
+ if g.Type != w.Type() {
+ t.Errorf("%s event[%d] event type mismatch: got %s want %s", msg, i, g.Type, w.Type())
+ }
+ if g.OriginServerTS != w.OriginServerTS() {
+ t.Errorf("%s event[%d] origin_server_ts mismatch: got %v want %v", msg, i, g.OriginServerTS, w.OriginServerTS())
+ }
+ if string(g.Content) != string(w.Content()) {
+ t.Errorf("%s event[%d] content mismatch: got %s want %s", msg, i, string(g.Content), string(w.Content()))
+ }
+ if string(g.Unsigned) != string(w.Unsigned()) {
+ t.Errorf("%s event[%d] unsigned mismatch: got %s want %s", msg, i, string(g.Unsigned), string(w.Unsigned()))
+ }
+ if (g.StateKey == nil && w.StateKey() != nil) || (g.StateKey != nil && w.StateKey() == nil) {
+ t.Fatalf("%s event[%d] state_key [not] missing: got %v want %v", msg, i, g.StateKey, w.StateKey())
+ }
+ if g.StateKey != nil {
+ if !w.StateKeyEquals(*g.StateKey) {
+ t.Errorf("%s event[%d] state_key mismatch: got %s want %s", msg, i, *g.StateKey, *w.StateKey())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func reversed(in []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent) []gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent {
+ out := make([]gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, len(in))
+ for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ {
+ out[i] = in[len(in)-i-1]
+ }
+ return out