path: root/clientapi
diff options
authorTill <2353100+S7evinK@users.noreply.github.com>2023-04-03 21:42:46 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-04-03 21:42:46 +0200
commit682a7d0a66ce0dfd34cff2899daa6f16fdc7ebae (patch)
tree26329d399bb799aa6843521e65331167cf3e60ba /clientapi
parent560ba4627272b1ce5afc1f382871dd1967c836bc (diff)
Add tests for `/turnServer`, `/capabilities` and `/3pid/` (#3038)
Threepid seems to be pretty out of date, several missing endpoints. Should also fix #3037, where we were still listening on the `/unstable` prefix, while Element Web uses `/r0`
Diffstat (limited to 'clientapi')
6 files changed, 401 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/clientapi/auth/authtypes/threepid.go b/clientapi/auth/authtypes/threepid.go
index 60d77dc6..ebafbe6a 100644
--- a/clientapi/auth/authtypes/threepid.go
+++ b/clientapi/auth/authtypes/threepid.go
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ package authtypes
// ThreePID represents a third-party identifier
type ThreePID struct {
- Address string `json:"address"`
- Medium string `json:"medium"`
+ Address string `json:"address"`
+ Medium string `json:"medium"`
+ AddedAt int64 `json:"added_at"`
+ ValidatedAt int64 `json:"validated_at"`
diff --git a/clientapi/clientapi_test.go b/clientapi/clientapi_test.go
index 9ee827a8..76295ba5 100644
--- a/clientapi/clientapi_test.go
+++ b/clientapi/clientapi_test.go
@@ -12,18 +12,24 @@ import (
+ "github.com/matrix-org/gomatrix"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/clientapi/routing"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/clientapi/threepid"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/roomserver/version"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/setup/config"
@@ -893,3 +899,339 @@ func TestMembership(t *testing.T) {
+func TestCapabilities(t *testing.T) {
+ alice := test.NewUser(t)
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ // construct the expected result
+ versionsMap := map[gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion]string{}
+ for v, desc := range version.SupportedRoomVersions() {
+ if desc.Stable {
+ versionsMap[v] = "stable"
+ } else {
+ versionsMap[v] = "unstable"
+ }
+ }
+ expectedMap := map[string]interface{}{
+ "capabilities": map[string]interface{}{
+ "m.change_password": map[string]bool{
+ "enabled": true,
+ },
+ "m.room_versions": map[string]interface{}{
+ "default": version.DefaultRoomVersion(),
+ "available": versionsMap,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ expectedBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ err := json.NewEncoder(expectedBuf).Encode(expectedMap)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ test.WithAllDatabases(t, func(t *testing.T, dbType test.DBType) {
+ cfg, processCtx, close := testrig.CreateConfig(t, dbType)
+ cfg.ClientAPI.RateLimiting.Enabled = false
+ defer close()
+ natsInstance := jetstream.NATSInstance{}
+ routers := httputil.NewRouters()
+ cm := sqlutil.NewConnectionManager(processCtx, cfg.Global.DatabaseOptions)
+ // Needed to create accounts
+ rsAPI := roomserver.NewInternalAPI(processCtx, cfg, cm, &natsInstance, nil, caching.DisableMetrics)
+ userAPI := userapi.NewInternalAPI(processCtx, cfg, cm, &natsInstance, rsAPI, nil)
+ // We mostly need the rsAPI/userAPI for this test, so nil for other APIs etc.
+ AddPublicRoutes(processCtx, routers, cfg, &natsInstance, nil, rsAPI, nil, nil, nil, userAPI, nil, nil, caching.DisableMetrics)
+ // Create the users in the userapi and login
+ accessTokens := map[*test.User]userDevice{
+ alice: {},
+ }
+ createAccessTokens(t, accessTokens, userAPI, ctx, routers)
+ testCases := []struct {
+ name string
+ request *http.Request
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "can get capabilities",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/_matrix/client/v3/capabilities", strings.NewReader("")),
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ tc.request.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+accessTokens[alice].accessToken)
+ routers.Client.ServeHTTP(rec, tc.request)
+ assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, rec.Code)
+ assert.ObjectsAreEqual(expectedBuf.Bytes(), rec.Body.Bytes())
+ })
+ }
+ })
+func TestTurnserver(t *testing.T) {
+ alice := test.NewUser(t)
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ cfg, processCtx, close := testrig.CreateConfig(t, test.DBTypeSQLite)
+ cfg.ClientAPI.RateLimiting.Enabled = false
+ defer close()
+ natsInstance := jetstream.NATSInstance{}
+ routers := httputil.NewRouters()
+ cm := sqlutil.NewConnectionManager(processCtx, cfg.Global.DatabaseOptions)
+ // Needed to create accounts
+ rsAPI := roomserver.NewInternalAPI(processCtx, cfg, cm, &natsInstance, nil, caching.DisableMetrics)
+ userAPI := userapi.NewInternalAPI(processCtx, cfg, cm, &natsInstance, rsAPI, nil)
+ //rsAPI.SetUserAPI(userAPI)
+ // We mostly need the rsAPI/userAPI for this test, so nil for other APIs etc.
+ AddPublicRoutes(processCtx, routers, cfg, &natsInstance, nil, rsAPI, nil, nil, nil, userAPI, nil, nil, caching.DisableMetrics)
+ // Create the users in the userapi and login
+ accessTokens := map[*test.User]userDevice{
+ alice: {},
+ }
+ createAccessTokens(t, accessTokens, userAPI, ctx, routers)
+ testCases := []struct {
+ name string
+ turnConfig config.TURN
+ wantEmptyResponse bool
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "no turn server configured",
+ wantEmptyResponse: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "servers configured but not userLifeTime",
+ wantEmptyResponse: true,
+ turnConfig: config.TURN{URIs: []string{""}},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "missing sharedSecret/username/password",
+ wantEmptyResponse: true,
+ turnConfig: config.TURN{URIs: []string{""}, UserLifetime: "1m"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "with shared secret",
+ turnConfig: config.TURN{URIs: []string{""}, UserLifetime: "1m", SharedSecret: "iAmSecret"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "with username/password secret",
+ turnConfig: config.TURN{URIs: []string{""}, UserLifetime: "1m", Username: "username", Password: "iAmSecret"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "only username set",
+ turnConfig: config.TURN{URIs: []string{""}, UserLifetime: "1m", Username: "username"},
+ wantEmptyResponse: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "only password set",
+ turnConfig: config.TURN{URIs: []string{""}, UserLifetime: "1m", Username: "username"},
+ wantEmptyResponse: true,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/_matrix/client/v3/voip/turnServer", strings.NewReader(""))
+ req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+accessTokens[alice].accessToken)
+ cfg.ClientAPI.TURN = tc.turnConfig
+ routers.Client.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
+ assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, rec.Code)
+ if tc.wantEmptyResponse && rec.Body.String() != "{}" {
+ t.Fatalf("expected an empty response, but got %s", rec.Body.String())
+ }
+ if !tc.wantEmptyResponse {
+ assert.NotEqual(t, "{}", rec.Body.String())
+ resp := gomatrix.RespTurnServer{}
+ err := json.NewDecoder(rec.Body).Decode(&resp)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(tc.turnConfig.UserLifetime)
+ assert.Equal(t, tc.turnConfig.URIs, resp.URIs)
+ assert.Equal(t, int(duration.Seconds()), resp.TTL)
+ if tc.turnConfig.Username != "" && tc.turnConfig.Password != "" {
+ assert.Equal(t, tc.turnConfig.Username, resp.Username)
+ assert.Equal(t, tc.turnConfig.Password, resp.Password)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func Test3PID(t *testing.T) {
+ alice := test.NewUser(t)
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ test.WithAllDatabases(t, func(t *testing.T, dbType test.DBType) {
+ cfg, processCtx, close := testrig.CreateConfig(t, dbType)
+ cfg.ClientAPI.RateLimiting.Enabled = false
+ cfg.FederationAPI.DisableTLSValidation = true // needed to be able to connect to our identityServer below
+ defer close()
+ natsInstance := jetstream.NATSInstance{}
+ routers := httputil.NewRouters()
+ cm := sqlutil.NewConnectionManager(processCtx, cfg.Global.DatabaseOptions)
+ // Needed to create accounts
+ rsAPI := roomserver.NewInternalAPI(processCtx, cfg, cm, &natsInstance, nil, caching.DisableMetrics)
+ userAPI := userapi.NewInternalAPI(processCtx, cfg, cm, &natsInstance, rsAPI, nil)
+ // We mostly need the rsAPI/userAPI for this test, so nil for other APIs etc.
+ AddPublicRoutes(processCtx, routers, cfg, &natsInstance, nil, rsAPI, nil, nil, nil, userAPI, nil, nil, caching.DisableMetrics)
+ // Create the users in the userapi and login
+ accessTokens := map[*test.User]userDevice{
+ alice: {},
+ }
+ createAccessTokens(t, accessTokens, userAPI, ctx, routers)
+ identityServer := httptest.NewTLSServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ switch {
+ case strings.Contains(r.URL.String(), "getValidated3pid"):
+ resp := threepid.GetValidatedResponse{}
+ switch r.URL.Query().Get("client_secret") {
+ case "fail":
+ case "fail2":
+ resp.ErrCode = "some other error"
+ case "fail3":
+ _, _ = w.Write([]byte("{invalidJson"))
+ return
+ case "success":
+ resp.Medium = "email"
+ case "success2":
+ resp.Medium = "email"
+ resp.Address = "somerandom@address.com"
+ }
+ _ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resp)
+ case strings.Contains(r.URL.String(), "requestToken"):
+ resp := threepid.SID{SID: "randomSID"}
+ _ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resp)
+ }
+ }))
+ defer identityServer.Close()
+ identityServerBase := strings.TrimPrefix(identityServer.URL, "https://")
+ testCases := []struct {
+ name string
+ request *http.Request
+ wantOK bool
+ setTrustedServer bool
+ wantLen3PIDs int
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "can get associated threepid info",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader("")),
+ wantOK: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can not set threepid info with invalid JSON",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader("")),
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can not set threepid info with untrusted server",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader("{}")),
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can check threepid info with trusted server, but unverified",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`{"three_pid_creds":{"id_server":"%s","client_secret":"fail"}}`, identityServerBase))),
+ setTrustedServer: true,
+ wantOK: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can check threepid info with trusted server, but fails for some other reason",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`{"three_pid_creds":{"id_server":"%s","client_secret":"fail2"}}`, identityServerBase))),
+ setTrustedServer: true,
+ wantOK: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can check threepid info with trusted server, but fails because of invalid json",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`{"three_pid_creds":{"id_server":"%s","client_secret":"fail3"}}`, identityServerBase))),
+ setTrustedServer: true,
+ wantOK: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can save threepid info with trusted server",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`{"three_pid_creds":{"id_server":"%s","client_secret":"success"}}`, identityServerBase))),
+ setTrustedServer: true,
+ wantOK: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can save threepid info with trusted server using bind=true",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`{"three_pid_creds":{"id_server":"%s","client_secret":"success2"},"bind":true}`, identityServerBase))),
+ setTrustedServer: true,
+ wantOK: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can get associated threepid info again",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader("")),
+ wantOK: true,
+ wantLen3PIDs: 2,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can delete associated threepid info",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid/delete", strings.NewReader(`{"medium":"email","address":"somerandom@address.com"}`)),
+ wantOK: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can get associated threepid after deleting association",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid", strings.NewReader("")),
+ wantOK: true,
+ wantLen3PIDs: 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can not request emailToken with invalid request body",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid/email/requestToken", strings.NewReader("")),
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can not request emailToken for in use address",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid/email/requestToken", strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`{"client_secret":"somesecret","email":"","send_attempt":1,"id_server":"%s"}`, identityServerBase))),
+ },
+ {
+ name: "can request emailToken",
+ request: httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/_matrix/client/v3/account/3pid/email/requestToken", strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`{"client_secret":"somesecret","email":"somerandom@address.com","send_attempt":1,"id_server":"%s"}`, identityServerBase))),
+ wantOK: true,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ if tc.setTrustedServer {
+ cfg.Global.TrustedIDServers = []string{identityServerBase}
+ }
+ rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ tc.request.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+accessTokens[alice].accessToken)
+ routers.Client.ServeHTTP(rec, tc.request)
+ t.Logf("Response: %s", rec.Body.String())
+ if tc.wantOK && rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
+ t.Fatalf("expected HTTP 200, got %d: %s", rec.Code, rec.Body.String())
+ }
+ if !tc.wantOK && rec.Code == http.StatusOK {
+ t.Fatalf("expected request to fail, but didn't: %s", rec.Body.String())
+ }
+ if tc.wantLen3PIDs > 0 {
+ var resp routing.ThreePIDsResponse
+ if err := json.NewDecoder(rec.Body).Decode(&resp); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if len(resp.ThreePIDs) != tc.wantLen3PIDs {
+ t.Fatalf("expected %d threepids, got %d", tc.wantLen3PIDs, len(resp.ThreePIDs))
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/clientapi/routing/capabilities.go b/clientapi/routing/capabilities.go
index b7d47e91..e6c1a9b8 100644
--- a/clientapi/routing/capabilities.go
+++ b/clientapi/routing/capabilities.go
@@ -17,26 +17,21 @@ package routing
import (
- "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/clientapi/jsonerror"
- roomserverAPI "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/roomserver/api"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/roomserver/version"
+ "github.com/matrix-org/gomatrixserverlib"
// GetCapabilities returns information about the server's supported feature set
// and other relevant capabilities to an authenticated user.
-func GetCapabilities(
- req *http.Request, rsAPI roomserverAPI.ClientRoomserverAPI,
-) util.JSONResponse {
- roomVersionsQueryReq := roomserverAPI.QueryRoomVersionCapabilitiesRequest{}
- roomVersionsQueryRes := roomserverAPI.QueryRoomVersionCapabilitiesResponse{}
- if err := rsAPI.QueryRoomVersionCapabilities(
- req.Context(),
- &roomVersionsQueryReq,
- &roomVersionsQueryRes,
- ); err != nil {
- util.GetLogger(req.Context()).WithError(err).Error("queryAPI.QueryRoomVersionCapabilities failed")
- return jsonerror.InternalServerError()
+func GetCapabilities() util.JSONResponse {
+ versionsMap := map[gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion]string{}
+ for v, desc := range version.SupportedRoomVersions() {
+ if desc.Stable {
+ versionsMap[v] = "stable"
+ } else {
+ versionsMap[v] = "unstable"
+ }
response := map[string]interface{}{
@@ -44,7 +39,10 @@ func GetCapabilities(
"m.change_password": map[string]bool{
"enabled": true,
- "m.room_versions": roomVersionsQueryRes,
+ "m.room_versions": map[string]interface{}{
+ "default": version.DefaultRoomVersion(),
+ "available": versionsMap,
+ },
diff --git a/clientapi/routing/routing.go b/clientapi/routing/routing.go
index 58bea4ac..246aa9e7 100644
--- a/clientapi/routing/routing.go
+++ b/clientapi/routing/routing.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/setup/base"
userapi "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/userapi/api"
@@ -849,6 +850,8 @@ func Setup(
// Browsers use the OPTIONS HTTP method to check if the CORS policy allows
// PUT requests, so we need to allow this method
+ threePIDClient := base.CreateClient(dendriteCfg, nil) // TODO: Move this somewhere else, e.g. pass in as parameter
httputil.MakeAuthAPI("account_3pid", userAPI, func(req *http.Request, device *userapi.Device) util.JSONResponse {
return GetAssociated3PIDs(req, userAPI, device)
@@ -857,11 +860,11 @@ func Setup(
httputil.MakeAuthAPI("account_3pid", userAPI, func(req *http.Request, device *userapi.Device) util.JSONResponse {
- return CheckAndSave3PIDAssociation(req, userAPI, device, cfg)
+ return CheckAndSave3PIDAssociation(req, userAPI, device, cfg, threePIDClient)
).Methods(http.MethodPost, http.MethodOptions)
- unstableMux.Handle("/account/3pid/delete",
+ v3mux.Handle("/account/3pid/delete",
httputil.MakeAuthAPI("account_3pid", userAPI, func(req *http.Request, device *userapi.Device) util.JSONResponse {
return Forget3PID(req, userAPI)
@@ -869,7 +872,7 @@ func Setup(
httputil.MakeExternalAPI("account_3pid_request_token", func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
- return RequestEmailToken(req, userAPI, cfg)
+ return RequestEmailToken(req, userAPI, cfg, threePIDClient)
).Methods(http.MethodPost, http.MethodOptions)
@@ -1182,7 +1185,7 @@ func Setup(
if r := rateLimits.Limit(req, device); r != nil {
return *r
- return GetCapabilities(req, rsAPI)
+ return GetCapabilities()
}, httputil.WithAllowGuests()),
).Methods(http.MethodGet, http.MethodOptions)
diff --git a/clientapi/routing/threepid.go b/clientapi/routing/threepid.go
index 971bfcad..8b3548c1 100644
--- a/clientapi/routing/threepid.go
+++ b/clientapi/routing/threepid.go
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ type reqTokenResponse struct {
SID string `json:"sid"`
-type threePIDsResponse struct {
+type ThreePIDsResponse struct {
ThreePIDs []authtypes.ThreePID `json:"threepids"`
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ type threePIDsResponse struct {
// POST /account/3pid/email/requestToken
// POST /register/email/requestToken
-func RequestEmailToken(req *http.Request, threePIDAPI api.ClientUserAPI, cfg *config.ClientAPI) util.JSONResponse {
+func RequestEmailToken(req *http.Request, threePIDAPI api.ClientUserAPI, cfg *config.ClientAPI, client *gomatrixserverlib.Client) util.JSONResponse {
var body threepid.EmailAssociationRequest
if reqErr := httputil.UnmarshalJSONRequest(req, &body); reqErr != nil {
return *reqErr
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func RequestEmailToken(req *http.Request, threePIDAPI api.ClientUserAPI, cfg *co
- resp.SID, err = threepid.CreateSession(req.Context(), body, cfg)
+ resp.SID, err = threepid.CreateSession(req.Context(), body, cfg, client)
if err == threepid.ErrNotTrusted {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func RequestEmailToken(req *http.Request, threePIDAPI api.ClientUserAPI, cfg *co
// CheckAndSave3PIDAssociation implements POST /account/3pid
func CheckAndSave3PIDAssociation(
req *http.Request, threePIDAPI api.ClientUserAPI, device *api.Device,
- cfg *config.ClientAPI,
+ cfg *config.ClientAPI, client *gomatrixserverlib.Client,
) util.JSONResponse {
var body threepid.EmailAssociationCheckRequest
if reqErr := httputil.UnmarshalJSONRequest(req, &body); reqErr != nil {
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func CheckAndSave3PIDAssociation(
// Check if the association has been validated
- verified, address, medium, err := threepid.CheckAssociation(req.Context(), body.Creds, cfg)
+ verified, address, medium, err := threepid.CheckAssociation(req.Context(), body.Creds, cfg, client)
if err == threepid.ErrNotTrusted {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
@@ -123,13 +123,8 @@ func CheckAndSave3PIDAssociation(
if body.Bind {
// Publish the association on the identity server if requested
- err = threepid.PublishAssociation(body.Creds, device.UserID, cfg)
- if err == threepid.ErrNotTrusted {
- return util.JSONResponse{
- Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
- JSON: jsonerror.NotTrusted(body.Creds.IDServer),
- }
- } else if err != nil {
+ err = threepid.PublishAssociation(req.Context(), body.Creds, device.UserID, cfg, client)
+ if err != nil {
util.GetLogger(req.Context()).WithError(err).Error("threepid.PublishAssociation failed")
return jsonerror.InternalServerError()
@@ -180,7 +175,7 @@ func GetAssociated3PIDs(
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusOK,
- JSON: threePIDsResponse{res.ThreePIDs},
+ JSON: ThreePIDsResponse{res.ThreePIDs},
@@ -191,7 +186,10 @@ func Forget3PID(req *http.Request, threepidAPI api.ClientUserAPI) util.JSONRespo
return *reqErr
- if err := threepidAPI.PerformForgetThreePID(req.Context(), &api.PerformForgetThreePIDRequest{}, &struct{}{}); err != nil {
+ if err := threepidAPI.PerformForgetThreePID(req.Context(), &api.PerformForgetThreePIDRequest{
+ ThreePID: body.Address,
+ Medium: body.Medium,
+ }, &struct{}{}); err != nil {
util.GetLogger(req.Context()).WithError(err).Error("threepidAPI.PerformForgetThreePID failed")
return jsonerror.InternalServerError()
diff --git a/clientapi/threepid/threepid.go b/clientapi/threepid/threepid.go
index 1e64e303..ac4dc381 100644
--- a/clientapi/threepid/threepid.go
+++ b/clientapi/threepid/threepid.go
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/matrix-org/gomatrixserverlib"
// EmailAssociationRequest represents the request defined at https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.2.0.html#post-matrix-client-r0-register-email-requesttoken
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ type EmailAssociationRequest struct {
// EmailAssociationCheckRequest represents the request defined at https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.2.0.html#post-matrix-client-r0-account-3pid
type EmailAssociationCheckRequest struct {
- Creds Credentials `json:"threePidCreds"`
+ Creds Credentials `json:"three_pid_creds"`
Bind bool `json:"bind"`
@@ -48,12 +49,16 @@ type Credentials struct {
Secret string `json:"client_secret"`
+type SID struct {
+ SID string `json:"sid"`
// CreateSession creates a session on an identity server.
// Returns the session's ID.
// Returns an error if there was a problem sending the request or decoding the
// response, or if the identity server responded with a non-OK status.
func CreateSession(
- ctx context.Context, req EmailAssociationRequest, cfg *config.ClientAPI,
+ ctx context.Context, req EmailAssociationRequest, cfg *config.ClientAPI, client *gomatrixserverlib.Client,
) (string, error) {
if err := isTrusted(req.IDServer, cfg); err != nil {
return "", err
@@ -73,8 +78,7 @@ func CreateSession(
request.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
- client := http.Client{}
- resp, err := client.Do(request.WithContext(ctx))
+ resp, err := client.DoHTTPRequest(ctx, request)
if err != nil {
return "", err
@@ -85,14 +89,20 @@ func CreateSession(
// Extract the SID from the response and return it
- var sid struct {
- SID string `json:"sid"`
- }
+ var sid SID
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&sid)
return sid.SID, err
+type GetValidatedResponse struct {
+ Medium string `json:"medium"`
+ ValidatedAt int64 `json:"validated_at"`
+ Address string `json:"address"`
+ ErrCode string `json:"errcode"`
+ Error string `json:"error"`
// CheckAssociation checks the status of an ongoing association validation on an
// identity server.
// Returns a boolean set to true if the association has been validated, false if not.
@@ -102,6 +112,7 @@ func CreateSession(
// response, or if the identity server responded with a non-OK status.
func CheckAssociation(
ctx context.Context, creds Credentials, cfg *config.ClientAPI,
+ client *gomatrixserverlib.Client,
) (bool, string, string, error) {
if err := isTrusted(creds.IDServer, cfg); err != nil {
return false, "", "", err
@@ -112,19 +123,12 @@ func CheckAssociation(
if err != nil {
return false, "", "", err
- resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req.WithContext(ctx))
+ resp, err := client.DoHTTPRequest(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return false, "", "", err
- var respBody struct {
- Medium string `json:"medium"`
- ValidatedAt int64 `json:"validated_at"`
- Address string `json:"address"`
- ErrCode string `json:"errcode"`
- Error string `json:"error"`
- }
+ var respBody GetValidatedResponse
if err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&respBody); err != nil {
return false, "", "", err
@@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ func CheckAssociation(
// identifier and a Matrix ID.
// Returns an error if there was a problem sending the request or decoding the
// response, or if the identity server responded with a non-OK status.
-func PublishAssociation(creds Credentials, userID string, cfg *config.ClientAPI) error {
+func PublishAssociation(ctx context.Context, creds Credentials, userID string, cfg *config.ClientAPI, client *gomatrixserverlib.Client) error {
if err := isTrusted(creds.IDServer, cfg); err != nil {
return err
@@ -160,8 +164,7 @@ func PublishAssociation(creds Credentials, userID string, cfg *config.ClientAPI)
request.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
- client := http.Client{}
- resp, err := client.Do(request)
+ resp, err := client.DoHTTPRequest(ctx, request)
if err != nil {
return err