path: root/doc/build-freebsd.md
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-04-24doc: suggest only necessary Qt packages for installation on FreeBSDVasil Dimov
The previously suggested `qt5` package is a meta package that does not install anything itself but depends on a bunch of others and is used as a convenience to install "everything" Qt5 related: 270 packages / 3 GiB. We only need a subset of those which amounts to 79 packages / 381 MiB, so suggest just that. For comparison: ``` pkg install qt5 Updating local repository catalogue... local repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) The following 270 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: Imath: 3.1.11 abseil: 20230125.3 alsa-lib: 1.2.11 alsa-plugins: aom: 3.8.2 assimp: 5.4.0 avahi-app: 0.8_2 brotli: 1.1.0,1 consolekit2: 1.2.6_3 cups: 2.4.7_2 curl: 8.7.1 cyrus-sasl: 2.1.28_4 dav1d: 1.4.1 dbus: 1.14.10_5,1 dbus-glib: 0.112_1 dejavu: 2.37_3 dotconf: 1.3_1 double-conversion: 3.3.0 duktape-lib: 2.7.0 encodings: 1.1.0,1 espeak-ng: 1.51.1_5 expat: 2.6.2 ffmpeg: 6.1.1_5,1 fftw3: 3.3.10_5 fftw3-float: 3.3.10_5 flac: 1.4.3_1,1 font-bh-ttf: 1.0.3_5 font-misc-ethiopic: 1.0.4 font-misc-meltho: 1.0.3_5 fontconfig: 2.15.0_2,1 freetds: 1.4.12,1 freetype2: 2.13.2 fribidi: 1.0.13_1 gdbm: 1.23 gdk-pixbuf2: 2.42.10_2 gettext-runtime: 0.22.5 giflib: 5.2.1_1 glib: 2.80.0,2 gmp: 6.3.0 gnome_subr: 1.0 gnutls: 3.8.5_1 graphite2: 1.3.14 groff: 1.23.0_3 gstreamer1: 1.22.10 gstreamer1-plugins: 1.22.10_1 gstreamer1-plugins-bad: 1.22.10_2 harfbuzz: 8.4.0 hicolor-icon-theme: 0.17 hidapi: 0.14.0 highway: 1.1.0 hunspell: 1.7.2_1 icu: 74.2_1,1 indexinfo: 0.3.1 iso-codes: 4.15.0 jasper: 4.2.3 jbigkit: 2.1_2 jpeg-turbo: 3.0.2 jsoncpp: 1.9.5 lame: 3.100_5 lcms2: 2.16_1 libICE: 1.1.0_2,1 libSM: 1.2.3_1,1 libX11: 1.8.9,1 libXScrnSaver: 1.2.4_1 libXau: 1.0.9_1 libXcomposite: 0.4.6_1,1 libXcursor: 1.2.2 libXdamage: 1.1.6 libXdmcp: 1.1.5 libXext: 1.3.6,1 libXfixes: 6.0.0_1 libXi: 1.8_1,1 libXmu: 1.1.4,1 libXrandr: 1.5.2_1 libXrender: 0.9.10_2 libXt: 1.3.0,1 libXtst: 1.2.3_3 libXv: 1.0.12_1,1 libass: 0.17.1_2 libcbor: 0.11.0 libcjson: 1.7.17 libdaemon: 0.14_1 libdeflate: 1.20 libdrm: 2.4.120_1,1 libedit: 3.1.20230828_1,1 libepoll-shim: 0.0.20230411 libevdev: 1.13.1 libevent: 2.1.12 libffi: 3.4.4_1 libfido2: 1.14.0 libfontenc: 1.1.8 libgcrypt: 1.10.3_1 libglvnd: 1.7.0 libgpg-error: 1.48 libgudev: 237 libiconv: 1.17_1 libidn2: 2.3.7 libinput: 1.25.0 libjxl: 0.10.2 libltdl: 2.4.7 liblz4: 1.9.4_1,1 libmng: 2.0.3_1 libmtdev: 1.1.6_1 libmysofa: 1.3.2 libnghttp2: 1.61.0 libnice: 0.1.21_2 libogg: 1.3.5,4 libpaper: 1.1.28_1 libpci: 3.12.0 libpciaccess: 0.18 libplacebo: 6.338.2 libpsl: 0.21.5 libsndfile: 1.2.2_1 libsoxr: 0.1.3_3 libssh2: 1.11.0_1,3 libtasn1: 4.19.0_1 libudev-devd: 0.5.2 libunibreak: 6.1,1 libunistring: 1.2 libunwind: 20240221 libv4l: 1.23.0_4 libva: 2.21.0 libvdpau: 1.5 libvorbis: 1.3.7_2,3 libvpx: 1.14.0 libwacom: 1.5_1 libx264: 0.164.3095 libxcb: 1.17.0 libxkbcommon: 1.6.0_2 libxkbfile: 1.1.3 libxml2: 2.11.7 libxslt: 1.1.37_1 llvm15: 15.0.7_10 lua53: 5.3.6_1 minizip: 1.2.11_1 mkfontscale: 1.2.3 mpdecimal: 4.0.0 mpg123: 1.32.5 mysql80-client: 8.0.35 nettle: 3.9.1 nspr: 4.35 nss: 3.99 openal-soft: 1.21.1_4 openexr: 3.2.4 openh264: 2.3.0,2 openldap26-client: 2.6.7 opus: 1.5.2 orc: 0.4.36 p11-kit: 0.25.3_2 pcaudiolib: 1.2_1 pciids: 20240331 pcre2: 10.43 perl5: 5.36.3_1 png: 1.6.43 polkit: 124_3 postgresql15-client: 15.6 psutils: 1.17_6 pulseaudio: 16.1_4 py39-evdev: 1.6.0 py39-packaging: 24.0 py39-pyudev: 0.22.0 py39-setuptools: 63.1.0_1 py39-six: 1.16.0 python39: 3.9.18_2 qt5: 5.15.13 qt5-3d: 5.15.13p0 qt5-assistant: 5.15.13p4 qt5-buildtools: 5.15.13p142 qt5-charts: 5.15.13p0 qt5-concurrent: 5.15.13p142 qt5-connectivity: 5.15.13p4 qt5-core: 5.15.13p142 qt5-datavis3d: 5.15.13p0 qt5-dbus: 5.15.13p142 qt5-declarative: 5.15.13p30 qt5-declarative-test: 5.15.13p30 qt5-designer: 5.15.13p4 qt5-doc: 5.12.2 qt5-examples: 5.15.13 qt5-gamepad: 5.15.13p0 qt5-graphicaleffects: 5.15.13p0 qt5-gui: 5.15.13p142 qt5-help: 5.15.13p4 qt5-imageformats: 5.15.13p7 qt5-l10n: 5.15.13p0 qt5-linguist: 5.15.13p4 qt5-linguisttools: 5.15.13p4 qt5-location: 5.15.13p6 qt5-multimedia: 5.15.13p2 qt5-network: 5.15.13p142 qt5-networkauth: 5.15.13p0 qt5-opengl: 5.15.13p142 qt5-pixeltool: 5.15.13p4 qt5-printsupport: 5.15.13p142 qt5-qdbus: 5.15.13p4 qt5-qdbusviewer: 5.15.13p4 qt5-qdoc: 5.15.13p4 qt5-qdoc-data: 5.15.13 qt5-qev: 5.15.13p4 qt5-qmake: 5.15.13p142 qt5-qtdiag: 5.15.13p4 qt5-qtpaths: 5.15.13p4 qt5-qtplugininfo: 5.15.13p4 qt5-quick3d: 5.15.13p1 qt5-quickcontrols: 5.15.13p0 qt5-quickcontrols2: 5.15.13p5 qt5-quicktimeline: 5.15.13p0 qt5-remoteobjects: 5.15.13p0 qt5-script: 5.15.16p0_2 qt5-scripttools: 5.15.16p0_1 qt5-scxml: 5.15.13p0 qt5-sensors: 5.15.13p0 qt5-serialbus: 5.15.13p0 qt5-serialport: 5.15.13p0 qt5-speech: 5.15.13p1 qt5-sql: 5.15.13p142 qt5-sqldrivers-mysql: 5.15.13p142 qt5-sqldrivers-odbc: 5.15.13p142 qt5-sqldrivers-pgsql: 5.15.13p142 qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite2: 5.15.13p142 qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3: 5.15.13p142 qt5-sqldrivers-tds: 5.15.13p142 qt5-svg: 5.15.13p6 qt5-testlib: 5.15.13p142 qt5-uiplugin: 5.15.13p4 qt5-uitools: 5.15.13p4 qt5-virtualkeyboard: 5.15.13p0 qt5-webchannel: 5.15.13p3 qt5-webengine: 5.15.16.p9 qt5-webglplugin: 5.15.13p0 qt5-websockets: 5.15.13p2 qt5-websockets-qml: 5.15.13p2 qt5-webview: 5.15.13p0 qt5-widgets: 5.15.13p142 qt5-x11extras: 5.15.13p0 qt5-xml: 5.15.13p142 qt5-xmlpatterns: 5.15.13p0 re2: 20240401 readline: 8.2.10 shaderc: 2024.0 shared-mime-info: 2.2_2 snappy: 1.2.0 speech-dispatcher: 0.11.2_4 speexdsp: 1.2.1 sqlite: 2.8.17_5 sqlite3: 3.45.1,1 svt-av1: 2.0.0 tiff: 4.4.0_3 uchardet: 0.0.8_1 unixODBC: 2.3.12_1 vmaf: 3.0.0 vulkan-headers: 1.3.283 vulkan-loader: 1.3.283 wayland: 1.22.0 webp: 1.4.0 webrtc-audio-processing0: 0.3.1_3 x265: 3.5_1 xcb-util: 0.4.1,1 xcb-util-image: 0.4.1 xcb-util-keysyms: 0.4.1 xcb-util-renderutil: 0.3.10 xcb-util-wm: 0.4.2 xdg-utils: 1.1.3_4 xkeyboard-config: 2.41_4 xorg-fonts-truetype: 7.7_1 xorgproto: 2023.2 xprop: 1.2.7 xset: 1.2.5_1 xxhash: 0.8.2_1 zstd: 1.5.6 Number of packages to be installed: 270 The process will require 3 GiB more space. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: ``` ``` pkg install qt5-buildtools qt5-core qt5-gui qt5-linguisttools qt5-testlib qt5-widgets Updating local repository catalogue... local repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) The following 79 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: brotli: 1.1.0,1 dbus: 1.14.10_5,1 dejavu: 2.37_3 double-conversion: 3.3.0 encodings: 1.1.0,1 expat: 2.6.2 font-bh-ttf: 1.0.3_5 font-misc-ethiopic: 1.0.4 font-misc-meltho: 1.0.3_5 fontconfig: 2.15.0_2,1 freetype2: 2.13.2 gettext-runtime: 0.22.5 glib: 2.80.0,2 graphite2: 1.3.14 harfbuzz: 8.4.0 hicolor-icon-theme: 0.17 icu: 74.2_1,1 indexinfo: 0.3.1 jpeg-turbo: 3.0.2 libICE: 1.1.0_2,1 libSM: 1.2.3_1,1 libX11: 1.8.9,1 libXau: 1.0.9_1 libXdmcp: 1.1.5 libXext: 1.3.6,1 libXfixes: 6.0.0_1 libXi: 1.8_1,1 libXmu: 1.1.4,1 libXrender: 0.9.10_2 libXt: 1.3.0,1 libepoll-shim: 0.0.20230411 libevdev: 1.13.1 libffi: 3.4.4_1 libfontenc: 1.1.8 libglvnd: 1.7.0 libgudev: 237 libiconv: 1.17_1 libinput: 1.25.0 liblz4: 1.9.4_1,1 libmtdev: 1.1.6_1 libudev-devd: 0.5.2 libwacom: 1.5_1 libxcb: 1.17.0 libxkbcommon: 1.6.0_2 libxml2: 2.11.7 mkfontscale: 1.2.3 mpdecimal: 4.0.0 pcre2: 10.43 png: 1.6.43 py39-evdev: 1.6.0 py39-packaging: 24.0 py39-pyudev: 0.22.0 py39-setuptools: 63.1.0_1 py39-six: 1.16.0 python39: 3.9.18_2 qt5-buildtools: 5.15.13p142 qt5-core: 5.15.13p142 qt5-dbus: 5.15.13p142 qt5-gui: 5.15.13p142 qt5-linguisttools: 5.15.13p4 qt5-network: 5.15.13p142 qt5-testlib: 5.15.13p142 qt5-widgets: 5.15.13p142 qt5-xml: 5.15.13p142 readline: 8.2.10 vulkan-headers: 1.3.283 wayland: 1.22.0 xcb-util: 0.4.1,1 xcb-util-image: 0.4.1 xcb-util-keysyms: 0.4.1 xcb-util-renderutil: 0.3.10 xcb-util-wm: 0.4.2 xdg-utils: 1.1.3_4 xkeyboard-config: 2.41_4 xorg-fonts-truetype: 7.7_1 xorgproto: 2023.2 xprop: 1.2.7 xset: 1.2.5_1 zstd: 1.5.6 Number of packages to be installed: 79 The process will require 381 MiB more space. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: ```
2023-02-16Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26773: doc: FreeBSD build doc updates to reflect ↵fanquake
removal of install_db4.sh c572eae9891476a2fab263b3aa82ed27c17a9225 update the freebsd build doc to reflect recent changes to DB4 install process (Murray Nesbitt) Pull request description: This PR introduces documentation changes needed to keep up with #26834. ACKs for top commit: fanquake: ACK c572eae9891476a2fab263b3aa82ed27c17a9225 - have not tested, but looks ok. Tree-SHA512: 42a79e7b45834916b1b738db524b51b9ff4fde8348ba66fc331ff6603532dd9fce73ea392eef97d31112326c6d60ec2c5c7c29e66aab33aaf846aab8aea1d1aa
2023-02-15update the freebsd build doc to reflect recent changes to DB4 install processMurray Nesbitt
2023-01-11doc: add databases/py-sqlite3 to FreeBSD test suite depsfanquake
2022-03-23doc: mention that BDB is for the legacy wallet in build-freebsd.mdfanquake
Re-order legacy and descriptor wallet section. Remove prelude that pointlessly reqpeats the same info. Cleanup configure examples.
2022-03-22doc: remove unneeded documentation on basic package management on FreeBSDjessebarton
This is in reference to #24618
2022-03-16doc: rework dependencies.mdfanquake
2021-05-14docs: improve make with parallel jobs description.Klement Tan
2020-12-10doc: Update for FreeBSD 12.2, add GUI Build InstructionsJarol Rodriguez
The current FreeBSD Build documentation is a little outdated and underwhelming. This PR updates the doc to be more informative. It also adds new instructions for building the GUI and adding support for descriptor wallets. on vasild's recommendation: it is ok to point the user to download db5 which has an active port package instead of building db4 from the provided script. Co-authored-by: Vasil Dimov <vd@freebsd.org>
2020-03-18doc: mention MAKE=gmake workaround when building on a BSDemu
Fixes: #14404
2019-11-18doc: remove OpenSSL from build instructions and licensing infofanquake
2019-02-15doc: update FreeBSD build guide for 12.0fanquake
2018-10-31FreeBSD: Document Python 3 requirement for 'gmake check'Murray Nesbitt
2018-10-28Various textual improvements in build docsMartin Erlandsson
2018-06-15Fix incorrect shell quoting in FreeBSD build instructions.murrayn
2018-06-02doc: split FreeBSD build instructions out of build-unix.mdsteverusso
docs: Linked to the 'Building on FreeBSD' section of the Unix guide where it lists BSD specific guides. Created a FreeBSD build guide (doc/build-freebsd.md). Added in warning about the version of 'gdb' installed by default. Removed the FreeBSD build instructions now that they have their own guide (doc/build-freebsd.md). Updated the sentence to refer to the BSD guides in the 'doc' directory for more specific BSD build instructions. Minor grammatical fix.