path: root/build-unix.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-01-25Explicitly state that make -f makfile.unix is the way to buildGavin Andresen
2010-11-25-- version 0.3.17 releasev0.3.17s_nakamoto
2010-08-29propset svn:eol-style natives_nakamoto
2010-08-09enable SSE2 in all builds to fix crypto++ SHA-256 on 64-bits_nakamoto
2010-07-30simplified makefile.unix, updated build-unix.txt instructions to include boos...s_nakamoto
2010-07-26bitcoind now compiles without wxWidgets or wxBases_nakamoto
2010-06-26build-unix.txt: updated a few version numberss_nakamoto
2010-06-24updated build-unix.txt instructions: sudo apt-get install libboost-all-devs_nakamoto
2010-06-23added instructions to build-unix.txt for building wxBase, which is needed to ...s_nakamoto
2010-06-22added new files to setup.nsi, updated version numberss_nakamoto
2010-02-21transaction filter tabs instead of view->show generated v0.2.5s_nakamoto
2010-02-17all builds are now with wxWidgets-2.9.0, we are now using UTF-8, v0.2.2s_nakamoto
2010-02-13updated build-unix.txts_nakamoto
2010-01-28now compiles on 64-bit Ubuntu Karmic with wxWidgets-2.9.0,s_nakamoto
2009-12-11retry IRC if name in use, s_nakamoto
2009-11-18bugfix Db::open/close and zombie sockets bugs fix double-close of socket handle,s_nakamoto
2009-11-13monitor ThreadSocketHandler and terminate and restart if hung, convert _begin...s_nakamoto
2009-11-05unix build merged in, bitmap resources from xpm instead of rc, better addr re...s_nakamoto