path: root/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py b/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py
index 4c7d5e65c5..9cc496d510 100755
--- a/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py
+++ b/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
"""Test behavior of headers messages to announce blocks.
@@ -86,11 +86,10 @@ e. Announce one more that doesn't connect.
Expect: disconnect.
from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase
+from test_framework.messages import CInv
from test_framework.mininode import (
- CInv,
- network_thread_start,
@@ -116,6 +115,7 @@ class BaseNode(P2PInterface):
self.block_announced = False
self.last_blockhash_announced = None
+ self.recent_headers_announced = []
def send_get_data(self, block_hashes):
"""Request data for a list of block hashes."""
@@ -163,40 +163,45 @@ class BaseNode(P2PInterface):
def on_headers(self, message):
if len(message.headers):
self.block_announced = True
- message.headers[-1].calc_sha256()
+ for x in message.headers:
+ x.calc_sha256()
+ # append because headers may be announced over multiple messages.
+ self.recent_headers_announced.append(x.sha256)
self.last_blockhash_announced = message.headers[-1].sha256
- def clear_last_announcement(self):
+ def clear_block_announcements(self):
with mininode_lock:
self.block_announced = False
self.last_message.pop("inv", None)
self.last_message.pop("headers", None)
+ self.recent_headers_announced = []
- def check_last_announcement(self, headers=None, inv=None):
- """Test whether the last announcement received had the right header or the right inv.
- inv and headers should be lists of block hashes."""
+ def check_last_headers_announcement(self, headers):
+ """Test whether the last headers announcements received are right.
+ Headers may be announced across more than one message."""
+ test_function = lambda: (len(self.recent_headers_announced) >= len(headers))
+ wait_until(test_function, timeout=60, lock=mininode_lock)
+ with mininode_lock:
+ assert_equal(self.recent_headers_announced, headers)
+ self.block_announced = False
+ self.last_message.pop("headers", None)
+ self.recent_headers_announced = []
+ def check_last_inv_announcement(self, inv):
+ """Test whether the last announcement received had the right inv.
+ inv should be a list of block hashes."""
test_function = lambda: self.block_announced
wait_until(test_function, timeout=60, lock=mininode_lock)
with mininode_lock:
- self.block_announced = False
compare_inv = []
if "inv" in self.last_message:
compare_inv = [x.hash for x in self.last_message["inv"].inv]
- if inv is not None:
- assert_equal(compare_inv, inv)
- compare_headers = []
- if "headers" in self.last_message:
- compare_headers = [x.sha256 for x in self.last_message["headers"].headers]
- if headers is not None:
- assert_equal(compare_headers, headers)
+ assert_equal(compare_inv, inv)
+ self.block_announced = False
self.last_message.pop("inv", None)
- self.last_message.pop("headers", None)
class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
def set_test_params(self):
@@ -206,8 +211,8 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
def mine_blocks(self, count):
"""Mine count blocks and return the new tip."""
- # Clear out last block announcement from each p2p listener
- [x.clear_last_announcement() for x in self.nodes[0].p2ps]
+ # Clear out block announcements from each p2p listener
+ [x.clear_block_announcements() for x in self.nodes[0].p2ps]
return int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16)
@@ -222,7 +227,7 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
sync_blocks(self.nodes, wait=0.1)
for x in self.nodes[0].p2ps:
x.wait_for_block_announcement(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16))
- x.clear_last_announcement()
+ x.clear_block_announcements()
tip_height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
hash_to_invalidate = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(tip_height - (length - 1))
@@ -232,18 +237,12 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
return [int(x, 16) for x in all_hashes]
def run_test(self):
- # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread.
+ # Setup the p2p connections
inv_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(BaseNode())
# Make sure NODE_NETWORK is not set for test_node, so no block download
# will occur outside of direct fetching
test_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(BaseNode(), services=NODE_WITNESS)
- network_thread_start()
- # Test logic begins here
- inv_node.wait_for_verack()
- test_node.wait_for_verack()
# Ensure verack's have been processed by our peer
@@ -255,25 +254,25 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
tip = self.nodes[0].getblockheader(self.nodes[0].generate(1)[0])
tip_hash = int(tip["hash"], 16)
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip_hash], headers=[])
- test_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip_hash], headers=[])
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip_hash])
+ test_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip_hash])
self.log.info("Verify getheaders with null locator and valid hashstop returns headers.")
- test_node.clear_last_announcement()
+ test_node.clear_block_announcements()
test_node.send_get_headers(locator=[], hashstop=tip_hash)
- test_node.check_last_announcement(headers=[tip_hash])
+ test_node.check_last_headers_announcement(headers=[tip_hash])
self.log.info("Verify getheaders with null locator and invalid hashstop does not return headers.")
block = create_block(int(tip["hash"], 16), create_coinbase(tip["height"] + 1), tip["mediantime"] + 1)
- test_node.clear_last_announcement()
+ test_node.clear_block_announcements()
test_node.send_get_headers(locator=[], hashstop=int(block.hash, 16))
assert_equal(test_node.block_announced, False)
- inv_node.clear_last_announcement()
+ inv_node.clear_block_announcements()
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[int(block.hash, 16)], headers=[])
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[int(block.hash, 16)])
def test_nonnull_locators(self, test_node, inv_node):
tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16)
@@ -282,10 +281,11 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# 1. Mine a block; expect inv announcements each time
self.log.info("Part 1: headers don't start before sendheaders message...")
for i in range(4):
+ self.log.debug("Part 1.{}: starting...".format(i))
old_tip = tip
tip = self.mine_blocks(1)
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
- test_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
+ test_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
# Try a few different responses; none should affect next announcement
if i == 0:
# first request the block
@@ -296,9 +296,10 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
test_node.send_get_headers(locator=[old_tip], hashstop=tip)
- test_node.clear_last_announcement() # since we requested headers...
+ test_node.clear_block_announcements() # since we requested headers...
elif i == 2:
# this time announce own block via headers
+ inv_node.clear_block_announcements()
height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
last_time = self.nodes[0].getblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['time']
block_time = last_time + 1
@@ -308,8 +309,9 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
test_node.sync_with_ping() # make sure this block is processed
- inv_node.clear_last_announcement()
- test_node.clear_last_announcement()
+ wait_until(lambda: inv_node.block_announced, timeout=60, lock=mininode_lock)
+ inv_node.clear_block_announcements()
+ test_node.clear_block_announcements()
self.log.info("Part 1: success!")
self.log.info("Part 2: announce blocks with headers after sendheaders message...")
@@ -323,17 +325,19 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# Now that we've synced headers, headers announcements should work
tip = self.mine_blocks(1)
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
- test_node.check_last_announcement(headers=[tip])
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
+ test_node.check_last_headers_announcement(headers=[tip])
height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1
block_time += 10 # Advance far enough ahead
for i in range(10):
+ self.log.debug("Part 2.{}: starting...".format(i))
# Mine i blocks, and alternate announcing either via
# inv (of tip) or via headers. After each, new blocks
# mined by the node should successfully be announced
# with block header, even though the blocks are never requested
for j in range(2):
+ self.log.debug("Part 2.{}.{}: starting...".format(i, j))
blocks = []
for b in range(i + 1):
blocks.append(create_block(tip, create_coinbase(height), block_time))
@@ -368,8 +372,8 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
assert "inv" not in inv_node.last_message
assert "headers" not in inv_node.last_message
tip = self.mine_blocks(1)
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
- test_node.check_last_announcement(headers=[tip])
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
+ test_node.check_last_headers_announcement(headers=[tip])
height += 1
block_time += 1
@@ -380,19 +384,20 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# PART 3. Headers announcements can stop after large reorg, and resume after
# getheaders or inv from peer.
for j in range(2):
+ self.log.debug("Part 3.{}: starting...".format(j))
# First try mining a reorg that can propagate with header announcement
new_block_hashes = self.mine_reorg(length=7)
tip = new_block_hashes[-1]
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
- test_node.check_last_announcement(headers=new_block_hashes)
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
+ test_node.check_last_headers_announcement(headers=new_block_hashes)
block_time += 8
# Mine a too-large reorg, which should be announced with a single inv
new_block_hashes = self.mine_reorg(length=8)
tip = new_block_hashes[-1]
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
- test_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
+ test_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
block_time += 9
@@ -401,28 +406,33 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# Use getblocks/getdata
- test_node.check_last_announcement(inv=new_block_hashes, headers=[])
+ test_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=new_block_hashes)
for i in range(3):
+ self.log.debug("Part 3.{}.{}: starting...".format(j, i))
# Mine another block, still should get only an inv
tip = self.mine_blocks(1)
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
- test_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
+ test_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
if i == 0:
- self.log.debug("Just get the data -- shouldn't cause headers announcements to resume")
+ # Just get the data -- shouldn't cause headers announcements to resume
elif i == 1:
- self.log.debug("Send a getheaders message that shouldn't trigger headers announcements to resume (best header sent will be too old)")
+ # Send a getheaders message that shouldn't trigger headers announcements
+ # to resume (best header sent will be too old)
test_node.send_get_headers(locator=[fork_point], hashstop=new_block_hashes[1])
elif i == 2:
+ # This time, try sending either a getheaders to trigger resumption
+ # of headers announcements, or mine a new block and inv it, also
+ # triggering resumption of headers announcements.
- self.log.debug("This time, try sending either a getheaders to trigger resumption of headers announcements, or mine a new block and inv it, also triggering resumption of headers announcements.")
if j == 0:
test_node.send_get_headers(locator=[tip], hashstop=0)
@@ -431,8 +441,8 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# New blocks should now be announced with header
tip = self.mine_blocks(1)
- inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip], headers=[])
- test_node.check_last_announcement(headers=[tip])
+ inv_node.check_last_inv_announcement(inv=[tip])
+ test_node.check_last_headers_announcement(headers=[tip])
self.log.info("Part 3: success!")
@@ -526,6 +536,7 @@ class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# First we test that receipt of an unconnecting header doesn't prevent
# chain sync.
for i in range(10):
+ self.log.debug("Part 5.{}: starting...".format(i))
test_node.last_message.pop("getdata", None)
blocks = []
# Create two more blocks.