path: root/src/wallet/spend.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/wallet/spend.cpp')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/wallet/spend.cpp b/src/wallet/spend.cpp
index 374d361976..af56ce06d2 100644
--- a/src/wallet/spend.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/spend.cpp
@@ -580,6 +580,12 @@ bool CWallet::CreateTransactionInternal(
+ CMutableTransaction txNew; // The resulting transaction that we make
+ txNew.nLockTime = GetLocktimeForNewTransaction(chain(), GetLastBlockHash(), GetLastBlockHeight());
+ CoinSelectionParams coin_selection_params; // Parameters for coin selection, init with dummy
+ coin_selection_params.m_avoid_partial_spends = coin_control.m_avoid_partial_spends;
CAmount recipients_sum = 0;
const OutputType change_type = TransactionChangeType(coin_control.m_change_type ? *coin_control.m_change_type : m_default_change_type, vecSend);
ReserveDestination reservedest(this, change_type);
@@ -592,17 +598,6 @@ bool CWallet::CreateTransactionInternal(
- CMutableTransaction txNew;
- FeeCalculation feeCalc;
- TxSize tx_sizes;
- int nBytes;
- std::set<CInputCoin> setCoins;
- txNew.nLockTime = GetLocktimeForNewTransaction(chain(), GetLastBlockHash(), GetLastBlockHeight());
- std::vector<COutput> vAvailableCoins;
- AvailableCoins(vAvailableCoins, &coin_control, 1, MAX_MONEY, MAX_MONEY, 0);
- CoinSelectionParams coin_selection_params; // Parameters for coin selection, init with dummy
- coin_selection_params.m_avoid_partial_spends = coin_control.m_avoid_partial_spends;
// Create change script that will be used if we need change
// TODO: pass in scriptChange instead of reservedest so
// change transaction isn't always pay-to-bitcoin-address
@@ -648,6 +643,7 @@ bool CWallet::CreateTransactionInternal(
coin_selection_params.m_discard_feerate = GetDiscardRate(*this);
// Get the fee rate to use effective values in coin selection
+ FeeCalculation feeCalc;
coin_selection_params.m_effective_feerate = GetMinimumFeeRate(*this, coin_control, &feeCalc);
// Do not, ever, assume that it's fine to change the fee rate if the user has explicitly
// provided one
@@ -701,9 +697,13 @@ bool CWallet::CreateTransactionInternal(
const CAmount not_input_fees = coin_selection_params.m_effective_feerate.GetFee(coin_selection_params.tx_noinputs_size);
CAmount selection_target = recipients_sum + not_input_fees;
+ // Get available coins
+ std::vector<COutput> vAvailableCoins;
+ AvailableCoins(vAvailableCoins, &coin_control, 1, MAX_MONEY, MAX_MONEY, 0);
// Choose coins to use
CAmount inputs_sum = 0;
- setCoins.clear();
+ std::set<CInputCoin> setCoins;
if (!SelectCoins(vAvailableCoins, /* nTargetValue */ selection_target, setCoins, inputs_sum, coin_control, coin_selection_params))
error = _("Insufficient funds");
@@ -737,8 +737,8 @@ bool CWallet::CreateTransactionInternal(
// Calculate the transaction fee
- tx_sizes = CalculateMaximumSignedTxSize(CTransaction(txNew), this, coin_control.fAllowWatchOnly);
- nBytes = tx_sizes.vsize;
+ TxSize tx_sizes = CalculateMaximumSignedTxSize(CTransaction(txNew), this, coin_control.fAllowWatchOnly);
+ int nBytes = tx_sizes.vsize;
if (nBytes < 0) {
error = _("Signing transaction failed");
return false;