path: root/src/util/sock.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/sock.cpp')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/sock.cpp b/src/util/sock.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6c2a47434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/sock.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <compat.h>
+#include <logging.h>
+#include <threadinterrupt.h>
+#include <tinyformat.h>
+#include <util/sock.h>
+#include <util/system.h>
+#include <util/time.h>
+#include <codecvt>
+#include <cwchar>
+#include <locale>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#ifdef USE_POLL
+#include <poll.h>
+static inline bool IOErrorIsPermanent(int err)
+ return err != WSAEAGAIN && err != WSAEINTR && err != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && err != WSAEINPROGRESS;
+Sock::Sock() : m_socket(INVALID_SOCKET) {}
+Sock::Sock(SOCKET s) : m_socket(s) {}
+Sock::Sock(Sock&& other)
+ m_socket = other.m_socket;
+ other.m_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
+Sock::~Sock() { Reset(); }
+Sock& Sock::operator=(Sock&& other)
+ Reset();
+ m_socket = other.m_socket;
+ other.m_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ return *this;
+SOCKET Sock::Get() const { return m_socket; }
+SOCKET Sock::Release()
+ const SOCKET s = m_socket;
+ m_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ return s;
+void Sock::Reset() { CloseSocket(m_socket); }
+ssize_t Sock::Send(const void* data, size_t len, int flags) const
+ return send(m_socket, static_cast<const char*>(data), len, flags);
+ssize_t Sock::Recv(void* buf, size_t len, int flags) const
+ return recv(m_socket, static_cast<char*>(buf), len, flags);
+int Sock::Connect(const sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addr_len) const
+ return connect(m_socket, addr, addr_len);
+int Sock::GetSockOpt(int level, int opt_name, void* opt_val, socklen_t* opt_len) const
+ return getsockopt(m_socket, level, opt_name, static_cast<char*>(opt_val), opt_len);
+bool Sock::Wait(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, Event requested, Event* occurred) const
+#ifdef USE_POLL
+ pollfd fd;
+ fd.fd = m_socket;
+ fd.events = 0;
+ if (requested & RECV) {
+ fd.events |= POLLIN;
+ }
+ if (requested & SEND) {
+ fd.events |= POLLOUT;
+ }
+ if (poll(&fd, 1, count_milliseconds(timeout)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (occurred != nullptr) {
+ *occurred = 0;
+ if (fd.revents & POLLIN) {
+ *occurred |= RECV;
+ }
+ if (fd.revents & POLLOUT) {
+ *occurred |= SEND;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ if (!IsSelectableSocket(m_socket)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ fd_set fdset_recv;
+ fd_set fdset_send;
+ FD_ZERO(&fdset_recv);
+ FD_ZERO(&fdset_send);
+ if (requested & RECV) {
+ FD_SET(m_socket, &fdset_recv);
+ }
+ if (requested & SEND) {
+ FD_SET(m_socket, &fdset_send);
+ }
+ timeval timeout_struct = MillisToTimeval(timeout);
+ if (select(m_socket + 1, &fdset_recv, &fdset_send, nullptr, &timeout_struct) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (occurred != nullptr) {
+ *occurred = 0;
+ if (FD_ISSET(m_socket, &fdset_recv)) {
+ *occurred |= RECV;
+ }
+ if (FD_ISSET(m_socket, &fdset_send)) {
+ *occurred |= SEND;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+#endif /* USE_POLL */
+void Sock::SendComplete(const std::string& data,
+ std::chrono::milliseconds timeout,
+ CThreadInterrupt& interrupt) const
+ const auto deadline = GetTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>() + timeout;
+ size_t sent{0};
+ for (;;) {
+ const ssize_t ret{Send(data.data() + sent, data.size() - sent, MSG_NOSIGNAL)};
+ if (ret > 0) {
+ sent += static_cast<size_t>(ret);
+ if (sent == data.size()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ const int err{WSAGetLastError()};
+ if (IOErrorIsPermanent(err)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("send(): %s", NetworkErrorString(err)));
+ }
+ }
+ const auto now = GetTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>();
+ if (now >= deadline) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
+ "Send timeout (sent only %u of %u bytes before that)", sent, data.size()));
+ }
+ if (interrupt) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
+ "Send interrupted (sent only %u of %u bytes before that)", sent, data.size()));
+ }
+ // Wait for a short while (or the socket to become ready for sending) before retrying
+ // if nothing was sent.
+ const auto wait_time = std::min(deadline - now, std::chrono::milliseconds{MAX_WAIT_FOR_IO});
+ (void)Wait(wait_time, SEND);
+ }
+std::string Sock::RecvUntilTerminator(uint8_t terminator,
+ std::chrono::milliseconds timeout,
+ CThreadInterrupt& interrupt,
+ size_t max_data) const
+ const auto deadline = GetTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>() + timeout;
+ std::string data;
+ bool terminator_found{false};
+ // We must not consume any bytes past the terminator from the socket.
+ // One option is to read one byte at a time and check if we have read a terminator.
+ // However that is very slow. Instead, we peek at what is in the socket and only read
+ // as many bytes as possible without crossing the terminator.
+ // Reading 64 MiB of random data with 262526 terminator chars takes 37 seconds to read
+ // one byte at a time VS 0.71 seconds with the "peek" solution below. Reading one byte
+ // at a time is about 50 times slower.
+ for (;;) {
+ if (data.size() >= max_data) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ strprintf("Received too many bytes without a terminator (%u)", data.size()));
+ }
+ char buf[512];
+ const ssize_t peek_ret{Recv(buf, std::min(sizeof(buf), max_data - data.size()), MSG_PEEK)};
+ switch (peek_ret) {
+ case -1: {
+ const int err{WSAGetLastError()};
+ if (IOErrorIsPermanent(err)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("recv(): %s", NetworkErrorString(err)));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 0:
+ throw std::runtime_error("Connection unexpectedly closed by peer");
+ default:
+ auto end = buf + peek_ret;
+ auto terminator_pos = std::find(buf, end, terminator);
+ terminator_found = terminator_pos != end;
+ const size_t try_len{terminator_found ? terminator_pos - buf + 1 :
+ static_cast<size_t>(peek_ret)};
+ const ssize_t read_ret{Recv(buf, try_len, 0)};
+ if (read_ret < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(read_ret) != try_len) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ strprintf("recv() returned %u bytes on attempt to read %u bytes but previous "
+ "peek claimed %u bytes are available",
+ read_ret, try_len, peek_ret));
+ }
+ // Don't include the terminator in the output.
+ const size_t append_len{terminator_found ? try_len - 1 : try_len};
+ data.append(buf, buf + append_len);
+ if (terminator_found) {
+ return data;
+ }
+ }
+ const auto now = GetTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>();
+ if (now >= deadline) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
+ "Receive timeout (received %u bytes without terminator before that)", data.size()));
+ }
+ if (interrupt) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
+ "Receive interrupted (received %u bytes without terminator before that)",
+ data.size()));
+ }
+ // Wait for a short while (or the socket to become ready for reading) before retrying.
+ const auto wait_time = std::min(deadline - now, std::chrono::milliseconds{MAX_WAIT_FOR_IO});
+ (void)Wait(wait_time, RECV);
+ }
+bool Sock::IsConnected(std::string& errmsg) const
+ if (m_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ errmsg = "not connected";
+ return false;
+ }
+ char c;
+ switch (Recv(&c, sizeof(c), MSG_PEEK)) {
+ case -1: {
+ const int err = WSAGetLastError();
+ if (IOErrorIsPermanent(err)) {
+ errmsg = NetworkErrorString(err);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case 0:
+ errmsg = "closed";
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+std::string NetworkErrorString(int err)
+ wchar_t buf[256];
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf), nullptr))
+ {
+ return strprintf("%s (%d)", std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>,wchar_t>().to_bytes(buf), err);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return strprintf("Unknown error (%d)", err);
+ }
+std::string NetworkErrorString(int err)
+ char buf[256];
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ /* Too bad there are two incompatible implementations of the
+ * thread-safe strerror. */
+ const char *s;
+#ifdef STRERROR_R_CHAR_P /* GNU variant can return a pointer outside the passed buffer */
+ s = strerror_r(err, buf, sizeof(buf));
+#else /* POSIX variant always returns message in buffer */
+ s = buf;
+ if (strerror_r(err, buf, sizeof(buf)))
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ return strprintf("%s (%d)", s, err);
+bool CloseSocket(SOCKET& hSocket)
+ if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
+ return false;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ int ret = closesocket(hSocket);
+ int ret = close(hSocket);
+ if (ret) {
+ LogPrintf("Socket close failed: %d. Error: %s\n", hSocket, NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
+ }
+ return ret != SOCKET_ERROR;