path: root/src/test/util_tests.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/util_tests.cpp')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 1021 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/util_tests.cpp b/src/test/util_tests.cpp
index 009c27927f..602c848c2a 100644
--- a/src/test/util_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/util_tests.cpp
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
#include <hash.h> // For Hash()
#include <key.h> // For CKey
#include <sync.h>
-#include <test/util/logging.h>
#include <test/util/setup_common.h>
-#include <test/util/str.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include <util/getuniquepath.h>
#include <util/message.h> // For MessageSign(), MessageVerify(), MESSAGE_MAGIC
@@ -55,31 +53,6 @@ namespace BCLog {
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(util_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
- // Use local args variable instead of m_args to avoid making assumptions about test setup
- ArgsManager args;
- args.ForceSetArg("-datadir", fs::PathToString(m_path_root));
- const fs::path dd_norm = args.GetDataDirBase();
- args.ForceSetArg("-datadir", fs::PathToString(dd_norm) + "/");
- args.ClearPathCache();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dd_norm, args.GetDataDirBase());
- args.ForceSetArg("-datadir", fs::PathToString(dd_norm) + "/.");
- args.ClearPathCache();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dd_norm, args.GetDataDirBase());
- args.ForceSetArg("-datadir", fs::PathToString(dd_norm) + "/./");
- args.ClearPathCache();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dd_norm, args.GetDataDirBase());
- args.ForceSetArg("-datadir", fs::PathToString(dd_norm) + "/.//");
- args.ClearPathCache();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dd_norm, args.GetDataDirBase());
namespace {
class NoCopyOrMove
@@ -124,6 +97,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(util_check)
// Check nested Asserts
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(Assert((Assert(x).test() ? 3 : 0)), 3);
+ // Check -Wdangling-gsl does not trigger when copying the int. (It would
+ // trigger on "const int&")
+ const int nine{*Assert(std::optional<int>{9})};
@@ -294,1000 +272,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(util_FormatISO8601Date)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(FormatISO8601Date(1317425777), "2011-09-30");
-struct TestArgsManager : public ArgsManager
- TestArgsManager() { m_network_only_args.clear(); }
- void ReadConfigString(const std::string str_config)
- {
- std::istringstream streamConfig(str_config);
- {
- LOCK(cs_args);
- m_settings.ro_config.clear();
- m_config_sections.clear();
- }
- std::string error;
- BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadConfigStream(streamConfig, "", error));
- }
- void SetNetworkOnlyArg(const std::string arg)
- {
- LOCK(cs_args);
- m_network_only_args.insert(arg);
- }
- void SetupArgs(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>>& args)
- {
- for (const auto& arg : args) {
- AddArg(arg.first, "", arg.second, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
- }
- }
- using ArgsManager::GetSetting;
- using ArgsManager::GetSettingsList;
- using ArgsManager::ReadConfigStream;
- using ArgsManager::cs_args;
- using ArgsManager::m_network;
- using ArgsManager::m_settings;
-//! Test GetSetting and GetArg type coercion, negation, and default value handling.
-class CheckValueTest : public TestChain100Setup
- struct Expect {
- util::SettingsValue setting;
- bool default_string = false;
- bool default_int = false;
- bool default_bool = false;
- const char* string_value = nullptr;
- std::optional<int64_t> int_value;
- std::optional<bool> bool_value;
- std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> list_value;
- const char* error = nullptr;
- explicit Expect(util::SettingsValue s) : setting(std::move(s)) {}
- Expect& DefaultString() { default_string = true; return *this; }
- Expect& DefaultInt() { default_int = true; return *this; }
- Expect& DefaultBool() { default_bool = true; return *this; }
- Expect& String(const char* s) { string_value = s; return *this; }
- Expect& Int(int64_t i) { int_value = i; return *this; }
- Expect& Bool(bool b) { bool_value = b; return *this; }
- Expect& List(std::vector<std::string> m) { list_value = std::move(m); return *this; }
- Expect& Error(const char* e) { error = e; return *this; }
- };
- void CheckValue(unsigned int flags, const char* arg, const Expect& expect)
- {
- TestArgsManager test;
- test.SetupArgs({{"-value", flags}});
- const char* argv[] = {"ignored", arg};
- std::string error;
- bool success = test.ParseParameters(arg ? 2 : 1, (char**)argv, error);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetSetting("-value").write(), expect.setting.write());
- auto settings_list = test.GetSettingsList("-value");
- if (expect.setting.isNull() || expect.setting.isFalse()) {
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(settings_list.size(), 0U);
- } else {
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(settings_list.size(), 1U);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(settings_list[0].write(), expect.setting.write());
- }
- if (expect.error) {
- BOOST_CHECK(!success);
- BOOST_CHECK_NE(error.find(expect.error), std::string::npos);
- } else {
- BOOST_CHECK(success);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(error, "");
- }
- if (expect.default_string) {
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetArg("-value", "zzzzz"), "zzzzz");
- } else if (expect.string_value) {
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetArg("-value", "zzzzz"), expect.string_value);
- } else {
- BOOST_CHECK(!success);
- }
- if (expect.default_int) {
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetIntArg("-value", 99999), 99999);
- } else if (expect.int_value) {
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetIntArg("-value", 99999), *expect.int_value);
- } else {
- BOOST_CHECK(!success);
- }
- if (expect.default_bool) {
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetBoolArg("-value", false), false);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetBoolArg("-value", true), true);
- } else if (expect.bool_value) {
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetBoolArg("-value", false), *expect.bool_value);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetBoolArg("-value", true), *expect.bool_value);
- } else {
- BOOST_CHECK(!success);
- }
- if (expect.list_value) {
- auto l = test.GetArgs("-value");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(l.begin(), l.end(), expect.list_value->begin(), expect.list_value->end());
- } else {
- BOOST_CHECK(!success);
- }
- }
-BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(util_CheckValue, CheckValueTest)
- using M = ArgsManager;
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, nullptr, Expect{{}}.DefaultString().DefaultInt().DefaultBool().List({}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-novalue", Expect{false}.String("0").Int(0).Bool(false).List({}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-novalue=", Expect{false}.String("0").Int(0).Bool(false).List({}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-novalue=0", Expect{true}.String("1").Int(1).Bool(true).List({"1"}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-novalue=1", Expect{false}.String("0").Int(0).Bool(false).List({}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-novalue=2", Expect{false}.String("0").Int(0).Bool(false).List({}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-novalue=abc", Expect{true}.String("1").Int(1).Bool(true).List({"1"}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-value", Expect{""}.String("").Int(0).Bool(true).List({""}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-value=", Expect{""}.String("").Int(0).Bool(true).List({""}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-value=0", Expect{"0"}.String("0").Int(0).Bool(false).List({"0"}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-value=1", Expect{"1"}.String("1").Int(1).Bool(true).List({"1"}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-value=2", Expect{"2"}.String("2").Int(2).Bool(true).List({"2"}));
- CheckValue(M::ALLOW_ANY, "-value=abc", Expect{"abc"}.String("abc").Int(0).Bool(false).List({"abc"}));
-struct NoIncludeConfTest {
- std::string Parse(const char* arg)
- {
- TestArgsManager test;
- test.SetupArgs({{"-includeconf", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY}});
- std::array argv{"ignored", arg};
- std::string error;
- (void)test.ParseParameters(argv.size(), argv.data(), error);
- return error;
- }
-BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(util_NoIncludeConf, NoIncludeConfTest)
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(Parse("-noincludeconf"), "");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(Parse("-includeconf"), "-includeconf cannot be used from commandline; -includeconf=\"\"");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(Parse("-includeconf=file"), "-includeconf cannot be used from commandline; -includeconf=\"file\"");
- TestArgsManager testArgs;
- const auto a = std::make_pair("-a", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto b = std::make_pair("-b", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto ccc = std::make_pair("-ccc", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto d = std::make_pair("-d", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const char *argv_test[] = {"-ignored", "-a", "-b", "-ccc=argument", "-ccc=multiple", "f", "-d=e"};
- std::string error;
- LOCK(testArgs.cs_args);
- testArgs.SetupArgs({a, b, ccc, d});
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.ParseParameters(0, (char**)argv_test, error));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.empty() && testArgs.m_settings.ro_config.empty());
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.ParseParameters(1, (char**)argv_test, error));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.empty() && testArgs.m_settings.ro_config.empty());
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.ParseParameters(7, (char**)argv_test, error));
- // expectation: -ignored is ignored (program name argument),
- // -a, -b and -ccc end up in map, -d ignored because it is after
- // a non-option argument (non-GNU option parsing)
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.size() == 3 && testArgs.m_settings.ro_config.empty());
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.IsArgSet("-a") && testArgs.IsArgSet("-b") && testArgs.IsArgSet("-ccc")
- && !testArgs.IsArgSet("f") && !testArgs.IsArgSet("-d"));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.count("a") && testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.count("b") && testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.count("ccc")
- && !testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.count("f") && !testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.count("d"));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["a"].size() == 1);
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["a"].front().get_str() == "");
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["ccc"].size() == 2);
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["ccc"].front().get_str() == "argument");
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["ccc"].back().get_str() == "multiple");
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArgs("-ccc").size() == 2);
- TestArgsManager test;
- test.SetupArgs({{"-registered", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY}});
- const char* argv[] = {"ignored", "-registered"};
- std::string error;
- BOOST_CHECK(test.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(error, "");
- argv[1] = "-unregistered";
- BOOST_CHECK(!test.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(error, "Invalid parameter -unregistered");
- // Make sure registered parameters prefixed with a chain name trigger errors.
- // (Previously, they were accepted and ignored.)
- argv[1] = "-test.registered";
- BOOST_CHECK(!test.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(error, "Invalid parameter -test.registered");
-static void TestParse(const std::string& str, bool expected_bool, int64_t expected_int)
- TestArgsManager test;
- test.SetupArgs({{"-value", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY}});
- std::string arg = "-value=" + str;
- const char* argv[] = {"ignored", arg.c_str()};
- std::string error;
- BOOST_CHECK(test.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetBoolArg("-value", false), expected_bool);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetBoolArg("-value", true), expected_bool);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetIntArg("-value", 99998), expected_int);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.GetIntArg("-value", 99999), expected_int);
-// Test bool and int parsing.
- // Some of these cases could be ambiguous or surprising to users, and might
- // be worth triggering errors or warnings in the future. But for now basic
- // test coverage is useful to avoid breaking backwards compatibility
- // unintentionally.
- TestParse("", true, 0);
- TestParse(" ", false, 0);
- TestParse("0", false, 0);
- TestParse("0 ", false, 0);
- TestParse(" 0", false, 0);
- TestParse("+0", false, 0);
- TestParse("-0", false, 0);
- TestParse("5", true, 5);
- TestParse("5 ", true, 5);
- TestParse(" 5", true, 5);
- TestParse("+5", true, 5);
- TestParse("-5", true, -5);
- TestParse("0 5", false, 0);
- TestParse("5 0", true, 5);
- TestParse("050", true, 50);
- TestParse("0.", false, 0);
- TestParse("5.", true, 5);
- TestParse("0.0", false, 0);
- TestParse("0.5", false, 0);
- TestParse("5.0", true, 5);
- TestParse("5.5", true, 5);
- TestParse("x", false, 0);
- TestParse("x0", false, 0);
- TestParse("x5", false, 0);
- TestParse("0x", false, 0);
- TestParse("5x", true, 5);
- TestParse("0x5", false, 0);
- TestParse("false", false, 0);
- TestParse("true", false, 0);
- TestParse("yes", false, 0);
- TestParse("no", false, 0);
- TestArgsManager testArgs;
- const auto a = std::make_pair("-a", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto b = std::make_pair("-b", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto c = std::make_pair("-c", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto d = std::make_pair("-d", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto e = std::make_pair("-e", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto f = std::make_pair("-f", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const char *argv_test[] = {
- "ignored", "-a", "-nob", "-c=0", "-d=1", "-e=false", "-f=true"};
- std::string error;
- LOCK(testArgs.cs_args);
- testArgs.SetupArgs({a, b, c, d, e, f});
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.ParseParameters(7, (char**)argv_test, error));
- // Each letter should be set.
- for (const char opt : "abcdef")
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.IsArgSet({'-', opt}) || !opt);
- // Nothing else should be in the map
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.size() == 6 &&
- testArgs.m_settings.ro_config.empty());
- // The -no prefix should get stripped on the way in.
- BOOST_CHECK(!testArgs.IsArgSet("-nob"));
- // The -b option is flagged as negated, and nothing else is
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.IsArgNegated("-b"));
- BOOST_CHECK(!testArgs.IsArgNegated("-a"));
- // Check expected values.
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetBoolArg("-a", false) == true);
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetBoolArg("-b", true) == false);
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetBoolArg("-c", true) == false);
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetBoolArg("-d", false) == true);
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetBoolArg("-e", true) == false);
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetBoolArg("-f", true) == false);
- // Test some awful edge cases that hopefully no user will ever exercise.
- TestArgsManager testArgs;
- // Params test
- const auto foo = std::make_pair("-foo", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto bar = std::make_pair("-bar", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const char *argv_test[] = {"ignored", "-nofoo", "-foo", "-nobar=0"};
- testArgs.SetupArgs({foo, bar});
- std::string error;
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.ParseParameters(4, (char**)argv_test, error));
- // This was passed twice, second one overrides the negative setting.
- BOOST_CHECK(!testArgs.IsArgNegated("-foo"));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArg("-foo", "xxx") == "");
- // A double negative is a positive, and not marked as negated.
- BOOST_CHECK(!testArgs.IsArgNegated("-bar"));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArg("-bar", "xxx") == "1");
- // Config test
- const char *conf_test = "nofoo=1\nfoo=1\nnobar=0\n";
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.ParseParameters(1, (char**)argv_test, error));
- testArgs.ReadConfigString(conf_test);
- // This was passed twice, second one overrides the negative setting,
- // and the value.
- BOOST_CHECK(!testArgs.IsArgNegated("-foo"));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArg("-foo", "xxx") == "1");
- // A double negative is a positive, and does not count as negated.
- BOOST_CHECK(!testArgs.IsArgNegated("-bar"));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArg("-bar", "xxx") == "1");
- // Combined test
- const char *combo_test_args[] = {"ignored", "-nofoo", "-bar"};
- const char *combo_test_conf = "foo=1\nnobar=1\n";
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.ParseParameters(3, (char**)combo_test_args, error));
- testArgs.ReadConfigString(combo_test_conf);
- // Command line overrides, but doesn't erase old setting
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.IsArgNegated("-foo"));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArg("-foo", "xxx") == "0");
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArgs("-foo").size() == 0);
- // Command line overrides, but doesn't erase old setting
- BOOST_CHECK(!testArgs.IsArgNegated("-bar"));
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArg("-bar", "xxx") == "");
- BOOST_CHECK(testArgs.GetArgs("-bar").size() == 1
- && testArgs.GetArgs("-bar").front() == "");
- const char *str_config =
- "a=\n"
- "b=1\n"
- "ccc=argument\n"
- "ccc=multiple\n"
- "d=e\n"
- "nofff=1\n"
- "noggg=0\n"
- "h=1\n"
- "noh=1\n"
- "noi=1\n"
- "i=1\n"
- "sec1.ccc=extend1\n"
- "\n"
- "[sec1]\n"
- "ccc=extend2\n"
- "d=eee\n"
- "h=1\n"
- "[sec2]\n"
- "ccc=extend3\n"
- "iii=2\n";
- TestArgsManager test_args;
- LOCK(test_args.cs_args);
- const auto a = std::make_pair("-a", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto b = std::make_pair("-b", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto ccc = std::make_pair("-ccc", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto d = std::make_pair("-d", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto e = std::make_pair("-e", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto fff = std::make_pair("-fff", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto ggg = std::make_pair("-ggg", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto h = std::make_pair("-h", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto i = std::make_pair("-i", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto iii = std::make_pair("-iii", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- test_args.SetupArgs({a, b, ccc, d, e, fff, ggg, h, i, iii});
- test_args.ReadConfigString(str_config);
- // expectation: a, b, ccc, d, fff, ggg, h, i end up in map
- // so do sec1.ccc, sec1.d, sec1.h, sec2.ccc, sec2.iii
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.command_line_options.empty());
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config.size() == 3);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].size() == 8);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config["sec1"].size() == 3);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config["sec2"].size() == 2);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].count("a"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].count("b"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].count("ccc"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].count("d"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].count("fff"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].count("ggg"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].count("h"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config[""].count("i"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config["sec1"].count("ccc"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config["sec1"].count("h"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config["sec2"].count("ccc"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.m_settings.ro_config["sec2"].count("iii"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgSet("-a"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgSet("-b"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgSet("-ccc"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgSet("-d"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgSet("-fff"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgSet("-ggg"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgSet("-h"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgSet("-i"));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgSet("-zzz"));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgSet("-iii"));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-a", "xxx"), "");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-b", "xxx"), "1");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-ccc", "xxx"), "argument");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-d", "xxx"), "e");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-fff", "xxx"), "0");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-ggg", "xxx"), "1");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-h", "xxx"), "0");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-i", "xxx"), "1");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-zzz", "xxx"), "xxx");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-iii", "xxx"), "xxx");
- for (const bool def : {false, true}) {
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetBoolArg("-a", def));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetBoolArg("-b", def));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.GetBoolArg("-ccc", def));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.GetBoolArg("-d", def));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.GetBoolArg("-fff", def));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetBoolArg("-ggg", def));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.GetBoolArg("-h", def));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetBoolArg("-i", def));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetBoolArg("-zzz", def) == def);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetBoolArg("-iii", def) == def);
- }
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-a").size() == 1
- && test_args.GetArgs("-a").front() == "");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-b").size() == 1
- && test_args.GetArgs("-b").front() == "1");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-ccc").size() == 2
- && test_args.GetArgs("-ccc").front() == "argument"
- && test_args.GetArgs("-ccc").back() == "multiple");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-fff").size() == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-nofff").size() == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-ggg").size() == 1
- && test_args.GetArgs("-ggg").front() == "1");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-noggg").size() == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-h").size() == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-noh").size() == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-i").size() == 1
- && test_args.GetArgs("-i").front() == "1");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-noi").size() == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-zzz").size() == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgNegated("-a"));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgNegated("-b"));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgNegated("-ccc"));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgNegated("-d"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgNegated("-fff"));
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgNegated("-ggg"));
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.IsArgNegated("-h")); // last setting takes precedence
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgNegated("-i")); // last setting takes precedence
- BOOST_CHECK(!test_args.IsArgNegated("-zzz"));
- // Test sections work
- test_args.SelectConfigNetwork("sec1");
- // same as original
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-a", "xxx"), "");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-b", "xxx"), "1");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-fff", "xxx"), "0");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-ggg", "xxx"), "1");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-zzz", "xxx"), "xxx");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetArg("-iii", "xxx"), "xxx");
- // d is overridden
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-d", "xxx") == "eee");
- // section-specific setting
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-h", "xxx") == "1");
- // section takes priority for multiple values
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-ccc", "xxx") == "extend1");
- // check multiple values works
- const std::vector<std::string> sec1_ccc_expected = {"extend1","extend2","argument","multiple"};
- const auto& sec1_ccc_res = test_args.GetArgs("-ccc");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(sec1_ccc_res.begin(), sec1_ccc_res.end(), sec1_ccc_expected.begin(), sec1_ccc_expected.end());
- test_args.SelectConfigNetwork("sec2");
- // same as original
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-a", "xxx") == "");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-b", "xxx") == "1");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-d", "xxx") == "e");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-fff", "xxx") == "0");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-ggg", "xxx") == "1");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-zzz", "xxx") == "xxx");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-h", "xxx") == "0");
- // section-specific setting
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-iii", "xxx") == "2");
- // section takes priority for multiple values
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-ccc", "xxx") == "extend3");
- // check multiple values works
- const std::vector<std::string> sec2_ccc_expected = {"extend3","argument","multiple"};
- const auto& sec2_ccc_res = test_args.GetArgs("-ccc");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(sec2_ccc_res.begin(), sec2_ccc_res.end(), sec2_ccc_expected.begin(), sec2_ccc_expected.end());
- // Test section only options
- test_args.SetNetworkOnlyArg("-d");
- test_args.SetNetworkOnlyArg("-ccc");
- test_args.SetNetworkOnlyArg("-h");
- test_args.SelectConfigNetwork(CBaseChainParams::MAIN);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-d", "xxx") == "e");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-ccc").size() == 2);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-h", "xxx") == "0");
- test_args.SelectConfigNetwork("sec1");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-d", "xxx") == "eee");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-d").size() == 1);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-ccc").size() == 2);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-h", "xxx") == "1");
- test_args.SelectConfigNetwork("sec2");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-d", "xxx") == "xxx");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-d").size() == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArgs("-ccc").size() == 1);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.GetArg("-h", "xxx") == "0");
- TestArgsManager testArgs;
- LOCK(testArgs.cs_args);
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options.clear();
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["strtest1"] = {"string..."};
- // strtest2 undefined on purpose
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["inttest1"] = {"12345"};
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["inttest2"] = {"81985529216486895"};
- // inttest3 undefined on purpose
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["booltest1"] = {""};
- // booltest2 undefined on purpose
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["booltest3"] = {"0"};
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["booltest4"] = {"1"};
- // priorities
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["pritest1"] = {"a", "b"};
- testArgs.m_settings.ro_config[""]["pritest2"] = {"a", "b"};
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["pritest3"] = {"a"};
- testArgs.m_settings.ro_config[""]["pritest3"] = {"b"};
- testArgs.m_settings.command_line_options["pritest4"] = {"a","b"};
- testArgs.m_settings.ro_config[""]["pritest4"] = {"c","d"};
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetArg("strtest1", "default"), "string...");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetArg("strtest2", "default"), "default");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetIntArg("inttest1", -1), 12345);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetIntArg("inttest2", -1), 81985529216486895LL);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetIntArg("inttest3", -1), -1);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetBoolArg("booltest1", false), true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetBoolArg("booltest2", false), false);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetBoolArg("booltest3", false), false);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetBoolArg("booltest4", false), true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetArg("pritest1", "default"), "b");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetArg("pritest2", "default"), "a");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetArg("pritest3", "default"), "a");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testArgs.GetArg("pritest4", "default"), "b");
- TestArgsManager test_args;
- const auto testnet = std::make_pair("-testnet", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- const auto regtest = std::make_pair("-regtest", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY);
- test_args.SetupArgs({testnet, regtest});
- const char* argv_testnet[] = {"cmd", "-testnet"};
- const char* argv_regtest[] = {"cmd", "-regtest"};
- const char* argv_test_no_reg[] = {"cmd", "-testnet", "-noregtest"};
- const char* argv_both[] = {"cmd", "-testnet", "-regtest"};
- // equivalent to "-testnet"
- // regtest in testnet section is ignored
- const char* testnetconf = "testnet=1\nregtest=0\n[test]\nregtest=1";
- std::string error;
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(0, (char**)argv_testnet, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "main");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_testnet, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_regtest, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "regtest");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_test_no_reg, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_both, error));
- BOOST_CHECK_THROW(test_args.GetChainName(), std::runtime_error);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(0, (char**)argv_testnet, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_testnet, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_regtest, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_THROW(test_args.GetChainName(), std::runtime_error);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_test_no_reg, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_both, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_THROW(test_args.GetChainName(), std::runtime_error);
- // check setting the network to test (and thus making
- // [test] regtest=1 potentially relevant) doesn't break things
- test_args.SelectConfigNetwork("test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(0, (char**)argv_testnet, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_testnet, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_regtest, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_THROW(test_args.GetChainName(), std::runtime_error);
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_test_no_reg, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
- BOOST_CHECK(test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_both, error));
- test_args.ReadConfigString(testnetconf);
- BOOST_CHECK_THROW(test_args.GetChainName(), std::runtime_error);
-// Test different ways settings can be merged, and verify results. This test can
-// be used to confirm that updates to settings code don't change behavior
-// unintentionally.
-// The test covers:
-// - Combining different setting actions. Possible actions are: configuring a
-// setting, negating a setting (adding "-no" prefix), and configuring/negating
-// settings in a network section (adding "main." or "test." prefixes).
-// - Combining settings from command line arguments and a config file.
-// - Combining SoftSet and ForceSet calls.
-// - Testing "main" and "test" network values to make sure settings from network
-// sections are applied and to check for mainnet-specific behaviors like
-// inheriting settings from the default section.
-// - Testing network-specific settings like "-wallet", that may be ignored
-// outside a network section, and non-network specific settings like "-server"
-// that aren't sensitive to the network.
-struct ArgsMergeTestingSetup : public BasicTestingSetup {
- //! Max number of actions to sequence together. Can decrease this when
- //! debugging to make test results easier to understand.
- static constexpr int MAX_ACTIONS = 3;
- using ActionList = Action[MAX_ACTIONS];
- //! Enumerate all possible test configurations.
- template <typename Fn>
- void ForEachMergeSetup(Fn&& fn)
- {
- ActionList arg_actions = {};
- // command_line_options do not have sections. Only iterate over SET and NEGATE
- ForEachNoDup(arg_actions, SET, NEGATE, [&] {
- ActionList conf_actions = {};
- ForEachNoDup(conf_actions, SET, SECTION_NEGATE, [&] {
- for (bool soft_set : {false, true}) {
- for (bool force_set : {false, true}) {
- for (const std::string& section : {CBaseChainParams::MAIN, CBaseChainParams::TESTNET, CBaseChainParams::SIGNET}) {
- for (const std::string& network : {CBaseChainParams::MAIN, CBaseChainParams::TESTNET, CBaseChainParams::SIGNET}) {
- for (bool net_specific : {false, true}) {
- fn(arg_actions, conf_actions, soft_set, force_set, section, network, net_specific);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- });
- }
- //! Translate actions into a list of <key>=<value> setting strings.
- std::vector<std::string> GetValues(const ActionList& actions,
- const std::string& section,
- const std::string& name,
- const std::string& value_prefix)
- {
- std::vector<std::string> values;
- int suffix = 0;
- for (Action action : actions) {
- if (action == NONE) break;
- std::string prefix;
- if (action == SECTION_SET || action == SECTION_NEGATE) prefix = section + ".";
- if (action == SET || action == SECTION_SET) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
- values.push_back(prefix + name + "=" + value_prefix + ToString(++suffix));
- }
- }
- if (action == NEGATE || action == SECTION_NEGATE) {
- values.push_back(prefix + "no" + name + "=1");
- }
- }
- return values;
- }
-// Regression test covering different ways config settings can be merged. The
-// test parses and merges settings, representing the results as strings that get
-// compared against an expected hash. To debug, the result strings can be dumped
-// to a file (see comments below).
-BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(util_ArgsMerge, ArgsMergeTestingSetup)
- CHash256 out_sha;
- FILE* out_file = nullptr;
- if (const char* out_path = getenv("ARGS_MERGE_TEST_OUT")) {
- out_file = fsbridge::fopen(out_path, "w");
- if (!out_file) throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category(), "fopen failed");
- }
- ForEachMergeSetup([&](const ActionList& arg_actions, const ActionList& conf_actions, bool soft_set, bool force_set,
- const std::string& section, const std::string& network, bool net_specific) {
- TestArgsManager parser;
- LOCK(parser.cs_args);
- std::string desc = "net=";
- desc += network;
- parser.m_network = network;
- const std::string& name = net_specific ? "wallet" : "server";
- const std::string key = "-" + name;
- parser.AddArg(key, name, ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
- if (net_specific) parser.SetNetworkOnlyArg(key);
- auto args = GetValues(arg_actions, section, name, "a");
- std::vector<const char*> argv = {"ignored"};
- for (auto& arg : args) {
- arg.insert(0, "-");
- desc += " ";
- desc += arg;
- argv.push_back(arg.c_str());
- }
- std::string error;
- BOOST_CHECK(parser.ParseParameters(argv.size(), argv.data(), error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(error, "");
- std::string conf;
- for (auto& conf_val : GetValues(conf_actions, section, name, "c")) {
- desc += " ";
- desc += conf_val;
- conf += conf_val;
- conf += "\n";
- }
- std::istringstream conf_stream(conf);
- BOOST_CHECK(parser.ReadConfigStream(conf_stream, "filepath", error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(error, "");
- if (soft_set) {
- desc += " soft";
- parser.SoftSetArg(key, "soft1");
- parser.SoftSetArg(key, "soft2");
- }
- if (force_set) {
- desc += " force";
- parser.ForceSetArg(key, "force1");
- parser.ForceSetArg(key, "force2");
- }
- desc += " || ";
- if (!parser.IsArgSet(key)) {
- desc += "unset";
- BOOST_CHECK(!parser.IsArgNegated(key));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parser.GetArg(key, "default"), "default");
- BOOST_CHECK(parser.GetArgs(key).empty());
- } else if (parser.IsArgNegated(key)) {
- desc += "negated";
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parser.GetArg(key, "default"), "0");
- BOOST_CHECK(parser.GetArgs(key).empty());
- } else {
- desc += parser.GetArg(key, "default");
- desc += " |";
- for (const auto& arg : parser.GetArgs(key)) {
- desc += " ";
- desc += arg;
- }
- }
- std::set<std::string> ignored = parser.GetUnsuitableSectionOnlyArgs();
- if (!ignored.empty()) {
- desc += " | ignored";
- for (const auto& arg : ignored) {
- desc += " ";
- desc += arg;
- }
- }
- desc += "\n";
- out_sha.Write(MakeUCharSpan(desc));
- if (out_file) {
- BOOST_REQUIRE(fwrite(desc.data(), 1, desc.size(), out_file) == desc.size());
- }
- });
- if (out_file) {
- if (fclose(out_file)) throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category(), "fclose failed");
- out_file = nullptr;
- }
- unsigned char out_sha_bytes[CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE];
- out_sha.Finalize(out_sha_bytes);
- std::string out_sha_hex = HexStr(out_sha_bytes);
- // If check below fails, should manually dump the results with:
- //
- // ARGS_MERGE_TEST_OUT=results.txt ./test_bitcoin --run_test=util_tests/util_ArgsMerge
- //
- // And verify diff against previous results to make sure the changes are expected.
- //
- // Results file is formatted like:
- //
- // <input> || <IsArgSet/IsArgNegated/GetArg output> | <GetArgs output> | <GetUnsuitable output>
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(out_sha_hex, "d1e436c1cd510d0ec44d5205d4b4e3bee6387d316e0075c58206cb16603f3d82");
-// Similar test as above, but for ArgsManager::GetChainName function.
-struct ChainMergeTestingSetup : public BasicTestingSetup {
- static constexpr int MAX_ACTIONS = 2;
- using ActionList = Action[MAX_ACTIONS];
- //! Enumerate all possible test configurations.
- template <typename Fn>
- void ForEachMergeSetup(Fn&& fn)
- {
- ActionList arg_actions = {};
- ForEachNoDup(arg_actions, ENABLE_TEST, NEGATE_REG, [&] {
- ActionList conf_actions = {};
- ForEachNoDup(conf_actions, ENABLE_TEST, NEGATE_REG, [&] { fn(arg_actions, conf_actions); });
- });
- }
-BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(util_ChainMerge, ChainMergeTestingSetup)
- CHash256 out_sha;
- FILE* out_file = nullptr;
- if (const char* out_path = getenv("CHAIN_MERGE_TEST_OUT")) {
- out_file = fsbridge::fopen(out_path, "w");
- if (!out_file) throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category(), "fopen failed");
- }
- ForEachMergeSetup([&](const ActionList& arg_actions, const ActionList& conf_actions) {
- TestArgsManager parser;
- LOCK(parser.cs_args);
- parser.AddArg("-regtest", "regtest", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
- parser.AddArg("-testnet", "testnet", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
- auto arg = [](Action action) { return action == ENABLE_TEST ? "-testnet=1" :
- action == DISABLE_TEST ? "-testnet=0" :
- action == NEGATE_TEST ? "-notestnet=1" :
- action == ENABLE_REG ? "-regtest=1" :
- action == DISABLE_REG ? "-regtest=0" :
- action == NEGATE_REG ? "-noregtest=1" : nullptr; };
- std::string desc;
- std::vector<const char*> argv = {"ignored"};
- for (Action action : arg_actions) {
- const char* argstr = arg(action);
- if (!argstr) break;
- argv.push_back(argstr);
- desc += " ";
- desc += argv.back();
- }
- std::string error;
- BOOST_CHECK(parser.ParseParameters(argv.size(), argv.data(), error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(error, "");
- std::string conf;
- for (Action action : conf_actions) {
- const char* argstr = arg(action);
- if (!argstr) break;
- desc += " ";
- desc += argstr + 1;
- conf += argstr + 1;
- conf += "\n";
- }
- std::istringstream conf_stream(conf);
- BOOST_CHECK(parser.ReadConfigStream(conf_stream, "filepath", error));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(error, "");
- desc += " || ";
- try {
- desc += parser.GetChainName();
- } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
- desc += "error: ";
- desc += e.what();
- }
- desc += "\n";
- out_sha.Write(MakeUCharSpan(desc));
- if (out_file) {
- BOOST_REQUIRE(fwrite(desc.data(), 1, desc.size(), out_file) == desc.size());
- }
- });
- if (out_file) {
- if (fclose(out_file)) throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category(), "fclose failed");
- out_file = nullptr;
- }
- unsigned char out_sha_bytes[CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE];
- out_sha.Finalize(out_sha_bytes);
- std::string out_sha_hex = HexStr(out_sha_bytes);
- // If check below fails, should manually dump the results with:
- //
- // CHAIN_MERGE_TEST_OUT=results.txt ./test_bitcoin --run_test=util_tests/util_ChainMerge
- //
- // And verify diff against previous results to make sure the changes are expected.
- //
- // Results file is formatted like:
- //
- // <input> || <output>
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(out_sha_hex, "f263493e300023b6509963887444c41386f44b63bc30047eb8402e8c1144854c");
- // Test writing setting.
- TestArgsManager args1;
- args1.ForceSetArg("-datadir", fs::PathToString(m_path_root));
- args1.LockSettings([&](util::Settings& settings) { settings.rw_settings["name"] = "value"; });
- args1.WriteSettingsFile();
- // Test reading setting.
- TestArgsManager args2;
- args2.ForceSetArg("-datadir", fs::PathToString(m_path_root));
- args2.ReadSettingsFile();
- args2.LockSettings([&](util::Settings& settings) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(settings.rw_settings["name"].get_str(), "value"); });
- // Test error logging, and remove previously written setting.
- {
- ASSERT_DEBUG_LOG("Failed renaming settings file");
- fs::remove(args1.GetDataDirBase() / "settings.json");
- fs::create_directory(args1.GetDataDirBase() / "settings.json");
- args2.WriteSettingsFile();
- fs::remove(args1.GetDataDirBase() / "settings.json");
- }
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(FormatMoney(0), "0.00");