path: root/src/secp256k1/doc
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diff --git a/src/secp256k1/doc/release-process.md b/src/secp256k1/doc/release-process.md
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index 0000000000..91e3616915
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+# Release Process
+This document outlines the process for releasing versions of the form `$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH`.
+We distinguish between two types of releases: *regular* and *maintenance* releases.
+Regular releases are releases of a new major or minor version as well as patches of the most recent release.
+Maintenance releases, on the other hand, are required for patches of older releases.
+You should coordinate with the other maintainers on the release date, if possible.
+This date will be part of the release entry in [CHANGELOG.md](../CHANGELOG.md) and it should match the dates of the remaining steps in the release process (including the date of the tag and the GitHub release).
+It is best if the maintainers are present during the release, so they can help ensure that the process is followed correctly and, in the case of a regular release, they are aware that they should not modify the master branch between merging the PR in step 1 and the PR in step 3.
+This process also assumes that there will be no minor releases for old major releases.
+## Regular release
+1. Open a PR to the master branch with a commit (using message `"release: prepare for $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH"`, for example) that
+ * finalizes the release notes in [CHANGELOG.md](../CHANGELOG.md) (make sure to include an entry for `### ABI Compatibility`) and
+ * updates `_PKG_VERSION_*`, `_LIB_VERSION_*`, and sets `_PKG_VERSION_IS_RELEASE` to `true` in `configure.ac`.
+2. After the PR is merged, tag the commit and push it:
+ ```
+ RELEASE_COMMIT=<merge commit of step 1>
+ git tag -s v$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH -m "libsecp256k1 $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH" $RELEASE_COMMIT
+ git push git@github.com:bitcoin-core/secp256k1.git v$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH
+ ```
+3. Open a PR to the master branch with a commit (using message `"release: bump version after $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH"`, for example) that sets `_PKG_VERSION_IS_RELEASE` to `false` and `_PKG_VERSION_PATCH` to `$PATCH + 1` and increases `_LIB_VERSION_REVISION`. If other maintainers are not present to approve the PR, it can be merged without ACKs.
+4. Create a new GitHub release with a link to the corresponding entry in [CHANGELOG.md](../CHANGELOG.md).
+## Maintenance release
+Note that bugfixes only need to be backported to releases for which no compatible release without the bug exists.
+1. If `$PATCH = 1`, create maintenance branch `$MAJOR.$MINOR`:
+ ```
+ git checkout -b $MAJOR.$MINOR v$MAJOR.$MINOR.0
+ git push git@github.com:bitcoin-core/secp256k1.git $MAJOR.$MINOR
+ ```
+2. Open a pull request to the `$MAJOR.$MINOR` branch that
+ * includes the bugfixes,
+ * finalizes the release notes,
+ * bumps `_PKG_VERSION_PATCH` and `_LIB_VERSION_REVISION` in `configure.ac` (with commit message `"release: update PKG_ and LIB_VERSION for $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH"`, for example).
+3. After the PRs are merged, update the release branch and tag the commit:
+ ```
+ git checkout $MAJOR.$MINOR && git pull
+ git tag -s v$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH -m "libsecp256k1 $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH"
+ ```
+4. Push tag:
+ ```
+ git push git@github.com:bitcoin-core/secp256k1.git v$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH
+ ```
+5. Create a new GitHub release with a link to the corresponding entry in [CHANGELOG.md](../CHANGELOG.md).
+6. Open PR to the master branch that includes a commit (with commit message `"release notes: add $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH"`, for example) that adds release notes to [CHANGELOG.md](../CHANGELOG.md).
diff --git a/src/secp256k1/doc/safegcd_implementation.md b/src/secp256k1/doc/safegcd_implementation.md
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+# The safegcd implementation in libsecp256k1 explained
+This document explains the modular inverse implementation in the `src/modinv*.h` files. It is based
+on the paper
+["Fast constant-time gcd computation and modular inversion"](https://gcd.cr.yp.to/papers.html#safegcd)
+by Daniel J. Bernstein and Bo-Yin Yang. The references below are for the Date: 2019.04.13 version.
+The actual implementation is in C of course, but for demonstration purposes Python3 is used here.
+Most implementation aspects and optimizations are explained, except those that depend on the specific
+number representation used in the C code.
+## 1. Computing the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) using divsteps
+The algorithm from the paper (section 11), at a very high level, is this:
+def gcd(f, g):
+ """Compute the GCD of an odd integer f and another integer g."""
+ assert f & 1 # require f to be odd
+ delta = 1 # additional state variable
+ while g != 0:
+ assert f & 1 # f will be odd in every iteration
+ if delta > 0 and g & 1:
+ delta, f, g = 1 - delta, g, (g - f) // 2
+ elif g & 1:
+ delta, f, g = 1 + delta, f, (g + f) // 2
+ else:
+ delta, f, g = 1 + delta, f, (g ) // 2
+ return abs(f)
+It computes the greatest common divisor of an odd integer *f* and any integer *g*. Its inner loop
+keeps rewriting the variables *f* and *g* alongside a state variable *&delta;* that starts at *1*, until
+*g=0* is reached. At that point, *|f|* gives the GCD. Each of the transitions in the loop is called a
+"division step" (referred to as divstep in what follows).
+For example, *gcd(21, 14)* would be computed as:
+- Start with *&delta;=1 f=21 g=14*
+- Take the third branch: *&delta;=2 f=21 g=7*
+- Take the first branch: *&delta;=-1 f=7 g=-7*
+- Take the second branch: *&delta;=0 f=7 g=0*
+- The answer *|f| = 7*.
+Why it works:
+- Divsteps can be decomposed into two steps (see paragraph 8.2 in the paper):
+ - (a) If *g* is odd, replace *(f,g)* with *(g,g-f)* or (f,g+f), resulting in an even *g*.
+ - (b) Replace *(f,g)* with *(f,g/2)* (where *g* is guaranteed to be even).
+- Neither of those two operations change the GCD:
+ - For (a), assume *gcd(f,g)=c*, then it must be the case that *f=a&thinsp;c* and *g=b&thinsp;c* for some integers *a*
+ and *b*. As *(g,g-f)=(b&thinsp;c,(b-a)c)* and *(f,f+g)=(a&thinsp;c,(a+b)c)*, the result clearly still has
+ common factor *c*. Reasoning in the other direction shows that no common factor can be added by
+ doing so either.
+ - For (b), we know that *f* is odd, so *gcd(f,g)* clearly has no factor *2*, and we can remove
+ it from *g*.
+- The algorithm will eventually converge to *g=0*. This is proven in the paper (see theorem G.3).
+- It follows that eventually we find a final value *f'* for which *gcd(f,g) = gcd(f',0)*. As the
+ gcd of *f'* and *0* is *|f'|* by definition, that is our answer.
+Compared to more [traditional GCD algorithms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_algorithm), this one has the property of only ever looking at
+the low-order bits of the variables to decide the next steps, and being easy to make
+constant-time (in more low-level languages than Python). The *&delta;* parameter is necessary to
+guide the algorithm towards shrinking the numbers' magnitudes without explicitly needing to look
+at high order bits.
+Properties that will become important later:
+- Performing more divsteps than needed is not a problem, as *f* does not change anymore after *g=0*.
+- Only even numbers are divided by *2*. This means that when reasoning about it algebraically we
+ do not need to worry about rounding.
+- At every point during the algorithm's execution the next *N* steps only depend on the bottom *N*
+ bits of *f* and *g*, and on *&delta;*.
+## 2. From GCDs to modular inverses
+We want an algorithm to compute the inverse *a* of *x* modulo *M*, i.e. the number a such that *a&thinsp;x=1
+mod M*. This inverse only exists if the GCD of *x* and *M* is *1*, but that is always the case if *M* is
+prime and *0 < x < M*. In what follows, assume that the modular inverse exists.
+It turns out this inverse can be computed as a side effect of computing the GCD by keeping track
+of how the internal variables can be written as linear combinations of the inputs at every step
+(see the [extended Euclidean algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm)).
+Since the GCD is *1*, such an algorithm will compute numbers *a* and *b* such that a&thinsp;x + b&thinsp;M = 1*.
+Taking that expression *mod M* gives *a&thinsp;x mod M = 1*, and we see that *a* is the modular inverse of *x
+mod M*.
+A similar approach can be used to calculate modular inverses using the divsteps-based GCD
+algorithm shown above, if the modulus *M* is odd. To do so, compute *gcd(f=M,g=x)*, while keeping
+track of extra variables *d* and *e*, for which at every step *d = f/x (mod M)* and *e = g/x (mod M)*.
+*f/x* here means the number which multiplied with *x* gives *f mod M*. As *f* and *g* are initialized to *M*
+and *x* respectively, *d* and *e* just start off being *0* (*M/x mod M = 0/x mod M = 0*) and *1* (*x/x mod M
+= 1*).
+def div2(M, x):
+ """Helper routine to compute x/2 mod M (where M is odd)."""
+ assert M & 1
+ if x & 1: # If x is odd, make it even by adding M.
+ x += M
+ # x must be even now, so a clean division by 2 is possible.
+ return x // 2
+def modinv(M, x):
+ """Compute the inverse of x mod M (given that it exists, and M is odd)."""
+ assert M & 1
+ delta, f, g, d, e = 1, M, x, 0, 1
+ while g != 0:
+ # Note that while division by two for f and g is only ever done on even inputs, this is
+ # not true for d and e, so we need the div2 helper function.
+ if delta > 0 and g & 1:
+ delta, f, g, d, e = 1 - delta, g, (g - f) // 2, e, div2(M, e - d)
+ elif g & 1:
+ delta, f, g, d, e = 1 + delta, f, (g + f) // 2, d, div2(M, e + d)
+ else:
+ delta, f, g, d, e = 1 + delta, f, (g ) // 2, d, div2(M, e )
+ # Verify that the invariants d=f/x mod M, e=g/x mod M are maintained.
+ assert f % M == (d * x) % M
+ assert g % M == (e * x) % M
+ assert f == 1 or f == -1 # |f| is the GCD, it must be 1
+ # Because of invariant d = f/x (mod M), 1/x = d/f (mod M). As |f|=1, d/f = d*f.
+ return (d * f) % M
+Also note that this approach to track *d* and *e* throughout the computation to determine the inverse
+is different from the paper. There (see paragraph 12.1 in the paper) a transition matrix for the
+entire computation is determined (see section 3 below) and the inverse is computed from that.
+The approach here avoids the need for 2x2 matrix multiplications of various sizes, and appears to
+be faster at the level of optimization we're able to do in C.
+## 3. Batching multiple divsteps
+Every divstep can be expressed as a matrix multiplication, applying a transition matrix *(1/2 t)*
+to both vectors *[f, g]* and *[d, e]* (see paragraph 8.1 in the paper):
+ t = [ u, v ]
+ [ q, r ]
+ [ out_f ] = (1/2 * t) * [ in_f ]
+ [ out_g ] = [ in_g ]
+ [ out_d ] = (1/2 * t) * [ in_d ] (mod M)
+ [ out_e ] [ in_e ]
+where *(u, v, q, r)* is *(0, 2, -1, 1)*, *(2, 0, 1, 1)*, or *(2, 0, 0, 1)*, depending on which branch is
+taken. As above, the resulting *f* and *g* are always integers.
+Performing multiple divsteps corresponds to a multiplication with the product of all the
+individual divsteps' transition matrices. As each transition matrix consists of integers
+divided by *2*, the product of these matrices will consist of integers divided by *2<sup>N</sup>* (see also
+theorem 9.2 in the paper). These divisions are expensive when updating *d* and *e*, so we delay
+them: we compute the integer coefficients of the combined transition matrix scaled by *2<sup>N</sup>*, and
+do one division by *2<sup>N</sup>* as a final step:
+def divsteps_n_matrix(delta, f, g):
+ """Compute delta and transition matrix t after N divsteps (multiplied by 2^N)."""
+ u, v, q, r = 1, 0, 0, 1 # start with identity matrix
+ for _ in range(N):
+ if delta > 0 and g & 1:
+ delta, f, g, u, v, q, r = 1 - delta, g, (g - f) // 2, 2*q, 2*r, q-u, r-v
+ elif g & 1:
+ delta, f, g, u, v, q, r = 1 + delta, f, (g + f) // 2, 2*u, 2*v, q+u, r+v
+ else:
+ delta, f, g, u, v, q, r = 1 + delta, f, (g ) // 2, 2*u, 2*v, q , r
+ return delta, (u, v, q, r)
+As the branches in the divsteps are completely determined by the bottom *N* bits of *f* and *g*, this
+function to compute the transition matrix only needs to see those bottom bits. Furthermore all
+intermediate results and outputs fit in *(N+1)*-bit numbers (unsigned for *f* and *g*; signed for *u*, *v*,
+*q*, and *r*) (see also paragraph 8.3 in the paper). This means that an implementation using 64-bit
+integers could set *N=62* and compute the full transition matrix for 62 steps at once without any
+big integer arithmetic at all. This is the reason why this algorithm is efficient: it only needs
+to update the full-size *f*, *g*, *d*, and *e* numbers once every *N* steps.
+We still need functions to compute:
+ [ out_f ] = (1/2^N * [ u, v ]) * [ in_f ]
+ [ out_g ] ( [ q, r ]) [ in_g ]
+ [ out_d ] = (1/2^N * [ u, v ]) * [ in_d ] (mod M)
+ [ out_e ] ( [ q, r ]) [ in_e ]
+Because the divsteps transformation only ever divides even numbers by two, the result of *t&thinsp;[f,g]* is always even. When *t* is a composition of *N* divsteps, it follows that the resulting *f*
+and *g* will be multiple of *2<sup>N</sup>*, and division by *2<sup>N</sup>* is simply shifting them down:
+def update_fg(f, g, t):
+ """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [f, g]."""
+ u, v, q, r = t
+ cf, cg = u*f + v*g, q*f + r*g
+ # (t / 2^N) should cleanly apply to [f,g] so the result of t*[f,g] should have N zero
+ # bottom bits.
+ assert cf % 2**N == 0
+ assert cg % 2**N == 0
+ return cf >> N, cg >> N
+The same is not true for *d* and *e*, and we need an equivalent of the `div2` function for division by *2<sup>N</sup> mod M*.
+This is easy if we have precomputed *1/M mod 2<sup>N</sup>* (which always exists for odd *M*):
+def div2n(M, Mi, x):
+ """Compute x/2^N mod M, given Mi = 1/M mod 2^N."""
+ assert (M * Mi) % 2**N == 1
+ # Find a factor m such that m*M has the same bottom N bits as x. We want:
+ # (m * M) mod 2^N = x mod 2^N
+ # <=> m mod 2^N = (x / M) mod 2^N
+ # <=> m mod 2^N = (x * Mi) mod 2^N
+ m = (Mi * x) % 2**N
+ # Subtract that multiple from x, cancelling its bottom N bits.
+ x -= m * M
+ # Now a clean division by 2^N is possible.
+ assert x % 2**N == 0
+ return (x >> N) % M
+def update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi):
+ """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [d, e], modulo M."""
+ u, v, q, r = t
+ cd, ce = u*d + v*e, q*d + r*e
+ return div2n(M, Mi, cd), div2n(M, Mi, ce)
+With all of those, we can write a version of `modinv` that performs *N* divsteps at once:
+def modinv(M, Mi, x):
+ """Compute the modular inverse of x mod M, given Mi=1/M mod 2^N."""
+ assert M & 1
+ delta, f, g, d, e = 1, M, x, 0, 1
+ while g != 0:
+ # Compute the delta and transition matrix t for the next N divsteps (this only needs
+ # (N+1)-bit signed integer arithmetic).
+ delta, t = divsteps_n_matrix(delta, f % 2**N, g % 2**N)
+ # Apply the transition matrix t to [f, g]:
+ f, g = update_fg(f, g, t)
+ # Apply the transition matrix t to [d, e]:
+ d, e = update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi)
+ return (d * f) % M
+This means that in practice we'll always perform a multiple of *N* divsteps. This is not a problem
+because once *g=0*, further divsteps do not affect *f*, *g*, *d*, or *e* anymore (only *&delta;* keeps
+increasing). For variable time code such excess iterations will be mostly optimized away in later
+## 4. Avoiding modulus operations
+So far, there are two places where we compute a remainder of big numbers modulo *M*: at the end of
+`div2n` in every `update_de`, and at the very end of `modinv` after potentially negating *d* due to the
+sign of *f*. These are relatively expensive operations when done generically.
+To deal with the modulus operation in `div2n`, we simply stop requiring *d* and *e* to be in range
+*[0,M)* all the time. Let's start by inlining `div2n` into `update_de`, and dropping the modulus
+operation at the end:
+def update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi):
+ """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [d, e] mod M, given Mi=1/M mod 2^N."""
+ u, v, q, r = t
+ cd, ce = u*d + v*e, q*d + r*e
+ # Cancel out bottom N bits of cd and ce.
+ md = -((Mi * cd) % 2**N)
+ me = -((Mi * ce) % 2**N)
+ cd += md * M
+ ce += me * M
+ # And cleanly divide by 2**N.
+ return cd >> N, ce >> N
+Let's look at bounds on the ranges of these numbers. It can be shown that *|u|+|v|* and *|q|+|r|*
+never exceed *2<sup>N</sup>* (see paragraph 8.3 in the paper), and thus a multiplication with *t* will have
+outputs whose absolute values are at most *2<sup>N</sup>* times the maximum absolute input value. In case the
+inputs *d* and *e* are in *(-M,M)*, which is certainly true for the initial values *d=0* and *e=1* assuming
+*M > 1*, the multiplication results in numbers in range *(-2<sup>N</sup>M,2<sup>N</sup>M)*. Subtracting less than *2<sup>N</sup>*
+times *M* to cancel out *N* bits brings that up to *(-2<sup>N+1</sup>M,2<sup>N</sup>M)*, and
+dividing by *2<sup>N</sup>* at the end takes it to *(-2M,M)*. Another application of `update_de` would take that
+to *(-3M,2M)*, and so forth. This progressive expansion of the variables' ranges can be
+counteracted by incrementing *d* and *e* by *M* whenever they're negative:
+ ...
+ if d < 0:
+ d += M
+ if e < 0:
+ e += M
+ cd, ce = u*d + v*e, q*d + r*e
+ # Cancel out bottom N bits of cd and ce.
+ ...
+With inputs in *(-2M,M)*, they will first be shifted into range *(-M,M)*, which means that the
+output will again be in *(-2M,M)*, and this remains the case regardless of how many `update_de`
+invocations there are. In what follows, we will try to make this more efficient.
+Note that increasing *d* by *M* is equal to incrementing *cd* by *u&thinsp;M* and *ce* by *q&thinsp;M*. Similarly,
+increasing *e* by *M* is equal to incrementing *cd* by *v&thinsp;M* and *ce* by *r&thinsp;M*. So we could instead write:
+ ...
+ cd, ce = u*d + v*e, q*d + r*e
+ # Perform the equivalent of incrementing d, e by M when they're negative.
+ if d < 0:
+ cd += u*M
+ ce += q*M
+ if e < 0:
+ cd += v*M
+ ce += r*M
+ # Cancel out bottom N bits of cd and ce.
+ md = -((Mi * cd) % 2**N)
+ me = -((Mi * ce) % 2**N)
+ cd += md * M
+ ce += me * M
+ ...
+Now note that we have two steps of corrections to *cd* and *ce* that add multiples of *M*: this
+increment, and the decrement that cancels out bottom bits. The second one depends on the first
+one, but they can still be efficiently combined by only computing the bottom bits of *cd* and *ce*
+at first, and using that to compute the final *md*, *me* values:
+def update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi):
+ """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [d, e], modulo M."""
+ u, v, q, r = t
+ md, me = 0, 0
+ # Compute what multiples of M to add to cd and ce.
+ if d < 0:
+ md += u
+ me += q
+ if e < 0:
+ md += v
+ me += r
+ # Compute bottom N bits of t*[d,e] + M*[md,me].
+ cd, ce = (u*d + v*e + md*M) % 2**N, (q*d + r*e + me*M) % 2**N
+ # Correct md and me such that the bottom N bits of t*[d,e] + M*[md,me] are zero.
+ md -= (Mi * cd) % 2**N
+ me -= (Mi * ce) % 2**N
+ # Do the full computation.
+ cd, ce = u*d + v*e + md*M, q*d + r*e + me*M
+ # And cleanly divide by 2**N.
+ return cd >> N, ce >> N
+One last optimization: we can avoid the *md&thinsp;M* and *me&thinsp;M* multiplications in the bottom bits of *cd*
+and *ce* by moving them to the *md* and *me* correction:
+ ...
+ # Compute bottom N bits of t*[d,e].
+ cd, ce = (u*d + v*e) % 2**N, (q*d + r*e) % 2**N
+ # Correct md and me such that the bottom N bits of t*[d,e]+M*[md,me] are zero.
+ # Note that this is not the same as {md = (-Mi * cd) % 2**N} etc. That would also result in N
+ # zero bottom bits, but isn't guaranteed to be a reduction of [0,2^N) compared to the
+ # previous md and me values, and thus would violate our bounds analysis.
+ md -= (Mi*cd + md) % 2**N
+ me -= (Mi*ce + me) % 2**N
+ ...
+The resulting function takes *d* and *e* in range *(-2M,M)* as inputs, and outputs values in the same
+range. That also means that the *d* value at the end of `modinv` will be in that range, while we want
+a result in *[0,M)*. To do that, we need a normalization function. It's easy to integrate the
+conditional negation of *d* (based on the sign of *f*) into it as well:
+def normalize(sign, v, M):
+ """Compute sign*v mod M, where v is in range (-2*M,M); output in [0,M)."""
+ assert sign == 1 or sign == -1
+ # v in (-2*M,M)
+ if v < 0:
+ v += M
+ # v in (-M,M). Now multiply v with sign (which can only be 1 or -1).
+ if sign == -1:
+ v = -v
+ # v in (-M,M)
+ if v < 0:
+ v += M
+ # v in [0,M)
+ return v
+And calling it in `modinv` is simply:
+ ...
+ return normalize(f, d, M)
+## 5. Constant-time operation
+The primary selling point of the algorithm is fast constant-time operation. What code flow still
+depends on the input data so far?
+- the number of iterations of the while *g &ne; 0* loop in `modinv`
+- the branches inside `divsteps_n_matrix`
+- the sign checks in `update_de`
+- the sign checks in `normalize`
+To make the while loop in `modinv` constant time it can be replaced with a constant number of
+iterations. The paper proves (Theorem 11.2) that *741* divsteps are sufficient for any *256*-bit
+inputs, and [safegcd-bounds](https://github.com/sipa/safegcd-bounds) shows that the slightly better bound *724* is
+sufficient even. Given that every loop iteration performs *N* divsteps, it will run a total of
+*&lceil;724/N&rceil;* times.
+To deal with the branches in `divsteps_n_matrix` we will replace them with constant-time bitwise
+operations (and hope the C compiler isn't smart enough to turn them back into branches; see
+`valgrind_ctime_test.c` for automated tests that this isn't the case). To do so, observe that a
+divstep can be written instead as (compare to the inner loop of `gcd` in section 1).
+ x = -f if delta > 0 else f # set x equal to (input) -f or f
+ if g & 1:
+ g += x # set g to (input) g-f or g+f
+ if delta > 0:
+ delta = -delta
+ f += g # set f to (input) g (note that g was set to g-f before)
+ delta += 1
+ g >>= 1
+To convert the above to bitwise operations, we rely on a trick to negate conditionally: per the
+definition of negative numbers in two's complement, (*-v == ~v + 1*) holds for every number *v*. As
+*-1* in two's complement is all *1* bits, bitflipping can be expressed as xor with *-1*. It follows
+that *-v == (v ^ -1) - (-1)*. Thus, if we have a variable *c* that takes on values *0* or *-1*, then
+*(v ^ c) - c* is *v* if *c=0* and *-v* if *c=-1*.
+Using this we can write:
+ x = -f if delta > 0 else f
+in constant-time form as:
+ c1 = (-delta) >> 63
+ # Conditionally negate f based on c1:
+ x = (f ^ c1) - c1
+To use that trick, we need a helper mask variable *c1* that resolves the condition *&delta;>0* to *-1*
+(if true) or *0* (if false). We compute *c1* using right shifting, which is equivalent to dividing by
+the specified power of *2* and rounding down (in Python, and also in C under the assumption of a typical two's complement system; see
+`assumptions.h` for tests that this is the case). Right shifting by *63* thus maps all
+numbers in range *[-2<sup>63</sup>,0)* to *-1*, and numbers in range *[0,2<sup>63</sup>)* to *0*.
+Using the facts that *x&0=0* and *x&(-1)=x* (on two's complement systems again), we can write:
+ if g & 1:
+ g += x
+ # Compute c2=0 if g is even and c2=-1 if g is odd.
+ c2 = -(g & 1)
+ # This masks out x if g is even, and leaves x be if g is odd.
+ g += x & c2
+Using the conditional negation trick again we can write:
+ if g & 1:
+ if delta > 0:
+ delta = -delta
+ # Compute c3=-1 if g is odd and delta>0, and 0 otherwise.
+ c3 = c1 & c2
+ # Conditionally negate delta based on c3:
+ delta = (delta ^ c3) - c3
+ if g & 1:
+ if delta > 0:
+ f += g
+ f += g & c3
+It turns out that this can be implemented more efficiently by applying the substitution
+*&eta;=-&delta;*. In this representation, negating *&delta;* corresponds to negating *&eta;*, and incrementing
+*&delta;* corresponds to decrementing *&eta;*. This allows us to remove the negation in the *c1*
+ # Compute a mask c1 for eta < 0, and compute the conditional negation x of f:
+ c1 = eta >> 63
+ x = (f ^ c1) - c1
+ # Compute a mask c2 for odd g, and conditionally add x to g:
+ c2 = -(g & 1)
+ g += x & c2
+ # Compute a mask c for (eta < 0) and odd (input) g, and use it to conditionally negate eta,
+ # and add g to f:
+ c3 = c1 & c2
+ eta = (eta ^ c3) - c3
+ f += g & c3
+ # Incrementing delta corresponds to decrementing eta.
+ eta -= 1
+ g >>= 1
+A variant of divsteps with better worst-case performance can be used instead: starting *&delta;* at
+*1/2* instead of *1*. This reduces the worst case number of iterations to *590* for *256*-bit inputs
+(which can be shown using convex hull analysis). In this case, the substitution *&zeta;=-(&delta;+1/2)*
+is used instead to keep the variable integral. Incrementing *&delta;* by *1* still translates to
+decrementing *&zeta;* by *1*, but negating *&delta;* now corresponds to going from *&zeta;* to *-(&zeta;+1)*, or
+*~&zeta;*. Doing that conditionally based on *c3* is simply:
+ ...
+ c3 = c1 & c2
+ zeta ^= c3
+ ...
+By replacing the loop in `divsteps_n_matrix` with a variant of the divstep code above (extended to
+also apply all *f* operations to *u*, *v* and all *g* operations to *q*, *r*), a constant-time version of
+`divsteps_n_matrix` is obtained. The full code will be in section 7.
+These bit fiddling tricks can also be used to make the conditional negations and additions in
+`update_de` and `normalize` constant-time.
+## 6. Variable-time optimizations
+In section 5, we modified the `divsteps_n_matrix` function (and a few others) to be constant time.
+Constant time operations are only necessary when computing modular inverses of secret data. In
+other cases, it slows down calculations unnecessarily. In this section, we will construct a
+faster non-constant time `divsteps_n_matrix` function.
+To do so, first consider yet another way of writing the inner loop of divstep operations in
+`gcd` from section 1. This decomposition is also explained in the paper in section 8.2. We use
+the original version with initial *&delta;=1* and *&eta;=-&delta;* here.
+for _ in range(N):
+ if g & 1 and eta < 0:
+ eta, f, g = -eta, g, -f
+ if g & 1:
+ g += f
+ eta -= 1
+ g >>= 1
+Whenever *g* is even, the loop only shifts *g* down and decreases *&eta;*. When *g* ends in multiple zero
+bits, these iterations can be consolidated into one step. This requires counting the bottom zero
+bits efficiently, which is possible on most platforms; it is abstracted here as the function
+def count_trailing_zeros(v):
+ """
+ When v is zero, consider all N zero bits as "trailing".
+ For a non-zero value v, find z such that v=(d<<z) for some odd d.
+ """
+ if v == 0:
+ return N
+ else:
+ return (v & -v).bit_length() - 1
+i = N # divsteps left to do
+while True:
+ # Get rid of all bottom zeros at once. In the first iteration, g may be odd and the following
+ # lines have no effect (until "if eta < 0").
+ zeros = min(i, count_trailing_zeros(g))
+ eta -= zeros
+ g >>= zeros
+ i -= zeros
+ if i == 0:
+ break
+ # We know g is odd now
+ if eta < 0:
+ eta, f, g = -eta, g, -f
+ g += f
+ # g is even now, and the eta decrement and g shift will happen in the next loop.
+We can now remove multiple bottom *0* bits from *g* at once, but still need a full iteration whenever
+there is a bottom *1* bit. In what follows, we will get rid of multiple *1* bits simultaneously as
+Observe that as long as *&eta; &geq; 0*, the loop does not modify *f*. Instead, it cancels out bottom
+bits of *g* and shifts them out, and decreases *&eta;* and *i* accordingly - interrupting only when *&eta;*
+becomes negative, or when *i* reaches *0*. Combined, this is equivalent to adding a multiple of *f* to
+*g* to cancel out multiple bottom bits, and then shifting them out.
+It is easy to find what that multiple is: we want a number *w* such that *g+w&thinsp;f* has a few bottom
+zero bits. If that number of bits is *L*, we want *g+w&thinsp;f mod 2<sup>L</sup> = 0*, or *w = -g/f mod 2<sup>L</sup>*. Since *f*
+is odd, such a *w* exists for any *L*. *L* cannot be more than *i* steps (as we'd finish the loop before
+doing more) or more than *&eta;+1* steps (as we'd run `eta, f, g = -eta, g, -f` at that point), but
+apart from that, we're only limited by the complexity of computing *w*.
+This code demonstrates how to cancel up to 4 bits per step:
+NEGINV16 = [15, 5, 3, 9, 7, 13, 11, 1] # NEGINV16[n//2] = (-n)^-1 mod 16, for odd n
+i = N
+while True:
+ zeros = min(i, count_trailing_zeros(g))
+ eta -= zeros
+ g >>= zeros
+ i -= zeros
+ if i == 0:
+ break
+ # We know g is odd now
+ if eta < 0:
+ eta, f, g = -eta, g, -f
+ # Compute limit on number of bits to cancel
+ limit = min(min(eta + 1, i), 4)
+ # Compute w = -g/f mod 2**limit, using the table value for -1/f mod 2**4. Note that f is
+ # always odd, so its inverse modulo a power of two always exists.
+ w = (g * NEGINV16[(f & 15) // 2]) % (2**limit)
+ # As w = -g/f mod (2**limit), g+w*f mod 2**limit = 0 mod 2**limit.
+ g += w * f
+ assert g % (2**limit) == 0
+ # The next iteration will now shift out at least limit bottom zero bits from g.
+By using a bigger table more bits can be cancelled at once. The table can also be implemented
+as a formula. Several formulas are known for computing modular inverses modulo powers of two;
+some can be found in Hacker's Delight second edition by Henry S. Warren, Jr. pages 245-247.
+Here we need the negated modular inverse, which is a simple transformation of those:
+- Instead of a 3-bit table:
+ - *-f* or *f ^ 6*
+- Instead of a 4-bit table:
+ - *1 - f(f + 1)*
+ - *-(f + (((f + 1) & 4) << 1))*
+- For larger tables the following technique can be used: if *w=-1/f mod 2<sup>L</sup>*, then *w(w&thinsp;f+2)* is
+ *-1/f mod 2<sup>2L</sup>*. This allows extending the previous formulas (or tables). In particular we
+ have this 6-bit function (based on the 3-bit function above):
+ - *f(f<sup>2</sup> - 2)*
+This loop, again extended to also handle *u*, *v*, *q*, and *r* alongside *f* and *g*, placed in
+`divsteps_n_matrix`, gives a significantly faster, but non-constant time version.
+## 7. Final Python version
+All together we need the following functions:
+- A way to compute the transition matrix in constant time, using the `divsteps_n_matrix` function
+ from section 2, but with its loop replaced by a variant of the constant-time divstep from
+ section 5, extended to handle *u*, *v*, *q*, *r*:
+def divsteps_n_matrix(zeta, f, g):
+ """Compute zeta and transition matrix t after N divsteps (multiplied by 2^N)."""
+ u, v, q, r = 1, 0, 0, 1 # start with identity matrix
+ for _ in range(N):
+ c1 = zeta >> 63
+ # Compute x, y, z as conditionally-negated versions of f, u, v.
+ x, y, z = (f ^ c1) - c1, (u ^ c1) - c1, (v ^ c1) - c1
+ c2 = -(g & 1)
+ # Conditionally add x, y, z to g, q, r.
+ g, q, r = g + (x & c2), q + (y & c2), r + (z & c2)
+ c1 &= c2 # reusing c1 here for the earlier c3 variable
+ zeta = (zeta ^ c1) - 1 # inlining the unconditional zeta decrement here
+ # Conditionally add g, q, r to f, u, v.
+ f, u, v = f + (g & c1), u + (q & c1), v + (r & c1)
+ # When shifting g down, don't shift q, r, as we construct a transition matrix multiplied
+ # by 2^N. Instead, shift f's coefficients u and v up.
+ g, u, v = g >> 1, u << 1, v << 1
+ return zeta, (u, v, q, r)
+- The functions to update *f* and *g*, and *d* and *e*, from section 2 and section 4, with the constant-time
+ changes to `update_de` from section 5:
+def update_fg(f, g, t):
+ """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [f, g]."""
+ u, v, q, r = t
+ cf, cg = u*f + v*g, q*f + r*g
+ return cf >> N, cg >> N
+def update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi):
+ """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [d, e], modulo M."""
+ u, v, q, r = t
+ d_sign, e_sign = d >> 257, e >> 257
+ md, me = (u & d_sign) + (v & e_sign), (q & d_sign) + (r & e_sign)
+ cd, ce = (u*d + v*e) % 2**N, (q*d + r*e) % 2**N
+ md -= (Mi*cd + md) % 2**N
+ me -= (Mi*ce + me) % 2**N
+ cd, ce = u*d + v*e + M*md, q*d + r*e + M*me
+ return cd >> N, ce >> N
+- The `normalize` function from section 4, made constant time as well:
+def normalize(sign, v, M):
+ """Compute sign*v mod M, where v in (-2*M,M); output in [0,M)."""
+ v_sign = v >> 257
+ # Conditionally add M to v.
+ v += M & v_sign
+ c = (sign - 1) >> 1
+ # Conditionally negate v.
+ v = (v ^ c) - c
+ v_sign = v >> 257
+ # Conditionally add M to v again.
+ v += M & v_sign
+ return v
+- And finally the `modinv` function too, adapted to use *&zeta;* instead of *&delta;*, and using the fixed
+ iteration count from section 5:
+def modinv(M, Mi, x):
+ """Compute the modular inverse of x mod M, given Mi=1/M mod 2^N."""
+ zeta, f, g, d, e = -1, M, x, 0, 1
+ for _ in range((590 + N - 1) // N):
+ zeta, t = divsteps_n_matrix(zeta, f % 2**N, g % 2**N)
+ f, g = update_fg(f, g, t)
+ d, e = update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi)
+ return normalize(f, d, M)
+- To get a variable time version, replace the `divsteps_n_matrix` function with one that uses the
+ divsteps loop from section 5, and a `modinv` version that calls it without the fixed iteration
+ count:
+NEGINV16 = [15, 5, 3, 9, 7, 13, 11, 1] # NEGINV16[n//2] = (-n)^-1 mod 16, for odd n
+def divsteps_n_matrix_var(eta, f, g):
+ """Compute eta and transition matrix t after N divsteps (multiplied by 2^N)."""
+ u, v, q, r = 1, 0, 0, 1
+ i = N
+ while True:
+ zeros = min(i, count_trailing_zeros(g))
+ eta, i = eta - zeros, i - zeros
+ g, u, v = g >> zeros, u << zeros, v << zeros
+ if i == 0:
+ break
+ if eta < 0:
+ eta, f, u, v, g, q, r = -eta, g, q, r, -f, -u, -v
+ limit = min(min(eta + 1, i), 4)
+ w = (g * NEGINV16[(f & 15) // 2]) % (2**limit)
+ g, q, r = g + w*f, q + w*u, r + w*v
+ return eta, (u, v, q, r)
+def modinv_var(M, Mi, x):
+ """Compute the modular inverse of x mod M, given Mi = 1/M mod 2^N."""
+ eta, f, g, d, e = -1, M, x, 0, 1
+ while g != 0:
+ eta, t = divsteps_n_matrix_var(eta, f % 2**N, g % 2**N)
+ f, g = update_fg(f, g, t)
+ d, e = update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi)
+ return normalize(f, d, Mi)