path: root/src/rpc
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5 files changed, 280 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/src/rpc/mempool.cpp b/src/rpc/mempool.cpp
index bc7ef0c08e..33f50d9013 100644
--- a/src/rpc/mempool.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/mempool.cpp
@@ -14,9 +14,219 @@
#include <rpc/util.h>
#include <txmempool.h>
#include <univalue.h>
+#include <util/moneystr.h>
#include <validation.h>
-static std::vector<RPCResult> MempoolEntryDescription() { return {
+using node::NodeContext;
+static RPCHelpMan sendrawtransaction()
+ return RPCHelpMan{"sendrawtransaction",
+ "\nSubmit a raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network.\n"
+ "\nThe transaction will be sent unconditionally to all peers, so using sendrawtransaction\n"
+ "for manual rebroadcast may degrade privacy by leaking the transaction's origin, as\n"
+ "nodes will normally not rebroadcast non-wallet transactions already in their mempool.\n"
+ "\nA specific exception, RPC_TRANSACTION_ALREADY_IN_CHAIN, may throw if the transaction cannot be added to the mempool.\n"
+ "\nRelated RPCs: createrawtransaction, signrawtransactionwithkey\n",
+ {
+ {"hexstring", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The hex string of the raw transaction"},
+ {"maxfeerate", RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT, RPCArg::Default{FormatMoney(DEFAULT_MAX_RAW_TX_FEE_RATE.GetFeePerK())},
+ "Reject transactions whose fee rate is higher than the specified value, expressed in " + CURRENCY_UNIT +
+ "/kvB.\nSet to 0 to accept any fee rate.\n"},
+ },
+ RPCResult{
+ RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "", "The transaction hash in hex"
+ },
+ RPCExamples{
+ "\nCreate a transaction\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\" : \\\"mytxid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"myaddress\\\":0.01}\"") +
+ "Sign the transaction, and get back the hex\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("signrawtransactionwithwallet", "\"myhex\"") +
+ "\nSend the transaction (signed hex)\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("sendrawtransaction", "\"signedhex\"") +
+ "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n"
+ + HelpExampleRpc("sendrawtransaction", "\"signedhex\"")
+ },
+ [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
+ {
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
+ UniValue::VSTR,
+ UniValueType(), // VNUM or VSTR, checked inside AmountFromValue()
+ });
+ CMutableTransaction mtx;
+ if (!DecodeHexTx(mtx, request.params[0].get_str())) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed. Make sure the tx has at least one input.");
+ }
+ CTransactionRef tx(MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
+ const CFeeRate max_raw_tx_fee_rate = request.params[1].isNull() ?
+ CFeeRate(AmountFromValue(request.params[1]));
+ int64_t virtual_size = GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx);
+ CAmount max_raw_tx_fee = max_raw_tx_fee_rate.GetFee(virtual_size);
+ std::string err_string;
+ AssertLockNotHeld(cs_main);
+ NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
+ const TransactionError err = BroadcastTransaction(node, tx, err_string, max_raw_tx_fee, /*relay*/ true, /*wait_callback*/ true);
+ if (TransactionError::OK != err) {
+ throw JSONRPCTransactionError(err, err_string);
+ }
+ return tx->GetHash().GetHex();
+ },
+ };
+static RPCHelpMan testmempoolaccept()
+ return RPCHelpMan{"testmempoolaccept",
+ "\nReturns result of mempool acceptance tests indicating if raw transaction(s) (serialized, hex-encoded) would be accepted by mempool.\n"
+ "\nIf multiple transactions are passed in, parents must come before children and package policies apply: the transactions cannot conflict with any mempool transactions or each other.\n"
+ "\nIf one transaction fails, other transactions may not be fully validated (the 'allowed' key will be blank).\n"
+ "\nThe maximum number of transactions allowed is " + ToString(MAX_PACKAGE_COUNT) + ".\n"
+ "\nThis checks if transactions violate the consensus or policy rules.\n"
+ "\nSee sendrawtransaction call.\n",
+ {
+ {"rawtxs", RPCArg::Type::ARR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "An array of hex strings of raw transactions.",
+ {
+ {"rawtx", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED, ""},
+ },
+ },
+ {"maxfeerate", RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT, RPCArg::Default{FormatMoney(DEFAULT_MAX_RAW_TX_FEE_RATE.GetFeePerK())},
+ "Reject transactions whose fee rate is higher than the specified value, expressed in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kvB\n"},
+ },
+ RPCResult{
+ RPCResult::Type::ARR, "", "The result of the mempool acceptance test for each raw transaction in the input array.\n"
+ "Returns results for each transaction in the same order they were passed in.\n"
+ "Transactions that cannot be fully validated due to failures in other transactions will not contain an 'allowed' result.\n",
+ {
+ {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
+ {
+ {RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "txid", "The transaction hash in hex"},
+ {RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "wtxid", "The transaction witness hash in hex"},
+ {RPCResult::Type::STR, "package-error", /*optional=*/true, "Package validation error, if any (only possible if rawtxs had more than 1 transaction)."},
+ {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "allowed", /*optional=*/true, "Whether this tx would be accepted to the mempool and pass client-specified maxfeerate. "
+ "If not present, the tx was not fully validated due to a failure in another tx in the list."},
+ {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "vsize", /*optional=*/true, "Virtual transaction size as defined in BIP 141. This is different from actual serialized size for witness transactions as witness data is discounted (only present when 'allowed' is true)"},
+ {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "fees", /*optional=*/true, "Transaction fees (only present if 'allowed' is true)",
+ {
+ {RPCResult::Type::STR_AMOUNT, "base", "transaction fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT},
+ }},
+ {RPCResult::Type::STR, "reject-reason", /*optional=*/true, "Rejection string (only present when 'allowed' is false)"},
+ }},
+ }
+ },
+ RPCExamples{
+ "\nCreate a transaction\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\" : \\\"mytxid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"myaddress\\\":0.01}\"") +
+ "Sign the transaction, and get back the hex\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("signrawtransactionwithwallet", "\"myhex\"") +
+ "\nTest acceptance of the transaction (signed hex)\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("testmempoolaccept", R"('["signedhex"]')") +
+ "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n"
+ + HelpExampleRpc("testmempoolaccept", "[\"signedhex\"]")
+ },
+ [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
+ {
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
+ UniValue::VARR,
+ UniValueType(), // VNUM or VSTR, checked inside AmountFromValue()
+ });
+ const UniValue raw_transactions = request.params[0].get_array();
+ if (raw_transactions.size() < 1 || raw_transactions.size() > MAX_PACKAGE_COUNT) {
+ "Array must contain between 1 and " + ToString(MAX_PACKAGE_COUNT) + " transactions.");
+ }
+ const CFeeRate max_raw_tx_fee_rate = request.params[1].isNull() ?
+ CFeeRate(AmountFromValue(request.params[1]));
+ std::vector<CTransactionRef> txns;
+ txns.reserve(raw_transactions.size());
+ for (const auto& rawtx : raw_transactions.getValues()) {
+ CMutableTransaction mtx;
+ if (!DecodeHexTx(mtx, rawtx.get_str())) {
+ "TX decode failed: " + rawtx.get_str() + " Make sure the tx has at least one input.");
+ }
+ txns.emplace_back(MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
+ }
+ NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
+ CTxMemPool& mempool = EnsureMemPool(node);
+ ChainstateManager& chainman = EnsureChainman(node);
+ CChainState& chainstate = chainman.ActiveChainstate();
+ const PackageMempoolAcceptResult package_result = [&] {
+ LOCK(::cs_main);
+ if (txns.size() > 1) return ProcessNewPackage(chainstate, mempool, txns, /* test_accept */ true);
+ return PackageMempoolAcceptResult(txns[0]->GetWitnessHash(),
+ chainman.ProcessTransaction(txns[0], /*test_accept=*/true));
+ }();
+ UniValue rpc_result(UniValue::VARR);
+ // We will check transaction fees while we iterate through txns in order. If any transaction fee
+ // exceeds maxfeerate, we will leave the rest of the validation results blank, because it
+ // doesn't make sense to return a validation result for a transaction if its ancestor(s) would
+ // not be submitted.
+ bool exit_early{false};
+ for (const auto& tx : txns) {
+ UniValue result_inner(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ result_inner.pushKV("txid", tx->GetHash().GetHex());
+ result_inner.pushKV("wtxid", tx->GetWitnessHash().GetHex());
+ if (package_result.m_state.GetResult() == PackageValidationResult::PCKG_POLICY) {
+ result_inner.pushKV("package-error", package_result.m_state.GetRejectReason());
+ }
+ auto it = package_result.m_tx_results.find(tx->GetWitnessHash());
+ if (exit_early || it == package_result.m_tx_results.end()) {
+ // Validation unfinished. Just return the txid and wtxid.
+ rpc_result.push_back(result_inner);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto& tx_result = it->second;
+ // Package testmempoolaccept doesn't allow transactions to already be in the mempool.
+ CHECK_NONFATAL(tx_result.m_result_type != MempoolAcceptResult::ResultType::MEMPOOL_ENTRY);
+ if (tx_result.m_result_type == MempoolAcceptResult::ResultType::VALID) {
+ const CAmount fee = tx_result.m_base_fees.value();
+ // Check that fee does not exceed maximum fee
+ const int64_t virtual_size = tx_result.m_vsize.value();
+ const CAmount max_raw_tx_fee = max_raw_tx_fee_rate.GetFee(virtual_size);
+ if (max_raw_tx_fee && fee > max_raw_tx_fee) {
+ result_inner.pushKV("allowed", false);
+ result_inner.pushKV("reject-reason", "max-fee-exceeded");
+ exit_early = true;
+ } else {
+ // Only return the fee and vsize if the transaction would pass ATMP.
+ // These can be used to calculate the feerate.
+ result_inner.pushKV("allowed", true);
+ result_inner.pushKV("vsize", virtual_size);
+ UniValue fees(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ fees.pushKV("base", ValueFromAmount(fee));
+ result_inner.pushKV("fees", fees);
+ }
+ } else {
+ result_inner.pushKV("allowed", false);
+ const TxValidationState state = tx_result.m_state;
+ if (state.GetResult() == TxValidationResult::TX_MISSING_INPUTS) {
+ result_inner.pushKV("reject-reason", "missing-inputs");
+ } else {
+ result_inner.pushKV("reject-reason", state.GetRejectReason());
+ }
+ }
+ rpc_result.push_back(result_inner);
+ }
+ return rpc_result;
+ },
+ };
+static std::vector<RPCResult> MempoolEntryDescription()
+ return {
RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::NUM, "vsize", "virtual transaction size as defined in BIP 141. This is different from actual serialized size for witness transactions as witness data is discounted."},
RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::NUM, "weight", "transaction weight as defined in BIP 141."},
RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::STR_AMOUNT, "fee", /*optional=*/true,
@@ -50,7 +260,8 @@ static std::vector<RPCResult> MempoolEntryDescription() { return {
{RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "transactionid", "child transaction id"}}},
RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "bip125-replaceable", "Whether this transaction could be replaced due to BIP125 (replace-by-fee)"},
RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "unbroadcast", "Whether this transaction is currently unbroadcast (initial broadcast not yet acknowledged by any peers)"},
+ };
static void entryToJSON(const CTxMemPool& pool, UniValue& info, const CTxMemPoolEntry& e) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(pool.cs)
@@ -164,7 +375,7 @@ UniValue MempoolToJSON(const CTxMemPool& pool, bool verbose, bool include_mempoo
-RPCHelpMan getrawmempool()
+static RPCHelpMan getrawmempool()
return RPCHelpMan{"getrawmempool",
"\nReturns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array of string transaction ids.\n"
@@ -214,7 +425,7 @@ RPCHelpMan getrawmempool()
-RPCHelpMan getmempoolancestors()
+static RPCHelpMan getmempoolancestors()
return RPCHelpMan{"getmempoolancestors",
"\nIf txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool ancestors.\n",
@@ -278,7 +489,7 @@ RPCHelpMan getmempoolancestors()
-RPCHelpMan getmempooldescendants()
+static RPCHelpMan getmempooldescendants()
return RPCHelpMan{"getmempooldescendants",
"\nIf txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool descendants.\n",
@@ -343,7 +554,7 @@ RPCHelpMan getmempooldescendants()
-RPCHelpMan getmempoolentry()
+static RPCHelpMan getmempoolentry()
return RPCHelpMan{"getmempoolentry",
"\nReturns mempool data for given transaction\n",
@@ -394,7 +605,7 @@ UniValue MempoolInfoToJSON(const CTxMemPool& pool)
return ret;
-RPCHelpMan getmempoolinfo()
+static RPCHelpMan getmempoolinfo()
return RPCHelpMan{"getmempoolinfo",
"\nReturns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.\n",
@@ -423,7 +634,7 @@ RPCHelpMan getmempoolinfo()
-RPCHelpMan savemempool()
+static RPCHelpMan savemempool()
return RPCHelpMan{"savemempool",
"\nDumps the mempool to disk. It will fail until the previous dump is fully loaded.\n",
@@ -463,6 +674,8 @@ void RegisterMempoolRPCCommands(CRPCTable& t)
static const CRPCCommand commands[]{
// category actor (function)
// -------- ----------------
+ {"rawtransactions", &sendrawtransaction},
+ {"rawtransactions", &testmempoolaccept},
{"blockchain", &getmempoolancestors},
{"blockchain", &getmempooldescendants},
{"blockchain", &getmempoolentry},
diff --git a/src/rpc/net.cpp b/src/rpc/net.cpp
index 9eeced27ae..305005077d 100644
--- a/src/rpc/net.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/net.cpp
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ static RPCHelpMan getpeerinfo()
return RPCHelpMan{
- "\nReturns data about each connected network node as a json array of objects.\n",
+ "Returns data about each connected network peer as a json array of objects.",
RPCResult::Type::ARR, "", "",
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ static RPCHelpMan getpeerinfo()
{RPCResult::Type::STR, "SERVICE_NAME", "the service name if it is recognised"}
- {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "relaytxes", "Whether peer has asked us to relay transactions to it"},
+ {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "relaytxes", /*optional=*/true, "Whether peer has asked us to relay transactions to it"},
{RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "lastsend", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " of the last send"},
{RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "lastrecv", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " of the last receive"},
{RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "last_transaction", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " of the last valid transaction received from this peer"},
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static RPCHelpMan getpeerinfo()
{RPCResult::Type::STR, "permission_type", Join(NET_PERMISSIONS_DOC, ",\n") + ".\n"},
- {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "minfeefilter", "The minimum fee rate for transactions this peer accepts"},
+ {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "minfeefilter", /*optional=*/true, "The minimum fee rate for transactions this peer accepts"},
{RPCResult::Type::OBJ_DYN, "bytessent_per_msg", "",
{RPCResult::Type::NUM, "msg", "The total bytes sent aggregated by message type\n"
diff --git a/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp b/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
index 8e60e82f35..7858cc4268 100644
--- a/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#include <script/standard.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include <util/bip32.h>
-#include <util/moneystr.h>
#include <util/strencodings.h>
#include <util/string.h>
#include <validation.h>
@@ -46,7 +45,6 @@
using node::AnalyzePSBT;
using node::BroadcastTransaction;
using node::FindCoins;
using node::GetTransaction;
using node::NodeContext;
@@ -714,210 +712,6 @@ static RPCHelpMan signrawtransactionwithkey()
-static RPCHelpMan sendrawtransaction()
- return RPCHelpMan{"sendrawtransaction",
- "\nSubmit a raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network.\n"
- "\nThe transaction will be sent unconditionally to all peers, so using sendrawtransaction\n"
- "for manual rebroadcast may degrade privacy by leaking the transaction's origin, as\n"
- "nodes will normally not rebroadcast non-wallet transactions already in their mempool.\n"
- "\nA specific exception, RPC_TRANSACTION_ALREADY_IN_CHAIN, may throw if the transaction cannot be added to the mempool.\n"
- "\nRelated RPCs: createrawtransaction, signrawtransactionwithkey\n",
- {
- {"hexstring", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The hex string of the raw transaction"},
- {"maxfeerate", RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT, RPCArg::Default{FormatMoney(DEFAULT_MAX_RAW_TX_FEE_RATE.GetFeePerK())},
- "Reject transactions whose fee rate is higher than the specified value, expressed in " + CURRENCY_UNIT +
- "/kvB.\nSet to 0 to accept any fee rate.\n"},
- },
- RPCResult{
- RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "", "The transaction hash in hex"
- },
- RPCExamples{
- "\nCreate a transaction\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\" : \\\"mytxid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"myaddress\\\":0.01}\"") +
- "Sign the transaction, and get back the hex\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("signrawtransactionwithwallet", "\"myhex\"") +
- "\nSend the transaction (signed hex)\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("sendrawtransaction", "\"signedhex\"") +
- "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n"
- + HelpExampleRpc("sendrawtransaction", "\"signedhex\"")
- },
- [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
- RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
- UniValue::VSTR,
- UniValueType(), // VNUM or VSTR, checked inside AmountFromValue()
- });
- CMutableTransaction mtx;
- if (!DecodeHexTx(mtx, request.params[0].get_str())) {
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed. Make sure the tx has at least one input.");
- }
- CTransactionRef tx(MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
- const CFeeRate max_raw_tx_fee_rate = request.params[1].isNull() ?
- CFeeRate(AmountFromValue(request.params[1]));
- int64_t virtual_size = GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx);
- CAmount max_raw_tx_fee = max_raw_tx_fee_rate.GetFee(virtual_size);
- std::string err_string;
- AssertLockNotHeld(cs_main);
- NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
- const TransactionError err = BroadcastTransaction(node, tx, err_string, max_raw_tx_fee, /*relay*/ true, /*wait_callback*/ true);
- if (TransactionError::OK != err) {
- throw JSONRPCTransactionError(err, err_string);
- }
- return tx->GetHash().GetHex();
- };
-static RPCHelpMan testmempoolaccept()
- return RPCHelpMan{"testmempoolaccept",
- "\nReturns result of mempool acceptance tests indicating if raw transaction(s) (serialized, hex-encoded) would be accepted by mempool.\n"
- "\nIf multiple transactions are passed in, parents must come before children and package policies apply: the transactions cannot conflict with any mempool transactions or each other.\n"
- "\nIf one transaction fails, other transactions may not be fully validated (the 'allowed' key will be blank).\n"
- "\nThe maximum number of transactions allowed is " + ToString(MAX_PACKAGE_COUNT) + ".\n"
- "\nThis checks if transactions violate the consensus or policy rules.\n"
- "\nSee sendrawtransaction call.\n",
- {
- {"rawtxs", RPCArg::Type::ARR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "An array of hex strings of raw transactions.",
- {
- {"rawtx", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED, ""},
- },
- },
- {"maxfeerate", RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT, RPCArg::Default{FormatMoney(DEFAULT_MAX_RAW_TX_FEE_RATE.GetFeePerK())},
- "Reject transactions whose fee rate is higher than the specified value, expressed in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kvB\n"},
- },
- RPCResult{
- RPCResult::Type::ARR, "", "The result of the mempool acceptance test for each raw transaction in the input array.\n"
- "Returns results for each transaction in the same order they were passed in.\n"
- "Transactions that cannot be fully validated due to failures in other transactions will not contain an 'allowed' result.\n",
- {
- {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
- {
- {RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "txid", "The transaction hash in hex"},
- {RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "wtxid", "The transaction witness hash in hex"},
- {RPCResult::Type::STR, "package-error", /*optional=*/true, "Package validation error, if any (only possible if rawtxs had more than 1 transaction)."},
- {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "allowed", /*optional=*/true, "Whether this tx would be accepted to the mempool and pass client-specified maxfeerate. "
- "If not present, the tx was not fully validated due to a failure in another tx in the list."},
- {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "vsize", /*optional=*/true, "Virtual transaction size as defined in BIP 141. This is different from actual serialized size for witness transactions as witness data is discounted (only present when 'allowed' is true)"},
- {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "fees", /*optional=*/true, "Transaction fees (only present if 'allowed' is true)",
- {
- {RPCResult::Type::STR_AMOUNT, "base", "transaction fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT},
- }},
- {RPCResult::Type::STR, "reject-reason", /*optional=*/true, "Rejection string (only present when 'allowed' is false)"},
- }},
- }
- },
- RPCExamples{
- "\nCreate a transaction\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\" : \\\"mytxid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"myaddress\\\":0.01}\"") +
- "Sign the transaction, and get back the hex\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("signrawtransactionwithwallet", "\"myhex\"") +
- "\nTest acceptance of the transaction (signed hex)\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("testmempoolaccept", R"('["signedhex"]')") +
- "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n"
- + HelpExampleRpc("testmempoolaccept", "[\"signedhex\"]")
- },
- [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
- RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
- UniValue::VARR,
- UniValueType(), // VNUM or VSTR, checked inside AmountFromValue()
- });
- const UniValue raw_transactions = request.params[0].get_array();
- if (raw_transactions.size() < 1 || raw_transactions.size() > MAX_PACKAGE_COUNT) {
- "Array must contain between 1 and " + ToString(MAX_PACKAGE_COUNT) + " transactions.");
- }
- const CFeeRate max_raw_tx_fee_rate = request.params[1].isNull() ?
- CFeeRate(AmountFromValue(request.params[1]));
- std::vector<CTransactionRef> txns;
- txns.reserve(raw_transactions.size());
- for (const auto& rawtx : raw_transactions.getValues()) {
- CMutableTransaction mtx;
- if (!DecodeHexTx(mtx, rawtx.get_str())) {
- "TX decode failed: " + rawtx.get_str() + " Make sure the tx has at least one input.");
- }
- txns.emplace_back(MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
- }
- NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
- CTxMemPool& mempool = EnsureMemPool(node);
- ChainstateManager& chainman = EnsureChainman(node);
- CChainState& chainstate = chainman.ActiveChainstate();
- const PackageMempoolAcceptResult package_result = [&] {
- LOCK(::cs_main);
- if (txns.size() > 1) return ProcessNewPackage(chainstate, mempool, txns, /* test_accept */ true);
- return PackageMempoolAcceptResult(txns[0]->GetWitnessHash(),
- chainman.ProcessTransaction(txns[0], /*test_accept=*/ true));
- }();
- UniValue rpc_result(UniValue::VARR);
- // We will check transaction fees while we iterate through txns in order. If any transaction fee
- // exceeds maxfeerate, we will leave the rest of the validation results blank, because it
- // doesn't make sense to return a validation result for a transaction if its ancestor(s) would
- // not be submitted.
- bool exit_early{false};
- for (const auto& tx : txns) {
- UniValue result_inner(UniValue::VOBJ);
- result_inner.pushKV("txid", tx->GetHash().GetHex());
- result_inner.pushKV("wtxid", tx->GetWitnessHash().GetHex());
- if (package_result.m_state.GetResult() == PackageValidationResult::PCKG_POLICY) {
- result_inner.pushKV("package-error", package_result.m_state.GetRejectReason());
- }
- auto it = package_result.m_tx_results.find(tx->GetWitnessHash());
- if (exit_early || it == package_result.m_tx_results.end()) {
- // Validation unfinished. Just return the txid and wtxid.
- rpc_result.push_back(result_inner);
- continue;
- }
- const auto& tx_result = it->second;
- // Package testmempoolaccept doesn't allow transactions to already be in the mempool.
- CHECK_NONFATAL(tx_result.m_result_type != MempoolAcceptResult::ResultType::MEMPOOL_ENTRY);
- if (tx_result.m_result_type == MempoolAcceptResult::ResultType::VALID) {
- const CAmount fee = tx_result.m_base_fees.value();
- // Check that fee does not exceed maximum fee
- const int64_t virtual_size = tx_result.m_vsize.value();
- const CAmount max_raw_tx_fee = max_raw_tx_fee_rate.GetFee(virtual_size);
- if (max_raw_tx_fee && fee > max_raw_tx_fee) {
- result_inner.pushKV("allowed", false);
- result_inner.pushKV("reject-reason", "max-fee-exceeded");
- exit_early = true;
- } else {
- // Only return the fee and vsize if the transaction would pass ATMP.
- // These can be used to calculate the feerate.
- result_inner.pushKV("allowed", true);
- result_inner.pushKV("vsize", virtual_size);
- UniValue fees(UniValue::VOBJ);
- fees.pushKV("base", ValueFromAmount(fee));
- result_inner.pushKV("fees", fees);
- }
- } else {
- result_inner.pushKV("allowed", false);
- const TxValidationState state = tx_result.m_state;
- if (state.GetResult() == TxValidationResult::TX_MISSING_INPUTS) {
- result_inner.pushKV("reject-reason", "missing-inputs");
- } else {
- result_inner.pushKV("reject-reason", state.GetRejectReason());
- }
- }
- rpc_result.push_back(result_inner);
- }
- return rpc_result;
- };
static RPCHelpMan decodepsbt()
return RPCHelpMan{
@@ -1928,10 +1722,8 @@ static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ "rawtransactions", &createrawtransaction, },
{ "rawtransactions", &decoderawtransaction, },
{ "rawtransactions", &decodescript, },
- { "rawtransactions", &sendrawtransaction, },
{ "rawtransactions", &combinerawtransaction, },
{ "rawtransactions", &signrawtransactionwithkey, },
- { "rawtransactions", &testmempoolaccept, },
{ "rawtransactions", &decodepsbt, },
{ "rawtransactions", &combinepsbt, },
{ "rawtransactions", &finalizepsbt, },
diff --git a/src/rpc/util.cpp b/src/rpc/util.cpp
index 7c859268be..9c9e6e9f11 100644
--- a/src/rpc/util.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/util.cpp
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ void RPCResult::ToSections(Sections& sections, const OuterType outer_type, const
// Elements in a JSON structure (dictionary or array) are separated by a comma
const std::string maybe_separator{outer_type != OuterType::NONE ? "," : ""};
- // The key name if recursed into an dictionary
+ // The key name if recursed into a dictionary
const std::string maybe_key{
outer_type == OuterType::OBJ ?
"\"" + this->m_key_name + "\" : " :
@@ -865,10 +865,11 @@ void RPCResult::ToSections(Sections& sections, const OuterType outer_type, const
bool RPCResult::MatchesType(const UniValue& result) const
- switch (m_type) {
- case Type::ELISION: {
- return false;
+ if (m_skip_type_check) {
+ return true;
+ switch (m_type) {
+ case Type::ELISION:
case Type::ANY: {
return true;
@@ -889,11 +890,52 @@ bool RPCResult::MatchesType(const UniValue& result) const
case Type::ARR_FIXED:
case Type::ARR: {
- return UniValue::VARR == result.getType();
+ if (UniValue::VARR != result.getType()) return false;
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < result.get_array().size(); ++i) {
+ // If there are more results than documented, re-use the last doc_inner.
+ const RPCResult& doc_inner{m_inner.at(std::min(m_inner.size() - 1, i))};
+ if (!doc_inner.MatchesType(result.get_array()[i])) return false;
+ }
+ return true; // empty result array is valid
case Type::OBJ_DYN:
case Type::OBJ: {
- return UniValue::VOBJ == result.getType();
+ if (UniValue::VOBJ != result.getType()) return false;
+ if (!m_inner.empty() && m_inner.at(0).m_type == Type::ELISION) return true;
+ if (m_type == Type::OBJ_DYN) {
+ const RPCResult& doc_inner{m_inner.at(0)}; // Assume all types are the same, randomly pick the first
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < result.get_obj().size(); ++i) {
+ if (!doc_inner.MatchesType(result.get_obj()[i])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true; // empty result obj is valid
+ }
+ std::set<std::string> doc_keys;
+ for (const auto& doc_entry : m_inner) {
+ doc_keys.insert(doc_entry.m_key_name);
+ }
+ std::map<std::string, UniValue> result_obj;
+ result.getObjMap(result_obj);
+ for (const auto& result_entry : result_obj) {
+ if (doc_keys.find(result_entry.first) == doc_keys.end()) {
+ return false; // missing documentation
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& doc_entry : m_inner) {
+ const auto result_it{result_obj.find(doc_entry.m_key_name)};
+ if (result_it == result_obj.end()) {
+ if (!doc_entry.m_optional) {
+ return false; // result is missing a required key
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!doc_entry.MatchesType(result_it->second)) {
+ return false; // wrong type
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
diff --git a/src/rpc/util.h b/src/rpc/util.h
index 89d32d4193..e16fed75bc 100644
--- a/src/rpc/util.h
+++ b/src/rpc/util.h
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ struct RPCResult {
const std::string m_key_name; //!< Only used for dicts
const std::vector<RPCResult> m_inner; //!< Only used for arrays or dicts
const bool m_optional;
+ const bool m_skip_type_check;
const std::string m_description;
const std::string m_cond;
@@ -270,6 +271,7 @@ struct RPCResult {
+ m_skip_type_check{false},
@@ -290,11 +292,13 @@ struct RPCResult {
const std::string m_key_name,
const bool optional,
const std::string description,
- const std::vector<RPCResult> inner = {})
+ const std::vector<RPCResult> inner = {},
+ bool skip_type_check = false)
: m_type{std::move(type)},
+ m_skip_type_check{skip_type_check},
@@ -305,8 +309,9 @@ struct RPCResult {
const Type type,
const std::string m_key_name,
const std::string description,
- const std::vector<RPCResult> inner = {})
- : RPCResult{type, m_key_name, false, description, inner} {}
+ const std::vector<RPCResult> inner = {},
+ bool skip_type_check = false)
+ : RPCResult{type, m_key_name, false, description, inner, skip_type_check} {}
/** Append the sections of the result. */
void ToSections(Sections& sections, OuterType outer_type = OuterType::NONE, const int current_indent = 0) const;