path: root/src/rpc/util.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rpc/util.cpp')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/rpc/util.cpp b/src/rpc/util.cpp
index bfdba5253c..2059628b54 100644
--- a/src/rpc/util.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/util.cpp
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ void RPCTypeCheckObj(const UniValue& o,
-CAmount AmountFromValue(const UniValue& value)
+CAmount AmountFromValue(const UniValue& value, int decimals)
if (!value.isNum() && !value.isStr())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Amount is not a number or string");
CAmount amount;
- if (!ParseFixedPoint(value.getValStr(), 8, &amount))
+ if (!ParseFixedPoint(value.getValStr(), decimals, &amount))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid amount");
if (!MoneyRange(amount))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Amount out of range");
@@ -113,21 +113,43 @@ std::vector<unsigned char> ParseHexO(const UniValue& o, std::string strKey)
return ParseHexV(find_value(o, strKey), strKey);
-CoinStatsHashType ParseHashType(const UniValue& param, const CoinStatsHashType default_type)
- if (param.isNull()) {
- return default_type;
- } else {
- std::string hash_type_input = param.get_str();
+namespace {
- if (hash_type_input == "hash_serialized_2") {
- return CoinStatsHashType::HASH_SERIALIZED;
- } else if (hash_type_input == "none") {
- return CoinStatsHashType::NONE;
+ * Quote an argument for shell.
+ *
+ * @note This is intended for help, not for security-sensitive purposes.
+ */
+std::string ShellQuote(const std::string& s)
+ std::string result;
+ result.reserve(s.size() * 2);
+ for (const char ch: s) {
+ if (ch == '\'') {
+ result += "'\''";
} else {
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("%d is not a valid hash_type", hash_type_input));
+ result += ch;
+ }
+ }
+ return "'" + result + "'";
+ * Shell-quotes the argument if it needs quoting, else returns it literally, to save typing.
+ *
+ * @note This is intended for help, not for security-sensitive purposes.
+ */
+std::string ShellQuoteIfNeeded(const std::string& s)
+ for (const char ch: s) {
+ if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\'' || ch == '"') {
+ return ShellQuote(s);
+ return s;
std::string HelpExampleCli(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
@@ -135,12 +157,36 @@ std::string HelpExampleCli(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& arg
return "> bitcoin-cli " + methodname + " " + args + "\n";
+std::string HelpExampleCliNamed(const std::string& methodname, const RPCArgList& args)
+ std::string result = "> bitcoin-cli -named " + methodname;
+ for (const auto& argpair: args) {
+ const auto& value = argpair.second.isStr()
+ ? argpair.second.get_str()
+ : argpair.second.write();
+ result += " " + argpair.first + "=" + ShellQuoteIfNeeded(value);
+ }
+ result += "\n";
+ return result;
std::string HelpExampleRpc(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
return "> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", "
"\"method\": \"" + methodname + "\", \"params\": [" + args + "]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'\n";
+std::string HelpExampleRpcNamed(const std::string& methodname, const RPCArgList& args)
+ UniValue params(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ for (const auto& param: args) {
+ params.pushKV(param.first, param.second);
+ }
+ return "> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", "
+ "\"method\": \"" + methodname + "\", \"params\": " + params.write() + "}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'\n";
// Converts a hex string to a public key if possible
CPubKey HexToPubKey(const std::string& hex_in)
@@ -185,16 +231,12 @@ CTxDestination AddAndGetMultisigDestination(const int required, const std::vecto
if ((int)pubkeys.size() < required) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("not enough keys supplied (got %u keys, but need at least %d to redeem)", pubkeys.size(), required));
- if (pubkeys.size() > 16) {
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Number of keys involved in the multisignature address creation > 16\nReduce the number");
+ if (pubkeys.size() > MAX_PUBKEYS_PER_MULTISIG) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Number of keys involved in the multisignature address creation > %d\nReduce the number", MAX_PUBKEYS_PER_MULTISIG));
script_out = GetScriptForMultisig(required, pubkeys);
- if (script_out.size() > MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE) {
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, (strprintf("redeemScript exceeds size limit: %d > %d", script_out.size(), MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE)));
- }
// Check if any keys are uncompressed. If so, the type is legacy
for (const CPubKey& pk : pubkeys) {
if (!pk.IsCompressed()) {
@@ -203,6 +245,10 @@ CTxDestination AddAndGetMultisigDestination(const int required, const std::vecto
+ if (type == OutputType::LEGACY && script_out.size() > MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, (strprintf("redeemScript exceeds size limit: %d > %d", script_out.size(), MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE)));
+ }
// Make the address
CTxDestination dest = AddAndGetDestinationForScript(keystore, script_out, type);
@@ -255,6 +301,16 @@ public:
return obj;
+ UniValue operator()(const WitnessV1Taproot& tap) const
+ {
+ UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ obj.pushKV("isscript", true);
+ obj.pushKV("iswitness", true);
+ obj.pushKV("witness_version", 1);
+ obj.pushKV("witness_program", HexStr(tap));
+ return obj;
+ }
UniValue operator()(const WitnessUnknown& id) const
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
@@ -452,6 +508,33 @@ RPCHelpMan::RPCHelpMan(std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<RP
for (const std::string& name : names) {
+ // Default value type should match argument type only when defined
+ if (arg.m_fallback.index() == 2) {
+ const RPCArg::Type type = arg.m_type;
+ switch (std::get<RPCArg::Default>(arg.m_fallback).getType()) {
+ case UniValue::VOBJ:
+ CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::OBJ);
+ break;
+ case UniValue::VARR:
+ CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::ARR);
+ break;
+ case UniValue::VSTR:
+ CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::STR || type == RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX || type == RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT);
+ break;
+ case UniValue::VNUM:
+ CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::NUM || type == RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT || type == RPCArg::Type::RANGE);
+ break;
+ case UniValue::VBOOL:
+ CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::BOOL);
+ break;
+ case UniValue::VNULL:
+ // Null values are accepted in all arguments
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
@@ -459,6 +542,7 @@ std::string RPCResults::ToDescriptionString() const
std::string result;
for (const auto& r : m_results) {
+ if (r.m_type == RPCResult::Type::ANY) continue; // for testing only
if (r.m_cond.empty()) {
result += "\nResult:\n";
} else {
@@ -476,6 +560,23 @@ std::string RPCExamples::ToDescriptionString() const
return m_examples.empty() ? m_examples : "\nExamples:\n" + m_examples;
+UniValue RPCHelpMan::HandleRequest(const JSONRPCRequest& request) const
+ if (request.mode == JSONRPCRequest::GET_ARGS) {
+ return GetArgMap();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check if the given request is valid according to this command or if
+ * the user is asking for help information, and throw help when appropriate.
+ */
+ if (request.mode == JSONRPCRequest::GET_HELP || !IsValidNumArgs(request.params.size())) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(ToString());
+ }
+ const UniValue ret = m_fun(*this, request);
+ CHECK_NONFATAL(std::any_of(m_results.m_results.begin(), m_results.m_results.end(), [ret](const RPCResult& res) { return res.MatchesType(ret); }));
+ return ret;
bool RPCHelpMan::IsValidNumArgs(size_t num_args) const
size_t num_required_args = 0;
@@ -549,8 +650,9 @@ std::string RPCHelpMan::ToString() const
return ret;
-void RPCHelpMan::AppendArgMap(UniValue& arr) const
+UniValue RPCHelpMan::GetArgMap() const
+ UniValue arr{UniValue::VARR};
for (int i{0}; i < int(m_args.size()); ++i) {
const auto& arg = m_args.at(i);
std::vector<std::string> arg_names;
@@ -565,6 +667,7 @@ void RPCHelpMan::AppendArgMap(UniValue& arr) const
+ return arr;
std::string RPCArg::GetFirstName() const
@@ -580,7 +683,7 @@ std::string RPCArg::GetName() const
bool RPCArg::IsOptional() const
- if (m_fallback.index() == 1) {
+ if (m_fallback.index() != 0) {
return true;
} else {
return RPCArg::Optional::NO != std::get<RPCArg::Optional>(m_fallback);
@@ -628,7 +731,9 @@ std::string RPCArg::ToDescriptionString() const
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
if (m_fallback.index() == 1) {
- ret += ", optional, default=" + std::get<std::string>(m_fallback);
+ ret += ", optional, default=" + std::get<RPCArg::DefaultHint>(m_fallback);
+ } else if (m_fallback.index() == 2) {
+ ret += ", optional, default=" + std::get<RPCArg::Default>(m_fallback).write();
} else {
switch (std::get<RPCArg::Optional>(m_fallback)) {
case RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED: {
@@ -677,6 +782,9 @@ void RPCResult::ToSections(Sections& sections, const OuterType outer_type, const
sections.PushSection({indent + "..." + maybe_separator, m_description});
+ case Type::ANY: {
+ CHECK_NONFATAL(false); // Only for testing
+ }
case Type::NONE: {
sections.PushSection({indent + "null" + maybe_separator, Description("json null")});
@@ -742,6 +850,42 @@ void RPCResult::ToSections(Sections& sections, const OuterType outer_type, const
+bool RPCResult::MatchesType(const UniValue& result) const
+ switch (m_type) {
+ case Type::ELISION: {
+ return false;
+ }
+ case Type::ANY: {
+ return true;
+ }
+ case Type::NONE: {
+ return UniValue::VNULL == result.getType();
+ }
+ case Type::STR:
+ case Type::STR_HEX: {
+ return UniValue::VSTR == result.getType();
+ }
+ case Type::NUM:
+ case Type::STR_AMOUNT:
+ case Type::NUM_TIME: {
+ return UniValue::VNUM == result.getType();
+ }
+ case Type::BOOL: {
+ return UniValue::VBOOL == result.getType();
+ }
+ case Type::ARR_FIXED:
+ case Type::ARR: {
+ return UniValue::VARR == result.getType();
+ }
+ case Type::OBJ_DYN:
+ case Type::OBJ: {
+ return UniValue::VOBJ == result.getType();
+ }
+ } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
std::string RPCArg::ToStringObj(const bool oneline) const
std::string res;