path: root/src/qt/notificator.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qt/notificator.cpp')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qt/notificator.cpp b/src/qt/notificator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf0c0a3901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qt/notificator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#include "notificator.h"
+#include <QMetaType>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QIcon>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QStyle>
+#include <QByteArray>
+#include <QSystemTrayIcon>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#ifdef USE_DBUS
+#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
+#include <stdint.h>
+// https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDevelopmentGuidelines recommends at least 128
+Notificator::Notificator(const QString &programName, QSystemTrayIcon *trayicon, QWidget *parent):
+ QObject(parent),
+ parent(parent),
+ programName(programName),
+ mode(None),
+ trayIcon(trayicon)
+#ifdef USE_DBUS
+ ,interface(0)
+ if(trayicon && trayicon->supportsMessages())
+ {
+ mode = QSystemTray;
+ }
+#ifdef USE_DBUS
+ interface = new QDBusInterface("org.freedesktop.Notifications",
+ "/org/freedesktop/Notifications", "org.freedesktop.Notifications");
+ if(interface->isValid())
+ {
+ mode = Freedesktop;
+ }
+#ifdef USE_DBUS
+ delete interface;
+#ifdef USE_DBUS
+// Loosely based on http://www.qtcentre.org/archive/index.php/t-25879.html
+class FreedesktopImage
+ FreedesktopImage() {}
+ FreedesktopImage(const QImage &img);
+ static int metaType();
+ // Image to variant that can be marshaled over DBus
+ static QVariant toVariant(const QImage &img);
+ int width, height, stride;
+ bool hasAlpha;
+ int channels;
+ int bitsPerSample;
+ QByteArray image;
+ friend QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &a, const FreedesktopImage &i);
+ friend const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &a, FreedesktopImage &i);
+// Image configuration settings
+const int CHANNELS = 4;
+const int BYTES_PER_PIXEL = 4;
+const int BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 8;
+FreedesktopImage::FreedesktopImage(const QImage &img):
+ width(img.width()),
+ height(img.height()),
+ stride(img.width() * BYTES_PER_PIXEL),
+ hasAlpha(true),
+ channels(CHANNELS),
+ bitsPerSample(BITS_PER_SAMPLE)
+ // Convert 00xAARRGGBB to RGBA bytewise (endian-independent) format
+ QImage tmp = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
+ const uint32_t *data = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(tmp.constBits());
+ unsigned int num_pixels = width * height;
+ image.resize(num_pixels * BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
+ for(unsigned int ptr = 0; ptr < num_pixels; ++ptr)
+ {
+ image[ptr*BYTES_PER_PIXEL+0] = data[ptr] >> 16; // R
+ image[ptr*BYTES_PER_PIXEL+1] = data[ptr] >> 8; // G
+ image[ptr*BYTES_PER_PIXEL+2] = data[ptr]; // B
+ image[ptr*BYTES_PER_PIXEL+3] = data[ptr] >> 24; // A
+ }
+QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &a, const FreedesktopImage &i)
+ a.beginStructure();
+ a << i.width << i.height << i.stride << i.hasAlpha << i.bitsPerSample << i.channels << i.image;
+ a.endStructure();
+ return a;
+const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &a, FreedesktopImage &i)
+ a.beginStructure();
+ a >> i.width >> i.height >> i.stride >> i.hasAlpha >> i.bitsPerSample >> i.channels >> i.image;
+ a.endStructure();
+ return a;
+int FreedesktopImage::metaType()
+ return qDBusRegisterMetaType<FreedesktopImage>();
+QVariant FreedesktopImage::toVariant(const QImage &img)
+ FreedesktopImage fimg(img);
+ return QVariant(FreedesktopImage::metaType(), &fimg);
+void Notificator::notifyDBus(Class cls, const QString &title, const QString &text, const QIcon &icon, int millisTimeout)
+ Q_UNUSED(cls);
+ // Arguments for DBus call:
+ QList<QVariant> args;
+ // Program Name:
+ args.append(programName);
+ // Unique ID of this notification type:
+ args.append(0U);
+ // Application Icon, empty string
+ args.append(QString());
+ // Summary
+ args.append(title);
+ // Body
+ args.append(text);
+ // Actions (none, actions are deprecated)
+ QStringList actions;
+ args.append(actions);
+ // Hints
+ QVariantMap hints;
+ // If no icon specified, set icon based on class
+ QIcon tmpicon;
+ if(icon.isNull())
+ {
+ QStyle::StandardPixmap sicon = QStyle::SP_MessageBoxQuestion;
+ switch(cls)
+ {
+ case Information: sicon = QStyle::SP_MessageBoxInformation; break;
+ case Warning: sicon = QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning; break;
+ case Critical: sicon = QStyle::SP_MessageBoxCritical; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ tmpicon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(sicon);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmpicon = icon;
+ }
+ hints["icon_data"] = FreedesktopImage::toVariant(tmpicon.pixmap(FREEDESKTOP_NOTIFICATION_ICON_SIZE).toImage());
+ args.append(hints);
+ // Timeout (in msec)
+ args.append(millisTimeout);
+ // "Fire and forget"
+ interface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::NoBlock, "Notify", args);
+void Notificator::notifySystray(Class cls, const QString &title, const QString &text, const QIcon &icon, int millisTimeout)
+ Q_UNUSED(icon);
+ QSystemTrayIcon::MessageIcon sicon = QSystemTrayIcon::NoIcon;
+ switch(cls) // Set icon based on class
+ {
+ case Information: sicon = QSystemTrayIcon::Information; break;
+ case Warning: sicon = QSystemTrayIcon::Warning; break;
+ case Critical: sicon = QSystemTrayIcon::Critical; break;
+ }
+ trayIcon->showMessage(title, text, sicon, millisTimeout);
+void Notificator::notify(Class cls, const QString &title, const QString &text, const QIcon &icon, int millisTimeout)
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+#ifdef USE_DBUS
+ case Freedesktop:
+ notifyDBus(cls, title, text, icon, millisTimeout);
+ break;
+ case QSystemTray:
+ notifySystray(cls, title, text, icon, millisTimeout);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(cls == Critical)
+ {
+ // Fall back to old fashioned popup dialog if critical and no other notification available
+ QMessageBox::critical(parent, title, text, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
+ }
+ break;
+ }