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-rw-r--r-- | src/qt/locale/bitcoin_hr.ts | 1421 |
1 files changed, 1324 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_hr.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_hr.ts index 1073d6b2f5..64f36d6da9 100644 --- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_hr.ts +++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_hr.ts @@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Ovo su vaše Bitcoin adrese za slanje novca. Uvijek provjerite iznos i adresu primatelja prije slanja novca.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses. +Signing is only possible with addresses of the type 'legacy'.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ovo su vaše Bitcoin adrese za primanje sredstava. Koristite 'Kreiraj novu adresu za primanje' u tabu Primite kako biste kreirali nove adrese. +Potpisivanje je moguće samo sa 'legacy' adresama. </translation> + </message> + <message> <source>&Copy Address</source> <translation type="unfinished">&Kopirajte adresu</translation> </message> @@ -86,6 +92,11 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Izvezite listu adresa</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Comma separated file</source> + <extracomment>Expanded name of the CSV file format. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Datoteka podataka odvojenih zarezima (*.csv)</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>There was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again.</source> <extracomment>An error message. %1 is a stand-in argument for the name of the file we attempted to save to.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">Došlo je do pogreške kod spremanja liste adresa na %1. Molimo pokušajte ponovno.</translation> @@ -233,8 +244,37 @@ </message> </context> <context> + <name>BitcoinApplication</name> + <message> + <source>Runaway exception</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Runaway iznimka</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>A fatal error occurred. %1 can no longer continue safely and will quit.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dogodila se greška. %1 ne može sigurno nastaviti te će se zatvoriti.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Internal error</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Interna greška</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>An internal error occurred. %1 will attempt to continue safely. This is an unexpected bug which can be reported as described below.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dogodila se interna greška. %1 će pokušati sigurno nastaviti. Ovo je neočekivani bug koji se može prijaviti kao što je objašnjeno ispod.</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> <name>QObject</name> <message> + <source>Do you want to reset settings to default values, or to abort without making changes?</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file cannot be read. Prompts user to make a choice between resetting or aborting.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Želite li resetirati postavke na početne vrijednosti ili izaći bez promjena?</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>A fatal error occurred. Check that settings file is writable, or try running with -nosettings.</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file could not be written. Prompts user to check that we have the ability to write to the file. Explains that the user has the option of running without a settings file.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Dogodila se kobna greška. Provjerite je li datoteka za postavke otvorena za promjene ili pokušajte pokrenuti s -nosettings.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Error: Specified data directory "%1" does not exist.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Zadana podatkovna mapa "%1" ne postoji.</translation> </message> @@ -247,6 +287,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Greška: %1</translation> </message> <message> + <source>%1 didn't yet exit safely…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">%1 se nije još zatvorio na siguran način.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>unknown</source> <translation type="unfinished">nepoznato</translation> </message> @@ -259,6 +303,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Unesite Bitcoin adresu (npr. %1)</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Unroutable</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Neusmjeriv</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Internal</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Interni</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Inbound</source> <extracomment>An inbound connection from a peer. An inbound connection is a connection initiated by a peer.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">Dolazni</translation> @@ -269,47 +321,72 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Izlazni</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Full Relay</source> + <extracomment>Peer connection type that relays all network information.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Potpuni prijenos</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Block Relay</source> + <extracomment>Peer connection type that relays network information about blocks and not transactions or addresses.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Blok prijenos</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Manual</source> + <extracomment>Peer connection type established manually through one of several methods.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Priručnik</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Feeler</source> + <extracomment>Short-lived peer connection type that tests the aliveness of known addresses.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Ispipavač</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Address Fetch</source> + <extracomment>Short-lived peer connection type that solicits known addresses from a peer.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Dohvaćanje adrese</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>None</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ništa</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n second(s)</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>%n second(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n second(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n sekundi</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n minute(s)</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>%n minute(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n minute(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n minuta</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n hour(s)</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>%n hour(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n hour(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n sati</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n day(s)</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>%n day(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n day(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n dana</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n week(s)</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>%n week(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n week(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n tjedana</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message> @@ -319,27 +396,47 @@ <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n year(s)</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>%n year(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n year(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n godina</numerusform> </translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>bitcoin-core</name> <message> + <source>Settings file could not be read</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Datoteka postavke se ne može pročitati</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Settings file could not be written</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Datoteka postavke se ne može mijenjati</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>The %s developers</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ekipa %s</translation> </message> <message> + <source>%s corrupt. Try using the wallet tool bitcoin-wallet to salvage or restoring a backup.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">%s korumpirano. Pokušajte koristiti bitcoin-wallet alat za novčanike kako biste ga spasili ili pokrenuti sigurnosnu kopiju.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>-maxtxfee is set very high! Fees this large could be paid on a single transaction.</source> <translation type="unfinished">-maxtxfee je postavljen preveliko. Naknade ove veličine će biti plaćene na individualnoj transakciji.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Cannot downgrade wallet from version %i to version %i. Wallet version unchanged.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće unazaditi novčanik s verzije %i na verziju %i. Verzija novčanika nepromijenjena.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. %s is probably already running.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Program ne može pristupiti podatkovnoj mapi %s. %s je vjerojatno već pokrenut.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Cannot upgrade a non HD split wallet from version %i to version %i without upgrading to support pre-split keypool. Please use version %i or no version specified.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće unaprijediti podijeljeni novčanik bez HD-a s verzije %i na verziju %i bez unaprijeđenja na potporu pred-podjelnog bazena ključeva. Molimo koristite verziju %i ili neku drugu.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file %s or %s</source> <translation type="unfinished">Distribuirano pod MIT licencom softvera. Vidite pripadajuću datoteku %s ili %s.</translation> </message> @@ -348,18 +445,58 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Greška kod iščitanja %s! Svi ključevi su ispravno učitani, ali transakcijski podaci ili zapisi u adresaru mogu biti nepotpuni ili netočni.</translation> </message> <message> - <source>Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s)</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Neuspješno slušanje dolažećih veza (listen je izbacio grešku %s)</translation> + <source>Error reading %s! Transaction data may be missing or incorrect. Rescanning wallet.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška u čitanju %s! Transakcijski podaci nedostaju ili su netočni. Ponovno skeniranje novčanika.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Dumpfile format record is incorrect. Got "%s", expected "format".</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Format dumpfile zapisa je netočan. Dobiven "%s" očekivani "format".</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Dumpfile identifier record is incorrect. Got "%s", expected "%s".</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Identifikator dumpfile zapisa je netočan. Dobiven "%s", očekivan "%s".</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Dumpfile version is not supported. This version of bitcoin-wallet only supports version 1 dumpfiles. Got dumpfile with version %s</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Dumpfile verzija nije podržana. Ova bitcoin-wallet verzija podržava samo dumpfile verziju 1. Dobiven dumpfile s verzijom %s</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Legacy wallets only support the "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32" address types</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Legacy novčanici podržavaju samo "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", i "bech32" tipove adresa</translation> </message> <message> <source>Fee estimation failed. Fallbackfee is disabled. Wait a few blocks or enable -fallbackfee.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Neuspješno procjenjivanje naknada. Fallbackfee je isključena. Pričekajte nekoliko blokova ili uključite -fallbackfee.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>File %s already exists. If you are sure this is what you want, move it out of the way first.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Datoteka %s već postoji. Ako ste sigurni da ovo želite, prvo ju maknite, </translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Invalid amount for -maxtxfee=<amount>: '%s' (must be at least the minrelay fee of %s to prevent stuck transactions)</source> <translation type="unfinished">Neispravan iznos za -maxtxfee=<amount>: '%s' (mora biti barem minimalnu naknadu za proslijeđivanje od %s kako se ne bi zapela transakcija)</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Invalid or corrupt peers.dat (%s). If you believe this is a bug, please report it to %s. As a workaround, you can move the file (%s) out of the way (rename, move, or delete) to have a new one created on the next start.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nevažeći ili korumpirani peers.dat (%s). Ako mislite da je ovo bug, molimo prijavite %s. Kao alternativno rješenje, možete maknuti datoteku (%s) (preimenuj, makni ili obriši) kako bi se kreirala nova na idućem pokretanju.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>More than one onion bind address is provided. Using %s for the automatically created Tor onion service.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Pruženo je više od jedne onion bind adrese. Koristim %s za automatski stvorenu Tor onion uslugu.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>No dump file provided. To use createfromdump, -dumpfile=<filename> must be provided.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dump datoteka nije automatski dostupna. Kako biste koristili createfromdump, -dumpfile=<filename> mora biti osiguran. </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>No dump file provided. To use dump, -dumpfile=<filename> must be provided.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dump datoteka nije automatski dostupna. Kako biste koristili dump, -dumpfile=<filename> mora biti osiguran. </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>No wallet file format provided. To use createfromdump, -format=<format> must be provided.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Format datoteke novčanika nije dostupan. Kako biste koristili reatefromdump, -format=<format> mora biti osiguran.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong, %s will not work properly.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Molimo provjerite jesu li datum i vrijeme na vašem računalu točni. Ako je vaš sat krivo namješten, %s neće raditi ispravno.</translation> </message> @@ -376,18 +513,34 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Obrezivanje: zadnja sinkronizacija novčanika ide dalje od obrezivanih podataka. Morate koristiti -reindex (ponovo preuzeti cijeli lanac blokova u slučaju obrezivanog čvora)</translation> </message> <message> + <source>SQLiteDatabase: Unknown sqlite wallet schema version %d. Only version %d is supported</source> + <translation type="unfinished">SQLiteDatabase: Nepoznata sqlite shema novčanika verzija %d. Podržana je samo verzija %d.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>The block database contains a block which appears to be from the future. This may be due to your computer's date and time being set incorrectly. Only rebuild the block database if you are sure that your computer's date and time are correct</source> <translation type="unfinished">Baza blokova sadrži blok koji je naizgled iz budućnosti. Može to biti posljedica krivo namještenog datuma i vremena na vašem računalu. Obnovite bazu blokova samo ako ste sigurni da su točni datum i vrijeme na vašem računalu.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>The block index db contains a legacy 'txindex'. To clear the occupied disk space, run a full -reindex, otherwise ignore this error. This error message will not be displayed again.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Index bloka db sadrži legacy 'txindex'. Kako biste očistili zauzeti prostor na disku, pokrenite puni -reindex ili ignorirajte ovu grešku. Ova greška neće biti ponovno prikazana.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>The transaction amount is too small to send after the fee has been deducted</source> <translation type="unfinished">Iznos transakcije je premalen za poslati nakon naknade</translation> </message> <message> + <source>This error could occur if this wallet was not shutdown cleanly and was last loaded using a build with a newer version of Berkeley DB. If so, please use the software that last loaded this wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ova greška bi se mogla dogoditi kada se ovaj novčanik ne ugasi pravilno i ako je posljednji put bio podignut koristeći noviju verziju Berkeley DB. Ako je tako, molimo koristite softver kojim je novčanik podignut zadnji put.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ovo je eksperimentalna verzija za testiranje - koristite je na vlastitu odgovornost - ne koristite je za rudarenje ili trgovačke primjene</translation> </message> <message> + <source>This is the maximum transaction fee you pay (in addition to the normal fee) to prioritize partial spend avoidance over regular coin selection.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ovo je najveća transakcijska naknada koju plaćate (uz normalnu naknadu) kako biste prioritizirali izbjegavanje djelomične potrošnje nad uobičajenom selekcijom sredstava.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>This is the transaction fee you may discard if change is smaller than dust at this level</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ovo je transakcijska naknada koju možete odbaciti ako je ostatak manji od "prašine" (sićušnih iznosa) po ovoj stopi</translation> </message> @@ -404,6 +557,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Ne mogu se ponovo odigrati blokovi. Morat ćete ponovo složiti bazu koristeći -reindex-chainstate.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Unknown wallet file format "%s" provided. Please provide one of "bdb" or "sqlite".</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nepoznati formant novčanika "%s" pružen. Molimo dostavite "bdb" ili "sqlite".</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Warning: Dumpfile wallet format "%s" does not match command line specified format "%s".</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Upozorenje: Dumpfile format novčanika "%s" se ne poklapa sa formatom komandne linije "%s".</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Warning: Private keys detected in wallet {%s} with disabled private keys</source> <translation type="unfinished">Upozorenje: Privatni ključevi pronađeni u novčaniku {%s} s isključenim privatnim ključevima</translation> </message> @@ -412,6 +573,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Upozorenje: Izgleda da se ne slažemo u potpunosti s našim klijentima! Možda ćete se vi ili ostali čvorovi morati ažurirati.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Witness data for blocks after height %d requires validation. Please restart with -reindex.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Podaci svjedoka za blokove poslije visine %d zahtijevaju validaciju. Molimo restartirajte sa -reindex.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain</source> <translation type="unfinished">Morat ćete ponovno složiti bazu koristeći -reindex kako biste se vratili na neobrezivan način (unpruned mode). Ovo će ponovno preuzeti cijeli lanac blokova.</translation> </message> @@ -424,14 +589,46 @@ <translation type="unfinished">-maxmempool mora biti barem %d MB</translation> </message> <message> + <source>A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dogodila se kobna greška, vidi detalje u debug.log.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Cannot resolve -%s address: '%s'</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ne može se razriješiti adresa -%s: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Cannot set -forcednsseed to true when setting -dnsseed to false.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće postaviti -forcednsseed na true kada je postavka za -dnsseed false.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Cannot set -peerblockfilters without -blockfilterindex.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće postaviti -peerblockfilters bez -blockfilterindex.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Cannot write to data directory '%s'; check permissions.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće pisati u podatkovnu mapu '%s'; provjerite dozvole.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>The -txindex upgrade started by a previous version cannot be completed. Restart with the previous version or run a full -reindex.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Unaprijeđenje -txindex koje za započela prijašnja verzija nije moguće završiti. Ponovno pokrenite s prethodnom verzijom ili pokrenite potpuni -reindex.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>%s request to listen on port %u. This port is considered "bad" and thus it is unlikely that any Bitcoin Core peers connect to it. See doc/p2p-bad-ports.md for details and a full list.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">%s zahtjev za slušanje na portu %u. Ovaj port se smatra "lošim" i time nije vjerojatno da će se drugi Bitcoin Core peerovi spojiti na njega. Pogledajte doc/p2p-bad-ports.md za detalje i cijeli popis.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Cannot provide specific connections and have addrman find outgoing connections at the same time.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće ponuditi specifične veze i istovremeno dati addrman da traži izlazne veze.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error loading %s: External signer wallet being loaded without external signer support compiled</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Pogreška pri učitavanju %s: Vanjski potpisni novčanik se učitava bez kompajlirane potpore vanjskog potpisnika</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Failed to rename invalid peers.dat file. Please move or delete it and try again.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Preimenovanje nevažeće peers.dat datoteke neuspješno. Molimo premjestite ili obrišite datoteku i pokušajte ponovno.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Config setting for %s only applied on %s network when in [%s] section.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Konfiguriranje postavki za %s primijenjeno je samo na %s mreži u odjeljku [%s].</translation> </message> @@ -448,6 +645,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće pročitati asmap datoteku %s</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Disk space is too low!</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nema dovoljno prostora na disku!</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Do you want to rebuild the block database now?</source> <translation type="unfinished">Želite li sada obnoviti bazu blokova?</translation> </message> @@ -456,6 +657,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Učitavanje gotovo</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Dump file %s does not exist.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dump datoteka %s ne postoji.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error creating %s</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška pri stvaranju %s</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Error initializing block database</source> <translation type="unfinished">Greška kod inicijaliziranja baze blokova</translation> </message> @@ -492,14 +701,50 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Greška kod iščitanja baze. Zatvara se klijent.</translation> </message> <message> - <source>Error upgrading chainstate database</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Greška kod ažuriranja baze stanja lanca</translation> + <source>Error reading next record from wallet database</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška pri očitavanju idućeg zapisa iz baza podataka novčanika</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Couldn't create cursor into database</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Nije moguće kreirati cursor u batu podataka</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error: Disk space is low for %s</source> <translation type="unfinished">Pogreška: Malo diskovnog prostora za %s</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Error: Dumpfile checksum does not match. Computed %s, expected %s</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Dumpfile checksum se ne poklapa. Izračunao %s, očekivano %s</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Got key that was not hex: %s</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Dobiven ključ koji nije hex: %s</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Got value that was not hex: %s</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Dobivena vrijednost koja nije hex: %s</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Keypool ran out, please call keypoolrefill first</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Ispraznio se bazen ključeva, molimo prvo pozovite keypoolrefill</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Missing checksum</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Nedostaje checksum</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: No %s addresses available.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Nema %s adresa raspoloživo.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Unable to parse version %u as a uint32_t</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Nije moguće parsirati verziju %u kao uint32_t</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: Unable to write record to new wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Greška: Nije moguće unijeti zapis u novi novčanik</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Neuspješno slušanje na svim portovima. Koristite -listen=0 ako to želite.</translation> </message> @@ -508,6 +753,22 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Neuspješno ponovo skeniranje novčanika tijekom inicijalizacije</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Failed to verify database</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Verifikacija baze podataka neuspješna</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Fee rate (%s) is lower than the minimum fee rate setting (%s)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Naknada (%s) je niža od postavke minimalne visine naknade (%s)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Ignoring duplicate -wallet %s.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Zanemarujem duplicirani -wallet %s.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Importing…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uvozim...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?</source> <translation type="unfinished">Neispravan ili nepostojeći blok geneze. Možda je kriva podatkovna mapa za mrežu?</translation> </message> @@ -516,10 +777,18 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Brzinska provjera inicijalizacije neuspješna. %s se zatvara.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Input not found or already spent</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Input nije pronađen ili je već potrošen</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Insufficient funds</source> <translation type="unfinished">Nedovoljna sredstva</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Invalid -i2psam address or hostname: '%s'</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Neispravna -i2psam adresa ili ime računala: '%s'</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Invalid -onion address or hostname: '%s'</source> <translation type="unfinished">Neispravna -onion adresa ili ime računala: '%s'</translation> </message> @@ -552,10 +821,38 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Neispravna mrežna maska zadana u -whitelist: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Loading P2P addresses…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Pokreće se popis P2P adresa...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Loading banlist…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Pokreće se popis zabrana...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Loading block index…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Učitavanje indeksa blokova...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Loading wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Učitavanje novčanika...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Missing amount</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Iznos nedostaje</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Missing solving data for estimating transaction size</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nedostaju podaci za procjenu veličine transakcije</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Need to specify a port with -whitebind: '%s'</source> <translation type="unfinished">Treba zadati port pomoću -whitebind: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> + <source>No addresses available</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nema dostupnih adresa</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Not enough file descriptors available.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Nema dovoljno dostupnih datotečnih opisivača.</translation> </message> @@ -568,10 +865,38 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Način obreživanja (pruning) nekompatibilan je s parametrom -txindex.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Pruning blockstore…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Pruning blockstore-a...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Reducing -maxconnections from %d to %d, because of system limitations.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Smanjuje se -maxconnections sa %d na %d zbog sustavnih ograničenja.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Replaying blocks…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Premotavam blokove...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Rescanning…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ponovno pretraživanje...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>SQLiteDatabase: Failed to execute statement to verify database: %s</source> + <translation type="unfinished">SQLiteDatabase: Neuspješno izvršenje izjave za verifikaciju baze podataka: %s</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>SQLiteDatabase: Failed to prepare statement to verify database: %s</source> + <translation type="unfinished">SQLiteDatabase: Neuspješno pripremanje izjave za verifikaciju baze: %s</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>SQLiteDatabase: Failed to read database verification error: %s</source> + <translation type="unfinished">SQLiteDatabase: Neuspješno čitanje greške verifikacije baze podataka %s</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>SQLiteDatabase: Unexpected application id. Expected %u, got %u</source> + <translation type="unfinished">SQLiteDatabase: Neočekivani id aplikacije. Očekvano %u, pronađeno %u</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Section [%s] is not recognized.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Odjeljak [%s] nije prepoznat.</translation> </message> @@ -596,10 +921,18 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Zadana mapa blokova "%s" ne postoji.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Starting network threads…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Pokreću se mrežne niti...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>The source code is available from %s.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Izvorni kod je dostupan na %s.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>The specified config file %s does not exist</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Navedena konfiguracijska datoteka %s ne postoji</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source> <translation type="unfinished">Transakcijiski iznos je premalen da plati naknadu</translation> </message> @@ -628,6 +961,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Iznosi transakcije ne smiju biti negativni</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Transaction change output index out of range</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Indeks change outputa transakcije je izvan dometa</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Transaction has too long of a mempool chain</source> <translation type="unfinished">Transakcija ima prevelik lanac memorijskog bazena</translation> </message> @@ -636,6 +973,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Transakcija mora imati barem jednog primatelja</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Transaction needs a change address, but we can't generate it.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transakciji je potrebna change adresa, ali ju ne možemo generirati.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Transaction too large</source> <translation type="unfinished">Transakcija prevelika</translation> </message> @@ -660,6 +1001,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Ne mogu se generirati ključevi</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Unable to open %s for writing</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ne mogu otvoriti %s za upisivanje</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Unable to parse -maxuploadtarget: '%s'</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće parsirati -maxuploadtarget: '%s'</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Unable to start HTTP server. See debug log for details.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ne može se pokrenuti HTTP server. Vidite debug.log za više detalja.</translation> </message> @@ -680,18 +1029,26 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Nepoznata mreža zadana kod -onlynet: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> - <source>Unsupported logging category %s=%s.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Nepodržana kategorija zapisa %s=%s.</translation> + <source>Unknown new rules activated (versionbit %i)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> Nepoznata nova pravila aktivirana (versionbit %i)</translation> </message> <message> - <source>Upgrading UTXO database</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Ažurira se UTXO baza</translation> + <source>Unsupported logging category %s=%s.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nepodržana kategorija zapisa %s=%s.</translation> </message> <message> <source>User Agent comment (%s) contains unsafe characters.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Komentar pod "Korisnički agent" (%s) sadrži nesigurne znakove.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Verifying blocks…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Provjervanje blokova...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Verifying wallet(s)…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Provjeravanje novčanika...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart %s to complete</source> <translation type="unfinished">Novčanik je trebao prepravak: ponovo pokrenite %s</translation> </message> @@ -740,13 +1097,17 @@ </message> <message> <source>Modify configuration options for %1</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Promijenite postavke za %1</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Promijeni konfiguraciju opcija za %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>Create a new wallet</source> <translation type="unfinished">Stvorite novi novčanik</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Minimize</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Minimiziraj</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Wallet:</source> <translation type="unfinished">Novčanik:</translation> </message> @@ -761,7 +1122,7 @@ </message> <message> <source>Send coins to a Bitcoin address</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Pošaljite novac na Bitcoin adresu</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Pošaljite sredstva na Bitcoin adresu</translation> </message> <message> <source>Backup wallet to another location</source> @@ -777,21 +1138,65 @@ </message> <message> <source>&Receive</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Pri&mite</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">&Primite</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Options…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Opcije</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Encrypt Wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Šifriraj novčanik</translation> </message> <message> <source>Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet</source> <translation type="unfinished">Šifrirajte privatne ključeve u novčaniku</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Backup Wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Kreiraj sigurnosnu kopiju novčanika</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Change Passphrase…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Promijeni lozinku</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Sign &message…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Potpiši &poruku</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own them</source> <translation type="unfinished">Poruku potpišemo s Bitcoin adresom, kako bi dokazali vlasništvo nad tom adresom</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Verify message…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Potvrdi poruku</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses</source> <translation type="unfinished">Provjerite poruku da je potpisana s navedenom Bitcoin adresom</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Load PSBT from file…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Učitaj PSBT iz datoteke...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Open &URI…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Otvori &URI adresu...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close Wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Zatvori novčanik...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Create Wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kreiraj novčanik...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close All Wallets…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Zatvori sve novčanike...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>&File</source> <translation type="unfinished">&Datoteka</translation> </message> @@ -808,6 +1213,30 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Traka kartica</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Syncing Headers (%1%)…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Sinkronizacija zaglavlja bloka (%1%)...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Synchronizing with network…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Sinkronizacija s mrežom...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Indexing blocks on disk…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Indeksiranje blokova na disku...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Processing blocks on disk…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Obrađivanje blokova na disku...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Reindexing blocks on disk…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Reindeksiranje blokova na disku...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Connecting to peers…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Povezivanje sa peer-ovima...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Request payments (generates QR codes and bitcoin: URIs)</source> <translation type="unfinished">Zatražite uplatu (stvara QR kod i bitcoin: URI adresu)</translation> </message> @@ -826,9 +1255,9 @@ <message numerus="yes"> <source>Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.</numerusform> + <numerusform>Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.</numerusform> + <numerusform>Obrađeno %n blokova povijesti transakcije.</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message> @@ -836,6 +1265,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">%1 iza</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Catching up…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ažuriranje...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Last received block was generated %1 ago.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Zadnji primljeni blok je bio ustvaren prije %1.</translation> </message> @@ -864,6 +1297,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Učitaj djelomično potpisanu bitcoin transakciju</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Load PSBT from &clipboard…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Učitaj PSBT iz &međuspremnika...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Load Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction from clipboard</source> <translation type="unfinished">Učitaj djelomično potpisanu bitcoin transakciju iz međuspremnika</translation> </message> @@ -908,6 +1345,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Prikažite pomoć programa %1 kako biste ispisali moguće opcije preko terminala</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Mask values</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Sakrij vrijednosti</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Mask the values in the Overview tab</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Sakrij vrijednost u tabu Pregled </translation> + </message> + <message> <source>default wallet</source> <translation type="unfinished">uobičajeni novčanik</translation> </message> @@ -916,6 +1361,16 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Nema dostupnih novčanika</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Wallet Data</source> + <extracomment>Name of the wallet data file format.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Podaci novčanika</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet Name</source> + <extracomment>Label of the input field where the name of the wallet is entered.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Ime novčanika</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>&Window</source> <translation type="unfinished">&Prozor</translation> </message> @@ -931,16 +1386,44 @@ <source>%1 client</source> <translation type="unfinished">%1 klijent</translation> </message> + <message> + <source>&Hide</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Sakrij</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>S&how</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Pokaži</translation> + </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.</source> <extracomment>A substring of the tooltip.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.</numerusform> + <numerusform>%n aktivnih veza s Bitcoin mrežom.</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message> + <source>Click for more actions.</source> + <extracomment>A substring of the tooltip. "More actions" are available via the context menu.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Klikni za više radnji.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show Peers tab</source> + <extracomment>A context menu item. The "Peers tab" is an element of the "Node window".</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Pokaži Peers tab </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Disable network activity</source> + <extracomment>A context menu item.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Onemogući mrežnu aktivnost</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Enable network activity</source> + <extracomment>A context menu item. The network activity was disabled previously.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Omogući mrežnu aktivnost</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Error: %1</source> <translation type="unfinished">Greška: %1</translation> </message> @@ -963,7 +1446,8 @@ <message> <source>Wallet: %1 </source> - <translation type="unfinished">Novčanik: %1</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Novčanik: %1 +</translation> </message> <message> <source>Type: %1 @@ -1011,7 +1495,11 @@ <source>Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>locked</b></source> <translation type="unfinished">Novčanik je <b>šifriran</b> i trenutno <b>zaključan</b></translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Original message:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Originalna poruka:</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>UnitDisplayStatusBarControl</name> <message> @@ -1094,6 +1582,30 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Kopirajte iznos</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Copy address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Kopiraj adresu</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &oznaku</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &amount</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &iznos</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy transaction &ID and output index</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &ID transakcije i output index</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>L&ock unspent</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Zaključaj nepotrošen input</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Unlock unspent</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Otključaj nepotrošen input</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Copy quantity</source> <translation type="unfinished">Kopirajte iznos</translation> </message> @@ -1158,6 +1670,11 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Stvorite novčanik</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Creating Wallet <b>%1</b>…</source> + <extracomment>Descriptive text of the create wallet progress window which indicates to the user which wallet is currently being created.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Kreiranje novčanika <b>%1</b>...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Create wallet failed</source> <translation type="unfinished">Neuspješno stvaranje novčanika</translation> </message> @@ -1165,8 +1682,25 @@ <source>Create wallet warning</source> <translation type="unfinished">Upozorenje kod stvaranja novčanika</translation> </message> + <message> + <source>Can't list signers</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće izlistati potpisnike</translation> + </message> </context> <context> + <name>LoadWalletsActivity</name> + <message> + <source>Load Wallets</source> + <extracomment>Title of progress window which is displayed when wallets are being loaded.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Učitaj novčanike</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Loading wallets…</source> + <extracomment>Descriptive text of the load wallets progress window which indicates to the user that wallets are currently being loaded.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Učitavanje novčanika...</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> <name>OpenWalletActivity</name> <message> <source>Open wallet failed</source> @@ -1185,7 +1719,12 @@ <extracomment>Title of window indicating the progress of opening of a wallet.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">Otvorite novčanik</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Opening Wallet <b>%1</b>…</source> + <extracomment>Descriptive text of the open wallet progress window which indicates to the user which wallet is currently being opened.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Otvaranje novčanika <b>%1</b>...</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>WalletController</name> <message> @@ -1198,13 +1737,17 @@ </message> <message> <source>Closing the wallet for too long can result in having to resync the entire chain if pruning is enabled.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Držanje novčanik zatvorenim predugo može rezultirati ponovnom sinkronizacijom cijelog lanca ako je obrezivanje uključeno.</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Držanje novčanik zatvorenim predugo može rezultirati ponovnom sinkronizacijom cijelog lanca ako je uključen pruning (odbacivanje dijela podataka).</translation> </message> <message> <source>Close all wallets</source> <translation type="unfinished">Zatvori sve novčanike</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Are you sure you wish to close all wallets?</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Jeste li sigurni da želite zatvoriti sve novčanike?</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>CreateWalletDialog</name> <message> @@ -1228,6 +1771,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Šifrirajte novčanik</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Advanced Options</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Napredne opcije</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Disable private keys for this wallet. Wallets with private keys disabled will have no private keys and cannot have an HD seed or imported private keys. This is ideal for watch-only wallets.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Isključite privatne ključeve za ovaj novčanik. Novčanici gdje su privatni ključevi isključeni neće sadržati privatne ključeve te ne mogu imati HD sjeme ili uvezene privatne ključeve. Ova postavka je idealna za novčanike koje su isključivo za promatranje.</translation> </message> @@ -1244,10 +1791,35 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Stvorite prazni novčanik</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Use descriptors for scriptPubKey management</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Koristi deskriptore za upravljanje scriptPubKey-a</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Descriptor Wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Deskriptor novčanik</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Use an external signing device such as a hardware wallet. Configure the external signer script in wallet preferences first.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Koristi vanjski potpisni uređaj kao što je hardverski novčanik. Prije korištenja konfiguriraj vanjski potpisni skript u postavkama novčanika.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>External signer</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Vanjski potpisnik</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Create</source> <translation type="unfinished">Stvorite</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Compiled without sqlite support (required for descriptor wallets)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kompajlirano bez sqlite mogućnosti (potrebno za deskriptor novčanike)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Compiled without external signing support (required for external signing)</source> + <extracomment>"External signing" means using devices such as hardware wallets.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Kompajlirano bez mogućnosti vanjskog potpisivanje (potrebno za vanjsko potpisivanje)</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>EditAddressDialog</name> <message> @@ -1307,7 +1879,7 @@ <name>FreespaceChecker</name> <message> <source>A new data directory will be created.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Bit će stvorena nova podatkovna mapa.</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Biti će stvorena nova podatkovna mapa.</translation> </message> <message> <source>name</source> @@ -1328,6 +1900,30 @@ </context> <context> <name>Intro</name> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n GB of space available</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>(of %n GB needed)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform>(od potrebnog prostora od %n GB)</numerusform> + <numerusform>(od potrebnog prostora od %n GB)</numerusform> + <numerusform>(od potrebnog %n GB)</numerusform> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>(%n GB needed for full chain)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform>(potreban je %n GB za cijeli lanac)</numerusform> + <numerusform>(potrebna su %n GB-a za cijeli lanac)</numerusform> + <numerusform>(potrebno je %n GB-a za cijeli lanac)</numerusform> + </translation> + </message> <message> <source>At least %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Bit će spremljeno barem %1 GB podataka u ovoj mapi te će se povećati tijekom vremena.</translation> @@ -1340,9 +1936,9 @@ <source>(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)</source> <extracomment>Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)</numerusform> + <numerusform>(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)</numerusform> + <numerusform>(dovoljno za vraćanje sigurnosne kopije stare %n dan(a))</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message> @@ -1374,8 +1970,8 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Kako je ovo prvi put da je ova aplikacija pokrenuta, možete izabrati gdje će %1 spremati svoje podatke.</translation> </message> <message> - <source>When you click OK, %1 will begin to download and process the full %4 block chain (%2GB) starting with the earliest transactions in %3 when %4 initially launched.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Kada kliknete OK, %1 počet će preuzimati i procesirati cijeli lanac blokova (%2GB) počevši s najranijim transakcijama u %3 kad je %4 prvi put pokrenut.</translation> + <source>Limit block chain storage to</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ograniči pohranu u blockchain na:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. It is faster to download the full chain first and prune it later. Disables some advanced features.</source> @@ -1387,7 +1983,7 @@ </message> <message> <source>If you have chosen to limit block chain storage (pruning), the historical data must still be downloaded and processed, but will be deleted afterward to keep your disk usage low.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Ako odlučite ograničiti spremanje lanca blokova pomoću pruninga (obrezivanja), treba preuzeti i procesirati povijesne podatke. Bit će obrisani naknadno kako bi se smanjila količina zauzetog prostora na disku.</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Ako odlučite ograničiti spremanje lanca blokova pomoću pruninga, treba preuzeti i procesirati povijesne podatke. Bit će obrisani naknadno kako bi se smanjila količina zauzetog prostora na disku.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use the default data directory</source> @@ -1416,6 +2012,10 @@ <context> <name>ShutdownWindow</name> <message> + <source>%1 is shutting down…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">%1 do zatvaranja...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ne ugasite računalo dok ovaj prozor ne nestane.</translation> </message> @@ -1439,6 +2039,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Broj preostalih blokova</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Unknown…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nepoznato...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>calculating…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">računam...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Last block time</source> <translation type="unfinished">Posljednje vrijeme bloka</translation> </message> @@ -1458,6 +2066,10 @@ <source>Hide</source> <translation type="unfinished">Sakrijte</translation> </message> + <message> + <source>Unknown. Syncing Headers (%1, %2%)…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nepoznato. Sinkroniziranje zaglavlja blokova (%1, %2%)...</translation> + </message> </context> <context> <name>OpenURIDialog</name> @@ -1475,7 +2087,7 @@ <name>OptionsDialog</name> <message> <source>Options</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Postavke</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Opcije</translation> </message> <message> <source>&Main</source> @@ -1490,6 +2102,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">&Pokrenite %1 kod prijave u sustav</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Enabling pruning significantly reduces the disk space required to store transactions. All blocks are still fully validated. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Omogućavanje pruninga smanjuje prostor na disku potreban za pohranu transakcija. Svi blokovi su još uvijek potpuno potvrđeni. Poništavanje ove postavke uzrokuje ponovno skidanje cijelog blockchaina.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Size of &database cache</source> <translation type="unfinished">Veličina predmemorije baze podataka</translation> </message> @@ -1519,11 +2135,11 @@ </message> <message> <source>Reset all client options to default.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Nastavi sve postavke programa na početne vrijednosti.</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Resetiraj sve opcije programa na početne vrijednosti.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&Reset Options</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Po&nastavi postavke</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">&Resetiraj opcije</translation> </message> <message> <source>&Network</source> @@ -1538,14 +2154,44 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Vraćanje na prijašnje stanje zahtijeva ponovo preuzimanje cijelog lanca blokova.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Maximum database cache size. A larger cache can contribute to faster sync, after which the benefit is less pronounced for most use cases. Lowering the cache size will reduce memory usage. Unused mempool memory is shared for this cache.</source> + <extracomment>Tooltip text for Options window setting that sets the size of the database cache. Explains the corresponding effects of increasing/decreasing this value.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Maksimalna veličina cachea baza podataka. Veći cache može doprinijeti bržoj sinkronizaciji, nakon koje je korisnost manje izražena za većinu slučajeva. Smanjenje cache veličine će smanjiti korištenje memorije. Nekorištena mempool memorija se dijeli za ovaj cache. </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Set the number of script verification threads. Negative values correspond to the number of cores you want to leave free to the system.</source> + <extracomment>Tooltip text for Options window setting that sets the number of script verification threads. Explains that negative values mean to leave these many cores free to the system.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Postavi broj skript verifikacijskih niti. Negativne vrijednosti odgovaraju broju jezgri koje trebate ostaviti slobodnima za sustav.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>(0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free)</source> <translation type="unfinished">(0 = automatski odredite, <0 = ostavite slobodno upravo toliko jezgri)</translation> </message> <message> + <source>This allows you or a third party tool to communicate with the node through command-line and JSON-RPC commands.</source> + <extracomment>Tooltip text for Options window setting that enables the RPC server.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Ovo omogućava vama ili vanjskom alatu komunikaciju s čvorom kroz command-line i JSON-RPC komande.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Enable R&PC server</source> + <extracomment>An Options window setting to enable the RPC server.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Uključi &RPC server</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>W&allet</source> <translation type="unfinished">&Novčanik</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Whether to set subtract fee from amount as default or not.</source> + <extracomment>Tooltip text for Options window setting that sets subtracting the fee from a sending amount as default.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Za postavljanje oduzimanja naknade od iznosa kao zadano ili ne.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Subtract &fee from amount by default</source> + <extracomment>An Options window setting to set subtracting the fee from a sending amount as default.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Oduzmi &naknadu od iznosa kao zadano</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Expert</source> <translation type="unfinished">Stručne postavke</translation> </message> @@ -1562,6 +2208,28 @@ <translation type="unfinished">&Trošenje nepotvrđenih vraćenih iznosa</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Enable &PSBT controls</source> + <extracomment>An options window setting to enable PSBT controls.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Uključi &PBST opcije za upravljanje</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Whether to show PSBT controls.</source> + <extracomment>Tooltip text for options window setting that enables PSBT controls.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Za prikazivanje PSBT opcija za upravaljanje. </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>External Signer (e.g. hardware wallet)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Vanjski potpisnik (npr. hardverski novčanik)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&External signer script path</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Put za vanjsku skriptu potpisnika</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Full path to a Bitcoin Core compatible script (e.g. C:\Downloads\hwi.exe or /Users/you/Downloads/hwi.py). Beware: malware can steal your coins!</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Cijeli put do Bitcoin Core kompatibilnog skripta (npr. C:\Downloads\hwi.exe ili /Users/you/Downloads/hwi.py). Upozerenje: malware može ukrasti vaša sredstva!</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Automatski otvori port Bitcoin klijenta na ruteru. To radi samo ako ruter podržava UPnP i ako je omogućen.</translation> </message> @@ -1570,6 +2238,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Mapiraj port koristeći &UPnP</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports NAT-PMP and it is enabled. The external port could be random.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Automatski otvori port Bitcoin klijenta na ruteru. Ovo radi samo ako ruter podržava UPnP i ako je omogućen. Vanjski port može biti nasumičan.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Map port using NA&T-PMP</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Mapiraj port koristeći &UPnP</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Accept connections from outside.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Prihvatite veze izvana.</translation> </message> @@ -1614,6 +2290,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">&Prozor</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Show the icon in the system tray.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Pokaži ikonu sa sustavne trake.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Show tray icon</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Pokaži ikonu</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Prikaži samo ikonu u sistemskoj traci nakon minimiziranja prozora</translation> </message> @@ -1646,12 +2330,36 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Izaberite željeni najmanji dio bitcoina koji će biti prikazan u sučelju i koji će se koristiti za plaćanje.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Third-party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Vanjski URL-ovi transakcije (npr. preglednik blokova) koji se javljaju u kartici transakcija kao elementi kontekstnog izbornika. %s u URL-u zamijenjen je hashom transakcije. Višestruki URL-ovi su odvojeni vertikalnom crtom |.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Third-party transaction URLs</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Vanjski URL-ovi transakcije</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Whether to show coin control features or not.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ovisi želite li prikazati mogućnosti kontroliranja inputa ili ne.</translation> </message> <message> - <source>Options set in this dialog are overridden by the command line or in the configuration file:</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Opcije postavljene u ovom dijalogu nadglašene su naredbenom linijom ili konfiguracijskom datotekom:</translation> + <source>Connect to the Bitcoin network through a separate SOCKS5 proxy for Tor onion services.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Spojite se na Bitcoin mrežu kroz zaseban SOCKS5 proxy za povezivanje na Tor onion usluge.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Use separate SOCKS&5 proxy to reach peers via Tor onion services:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Koristite zaseban SOCKS&5 proxy kako biste dohvatili klijente preko Tora:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Monospaced font in the Overview tab:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Font fiksne širine u tabu Pregled:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>embedded "%1"</source> + <translation type="unfinished">ugrađen "%1"</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>closest matching "%1"</source> + <translation type="unfinished">najbliže poklapanje "%1"</translation> </message> <message> <source>&OK</source> @@ -1662,6 +2370,11 @@ <translation type="unfinished">&Odustani</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Compiled without external signing support (required for external signing)</source> + <extracomment>"External signing" means using devices such as hardware wallets.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Kompajlirano bez mogućnosti vanjskog potpisivanje (potrebno za vanjsko potpisivanje)</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>default</source> <translation type="unfinished">standardne vrijednosti</translation> </message> @@ -1671,20 +2384,23 @@ </message> <message> <source>Confirm options reset</source> + <extracomment>Window title text of pop-up window shown when the user has chosen to reset options.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">Potvrdite resetiranje opcija</translation> </message> <message> <source>Client restart required to activate changes.</source> + <extracomment>Text explaining that the settings changed will not come into effect until the client is restarted.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">Potrebno je ponovno pokretanje klijenta kako bi se promjene aktivirale.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Client will be shut down. Do you want to proceed?</source> + <extracomment>Text asking the user to confirm if they would like to proceed with a client shutdown.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">Zatvorit će se klijent. Želite li nastaviti?</translation> </message> <message> <source>Configuration options</source> <extracomment>Window title text of pop-up box that allows opening up of configuration file.</extracomment> - <translation type="unfinished">Konfiguracijske postavke</translation> + <translation type="unfinished">Konfiguracijske opcije</translation> </message> <message> <source>The configuration file is used to specify advanced user options which override GUI settings. Additionally, any command-line options will override this configuration file.</source> @@ -1692,6 +2408,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Ova konfiguracijska datoteka je korištena za specificiranje napredne korisničke opcije koje će poništiti postavke GUI-a. Također će bilo koje opcije navedene preko terminala poništiti ovu konfiguracijsku datoteku.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Continue</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nastavi</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Cancel</source> <translation type="unfinished">Odustanite</translation> </message> @@ -1786,7 +2506,11 @@ <source>Current total balance in watch-only addresses</source> <translation type="unfinished">Trenutno ukupno stanje na isključivo promatranim adresama</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Privacy mode activated for the Overview tab. To unmask the values, uncheck Settings->Mask values.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Privatni način aktiviran za tab Pregled. Za prikaz vrijednosti, odznači Postavke -> Sakrij vrijednosti.</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>PSBTOperationsDialog</name> <message> @@ -1794,6 +2518,91 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Dijalog</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Sign Tx</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Potpiši Tx</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Broadcast Tx</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Objavi Tx</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy to Clipboard</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj u međuspremnik</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Save…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Spremi...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Zatvori</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Failed to load transaction: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Neuspješno dohvaćanje transakcije: %1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Failed to sign transaction: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Neuspješno potpisivanje transakcije: %1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Cannot sign inputs while wallet is locked.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće potpisati inpute dok je novčanik zaključan.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Could not sign any more inputs.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije bilo moguće potpisati više inputa. </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Signed %1 inputs, but more signatures are still required.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Potpisano %1 inputa, ali potrebno je još potpisa. </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Signed transaction successfully. Transaction is ready to broadcast.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transakcija uspješno potpisana. Transakcija je spremna za objavu.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Unknown error processing transaction.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nepoznata greška pri obradi transakcije.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Transaction broadcast successfully! Transaction ID: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uspješna objava transakcije! ID transakcije: %1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Transaction broadcast failed: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Neuspješna objava transakcije: %1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>PSBT copied to clipboard.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">PBST kopiran u meduspremnik.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Save Transaction Data</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Spremi podatke transakcije</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Partially Signed Transaction (Binary)</source> + <extracomment>Expanded name of the binary PSBT file format. See: BIP 174.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Djelomično potpisana transakcija (binarno)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>PSBT saved to disk.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">PBST spremljen na disk.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source> * Sends %1 to %2</source> + <translation type="unfinished">* Šalje %1 %2</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Unable to calculate transaction fee or total transaction amount.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ne mogu izračunati naknadu za transakciju niti totalni iznos transakcije.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Pays transaction fee: </source> + <translation type="unfinished">Plaća naknadu za transakciju:</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Total Amount</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ukupni iznos</translation> </message> @@ -1801,7 +2610,39 @@ <source>or</source> <translation type="unfinished">ili</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Transaction has %1 unsigned inputs.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transakcija ima %1 nepotpisanih inputa.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Transaction is missing some information about inputs.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transakciji nedostaje informacija o inputima.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Transaction still needs signature(s).</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transakcija još uvijek treba potpis(e).</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>(But no wallet is loaded.)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(Ali nijedan novčanik nije učitan.)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>(But this wallet cannot sign transactions.)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(Ali ovaj novčanik ne može potpisati transakcije.)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>(But this wallet does not have the right keys.)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(Ali ovaj novčanik nema odgovarajuće ključeve.)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Transaction is fully signed and ready for broadcast.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transakcija je cjelovito potpisana i spremna za objavu.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Transaction status is unknown.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Status transakcije je nepoznat.</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>PaymentServer</name> <message> @@ -1821,6 +2662,14 @@ <translation type="unfinished">'bitcoin://' nije ispravan URI. Koristite 'bitcoin:' umjesto toga.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Cannot process payment request because BIP70 is not supported. +Due to widespread security flaws in BIP70 it's strongly recommended that any merchant instructions to switch wallets be ignored. +If you are receiving this error you should request the merchant provide a BIP21 compatible URI.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nemoguće obraditi zahtjev za plaćanje zato što BIP70 nije podržan. +S obzirom na široko rasprostranjene sigurnosne nedostatke u BIP70, preporučljivo je da zanemarite preporuke trgovca u vezi promjene novčanika. +Ako imate ovu grešku, od trgovca zatražite URI koji je kompatibilan sa BIP21.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>URI cannot be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Bitcoin address or malformed URI parameters.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ne može se parsirati URI! Uzrok tomu može biti nevažeća Bitcoin adresa ili neispravni parametri kod URI-a.</translation> </message> @@ -1880,6 +2729,10 @@ <context> <name>QRImageWidget</name> <message> + <source>&Save Image…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Spremi sliku...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>&Copy Image</source> <translation type="unfinished">&Kopirajte sliku</translation> </message> @@ -1899,7 +2752,12 @@ <source>Save QR Code</source> <translation type="unfinished">Spremi QR kod</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>PNG Image</source> + <extracomment>Expanded name of the PNG file format. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">PNG slika</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>RPCConsole</name> <message> @@ -2007,10 +2865,38 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Broj sinkronizranih blokova</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Last Transaction</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Zadnja transakcija</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>The mapped Autonomous System used for diversifying peer selection.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Mapirani Autonomni sustav koji se koristi za diverzifikaciju odabira peer-ova.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Mapped AS</source> <translation type="unfinished">Mapirano kao</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Whether we relay addresses to this peer.</source> + <extracomment>Tooltip text for the Address Relay field in the peer details area, which displays whether we relay addresses to this peer (Yes/No).</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Prenosimo li adrese ovom peer-u.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Address Relay</source> + <extracomment>Text title for the Address Relay field in the peer details area, which displays whether we relay addresses to this peer (Yes/No).</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Prijenos adresa</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Addresses Processed</source> + <extracomment>Text title for the Addresses Processed field in the peer details area, which displays the total number of addresses received from this peer that were processed (excludes addresses that were dropped due to rate-limiting).</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Obrađene adrese</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Addresses Rate-Limited</source> + <extracomment>Text title for the Addresses Rate-Limited field in the peer details area, which displays the total number of addresses received from this peer that were dropped (not processed) due to rate-limiting.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Adrese ograničene brzinom</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>User Agent</source> <translation type="unfinished">Korisnički agent</translation> </message> @@ -2019,6 +2905,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Konzola za čvor</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Current block height</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Trenutna visina bloka</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Open the %1 debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Otvorite datoteku zapisa programa %1 iz trenutne podatkovne mape. Može potrajati nekoliko sekundi za velike datoteke zapisa.</translation> </message> @@ -2031,14 +2921,59 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Povećajte veličinu fonta</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Permissions</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dopuštenja</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>The direction and type of peer connection: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Smjer i tip peer konekcije: %1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Direction/Type</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Smjer/tip</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>The network protocol this peer is connected through: IPv4, IPv6, Onion, I2P, or CJDNS.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Mrežni protokoli kroz koje je spojen ovaj peer: IPv4, IPv6, Onion, I2P, ili CJDNS.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Services</source> <translation type="unfinished">Usluge</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Whether the peer requested us to relay transactions.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Je li peer od nas zatražio prijenos transakcija.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wants Tx Relay</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Želi Tx prijenos</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>High bandwidth BIP152 compact block relay: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Visoka razina BIP152 kompaktnog blok prijenosa: %1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>High Bandwidth</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Visoka razina prijenosa podataka</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Connection Time</source> <translation type="unfinished">Trajanje veze</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Elapsed time since a novel block passing initial validity checks was received from this peer.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Vrijeme prošlo od kada je ovaj peer primio novi bloka koji je prošao osnovne provjere validnosti.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Last Block</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Zadnji blok</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Elapsed time since a novel transaction accepted into our mempool was received from this peer.</source> + <extracomment>Tooltip text for the Last Transaction field in the peer details area.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Vrijeme prošlo od kada je ovaj peer primio novu transakciju koja je prihvaćena u naš mempool.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Last Send</source> <translation type="unfinished">Zadnja pošiljka</translation> </message> @@ -2103,6 +3038,53 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Izlazne:</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Inbound: initiated by peer</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text for an inbound peer connection.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Ulazna: pokrenuo peer</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Outbound Full Relay: default</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text for an outbound peer connection that relays all network information. This is the default behavior for outbound connections.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Izlazni potpuni prijenos: zadano</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Outbound Block Relay: does not relay transactions or addresses</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text for an outbound peer connection that relays network information about blocks and not transactions or addresses.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Izlazni blok prijenos: ne prenosi transakcije ili adrese</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Outbound Manual: added using RPC %1 or %2/%3 configuration options</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text for an outbound peer connection that was established manually through one of several methods. The numbered arguments are stand-ins for the methods available to establish manual connections.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Priručnik za izlazeće (?): dodano koristeći RPC %1 ili %2/%3 konfiguracijske opcije</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Outbound Feeler: short-lived, for testing addresses</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text for a short-lived outbound peer connection that is used to test the aliveness of known addresses.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Izlazni ispipavač: kratkotrajan, za testiranje adresa</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Outbound Address Fetch: short-lived, for soliciting addresses</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text for a short-lived outbound peer connection that is used to request addresses from a peer.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Dohvaćanje izlaznih adresa: kratkotrajno, za traženje adresa</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>we selected the peer for high bandwidth relay</source> + <translation type="unfinished">odabrali smo peera za brzopodatkovni prijenos</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>the peer selected us for high bandwidth relay</source> + <translation type="unfinished">peer odabran za brzopodatkovni prijenos</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>no high bandwidth relay selected</source> + <translation type="unfinished">brzopodatkovni prijenos nije odabran</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Copy address</source> + <extracomment>Context menu action to copy the address of a peer.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">&Kopiraj adresu</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>&Disconnect</source> <translation type="unfinished">&Odspojite</translation> </message> @@ -2111,6 +3093,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">1 &sat</translation> </message> <message> + <source>1 d&ay</source> + <translation type="unfinished">1 d&an</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>1 &week</source> <translation type="unfinished">1 &tjedan</translation> </message> @@ -2119,6 +3105,11 @@ <translation type="unfinished">1 &godinu</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Copy IP/Netmask</source> + <extracomment>Context menu action to copy the IP/Netmask of a banned peer. IP/Netmask is the combination of a peer's IP address and its Netmask. For IP address, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">&Kopiraj IP/Netmask</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>&Unban</source> <translation type="unfinished">&Ukinite zabranu</translation> </message> @@ -2135,6 +3126,28 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Izvršava se naredba koristeći novčanik "%1"</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Welcome to the %1 RPC console. +Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and %2 to clear screen. +Use %3 and %4 to increase or decrease the font size. +Type %5 for an overview of available commands. +For more information on using this console, type %6. + +%7WARNING: Scammers have been active, telling users to type commands here, stealing their wallet contents. Do not use this console without fully understanding the ramifications of a command.%8</source> + <extracomment>RPC console welcome message. Placeholders %7 and %8 are style tags for the warning content, and they are not space separated from the rest of the text intentionally.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Dobrodošli u %1 RPC konzolu. +Koristite strelice za gore i dolje kako biste navigirali kroz povijest, i %2 za micanje svega sa zaslona. +Koristite %3 i %4 za smanjivanje i povećavanje veličine fonta. +Utipkajte %5 za pregled svih dosrupnih komandi. +Za više informacija o korištenju ove konzile, utipkajte %6. + +%7UPOZORENJE: Prevaranti su uvijek aktivni te kradu sadržaj novčanika korisnika tako što im daju upute koje komande upisati. Nemojte koristiti ovu konzolu bez potpunog razumijevanja posljedica upisivanja komande.%8</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Executing…</source> + <extracomment>A console message indicating an entered command is currently being executed.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Izvršavam...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>via %1</source> <translation type="unfinished">preko %1</translation> </message> @@ -2159,6 +3172,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Zabranite za</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Never</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nikada</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Unknown</source> <translation type="unfinished">Nepoznato</translation> </message> @@ -2194,6 +3211,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Opcionalan iznos koji možete zahtijevati. Ostavite ovo prazno ili unesite nulu ako ne želite zahtijevati specifičan iznos.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>An optional label to associate with the new receiving address (used by you to identify an invoice). It is also attached to the payment request.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Neobvezna oznaka za označavanje nove primateljske adrese (koristi se za identifikaciju računa). Također je pridružena zahtjevu za plaćanje.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>An optional message that is attached to the payment request and may be displayed to the sender.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Izborna poruka je priložena zahtjevu za plaćanje i može se prikazati pošiljatelju.</translation> </message> @@ -2234,13 +3255,41 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &URI</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Copy address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Kopiraj adresu</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &oznaku</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &message</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &poruku</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &amount</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &iznos</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Could not unlock wallet.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ne može se otključati novčanik.</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Could not generate new %1 address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ne mogu generirati novu %1 adresu</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>ReceiveRequestDialog</name> <message> + <source>Request payment to …</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Zatraži plaćanje na...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Address:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Adresa:</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Amount:</source> <translation type="unfinished">Iznos:</translation> </message> @@ -2265,6 +3314,18 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &adresu</translation> </message> <message> + <source>&Verify</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Verificiraj</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Verify this address on e.g. a hardware wallet screen</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Verificiraj ovu adresu na npr. zaslonu hardverskog novčanika</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Save Image…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Spremi sliku...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Payment information</source> <translation type="unfinished">Informacije o uplati</translation> </message> @@ -2395,15 +3456,31 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Obriši sva polja</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Inputs…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Inputi...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Dust:</source> <translation type="unfinished">Prah:</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Choose…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Odaberi...</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Hide transaction fee settings</source> <translation type="unfinished">Sakrijte postavke za transakcijske provizije </translation> </message> <message> + <source>Specify a custom fee per kB (1,000 bytes) of the transaction's virtual size. + +Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee rate of "100 satoshis per kvB" for a transaction size of 500 virtual bytes (half of 1 kvB) would ultimately yield a fee of only 50 satoshis.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Zadajte prilagodenu naknadu po kB (1000 bajtova) virtualne veličine transakcije. + +Napomena: Budući da se naknada računa po bajtu, naknada od "100 satošija po kB" za transakciju veličine 500 bajtova (polovica od 1 kB) rezultirala bi ultimativno naknadom od samo 50 satošija.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>When there is less transaction volume than space in the blocks, miners as well as relaying nodes may enforce a minimum fee. Paying only this minimum fee is just fine, but be aware that this can result in a never confirming transaction once there is more demand for bitcoin transactions than the network can process.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Kada je kapacitet transakcija manja od prostora u blokovima, rudari i čvorovi prenositelji mogu zatražiti minimalnu naknadu. Prihvatljivo je platiti samo ovu minimalnu naknadu, ali budite svjesni da ovime može nastati transakcija koja se nikad ne potvrđuje čim je potražnja za korištenjem Bitcoina veća nego što mreža može obraditi.</translation> </message> @@ -2412,6 +3489,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Preniska naknada može rezultirati transakcijom koja se nikad ne potvrđuje (vidite oblačić)</translation> </message> <message> + <source>(Smart fee not initialized yet. This usually takes a few blocks…)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(Pametna procjena naknada još nije inicijalizirana. Inače traje nekoliko blokova...)</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Confirmation time target:</source> <translation type="unfinished">Ciljno vrijeme potvrde:</translation> </message> @@ -2472,10 +3553,28 @@ <translation type="unfinished">%1 (%2 blokova)</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Sign on device</source> + <extracomment>"device" usually means a hardware wallet.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Potpiši na uređaju</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Connect your hardware wallet first.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Prvo poveži svoj hardverski novčanik.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Set external signer script path in Options -> Wallet</source> + <extracomment>"External signer" means using devices such as hardware wallets.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Postavi put za vanjsku skriptu potpisnika u Opcije -> Novčanik</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Cr&eate Unsigned</source> <translation type="unfinished">Cr&eate nije potpisan</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Creates a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) for use with e.g. an offline %1 wallet, or a PSBT-compatible hardware wallet.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Stvara djelomično potpisanu Bitcoin transakciju (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction - PSBT) za upotrebu sa npr. novčanikom %1 koji nije povezan s mrežom ili sa PSBT kompatibilnim hardverskim novčanikom.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source> from wallet '%1'</source> <translation type="unfinished">iz novčanika '%1'</translation> </message> @@ -2488,10 +3587,41 @@ <translation type="unfinished">%1 na %2</translation> </message> <message> + <source>To review recipient list click "Show Details…"</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kliknite "Prikažite detalje..." kako biste pregledali popis primatelja</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Sign failed</source> <translation type="unfinished">Potpis nije uspio</translation> </message> <message> + <source>External signer not found</source> + <extracomment>"External signer" means using devices such as hardware wallets.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Vanjski potpisnik nije pronađen</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>External signer failure</source> + <extracomment>"External signer" means using devices such as hardware wallets.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Neuspješno vanjsko potpisivanje</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Save Transaction Data</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Spremi podatke transakcije</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Partially Signed Transaction (Binary)</source> + <extracomment>Expanded name of the binary PSBT file format. See: BIP 174.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Djelomično potpisana transakcija (binarno)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>PSBT saved</source> + <translation type="unfinished">PSBT spremljen</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>External balance:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Vanjski balans:</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>or</source> <translation type="unfinished">ili</translation> </message> @@ -2500,6 +3630,21 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Možete kasnije povećati naknadu (javlja Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125).</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Please, review your transaction proposal. This will produce a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) which you can save or copy and then sign with e.g. an offline %1 wallet, or a PSBT-compatible hardware wallet.</source> + <extracomment>Text to inform a user attempting to create a transaction of their current options. At this stage, a user can only create a PSBT. This string is displayed when private keys are disabled and an external signer is not available.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Molimo pregledajte svoj prijedlog transakcije. Ovo će stvoriti djelomično potpisanu Bitcoin transakciju (PBST) koju možete spremiti ili kopirati i zatim potpisati sa npr. novčanikom %1 koji nije povezan s mrežom ili sa PSBT kompatibilnim hardverskim novčanikom.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Do you want to create this transaction?</source> + <extracomment>Message displayed when attempting to create a transaction. Cautionary text to prompt the user to verify that the displayed transaction details represent the transaction the user intends to create.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Želite li kreirati ovu transakciju?</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Please, review your transaction. You can create and send this transaction or create a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT), which you can save or copy and then sign with, e.g., an offline %1 wallet, or a PSBT-compatible hardware wallet.</source> + <extracomment>Text to inform a user attempting to create a transaction of their current options. At this stage, a user can send their transaction or create a PSBT. This string is displayed when both private keys and PSBT controls are enabled.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Molimo pregledajte svoju transakciju. Možete kreirarti i poslati ovu transakciju ili kreirati djelomično potpisanu Bitcoin transakciju (PBST) koju možete spremiti ili kopirati i zatim potpisati sa npr. novčanikom %1 koji nije povezan s mrežom ili sa PSBT kompatibilnim hardverskim novčanikom.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Please, review your transaction.</source> <extracomment>Text to prompt a user to review the details of the transaction they are attempting to send.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">Molim vas, pregledajte svoju transakciju.</translation> @@ -2552,16 +3697,12 @@ <source>A fee higher than %1 is considered an absurdly high fee.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Naknada veća od %1 smatra se apsurdno visokim naknadom.</translation> </message> - <message> - <source>Payment request expired.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Zahtjev za plaćanje istekao.</translation> - </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).</numerusform> + <numerusform>Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).</numerusform> + <numerusform>Procijenjeno je da će potvrđivanje početi unutar %n blokova.</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message> @@ -2636,14 +3777,6 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Poruka:</translation> </message> <message> - <source>This is an unauthenticated payment request.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Ovo je neautenticiran zahtjev za plaćanje.</translation> - </message> - <message> - <source>This is an authenticated payment request.</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Ovo je autenticiran zahtjev za plaćanje.</translation> - </message> - <message> <source>Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses</source> <translation type="unfinished">Unesite oznaku za ovu adresu kako bi ju dodali u vaš adresar</translation> </message> @@ -2651,14 +3784,6 @@ <source>A message that was attached to the bitcoin: URI which will be stored with the transaction for your reference. Note: This message will not be sent over the Bitcoin network.</source> <translation type="unfinished">Poruka koja je dodana uplati: URI koji će biti spremljen s transakcijom za referencu. Napomena: Ova poruka neće biti poslana preko Bitcoin mreže.</translation> </message> - <message> - <source>Pay To:</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Primatelj plaćanja:</translation> - </message> - <message> - <source>Memo:</source> - <translation type="unfinished">Zapis:</translation> - </message> </context> <context> <name>SendConfirmationDialog</name> @@ -2666,7 +3791,11 @@ <source>Send</source> <translation type="unfinished">Pošalji</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Create Unsigned</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kreiraj nepotpisano</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>SignVerifyMessageDialog</name> <message> @@ -2811,33 +3940,36 @@ </message> </context> <context> - <name>TransactionDesc</name> + <name>SplashScreen</name> <message> - <source>conflicted with a transaction with %1 confirmations</source> - <translation type="unfinished">subokljen s transakcijom broja potvrde %1</translation> + <source>(press q to shutdown and continue later)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(pritisnite q kako bi ugasili i nastavili kasnije)</translation> </message> <message> - <source>0/unconfirmed, %1</source> - <translation type="unfinished">0/nepotvrđeno, %1</translation> - </message> - <message> - <source>in memory pool</source> - <translation type="unfinished">u memorijskom bazenu</translation> + <source>press q to shutdown</source> + <translation type="unfinished">pritisnite q za gašenje</translation> </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>TransactionDesc</name> <message> - <source>not in memory pool</source> - <translation type="unfinished">nije u memorijskom bazenu</translation> + <source>conflicted with a transaction with %1 confirmations</source> + <extracomment>Text explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents an unconfirmed transaction that conflicts with a confirmed transaction.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">subokljen s transakcijom broja potvrde %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>abandoned</source> + <extracomment>Text explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents an abandoned transaction.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">napušteno</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1/unconfirmed</source> + <extracomment>Text explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents a transaction confirmed in at least one block, but less than 6 blocks.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">%1/nepotvrđeno</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 confirmations</source> + <extracomment>Text explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents a transaction confirmed in 6 or more blocks.</extracomment> <translation type="unfinished">%1 potvrda</translation> </message> <message> @@ -2883,9 +4015,9 @@ <message numerus="yes"> <source>matures in %n more block(s)</source> <translation type="unfinished"> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> - <numerusform /> + <numerusform>matures in %n more block(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>matures in %n more block(s)</numerusform> + <numerusform>dozrijeva za još %n blokova</numerusform> </translation> </message> <message> @@ -3138,10 +4270,64 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Min iznos</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Range…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Raspon...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Copy address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Kopiraj adresu</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &oznaku</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &amount</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &iznos</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy transaction &ID</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &ID transakcije</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &raw transaction</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj &sirovu transakciju</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy full transaction &details</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopiraj sve transakcijske &detalje</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Show transaction details</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Prikaži detalje transakcije</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Increase transaction &fee</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Povećaj transakcijsku &naknadu</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>A&bandon transaction</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Napusti transakciju</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Edit address label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Izmjeni oznaku adrese</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show in %1</source> + <extracomment>Transactions table context menu action to show the selected transaction in a third-party block explorer. %1 is a stand-in argument for the URL of the explorer.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Prikazi u %1</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Export Transaction History</source> <translation type="unfinished">Izvozite povijest transakcija</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Comma separated file</source> + <extracomment>Expanded name of the CSV file format. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Datoteka podataka odvojenih zarezima (*.csv)</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Confirmed</source> <translation type="unfinished">Potvrđeno</translation> </message> @@ -3193,6 +4379,14 @@ <context> <name>WalletFrame</name> <message> + <source>No wallet has been loaded. +Go to File > Open Wallet to load a wallet. +- OR -</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nijedan novčanik nije učitan. +Idi na Datoteka > Otvori novčanik za učitanje novčanika. +- ILI -</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Create a new wallet</source> <translation type="unfinished">Stvorite novi novčanik</translation> </message> @@ -3200,7 +4394,27 @@ <source>Error</source> <translation type="unfinished">Greška</translation> </message> - </context> + <message> + <source>Unable to decode PSBT from clipboard (invalid base64)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće dekodirati PSBT iz međuspremnika (nevažeći base64)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Load Transaction Data</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Učitaj podatke transakcije</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Partially Signed Transaction (*.psbt)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Djelomično potpisana transakcija (*.psbt)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>PSBT file must be smaller than 100 MiB</source> + <translation type="unfinished">PSBT datoteka mora biti manja od 100 MB</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Unable to decode PSBT</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nije moguće dekodirati PSBT</translation> + </message> +</context> <context> <name>WalletModel</name> <message> @@ -3233,6 +4447,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Nova naknada:</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Warning: This may pay the additional fee by reducing change outputs or adding inputs, when necessary. It may add a new change output if one does not already exist. These changes may potentially leak privacy.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Upozorenje: Ovo može platiti dodatnu naknadu smanjenjem change outputa ili dodavanjem inputa, po potrebi. Može dodati novi change output ako jedan već ne postoji. Ove promjene bi mogle smanjiti privatnost.</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Confirm fee bump</source> <translation type="unfinished">Potvrdite povećanje naknade</translation> </message> @@ -3253,6 +4471,10 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Transakcija ne može biti izvršena.</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Can't display address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ne mogu prikazati adresu</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>default wallet</source> <translation type="unfinished">uobičajeni novčanik</translation> </message> @@ -3272,6 +4494,11 @@ <translation type="unfinished">Arhiviranje novčanika</translation> </message> <message> + <source>Wallet Data</source> + <extracomment>Name of the wallet data file format.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Podaci novčanika</translation> + </message> + <message> <source>Backup Failed</source> <translation type="unfinished">Arhiviranje nije uspjelo</translation> </message> |