path: root/qa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qa')
4 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/pull-tester/build-tests.sh.in b/qa/pull-tester/build-tests.sh.in
index 82ae60fdf1..86d4d9d0e9 100755
--- a/qa/pull-tester/build-tests.sh.in
+++ b/qa/pull-tester/build-tests.sh.in
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ fi
cd @abs_top_srcdir@/linux-build
make check
+# Run RPC integration test on Linux:
+@abs_top_srcdir@/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.sh @abs_top_srcdir@/linux-build/src
if [ $RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS = 1 ]; then
# Run unit tests and blockchain-tester on Windows:
cd @abs_top_srcdir@/win32-build
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/README.md b/qa/rpc-tests/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8537247d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Regression tests of RPC interface
+wallet.sh : Test wallet send/receive code (see comments for details)
+util.sh : useful re-usable functions
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/util.sh b/qa/rpc-tests/util.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc2a319970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/util.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Functions used by more than one test
+function echoerr {
+ echo "$@" 1>&2;
+# Usage: ExtractKey <key> "<json_object_string>"
+# Warning: this will only work for the very-well-behaved
+# JSON produced by bitcoind, do NOT use it to try to
+# parse arbitrary/nested/etc JSON.
+function ExtractKey {
+ echo $2 | tr -d ' "{}\n' | awk -v RS=',' -F: "\$1 ~ /$1/ { print \$2}"
+function CreateDataDir {
+ DIR=$1
+ mkdir -p $DIR
+ CONF=$DIR/bitcoin.conf
+ echo "regtest=1" >> $CONF
+ echo "keypool=2" >> $CONF
+ echo "rpcuser=rt" >> $CONF
+ echo "rpcpassword=rt" >> $CONF
+ echo "rpcwait=1" >> $CONF
+ shift
+ while (( "$#" )); do
+ echo $1 >> $CONF
+ shift
+ done
+function AssertEqual {
+ if (( $( echo "$1 == $2" | bc ) == 0 ))
+ then
+ echoerr "AssertEqual: $1 != $2"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# CheckBalance -datadir=... amount account minconf
+function CheckBalance {
+ B=$( $CLI $1 getbalance $3 $4 )
+ if (( $( echo "$B == $2" | bc ) == 0 ))
+ then
+ echoerr "bad balance: $B (expected $2)"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Use: Address <datadir> [account]
+function Address {
+ $CLI $1 getnewaddress $2
+# Send from to amount
+function Send {
+ from=$1
+ to=$2
+ amount=$3
+ address=$(Address $to)
+ txid=$( $CLI $from sendtoaddress $address $amount )
+# Use: Unspent <datadir> <n'th-last-unspent> <var>
+function Unspent {
+ local r=$( $CLI $1 listunspent | awk -F'[ |:,"]+' "\$2 ~ /$3/ { print \$3 }" | tail -n $2 | head -n 1)
+ echo $r
+# Use: CreateTxn1 <datadir> <n'th-last-unspent> <destaddress>
+# produces hex from signrawtransaction
+function CreateTxn1 {
+ TXID=$(Unspent $1 $2 txid)
+ AMOUNT=$(Unspent $1 $2 amount)
+ VOUT=$(Unspent $1 $2 vout)
+ RAWTXN=$( $CLI $1 createrawtransaction "[{\"txid\":\"$TXID\",\"vout\":$VOUT}]" "{\"$3\":$AMOUNT}")
+ ExtractKey hex "$( $CLI $1 signrawtransaction $RAWTXN )"
+# Use: SendRawTxn <datadir> <hex_txn_data>
+function SendRawTxn {
+ $CLI $1 sendrawtransaction $2
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.sh b/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..dd511782d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Test block generation and basic wallet sending
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 path_to_binaries"
+ echo "e.g. $0 ../../src"
+ exit 1
+if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi
+. "$DIR/util.sh"
+D=$(mktemp -d test.XXXXX)
+CreateDataDir $D1 port=11000 rpcport=11001
+CreateDataDir $D2 port=11010 rpcport=11011 connect=
+CreateDataDir $D3 port=11020 rpcport=11021 connect=
+trap "kill -9 $B1PID $B2PID $B3PID; rm -rf $D" EXIT
+# 1 block, 50 XBT each == 50 XBT
+$CLI $B1ARGS setgenerate true 1
+sleep 1 # sleep is necessary to let block broadcast
+# 101 blocks, 1 mature == 50 XBT
+$CLI $B2ARGS setgenerate true 101
+sleep 1
+CheckBalance $B1ARGS 50
+CheckBalance $B2ARGS 50
+# Send 21 XBT from 1 to 3. Second
+# transaction will be child of first, and
+# will require a fee
+Send $B1ARGS $B3ARGS 11
+Send $B1ARGS $B3ARGS 10
+# Have B1 mine a new block, and mature it
+# to recover transaction fees
+$CLI $B1ARGS setgenerate true 1
+sleep 1
+# Have B2 mine 100 blocks so B1's block is mature:
+$CLI $B2ARGS setgenerate true 100
+sleep 1
+# B1 should end up with 100 XBT in block rewards plus fees,
+# minus the 21 XBT sent to B3:
+CheckBalance $B1ARGS "100-21"
+CheckBalance $B3ARGS "21"
+# B1 should have two unspent outputs; create a couple
+# of raw transactions to send them to B3, submit them through
+# B2, and make sure both B1 and B3 pick them up properly:
+RAW1=$(CreateTxn1 $B1ARGS 1 $(Address $B3ARGS "from1" ) )
+RAW2=$(CreateTxn1 $B1ARGS 2 $(Address $B3ARGS "from1" ) )
+RAWTXID1=$(SendRawTxn $B2ARGS $RAW1)
+RAWTXID2=$(SendRawTxn $B2ARGS $RAW2)
+# Have B2 mine a block to confirm transactions:
+$CLI $B2ARGS setgenerate true 1
+sleep 1 # allow time for block to be relayed
+# Check balances after confirmation
+CheckBalance $B1ARGS 0
+CheckBalance $B3ARGS 100
+CheckBalance $B3ARGS "100-21" "from1"
+$CLI $B3ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+wait $B3PID
+$CLI $B2ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+wait $B2PID
+$CLI $B1ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+wait $B1PID
+echo "Tests successful, cleaning up"
+trap "" EXIT
+rm -rf $D
+exit 0