path: root/qa/rpc-tests
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49 files changed, 8293 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Regression tests of RPC interface
+### [python-bitcoinrpc](https://github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc)
+Git subtree of [https://github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc](https://github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc).
+Changes to python-bitcoinrpc should be made upstream, and then
+pulled here using git subtree.
+### [test_framework.py](test_framework.py)
+Base class for new regression tests.
+### [listtransactions.py](listtransactions.py)
+Tests for the listtransactions RPC call.
+### [util.py](util.py)
+Generally useful functions.
+Bash-based tests, to be ported to Python:
+- wallet.sh : Exercise wallet send/receive code.
+- walletbackup.sh : Exercise wallet backup / dump / import
+- txnmall.sh : Test proper accounting of malleable transactions
+- conflictedbalance.sh : More testing of malleable transaction handling
+A 200-block -regtest blockchain and wallets for four nodes
+is created the first time a regression test is run and
+is stored in the cache/ directory. Each node has 25 mature
+blocks (25*50=1250 BTC) in its wallet.
+After the first run, the cache/ blockchain and wallets are
+copied into a temporary directory and used as the initial
+test state.
+If you get into a bad state, you should be able
+to recover with:
+rm -rf cache
+killall bitcoind
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bignum.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bignum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0c58ccd47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bignum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# bignum.py
+# This file is copied from python-bitcoinlib.
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+"""Bignum routines"""
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
+import struct
+# generic big endian MPI format
+def bn_bytes(v, have_ext=False):
+ ext = 0
+ if have_ext:
+ ext = 1
+ return ((v.bit_length()+7)//8) + ext
+def bn2bin(v):
+ s = bytearray()
+ i = bn_bytes(v)
+ while i > 0:
+ s.append((v >> ((i-1) * 8)) & 0xff)
+ i -= 1
+ return s
+def bin2bn(s):
+ l = 0
+ for ch in s:
+ l = (l << 8) | ch
+ return l
+def bn2mpi(v):
+ have_ext = False
+ if v.bit_length() > 0:
+ have_ext = (v.bit_length() & 0x07) == 0
+ neg = False
+ if v < 0:
+ neg = True
+ v = -v
+ s = struct.pack(b">I", bn_bytes(v, have_ext))
+ ext = bytearray()
+ if have_ext:
+ ext.append(0)
+ v_bin = bn2bin(v)
+ if neg:
+ if have_ext:
+ ext[0] |= 0x80
+ else:
+ v_bin[0] |= 0x80
+ return s + ext + v_bin
+def mpi2bn(s):
+ if len(s) < 4:
+ return None
+ s_size = bytes(s[:4])
+ v_len = struct.unpack(b">I", s_size)[0]
+ if len(s) != (v_len + 4):
+ return None
+ if v_len == 0:
+ return 0
+ v_str = bytearray(s[4:])
+ neg = False
+ i = v_str[0]
+ if i & 0x80:
+ neg = True
+ i &= ~0x80
+ v_str[0] = i
+ v = bin2bn(v_str)
+ if neg:
+ return -v
+ return v
+# bitcoin-specific little endian format, with implicit size
+def mpi2vch(s):
+ r = s[4:] # strip size
+ r = r[::-1] # reverse string, converting BE->LE
+ return r
+def bn2vch(v):
+ return bytes(mpi2vch(bn2mpi(v)))
+def vch2mpi(s):
+ r = struct.pack(b">I", len(s)) # size
+ r += s[::-1] # reverse string, converting LE->BE
+ return r
+def vch2bn(s):
+ return mpi2bn(vch2mpi(s))
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig-p2p.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig-p2p.py
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index 0000000000..ff0c878898
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+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig-p2p.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework
+from util import *
+from mininode import CTransaction, NetworkThread
+from blocktools import create_coinbase, create_block
+from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+import cStringIO
+from comptool import TestInstance, TestManager
+from script import CScript
+import time
+# A canonical signature consists of:
+# <30> <total len> <02> <len R> <R> <02> <len S> <S> <hashtype>
+def unDERify(tx):
+ '''
+ Make the signature in vin 0 of a tx non-DER-compliant,
+ by adding padding after the S-value.
+ '''
+ scriptSig = CScript(tx.vin[0].scriptSig)
+ newscript = []
+ for i in scriptSig:
+ if (len(newscript) == 0):
+ newscript.append(i[0:-1] + '\0' + i[-1])
+ else:
+ newscript.append(i)
+ tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript(newscript)
+This test is meant to exercise BIP66 (DER SIG).
+Connect to a single node.
+Mine 2 (version 2) blocks (save the coinbases for later).
+Generate 98 more version 2 blocks, verify the node accepts.
+Mine 749 version 3 blocks, verify the node accepts.
+Check that the new DERSIG rules are not enforced on the 750th version 3 block.
+Check that the new DERSIG rules are enforced on the 751st version 3 block.
+Mine 199 new version blocks.
+Mine 1 old-version block.
+Mine 1 new version block.
+Mine 1 old version block, see that the node rejects.
+class BIP66Test(ComparisonTestFramework):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.num_nodes = 1
+ def setup_network(self):
+ # Must set the blockversion for this test
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(1, self.options.tmpdir,
+ extra_args=[['-debug', '-whitelist=', '-blockversion=2']],
+ binary=[self.options.testbinary])
+ def run_test(self):
+ test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir)
+ test.add_all_connections(self.nodes)
+ NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread
+ test.run()
+ def create_transaction(self, node, coinbase, to_address, amount):
+ from_txid = node.getblock(coinbase)['tx'][0]
+ inputs = [{ "txid" : from_txid, "vout" : 0}]
+ outputs = { to_address : amount }
+ rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ tx = CTransaction()
+ f = cStringIO.StringIO(unhexlify(signresult['hex']))
+ tx.deserialize(f)
+ return tx
+ def get_tests(self):
+ self.coinbase_blocks = self.nodes[0].generate(2)
+ self.tip = int ("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() + "L", 0)
+ self.nodeaddress = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ self.last_block_time = time.time()
+ ''' 98 more version 2 blocks '''
+ test_blocks = []
+ for i in xrange(98):
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(2), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 2
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ test_blocks.append([block, True])
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False)
+ ''' Mine 749 version 3 blocks '''
+ test_blocks = []
+ for i in xrange(749):
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(2), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 3
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ test_blocks.append([block, True])
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False)
+ '''
+ Check that the new DERSIG rules are not enforced in the 750th
+ version 3 block.
+ '''
+ spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0],
+ self.coinbase_blocks[0], self.nodeaddress, 1.0)
+ unDERify(spendtx)
+ spendtx.rehash()
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(2), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 3
+ block.vtx.append(spendtx)
+ block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ yield TestInstance([[block, True]])
+ '''
+ Check that the new DERSIG rules are enforced in the 751st version 3
+ block.
+ '''
+ spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0],
+ self.coinbase_blocks[1], self.nodeaddress, 1.0)
+ unDERify(spendtx)
+ spendtx.rehash()
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(1), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 3
+ block.vtx.append(spendtx)
+ block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ yield TestInstance([[block, False]])
+ ''' Mine 199 new version blocks on last valid tip '''
+ test_blocks = []
+ for i in xrange(199):
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(1), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 3
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ test_blocks.append([block, True])
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False)
+ ''' Mine 1 old version block '''
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(1), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 2
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ yield TestInstance([[block, True]])
+ ''' Mine 1 new version block '''
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(1), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 3
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ yield TestInstance([[block, True]])
+ ''' Mine 1 old version block, should be invalid '''
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(1), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 2
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ yield TestInstance([[block, False]])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ BIP66Test().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2c43bba865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test the BIP66 changeover logic
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+import os
+import shutil
+class BIP66Test(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, []))
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-blockversion=2"]))
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-blockversion=3"]))
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0)
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def run_test(self):
+ cnt = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
+ # Mine some old-version blocks
+ self.nodes[1].generate(100)
+ self.sync_all()
+ if (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() != cnt + 100):
+ raise AssertionError("Failed to mine 100 version=2 blocks")
+ # Mine 750 new-version blocks
+ for i in xrange(15):
+ self.nodes[2].generate(50)
+ self.sync_all()
+ if (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() != cnt + 850):
+ raise AssertionError("Failed to mine 750 version=3 blocks")
+ # TODO: check that new DERSIG rules are not enforced
+ # Mine 1 new-version block
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ if (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() != cnt + 851):
+ raise AssertionFailure("Failed to mine a version=3 blocks")
+ # TODO: check that new DERSIG rules are enforced
+ # Mine 198 new-version blocks
+ for i in xrange(2):
+ self.nodes[2].generate(99)
+ self.sync_all()
+ if (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() != cnt + 1049):
+ raise AssertionError("Failed to mine 198 version=3 blocks")
+ # Mine 1 old-version block
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ if (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() != cnt + 1050):
+ raise AssertionError("Failed to mine a version=2 block after 949 version=3 blocks")
+ # Mine 1 new-version blocks
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ if (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() != cnt + 1051):
+ raise AssertionError("Failed to mine a version=3 block")
+ # Mine 1 old-version blocks
+ try:
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ raise AssertionError("Succeeded to mine a version=2 block after 950 version=3 blocks")
+ except JSONRPCException:
+ pass
+ self.sync_all()
+ if (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() != cnt + 1051):
+ raise AssertionError("Accepted a version=2 block after 950 version=3 blocks")
+ # Mine 1 new-version blocks
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ if (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() != cnt + 1052):
+ raise AssertionError("Failed to mine a version=3 block")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ BIP66Test().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/blockstore.py b/qa/rpc-tests/blockstore.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c57b6df81b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/blockstore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# BlockStore: a helper class that keeps a map of blocks and implements
+# helper functions for responding to getheaders and getdata,
+# and for constructing a getheaders message
+from mininode import *
+import dbm
+class BlockStore(object):
+ def __init__(self, datadir):
+ self.blockDB = dbm.open(datadir + "/blocks", 'c')
+ self.currentBlock = 0L
+ def close(self):
+ self.blockDB.close()
+ def get(self, blockhash):
+ serialized_block = None
+ try:
+ serialized_block = self.blockDB[repr(blockhash)]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ f = cStringIO.StringIO(serialized_block)
+ ret = CBlock()
+ ret.deserialize(f)
+ ret.calc_sha256()
+ return ret
+ # Note: this pulls full blocks out of the database just to retrieve
+ # the headers -- perhaps we could keep a separate data structure
+ # to avoid this overhead.
+ def headers_for(self, locator, hash_stop, current_tip=None):
+ if current_tip is None:
+ current_tip = self.currentBlock
+ current_block = self.get(current_tip)
+ if current_block is None:
+ return None
+ response = msg_headers()
+ headersList = [ CBlockHeader(current_block) ]
+ maxheaders = 2000
+ while (headersList[0].sha256 not in locator.vHave):
+ prevBlockHash = headersList[0].hashPrevBlock
+ prevBlock = self.get(prevBlockHash)
+ if prevBlock is not None:
+ headersList.insert(0, CBlockHeader(prevBlock))
+ else:
+ break
+ headersList = headersList[:maxheaders] # truncate if we have too many
+ hashList = [x.sha256 for x in headersList]
+ index = len(headersList)
+ if (hash_stop in hashList):
+ index = hashList.index(hash_stop)+1
+ response.headers = headersList[:index]
+ return response
+ def add_block(self, block):
+ block.calc_sha256()
+ try:
+ self.blockDB[repr(block.sha256)] = bytes(block.serialize())
+ except TypeError as e:
+ print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0], e.args
+ self.currentBlock = block.sha256
+ def get_blocks(self, inv):
+ responses = []
+ for i in inv:
+ if (i.type == 2): # MSG_BLOCK
+ block = self.get(i.hash)
+ if block is not None:
+ responses.append(msg_block(block))
+ return responses
+ def get_locator(self, current_tip=None):
+ if current_tip is None:
+ current_tip = self.currentBlock
+ r = []
+ counter = 0
+ step = 1
+ lastBlock = self.get(current_tip)
+ while lastBlock is not None:
+ r.append(lastBlock.hashPrevBlock)
+ for i in range(step):
+ lastBlock = self.get(lastBlock.hashPrevBlock)
+ if lastBlock is None:
+ break
+ counter += 1
+ if counter > 10:
+ step *= 2
+ locator = CBlockLocator()
+ locator.vHave = r
+ return locator
+class TxStore(object):
+ def __init__(self, datadir):
+ self.txDB = dbm.open(datadir + "/transactions", 'c')
+ def close(self):
+ self.txDB.close()
+ def get(self, txhash):
+ serialized_tx = None
+ try:
+ serialized_tx = self.txDB[repr(txhash)]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ f = cStringIO.StringIO(serialized_tx)
+ ret = CTransaction()
+ ret.deserialize(f)
+ ret.calc_sha256()
+ return ret
+ def add_transaction(self, tx):
+ tx.calc_sha256()
+ try:
+ self.txDB[repr(tx.sha256)] = bytes(tx.serialize())
+ except TypeError as e:
+ print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0], e.args
+ def get_transactions(self, inv):
+ responses = []
+ for i in inv:
+ if (i.type == 1): # MSG_TX
+ tx = self.get(i.hash)
+ if tx is not None:
+ responses.append(msg_tx(tx))
+ return responses
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/blocktools.py b/qa/rpc-tests/blocktools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f397fe7cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/blocktools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# blocktools.py - utilities for manipulating blocks and transactions
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from mininode import *
+from script import CScript, CScriptOp
+# Create a block (with regtest difficulty)
+def create_block(hashprev, coinbase, nTime=None):
+ block = CBlock()
+ if nTime is None:
+ import time
+ block.nTime = int(time.time()+600)
+ else:
+ block.nTime = nTime
+ block.hashPrevBlock = hashprev
+ block.nBits = 0x207fffff # Will break after a difficulty adjustment...
+ block.vtx.append(coinbase)
+ block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
+ block.calc_sha256()
+ return block
+def serialize_script_num(value):
+ r = bytearray(0)
+ if value == 0:
+ return r
+ neg = value < 0
+ absvalue = -value if neg else value
+ while (absvalue):
+ r.append(chr(absvalue & 0xff))
+ absvalue >>= 8
+ if r[-1] & 0x80:
+ r.append(0x80 if neg else 0)
+ elif neg:
+ r[-1] |= 0x80
+ return r
+# Create an anyone-can-spend coinbase transaction, assuming no miner fees
+def create_coinbase(heightAdjust = 0):
+ global counter
+ coinbase = CTransaction()
+ coinbase.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(0, 0xffffffff),
+ ser_string(serialize_script_num(counter+heightAdjust)), 0xffffffff))
+ counter += 1
+ coinbaseoutput = CTxOut()
+ coinbaseoutput.nValue = 50*100000000
+ halvings = int((counter+heightAdjust)/150) # regtest
+ coinbaseoutput.nValue >>= halvings
+ coinbaseoutput.scriptPubKey = ""
+ coinbase.vout = [ coinbaseoutput ]
+ coinbase.calc_sha256()
+ return coinbase
+# Create a transaction with an anyone-can-spend output, that spends the
+# nth output of prevtx.
+def create_transaction(prevtx, n, sig, value):
+ tx = CTransaction()
+ assert(n < len(prevtx.vout))
+ tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(prevtx.sha256, n), sig, 0xffffffff))
+ tx.vout.append(CTxOut(value, ""))
+ tx.calc_sha256()
+ return tx
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/comptool.py b/qa/rpc-tests/comptool.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..23a979250c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/comptool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from mininode import *
+from blockstore import BlockStore, TxStore
+from util import p2p_port
+This is a tool for comparing two or more bitcoinds to each other
+using a script provided.
+To use, create a class that implements get_tests(), and pass it in
+as the test generator to TestManager. get_tests() should be a python
+generator that returns TestInstance objects. See below for definition.
+# TestNode behaves as follows:
+# Configure with a BlockStore and TxStore
+# on_inv: log the message but don't request
+# on_headers: log the chain tip
+# on_pong: update ping response map (for synchronization)
+# on_getheaders: provide headers via BlockStore
+# on_getdata: provide blocks via BlockStore
+global mininode_lock
+class TestNode(NodeConnCB):
+ def __init__(self, block_store, tx_store):
+ NodeConnCB.__init__(self)
+ self.create_callback_map()
+ self.conn = None
+ self.bestblockhash = None
+ self.block_store = block_store
+ self.block_request_map = {}
+ self.tx_store = tx_store
+ self.tx_request_map = {}
+ # When the pingmap is non-empty we're waiting for
+ # a response
+ self.pingMap = {}
+ self.lastInv = []
+ def add_connection(self, conn):
+ self.conn = conn
+ def on_headers(self, conn, message):
+ if len(message.headers) > 0:
+ best_header = message.headers[-1]
+ best_header.calc_sha256()
+ self.bestblockhash = best_header.sha256
+ def on_getheaders(self, conn, message):
+ response = self.block_store.headers_for(message.locator, message.hashstop)
+ if response is not None:
+ conn.send_message(response)
+ def on_getdata(self, conn, message):
+ [conn.send_message(r) for r in self.block_store.get_blocks(message.inv)]
+ [conn.send_message(r) for r in self.tx_store.get_transactions(message.inv)]
+ for i in message.inv:
+ if i.type == 1:
+ self.tx_request_map[i.hash] = True
+ elif i.type == 2:
+ self.block_request_map[i.hash] = True
+ def on_inv(self, conn, message):
+ self.lastInv = [x.hash for x in message.inv]
+ def on_pong(self, conn, message):
+ try:
+ del self.pingMap[message.nonce]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AssertionError("Got pong for unknown ping [%s]" % repr(message))
+ def send_inv(self, obj):
+ mtype = 2 if isinstance(obj, CBlock) else 1
+ self.conn.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(mtype, obj.sha256)]))
+ def send_getheaders(self):
+ # We ask for headers from their last tip.
+ m = msg_getheaders()
+ m.locator = self.block_store.get_locator(self.bestblockhash)
+ self.conn.send_message(m)
+ # This assumes BIP31
+ def send_ping(self, nonce):
+ self.pingMap[nonce] = True
+ self.conn.send_message(msg_ping(nonce))
+ def received_ping_response(self, nonce):
+ return nonce not in self.pingMap
+ def send_mempool(self):
+ self.lastInv = []
+ self.conn.send_message(msg_mempool())
+# TestInstance:
+# Instances of these are generated by the test generator, and fed into the
+# comptool.
+# "blocks_and_transactions" should be an array of [obj, True/False/None]:
+# - obj is either a CBlock or a CTransaction, and
+# - the second value indicates whether the object should be accepted
+# into the blockchain or mempool (for tests where we expect a certain
+# answer), or "None" if we don't expect a certain answer and are just
+# comparing the behavior of the nodes being tested.
+# sync_every_block: if True, then each block will be inv'ed, synced, and
+# nodes will be tested based on the outcome for the block. If False,
+# then inv's accumulate until all blocks are processed (or max inv size
+# is reached) and then sent out in one inv message. Then the final block
+# will be synced across all connections, and the outcome of the final
+# block will be tested.
+# sync_every_tx: analagous to behavior for sync_every_block, except if outcome
+# on the final tx is None, then contents of entire mempool are compared
+# across all connections. (If outcome of final tx is specified as true
+# or false, then only the last tx is tested against outcome.)
+class TestInstance(object):
+ def __init__(self, objects=[], sync_every_block=True, sync_every_tx=False):
+ self.blocks_and_transactions = objects
+ self.sync_every_block = sync_every_block
+ self.sync_every_tx = sync_every_tx
+class TestManager(object):
+ def __init__(self, testgen, datadir):
+ self.test_generator = testgen
+ self.connections = []
+ self.block_store = BlockStore(datadir)
+ self.tx_store = TxStore(datadir)
+ self.ping_counter = 1
+ def add_all_connections(self, nodes):
+ for i in range(len(nodes)):
+ # Create a p2p connection to each node
+ self.connections.append(NodeConn('', p2p_port(i),
+ nodes[i], TestNode(self.block_store, self.tx_store)))
+ # Make sure the TestNode (callback class) has a reference to its
+ # associated NodeConn
+ self.connections[-1].cb.add_connection(self.connections[-1])
+ def wait_for_verack(self):
+ sleep_time = 0.05
+ max_tries = 10 / sleep_time # Wait at most 10 seconds
+ while max_tries > 0:
+ done = True
+ with mininode_lock:
+ for c in self.connections:
+ if c.cb.verack_received is False:
+ done = False
+ break
+ if done:
+ break
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ def wait_for_pings(self, counter):
+ received_pongs = False
+ while received_pongs is not True:
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ received_pongs = True
+ with mininode_lock:
+ for c in self.connections:
+ if c.cb.received_ping_response(counter) is not True:
+ received_pongs = False
+ break
+ # sync_blocks: Wait for all connections to request the blockhash given
+ # then send get_headers to find out the tip of each node, and synchronize
+ # the response by using a ping (and waiting for pong with same nonce).
+ def sync_blocks(self, blockhash, num_blocks):
+ # Wait for nodes to request block (50ms sleep * 20 tries * num_blocks)
+ max_tries = 20*num_blocks
+ while max_tries > 0:
+ with mininode_lock:
+ results = [ blockhash in c.cb.block_request_map and
+ c.cb.block_request_map[blockhash] for c in self.connections ]
+ if False not in results:
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ max_tries -= 1
+ # --> error if not requested
+ if max_tries == 0:
+ # print [ c.cb.block_request_map for c in self.connections ]
+ raise AssertionError("Not all nodes requested block")
+ # --> Answer request (we did this inline!)
+ # Send getheaders message
+ [ c.cb.send_getheaders() for c in self.connections ]
+ # Send ping and wait for response -- synchronization hack
+ [ c.cb.send_ping(self.ping_counter) for c in self.connections ]
+ self.wait_for_pings(self.ping_counter)
+ self.ping_counter += 1
+ # Analogous to sync_block (see above)
+ def sync_transaction(self, txhash, num_events):
+ # Wait for nodes to request transaction (50ms sleep * 20 tries * num_events)
+ max_tries = 20*num_events
+ while max_tries > 0:
+ with mininode_lock:
+ results = [ txhash in c.cb.tx_request_map and
+ c.cb.tx_request_map[txhash] for c in self.connections ]
+ if False not in results:
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ max_tries -= 1
+ # --> error if not requested
+ if max_tries == 0:
+ # print [ c.cb.tx_request_map for c in self.connections ]
+ raise AssertionError("Not all nodes requested transaction")
+ # --> Answer request (we did this inline!)
+ # Get the mempool
+ [ c.cb.send_mempool() for c in self.connections ]
+ # Send ping and wait for response -- synchronization hack
+ [ c.cb.send_ping(self.ping_counter) for c in self.connections ]
+ self.wait_for_pings(self.ping_counter)
+ self.ping_counter += 1
+ # Sort inv responses from each node
+ with mininode_lock:
+ [ c.cb.lastInv.sort() for c in self.connections ]
+ # Verify that the tip of each connection all agree with each other, and
+ # with the expected outcome (if given)
+ def check_results(self, blockhash, outcome):
+ with mininode_lock:
+ for c in self.connections:
+ if outcome is None:
+ if c.cb.bestblockhash != self.connections[0].cb.bestblockhash:
+ return False
+ elif ((c.cb.bestblockhash == blockhash) != outcome):
+ # print c.cb.bestblockhash, blockhash, outcome
+ return False
+ return True
+ # Either check that the mempools all agree with each other, or that
+ # txhash's presence in the mempool matches the outcome specified.
+ # This is somewhat of a strange comparison, in that we're either comparing
+ # a particular tx to an outcome, or the entire mempools altogether;
+ # perhaps it would be useful to add the ability to check explicitly that
+ # a particular tx's existence in the mempool is the same across all nodes.
+ def check_mempool(self, txhash, outcome):
+ with mininode_lock:
+ for c in self.connections:
+ if outcome is None:
+ # Make sure the mempools agree with each other
+ if c.cb.lastInv != self.connections[0].cb.lastInv:
+ # print c.rpc.getrawmempool()
+ return False
+ elif ((txhash in c.cb.lastInv) != outcome):
+ # print c.rpc.getrawmempool(), c.cb.lastInv
+ return False
+ return True
+ def run(self):
+ # Wait until verack is received
+ self.wait_for_verack()
+ test_number = 1
+ for test_instance in self.test_generator.get_tests():
+ # We use these variables to keep track of the last block
+ # and last transaction in the tests, which are used
+ # if we're not syncing on every block or every tx.
+ [ block, block_outcome ] = [ None, None ]
+ [ tx, tx_outcome ] = [ None, None ]
+ invqueue = []
+ for b_or_t, outcome in test_instance.blocks_and_transactions:
+ # Determine if we're dealing with a block or tx
+ if isinstance(b_or_t, CBlock): # Block test runner
+ block = b_or_t
+ block_outcome = outcome
+ # Add to shared block_store, set as current block
+ with mininode_lock:
+ self.block_store.add_block(block)
+ for c in self.connections:
+ c.cb.block_request_map[block.sha256] = False
+ # Either send inv's to each node and sync, or add
+ # to invqueue for later inv'ing.
+ if (test_instance.sync_every_block):
+ [ c.cb.send_inv(block) for c in self.connections ]
+ self.sync_blocks(block.sha256, 1)
+ if (not self.check_results(block.sha256, outcome)):
+ raise AssertionError("Test failed at test %d" % test_number)
+ else:
+ invqueue.append(CInv(2, block.sha256))
+ else: # Tx test runner
+ assert(isinstance(b_or_t, CTransaction))
+ tx = b_or_t
+ tx_outcome = outcome
+ # Add to shared tx store and clear map entry
+ with mininode_lock:
+ self.tx_store.add_transaction(tx)
+ for c in self.connections:
+ c.cb.tx_request_map[tx.sha256] = False
+ # Again, either inv to all nodes or save for later
+ if (test_instance.sync_every_tx):
+ [ c.cb.send_inv(tx) for c in self.connections ]
+ self.sync_transaction(tx.sha256, 1)
+ if (not self.check_mempool(tx.sha256, outcome)):
+ raise AssertionError("Test failed at test %d" % test_number)
+ else:
+ invqueue.append(CInv(1, tx.sha256))
+ # Ensure we're not overflowing the inv queue
+ if len(invqueue) == MAX_INV_SZ:
+ [ c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections ]
+ invqueue = []
+ # Do final sync if we weren't syncing on every block or every tx.
+ if (not test_instance.sync_every_block and block is not None):
+ if len(invqueue) > 0:
+ [ c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections ]
+ invqueue = []
+ self.sync_blocks(block.sha256,
+ len(test_instance.blocks_and_transactions))
+ if (not self.check_results(block.sha256, block_outcome)):
+ raise AssertionError("Block test failed at test %d" % test_number)
+ if (not test_instance.sync_every_tx and tx is not None):
+ if len(invqueue) > 0:
+ [ c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections ]
+ invqueue = []
+ self.sync_transaction(tx.sha256, len(test_instance.blocks_and_transactions))
+ if (not self.check_mempool(tx.sha256, tx_outcome)):
+ raise AssertionError("Mempool test failed at test %d" % test_number)
+ print "Test %d: PASS" % test_number, [ c.rpc.getblockcount() for c in self.connections ]
+ test_number += 1
+ self.block_store.close()
+ self.tx_store.close()
+ [ c.disconnect_node() for c in self.connections ]
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/conflictedbalance.sh b/qa/rpc-tests/conflictedbalance.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7e44097374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/conflictedbalance.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test marking of spent outputs
+# Create a transaction graph with four transactions,
+# A/B/C/D
+# C spends A
+# D spends B and C
+# Then simulate C being mutated, to create C'
+# that is mined.
+# A is still (correctly) considered spent.
+# B should be treated as unspent
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 path_to_binaries"
+ echo "e.g. $0 ../../src"
+ echo "Env vars BITCOIND and BITCOINCLI may be used to specify the exact binaries used"
+ exit 1
+set -f
+if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi
+. "$DIR/util.sh"
+D=$(mktemp -d test.XXXXX)
+# Two nodes; one will play the part of merchant, the
+# other an evil transaction-mutating miner.
+CreateDataDir $D1 port=11000 rpcport=11001
+B1ARGS="-datadir=$D1 -debug=mempool"
+CreateDataDir $D2 port=11010 rpcport=11011
+B2ARGS="-datadir=$D2 -debug=mempool"
+# Wait until both nodes are at the same block number
+function WaitBlocks {
+ while :
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ declare -i BLOCKS1=$( GetBlocks $B1ARGS )
+ declare -i BLOCKS2=$( GetBlocks $B2ARGS )
+ if (( BLOCKS1 == BLOCKS2 ))
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+# Wait until node has $N peers
+function WaitPeers {
+ while :
+ do
+ declare -i PEERS=$( $CLI $1 getconnectioncount )
+ if (( PEERS == "$2" ))
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+echo "Generating test blockchain..."
+# Start with B2 connected to B1:
+$CLI $B2ARGS addnode onetry
+WaitPeers "$B1ARGS" 1
+# 2 block, 50 XBT each == 100 XBT
+# These will be transactions "A" and "B"
+$CLI $B1ARGS generate 2
+# 100 blocks, 0 mature == 0 XBT
+$CLI $B2ARGS generate 100
+CheckBalance "$B1ARGS" 100
+CheckBalance "$B2ARGS" 0
+# restart B2 with no connection
+$CLI $B2ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+wait $B2PID
+B1ADDRESS=$( $CLI $B1ARGS getnewaddress )
+B2ADDRESS=$( $CLI $B2ARGS getnewaddress )
+# Transaction C: send-to-self, spend A
+TXID_C=$( $CLI $B1ARGS sendtoaddress $B1ADDRESS 50.0)
+# Transaction D: spends B and C
+TXID_D=$( $CLI $B1ARGS sendtoaddress $B2ADDRESS 100.0)
+CheckBalance "$B1ARGS" 0
+# Mutate TXID_C and add it to B2's memory pool:
+RAWTX_C=$( $CLI $B1ARGS getrawtransaction $TXID_C )
+# ... mutate C to create C'
+NEWLEN=$( printf "%x" $(( 16#$L + 1 )) )
+# ... give mutated tx1 to B2:
+MUTATEDTXID=$( $CLI $B2ARGS sendrawtransaction $MUTATEDTX_C )
+echo "TXID_C: " $TXID_C
+echo "Mutated: " $MUTATEDTXID
+# Re-connect nodes, and have both nodes mine some blocks:
+$CLI $B2ARGS addnode onetry
+WaitPeers "$B1ARGS" 1
+# Having B2 mine the next block puts the mutated
+# transaction C in the chain:
+$CLI $B2ARGS generate 1
+# B1 should still be able to spend 100, because D is conflicted
+# so does not count as a spend of B
+CheckBalance "$B1ARGS" 100
+$CLI $B2ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+wait $B2PID
+$CLI $B1ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+wait $B1PID
+echo "Tests successful, cleaning up"
+rm -rf $D
+exit 0
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/forknotify.py b/qa/rpc-tests/forknotify.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..af22ffb1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/forknotify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test -alertnotify
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+import os
+import shutil
+class ForkNotifyTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ alert_filename = None # Set by setup_network
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.alert_filename = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, "alert.txt")
+ with open(self.alert_filename, 'w') as f:
+ pass # Just open then close to create zero-length file
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir,
+ ["-blockversion=2", "-alertnotify=echo %s >> \"" + self.alert_filename + "\""]))
+ # Node1 mines block.version=211 blocks
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir,
+ ["-blockversion=211"]))
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0)
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def run_test(self):
+ # Mine 51 up-version blocks
+ self.nodes[1].generate(51)
+ self.sync_all()
+ # -alertnotify should trigger on the 51'st,
+ # but mine and sync another to give
+ # -alertnotify time to write
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ with open(self.alert_filename, 'r') as f:
+ alert_text = f.read()
+ if len(alert_text) == 0:
+ raise AssertionError("-alertnotify did not warn of up-version blocks")
+ # Mine more up-version blocks, should not get more alerts:
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ with open(self.alert_filename, 'r') as f:
+ alert_text2 = f.read()
+ if alert_text != alert_text2:
+ raise AssertionError("-alertnotify excessive warning of up-version blocks")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ForkNotifyTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_longpoll.py b/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_longpoll.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..64fe49b835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_longpoll.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+def check_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected):
+ """
+ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs
+ to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value
+ pairs.
+ """
+ num_matched = 0
+ for item in object_array:
+ all_match = True
+ for key,value in to_match.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ all_match = False
+ if not all_match:
+ continue
+ for key,value in expected.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ raise AssertionError("%s : expected %s=%s"%(str(item), str(key), str(value)))
+ num_matched = num_matched+1
+ if num_matched == 0:
+ raise AssertionError("No objects matched %s"%(str(to_match)))
+import threading
+class LongpollThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, node):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ # query current longpollid
+ templat = node.getblocktemplate()
+ self.longpollid = templat['longpollid']
+ # create a new connection to the node, we can't use the same
+ # connection from two threads
+ self.node = AuthServiceProxy(node.url, timeout=600)
+ def run(self):
+ self.node.getblocktemplate({'longpollid':self.longpollid})
+class GetBlockTemplateLPTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ '''
+ Test longpolling with getblocktemplate.
+ '''
+ def run_test(self):
+ print "Warning: this test will take about 70 seconds in the best case. Be patient."
+ self.nodes[0].generate(10)
+ templat = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate()
+ longpollid = templat['longpollid']
+ # longpollid should not change between successive invocations if nothing else happens
+ templat2 = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate()
+ assert(templat2['longpollid'] == longpollid)
+ # Test 1: test that the longpolling wait if we do nothing
+ thr = LongpollThread(self.nodes[0])
+ thr.start()
+ # check that thread still lives
+ thr.join(5) # wait 5 seconds or until thread exits
+ assert(thr.is_alive())
+ # Test 2: test that longpoll will terminate if another node generates a block
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1) # generate a block on another node
+ # check that thread will exit now that new transaction entered mempool
+ thr.join(5) # wait 5 seconds or until thread exits
+ assert(not thr.is_alive())
+ # Test 3: test that longpoll will terminate if we generate a block ourselves
+ thr = LongpollThread(self.nodes[0])
+ thr.start()
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1) # generate a block on another node
+ thr.join(5) # wait 5 seconds or until thread exits
+ assert(not thr.is_alive())
+ # Test 4: test that introducing a new transaction into the mempool will terminate the longpoll
+ thr = LongpollThread(self.nodes[0])
+ thr.start()
+ # generate a random transaction and submit it
+ (txid, txhex, fee) = random_transaction(self.nodes, Decimal("1.1"), Decimal("0.0"), Decimal("0.001"), 20)
+ # after one minute, every 10 seconds the mempool is probed, so in 80 seconds it should have returned
+ thr.join(60 + 20)
+ assert(not thr.is_alive())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ GetBlockTemplateLPTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_proposals.py b/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_proposals.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a63f456d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_proposals.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+from binascii import a2b_hex, b2a_hex
+from hashlib import sha256
+from struct import pack
+def check_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected):
+ """
+ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs
+ to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value
+ pairs.
+ """
+ num_matched = 0
+ for item in object_array:
+ all_match = True
+ for key,value in to_match.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ all_match = False
+ if not all_match:
+ continue
+ for key,value in expected.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ raise AssertionError("%s : expected %s=%s"%(str(item), str(key), str(value)))
+ num_matched = num_matched+1
+ if num_matched == 0:
+ raise AssertionError("No objects matched %s"%(str(to_match)))
+def b2x(b):
+ return b2a_hex(b).decode('ascii')
+# NOTE: This does not work for signed numbers (set the high bit) or zero (use b'\0')
+def encodeUNum(n):
+ s = bytearray(b'\1')
+ while n > 127:
+ s[0] += 1
+ s.append(n % 256)
+ n //= 256
+ s.append(n)
+ return bytes(s)
+def varlenEncode(n):
+ if n < 0xfd:
+ return pack('<B', n)
+ if n <= 0xffff:
+ return b'\xfd' + pack('<H', n)
+ if n <= 0xffffffff:
+ return b'\xfe' + pack('<L', n)
+ return b'\xff' + pack('<Q', n)
+def dblsha(b):
+ return sha256(sha256(b).digest()).digest()
+def genmrklroot(leaflist):
+ cur = leaflist
+ while len(cur) > 1:
+ n = []
+ if len(cur) & 1:
+ cur.append(cur[-1])
+ for i in range(0, len(cur), 2):
+ n.append(dblsha(cur[i] + cur[i+1]))
+ cur = n
+ return cur[0]
+def template_to_bytes(tmpl, txlist):
+ blkver = pack('<L', tmpl['version'])
+ mrklroot = genmrklroot(list(dblsha(a) for a in txlist))
+ timestamp = pack('<L', tmpl['curtime'])
+ nonce = b'\0\0\0\0'
+ blk = blkver + a2b_hex(tmpl['previousblockhash'])[::-1] + mrklroot + timestamp + a2b_hex(tmpl['bits'])[::-1] + nonce
+ blk += varlenEncode(len(txlist))
+ for tx in txlist:
+ blk += tx
+ return blk
+def template_to_hex(tmpl, txlist):
+ return b2x(template_to_bytes(tmpl, txlist))
+def assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, expect):
+ rsp = node.getblocktemplate({'data':template_to_hex(tmpl, txlist),'mode':'proposal'})
+ if rsp != expect:
+ raise AssertionError('unexpected: %s' % (rsp,))
+class GetBlockTemplateProposalTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ '''
+ Test block proposals with getblocktemplate.
+ '''
+ def run_test(self):
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ node.generate(1) # Mine a block to leave initial block download
+ tmpl = node.getblocktemplate()
+ if 'coinbasetxn' not in tmpl:
+ rawcoinbase = encodeUNum(tmpl['height'])
+ rawcoinbase += b'\x01-'
+ hexcoinbase = b2x(rawcoinbase)
+ hexoutval = b2x(pack('<Q', tmpl['coinbasevalue']))
+ tmpl['coinbasetxn'] = {'data': '01000000' + '01' + '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff' + ('%02x' % (len(rawcoinbase),)) + hexcoinbase + 'fffffffe' + '01' + hexoutval + '00' + '00000000'}
+ txlist = list(bytearray(a2b_hex(a['data'])) for a in (tmpl['coinbasetxn'],) + tuple(tmpl['transactions']))
+ # Test 0: Capability advertised
+ assert('proposal' in tmpl['capabilities'])
+ # NOTE: This test currently FAILS (regtest mode doesn't enforce block height in coinbase)
+ ## Test 1: Bad height in coinbase
+ #txlist[0][4+1+36+1+1] += 1
+ #assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'FIXME')
+ #txlist[0][4+1+36+1+1] -= 1
+ # Test 2: Bad input hash for gen tx
+ txlist[0][4+1] += 1
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'bad-cb-missing')
+ txlist[0][4+1] -= 1
+ # Test 3: Truncated final tx
+ lastbyte = txlist[-1].pop()
+ try:
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'n/a')
+ except JSONRPCException:
+ pass # Expected
+ txlist[-1].append(lastbyte)
+ # Test 4: Add an invalid tx to the end (duplicate of gen tx)
+ txlist.append(txlist[0])
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'bad-txns-duplicate')
+ txlist.pop()
+ # Test 5: Add an invalid tx to the end (non-duplicate)
+ txlist.append(bytearray(txlist[0]))
+ txlist[-1][4+1] = b'\xff'
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'bad-txns-inputs-missingorspent')
+ txlist.pop()
+ # Test 6: Future tx lock time
+ txlist[0][-4:] = b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'bad-txns-nonfinal')
+ txlist[0][-4:] = b'\0\0\0\0'
+ # Test 7: Bad tx count
+ txlist.append(b'')
+ try:
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'n/a')
+ except JSONRPCException:
+ pass # Expected
+ txlist.pop()
+ # Test 8: Bad bits
+ realbits = tmpl['bits']
+ tmpl['bits'] = '1c0000ff' # impossible in the real world
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'bad-diffbits')
+ tmpl['bits'] = realbits
+ # Test 9: Bad merkle root
+ rawtmpl = template_to_bytes(tmpl, txlist)
+ rawtmpl[4+32] = (rawtmpl[4+32] + 1) % 0x100
+ rsp = node.getblocktemplate({'data':b2x(rawtmpl),'mode':'proposal'})
+ if rsp != 'bad-txnmrklroot':
+ raise AssertionError('unexpected: %s' % (rsp,))
+ # Test 10: Bad timestamps
+ realtime = tmpl['curtime']
+ tmpl['curtime'] = 0x7fffffff
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'time-too-new')
+ tmpl['curtime'] = 0
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'time-too-old')
+ tmpl['curtime'] = realtime
+ # Test 11: Valid block
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, None)
+ # Test 12: Orphan block
+ tmpl['previousblockhash'] = 'ff00' * 16
+ assert_template(node, tmpl, txlist, 'inconclusive-not-best-prevblk')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ GetBlockTemplateProposalTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/getchaintips.py b/qa/rpc-tests/getchaintips.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..83a9537285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/getchaintips.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Exercise the getchaintips API. We introduce a network split, work
+# on chains of different lengths, and join the network together again.
+# This gives us two tips, verify that it works.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import assert_equal
+class GetChainTipsTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def run_test (self):
+ BitcoinTestFramework.run_test (self)
+ tips = self.nodes[0].getchaintips ()
+ assert_equal (len (tips), 1)
+ assert_equal (tips[0]['branchlen'], 0)
+ assert_equal (tips[0]['height'], 200)
+ assert_equal (tips[0]['status'], 'active')
+ # Split the network and build two chains of different lengths.
+ self.split_network ()
+ self.nodes[0].generate(10);
+ self.nodes[2].generate(20);
+ self.sync_all ()
+ tips = self.nodes[1].getchaintips ()
+ assert_equal (len (tips), 1)
+ shortTip = tips[0]
+ assert_equal (shortTip['branchlen'], 0)
+ assert_equal (shortTip['height'], 210)
+ assert_equal (tips[0]['status'], 'active')
+ tips = self.nodes[3].getchaintips ()
+ assert_equal (len (tips), 1)
+ longTip = tips[0]
+ assert_equal (longTip['branchlen'], 0)
+ assert_equal (longTip['height'], 220)
+ assert_equal (tips[0]['status'], 'active')
+ # Join the network halves and check that we now have two tips
+ # (at least at the nodes that previously had the short chain).
+ self.join_network ()
+ tips = self.nodes[0].getchaintips ()
+ assert_equal (len (tips), 2)
+ assert_equal (tips[0], longTip)
+ assert_equal (tips[1]['branchlen'], 10)
+ assert_equal (tips[1]['status'], 'valid-fork')
+ tips[1]['branchlen'] = 0
+ tips[1]['status'] = 'active'
+ assert_equal (tips[1], shortTip)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ GetChainTipsTest ().main ()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/httpbasics.py b/qa/rpc-tests/httpbasics.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..24533741e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/httpbasics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test REST interface
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+import base64
+ import http.client as httplib
+except ImportError:
+ import httplib
+ import urllib.parse as urlparse
+except ImportError:
+ import urlparse
+class HTTPBasicsTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_nodes(self):
+ return start_nodes(4, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args=[['-rpckeepalive=1'], ['-rpckeepalive=0'], [], []])
+ def run_test(self):
+ #################################################
+ # lowlevel check for http persistent connection #
+ #################################################
+ url = urlparse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url)
+ authpair = url.username + ':' + url.password
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode(authpair)}
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port)
+ conn.connect()
+ conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers)
+ out1 = conn.getresponse().read();
+ assert_equal('"error":null' in out1, True)
+ assert_equal(conn.sock!=None, True) #according to http/1.1 connection must still be open!
+ #send 2nd request without closing connection
+ conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getchaintips"}', headers)
+ out2 = conn.getresponse().read();
+ assert_equal('"error":null' in out1, True) #must also response with a correct json-rpc message
+ assert_equal(conn.sock!=None, True) #according to http/1.1 connection must still be open!
+ conn.close()
+ #same should be if we add keep-alive because this should be the std. behaviour
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode(authpair), "Connection": "keep-alive"}
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port)
+ conn.connect()
+ conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers)
+ out1 = conn.getresponse().read();
+ assert_equal('"error":null' in out1, True)
+ assert_equal(conn.sock!=None, True) #according to http/1.1 connection must still be open!
+ #send 2nd request without closing connection
+ conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getchaintips"}', headers)
+ out2 = conn.getresponse().read();
+ assert_equal('"error":null' in out1, True) #must also response with a correct json-rpc message
+ assert_equal(conn.sock!=None, True) #according to http/1.1 connection must still be open!
+ conn.close()
+ #now do the same with "Connection: close"
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode(authpair), "Connection":"close"}
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port)
+ conn.connect()
+ conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers)
+ out1 = conn.getresponse().read();
+ assert_equal('"error":null' in out1, True)
+ assert_equal(conn.sock!=None, False) #now the connection must be closed after the response
+ #node1 (2nd node) is running with disabled keep-alive option
+ urlNode1 = urlparse.urlparse(self.nodes[1].url)
+ authpair = urlNode1.username + ':' + urlNode1.password
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode(authpair)}
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(urlNode1.hostname, urlNode1.port)
+ conn.connect()
+ conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers)
+ out1 = conn.getresponse().read();
+ assert_equal('"error":null' in out1, True)
+ assert_equal(conn.sock!=None, False) #connection must be closed because keep-alive was set to false
+ #node2 (third node) is running with standard keep-alive parameters which means keep-alive is off
+ urlNode2 = urlparse.urlparse(self.nodes[2].url)
+ authpair = urlNode2.username + ':' + urlNode2.password
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode(authpair)}
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(urlNode2.hostname, urlNode2.port)
+ conn.connect()
+ conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers)
+ out1 = conn.getresponse().read();
+ assert_equal('"error":null' in out1, True)
+ assert_equal(conn.sock!=None, True) #connection must be closed because bitcoind should use keep-alive by default
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ HTTPBasicsTest ().main ()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/invalidateblock.py b/qa/rpc-tests/invalidateblock.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fd8a8e5785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/invalidateblock.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test InvalidateBlock code
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+class InvalidateTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 3)
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"]))
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"]))
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"]))
+ def run_test(self):
+ print "Make sure we repopulate setBlockIndexCandidates after InvalidateBlock:"
+ print "Mine 4 blocks on Node 0"
+ self.nodes[0].generate(4)
+ assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 4)
+ besthash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
+ print "Mine competing 6 blocks on Node 1"
+ self.nodes[1].generate(6)
+ assert(self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == 6)
+ print "Connect nodes to force a reorg"
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:2])
+ assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 6)
+ badhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(2)
+ print "Invalidate block 2 on node 0 and verify we reorg to node 0's original chain"
+ self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(badhash)
+ newheight = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
+ newhash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
+ if (newheight != 4 or newhash != besthash):
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong tip for node0, hash %s, height %d"%(newhash,newheight))
+ print "\nMake sure we won't reorg to a lower work chain:"
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2)
+ print "Sync node 2 to node 1 so both have 6 blocks"
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[1:3])
+ assert(self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 6)
+ print "Invalidate block 5 on node 1 so its tip is now at 4"
+ self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(5))
+ assert(self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == 4)
+ print "Invalidate block 3 on node 2, so its tip is now 2"
+ self.nodes[2].invalidateblock(self.nodes[2].getblockhash(3))
+ assert(self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 2)
+ print "..and then mine a block"
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ print "Verify all nodes are at the right height"
+ time.sleep(5)
+ for i in xrange(3):
+ print i,self.nodes[i].getblockcount()
+ assert(self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 3)
+ assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 4)
+ node1height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
+ if node1height < 4:
+ raise AssertionError("Node 1 reorged to a lower height: %d"%node1height)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ InvalidateTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/invalidblockrequest.py b/qa/rpc-tests/invalidblockrequest.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8b685ed9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/invalidblockrequest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework
+from util import *
+from comptool import TestManager, TestInstance
+from mininode import *
+from blocktools import *
+import logging
+import copy
+import time
+In this test we connect to one node over p2p, and test block requests:
+1) Valid blocks should be requested and become chain tip.
+2) Invalid block with duplicated transaction should be re-requested.
+3) Invalid block with bad coinbase value should be rejected and not
+# Use the ComparisonTestFramework with 1 node: only use --testbinary.
+class InvalidBlockRequestTest(ComparisonTestFramework):
+ ''' Can either run this test as 1 node with expected answers, or two and compare them.
+ Change the "outcome" variable from each TestInstance object to only do the comparison. '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.num_nodes = 1
+ def run_test(self):
+ test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir)
+ test.add_all_connections(self.nodes)
+ self.tip = None
+ self.block_time = None
+ NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread
+ test.run()
+ def get_tests(self):
+ if self.tip is None:
+ self.tip = int ("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() + "L", 0)
+ self.block_time = int(time.time())+1
+ '''
+ Create a new block with an anyone-can-spend coinbase
+ '''
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(), self.block_time)
+ self.block_time += 1
+ block.solve()
+ # Save the coinbase for later
+ self.block1 = block
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ yield TestInstance([[block, True]])
+ '''
+ Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase.
+ '''
+ test = TestInstance(sync_every_block=False)
+ for i in xrange(100):
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(), self.block_time)
+ block.solve()
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ self.block_time += 1
+ test.blocks_and_transactions.append([block, True])
+ yield test
+ '''
+ Now we use merkle-root malleability to generate an invalid block with
+ same blockheader.
+ Manufacture a block with 3 transactions (coinbase, spend of prior
+ coinbase, spend of that spend). Duplicate the 3rd transaction to
+ leave merkle root and blockheader unchanged but invalidate the block.
+ '''
+ block2 = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(), self.block_time)
+ self.block_time += 1
+ # chr(81) is OP_TRUE
+ tx1 = create_transaction(self.block1.vtx[0], 0, chr(81), 50*100000000)
+ tx2 = create_transaction(tx1, 0, chr(81), 50*100000000)
+ block2.vtx.extend([tx1, tx2])
+ block2.hashMerkleRoot = block2.calc_merkle_root()
+ block2.rehash()
+ block2.solve()
+ orig_hash = block2.sha256
+ block2_orig = copy.deepcopy(block2)
+ # Mutate block 2
+ block2.vtx.append(tx2)
+ assert_equal(block2.hashMerkleRoot, block2.calc_merkle_root())
+ assert_equal(orig_hash, block2.rehash())
+ assert(block2_orig.vtx != block2.vtx)
+ self.tip = block2.sha256
+ yield TestInstance([[block2, False], [block2_orig, True]])
+ '''
+ Make sure that a totally screwed up block is not valid.
+ '''
+ block3 = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(), self.block_time)
+ self.block_time += 1
+ block3.vtx[0].vout[0].nValue = 100*100000000 # Too high!
+ block3.vtx[0].sha256=None
+ block3.vtx[0].calc_sha256()
+ block3.hashMerkleRoot = block3.calc_merkle_root()
+ block3.rehash()
+ block3.solve()
+ yield TestInstance([[block3, False]])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ InvalidBlockRequestTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/keypool.py b/qa/rpc-tests/keypool.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3840ea39d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/keypool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Exercise the wallet keypool, and interaction with wallet encryption/locking
+# Add python-bitcoinrpc to module search path:
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "python-bitcoinrpc"))
+import json
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+def check_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected):
+ """
+ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs
+ to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value
+ pairs.
+ """
+ num_matched = 0
+ for item in object_array:
+ all_match = True
+ for key,value in to_match.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ all_match = False
+ if not all_match:
+ continue
+ for key,value in expected.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ raise AssertionError("%s : expected %s=%s"%(str(item), str(key), str(value)))
+ num_matched = num_matched+1
+ if num_matched == 0:
+ raise AssertionError("No objects matched %s"%(str(to_match)))
+def run_test(nodes, tmpdir):
+ # Encrypt wallet and wait to terminate
+ nodes[0].encryptwallet('test')
+ bitcoind_processes[0].wait()
+ # Restart node 0
+ nodes[0] = start_node(0, tmpdir)
+ # Keep creating keys
+ addr = nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ try:
+ addr = nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ raise AssertionError('Keypool should be exhausted after one address')
+ except JSONRPCException,e:
+ assert(e.error['code']==-12)
+ # put three new keys in the keypool
+ nodes[0].walletpassphrase('test', 12000)
+ nodes[0].keypoolrefill(3)
+ nodes[0].walletlock()
+ # drain the keys
+ addr = set()
+ addr.add(nodes[0].getrawchangeaddress())
+ addr.add(nodes[0].getrawchangeaddress())
+ addr.add(nodes[0].getrawchangeaddress())
+ addr.add(nodes[0].getrawchangeaddress())
+ # assert that four unique addresses were returned
+ assert(len(addr) == 4)
+ # the next one should fail
+ try:
+ addr = nodes[0].getrawchangeaddress()
+ raise AssertionError('Keypool should be exhausted after three addresses')
+ except JSONRPCException,e:
+ assert(e.error['code']==-12)
+def main():
+ import optparse
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]")
+ parser.add_option("--nocleanup", dest="nocleanup", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Leave bitcoinds and test.* datadir on exit or error")
+ parser.add_option("--srcdir", dest="srcdir", default="../../src",
+ help="Source directory containing bitcoind/bitcoin-cli (default: %default%)")
+ parser.add_option("--tmpdir", dest="tmpdir", default=tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="test"),
+ help="Root directory for datadirs")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ os.environ['PATH'] = options.srcdir+":"+os.environ['PATH']
+ check_json_precision()
+ success = False
+ nodes = []
+ try:
+ print("Initializing test directory "+options.tmpdir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(options.tmpdir):
+ os.makedirs(options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain(options.tmpdir)
+ nodes = start_nodes(1, options.tmpdir)
+ run_test(nodes, options.tmpdir)
+ success = True
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ print("Assertion failed: "+e.message)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ print("JSONRPC error: "+e.error['message'])
+ traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Unexpected exception caught during testing: "+str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
+ traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ if not options.nocleanup:
+ print("Cleaning up")
+ stop_nodes(nodes)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ shutil.rmtree(options.tmpdir)
+ if success:
+ print("Tests successful")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print("Failed")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/listtransactions.py b/qa/rpc-tests/listtransactions.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..11e3635c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/listtransactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Exercise the listtransactions API
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+def check_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected):
+ """
+ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs
+ to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value
+ pairs.
+ """
+ num_matched = 0
+ for item in object_array:
+ all_match = True
+ for key,value in to_match.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ all_match = False
+ if not all_match:
+ continue
+ for key,value in expected.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ raise AssertionError("%s : expected %s=%s"%(str(item), str(key), str(value)))
+ num_matched = num_matched+1
+ if num_matched == 0:
+ raise AssertionError("No objects matched %s"%(str(to_match)))
+class ListTransactionsTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def run_test(self):
+ # Simple send, 0 to 1:
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[0].listtransactions(),
+ {"txid":txid},
+ {"category":"send","account":"","amount":Decimal("-0.1"),"confirmations":0})
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listtransactions(),
+ {"txid":txid},
+ {"category":"receive","account":"","amount":Decimal("0.1"),"confirmations":0})
+ # mine a block, confirmations should change:
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[0].listtransactions(),
+ {"txid":txid},
+ {"category":"send","account":"","amount":Decimal("-0.1"),"confirmations":1})
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listtransactions(),
+ {"txid":txid},
+ {"category":"receive","account":"","amount":Decimal("0.1"),"confirmations":1})
+ # send-to-self:
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 0.2)
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[0].listtransactions(),
+ {"txid":txid, "category":"send"},
+ {"amount":Decimal("-0.2")})
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[0].listtransactions(),
+ {"txid":txid, "category":"receive"},
+ {"amount":Decimal("0.2")})
+ # sendmany from node1: twice to self, twice to node2:
+ send_to = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 0.11,
+ self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() : 0.22,
+ self.nodes[0].getaccountaddress("from1") : 0.33,
+ self.nodes[1].getaccountaddress("toself") : 0.44 }
+ txid = self.nodes[1].sendmany("", send_to)
+ self.sync_all()
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listtransactions(),
+ {"category":"send","amount":Decimal("-0.11")},
+ {"txid":txid} )
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[0].listtransactions(),
+ {"category":"receive","amount":Decimal("0.11")},
+ {"txid":txid} )
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listtransactions(),
+ {"category":"send","amount":Decimal("-0.22")},
+ {"txid":txid} )
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listtransactions(),
+ {"category":"receive","amount":Decimal("0.22")},
+ {"txid":txid} )
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listtransactions(),
+ {"category":"send","amount":Decimal("-0.33")},
+ {"txid":txid} )
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[0].listtransactions(),
+ {"category":"receive","amount":Decimal("0.33")},
+ {"txid":txid, "account" : "from1"} )
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listtransactions(),
+ {"category":"send","amount":Decimal("-0.44")},
+ {"txid":txid, "account" : ""} )
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listtransactions(),
+ {"category":"receive","amount":Decimal("0.44")},
+ {"txid":txid, "account" : "toself"} )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ListTransactionsTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/maxblocksinflight.py b/qa/rpc-tests/maxblocksinflight.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..87c80cd97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/maxblocksinflight.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from mininode import *
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+import logging
+In this test we connect to one node over p2p, send it numerous inv's, and
+compare the resulting number of getdata requests to a max allowed value. We
+test for exceeding 128 blocks in flight, which was the limit an 0.9 client will
+reach. [0.10 clients shouldn't request more than 16 from a single peer.]
+class TestManager(NodeConnCB):
+ # set up NodeConnCB callbacks, overriding base class
+ def on_getdata(self, conn, message):
+ self.log.debug("got getdata %s" % repr(message))
+ # Log the requests
+ for inv in message.inv:
+ if inv.hash not in self.blockReqCounts:
+ self.blockReqCounts[inv.hash] = 0
+ self.blockReqCounts[inv.hash] += 1
+ def on_close(self, conn):
+ if not self.disconnectOkay:
+ raise EarlyDisconnectError(0)
+ def __init__(self):
+ NodeConnCB.__init__(self)
+ self.log = logging.getLogger("BlockRelayTest")
+ self.create_callback_map()
+ def add_new_connection(self, connection):
+ self.connection = connection
+ self.blockReqCounts = {}
+ self.disconnectOkay = False
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ fail = False
+ self.connection.rpc.generate(1) # Leave IBD
+ numBlocksToGenerate = [ 8, 16, 128, 1024 ]
+ for count in range(len(numBlocksToGenerate)):
+ current_invs = []
+ for i in range(numBlocksToGenerate[count]):
+ current_invs.append(CInv(2, random.randrange(0, 1<<256)))
+ if len(current_invs) >= 50000:
+ self.connection.send_message(msg_inv(current_invs))
+ current_invs = []
+ if len(current_invs) > 0:
+ self.connection.send_message(msg_inv(current_invs))
+ # Wait and see how many blocks were requested
+ time.sleep(2)
+ total_requests = 0
+ with mininode_lock:
+ for key in self.blockReqCounts:
+ total_requests += self.blockReqCounts[key]
+ if self.blockReqCounts[key] > 1:
+ raise AssertionError("Error, test failed: block %064x requested more than once" % key)
+ if total_requests > MAX_REQUESTS:
+ raise AssertionError("Error, too many blocks (%d) requested" % total_requests)
+ print "Round %d: success (total requests: %d)" % (count, total_requests)
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ print "TEST FAILED: ", e.args
+ self.disconnectOkay = True
+ self.connection.disconnect_node()
+class MaxBlocksInFlightTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def add_options(self, parser):
+ parser.add_option("--testbinary", dest="testbinary",
+ default=os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"),
+ help="Binary to test max block requests behavior")
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print "Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 1)
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(1, self.options.tmpdir,
+ extra_args=[['-debug', '-whitelist=']],
+ binary=[self.options.testbinary])
+ def run_test(self):
+ test = TestManager()
+ test.add_new_connection(NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test))
+ NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread
+ test.run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ MaxBlocksInFlightTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_coinbase_spends.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_coinbase_spends.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..853d031de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_coinbase_spends.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test re-org scenarios with a mempool that contains transactions
+# that spend (directly or indirectly) coinbase transactions.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+import os
+import shutil
+# Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction:
+class MempoolCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ alert_filename = None # Set by setup_network
+ def setup_network(self):
+ args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool"]
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args))
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, args))
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0)
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ self.sync_all
+ def create_tx(self, from_txid, to_address, amount):
+ inputs = [{ "txid" : from_txid, "vout" : 0}]
+ outputs = { to_address : amount }
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ signresult = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ assert_equal(signresult["complete"], True)
+ return signresult["hex"]
+ def run_test(self):
+ start_count = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
+ # Mine three blocks. After this, nodes[0] blocks
+ # 101, 102, and 103 are spend-able.
+ new_blocks = self.nodes[1].generate(4)
+ self.sync_all()
+ node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ node1_address = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ # Three scenarios for re-orging coinbase spends in the memory pool:
+ # 1. Direct coinbase spend : spend_101
+ # 2. Indirect (coinbase spend in chain, child in mempool) : spend_102 and spend_102_1
+ # 3. Indirect (coinbase and child both in chain) : spend_103 and spend_103_1
+ # Use invalidatblock to make all of the above coinbase spends invalid (immature coinbase),
+ # and make sure the mempool code behaves correctly.
+ b = [ self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(102, 105) ]
+ coinbase_txids = [ self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b ]
+ spend_101_raw = self.create_tx(coinbase_txids[0], node1_address, 50)
+ spend_102_raw = self.create_tx(coinbase_txids[1], node0_address, 50)
+ spend_103_raw = self.create_tx(coinbase_txids[2], node0_address, 50)
+ # Broadcast and mine spend_102 and 103:
+ spend_102_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_102_raw)
+ spend_103_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_103_raw)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ # Create 102_1 and 103_1:
+ spend_102_1_raw = self.create_tx(spend_102_id, node1_address, 50)
+ spend_103_1_raw = self.create_tx(spend_103_id, node1_address, 50)
+ # Broadcast and mine 103_1:
+ spend_103_1_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_103_1_raw)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ # ... now put spend_101 and spend_102_1 in memory pools:
+ spend_101_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_101_raw)
+ spend_102_1_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_102_1_raw)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set([ spend_101_id, spend_102_1_id ]))
+ # Use invalidateblock to re-org back and make all those coinbase spends
+ # immature/invalid:
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ node.invalidateblock(new_blocks[0])
+ self.sync_all()
+ # mempool should be empty.
+ assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ MempoolCoinbaseTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6f7f577e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test resurrection of mined transactions when
+# the blockchain is re-organized.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+import os
+import shutil
+# Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction:
+class MempoolCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_network(self):
+ # Just need one node for this test
+ args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool"]
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args))
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ def create_tx(self, from_txid, to_address, amount):
+ inputs = [{ "txid" : from_txid, "vout" : 0}]
+ outputs = { to_address : amount }
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ signresult = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ assert_equal(signresult["complete"], True)
+ return signresult["hex"]
+ def run_test(self):
+ node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ # Spend block 1/2/3's coinbase transactions
+ # Mine a block.
+ # Create three more transactions, spending the spends
+ # Mine another block.
+ # ... make sure all the transactions are confirmed
+ # Invalidate both blocks
+ # ... make sure all the transactions are put back in the mempool
+ # Mine a new block
+ # ... make sure all the transactions are confirmed again.
+ b = [ self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(1, 4) ]
+ coinbase_txids = [ self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b ]
+ spends1_raw = [ self.create_tx(txid, node0_address, 50) for txid in coinbase_txids ]
+ spends1_id = [ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx) for tx in spends1_raw ]
+ blocks = []
+ blocks.extend(self.nodes[0].generate(1))
+ spends2_raw = [ self.create_tx(txid, node0_address, 49.99) for txid in spends1_id ]
+ spends2_id = [ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx) for tx in spends2_raw ]
+ blocks.extend(self.nodes[0].generate(1))
+ # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed
+ assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set())
+ for txid in spends1_id+spends2_id:
+ tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid)
+ assert(tx["confirmations"] > 0)
+ # Use invalidateblock to re-org back; all transactions should
+ # end up unconfirmed and back in the mempool
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ node.invalidateblock(blocks[0])
+ # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed
+ assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set(spends1_id+spends2_id))
+ for txid in spends1_id+spends2_id:
+ tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid)
+ assert(tx["confirmations"] == 0)
+ # Generate another block, they should all get mined
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed
+ assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set())
+ for txid in spends1_id+spends2_id:
+ tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid)
+ assert(tx["confirmations"] > 0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ MempoolCoinbaseTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ab5817c869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test spending coinbase transactions.
+# The coinbase transaction in block N can appear in block
+# N+100... so is valid in the mempool when the best block
+# height is N+99.
+# This test makes sure coinbase spends that will be mature
+# in the next block are accepted into the memory pool,
+# but less mature coinbase spends are NOT.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+import os
+import shutil
+# Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction:
+class MempoolSpendCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_network(self):
+ # Just need one node for this test
+ args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool"]
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args))
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ def create_tx(self, from_txid, to_address, amount):
+ inputs = [{ "txid" : from_txid, "vout" : 0}]
+ outputs = { to_address : amount }
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ signresult = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ assert_equal(signresult["complete"], True)
+ return signresult["hex"]
+ def run_test(self):
+ chain_height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
+ assert_equal(chain_height, 200)
+ node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ # Coinbase at height chain_height-100+1 ok in mempool, should
+ # get mined. Coinbase at height chain_height-100+2 is
+ # is too immature to spend.
+ b = [ self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(101, 103) ]
+ coinbase_txids = [ self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b ]
+ spends_raw = [ self.create_tx(txid, node0_address, 50) for txid in coinbase_txids ]
+ spend_101_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spends_raw[0])
+ # coinbase at height 102 should be too immature to spend
+ assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, spends_raw[1])
+ # mempool should have just spend_101:
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), [ spend_101_id ])
+ # mine a block, spend_101 should get confirmed
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set())
+ # ... and now height 102 can be spent:
+ spend_102_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spends_raw[1])
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), [ spend_102_id ])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ MempoolSpendCoinbaseTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/merkle_blocks.py b/qa/rpc-tests/merkle_blocks.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a143d21a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/merkle_blocks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test merkleblock fetch/validation
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+import os
+import shutil
+class MerkleBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 4)
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ # Nodes 0/1 are "wallet" nodes
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"]))
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"]))
+ # Nodes 2/3 are used for testing
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"]))
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(3, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-txindex"]))
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 2)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 3)
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def run_test(self):
+ print "Mining blocks..."
+ self.nodes[0].generate(105)
+ self.sync_all()
+ chain_height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
+ assert_equal(chain_height, 105)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 0)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 0)
+ node0utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent(1)
+ tx1 = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction([node0utxos.pop()], {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 50})
+ txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(tx1)["hex"])
+ tx2 = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction([node0utxos.pop()], {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 50})
+ txid2 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(tx2)["hex"])
+ assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[0].gettxoutproof, [txid1])
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ blockhash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(chain_height + 1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ txlist = []
+ blocktxn = self.nodes[0].getblock(blockhash, True)["tx"]
+ txlist.append(blocktxn[1])
+ txlist.append(blocktxn[2])
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof(self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid1])), [txid1])
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof(self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid1, txid2])), txlist)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof(self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid1, txid2], blockhash)), txlist)
+ txin_spent = self.nodes[1].listunspent(1).pop()
+ tx3 = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction([txin_spent], {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 50})
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction(tx3)["hex"])
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ txid_spent = txin_spent["txid"]
+ txid_unspent = txid1 if txin_spent["txid"] != txid1 else txid2
+ # We cant find the block from a fully-spent tx
+ assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof, [txid_spent])
+ # ...but we can if we specify the block
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof(self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid_spent], blockhash)), [txid_spent])
+ # ...or if the first tx is not fully-spent
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof(self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid_unspent])), [txid_unspent])
+ try:
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof(self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid1, txid2])), txlist)
+ except JSONRPCException:
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof(self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid2, txid1])), txlist)
+ # ...or if we have a -txindex
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof(self.nodes[3].gettxoutproof([txid_spent])), [txid_spent])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ MerkleBlockTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mininode.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mininode.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b7d78e74fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mininode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1256 @@
+# mininode.py - Bitcoin P2P network half-a-node
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# This python code was modified from ArtForz' public domain half-a-node, as
+# found in the mini-node branch of http://github.com/jgarzik/pynode.
+# NodeConn: an object which manages p2p connectivity to a bitcoin node
+# NodeConnCB: a base class that describes the interface for receiving
+# callbacks with network messages from a NodeConn
+# CBlock, CTransaction, CBlockHeader, CTxIn, CTxOut, etc....:
+# data structures that should map to corresponding structures in
+# bitcoin/primitives
+# msg_block, msg_tx, msg_headers, etc.:
+# data structures that represent network messages
+# ser_*, deser_*: functions that handle serialization/deserialization
+import struct
+import socket
+import asyncore
+import binascii
+import time
+import sys
+import random
+import cStringIO
+import hashlib
+from threading import RLock
+from threading import Thread
+import logging
+import copy
+BIP0031_VERSION = 60000
+MY_VERSION = 60001 # past bip-31 for ping/pong
+MY_SUBVERSION = "/python-mininode-tester:0.0.1/"
+MAX_INV_SZ = 50000
+# Keep our own socket map for asyncore, so that we can track disconnects
+# ourselves (to workaround an issue with closing an asyncore socket when
+# using select)
+mininode_socket_map = dict()
+# One lock for synchronizing all data access between the networking thread (see
+# NetworkThread below) and the thread running the test logic. For simplicity,
+# NodeConn acquires this lock whenever delivering a message to to a NodeConnCB,
+# and whenever adding anything to the send buffer (in send_message()). This
+# lock should be acquired in the thread running the test logic to synchronize
+# access to any data shared with the NodeConnCB or NodeConn.
+mininode_lock = RLock()
+# Serialization/deserialization tools
+def sha256(s):
+ return hashlib.new('sha256', s).digest()
+def hash256(s):
+ return sha256(sha256(s))
+def deser_string(f):
+ nit = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
+ if nit == 253:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
+ elif nit == 254:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ elif nit == 255:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ return f.read(nit)
+def ser_string(s):
+ if len(s) < 253:
+ return chr(len(s)) + s
+ elif len(s) < 0x10000:
+ return chr(253) + struct.pack("<H", len(s)) + s
+ elif len(s) < 0x100000000L:
+ return chr(254) + struct.pack("<I", len(s)) + s
+ return chr(255) + struct.pack("<Q", len(s)) + s
+def deser_uint256(f):
+ r = 0L
+ for i in xrange(8):
+ t = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ r += t << (i * 32)
+ return r
+def ser_uint256(u):
+ rs = ""
+ for i in xrange(8):
+ rs += struct.pack("<I", u & 0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ u >>= 32
+ return rs
+def uint256_from_str(s):
+ r = 0L
+ t = struct.unpack("<IIIIIIII", s[:32])
+ for i in xrange(8):
+ r += t[i] << (i * 32)
+ return r
+def uint256_from_compact(c):
+ nbytes = (c >> 24) & 0xFF
+ v = (c & 0xFFFFFFL) << (8 * (nbytes - 3))
+ return v
+def deser_vector(f, c):
+ nit = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
+ if nit == 253:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
+ elif nit == 254:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ elif nit == 255:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ r = []
+ for i in xrange(nit):
+ t = c()
+ t.deserialize(f)
+ r.append(t)
+ return r
+def ser_vector(l):
+ r = ""
+ if len(l) < 253:
+ r = chr(len(l))
+ elif len(l) < 0x10000:
+ r = chr(253) + struct.pack("<H", len(l))
+ elif len(l) < 0x100000000L:
+ r = chr(254) + struct.pack("<I", len(l))
+ else:
+ r = chr(255) + struct.pack("<Q", len(l))
+ for i in l:
+ r += i.serialize()
+ return r
+def deser_uint256_vector(f):
+ nit = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
+ if nit == 253:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
+ elif nit == 254:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ elif nit == 255:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ r = []
+ for i in xrange(nit):
+ t = deser_uint256(f)
+ r.append(t)
+ return r
+def ser_uint256_vector(l):
+ r = ""
+ if len(l) < 253:
+ r = chr(len(l))
+ elif len(l) < 0x10000:
+ r = chr(253) + struct.pack("<H", len(l))
+ elif len(l) < 0x100000000L:
+ r = chr(254) + struct.pack("<I", len(l))
+ else:
+ r = chr(255) + struct.pack("<Q", len(l))
+ for i in l:
+ r += ser_uint256(i)
+ return r
+def deser_string_vector(f):
+ nit = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
+ if nit == 253:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
+ elif nit == 254:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ elif nit == 255:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ r = []
+ for i in xrange(nit):
+ t = deser_string(f)
+ r.append(t)
+ return r
+def ser_string_vector(l):
+ r = ""
+ if len(l) < 253:
+ r = chr(len(l))
+ elif len(l) < 0x10000:
+ r = chr(253) + struct.pack("<H", len(l))
+ elif len(l) < 0x100000000L:
+ r = chr(254) + struct.pack("<I", len(l))
+ else:
+ r = chr(255) + struct.pack("<Q", len(l))
+ for sv in l:
+ r += ser_string(sv)
+ return r
+def deser_int_vector(f):
+ nit = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
+ if nit == 253:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
+ elif nit == 254:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ elif nit == 255:
+ nit = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ r = []
+ for i in xrange(nit):
+ t = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ r.append(t)
+ return r
+def ser_int_vector(l):
+ r = ""
+ if len(l) < 253:
+ r = chr(len(l))
+ elif len(l) < 0x10000:
+ r = chr(253) + struct.pack("<H", len(l))
+ elif len(l) < 0x100000000L:
+ r = chr(254) + struct.pack("<I", len(l))
+ else:
+ r = chr(255) + struct.pack("<Q", len(l))
+ for i in l:
+ r += struct.pack("<i", i)
+ return r
+# Objects that map to bitcoind objects, which can be serialized/deserialized
+class CAddress(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.nServices = 1
+ self.pchReserved = "\x00" * 10 + "\xff" * 2
+ self.ip = ""
+ self.port = 0
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nServices = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ self.pchReserved = f.read(12)
+ self.ip = socket.inet_ntoa(f.read(4))
+ self.port = struct.unpack(">H", f.read(2))[0]
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nServices)
+ r += self.pchReserved
+ r += socket.inet_aton(self.ip)
+ r += struct.pack(">H", self.port)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CAddress(nServices=%i ip=%s port=%i)" % (self.nServices,
+ self.ip, self.port)
+class CInv(object):
+ typemap = {
+ 0: "Error",
+ 1: "TX",
+ 2: "Block"}
+ def __init__(self, t=0, h=0L):
+ self.type = t
+ self.hash = h
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.type = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.hash = deser_uint256(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.type)
+ r += ser_uint256(self.hash)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CInv(type=%s hash=%064x)" \
+ % (self.typemap[self.type], self.hash)
+class CBlockLocator(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.nVersion = MY_VERSION
+ self.vHave = []
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.vHave = deser_uint256_vector(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
+ r += ser_uint256_vector(self.vHave)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CBlockLocator(nVersion=%i vHave=%s)" \
+ % (self.nVersion, repr(self.vHave))
+class COutPoint(object):
+ def __init__(self, hash=0, n=0):
+ self.hash = hash
+ self.n = n
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.hash = deser_uint256(f)
+ self.n = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += ser_uint256(self.hash)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.n)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "COutPoint(hash=%064x n=%i)" % (self.hash, self.n)
+class CTxIn(object):
+ def __init__(self, outpoint=None, scriptSig="", nSequence=0):
+ if outpoint is None:
+ self.prevout = COutPoint()
+ else:
+ self.prevout = outpoint
+ self.scriptSig = scriptSig
+ self.nSequence = nSequence
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.prevout = COutPoint()
+ self.prevout.deserialize(f)
+ self.scriptSig = deser_string(f)
+ self.nSequence = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += self.prevout.serialize()
+ r += ser_string(self.scriptSig)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nSequence)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CTxIn(prevout=%s scriptSig=%s nSequence=%i)" \
+ % (repr(self.prevout), binascii.hexlify(self.scriptSig),
+ self.nSequence)
+class CTxOut(object):
+ def __init__(self, nValue=0, scriptPubKey=""):
+ self.nValue = nValue
+ self.scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nValue = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
+ self.scriptPubKey = deser_string(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<q", self.nValue)
+ r += ser_string(self.scriptPubKey)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CTxOut(nValue=%i.%08i scriptPubKey=%s)" \
+ % (self.nValue // 100000000, self.nValue % 100000000,
+ binascii.hexlify(self.scriptPubKey))
+class CTransaction(object):
+ def __init__(self, tx=None):
+ if tx is None:
+ self.nVersion = 1
+ self.vin = []
+ self.vout = []
+ self.nLockTime = 0
+ self.sha256 = None
+ self.hash = None
+ else:
+ self.nVersion = tx.nVersion
+ self.vin = copy.deepcopy(tx.vin)
+ self.vout = copy.deepcopy(tx.vout)
+ self.nLockTime = tx.nLockTime
+ self.sha256 = None
+ self.hash = None
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.vin = deser_vector(f, CTxIn)
+ self.vout = deser_vector(f, CTxOut)
+ self.nLockTime = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.sha256 = None
+ self.hash = None
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
+ r += ser_vector(self.vin)
+ r += ser_vector(self.vout)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nLockTime)
+ return r
+ def rehash(self):
+ self.sha256 = None
+ self.calc_sha256()
+ def calc_sha256(self):
+ if self.sha256 is None:
+ self.sha256 = uint256_from_str(hash256(self.serialize()))
+ self.hash = hash256(self.serialize())[::-1].encode('hex_codec')
+ def is_valid(self):
+ self.calc_sha256()
+ for tout in self.vout:
+ if tout.nValue < 0 or tout.nValue > 21000000L * 100000000L:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CTransaction(nVersion=%i vin=%s vout=%s nLockTime=%i)" \
+ % (self.nVersion, repr(self.vin), repr(self.vout), self.nLockTime)
+class CBlockHeader(object):
+ def __init__(self, header=None):
+ if header is None:
+ self.set_null()
+ else:
+ self.nVersion = header.nVersion
+ self.hashPrevBlock = header.hashPrevBlock
+ self.hashMerkleRoot = header.hashMerkleRoot
+ self.nTime = header.nTime
+ self.nBits = header.nBits
+ self.nNonce = header.nNonce
+ self.sha256 = header.sha256
+ self.hash = header.hash
+ self.calc_sha256()
+ def set_null(self):
+ self.nVersion = 1
+ self.hashPrevBlock = 0
+ self.hashMerkleRoot = 0
+ self.nTime = 0
+ self.nBits = 0
+ self.nNonce = 0
+ self.sha256 = None
+ self.hash = None
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.hashPrevBlock = deser_uint256(f)
+ self.hashMerkleRoot = deser_uint256(f)
+ self.nTime = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.nBits = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.nNonce = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.sha256 = None
+ self.hash = None
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
+ r += ser_uint256(self.hashPrevBlock)
+ r += ser_uint256(self.hashMerkleRoot)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTime)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nBits)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nNonce)
+ return r
+ def calc_sha256(self):
+ if self.sha256 is None:
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
+ r += ser_uint256(self.hashPrevBlock)
+ r += ser_uint256(self.hashMerkleRoot)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTime)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nBits)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nNonce)
+ self.sha256 = uint256_from_str(hash256(r))
+ self.hash = hash256(r)[::-1].encode('hex_codec')
+ def rehash(self):
+ self.sha256 = None
+ self.calc_sha256()
+ return self.sha256
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CBlockHeader(nVersion=%i hashPrevBlock=%064x hashMerkleRoot=%064x nTime=%s nBits=%08x nNonce=%08x)" \
+ % (self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot,
+ time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce)
+class CBlock(CBlockHeader):
+ def __init__(self, header=None):
+ super(CBlock, self).__init__(header)
+ self.vtx = []
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ super(CBlock, self).deserialize(f)
+ self.vtx = deser_vector(f, CTransaction)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += super(CBlock, self).serialize()
+ r += ser_vector(self.vtx)
+ return r
+ def calc_merkle_root(self):
+ hashes = []
+ for tx in self.vtx:
+ tx.calc_sha256()
+ hashes.append(ser_uint256(tx.sha256))
+ while len(hashes) > 1:
+ newhashes = []
+ for i in xrange(0, len(hashes), 2):
+ i2 = min(i+1, len(hashes)-1)
+ newhashes.append(hash256(hashes[i] + hashes[i2]))
+ hashes = newhashes
+ return uint256_from_str(hashes[0])
+ def is_valid(self):
+ self.calc_sha256()
+ target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits)
+ if self.sha256 > target:
+ return False
+ for tx in self.vtx:
+ if not tx.is_valid():
+ return False
+ if self.calc_merkle_root() != self.hashMerkleRoot:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def solve(self):
+ self.calc_sha256()
+ target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits)
+ while self.sha256 > target:
+ self.nNonce += 1
+ self.rehash()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CBlock(nVersion=%i hashPrevBlock=%064x hashMerkleRoot=%064x nTime=%s nBits=%08x nNonce=%08x vtx=%s)" \
+ % (self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot,
+ time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce, repr(self.vtx))
+class CUnsignedAlert(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.nVersion = 1
+ self.nRelayUntil = 0
+ self.nExpiration = 0
+ self.nID = 0
+ self.nCancel = 0
+ self.setCancel = []
+ self.nMinVer = 0
+ self.nMaxVer = 0
+ self.setSubVer = []
+ self.nPriority = 0
+ self.strComment = ""
+ self.strStatusBar = ""
+ self.strReserved = ""
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.nRelayUntil = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
+ self.nExpiration = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
+ self.nID = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.nCancel = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.setCancel = deser_int_vector(f)
+ self.nMinVer = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.nMaxVer = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.setSubVer = deser_string_vector(f)
+ self.nPriority = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ self.strComment = deser_string(f)
+ self.strStatusBar = deser_string(f)
+ self.strReserved = deser_string(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
+ r += struct.pack("<q", self.nRelayUntil)
+ r += struct.pack("<q", self.nExpiration)
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nID)
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nCancel)
+ r += ser_int_vector(self.setCancel)
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nMinVer)
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nMaxVer)
+ r += ser_string_vector(self.setSubVer)
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nPriority)
+ r += ser_string(self.strComment)
+ r += ser_string(self.strStatusBar)
+ r += ser_string(self.strReserved)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CUnsignedAlert(nVersion %d, nRelayUntil %d, nExpiration %d, nID %d, nCancel %d, nMinVer %d, nMaxVer %d, nPriority %d, strComment %s, strStatusBar %s, strReserved %s)" \
+ % (self.nVersion, self.nRelayUntil, self.nExpiration, self.nID,
+ self.nCancel, self.nMinVer, self.nMaxVer, self.nPriority,
+ self.strComment, self.strStatusBar, self.strReserved)
+class CAlert(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.vchMsg = ""
+ self.vchSig = ""
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.vchMsg = deser_string(f)
+ self.vchSig = deser_string(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += ser_string(self.vchMsg)
+ r += ser_string(self.vchSig)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "CAlert(vchMsg.sz %d, vchSig.sz %d)" \
+ % (len(self.vchMsg), len(self.vchSig))
+# Objects that correspond to messages on the wire
+class msg_version(object):
+ command = "version"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.nVersion = MY_VERSION
+ self.nServices = 1
+ self.nTime = time.time()
+ self.addrTo = CAddress()
+ self.addrFrom = CAddress()
+ self.nNonce = random.getrandbits(64)
+ self.strSubVer = MY_SUBVERSION
+ self.nStartingHeight = -1
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ if self.nVersion == 10300:
+ self.nVersion = 300
+ self.nServices = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ self.nTime = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
+ self.addrTo = CAddress()
+ self.addrTo.deserialize(f)
+ if self.nVersion >= 106:
+ self.addrFrom = CAddress()
+ self.addrFrom.deserialize(f)
+ self.nNonce = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ self.strSubVer = deser_string(f)
+ if self.nVersion >= 209:
+ self.nStartingHeight = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
+ else:
+ self.nStartingHeight = None
+ else:
+ self.addrFrom = None
+ self.nNonce = None
+ self.strSubVer = None
+ self.nStartingHeight = None
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
+ r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nServices)
+ r += struct.pack("<q", self.nTime)
+ r += self.addrTo.serialize()
+ r += self.addrFrom.serialize()
+ r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nNonce)
+ r += ser_string(self.strSubVer)
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nStartingHeight)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'msg_version(nVersion=%i nServices=%i nTime=%s addrTo=%s addrFrom=%s nNonce=0x%016X strSubVer=%s nStartingHeight=%i)' \
+ % (self.nVersion, self.nServices, time.ctime(self.nTime),
+ repr(self.addrTo), repr(self.addrFrom), self.nNonce,
+ self.strSubVer, self.nStartingHeight)
+class msg_verack(object):
+ command = "verack"
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ pass
+ def serialize(self):
+ return ""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_verack()"
+class msg_addr(object):
+ command = "addr"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.addrs = []
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.addrs = deser_vector(f, CAddress)
+ def serialize(self):
+ return ser_vector(self.addrs)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_addr(addrs=%s)" % (repr(self.addrs))
+class msg_alert(object):
+ command = "alert"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.alert = CAlert()
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.alert = CAlert()
+ self.alert.deserialize(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += self.alert.serialize()
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_alert(alert=%s)" % (repr(self.alert), )
+class msg_inv(object):
+ command = "inv"
+ def __init__(self, inv=None):
+ if inv is None:
+ self.inv = []
+ else:
+ self.inv = inv
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.inv = deser_vector(f, CInv)
+ def serialize(self):
+ return ser_vector(self.inv)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_inv(inv=%s)" % (repr(self.inv))
+class msg_getdata(object):
+ command = "getdata"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.inv = []
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.inv = deser_vector(f, CInv)
+ def serialize(self):
+ return ser_vector(self.inv)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_getdata(inv=%s)" % (repr(self.inv))
+class msg_getblocks(object):
+ command = "getblocks"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.locator = CBlockLocator()
+ self.hashstop = 0L
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.locator = CBlockLocator()
+ self.locator.deserialize(f)
+ self.hashstop = deser_uint256(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += self.locator.serialize()
+ r += ser_uint256(self.hashstop)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_getblocks(locator=%s hashstop=%064x)" \
+ % (repr(self.locator), self.hashstop)
+class msg_tx(object):
+ command = "tx"
+ def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction()):
+ self.tx = tx
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.tx.deserialize(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ return self.tx.serialize()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_tx(tx=%s)" % (repr(self.tx))
+class msg_block(object):
+ command = "block"
+ def __init__(self, block=None):
+ if block is None:
+ self.block = CBlock()
+ else:
+ self.block = block
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.block.deserialize(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ return self.block.serialize()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_block(block=%s)" % (repr(self.block))
+class msg_getaddr(object):
+ command = "getaddr"
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ pass
+ def serialize(self):
+ return ""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_getaddr()"
+class msg_ping_prebip31(object):
+ command = "ping"
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ pass
+ def serialize(self):
+ return ""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_ping() (pre-bip31)"
+class msg_ping(object):
+ command = "ping"
+ def __init__(self, nonce=0L):
+ self.nonce = nonce
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nonce = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_ping(nonce=%08x)" % self.nonce
+class msg_pong(object):
+ command = "pong"
+ def __init__(self, nonce=0L):
+ self.nonce = nonce
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.nonce = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_pong(nonce=%08x)" % self.nonce
+class msg_mempool(object):
+ command = "mempool"
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ pass
+ def serialize(self):
+ return ""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_mempool()"
+# getheaders message has
+# number of entries
+# vector of hashes
+# hash_stop (hash of last desired block header, 0 to get as many as possible)
+class msg_getheaders(object):
+ command = "getheaders"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.locator = CBlockLocator()
+ self.hashstop = 0L
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.locator = CBlockLocator()
+ self.locator.deserialize(f)
+ self.hashstop = deser_uint256(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ""
+ r += self.locator.serialize()
+ r += ser_uint256(self.hashstop)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_getheaders(locator=%s, stop=%064x)" \
+ % (repr(self.locator), self.hashstop)
+# headers message has
+# <count> <vector of block headers>
+class msg_headers(object):
+ command = "headers"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.headers = []
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ # comment in bitcoind indicates these should be deserialized as blocks
+ blocks = deser_vector(f, CBlock)
+ for x in blocks:
+ self.headers.append(CBlockHeader(x))
+ def serialize(self):
+ blocks = [CBlock(x) for x in self.headers]
+ return ser_vector(blocks)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_headers(headers=%s)" % repr(self.headers)
+class msg_reject(object):
+ command = "reject"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = ""
+ self.code = ""
+ self.reason = ""
+ self.data = 0L
+ def deserialize(self, f):
+ self.message = deser_string(f)
+ self.code = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
+ self.reason = deser_string(f)
+ if (self.message == "block" or self.message == "tx"):
+ self.data = deser_uint256(f)
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = ser_string(self.message)
+ r += struct.pack("<B", self.code)
+ r += ser_string(self.reason)
+ if (self.message == "block" or self.message == "tx"):
+ r += ser_uint256(self.data)
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "msg_reject: %s %d %s [%064x]" \
+ % (self.message, self.code, self.reason, self.data)
+# This is what a callback should look like for NodeConn
+# Reimplement the on_* functions to provide handling for events
+class NodeConnCB(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.verack_received = False
+ # Derived classes should call this function once to set the message map
+ # which associates the derived classes' functions to incoming messages
+ def create_callback_map(self):
+ self.cbmap = {
+ "version": self.on_version,
+ "verack": self.on_verack,
+ "addr": self.on_addr,
+ "alert": self.on_alert,
+ "inv": self.on_inv,
+ "getdata": self.on_getdata,
+ "getblocks": self.on_getblocks,
+ "tx": self.on_tx,
+ "block": self.on_block,
+ "getaddr": self.on_getaddr,
+ "ping": self.on_ping,
+ "pong": self.on_pong,
+ "headers": self.on_headers,
+ "getheaders": self.on_getheaders,
+ "reject": self.on_reject,
+ "mempool": self.on_mempool
+ }
+ def deliver(self, conn, message):
+ with mininode_lock:
+ try:
+ self.cbmap[message.command](conn, message)
+ except:
+ print "ERROR delivering %s (%s)" % (repr(message),
+ sys.exc_info()[0])
+ def on_version(self, conn, message):
+ if message.nVersion >= 209:
+ conn.send_message(msg_verack())
+ conn.ver_send = min(MY_VERSION, message.nVersion)
+ if message.nVersion < 209:
+ conn.ver_recv = conn.ver_send
+ def on_verack(self, conn, message):
+ conn.ver_recv = conn.ver_send
+ self.verack_received = True
+ def on_inv(self, conn, message):
+ want = msg_getdata()
+ for i in message.inv:
+ if i.type != 0:
+ want.inv.append(i)
+ if len(want.inv):
+ conn.send_message(want)
+ def on_addr(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_alert(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_getdata(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_getblocks(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_tx(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_block(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_getaddr(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_headers(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_getheaders(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_ping(self, conn, message):
+ if conn.ver_send > BIP0031_VERSION:
+ conn.send_message(msg_pong(message.nonce))
+ def on_reject(self, conn, message): pass
+ def on_close(self, conn): pass
+ def on_mempool(self, conn): pass
+ def on_pong(self, conn, message): pass
+# The actual NodeConn class
+# This class provides an interface for a p2p connection to a specified node
+class NodeConn(asyncore.dispatcher):
+ messagemap = {
+ "version": msg_version,
+ "verack": msg_verack,
+ "addr": msg_addr,
+ "alert": msg_alert,
+ "inv": msg_inv,
+ "getdata": msg_getdata,
+ "getblocks": msg_getblocks,
+ "tx": msg_tx,
+ "block": msg_block,
+ "getaddr": msg_getaddr,
+ "ping": msg_ping,
+ "pong": msg_pong,
+ "headers": msg_headers,
+ "getheaders": msg_getheaders,
+ "reject": msg_reject,
+ "mempool": msg_mempool
+ }
+ "mainnet": "\xf9\xbe\xb4\xd9", # mainnet
+ "testnet3": "\x0b\x11\x09\x07", # testnet3
+ "regtest": "\xfa\xbf\xb5\xda" # regtest
+ }
+ def __init__(self, dstaddr, dstport, rpc, callback, net="regtest"):
+ asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, map=mininode_socket_map)
+ self.log = logging.getLogger("NodeConn(%s:%d)" % (dstaddr, dstport))
+ self.dstaddr = dstaddr
+ self.dstport = dstport
+ self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.sendbuf = ""
+ self.recvbuf = ""
+ self.ver_send = 209
+ self.ver_recv = 209
+ self.last_sent = 0
+ self.state = "connecting"
+ self.network = net
+ self.cb = callback
+ self.disconnect = False
+ # stuff version msg into sendbuf
+ vt = msg_version()
+ vt.addrTo.ip = self.dstaddr
+ vt.addrTo.port = self.dstport
+ vt.addrFrom.ip = ""
+ vt.addrFrom.port = 0
+ self.send_message(vt, True)
+ print 'MiniNode: Connecting to Bitcoin Node IP # ' + dstaddr + ':' \
+ + str(dstport)
+ try:
+ self.connect((dstaddr, dstport))
+ except:
+ self.handle_close()
+ self.rpc = rpc
+ def show_debug_msg(self, msg):
+ self.log.debug(msg)
+ def handle_connect(self):
+ self.show_debug_msg("MiniNode: Connected & Listening: \n")
+ self.state = "connected"
+ def handle_close(self):
+ self.show_debug_msg("MiniNode: Closing Connection to %s:%d... "
+ % (self.dstaddr, self.dstport))
+ self.state = "closed"
+ self.recvbuf = ""
+ self.sendbuf = ""
+ try:
+ self.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.cb.on_close(self)
+ def handle_read(self):
+ try:
+ t = self.recv(8192)
+ if len(t) > 0:
+ self.recvbuf += t
+ self.got_data()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def readable(self):
+ return True
+ def writable(self):
+ with mininode_lock:
+ length = len(self.sendbuf)
+ return (length > 0)
+ def handle_write(self):
+ with mininode_lock:
+ try:
+ sent = self.send(self.sendbuf)
+ except:
+ self.handle_close()
+ return
+ self.sendbuf = self.sendbuf[sent:]
+ def got_data(self):
+ while True:
+ if len(self.recvbuf) < 4:
+ return
+ if self.recvbuf[:4] != self.MAGIC_BYTES[self.network]:
+ raise ValueError("got garbage %s" % repr(self.recvbuf))
+ if self.ver_recv < 209:
+ if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4:
+ return
+ command = self.recvbuf[4:4+12].split("\x00", 1)[0]
+ msglen = struct.unpack("<i", self.recvbuf[4+12:4+12+4])[0]
+ checksum = None
+ if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4 + msglen:
+ return
+ msg = self.recvbuf[4+12+4:4+12+4+msglen]
+ self.recvbuf = self.recvbuf[4+12+4+msglen:]
+ else:
+ if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4 + 4:
+ return
+ command = self.recvbuf[4:4+12].split("\x00", 1)[0]
+ msglen = struct.unpack("<i", self.recvbuf[4+12:4+12+4])[0]
+ checksum = self.recvbuf[4+12+4:4+12+4+4]
+ if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4 + 4 + msglen:
+ return
+ msg = self.recvbuf[4+12+4+4:4+12+4+4+msglen]
+ th = sha256(msg)
+ h = sha256(th)
+ if checksum != h[:4]:
+ raise ValueError("got bad checksum " + repr(self.recvbuf))
+ self.recvbuf = self.recvbuf[4+12+4+4+msglen:]
+ if command in self.messagemap:
+ f = cStringIO.StringIO(msg)
+ t = self.messagemap[command]()
+ t.deserialize(f)
+ self.got_message(t)
+ else:
+ self.show_debug_msg("Unknown command: '" + command + "' " +
+ repr(msg))
+ def send_message(self, message, pushbuf=False):
+ if self.state != "connected" and not pushbuf:
+ return
+ self.show_debug_msg("Send %s" % repr(message))
+ command = message.command
+ data = message.serialize()
+ tmsg = self.MAGIC_BYTES[self.network]
+ tmsg += command
+ tmsg += "\x00" * (12 - len(command))
+ tmsg += struct.pack("<I", len(data))
+ if self.ver_send >= 209:
+ th = sha256(data)
+ h = sha256(th)
+ tmsg += h[:4]
+ tmsg += data
+ with mininode_lock:
+ self.sendbuf += tmsg
+ self.last_sent = time.time()
+ def got_message(self, message):
+ if message.command == "version":
+ if message.nVersion <= BIP0031_VERSION:
+ self.messagemap['ping'] = msg_ping_prebip31
+ if self.last_sent + 30 * 60 < time.time():
+ self.send_message(self.messagemap['ping']())
+ self.show_debug_msg("Recv %s" % repr(message))
+ self.cb.deliver(self, message)
+ def disconnect_node(self):
+ self.disconnect = True
+class NetworkThread(Thread):
+ def run(self):
+ while mininode_socket_map:
+ # We check for whether to disconnect outside of the asyncore
+ # loop to workaround the behavior of asyncore when using
+ # select
+ disconnected = []
+ for fd, obj in mininode_socket_map.items():
+ if obj.disconnect:
+ disconnected.append(obj)
+ [ obj.handle_close() for obj in disconnected ]
+ asyncore.loop(0.1, use_poll=True, map=mininode_socket_map, count=1)
+# An exception we can raise if we detect a potential disconnect
+# (p2p or rpc) before the test is complete
+class EarlyDisconnectError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.value)
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/netutil.py b/qa/rpc-tests/netutil.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b30a88a4f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/netutil.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Linux network utilities
+import sys
+import socket
+import fcntl
+import struct
+import array
+import os
+import binascii
+# Roughly based on http://voorloopnul.com/blog/a-python-netstat-in-less-than-100-lines-of-code/ by Ricardo Pascal
+def get_socket_inodes(pid):
+ '''
+ Get list of socket inodes for process pid.
+ '''
+ base = '/proc/%i/fd' % pid
+ inodes = []
+ for item in os.listdir(base):
+ target = os.readlink(os.path.join(base, item))
+ if target.startswith('socket:'):
+ inodes.append(int(target[8:-1]))
+ return inodes
+def _remove_empty(array):
+ return [x for x in array if x !='']
+def _convert_ip_port(array):
+ host,port = array.split(':')
+ # convert host from mangled-per-four-bytes form as used by kernel
+ host = binascii.unhexlify(host)
+ host_out = ''
+ for x in range(0, len(host)/4):
+ (val,) = struct.unpack('=I', host[x*4:(x+1)*4])
+ host_out += '%08x' % val
+ return host_out,int(port,16)
+def netstat(typ='tcp'):
+ '''
+ Function to return a list with status of tcp connections at linux systems
+ To get pid of all network process running on system, you must run this script
+ as superuser
+ '''
+ with open('/proc/net/'+typ,'r') as f:
+ content = f.readlines()
+ content.pop(0)
+ result = []
+ for line in content:
+ line_array = _remove_empty(line.split(' ')) # Split lines and remove empty spaces.
+ tcp_id = line_array[0]
+ l_addr = _convert_ip_port(line_array[1])
+ r_addr = _convert_ip_port(line_array[2])
+ state = line_array[3]
+ inode = int(line_array[9]) # Need the inode to match with process pid.
+ nline = [tcp_id, l_addr, r_addr, state, inode]
+ result.append(nline)
+ return result
+def get_bind_addrs(pid):
+ '''
+ Get bind addresses as (host,port) tuples for process pid.
+ '''
+ inodes = get_socket_inodes(pid)
+ bind_addrs = []
+ for conn in netstat('tcp') + netstat('tcp6'):
+ if conn[3] == STATE_LISTEN and conn[4] in inodes:
+ bind_addrs.append(conn[1])
+ return bind_addrs
+# from: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/439093/
+def all_interfaces():
+ '''
+ Return all interfaces that are up
+ '''
+ is_64bits = sys.maxsize > 2**32
+ struct_size = 40 if is_64bits else 32
+ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ max_possible = 8 # initial value
+ while True:
+ bytes = max_possible * struct_size
+ names = array.array('B', '\0' * bytes)
+ outbytes = struct.unpack('iL', fcntl.ioctl(
+ s.fileno(),
+ 0x8912, # SIOCGIFCONF
+ struct.pack('iL', bytes, names.buffer_info()[0])
+ ))[0]
+ if outbytes == bytes:
+ max_possible *= 2
+ else:
+ break
+ namestr = names.tostring()
+ return [(namestr[i:i+16].split('\0', 1)[0],
+ socket.inet_ntoa(namestr[i+20:i+24]))
+ for i in range(0, outbytes, struct_size)]
+def addr_to_hex(addr):
+ '''
+ Convert string IPv4 or IPv6 address to binary address as returned by
+ get_bind_addrs.
+ Very naive implementation that certainly doesn't work for all IPv6 variants.
+ '''
+ if '.' in addr: # IPv4
+ addr = [int(x) for x in addr.split('.')]
+ elif ':' in addr: # IPv6
+ sub = [[], []] # prefix, suffix
+ x = 0
+ addr = addr.split(':')
+ for i,comp in enumerate(addr):
+ if comp == '':
+ if i == 0 or i == (len(addr)-1): # skip empty component at beginning or end
+ continue
+ x += 1 # :: skips to suffix
+ assert(x < 2)
+ else: # two bytes per component
+ val = int(comp, 16)
+ sub[x].append(val >> 8)
+ sub[x].append(val & 0xff)
+ nullbytes = 16 - len(sub[0]) - len(sub[1])
+ assert((x == 0 and nullbytes == 0) or (x == 1 and nullbytes > 0))
+ addr = sub[0] + ([0] * nullbytes) + sub[1]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Could not parse address %s' % addr)
+ return binascii.hexlify(bytearray(addr))
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/proxy_test.py b/qa/rpc-tests/proxy_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d6d9e6725b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/proxy_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+import socket
+import traceback, sys
+from binascii import hexlify
+import time, os
+from socks5 import Socks5Configuration, Socks5Command, Socks5Server, AddressType
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+Test plan:
+- Start bitcoind's with different proxy configurations
+- Use addnode to initiate connections
+- Verify that proxies are connected to, and the right connection command is given
+- Proxy configurations to test on bitcoind side:
+ - `-proxy` (proxy everything)
+ - `-onion` (proxy just onions)
+ - `-proxyrandomize` Circuit randomization
+- Proxy configurations to test on proxy side,
+ - support no authentication (other proxy)
+ - support no authentication + user/pass authentication (Tor)
+ - proxy on IPv6
+- Create various proxies (as threads)
+- Create bitcoinds that connect to them
+- Manipulate the bitcoinds using addnode (onetry) an observe effects
+addnode connect to IPv4
+addnode connect to IPv6
+addnode connect to onion
+addnode connect to generic DNS name
+class ProxyTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Create two proxies on different ports
+ # ... one unauthenticated
+ self.conf1 = Socks5Configuration()
+ self.conf1.addr = ('', 13000 + (os.getpid() % 1000))
+ self.conf1.unauth = True
+ self.conf1.auth = False
+ # ... one supporting authenticated and unauthenticated (Tor)
+ self.conf2 = Socks5Configuration()
+ self.conf2.addr = ('', 14000 + (os.getpid() % 1000))
+ self.conf2.unauth = True
+ self.conf2.auth = True
+ # ... one on IPv6 with similar configuration
+ self.conf3 = Socks5Configuration()
+ self.conf3.af = socket.AF_INET6
+ self.conf3.addr = ('::1', 15000 + (os.getpid() % 1000))
+ self.conf3.unauth = True
+ self.conf3.auth = True
+ self.serv1 = Socks5Server(self.conf1)
+ self.serv1.start()
+ self.serv2 = Socks5Server(self.conf2)
+ self.serv2.start()
+ self.serv3 = Socks5Server(self.conf3)
+ self.serv3.start()
+ def setup_nodes(self):
+ # Note: proxies are not used to connect to local nodes
+ # this is because the proxy to use is based on CService.GetNetwork(), which return NET_UNROUTABLE for localhost
+ return start_nodes(4, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args=[
+ ['-listen', '-debug=net', '-debug=proxy', '-proxy=%s:%i' % (self.conf1.addr),'-proxyrandomize=1'],
+ ['-listen', '-debug=net', '-debug=proxy', '-proxy=%s:%i' % (self.conf1.addr),'-onion=%s:%i' % (self.conf2.addr),'-proxyrandomize=0'],
+ ['-listen', '-debug=net', '-debug=proxy', '-proxy=%s:%i' % (self.conf2.addr),'-proxyrandomize=1'],
+ ['-listen', '-debug=net', '-debug=proxy', '-proxy=[%s]:%i' % (self.conf3.addr),'-proxyrandomize=0']
+ ])
+ def node_test(self, node, proxies, auth):
+ rv = []
+ # Test: outgoing IPv4 connection through node
+ node.addnode("", "onetry")
+ cmd = proxies[0].queue.get()
+ assert(isinstance(cmd, Socks5Command))
+ # Note: bitcoind's SOCKS5 implementation only sends atyp DOMAINNAME, even if connecting directly to IPv4/IPv6
+ assert_equal(cmd.atyp, AddressType.DOMAINNAME)
+ assert_equal(cmd.addr, "")
+ assert_equal(cmd.port, 1234)
+ if not auth:
+ assert_equal(cmd.username, None)
+ assert_equal(cmd.password, None)
+ rv.append(cmd)
+ # Test: outgoing IPv6 connection through node
+ node.addnode("[1233:3432:2434:2343:3234:2345:6546:4534]:5443", "onetry")
+ cmd = proxies[1].queue.get()
+ assert(isinstance(cmd, Socks5Command))
+ # Note: bitcoind's SOCKS5 implementation only sends atyp DOMAINNAME, even if connecting directly to IPv4/IPv6
+ assert_equal(cmd.atyp, AddressType.DOMAINNAME)
+ assert_equal(cmd.addr, "1233:3432:2434:2343:3234:2345:6546:4534")
+ assert_equal(cmd.port, 5443)
+ if not auth:
+ assert_equal(cmd.username, None)
+ assert_equal(cmd.password, None)
+ rv.append(cmd)
+ # Test: outgoing onion connection through node
+ node.addnode("bitcoinostk4e4re.onion:8333", "onetry")
+ cmd = proxies[2].queue.get()
+ assert(isinstance(cmd, Socks5Command))
+ assert_equal(cmd.atyp, AddressType.DOMAINNAME)
+ assert_equal(cmd.addr, "bitcoinostk4e4re.onion")
+ assert_equal(cmd.port, 8333)
+ if not auth:
+ assert_equal(cmd.username, None)
+ assert_equal(cmd.password, None)
+ rv.append(cmd)
+ # Test: outgoing DNS name connection through node
+ node.addnode("node.noumenon:8333", "onetry")
+ cmd = proxies[3].queue.get()
+ assert(isinstance(cmd, Socks5Command))
+ assert_equal(cmd.atyp, AddressType.DOMAINNAME)
+ assert_equal(cmd.addr, "node.noumenon")
+ assert_equal(cmd.port, 8333)
+ if not auth:
+ assert_equal(cmd.username, None)
+ assert_equal(cmd.password, None)
+ rv.append(cmd)
+ return rv
+ def run_test(self):
+ # basic -proxy
+ self.node_test(self.nodes[0], [self.serv1, self.serv1, self.serv1, self.serv1], False)
+ # -proxy plus -onion
+ self.node_test(self.nodes[1], [self.serv1, self.serv1, self.serv2, self.serv1], False)
+ # -proxy plus -onion, -proxyrandomize
+ rv = self.node_test(self.nodes[2], [self.serv2, self.serv2, self.serv2, self.serv2], True)
+ # Check that credentials as used for -proxyrandomize connections are unique
+ credentials = set((x.username,x.password) for x in rv)
+ assert_equal(len(credentials), 4)
+ # proxy on IPv6 localhost
+ self.node_test(self.nodes[3], [self.serv3, self.serv3, self.serv3, self.serv3], False)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ProxyTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/pruning.py b/qa/rpc-tests/pruning.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..85fd1c982a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/pruning.py
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test pruning code
+# ********
+# This test uses 4GB of disk space.
+# This test takes 30 mins or more (up to 2 hours)
+# ********
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+import os.path
+def calc_usage(blockdir):
+ return sum(os.path.getsize(blockdir+f) for f in os.listdir(blockdir) if os.path.isfile(blockdir+f))/(1024*1024)
+class PruneTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.utxo = []
+ self.address = ["",""]
+ # Some pre-processing to create a bunch of OP_RETURN txouts to insert into transactions we create
+ # So we have big transactions and full blocks to fill up our block files
+ # create one script_pubkey
+ script_pubkey = "6a4d0200" #OP_RETURN OP_PUSH2 512 bytes
+ for i in xrange (512):
+ script_pubkey = script_pubkey + "01"
+ # concatenate 128 txouts of above script_pubkey which we'll insert before the txout for change
+ self.txouts = "81"
+ for k in xrange(128):
+ # add txout value
+ self.txouts = self.txouts + "0000000000000000"
+ # add length of script_pubkey
+ self.txouts = self.txouts + "fd0402"
+ # add script_pubkey
+ self.txouts = self.txouts + script_pubkey
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 3)
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ # Create nodes 0 and 1 to mine
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug","-maxreceivebuffer=20000","-blockmaxsize=999000", "-checkblocks=5"], timewait=900))
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug","-maxreceivebuffer=20000","-blockmaxsize=999000", "-checkblocks=5"], timewait=900))
+ # Create node 2 to test pruning
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug","-maxreceivebuffer=20000","-prune=550"], timewait=900))
+ self.prunedir = self.options.tmpdir+"/node2/regtest/blocks/"
+ self.address[0] = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ self.address[1] = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 2)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3])
+ def create_big_chain(self):
+ # Start by creating some coinbases we can spend later
+ self.nodes[1].generate(200)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:2])
+ self.nodes[0].generate(150)
+ # Then mine enough full blocks to create more than 550MB of data
+ for i in xrange(645):
+ self.mine_full_block(self.nodes[0], self.address[0])
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3])
+ def test_height_min(self):
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.prunedir+"blk00000.dat"):
+ raise AssertionError("blk00000.dat is missing, pruning too early")
+ print "Success"
+ print "Though we're already using more than 550MB, current usage:", calc_usage(self.prunedir)
+ print "Mining 25 more blocks should cause the first block file to be pruned"
+ # Pruning doesn't run until we're allocating another chunk, 20 full blocks past the height cutoff will ensure this
+ for i in xrange(25):
+ self.mine_full_block(self.nodes[0],self.address[0])
+ waitstart = time.time()
+ while os.path.isfile(self.prunedir+"blk00000.dat"):
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ if time.time() - waitstart > 10:
+ raise AssertionError("blk00000.dat not pruned when it should be")
+ print "Success"
+ usage = calc_usage(self.prunedir)
+ print "Usage should be below target:", usage
+ if (usage > 550):
+ raise AssertionError("Pruning target not being met")
+ def create_chain_with_staleblocks(self):
+ # Create stale blocks in manageable sized chunks
+ print "Mine 24 (stale) blocks on Node 1, followed by 25 (main chain) block reorg from Node 0, for 12 rounds"
+ for j in xrange(12):
+ # Disconnect node 0 so it can mine a longer reorg chain without knowing about node 1's soon-to-be-stale chain
+ # Node 2 stays connected, so it hears about the stale blocks and then reorg's when node0 reconnects
+ # Stopping node 0 also clears its mempool, so it doesn't have node1's transactions to accidentally mine
+ stop_node(self.nodes[0],0)
+ self.nodes[0]=start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug","-maxreceivebuffer=20000","-blockmaxsize=999000", "-checkblocks=5"], timewait=900)
+ # Mine 24 blocks in node 1
+ self.utxo = self.nodes[1].listunspent()
+ for i in xrange(24):
+ if j == 0:
+ self.mine_full_block(self.nodes[1],self.address[1])
+ else:
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1) #tx's already in mempool from previous disconnects
+ # Reorg back with 25 block chain from node 0
+ self.utxo = self.nodes[0].listunspent()
+ for i in xrange(25):
+ self.mine_full_block(self.nodes[0],self.address[0])
+ # Create connections in the order so both nodes can see the reorg at the same time
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3])
+ print "Usage can be over target because of high stale rate:", calc_usage(self.prunedir)
+ def reorg_test(self):
+ # Node 1 will mine a 300 block chain starting 287 blocks back from Node 0 and Node 2's tip
+ # This will cause Node 2 to do a reorg requiring 288 blocks of undo data to the reorg_test chain
+ # Reboot node 1 to clear its mempool (hopefully make the invalidate faster)
+ # Lower the block max size so we don't keep mining all our big mempool transactions (from disconnected blocks)
+ stop_node(self.nodes[1],1)
+ self.nodes[1]=start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug","-maxreceivebuffer=20000","-blockmaxsize=5000", "-checkblocks=5", "-disablesafemode"], timewait=900)
+ height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
+ print "Current block height:", height
+ invalidheight = height-287
+ badhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(invalidheight)
+ print "Invalidating block at height:",invalidheight,badhash
+ self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(badhash)
+ # We've now switched to our previously mined-24 block fork on node 1, but thats not what we want
+ # So invalidate that fork as well, until we're on the same chain as node 0/2 (but at an ancestor 288 blocks ago)
+ mainchainhash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(invalidheight - 1)
+ curhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(invalidheight - 1)
+ while curhash != mainchainhash:
+ self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(curhash)
+ curhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(invalidheight - 1)
+ assert(self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == invalidheight - 1)
+ print "New best height", self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
+ # Reboot node1 to clear those giant tx's from mempool
+ stop_node(self.nodes[1],1)
+ self.nodes[1]=start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug","-maxreceivebuffer=20000","-blockmaxsize=5000", "-checkblocks=5", "-disablesafemode"], timewait=900)
+ print "Generating new longer chain of 300 more blocks"
+ self.nodes[1].generate(300)
+ print "Reconnect nodes"
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 1)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3])
+ print "Verify height on node 2:",self.nodes[2].getblockcount()
+ print "Usage possibly still high bc of stale blocks in block files:", calc_usage(self.prunedir)
+ print "Mine 220 more blocks so we have requisite history (some blocks will be big and cause pruning of previous chain)"
+ self.nodes[0].generate(220) #node 0 has many large tx's in its mempool from the disconnects
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3])
+ usage = calc_usage(self.prunedir)
+ print "Usage should be below target:", usage
+ if (usage > 550):
+ raise AssertionError("Pruning target not being met")
+ return invalidheight,badhash
+ def reorg_back(self):
+ # Verify that a block on the old main chain fork has been pruned away
+ try:
+ self.nodes[2].getblock(self.forkhash)
+ raise AssertionError("Old block wasn't pruned so can't test redownload")
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ print "Will need to redownload block",self.forkheight
+ # Verify that we have enough history to reorg back to the fork point
+ # Although this is more than 288 blocks, because this chain was written more recently
+ # and only its other 299 small and 220 large block are in the block files after it,
+ # its expected to still be retained
+ self.nodes[2].getblock(self.nodes[2].getblockhash(self.forkheight))
+ first_reorg_height = self.nodes[2].getblockcount()
+ curchainhash = self.nodes[2].getblockhash(self.mainchainheight)
+ self.nodes[2].invalidateblock(curchainhash)
+ goalbestheight = self.mainchainheight
+ goalbesthash = self.mainchainhash2
+ # As of 0.10 the current block download logic is not able to reorg to the original chain created in
+ # create_chain_with_stale_blocks because it doesn't know of any peer thats on that chain from which to
+ # redownload its missing blocks.
+ # Invalidate the reorg_test chain in node 0 as well, it can successfully switch to the original chain
+ # because it has all the block data.
+ # However it must mine enough blocks to have a more work chain than the reorg_test chain in order
+ # to trigger node 2's block download logic.
+ # At this point node 2 is within 288 blocks of the fork point so it will preserve its ability to reorg
+ if self.nodes[2].getblockcount() < self.mainchainheight:
+ blocks_to_mine = first_reorg_height + 1 - self.mainchainheight
+ print "Rewind node 0 to prev main chain to mine longer chain to trigger redownload. Blocks needed:", blocks_to_mine
+ self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(curchainhash)
+ assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == self.mainchainheight)
+ assert(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() == self.mainchainhash2)
+ goalbesthash = self.nodes[0].generate(blocks_to_mine)[-1]
+ goalbestheight = first_reorg_height + 1
+ print "Verify node 2 reorged back to the main chain, some blocks of which it had to redownload"
+ waitstart = time.time()
+ while self.nodes[2].getblockcount() < goalbestheight:
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ if time.time() - waitstart > 900:
+ raise AssertionError("Node 2 didn't reorg to proper height")
+ assert(self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash() == goalbesthash)
+ # Verify we can now have the data for a block previously pruned
+ assert(self.nodes[2].getblock(self.forkhash)["height"] == self.forkheight)
+ def mine_full_block(self, node, address):
+ # Want to create a full block
+ # We'll generate a 66k transaction below, and 14 of them is close to the 1MB block limit
+ for j in xrange(14):
+ if len(self.utxo) < 14:
+ self.utxo = node.listunspent()
+ inputs=[]
+ outputs = {}
+ t = self.utxo.pop()
+ inputs.append({ "txid" : t["txid"], "vout" : t["vout"]})
+ remchange = t["amount"] - Decimal("0.001000")
+ outputs[address]=remchange
+ # Create a basic transaction that will send change back to ourself after account for a fee
+ # And then insert the 128 generated transaction outs in the middle rawtx[92] is where the #
+ # of txouts is stored and is the only thing we overwrite from the original transaction
+ rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ newtx = rawtx[0:92]
+ newtx = newtx + self.txouts
+ newtx = newtx + rawtx[94:]
+ # Appears to be ever so slightly faster to sign with SIGHASH_NONE
+ signresult = node.signrawtransaction(newtx,None,None,"NONE")
+ txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True)
+ # Mine a full sized block which will be these transactions we just created
+ node.generate(1)
+ def run_test(self):
+ print "Warning! This test requires 4GB of disk space and takes over 30 mins (up to 2 hours)"
+ print "Mining a big blockchain of 995 blocks"
+ self.create_big_chain()
+ # Chain diagram key:
+ # * blocks on main chain
+ # +,&,$,@ blocks on other forks
+ # X invalidated block
+ # N1 Node 1
+ #
+ # Start by mining a simple chain that all nodes have
+ # N0=N1=N2 **...*(995)
+ print "Check that we haven't started pruning yet because we're below PruneAfterHeight"
+ self.test_height_min()
+ # Extend this chain past the PruneAfterHeight
+ # N0=N1=N2 **...*(1020)
+ print "Check that we'll exceed disk space target if we have a very high stale block rate"
+ self.create_chain_with_staleblocks()
+ # Disconnect N0
+ # And mine a 24 block chain on N1 and a separate 25 block chain on N0
+ # N1=N2 **...*+...+(1044)
+ # N0 **...**...**(1045)
+ #
+ # reconnect nodes causing reorg on N1 and N2
+ # N1=N2 **...*(1020) *...**(1045)
+ # \
+ # +...+(1044)
+ #
+ # repeat this process until you have 12 stale forks hanging off the
+ # main chain on N1 and N2
+ # N0 *************************...***************************(1320)
+ #
+ # N1=N2 **...*(1020) *...**(1045) *.. ..**(1295) *...**(1320)
+ # \ \ \
+ # +...+(1044) &.. $...$(1319)
+ # Save some current chain state for later use
+ self.mainchainheight = self.nodes[2].getblockcount() #1320
+ self.mainchainhash2 = self.nodes[2].getblockhash(self.mainchainheight)
+ print "Check that we can survive a 288 block reorg still"
+ (self.forkheight,self.forkhash) = self.reorg_test() #(1033, )
+ # Now create a 288 block reorg by mining a longer chain on N1
+ # First disconnect N1
+ # Then invalidate 1033 on main chain and 1032 on fork so height is 1032 on main chain
+ # N1 **...*(1020) **...**(1032)X..
+ # \
+ # ++...+(1031)X..
+ #
+ # Now mine 300 more blocks on N1
+ # N1 **...*(1020) **...**(1032) @@...@(1332)
+ # \ \
+ # \ X...
+ # \ \
+ # ++...+(1031)X.. ..
+ #
+ # Reconnect nodes and mine 220 more blocks on N1
+ # N1 **...*(1020) **...**(1032) @@...@@@(1552)
+ # \ \
+ # \ X...
+ # \ \
+ # ++...+(1031)X.. ..
+ #
+ # N2 **...*(1020) **...**(1032) @@...@@@(1552)
+ # \ \
+ # \ *...**(1320)
+ # \ \
+ # ++...++(1044) ..
+ #
+ # N0 ********************(1032) @@...@@@(1552)
+ # \
+ # *...**(1320)
+ print "Test that we can rerequest a block we previously pruned if needed for a reorg"
+ self.reorg_back()
+ # Verify that N2 still has block 1033 on current chain (@), but not on main chain (*)
+ # Invalidate 1033 on current chain (@) on N2 and we should be able to reorg to
+ # original main chain (*), but will require redownload of some blocks
+ # In order to have a peer we think we can download from, must also perform this invalidation
+ # on N0 and mine a new longest chain to trigger.
+ # Final result:
+ # N0 ********************(1032) **...****(1553)
+ # \
+ # X@...@@@(1552)
+ #
+ # N2 **...*(1020) **...**(1032) **...****(1553)
+ # \ \
+ # \ X@...@@@(1552)
+ # \
+ # +..
+ #
+ # N1 doesn't change because 1033 on main chain (*) is invalid
+ print "Done"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ PruneTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/.gitignore b/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d20b6487c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/__init__.py b/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/__init__.py
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py b/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc7d655fdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ Copyright 2011 Jeff Garzik
+ AuthServiceProxy has the following improvements over python-jsonrpc's
+ ServiceProxy class:
+ - HTTP connections persist for the life of the AuthServiceProxy object
+ (if server supports HTTP/1.1)
+ - sends protocol 'version', per JSON-RPC 1.1
+ - sends proper, incrementing 'id'
+ - sends Basic HTTP authentication headers
+ - parses all JSON numbers that look like floats as Decimal
+ - uses standard Python json lib
+ Previous copyright, from python-jsonrpc/jsonrpc/proxy.py:
+ Copyright (c) 2007 Jan-Klaas Kollhof
+ This file is part of jsonrpc.
+ jsonrpc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ import http.client as httplib
+except ImportError:
+ import httplib
+import base64
+import decimal
+import json
+import logging
+ import urllib.parse as urlparse
+except ImportError:
+ import urlparse
+USER_AGENT = "AuthServiceProxy/0.1"
+log = logging.getLogger("BitcoinRPC")
+class JSONRPCException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, rpc_error):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.error = rpc_error
+def EncodeDecimal(o):
+ if isinstance(o, decimal.Decimal):
+ return round(o, 8)
+ raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
+class AuthServiceProxy(object):
+ __id_count = 0
+ def __init__(self, service_url, service_name=None, timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, connection=None):
+ self.__service_url = service_url
+ self.__service_name = service_name
+ self.__url = urlparse.urlparse(service_url)
+ if self.__url.port is None:
+ port = 80
+ else:
+ port = self.__url.port
+ (user, passwd) = (self.__url.username, self.__url.password)
+ try:
+ user = user.encode('utf8')
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ passwd = passwd.encode('utf8')
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ authpair = user + b':' + passwd
+ self.__auth_header = b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(authpair)
+ if connection:
+ # Callables re-use the connection of the original proxy
+ self.__conn = connection
+ elif self.__url.scheme == 'https':
+ self.__conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.__url.hostname, port,
+ None, None, False,
+ timeout)
+ else:
+ self.__conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.__url.hostname, port,
+ False, timeout)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
+ # Python internal stuff
+ raise AttributeError
+ if self.__service_name is not None:
+ name = "%s.%s" % (self.__service_name, name)
+ return AuthServiceProxy(self.__service_url, name, connection=self.__conn)
+ def __call__(self, *args):
+ AuthServiceProxy.__id_count += 1
+ log.debug("-%s-> %s %s"%(AuthServiceProxy.__id_count, self.__service_name,
+ json.dumps(args, default=EncodeDecimal)))
+ postdata = json.dumps({'version': '1.1',
+ 'method': self.__service_name,
+ 'params': args,
+ 'id': AuthServiceProxy.__id_count}, default=EncodeDecimal)
+ self.__conn.request('POST', self.__url.path, postdata,
+ {'Host': self.__url.hostname,
+ 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
+ 'Authorization': self.__auth_header,
+ 'Content-type': 'application/json'})
+ response = self._get_response()
+ if response['error'] is not None:
+ raise JSONRPCException(response['error'])
+ elif 'result' not in response:
+ raise JSONRPCException({
+ 'code': -343, 'message': 'missing JSON-RPC result'})
+ else:
+ return response['result']
+ def _batch(self, rpc_call_list):
+ postdata = json.dumps(list(rpc_call_list), default=EncodeDecimal)
+ log.debug("--> "+postdata)
+ self.__conn.request('POST', self.__url.path, postdata,
+ {'Host': self.__url.hostname,
+ 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
+ 'Authorization': self.__auth_header,
+ 'Content-type': 'application/json'})
+ return self._get_response()
+ def _get_response(self):
+ http_response = self.__conn.getresponse()
+ if http_response is None:
+ raise JSONRPCException({
+ 'code': -342, 'message': 'missing HTTP response from server'})
+ responsedata = http_response.read().decode('utf8')
+ response = json.loads(responsedata, parse_float=decimal.Decimal)
+ if "error" in response and response["error"] is None:
+ log.debug("<-%s- %s"%(response["id"], json.dumps(response["result"], default=EncodeDecimal)))
+ else:
+ log.debug("<-- "+responsedata)
+ return response
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/setup.py b/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43cdb1c038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+from distutils.core import setup
+ version='0.1',
+ description='Enhanced version of python-jsonrpc for use with Bitcoin',
+ long_description=open('README').read(),
+ author='Jeff Garzik',
+ author_email='<jgarzik@exmulti.com>',
+ maintainer='Jeff Garzik',
+ maintainer_email='<jgarzik@exmulti.com>',
+ url='http://www.github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc',
+ packages=['bitcoinrpc'],
+ classifiers=['License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)', 'Operating System :: OS Independent'])
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/rawtransactions.py b/qa/rpc-tests/rawtransactions.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3d80c97d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/rawtransactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test re-org scenarios with a mempool that contains transactions
+# that spend (directly or indirectly) coinbase transactions.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+from pprint import pprint
+from time import sleep
+# Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction:
+class RawTransactionsTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 3)
+ def setup_network(self, split=False):
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir)
+ #connect to a local machine for debugging
+ #url = "http://bitcoinrpc:DP6DvqZtqXarpeNWyN3LZTFchCCyCUuHwNF7E8pX99x1@%s:%d" % ('', 18332)
+ #proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url)
+ #proxy.url = url # store URL on proxy for info
+ #self.nodes.append(proxy)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2)
+ self.is_network_split=False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def run_test(self):
+ #prepare some coins for multiple *rawtransaction commands
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(101)
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(),1.5);
+ self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(),1.0);
+ self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(),5.0);
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[0].generate(5)
+ self.sync_all()
+ #########################################
+ # sendrawtransaction with missing input #
+ #########################################
+ inputs = [ {'txid' : "1d1d4e24ed99057e84c3f80fd8fbec79ed9e1acee37da269356ecea000000000", 'vout' : 1}] #won't exists
+ outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 4.998 }
+ rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ rawtx = self.nodes[2].signrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ errorString = ""
+ try:
+ rawtx = self.nodes[2].sendrawtransaction(rawtx['hex'])
+ except JSONRPCException,e:
+ errorString = e.error['message']
+ assert_equal("Missing inputs" in errorString, True);
+ #########################
+ #########################
+ # 2of2 test
+ addr1 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
+ addr2 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
+ addr1Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr1)
+ addr2Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr2)
+ mSigObj = self.nodes[2].addmultisigaddress(2, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey']])
+ mSigObjValid = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(mSigObj)
+ #use balance deltas instead of absolute values
+ bal = self.nodes[2].getbalance()
+ # send 1.2 BTC to msig adr
+ txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 1.2);
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), bal+Decimal('1.20000000')) #node2 has both keys of the 2of2 ms addr., tx should affect the balance
+ # 2of3 test from different nodes
+ bal = self.nodes[2].getbalance()
+ addr1 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ addr2 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
+ addr3 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
+ addr1Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr1)
+ addr2Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr2)
+ addr3Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr3)
+ mSigObj = self.nodes[2].addmultisigaddress(2, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey'], addr3Obj['pubkey']])
+ mSigObjValid = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(mSigObj)
+ txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 2.2);
+ decTx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txId)
+ rawTx = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(decTx['hex'])
+ sPK = rawTx['vout'][0]['scriptPubKey']['hex']
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), bal) #for now, assume the funds of a 2of3 multisig tx are not marked as spendable
+ txDetails = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txId, True)
+ rawTx = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(txDetails['hex'])
+ vout = False
+ for outpoint in rawTx['vout']:
+ if outpoint['value'] == Decimal('2.20000000'):
+ vout = outpoint
+ break;
+ bal = self.nodes[0].getbalance()
+ inputs = [{ "txid" : txId, "vout" : vout['n'], "scriptPubKey" : vout['scriptPubKey']['hex']}]
+ outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 2.19 }
+ rawTx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ rawTxPartialSigned = self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction(rawTx, inputs)
+ assert_equal(rawTxPartialSigned['complete'], False) #node1 only has one key, can't comp. sign the tx
+ rawTxSigned = self.nodes[2].signrawtransaction(rawTx, inputs)
+ assert_equal(rawTxSigned['complete'], True) #node2 can sign the tx compl., own two of three keys
+ self.nodes[2].sendrawtransaction(rawTxSigned['hex'])
+ rawTx = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(rawTxSigned['hex'])
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), bal+Decimal('50.00000000')+Decimal('2.19000000')) #block reward + tx
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ RawTransactionsTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/receivedby.py b/qa/rpc-tests/receivedby.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1a681e1aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/receivedby.py
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Exercise the listreceivedbyaddress API
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+def get_sub_array_from_array(object_array, to_match):
+ '''
+ Finds and returns a sub array from an array of arrays.
+ to_match should be a unique idetifier of a sub array
+ '''
+ num_matched = 0
+ for item in object_array:
+ all_match = True
+ for key,value in to_match.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ all_match = False
+ if not all_match:
+ continue
+ return item
+ return []
+def check_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected, should_not_find = False):
+ """
+ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs
+ to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value
+ pairs.
+ If the should_not_find flag is true, to_match should not be found in object_array
+ """
+ if should_not_find == True:
+ expected = { }
+ num_matched = 0
+ for item in object_array:
+ all_match = True
+ for key,value in to_match.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ all_match = False
+ if not all_match:
+ continue
+ for key,value in expected.items():
+ if item[key] != value:
+ raise AssertionError("%s : expected %s=%s"%(str(item), str(key), str(value)))
+ num_matched = num_matched+1
+ if num_matched == 0 and should_not_find != True:
+ raise AssertionError("No objects matched %s"%(str(to_match)))
+ if num_matched > 0 and should_not_find == True:
+ raise AssertionError("Objects was matched %s"%(str(to_match)))
+class ReceivedByTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def run_test(self):
+ '''
+ listreceivedbyaddress Test
+ '''
+ # Send from node 0 to 1
+ addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 0.1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ #Check not listed in listreceivedbyaddress because has 0 confirmations
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaddress(),
+ {"address":addr},
+ { },
+ True)
+ #Bury Tx under 10 block so it will be returned by listreceivedbyaddress
+ self.nodes[1].generate(10)
+ self.sync_all()
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaddress(),
+ {"address":addr},
+ {"address":addr, "account":"", "amount":Decimal("0.1"), "confirmations":10, "txids":[txid,]})
+ #With min confidence < 10
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaddress(5),
+ {"address":addr},
+ {"address":addr, "account":"", "amount":Decimal("0.1"), "confirmations":10, "txids":[txid,]})
+ #With min confidence > 10, should not find Tx
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaddress(11),{"address":addr},{ },True)
+ #Empty Tx
+ addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaddress(0,True),
+ {"address":addr},
+ {"address":addr, "account":"", "amount":0, "confirmations":0, "txids":[]})
+ '''
+ getreceivedbyaddress Test
+ '''
+ # Send from node 0 to 1
+ addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 0.1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ #Check balance is 0 because of 0 confirmations
+ balance = self.nodes[1].getreceivedbyaddress(addr)
+ if balance != Decimal("0.0"):
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong balance returned by getreceivedbyaddress, %0.2f"%(balance))
+ #Check balance is 0.1
+ balance = self.nodes[1].getreceivedbyaddress(addr,0)
+ if balance != Decimal("0.1"):
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong balance returned by getreceivedbyaddress, %0.2f"%(balance))
+ #Bury Tx under 10 block so it will be returned by the default getreceivedbyaddress
+ self.nodes[1].generate(10)
+ self.sync_all()
+ balance = self.nodes[1].getreceivedbyaddress(addr)
+ if balance != Decimal("0.1"):
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong balance returned by getreceivedbyaddress, %0.2f"%(balance))
+ '''
+ listreceivedbyaccount + getreceivedbyaccount Test
+ '''
+ #set pre-state
+ addrArr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ account = self.nodes[1].getaccount(addrArr)
+ received_by_account_json = get_sub_array_from_array(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaccount(),{"account":account})
+ if len(received_by_account_json) == 0:
+ raise AssertionError("No accounts found in node")
+ balance_by_account = rec_by_accountArr = self.nodes[1].getreceivedbyaccount(account)
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 0.1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ # listreceivedbyaccount should return received_by_account_json because of 0 confirmations
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaccount(),
+ {"account":account},
+ received_by_account_json)
+ # getreceivedbyaddress should return same balance because of 0 confirmations
+ balance = self.nodes[1].getreceivedbyaccount(account)
+ if balance != balance_by_account:
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong balance returned by getreceivedbyaccount, %0.2f"%(balance))
+ self.nodes[1].generate(10)
+ self.sync_all()
+ # listreceivedbyaccount should return updated account balance
+ check_array_result(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaccount(),
+ {"account":account},
+ {"account":received_by_account_json["account"], "amount":(received_by_account_json["amount"] + Decimal("0.1"))})
+ # getreceivedbyaddress should return updates balance
+ balance = self.nodes[1].getreceivedbyaccount(account)
+ if balance != balance_by_account + Decimal("0.1"):
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong balance returned by getreceivedbyaccount, %0.2f"%(balance))
+ #Create a new account named "mynewaccount" that has a 0 balance
+ self.nodes[1].getaccountaddress("mynewaccount")
+ received_by_account_json = get_sub_array_from_array(self.nodes[1].listreceivedbyaccount(0,True),{"account":"mynewaccount"})
+ if len(received_by_account_json) == 0:
+ raise AssertionError("No accounts found in node")
+ # Test includeempty of listreceivedbyaccount
+ if received_by_account_json["amount"] != Decimal("0.0"):
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong balance returned by listreceivedbyaccount, %0.2f"%(received_by_account_json["amount"]))
+ # Test getreceivedbyaccount for 0 amount accounts
+ balance = self.nodes[1].getreceivedbyaccount("mynewaccount")
+ if balance != Decimal("0.0"):
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong balance returned by getreceivedbyaccount, %0.2f"%(balance))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ReceivedByTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/reindex.py b/qa/rpc-tests/reindex.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fe767586bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/reindex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test -reindex with CheckBlockIndex
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+import os.path
+class ReindexTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 1)
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir))
+ def run_test(self):
+ self.nodes[0].generate(3)
+ stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ self.nodes[0]=start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-reindex", "-checkblockindex=1"])
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 3)
+ print "Success"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ReindexTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/rest.py b/qa/rpc-tests/rest.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9f0d049fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test REST interface
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+from struct import *
+import binascii
+import json
+import StringIO
+ import http.client as httplib
+except ImportError:
+ import httplib
+ import urllib.parse as urlparse
+except ImportError:
+ import urlparse
+def deser_uint256(f):
+ r = 0
+ for i in range(8):
+ t = unpack(b"<I", f.read(4))[0]
+ r += t << (i * 32)
+ return r
+#allows simple http get calls with a request body
+def http_get_call(host, port, path, requestdata = '', response_object = 0):
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
+ conn.request('GET', path, requestdata)
+ if response_object:
+ return conn.getresponse()
+ return conn.getresponse().read()
+class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 3)
+ def setup_network(self, split=False):
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2)
+ self.is_network_split=False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def run_test(self):
+ url = urlparse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url)
+ print "Mining blocks..."
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[2].generate(100)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), Decimal("0.1")) #balance now should be 0.1 on node 1
+ # load the latest 0.1 tx over the REST API
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+txid+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ vintx = json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'] # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
+ # get n of 0.1 outpoint
+ n = 0
+ for vout in json_obj['vout']:
+ if vout['value'] == 0.1:
+ n = vout['n']
+ ######################################
+ # GETUTXOS: query a unspent outpoint #
+ ######################################
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'}]}'
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request)
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ #check chainTip response
+ assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)
+ #make sure there is one utxo
+ assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
+ assert_equal(json_obj['utxos'][0]['value'], 0.1)
+ ################################################
+ # GETUTXOS: now query a already spent outpoint #
+ ################################################
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+vintx+'","n":0}]}'
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request)
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ #check chainTip response
+ assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)
+ #make sure there is no utox in the response because this oupoint has been spent
+ assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0)
+ #check bitmap
+ assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "0")
+ ##################################################
+ # GETUTXOS: now check both with the same request #
+ ##################################################
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'},{"txid":"'+vintx+'","n":0}]}'
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request)
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
+ assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "10")
+ #test binary response
+ bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
+ binaryRequest = b'\x01\x02'
+ binaryRequest += binascii.unhexlify(txid)
+ binaryRequest += pack("i", n);
+ binaryRequest += binascii.unhexlify(vintx);
+ binaryRequest += pack("i", 0);
+ bin_response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', binaryRequest)
+ output = StringIO.StringIO()
+ output.write(bin_response)
+ output.seek(0)
+ chainHeight = unpack("i", output.read(4))[0]
+ hashFromBinResponse = hex(deser_uint256(output))[2:].zfill(65).rstrip("L")
+ assert_equal(bb_hash, hashFromBinResponse) #check if getutxo's chaintip during calculation was fine
+ assert_equal(chainHeight, 102) #chain height must be 102
+ ############################
+ # GETUTXOS: mempool checks #
+ ############################
+ # do a tx and don't sync
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+txid+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ vintx = json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'] # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
+ # get n of 0.1 outpoint
+ n = 0
+ for vout in json_obj['vout']:
+ if vout['value'] == 0.1:
+ n = vout['n']
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool":false,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'}]}'
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request)
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0) #there should be a outpoint because it has just added to the mempool
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'}]}'
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request)
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) #there should be a outpoint because it has just added to the mempool
+ #do some invalid requests
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool'
+ response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request, True)
+ assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we send a invalid json request
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool'
+ response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', json_request, True)
+ assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we send a invalid bin request
+ #test limits
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":['
+ for x in range(0, 200):
+ json_request += '{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'},'
+ json_request = json_request.rstrip(",")
+ json_request+="]}";
+ response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request, True)
+ assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we exceeding the limits
+ json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":['
+ for x in range(0, 90):
+ json_request += '{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'},'
+ json_request = json_request.rstrip(",")
+ json_request+="]}";
+ response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request, True)
+ assert_equal(response.status, 200) #must be a 500 because we exceeding the limits
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1) #generate block to not affect upcomming tests
+ self.sync_all()
+ ################
+ # /rest/block/ #
+ ################
+ # check binary format
+ response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"bin", "", True)
+ assert_equal(response.status, 200)
+ assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 80)
+ response_str = response.read()
+ # compare with block header
+ response_header = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/headers/1/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"bin", "", True)
+ assert_equal(response_header.status, 200)
+ assert_equal(int(response_header.getheader('content-length')), 80)
+ response_header_str = response_header.read()
+ assert_equal(response_str[0:80], response_header_str)
+ # check block hex format
+ response_hex = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", "", True)
+ assert_equal(response_hex.status, 200)
+ assert_greater_than(int(response_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
+ response_hex_str = response_hex.read()
+ assert_equal(response_str.encode("hex")[0:160], response_hex_str[0:160])
+ # compare with hex block header
+ response_header_hex = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/headers/1/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", "", True)
+ assert_equal(response_header_hex.status, 200)
+ assert_greater_than(int(response_header_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
+ response_header_hex_str = response_header_hex.read()
+ assert_equal(response_hex_str[0:160], response_header_hex_str[0:160])
+ assert_equal(response_header_str.encode("hex")[0:160], response_header_hex_str[0:160])
+ # check json format
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ assert_equal(json_obj['hash'], bb_hash)
+ # do tx test
+ tx_hash = json_obj['tx'][0]['txid'];
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+tx_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ assert_equal(json_obj['txid'], tx_hash)
+ # check hex format response
+ hex_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+tx_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", "", True)
+ assert_equal(hex_string.status, 200)
+ assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 10)
+ # check block tx details
+ # let's make 3 tx and mine them on node 1
+ txs = []
+ txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))
+ txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))
+ txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))
+ self.sync_all()
+ # now mine the transactions
+ newblockhash = self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ #check if the 3 tx show up in the new block
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+newblockhash[0]+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ for tx in json_obj['tx']:
+ if not 'coinbase' in tx['vin'][0]: #exclude coinbase
+ assert_equal(tx['txid'] in txs, True)
+ #check the same but without tx details
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/notxdetails/'+newblockhash[0]+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ for tx in txs:
+ assert_equal(tx in json_obj['tx'], True)
+ #test rest bestblock
+ bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
+ json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/chaininfo.json')
+ json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
+ assert_equal(json_obj['bestblockhash'], bb_hash)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ RESTTest ().main ()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/rpcbind_test.py b/qa/rpc-tests/rpcbind_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..655e00b6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/rpcbind_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test for -rpcbind, as well as -rpcallowip and -rpcconnect
+# Add python-bitcoinrpc to module search path:
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "python-bitcoinrpc"))
+import json
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+from netutil import *
+def run_bind_test(tmpdir, allow_ips, connect_to, addresses, expected):
+ '''
+ Start a node with requested rpcallowip and rpcbind parameters,
+ then try to connect, and check if the set of bound addresses
+ matches the expected set.
+ '''
+ expected = [(addr_to_hex(addr), port) for (addr, port) in expected]
+ base_args = ['-disablewallet', '-nolisten']
+ if allow_ips:
+ base_args += ['-rpcallowip=' + x for x in allow_ips]
+ binds = ['-rpcbind='+addr for addr in addresses]
+ nodes = start_nodes(1, tmpdir, [base_args + binds], connect_to)
+ try:
+ pid = bitcoind_processes[0].pid
+ assert_equal(set(get_bind_addrs(pid)), set(expected))
+ finally:
+ stop_nodes(nodes)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+def run_allowip_test(tmpdir, allow_ips, rpchost, rpcport):
+ '''
+ Start a node with rpcwallow IP, and request getinfo
+ at a non-localhost IP.
+ '''
+ base_args = ['-disablewallet', '-nolisten'] + ['-rpcallowip='+x for x in allow_ips]
+ nodes = start_nodes(1, tmpdir, [base_args])
+ try:
+ # connect to node through non-loopback interface
+ url = "http://rt:rt@%s:%d" % (rpchost, rpcport,)
+ node = AuthServiceProxy(url)
+ node.getinfo()
+ finally:
+ node = None # make sure connection will be garbage collected and closed
+ stop_nodes(nodes)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+def run_test(tmpdir):
+ assert(sys.platform == 'linux2') # due to OS-specific network stats queries, this test works only on Linux
+ # find the first non-loopback interface for testing
+ non_loopback_ip = None
+ for name,ip in all_interfaces():
+ if ip != '':
+ non_loopback_ip = ip
+ break
+ if non_loopback_ip is None:
+ assert(not 'This test requires at least one non-loopback IPv4 interface')
+ print("Using interface %s for testing" % non_loopback_ip)
+ defaultport = rpc_port(0)
+ # check default without rpcallowip (IPv4 and IPv6 localhost)
+ run_bind_test(tmpdir, None, '', [],
+ [('', defaultport), ('::1', defaultport)])
+ # check default with rpcallowip (IPv6 any)
+ run_bind_test(tmpdir, [''], '', [],
+ [('::0', defaultport)])
+ # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit)
+ run_bind_test(tmpdir, [''], '', [''],
+ [('', defaultport)])
+ # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit) with alternative port
+ run_bind_test(tmpdir, [''], '', [''],
+ [('', 32171)])
+ # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit) with multiple alternative ports on same host
+ run_bind_test(tmpdir, [''], '', ['', ''],
+ [('', 32171), ('', 32172)])
+ # check only IPv6 localhost (explicit)
+ run_bind_test(tmpdir, ['[::1]'], '[::1]', ['[::1]'],
+ [('::1', defaultport)])
+ # check both IPv4 and IPv6 localhost (explicit)
+ run_bind_test(tmpdir, [''], '', ['', '[::1]'],
+ [('', defaultport), ('::1', defaultport)])
+ # check only non-loopback interface
+ run_bind_test(tmpdir, [non_loopback_ip], non_loopback_ip, [non_loopback_ip],
+ [(non_loopback_ip, defaultport)])
+ # Check that with invalid rpcallowip, we are denied
+ run_allowip_test(tmpdir, [non_loopback_ip], non_loopback_ip, defaultport)
+ try:
+ run_allowip_test(tmpdir, [''], non_loopback_ip, defaultport)
+ assert(not 'Connection not denied by rpcallowip as expected')
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def main():
+ import optparse
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]")
+ parser.add_option("--nocleanup", dest="nocleanup", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Leave bitcoinds and test.* datadir on exit or error")
+ parser.add_option("--srcdir", dest="srcdir", default="../../src",
+ help="Source directory containing bitcoind/bitcoin-cli (default: %default%)")
+ parser.add_option("--tmpdir", dest="tmpdir", default=tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="test"),
+ help="Root directory for datadirs")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ os.environ['PATH'] = options.srcdir+":"+os.environ['PATH']
+ check_json_precision()
+ success = False
+ nodes = []
+ try:
+ print("Initializing test directory "+options.tmpdir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(options.tmpdir):
+ os.makedirs(options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain(options.tmpdir)
+ run_test(options.tmpdir)
+ success = True
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ print("Assertion failed: "+e.message)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Unexpected exception caught during testing: "+str(e))
+ traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ if not options.nocleanup:
+ print("Cleaning up")
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ shutil.rmtree(options.tmpdir)
+ if success:
+ print("Tests successful")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print("Failed")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/script.py b/qa/rpc-tests/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03695b8635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+# script.py
+# This file is modified from python-bitcoinlib.
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+Functionality to build scripts, as well as SignatureHash().
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
+from mininode import CTransaction, CTxOut, hash256
+import sys
+bchr = chr
+bord = ord
+if sys.version > '3':
+ long = int
+ bchr = lambda x: bytes([x])
+ bord = lambda x: x
+import copy
+import struct
+import bignum
+_opcode_instances = []
+class CScriptOp(int):
+ """A single script opcode"""
+ __slots__ = []
+ @staticmethod
+ def encode_op_pushdata(d):
+ """Encode a PUSHDATA op, returning bytes"""
+ if len(d) < 0x4c:
+ return b'' + bchr(len(d)) + d # OP_PUSHDATA
+ elif len(d) <= 0xff:
+ return b'\x4c' + bchr(len(d)) + d # OP_PUSHDATA1
+ elif len(d) <= 0xffff:
+ return b'\x4d' + struct.pack(b'<H', len(d)) + d # OP_PUSHDATA2
+ elif len(d) <= 0xffffffff:
+ return b'\x4e' + struct.pack(b'<I', len(d)) + d # OP_PUSHDATA4
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Data too long to encode in a PUSHDATA op")
+ @staticmethod
+ def encode_op_n(n):
+ """Encode a small integer op, returning an opcode"""
+ if not (0 <= n <= 16):
+ raise ValueError('Integer must be in range 0 <= n <= 16, got %d' % n)
+ if n == 0:
+ return OP_0
+ else:
+ return CScriptOp(OP_1 + n-1)
+ def decode_op_n(self):
+ """Decode a small integer opcode, returning an integer"""
+ if self == OP_0:
+ return 0
+ if not (self == OP_0 or OP_1 <= self <= OP_16):
+ raise ValueError('op %r is not an OP_N' % self)
+ return int(self - OP_1+1)
+ def is_small_int(self):
+ """Return true if the op pushes a small integer to the stack"""
+ if 0x51 <= self <= 0x60 or self == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self in OPCODE_NAMES:
+ return OPCODE_NAMES[self]
+ else:
+ return 'CScriptOp(0x%x)' % self
+ def __new__(cls, n):
+ try:
+ return _opcode_instances[n]
+ except IndexError:
+ assert len(_opcode_instances) == n
+ _opcode_instances.append(super(CScriptOp, cls).__new__(cls, n))
+ return _opcode_instances[n]
+# Populate opcode instance table
+for n in range(0xff+1):
+ CScriptOp(n)
+# push value
+OP_0 = CScriptOp(0x00)
+OP_PUSHDATA1 = CScriptOp(0x4c)
+OP_PUSHDATA2 = CScriptOp(0x4d)
+OP_PUSHDATA4 = CScriptOp(0x4e)
+OP_1NEGATE = CScriptOp(0x4f)
+OP_RESERVED = CScriptOp(0x50)
+OP_1 = CScriptOp(0x51)
+OP_2 = CScriptOp(0x52)
+OP_3 = CScriptOp(0x53)
+OP_4 = CScriptOp(0x54)
+OP_5 = CScriptOp(0x55)
+OP_6 = CScriptOp(0x56)
+OP_7 = CScriptOp(0x57)
+OP_8 = CScriptOp(0x58)
+OP_9 = CScriptOp(0x59)
+OP_10 = CScriptOp(0x5a)
+OP_11 = CScriptOp(0x5b)
+OP_12 = CScriptOp(0x5c)
+OP_13 = CScriptOp(0x5d)
+OP_14 = CScriptOp(0x5e)
+OP_15 = CScriptOp(0x5f)
+OP_16 = CScriptOp(0x60)
+# control
+OP_NOP = CScriptOp(0x61)
+OP_VER = CScriptOp(0x62)
+OP_IF = CScriptOp(0x63)
+OP_NOTIF = CScriptOp(0x64)
+OP_VERIF = CScriptOp(0x65)
+OP_VERNOTIF = CScriptOp(0x66)
+OP_ELSE = CScriptOp(0x67)
+OP_ENDIF = CScriptOp(0x68)
+OP_VERIFY = CScriptOp(0x69)
+OP_RETURN = CScriptOp(0x6a)
+# stack ops
+OP_TOALTSTACK = CScriptOp(0x6b)
+OP_FROMALTSTACK = CScriptOp(0x6c)
+OP_2DROP = CScriptOp(0x6d)
+OP_2DUP = CScriptOp(0x6e)
+OP_3DUP = CScriptOp(0x6f)
+OP_2OVER = CScriptOp(0x70)
+OP_2ROT = CScriptOp(0x71)
+OP_2SWAP = CScriptOp(0x72)
+OP_IFDUP = CScriptOp(0x73)
+OP_DEPTH = CScriptOp(0x74)
+OP_DROP = CScriptOp(0x75)
+OP_DUP = CScriptOp(0x76)
+OP_NIP = CScriptOp(0x77)
+OP_OVER = CScriptOp(0x78)
+OP_PICK = CScriptOp(0x79)
+OP_ROLL = CScriptOp(0x7a)
+OP_ROT = CScriptOp(0x7b)
+OP_SWAP = CScriptOp(0x7c)
+OP_TUCK = CScriptOp(0x7d)
+# splice ops
+OP_CAT = CScriptOp(0x7e)
+OP_SUBSTR = CScriptOp(0x7f)
+OP_LEFT = CScriptOp(0x80)
+OP_RIGHT = CScriptOp(0x81)
+OP_SIZE = CScriptOp(0x82)
+# bit logic
+OP_INVERT = CScriptOp(0x83)
+OP_AND = CScriptOp(0x84)
+OP_OR = CScriptOp(0x85)
+OP_XOR = CScriptOp(0x86)
+OP_EQUAL = CScriptOp(0x87)
+OP_EQUALVERIFY = CScriptOp(0x88)
+OP_RESERVED1 = CScriptOp(0x89)
+OP_RESERVED2 = CScriptOp(0x8a)
+# numeric
+OP_1ADD = CScriptOp(0x8b)
+OP_1SUB = CScriptOp(0x8c)
+OP_2MUL = CScriptOp(0x8d)
+OP_2DIV = CScriptOp(0x8e)
+OP_NEGATE = CScriptOp(0x8f)
+OP_ABS = CScriptOp(0x90)
+OP_NOT = CScriptOp(0x91)
+OP_0NOTEQUAL = CScriptOp(0x92)
+OP_ADD = CScriptOp(0x93)
+OP_SUB = CScriptOp(0x94)
+OP_MUL = CScriptOp(0x95)
+OP_DIV = CScriptOp(0x96)
+OP_MOD = CScriptOp(0x97)
+OP_LSHIFT = CScriptOp(0x98)
+OP_RSHIFT = CScriptOp(0x99)
+OP_BOOLAND = CScriptOp(0x9a)
+OP_BOOLOR = CScriptOp(0x9b)
+OP_NUMEQUAL = CScriptOp(0x9c)
+OP_NUMNOTEQUAL = CScriptOp(0x9e)
+OP_LESSTHAN = CScriptOp(0x9f)
+OP_GREATERTHAN = CScriptOp(0xa0)
+OP_MIN = CScriptOp(0xa3)
+OP_MAX = CScriptOp(0xa4)
+OP_WITHIN = CScriptOp(0xa5)
+# crypto
+OP_RIPEMD160 = CScriptOp(0xa6)
+OP_SHA1 = CScriptOp(0xa7)
+OP_SHA256 = CScriptOp(0xa8)
+OP_HASH160 = CScriptOp(0xa9)
+OP_HASH256 = CScriptOp(0xaa)
+OP_CHECKSIG = CScriptOp(0xac)
+# expansion
+OP_NOP1 = CScriptOp(0xb0)
+OP_NOP2 = CScriptOp(0xb1)
+OP_NOP3 = CScriptOp(0xb2)
+OP_NOP4 = CScriptOp(0xb3)
+OP_NOP5 = CScriptOp(0xb4)
+OP_NOP6 = CScriptOp(0xb5)
+OP_NOP7 = CScriptOp(0xb6)
+OP_NOP8 = CScriptOp(0xb7)
+OP_NOP9 = CScriptOp(0xb8)
+OP_NOP10 = CScriptOp(0xb9)
+# template matching params
+OP_SMALLINTEGER = CScriptOp(0xfa)
+OP_PUBKEYS = CScriptOp(0xfb)
+OP_PUBKEYHASH = CScriptOp(0xfd)
+OP_PUBKEY = CScriptOp(0xfe)
+ OP_1,
+ OP_2,
+ OP_3,
+ OP_4,
+ OP_5,
+ OP_6,
+ OP_7,
+ OP_8,
+ OP_9,
+ OP_10,
+ OP_11,
+ OP_12,
+ OP_13,
+ OP_14,
+ OP_15,
+ OP_16,
+ OP_IF,
+ OP_2DUP,
+ OP_3DUP,
+ OP_2ROT,
+ OP_OR,
+ OP_1ADD,
+ OP_1SUB,
+ OP_2MUL,
+ OP_2DIV,
+ OP_SHA1,
+ OP_SHA256,
+ OP_HASH160,
+ OP_HASH256,
+ OP_NOP1,
+ OP_NOP2,
+ OP_NOP3,
+ OP_NOP4,
+ OP_NOP5,
+ OP_NOP6,
+ OP_NOP7,
+ OP_NOP8,
+ OP_NOP9,
+ OP_NOP10,
+ OP_0 : 'OP_0',
+ OP_1 : 'OP_1',
+ OP_2 : 'OP_2',
+ OP_3 : 'OP_3',
+ OP_4 : 'OP_4',
+ OP_5 : 'OP_5',
+ OP_6 : 'OP_6',
+ OP_7 : 'OP_7',
+ OP_8 : 'OP_8',
+ OP_9 : 'OP_9',
+ OP_10 : 'OP_10',
+ OP_11 : 'OP_11',
+ OP_12 : 'OP_12',
+ OP_13 : 'OP_13',
+ OP_14 : 'OP_14',
+ OP_15 : 'OP_15',
+ OP_16 : 'OP_16',
+ OP_NOP : 'OP_NOP',
+ OP_VER : 'OP_VER',
+ OP_IF : 'OP_IF',
+ OP_2DROP : 'OP_2DROP',
+ OP_2DUP : 'OP_2DUP',
+ OP_3DUP : 'OP_3DUP',
+ OP_2OVER : 'OP_2OVER',
+ OP_2ROT : 'OP_2ROT',
+ OP_2SWAP : 'OP_2SWAP',
+ OP_DUP : 'OP_DUP',
+ OP_NIP : 'OP_NIP',
+ OP_ROT : 'OP_ROT',
+ OP_CAT : 'OP_CAT',
+ OP_AND : 'OP_AND',
+ OP_OR : 'OP_OR',
+ OP_XOR : 'OP_XOR',
+ OP_1ADD : 'OP_1ADD',
+ OP_1SUB : 'OP_1SUB',
+ OP_2MUL : 'OP_2MUL',
+ OP_2DIV : 'OP_2DIV',
+ OP_ABS : 'OP_ABS',
+ OP_NOT : 'OP_NOT',
+ OP_ADD : 'OP_ADD',
+ OP_SUB : 'OP_SUB',
+ OP_MUL : 'OP_MUL',
+ OP_DIV : 'OP_DIV',
+ OP_MOD : 'OP_MOD',
+ OP_MIN : 'OP_MIN',
+ OP_MAX : 'OP_MAX',
+ OP_RIPEMD160 : 'OP_RIPEMD160',
+ OP_SHA1 : 'OP_SHA1',
+ OP_SHA256 : 'OP_SHA256',
+ OP_HASH160 : 'OP_HASH160',
+ OP_HASH256 : 'OP_HASH256',
+ OP_NOP1 : 'OP_NOP1',
+ OP_NOP2 : 'OP_NOP2',
+ OP_NOP3 : 'OP_NOP3',
+ OP_NOP4 : 'OP_NOP4',
+ OP_NOP5 : 'OP_NOP5',
+ OP_NOP6 : 'OP_NOP6',
+ OP_NOP7 : 'OP_NOP7',
+ OP_NOP8 : 'OP_NOP8',
+ OP_NOP9 : 'OP_NOP9',
+ OP_NOP10 : 'OP_NOP10',
+ 'OP_0' : OP_0,
+ 'OP_1' : OP_1,
+ 'OP_2' : OP_2,
+ 'OP_3' : OP_3,
+ 'OP_4' : OP_4,
+ 'OP_5' : OP_5,
+ 'OP_6' : OP_6,
+ 'OP_7' : OP_7,
+ 'OP_8' : OP_8,
+ 'OP_9' : OP_9,
+ 'OP_10' : OP_10,
+ 'OP_11' : OP_11,
+ 'OP_12' : OP_12,
+ 'OP_13' : OP_13,
+ 'OP_14' : OP_14,
+ 'OP_15' : OP_15,
+ 'OP_16' : OP_16,
+ 'OP_NOP' : OP_NOP,
+ 'OP_VER' : OP_VER,
+ 'OP_IF' : OP_IF,
+ 'OP_2DROP' : OP_2DROP,
+ 'OP_2DUP' : OP_2DUP,
+ 'OP_3DUP' : OP_3DUP,
+ 'OP_2OVER' : OP_2OVER,
+ 'OP_2ROT' : OP_2ROT,
+ 'OP_2SWAP' : OP_2SWAP,
+ 'OP_DUP' : OP_DUP,
+ 'OP_NIP' : OP_NIP,
+ 'OP_ROT' : OP_ROT,
+ 'OP_CAT' : OP_CAT,
+ 'OP_AND' : OP_AND,
+ 'OP_OR' : OP_OR,
+ 'OP_XOR' : OP_XOR,
+ 'OP_1ADD' : OP_1ADD,
+ 'OP_1SUB' : OP_1SUB,
+ 'OP_2MUL' : OP_2MUL,
+ 'OP_2DIV' : OP_2DIV,
+ 'OP_ABS' : OP_ABS,
+ 'OP_NOT' : OP_NOT,
+ 'OP_ADD' : OP_ADD,
+ 'OP_SUB' : OP_SUB,
+ 'OP_MUL' : OP_MUL,
+ 'OP_DIV' : OP_DIV,
+ 'OP_MOD' : OP_MOD,
+ 'OP_MIN' : OP_MIN,
+ 'OP_MAX' : OP_MAX,
+ 'OP_RIPEMD160' : OP_RIPEMD160,
+ 'OP_SHA1' : OP_SHA1,
+ 'OP_SHA256' : OP_SHA256,
+ 'OP_HASH160' : OP_HASH160,
+ 'OP_HASH256' : OP_HASH256,
+ 'OP_NOP1' : OP_NOP1,
+ 'OP_NOP2' : OP_NOP2,
+ 'OP_NOP3' : OP_NOP3,
+ 'OP_NOP4' : OP_NOP4,
+ 'OP_NOP5' : OP_NOP5,
+ 'OP_NOP6' : OP_NOP6,
+ 'OP_NOP7' : OP_NOP7,
+ 'OP_NOP8' : OP_NOP8,
+ 'OP_NOP9' : OP_NOP9,
+ 'OP_NOP10' : OP_NOP10,
+class CScriptInvalidError(Exception):
+ """Base class for CScript exceptions"""
+ pass
+class CScriptTruncatedPushDataError(CScriptInvalidError):
+ """Invalid pushdata due to truncation"""
+ def __init__(self, msg, data):
+ self.data = data
+ super(CScriptTruncatedPushDataError, self).__init__(msg)
+# This is used, eg, for blockchain heights in coinbase scripts (bip34)
+class CScriptNum(object):
+ def __init__(self, d=0):
+ self.value = d
+ @staticmethod
+ def encode(obj):
+ r = bytearray(0)
+ if obj.value == 0:
+ return bytes(r)
+ neg = obj.value < 0
+ absvalue = -obj.value if neg else obj.value
+ while (absvalue):
+ r.append(chr(absvalue & 0xff))
+ absvalue >>= 8
+ if r[-1] & 0x80:
+ r.append(0x80 if neg else 0)
+ elif neg:
+ r[-1] |= 0x80
+ return bytes(bchr(len(r)) + r)
+class CScript(bytes):
+ """Serialized script
+ A bytes subclass, so you can use this directly whenever bytes are accepted.
+ Note that this means that indexing does *not* work - you'll get an index by
+ byte rather than opcode. This format was chosen for efficiency so that the
+ general case would not require creating a lot of little CScriptOP objects.
+ iter(script) however does iterate by opcode.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def __coerce_instance(cls, other):
+ # Coerce other into bytes
+ if isinstance(other, CScriptOp):
+ other = bchr(other)
+ elif isinstance(other, CScriptNum):
+ if (other.value == 0):
+ other = bchr(CScriptOp(OP_0))
+ else:
+ other = CScriptNum.encode(other)
+ elif isinstance(other, (int, long)):
+ if 0 <= other <= 16:
+ other = bytes(bchr(CScriptOp.encode_op_n(other)))
+ elif other == -1:
+ other = bytes(bchr(OP_1NEGATE))
+ else:
+ other = CScriptOp.encode_op_pushdata(bignum.bn2vch(other))
+ elif isinstance(other, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ other = CScriptOp.encode_op_pushdata(other)
+ return other
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ # Do the coercion outside of the try block so that errors in it are
+ # noticed.
+ other = self.__coerce_instance(other)
+ try:
+ # bytes.__add__ always returns bytes instances unfortunately
+ return CScript(super(CScript, self).__add__(other))
+ except TypeError:
+ raise TypeError('Can not add a %r instance to a CScript' % other.__class__)
+ def join(self, iterable):
+ # join makes no sense for a CScript()
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __new__(cls, value=b''):
+ if isinstance(value, bytes) or isinstance(value, bytearray):
+ return super(CScript, cls).__new__(cls, value)
+ else:
+ def coerce_iterable(iterable):
+ for instance in iterable:
+ yield cls.__coerce_instance(instance)
+ # Annoyingly on both python2 and python3 bytes.join() always
+ # returns a bytes instance even when subclassed.
+ return super(CScript, cls).__new__(cls, b''.join(coerce_iterable(value)))
+ def raw_iter(self):
+ """Raw iteration
+ Yields tuples of (opcode, data, sop_idx) so that the different possible
+ PUSHDATA encodings can be accurately distinguished, as well as
+ determining the exact opcode byte indexes. (sop_idx)
+ """
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(self):
+ sop_idx = i
+ opcode = bord(self[i])
+ i += 1
+ if opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4:
+ yield (opcode, None, sop_idx)
+ else:
+ datasize = None
+ pushdata_type = None
+ if opcode < OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ pushdata_type = 'PUSHDATA(%d)' % opcode
+ datasize = opcode
+ elif opcode == OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ pushdata_type = 'PUSHDATA1'
+ if i >= len(self):
+ raise CScriptInvalidError('PUSHDATA1: missing data length')
+ datasize = bord(self[i])
+ i += 1
+ elif opcode == OP_PUSHDATA2:
+ pushdata_type = 'PUSHDATA2'
+ if i + 1 >= len(self):
+ raise CScriptInvalidError('PUSHDATA2: missing data length')
+ datasize = bord(self[i]) + (bord(self[i+1]) << 8)
+ i += 2
+ elif opcode == OP_PUSHDATA4:
+ pushdata_type = 'PUSHDATA4'
+ if i + 3 >= len(self):
+ raise CScriptInvalidError('PUSHDATA4: missing data length')
+ datasize = bord(self[i]) + (bord(self[i+1]) << 8) + (bord(self[i+2]) << 16) + (bord(self[i+3]) << 24)
+ i += 4
+ else:
+ assert False # shouldn't happen
+ data = bytes(self[i:i+datasize])
+ # Check for truncation
+ if len(data) < datasize:
+ raise CScriptTruncatedPushDataError('%s: truncated data' % pushdata_type, data)
+ i += datasize
+ yield (opcode, data, sop_idx)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """'Cooked' iteration
+ Returns either a CScriptOP instance, an integer, or bytes, as
+ appropriate.
+ See raw_iter() if you need to distinguish the different possible
+ PUSHDATA encodings.
+ """
+ for (opcode, data, sop_idx) in self.raw_iter():
+ if data is not None:
+ yield data
+ else:
+ opcode = CScriptOp(opcode)
+ if opcode.is_small_int():
+ yield opcode.decode_op_n()
+ else:
+ yield CScriptOp(opcode)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # For Python3 compatibility add b before strings so testcases don't
+ # need to change
+ def _repr(o):
+ if isinstance(o, bytes):
+ return "x('%s')" % binascii.hexlify(o).decode('utf8')
+ else:
+ return repr(o)
+ ops = []
+ i = iter(self)
+ while True:
+ op = None
+ try:
+ op = _repr(next(i))
+ except CScriptTruncatedPushDataError as err:
+ op = '%s...<ERROR: %s>' % (_repr(err.data), err)
+ break
+ except CScriptInvalidError as err:
+ op = '<ERROR: %s>' % err
+ break
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ finally:
+ if op is not None:
+ ops.append(op)
+ return "CScript([%s])" % ', '.join(ops)
+ def GetSigOpCount(self, fAccurate):
+ """Get the SigOp count.
+ fAccurate - Accurately count CHECKMULTISIG, see BIP16 for details.
+ Note that this is consensus-critical.
+ """
+ n = 0
+ for (opcode, data, sop_idx) in self.raw_iter():
+ n += 1
+ if fAccurate and (OP_1 <= lastOpcode <= OP_16):
+ n += opcode.decode_op_n()
+ else:
+ n += 20
+ lastOpcode = opcode
+ return n
+def FindAndDelete(script, sig):
+ """Consensus critical, see FindAndDelete() in Satoshi codebase"""
+ r = b''
+ last_sop_idx = sop_idx = 0
+ skip = True
+ for (opcode, data, sop_idx) in script.raw_iter():
+ if not skip:
+ r += script[last_sop_idx:sop_idx]
+ last_sop_idx = sop_idx
+ if script[sop_idx:sop_idx + len(sig)] == sig:
+ skip = True
+ else:
+ skip = False
+ if not skip:
+ r += script[last_sop_idx:]
+ return CScript(r)
+def SignatureHash(script, txTo, inIdx, hashtype):
+ """Consensus-correct SignatureHash
+ Returns (hash, err) to precisely match the consensus-critical behavior of
+ the SIGHASH_SINGLE bug. (inIdx is *not* checked for validity)
+ """
+ HASH_ONE = b'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+ if inIdx >= len(txTo.vin):
+ return (HASH_ONE, "inIdx %d out of range (%d)" % (inIdx, len(txTo.vin)))
+ txtmp = CTransaction(txTo)
+ for txin in txtmp.vin:
+ txin.scriptSig = b''
+ txtmp.vin[inIdx].scriptSig = FindAndDelete(script, CScript([OP_CODESEPARATOR]))
+ if (hashtype & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_NONE:
+ txtmp.vout = []
+ for i in range(len(txtmp.vin)):
+ if i != inIdx:
+ txtmp.vin[i].nSequence = 0
+ elif (hashtype & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_SINGLE:
+ outIdx = inIdx
+ if outIdx >= len(txtmp.vout):
+ return (HASH_ONE, "outIdx %d out of range (%d)" % (outIdx, len(txtmp.vout)))
+ tmp = txtmp.vout[outIdx]
+ txtmp.vout = []
+ for i in range(outIdx):
+ txtmp.vout.append(CTxOut())
+ txtmp.vout.append(tmp)
+ for i in range(len(txtmp.vin)):
+ if i != inIdx:
+ txtmp.vin[i].nSequence = 0
+ tmp = txtmp.vin[inIdx]
+ txtmp.vin = []
+ txtmp.vin.append(tmp)
+ s = txtmp.serialize()
+ s += struct.pack(b"<I", hashtype)
+ hash = hash256(s)
+ return (hash, None)
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/script_test.py b/qa/rpc-tests/script_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1ba3a478a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/script_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+Test notes:
+This test uses the script_valid and script_invalid tests from the unittest
+framework to do end-to-end testing where we compare that two nodes agree on
+whether blocks containing a given test script are valid.
+We generally ignore the script flags associated with each test (since we lack
+the precision to test each script using those flags in this framework), but
+for tests with SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, we can use a block time after the BIP16
+switchover date to try to test with that flag enabled (and for tests without
+that flag, we use a block time before the switchover date).
+NOTE: This test is very slow and may take more than 40 minutes to run.
+from test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework
+from util import *
+from comptool import TestInstance, TestManager
+from mininode import *
+from blocktools import *
+from script import *
+import logging
+import copy
+import json
+script_valid_file = "../../src/test/data/script_valid.json"
+script_invalid_file = "../../src/test/data/script_invalid.json"
+# Pass in a set of json files to open.
+class ScriptTestFile(object):
+ def __init__(self, files):
+ self.files = files
+ self.index = -1
+ self.data = []
+ def load_files(self):
+ for f in self.files:
+ self.data.extend(json.loads(open(f).read()))
+ # Skip over records that are not long enough to be tests
+ def get_records(self):
+ while (self.index < len(self.data)):
+ if len(self.data[self.index]) >= 3:
+ yield self.data[self.index]
+ self.index += 1
+# Helper for parsing the flags specified in the .json files
+flag_map = {
+def ParseScriptFlags(flag_string):
+ flags = 0
+ for x in flag_string.split(","):
+ if x in flag_map:
+ flags |= flag_map[x]
+ else:
+ print "Error: unrecognized script flag: ", x
+ return flags
+Given a string that is a scriptsig or scriptpubkey from the .json files above,
+convert it to a CScript()
+# Replicates behavior from core_read.cpp
+def ParseScript(json_script):
+ script = json_script.split(" ")
+ parsed_script = CScript()
+ for x in script:
+ if len(x) == 0:
+ # Empty string, ignore.
+ pass
+ elif x.isdigit() or (len(x) >= 1 and x[0] == "-" and x[1:].isdigit()):
+ # Number
+ n = int(x, 0)
+ if (n == -1) or (n >= 1 and n <= 16):
+ parsed_script = CScript(bytes(parsed_script) + bytes(CScript([n])))
+ else:
+ parsed_script += CScriptNum(int(x, 0))
+ elif x.startswith("0x"):
+ # Raw hex data, inserted NOT pushed onto stack:
+ for i in xrange(2, len(x), 2):
+ parsed_script = CScript(bytes(parsed_script) + bytes(chr(int(x[i:i+2],16))))
+ elif x.startswith("'") and x.endswith("'") and len(x) >= 2:
+ # Single-quoted string, pushed as data.
+ parsed_script += CScript([x[1:-1]])
+ else:
+ # opcode, e.g. OP_ADD or ADD:
+ tryopname = "OP_" + x
+ if tryopname in OPCODES_BY_NAME:
+ parsed_script += CScriptOp(OPCODES_BY_NAME["OP_" + x])
+ else:
+ print "ParseScript: error parsing '%s'" % x
+ return ""
+ return parsed_script
+class TestBuilder(object):
+ def create_credit_tx(self, scriptPubKey):
+ # self.tx1 is a coinbase transaction, modeled after the one created by script_tests.cpp
+ # This allows us to reuse signatures created in the unit test framework.
+ self.tx1 = create_coinbase() # this has a bip34 scriptsig,
+ self.tx1.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([0, 0]) # but this matches the unit tests
+ self.tx1.vout[0].nValue = 0
+ self.tx1.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey
+ self.tx1.rehash()
+ def create_spend_tx(self, scriptSig):
+ self.tx2 = create_transaction(self.tx1, 0, CScript(), 0)
+ self.tx2.vin[0].scriptSig = scriptSig
+ self.tx2.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript()
+ self.tx2.rehash()
+ def rehash(self):
+ self.tx1.rehash()
+ self.tx2.rehash()
+# This test uses the (default) two nodes provided by ComparisonTestFramework,
+# specified on the command line with --testbinary and --refbinary.
+# See comptool.py
+class ScriptTest(ComparisonTestFramework):
+ def run_test(self):
+ # Set up the comparison tool TestManager
+ test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir)
+ test.add_all_connections(self.nodes)
+ # Load scripts
+ self.scripts = ScriptTestFile([script_valid_file, script_invalid_file])
+ self.scripts.load_files()
+ # Some variables we re-use between test instances (to build blocks)
+ self.tip = None
+ self.block_time = None
+ NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread
+ test.run()
+ def generate_test_instance(self, pubkeystring, scriptsigstring):
+ scriptpubkey = ParseScript(pubkeystring)
+ scriptsig = ParseScript(scriptsigstring)
+ test = TestInstance(sync_every_block=False)
+ test_build = TestBuilder()
+ test_build.create_credit_tx(scriptpubkey)
+ test_build.create_spend_tx(scriptsig)
+ test_build.rehash()
+ block = create_block(self.tip, test_build.tx1, self.block_time)
+ self.block_time += 1
+ block.solve()
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ test.blocks_and_transactions = [[block, True]]
+ for i in xrange(100):
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(), self.block_time)
+ self.block_time += 1
+ block.solve()
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ test.blocks_and_transactions.append([block, True])
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(), self.block_time)
+ self.block_time += 1
+ block.vtx.append(test_build.tx2)
+ block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ test.blocks_and_transactions.append([block, None])
+ return test
+ # This generates the tests for TestManager.
+ def get_tests(self):
+ self.tip = int ("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() + "L", 0)
+ self.block_time = 1333230000 # before the BIP16 switchover
+ '''
+ Create a new block with an anyone-can-spend coinbase
+ '''
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(), self.block_time)
+ self.block_time += 1
+ block.solve()
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ yield TestInstance(objects=[[block, True]])
+ '''
+ Build out to 100 blocks total, maturing the coinbase.
+ '''
+ test = TestInstance(objects=[], sync_every_block=False, sync_every_tx=False)
+ for i in xrange(100):
+ b = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(), self.block_time)
+ b.solve()
+ test.blocks_and_transactions.append([b, True])
+ self.tip = b.sha256
+ self.block_time += 1
+ yield test
+ ''' Iterate through script tests. '''
+ counter = 0
+ for script_test in self.scripts.get_records():
+ ''' Reset the blockchain to genesis block + 100 blocks. '''
+ if self.nodes[0].getblockcount() > 101:
+ self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getblockhash(102))
+ self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(102))
+ self.tip = int ("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() + "L", 0)
+ [scriptsig, scriptpubkey, flags] = script_test[0:3]
+ flags = ParseScriptFlags(flags)
+ # We can use block time to determine whether the nodes should be
+ # enforcing BIP16.
+ #
+ # We intentionally let the block time grow by 1 each time.
+ # This forces the block hashes to differ between tests, so that
+ # a call to invalidateblock doesn't interfere with a later test.
+ if (flags & SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH):
+ self.block_time = 1333238400 + counter # Advance to enforcing BIP16
+ else:
+ self.block_time = 1333230000 + counter # Before the BIP16 switchover
+ print "Script test: [%s]" % script_test
+ yield self.generate_test_instance(scriptpubkey, scriptsig)
+ counter += 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ScriptTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/send.sh b/qa/rpc-tests/send.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2d54cc6ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/send.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "Usage:\t$0 <cmd>"
+ echo -e "\tRuns <cmd> and wait ${TIMEOUT} seconds or until SIG${SIGNAL} is received."
+ echo -e "\tReturns: 0 if SIG${SIGNAL} is received, 1 otherwise."
+ echo -e "Or:\t$0 -STOP"
+ echo -e "\tsends SIG${SIGNAL} to running send.sh"
+ exit 0
+if [ $1 = "-STOP" ]; then
+ if [ -s ${PIDFILE} ]; then
+ kill -s ${SIGNAL} $(<$PIDFILE 2>/dev/null) 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ exit 0
+trap '[[ ${PID} ]] && kill ${PID}' ${SIGNAL}
+trap 'rm -f ${PIDFILE}' EXIT
+echo $$ > ${PIDFILE}
+sleep ${TIMEOUT} & PID=$!
+wait ${PID} && exit 1
+exit 0
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/signrawtransactions.py b/qa/rpc-tests/signrawtransactions.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..943634bd19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/signrawtransactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+class SignRawTransactionsTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ """Tests transaction signing via RPC command "signrawtransaction"."""
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print('Initializing test directory ' + self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 1)
+ def setup_network(self, split=False):
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(1, self.options.tmpdir)
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ def successful_signing_test(self):
+ """Creates and signs a valid raw transaction with one input.
+ Expected results:
+ 1) The transaction has a complete set of signatures
+ 2) No script verification error occurred"""
+ privKeys = ['cUeKHd5orzT3mz8P9pxyREHfsWtVfgsfDjiZZBcjUBAaGk1BTj7N']
+ inputs = [
+ # Valid pay-to-pubkey script
+ {'txid': '9b907ef1e3c26fc71fe4a4b3580bc75264112f95050014157059c736f0202e71', 'vout': 0,
+ 'scriptPubKey': '76a91460baa0f494b38ce3c940dea67f3804dc52d1fb9488ac'}
+ ]
+ outputs = {'mpLQjfK79b7CCV4VMJWEWAj5Mpx8Up5zxB': 0.1}
+ rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ rawTxSigned = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(rawTx, inputs, privKeys)
+ # 1) The transaction has a complete set of signatures
+ assert 'complete' in rawTxSigned
+ assert_equal(rawTxSigned['complete'], True)
+ # 2) No script verification error occurred
+ assert 'errors' not in rawTxSigned
+ def script_verification_error_test(self):
+ """Creates and signs a raw transaction with valid (vin 0), invalid (vin 1) and one missing (vin 2) input script.
+ Expected results:
+ 3) The transaction has no complete set of signatures
+ 4) Two script verification errors occurred
+ 5) Script verification errors have certain properties ("txid", "vout", "scriptSig", "sequence", "error")
+ 6) The verification errors refer to the invalid (vin 1) and missing input (vin 2)"""
+ privKeys = ['cUeKHd5orzT3mz8P9pxyREHfsWtVfgsfDjiZZBcjUBAaGk1BTj7N']
+ inputs = [
+ # Valid pay-to-pubkey script
+ {'txid': '9b907ef1e3c26fc71fe4a4b3580bc75264112f95050014157059c736f0202e71', 'vout': 0},
+ # Invalid script
+ {'txid': '5b8673686910442c644b1f4993d8f7753c7c8fcb5c87ee40d56eaeef25204547', 'vout': 7},
+ # Missing scriptPubKey
+ {'txid': '9b907ef1e3c26fc71fe4a4b3580bc75264112f95050014157059c736f0202e71', 'vout': 1},
+ ]
+ scripts = [
+ # Valid pay-to-pubkey script
+ {'txid': '9b907ef1e3c26fc71fe4a4b3580bc75264112f95050014157059c736f0202e71', 'vout': 0,
+ 'scriptPubKey': '76a91460baa0f494b38ce3c940dea67f3804dc52d1fb9488ac'},
+ # Invalid script
+ {'txid': '5b8673686910442c644b1f4993d8f7753c7c8fcb5c87ee40d56eaeef25204547', 'vout': 7,
+ 'scriptPubKey': 'badbadbadbad'}
+ ]
+ outputs = {'mpLQjfK79b7CCV4VMJWEWAj5Mpx8Up5zxB': 0.1}
+ rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ rawTxSigned = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(rawTx, scripts, privKeys)
+ # 3) The transaction has no complete set of signatures
+ assert 'complete' in rawTxSigned
+ assert_equal(rawTxSigned['complete'], False)
+ # 4) Two script verification errors occurred
+ assert 'errors' in rawTxSigned
+ assert_equal(len(rawTxSigned['errors']), 2)
+ # 5) Script verification errors have certain properties
+ assert 'txid' in rawTxSigned['errors'][0]
+ assert 'vout' in rawTxSigned['errors'][0]
+ assert 'scriptSig' in rawTxSigned['errors'][0]
+ assert 'sequence' in rawTxSigned['errors'][0]
+ assert 'error' in rawTxSigned['errors'][0]
+ # 6) The verification errors refer to the invalid (vin 1) and missing input (vin 2)
+ assert_equal(rawTxSigned['errors'][0]['txid'], inputs[1]['txid'])
+ assert_equal(rawTxSigned['errors'][0]['vout'], inputs[1]['vout'])
+ assert_equal(rawTxSigned['errors'][1]['txid'], inputs[2]['txid'])
+ assert_equal(rawTxSigned['errors'][1]['vout'], inputs[2]['vout'])
+ def run_test(self):
+ self.successful_signing_test()
+ self.script_verification_error_test()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ SignRawTransactionsTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py b/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..69f3c22c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test fee estimation code
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+# Construct 2 trivial P2SH's and the ScriptSigs that spend them
+# So we can create many many transactions without needing to spend
+# time signing.
+P2SH_1 = "2MySexEGVzZpRgNQ1JdjdP5bRETznm3roQ2" # P2SH of "OP_1 OP_DROP"
+P2SH_2 = "2NBdpwq8Aoo1EEKEXPNrKvr5xQr3M9UfcZA" # P2SH of "OP_2 OP_DROP"
+# Associated ScriptSig's to spend satisfy P2SH_1 and P2SH_2
+# 4 bytes of OP_TRUE and push 2-byte redeem script of "OP_1 OP_DROP" or "OP_2 OP_DROP"
+SCRIPT_SIG = ["0451025175", "0451025275"]
+def satoshi_round(amount):
+ return Decimal(amount).quantize(Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
+def small_txpuzzle_randfee(from_node, conflist, unconflist, amount, min_fee, fee_increment):
+ '''
+ Create and send a transaction with a random fee.
+ The transaction pays to a trival P2SH script, and assumes that its inputs
+ are of the same form.
+ The function takes a list of confirmed outputs and unconfirmed outputs
+ and attempts to use the confirmed list first for its inputs.
+ It adds the newly created outputs to the unconfirmed list.
+ Returns (raw transaction, fee)
+ '''
+ # It's best to exponentially distribute our random fees
+ # because the buckets are exponentially spaced.
+ # Exponentially distributed from 1-128 * fee_increment
+ rand_fee = float(fee_increment)*(1.1892**random.randint(0,28))
+ # Total fee ranges from min_fee to min_fee + 127*fee_increment
+ fee = min_fee - fee_increment + satoshi_round(rand_fee)
+ inputs = []
+ total_in = Decimal("0.00000000")
+ while total_in <= (amount + fee) and len(conflist) > 0:
+ t = conflist.pop(0)
+ total_in += t["amount"]
+ inputs.append({ "txid" : t["txid"], "vout" : t["vout"]} )
+ if total_in <= amount + fee:
+ while total_in <= (amount + fee) and len(unconflist) > 0:
+ t = unconflist.pop(0)
+ total_in += t["amount"]
+ inputs.append({ "txid" : t["txid"], "vout" : t["vout"]} )
+ if total_in <= amount + fee:
+ raise RuntimeError("Insufficient funds: need %d, have %d"%(amount+fee, total_in))
+ outputs = {}
+ outputs[P2SH_1] = total_in - amount - fee
+ outputs[P2SH_2] = amount
+ rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ # Createrawtransaction constructions a transaction that is ready to be signed
+ # These transactions don't need to be signed, but we still have to insert the ScriptSig
+ # that will satisfy the ScriptPubKey.
+ completetx = rawtx[0:10]
+ inputnum = 0
+ for inp in inputs:
+ completetx += rawtx[10+82*inputnum:82+82*inputnum]
+ completetx += SCRIPT_SIG[inp["vout"]]
+ completetx += rawtx[84+82*inputnum:92+82*inputnum]
+ inputnum += 1
+ completetx += rawtx[10+82*inputnum:]
+ txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(completetx, True)
+ unconflist.append({ "txid" : txid, "vout" : 0 , "amount" : total_in - amount - fee})
+ unconflist.append({ "txid" : txid, "vout" : 1 , "amount" : amount})
+ return (completetx, fee)
+def split_inputs(from_node, txins, txouts, initial_split = False):
+ '''
+ We need to generate a lot of very small inputs so we can generate a ton of transactions
+ and they will have low priority.
+ This function takes an input from txins, and creates and sends a transaction
+ which splits the value into 2 outputs which are appended to txouts.
+ '''
+ prevtxout = txins.pop()
+ inputs = []
+ outputs = {}
+ inputs.append({ "txid" : prevtxout["txid"], "vout" : prevtxout["vout"] })
+ half_change = satoshi_round(prevtxout["amount"]/2)
+ rem_change = prevtxout["amount"] - half_change - Decimal("0.00001000")
+ outputs[P2SH_1] = half_change
+ outputs[P2SH_2] = rem_change
+ rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ # If this is the initial split we actually need to sign the transaction
+ # Otherwise we just need to insert the property ScriptSig
+ if (initial_split) :
+ completetx = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx)["hex"]
+ else :
+ completetx = rawtx[0:82] + SCRIPT_SIG[prevtxout["vout"]] + rawtx[84:]
+ txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(completetx, True)
+ txouts.append({ "txid" : txid, "vout" : 0 , "amount" : half_change})
+ txouts.append({ "txid" : txid, "vout" : 1 , "amount" : rem_change})
+def check_estimates(node, fees_seen, max_invalid, print_estimates = True):
+ '''
+ This function calls estimatefee and verifies that the estimates
+ meet certain invariants.
+ '''
+ all_estimates = [ node.estimatefee(i) for i in range(1,26) ]
+ if print_estimates:
+ print([str(all_estimates[e-1]) for e in [1,2,3,6,15,25]])
+ delta = 1.0e-6 # account for rounding error
+ last_e = max(fees_seen)
+ for e in filter(lambda x: x >= 0, all_estimates):
+ # Estimates should be within the bounds of what transactions fees actually were:
+ if float(e)+delta < min(fees_seen) or float(e)-delta > max(fees_seen):
+ raise AssertionError("Estimated fee (%f) out of range (%f,%f)"
+ %(float(e), min(fees_seen), max(fees_seen)))
+ # Estimates should be monotonically decreasing
+ if float(e)-delta > last_e:
+ raise AssertionError("Estimated fee (%f) larger than last fee (%f) for lower number of confirms"
+ %(float(e),float(last_e)))
+ last_e = e
+ valid_estimate = False
+ invalid_estimates = 0
+ for e in all_estimates:
+ if e >= 0:
+ valid_estimate = True
+ else:
+ invalid_estimates += 1
+ # Once we're at a high enough confirmation count that we can give an estimate
+ # We should have estimates for all higher confirmation counts
+ if valid_estimate and e < 0:
+ raise AssertionError("Invalid estimate appears at higher confirm count than valid estimate")
+ # Check on the expected number of different confirmation counts
+ # that we might not have valid estimates for
+ if invalid_estimates > max_invalid:
+ raise AssertionError("More than (%d) invalid estimates"%(max_invalid))
+ return all_estimates
+class EstimateFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_network(self):
+ '''
+ We'll setup the network to have 3 nodes that all mine with different parameters.
+ But first we need to use one node to create a lot of small low priority outputs
+ which we will use to generate our transactions.
+ '''
+ self.nodes = []
+ # Use node0 to mine blocks for input splitting
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxorphantx=1000",
+ "-relaypriority=0", "-whitelist="]))
+ print("This test is time consuming, please be patient")
+ print("Splitting inputs to small size so we can generate low priority tx's")
+ self.txouts = []
+ self.txouts2 = []
+ # Split a coinbase into two transaction puzzle outputs
+ split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[0].listunspent(0), self.txouts, True)
+ # Mine
+ while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0):
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ # Repeatedly split those 2 outputs, doubling twice for each rep
+ # Use txouts to monitor the available utxo, since these won't be tracked in wallet
+ reps = 0
+ while (reps < 5):
+ #Double txouts to txouts2
+ while (len(self.txouts)>0):
+ split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.txouts, self.txouts2)
+ while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0):
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ #Double txouts2 to txouts
+ while (len(self.txouts2)>0):
+ split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.txouts2, self.txouts)
+ while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0):
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ reps += 1
+ print("Finished splitting")
+ # Now we can connect the other nodes, didn't want to connect them earlier
+ # so the estimates would not be affected by the splitting transactions
+ # Node1 mines small blocks but that are bigger than the expected transaction rate,
+ # and allows free transactions.
+ # NOTE: the CreateNewBlock code starts counting block size at 1,000 bytes,
+ # (17k is room enough for 110 or so transactions)
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir,
+ ["-blockprioritysize=1500", "-blockmaxsize=18000",
+ "-maxorphantx=1000", "-relaypriority=0", "-debug=estimatefee"]))
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0)
+ # Node2 is a stingy miner, that
+ # produces too small blocks (room for only 70 or so transactions)
+ node2args = ["-blockprioritysize=0", "-blockmaxsize=12000", "-maxorphantx=1000", "-relaypriority=0"]
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, node2args))
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 2)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 1)
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def transact_and_mine(self, numblocks, mining_node):
+ min_fee = Decimal("0.00001")
+ # We will now mine numblocks blocks generating on average 100 transactions between each block
+ # We shuffle our confirmed txout set before each set of transactions
+ # small_txpuzzle_randfee will use the transactions that have inputs already in the chain when possible
+ # resorting to tx's that depend on the mempool when those run out
+ for i in range(numblocks):
+ random.shuffle(self.confutxo)
+ for j in range(random.randrange(100-50,100+50)):
+ from_index = random.randint(1,2)
+ (txhex, fee) = small_txpuzzle_randfee(self.nodes[from_index], self.confutxo,
+ self.memutxo, Decimal("0.005"), min_fee, min_fee)
+ tx_kbytes = (len(txhex)/2)/1000.0
+ self.fees_per_kb.append(float(fee)/tx_kbytes)
+ sync_mempools(self.nodes[0:3],.1)
+ mined = mining_node.getblock(mining_node.generate(1)[0],True)["tx"]
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3],.1)
+ #update which txouts are confirmed
+ newmem = []
+ for utx in self.memutxo:
+ if utx["txid"] in mined:
+ self.confutxo.append(utx)
+ else:
+ newmem.append(utx)
+ self.memutxo = newmem
+ def run_test(self):
+ self.fees_per_kb = []
+ self.memutxo = []
+ self.confutxo = self.txouts # Start with the set of confirmed txouts after splitting
+ print("Checking estimates for 1/2/3/6/15/25 blocks")
+ print("Creating transactions and mining them with a huge block size")
+ # Create transactions and mine 20 big blocks with node 0 such that the mempool is always emptied
+ self.transact_and_mine(30, self.nodes[0])
+ check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 1)
+ print("Creating transactions and mining them with a block size that can't keep up")
+ # Create transactions and mine 30 small blocks with node 2, but create txs faster than we can mine
+ self.transact_and_mine(20, self.nodes[2])
+ check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 3)
+ print("Creating transactions and mining them at a block size that is just big enough")
+ # Generate transactions while mining 40 more blocks, this time with node1
+ # which mines blocks with capacity just above the rate that transactions are being created
+ self.transact_and_mine(40, self.nodes[1])
+ check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 2)
+ # Finish by mining a normal-sized block:
+ while len(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool()) > 0:
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3],.1)
+ print("Final estimates after emptying mempools")
+ check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ EstimateFeeTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/socks5.py b/qa/rpc-tests/socks5.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dbfb98d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/socks5.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+Dummy Socks5 server for testing.
+from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals
+import socket, threading, Queue
+import traceback, sys
+### Protocol constants
+class Command:
+ CONNECT = 0x01
+class AddressType:
+ IPV4 = 0x01
+ IPV6 = 0x04
+### Utility functions
+def recvall(s, n):
+ '''Receive n bytes from a socket, or fail'''
+ rv = bytearray()
+ while n > 0:
+ d = s.recv(n)
+ if not d:
+ raise IOError('Unexpected end of stream')
+ rv.extend(d)
+ n -= len(d)
+ return rv
+### Implementation classes
+class Socks5Configuration(object):
+ '''Proxy configuration'''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.addr = None # Bind address (must be set)
+ self.af = socket.AF_INET # Bind address family
+ self.unauth = False # Support unauthenticated
+ self.auth = False # Support authentication
+class Socks5Command(object):
+ '''Information about an incoming socks5 command'''
+ def __init__(self, cmd, atyp, addr, port, username, password):
+ self.cmd = cmd # Command (one of Command.*)
+ self.atyp = atyp # Address type (one of AddressType.*)
+ self.addr = addr # Address
+ self.port = port # Port to connect to
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Socks5Command(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' % (self.cmd, self.atyp, self.addr, self.port, self.username, self.password)
+class Socks5Connection(object):
+ def __init__(self, serv, conn, peer):
+ self.serv = serv
+ self.conn = conn
+ self.peer = peer
+ def handle(self):
+ '''
+ Handle socks5 request according to RFC1928
+ '''
+ try:
+ # Verify socks version
+ ver = recvall(self.conn, 1)[0]
+ if ver != 0x05:
+ raise IOError('Invalid socks version %i' % ver)
+ # Choose authentication method
+ nmethods = recvall(self.conn, 1)[0]
+ methods = bytearray(recvall(self.conn, nmethods))
+ method = None
+ if 0x02 in methods and self.serv.conf.auth:
+ method = 0x02 # username/password
+ elif 0x00 in methods and self.serv.conf.unauth:
+ method = 0x00 # unauthenticated
+ if method is None:
+ raise IOError('No supported authentication method was offered')
+ # Send response
+ self.conn.sendall(bytearray([0x05, method]))
+ # Read authentication (optional)
+ username = None
+ password = None
+ if method == 0x02:
+ ver = recvall(self.conn, 1)[0]
+ if ver != 0x01:
+ raise IOError('Invalid auth packet version %i' % ver)
+ ulen = recvall(self.conn, 1)[0]
+ username = str(recvall(self.conn, ulen))
+ plen = recvall(self.conn, 1)[0]
+ password = str(recvall(self.conn, plen))
+ # Send authentication response
+ self.conn.sendall(bytearray([0x01, 0x00]))
+ # Read connect request
+ (ver,cmd,rsv,atyp) = recvall(self.conn, 4)
+ if ver != 0x05:
+ raise IOError('Invalid socks version %i in connect request' % ver)
+ if cmd != Command.CONNECT:
+ raise IOError('Unhandled command %i in connect request' % cmd)
+ if atyp == AddressType.IPV4:
+ addr = recvall(self.conn, 4)
+ elif atyp == AddressType.DOMAINNAME:
+ n = recvall(self.conn, 1)[0]
+ addr = str(recvall(self.conn, n))
+ elif atyp == AddressType.IPV6:
+ addr = recvall(self.conn, 16)
+ else:
+ raise IOError('Unknown address type %i' % atyp)
+ port_hi,port_lo = recvall(self.conn, 2)
+ port = (port_hi << 8) | port_lo
+ # Send dummy response
+ self.conn.sendall(bytearray([0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]))
+ cmdin = Socks5Command(cmd, atyp, addr, port, username, password)
+ self.serv.queue.put(cmdin)
+ print('Proxy: ', cmdin)
+ # Fall through to disconnect
+ except Exception,e:
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+ self.serv.queue.put(e)
+ finally:
+ self.conn.close()
+class Socks5Server(object):
+ def __init__(self, conf):
+ self.conf = conf
+ self.s = socket.socket(conf.af)
+ self.s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ self.s.bind(conf.addr)
+ self.s.listen(5)
+ self.running = False
+ self.thread = None
+ self.queue = Queue.Queue() # report connections and exceptions to client
+ def run(self):
+ while self.running:
+ (sockconn, peer) = self.s.accept()
+ if self.running:
+ conn = Socks5Connection(self, sockconn, peer)
+ thread = threading.Thread(None, conn.handle)
+ thread.daemon = True
+ thread.start()
+ def start(self):
+ assert(not self.running)
+ self.running = True
+ self.thread = threading.Thread(None, self.run)
+ self.thread.daemon = True
+ self.thread.start()
+ def stop(self):
+ self.running = False
+ # connect to self to end run loop
+ s = socket.socket(self.conf.af)
+ s.connect(self.conf.addr)
+ s.close()
+ self.thread.join()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework.py b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..15a357a340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework.py
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Base class for RPC testing
+# Add python-bitcoinrpc to module search path:
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "python-bitcoinrpc"))
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+class BitcoinTestFramework(object):
+ # These may be over-ridden by subclasses:
+ def run_test(self):
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ assert_equal(node.getblockcount(), 200)
+ assert_equal(node.getbalance(), 25*50)
+ def add_options(self, parser):
+ pass
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain(self.options.tmpdir)
+ def setup_nodes(self):
+ return start_nodes(4, self.options.tmpdir)
+ def setup_network(self, split = False):
+ self.nodes = self.setup_nodes()
+ # Connect the nodes as a "chain". This allows us
+ # to split the network between nodes 1 and 2 to get
+ # two halves that can work on competing chains.
+ # If we joined network halves, connect the nodes from the joint
+ # on outward. This ensures that chains are properly reorganised.
+ if not split:
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[1:3])
+ sync_mempools(self.nodes[1:3])
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 2, 3)
+ self.is_network_split = split
+ self.sync_all()
+ def split_network(self):
+ """
+ Split the network of four nodes into nodes 0/1 and 2/3.
+ """
+ assert not self.is_network_split
+ stop_nodes(self.nodes)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ self.setup_network(True)
+ def sync_all(self):
+ if self.is_network_split:
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[:2])
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[2:])
+ sync_mempools(self.nodes[:2])
+ sync_mempools(self.nodes[2:])
+ else:
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ sync_mempools(self.nodes)
+ def join_network(self):
+ """
+ Join the (previously split) network halves together.
+ """
+ assert self.is_network_split
+ stop_nodes(self.nodes)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ self.setup_network(False)
+ def main(self):
+ import optparse
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]")
+ parser.add_option("--nocleanup", dest="nocleanup", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Leave bitcoinds and test.* datadir on exit or error")
+ parser.add_option("--noshutdown", dest="noshutdown", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Don't stop bitcoinds after the test execution")
+ parser.add_option("--srcdir", dest="srcdir", default="../../src",
+ help="Source directory containing bitcoind/bitcoin-cli (default: %default)")
+ parser.add_option("--tmpdir", dest="tmpdir", default=tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="test"),
+ help="Root directory for datadirs")
+ parser.add_option("--tracerpc", dest="trace_rpc", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Print out all RPC calls as they are made")
+ self.add_options(parser)
+ (self.options, self.args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if self.options.trace_rpc:
+ import logging
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ os.environ['PATH'] = self.options.srcdir+":"+os.environ['PATH']
+ check_json_precision()
+ success = False
+ try:
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.options.tmpdir):
+ os.makedirs(self.options.tmpdir)
+ self.setup_chain()
+ self.setup_network()
+ self.run_test()
+ success = True
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ print("JSONRPC error: "+e.error['message'])
+ traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ print("Assertion failed: "+e.message)
+ traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Unexpected exception caught during testing: "+str(e))
+ traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ if not self.options.noshutdown:
+ print("Stopping nodes")
+ stop_nodes(self.nodes)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ else:
+ print("Note: bitcoinds were not stopped and may still be running")
+ if not self.options.nocleanup and not self.options.noshutdown:
+ print("Cleaning up")
+ shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir)
+ if success:
+ print("Tests successful")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print("Failed")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Test framework for doing p2p comparison testing, which sets up some bitcoind
+# binaries:
+# 1 binary: test binary
+# 2 binaries: 1 test binary, 1 ref binary
+# n>2 binaries: 1 test binary, n-1 ref binaries
+class ComparisonTestFramework(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ # Can override the num_nodes variable to indicate how many nodes to run.
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.num_nodes = 2
+ def add_options(self, parser):
+ parser.add_option("--testbinary", dest="testbinary",
+ default=os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"),
+ help="bitcoind binary to test")
+ parser.add_option("--refbinary", dest="refbinary",
+ default=os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"),
+ help="bitcoind binary to use for reference nodes (if any)")
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print "Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, self.num_nodes)
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir,
+ extra_args=[['-debug', '-whitelist=']] * self.num_nodes,
+ binary=[self.options.testbinary] +
+ [self.options.refbinary]*(self.num_nodes-1))
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/txn_doublespend.py b/qa/rpc-tests/txn_doublespend.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fe9168944b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/txn_doublespend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test proper accounting with malleable transactions
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from decimal import Decimal
+from util import *
+import os
+import shutil
+class TxnMallTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def add_options(self, parser):
+ parser.add_option("--mineblock", dest="mine_block", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Test double-spend of 1-confirmed transaction")
+ def setup_network(self):
+ # Start with split network:
+ return super(TxnMallTest, self).setup_network(True)
+ def run_test(self):
+ # All nodes should start with 1,250 BTC:
+ starting_balance = 1250
+ for i in range(4):
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[i].getbalance(), starting_balance)
+ self.nodes[i].getnewaddress("") # bug workaround, coins generated assigned to first getnewaddress!
+ # Assign coins to foo and bar accounts:
+ self.nodes[0].move("", "foo", 1220)
+ self.nodes[0].move("", "bar", 30)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(""), 0)
+ # Coins are sent to node1_address
+ node1_address = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress("from0")
+ # First: use raw transaction API to send 1210 BTC to node1_address,
+ # but don't broadcast:
+ (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(self.nodes[0], 1210)
+ change_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress("foo")
+ outputs = {}
+ outputs[change_address] = 40
+ outputs[node1_address] = 1210
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ doublespend = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ assert_equal(doublespend["complete"], True)
+ # Create two transaction from node[0] to node[1]; the
+ # second must spend change from the first because the first
+ # spends all mature inputs:
+ txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendfrom("foo", node1_address, 1210, 0)
+ txid2 = self.nodes[0].sendfrom("bar", node1_address, 20, 0)
+ # Have node0 mine a block:
+ if (self.options.mine_block):
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:2])
+ tx1 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid1)
+ tx2 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid2)
+ # Node0's balance should be starting balance, plus 50BTC for another
+ # matured block, minus 1210, minus 20, and minus transaction fees:
+ expected = starting_balance
+ if self.options.mine_block: expected += 50
+ expected += tx1["amount"] + tx1["fee"]
+ expected += tx2["amount"] + tx2["fee"]
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), expected)
+ # foo and bar accounts should be debited:
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance("foo"), 1220+tx1["amount"]+tx1["fee"])
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance("bar"), 30+tx2["amount"]+tx2["fee"])
+ if self.options.mine_block:
+ assert_equal(tx1["confirmations"], 1)
+ assert_equal(tx2["confirmations"], 1)
+ # Node1's "from0" balance should be both transaction amounts:
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance("from0"), -(tx1["amount"]+tx2["amount"]))
+ else:
+ assert_equal(tx1["confirmations"], 0)
+ assert_equal(tx2["confirmations"], 0)
+ # Now give doublespend to miner:
+ mutated_txid = self.nodes[2].sendrawtransaction(doublespend["hex"])
+ # ... mine a block...
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ # Reconnect the split network, and sync chain:
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 2)
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1) # Mine another block to make sure we sync
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ # Re-fetch transaction info:
+ tx1 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid1)
+ tx2 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid2)
+ # Both transactions should be conflicted
+ assert_equal(tx1["confirmations"], -1)
+ assert_equal(tx2["confirmations"], -1)
+ # Node0's total balance should be starting balance, plus 100BTC for
+ # two more matured blocks, minus 1210 for the double-spend:
+ expected = starting_balance + 100 - 1210
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), expected)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance("*"), expected)
+ # foo account should be debited, but bar account should not:
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance("foo"), 1220-1210)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance("bar"), 30)
+ # Node1's "from" account balance should be just the mutated send:
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance("from0"), 1210)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ TxnMallTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/util.py b/qa/rpc-tests/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..997bbcc373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Helpful routines for regression testing
+# Add python-bitcoinrpc to module search path:
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "python-bitcoinrpc"))
+from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_DOWN
+import json
+import random
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import time
+import re
+from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
+from util import *
+def p2p_port(n):
+ return 11000 + n + os.getpid()%999
+def rpc_port(n):
+ return 12000 + n + os.getpid()%999
+def check_json_precision():
+ """Make sure json library being used does not lose precision converting BTC values"""
+ n = Decimal("20000000.00000003")
+ satoshis = int(json.loads(json.dumps(float(n)))*1.0e8)
+ if satoshis != 2000000000000003:
+ raise RuntimeError("JSON encode/decode loses precision")
+def sync_blocks(rpc_connections, wait=1):
+ """
+ Wait until everybody has the same block count
+ """
+ while True:
+ counts = [ x.getblockcount() for x in rpc_connections ]
+ if counts == [ counts[0] ]*len(counts):
+ break
+ time.sleep(wait)
+def sync_mempools(rpc_connections, wait=1):
+ """
+ Wait until everybody has the same transactions in their memory
+ pools
+ """
+ while True:
+ pool = set(rpc_connections[0].getrawmempool())
+ num_match = 1
+ for i in range(1, len(rpc_connections)):
+ if set(rpc_connections[i].getrawmempool()) == pool:
+ num_match = num_match+1
+ if num_match == len(rpc_connections):
+ break
+ time.sleep(wait)
+bitcoind_processes = {}
+def initialize_datadir(dirname, n):
+ datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node"+str(n))
+ if not os.path.isdir(datadir):
+ os.makedirs(datadir)
+ with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'w') as f:
+ f.write("regtest=1\n");
+ f.write("rpcuser=rt\n");
+ f.write("rpcpassword=rt\n");
+ f.write("port="+str(p2p_port(n))+"\n");
+ f.write("rpcport="+str(rpc_port(n))+"\n");
+ return datadir
+def initialize_chain(test_dir):
+ """
+ Create (or copy from cache) a 200-block-long chain and
+ 4 wallets.
+ bitcoind and bitcoin-cli must be in search path.
+ """
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join("cache", "node0")):
+ devnull = open("/dev/null", "w+")
+ # Create cache directories, run bitcoinds:
+ for i in range(4):
+ datadir=initialize_datadir("cache", i)
+ args = [ os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"), "-keypool=1", "-datadir="+datadir, "-discover=0" ]
+ if i > 0:
+ args.append("-connect="+str(p2p_port(0)))
+ bitcoind_processes[i] = subprocess.Popen(args)
+ if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""):
+ print "initialize_chain: bitcoind started, calling bitcoin-cli -rpcwait getblockcount"
+ subprocess.check_call([ os.getenv("BITCOINCLI", "bitcoin-cli"), "-datadir="+datadir,
+ "-rpcwait", "getblockcount"], stdout=devnull)
+ if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""):
+ print "initialize_chain: bitcoin-cli -rpcwait getblockcount completed"
+ devnull.close()
+ rpcs = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ try:
+ url = "http://rt:rt@"%(rpc_port(i),)
+ rpcs.append(AuthServiceProxy(url))
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("Error connecting to "+url+"\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Create a 200-block-long chain; each of the 4 nodes
+ # gets 25 mature blocks and 25 immature.
+ # blocks are created with timestamps 10 minutes apart, starting
+ # at 1 Jan 2014
+ block_time = 1388534400
+ for i in range(2):
+ for peer in range(4):
+ for j in range(25):
+ set_node_times(rpcs, block_time)
+ rpcs[peer].generate(1)
+ block_time += 10*60
+ # Must sync before next peer starts generating blocks
+ sync_blocks(rpcs)
+ # Shut them down, and clean up cache directories:
+ stop_nodes(rpcs)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ for i in range(4):
+ os.remove(log_filename("cache", i, "debug.log"))
+ os.remove(log_filename("cache", i, "db.log"))
+ os.remove(log_filename("cache", i, "peers.dat"))
+ os.remove(log_filename("cache", i, "fee_estimates.dat"))
+ for i in range(4):
+ from_dir = os.path.join("cache", "node"+str(i))
+ to_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "node"+str(i))
+ shutil.copytree(from_dir, to_dir)
+ initialize_datadir(test_dir, i) # Overwrite port/rpcport in bitcoin.conf
+def initialize_chain_clean(test_dir, num_nodes):
+ """
+ Create an empty blockchain and num_nodes wallets.
+ Useful if a test case wants complete control over initialization.
+ """
+ for i in range(num_nodes):
+ datadir=initialize_datadir(test_dir, i)
+def _rpchost_to_args(rpchost):
+ '''Convert optional IP:port spec to rpcconnect/rpcport args'''
+ if rpchost is None:
+ return []
+ match = re.match('(\[[0-9a-fA-f:]+\]|[^:]+)(?::([0-9]+))?$', rpchost)
+ if not match:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid RPC host spec ' + rpchost)
+ rpcconnect = match.group(1)
+ rpcport = match.group(2)
+ if rpcconnect.startswith('['): # remove IPv6 [...] wrapping
+ rpcconnect = rpcconnect[1:-1]
+ rv = ['-rpcconnect=' + rpcconnect]
+ if rpcport:
+ rv += ['-rpcport=' + rpcport]
+ return rv
+def start_node(i, dirname, extra_args=None, rpchost=None, timewait=None, binary=None):
+ """
+ Start a bitcoind and return RPC connection to it
+ """
+ datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node"+str(i))
+ if binary is None:
+ binary = os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind")
+ args = [ binary, "-datadir="+datadir, "-keypool=1", "-discover=0", "-rest" ]
+ if extra_args is not None: args.extend(extra_args)
+ bitcoind_processes[i] = subprocess.Popen(args)
+ devnull = open("/dev/null", "w+")
+ if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""):
+ print "start_node: bitcoind started, calling bitcoin-cli -rpcwait getblockcount"
+ subprocess.check_call([ os.getenv("BITCOINCLI", "bitcoin-cli"), "-datadir="+datadir] +
+ _rpchost_to_args(rpchost) +
+ ["-rpcwait", "getblockcount"], stdout=devnull)
+ if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""):
+ print "start_node: calling bitcoin-cli -rpcwait getblockcount returned"
+ devnull.close()
+ url = "http://rt:rt@%s:%d" % (rpchost or '', rpc_port(i))
+ if timewait is not None:
+ proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url, timeout=timewait)
+ else:
+ proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url)
+ proxy.url = url # store URL on proxy for info
+ return proxy
+def start_nodes(num_nodes, dirname, extra_args=None, rpchost=None, binary=None):
+ """
+ Start multiple bitcoinds, return RPC connections to them
+ """
+ if extra_args is None: extra_args = [ None for i in range(num_nodes) ]
+ if binary is None: binary = [ None for i in range(num_nodes) ]
+ return [ start_node(i, dirname, extra_args[i], rpchost, binary=binary[i]) for i in range(num_nodes) ]
+def log_filename(dirname, n_node, logname):
+ return os.path.join(dirname, "node"+str(n_node), "regtest", logname)
+def stop_node(node, i):
+ node.stop()
+ bitcoind_processes[i].wait()
+ del bitcoind_processes[i]
+def stop_nodes(nodes):
+ for node in nodes:
+ node.stop()
+ del nodes[:] # Emptying array closes connections as a side effect
+def set_node_times(nodes, t):
+ for node in nodes:
+ node.setmocktime(t)
+def wait_bitcoinds():
+ # Wait for all bitcoinds to cleanly exit
+ for bitcoind in bitcoind_processes.values():
+ bitcoind.wait()
+ bitcoind_processes.clear()
+def connect_nodes(from_connection, node_num):
+ ip_port = ""+str(p2p_port(node_num))
+ from_connection.addnode(ip_port, "onetry")
+ # poll until version handshake complete to avoid race conditions
+ # with transaction relaying
+ while any(peer['version'] == 0 for peer in from_connection.getpeerinfo()):
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+def connect_nodes_bi(nodes, a, b):
+ connect_nodes(nodes[a], b)
+ connect_nodes(nodes[b], a)
+def find_output(node, txid, amount):
+ """
+ Return index to output of txid with value amount
+ Raises exception if there is none.
+ """
+ txdata = node.getrawtransaction(txid, 1)
+ for i in range(len(txdata["vout"])):
+ if txdata["vout"][i]["value"] == amount:
+ return i
+ raise RuntimeError("find_output txid %s : %s not found"%(txid,str(amount)))
+def gather_inputs(from_node, amount_needed, confirmations_required=1):
+ """
+ Return a random set of unspent txouts that are enough to pay amount_needed
+ """
+ assert(confirmations_required >=0)
+ utxo = from_node.listunspent(confirmations_required)
+ random.shuffle(utxo)
+ inputs = []
+ total_in = Decimal("0.00000000")
+ while total_in < amount_needed and len(utxo) > 0:
+ t = utxo.pop()
+ total_in += t["amount"]
+ inputs.append({ "txid" : t["txid"], "vout" : t["vout"], "address" : t["address"] } )
+ if total_in < amount_needed:
+ raise RuntimeError("Insufficient funds: need %d, have %d"%(amount_needed, total_in))
+ return (total_in, inputs)
+def make_change(from_node, amount_in, amount_out, fee):
+ """
+ Create change output(s), return them
+ """
+ outputs = {}
+ amount = amount_out+fee
+ change = amount_in - amount
+ if change > amount*2:
+ # Create an extra change output to break up big inputs
+ change_address = from_node.getnewaddress()
+ # Split change in two, being careful of rounding:
+ outputs[change_address] = Decimal(change/2).quantize(Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
+ change = amount_in - amount - outputs[change_address]
+ if change > 0:
+ outputs[from_node.getnewaddress()] = change
+ return outputs
+def send_zeropri_transaction(from_node, to_node, amount, fee):
+ """
+ Create&broadcast a zero-priority transaction.
+ Returns (txid, hex-encoded-txdata)
+ Ensures transaction is zero-priority by first creating a send-to-self,
+ then using its output
+ """
+ # Create a send-to-self with confirmed inputs:
+ self_address = from_node.getnewaddress()
+ (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount+fee*2)
+ outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount+fee, fee)
+ outputs[self_address] = float(amount+fee)
+ self_rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ self_signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(self_rawtx)
+ self_txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(self_signresult["hex"], True)
+ vout = find_output(from_node, self_txid, amount+fee)
+ # Now immediately spend the output to create a 1-input, 1-output
+ # zero-priority transaction:
+ inputs = [ { "txid" : self_txid, "vout" : vout } ]
+ outputs = { to_node.getnewaddress() : float(amount) }
+ rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True)
+ return (txid, signresult["hex"])
+def random_zeropri_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants):
+ """
+ Create a random zero-priority transaction.
+ Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee)
+ """
+ from_node = random.choice(nodes)
+ to_node = random.choice(nodes)
+ fee = min_fee + fee_increment*random.randint(0,fee_variants)
+ (txid, txhex) = send_zeropri_transaction(from_node, to_node, amount, fee)
+ return (txid, txhex, fee)
+def random_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants):
+ """
+ Create a random transaction.
+ Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee)
+ """
+ from_node = random.choice(nodes)
+ to_node = random.choice(nodes)
+ fee = min_fee + fee_increment*random.randint(0,fee_variants)
+ (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount+fee)
+ outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount, fee)
+ outputs[to_node.getnewaddress()] = float(amount)
+ rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True)
+ return (txid, signresult["hex"], fee)
+def assert_equal(thing1, thing2):
+ if thing1 != thing2:
+ raise AssertionError("%s != %s"%(str(thing1),str(thing2)))
+def assert_greater_than(thing1, thing2):
+ if thing1 <= thing2:
+ raise AssertionError("%s <= %s"%(str(thing1),str(thing2)))
+def assert_raises(exc, fun, *args, **kwds):
+ try:
+ fun(*args, **kwds)
+ except exc:
+ pass
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise AssertionError("Unexpected exception raised: "+type(e).__name__)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("No exception raised")
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/util.sh b/qa/rpc-tests/util.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2b7004308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/util.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Functions used by more than one test
+function echoerr {
+ echo "$@" 1>&2;
+# Usage: ExtractKey <key> "<json_object_string>"
+# Warning: this will only work for the very-well-behaved
+# JSON produced by bitcoind, do NOT use it to try to
+# parse arbitrary/nested/etc JSON.
+function ExtractKey {
+ echo $2 | tr -d ' "{}\n' | awk -v RS=',' -F: "\$1 ~ /$1/ { print \$2}"
+function CreateDataDir {
+ DIR=$1
+ mkdir -p $DIR
+ CONF=$DIR/bitcoin.conf
+ echo "regtest=1" >> $CONF
+ echo "keypool=2" >> $CONF
+ echo "rpcuser=rt" >> $CONF
+ echo "rpcpassword=rt" >> $CONF
+ echo "rpcwait=1" >> $CONF
+ echo "walletnotify=${SENDANDWAIT} -STOP" >> $CONF
+ shift
+ while (( "$#" )); do
+ echo $1 >> $CONF
+ shift
+ done
+function AssertEqual {
+ if (( $( echo "$1 == $2" | bc ) == 0 ))
+ then
+ echoerr "AssertEqual: $1 != $2"
+ declare -f CleanUp > /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ CleanUp
+ fi
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# CheckBalance -datadir=... amount account minconf
+function CheckBalance {
+ declare -i EXPECT="$2"
+ B=$( $CLI $1 getbalance $3 $4 )
+ if (( $( echo "$B == $EXPECT" | bc ) == 0 ))
+ then
+ echoerr "bad balance: $B (expected $2)"
+ declare -f CleanUp > /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ CleanUp
+ fi
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Use: Address <datadir> [account]
+function Address {
+ $CLI $1 getnewaddress $2
+# Send from to amount
+function Send {
+ from=$1
+ to=$2
+ amount=$3
+ address=$(Address $to)
+ txid=$( ${SENDANDWAIT} $CLI $from sendtoaddress $address $amount )
+# Use: Unspent <datadir> <n'th-last-unspent> <var>
+function Unspent {
+ local r=$( $CLI $1 listunspent | awk -F'[ |:,"]+' "\$2 ~ /$3/ { print \$3 }" | tail -n $2 | head -n 1)
+ echo $r
+# Use: CreateTxn1 <datadir> <n'th-last-unspent> <destaddress>
+# produces hex from signrawtransaction
+function CreateTxn1 {
+ TXID=$(Unspent $1 $2 txid)
+ AMOUNT=$(Unspent $1 $2 amount)
+ VOUT=$(Unspent $1 $2 vout)
+ RAWTXN=$( $CLI $1 createrawtransaction "[{\"txid\":\"$TXID\",\"vout\":$VOUT}]" "{\"$3\":$AMOUNT}")
+ ExtractKey hex "$( $CLI $1 signrawtransaction $RAWTXN )"
+# Use: SendRawTxn <datadir> <hex_txn_data>
+function SendRawTxn {
+ ${SENDANDWAIT} $CLI $1 sendrawtransaction $2
+# Use: GetBlocks <datadir>
+# returns number of blocks from getinfo
+function GetBlocks {
+ $CLI $1 getblockcount
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.py b/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b8965b3662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Exercise the wallet. Ported from wallet.sh.
+# Does the following:
+# a) creates 3 nodes, with an empty chain (no blocks).
+# b) node0 mines a block
+# c) node1 mines 101 blocks, so now nodes 0 and 1 have 50btc, node2 has none.
+# d) node0 sends 21 btc to node2, in two transactions (11 btc, then 10 btc).
+# e) node0 mines a block, collects the fee on the second transaction
+# f) node1 mines 100 blocks, to mature node0's just-mined block
+# g) check that node0 has 100-21, node2 has 21
+# h) node0 should now have 2 unspent outputs; send these to node2 via raw tx broadcast by node1
+# i) have node1 mine a block
+# j) check balances - node0 should have 0, node2 should have 100
+# k) test ResendWalletTransactions - create transactions, startup fourth node, make sure it syncs
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+class WalletTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 4)
+ def setup_network(self, split=False):
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2)
+ self.is_network_split=False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def run_test (self):
+ print "Mining blocks..."
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ walletinfo = self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo()
+ assert_equal(walletinfo['immature_balance'], 50)
+ assert_equal(walletinfo['balance'], 0)
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[1].generate(101)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 50)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 0)
+ # Send 21 BTC from 0 to 2 using sendtoaddress call.
+ # Second transaction will be child of first, and will require a fee
+ self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11)
+ self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 10)
+ walletinfo = self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo()
+ assert_equal(walletinfo['immature_balance'], 0)
+ # Have node0 mine a block, thus it will collect its own fee.
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ # Have node1 generate 100 blocks (so node0 can recover the fee)
+ self.nodes[1].generate(100)
+ self.sync_all()
+ # node0 should end up with 100 btc in block rewards plus fees, but
+ # minus the 21 plus fees sent to node2
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 100-21)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 21)
+ # Node0 should have two unspent outputs.
+ # Create a couple of transactions to send them to node2, submit them through
+ # node1, and make sure both node0 and node2 pick them up properly:
+ node0utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent(1)
+ assert_equal(len(node0utxos), 2)
+ # create both transactions
+ txns_to_send = []
+ for utxo in node0utxos:
+ inputs = []
+ outputs = {}
+ inputs.append({ "txid" : utxo["txid"], "vout" : utxo["vout"]})
+ outputs[self.nodes[2].getnewaddress("from1")] = utxo["amount"]
+ raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ txns_to_send.append(self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(raw_tx))
+ # Have node 1 (miner) send the transactions
+ self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txns_to_send[0]["hex"], True)
+ self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txns_to_send[1]["hex"], True)
+ # Have node1 mine a block to confirm transactions:
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 0)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 100)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance("from1"), 100-21)
+ # Send 10 BTC normal
+ address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress("test")
+ self.nodes[2].settxfee(Decimal('0.001'))
+ txid = self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(address, 10, "", "", False)
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), Decimal('89.99900000'))
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), Decimal('10.00000000'))
+ # Send 10 BTC with subtract fee from amount
+ txid = self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(address, 10, "", "", True)
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), Decimal('79.99900000'))
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), Decimal('19.99900000'))
+ # Sendmany 10 BTC
+ txid = self.nodes[2].sendmany('from1', {address: 10}, 0, "", [])
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), Decimal('69.99800000'))
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), Decimal('29.99900000'))
+ # Sendmany 10 BTC with subtract fee from amount
+ txid = self.nodes[2].sendmany('from1', {address: 10}, 0, "", [address])
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), Decimal('59.99800000'))
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), Decimal('39.99800000'))
+ # Test ResendWalletTransactions:
+ # Create a couple of transactions, then start up a fourth
+ # node (nodes[3]) and ask nodes[0] to rebroadcast.
+ # EXPECT: nodes[3] should have those transactions in its mempool.
+ txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 1)
+ txid2 = self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 1)
+ sync_mempools(self.nodes)
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(3, self.options.tmpdir))
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 3)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ relayed = self.nodes[0].resendwallettransactions()
+ assert_equal(set(relayed), set([txid1, txid2]))
+ sync_mempools(self.nodes)
+ assert(txid1 in self.nodes[3].getrawmempool())
+ #check if we can list zero value tx as available coins
+ #1. create rawtx
+ #2. hex-changed one output to 0.0
+ #3. sign and send
+ #4. check if recipient (node0) can list the zero value tx
+ usp = self.nodes[1].listunspent()
+ inputs = [{"txid":usp[0]['txid'], "vout":usp[0]['vout']}]
+ outputs = {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 49.998, self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 11.11}
+ rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs).replace("c0833842", "00000000") #replace 11.11 with 0.0 (int32)
+ decRawTx = self.nodes[1].decoderawtransaction(rawTx)
+ signedRawTx = self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction(rawTx)
+ decRawTx = self.nodes[1].decoderawtransaction(signedRawTx['hex'])
+ zeroValueTxid= decRawTx['txid']
+ sendResp = self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(signedRawTx['hex'])
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1) #mine a block
+ self.sync_all()
+ unspentTxs = self.nodes[0].listunspent() #zero value tx must be in listunspents output
+ found = False
+ for uTx in unspentTxs:
+ if uTx['txid'] == zeroValueTxid:
+ found = True
+ assert_equal(uTx['amount'], Decimal('0.00000000'));
+ assert(found)
+ #do some -walletbroadcast tests
+ stop_nodes(self.nodes)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir, [["-walletbroadcast=0"],["-walletbroadcast=0"],["-walletbroadcast=0"]])
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2)
+ self.sync_all()
+ txIdNotBroadcasted = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 2);
+ txObjNotBroadcasted = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txIdNotBroadcasted)
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1) #mine a block, tx should not be in there
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), Decimal('59.99800000')); #should not be changed because tx was not broadcasted
+ #now broadcast from another node, mine a block, sync, and check the balance
+ self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txObjNotBroadcasted['hex'])
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ txObjNotBroadcasted = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txIdNotBroadcasted)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), Decimal('61.99800000')); #should not be
+ #create another tx
+ txIdNotBroadcasted = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 2);
+ #restart the nodes with -walletbroadcast=1
+ stop_nodes(self.nodes)
+ wait_bitcoinds()
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ #tx should be added to balance because after restarting the nodes tx should be broadcastet
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), Decimal('63.99800000')); #should not be
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ WalletTest ().main ()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/walletbackup.py b/qa/rpc-tests/walletbackup.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b9fc862234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/walletbackup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+Exercise the wallet backup code. Ported from walletbackup.sh.
+Test case is:
+4 nodes. 1 2 and 3 send transactions between each other,
+fourth node is a miner.
+1 2 3 each mine a block to start, then
+Miner creates 100 blocks so 1 2 3 each have 50 mature
+coins to spend.
+Then 5 iterations of 1/2/3 sending coins amongst
+themselves to get transactions in the wallets,
+and the miner mining one block.
+Wallets are backed up using dumpwallet/backupwallet.
+Then 5 more iterations of transactions and mining a block.
+Miner then generates 101 more blocks, so any
+transaction fees paid mature.
+Sanity check:
+ Sum(1,2,3,4 balances) == 114*50
+1/2/3 are shutdown, and their wallets erased.
+Then restore using wallet.dat backup. And
+confirm 1/2/3/4 balances are same as before.
+Shutdown again, restore using importwallet,
+and confirm again balances are correct.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+from random import randint
+import logging
+logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
+class WalletBackupTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ logging.info("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 4)
+ # This mirrors how the network was setup in the bash test
+ def setup_network(self, split=False):
+ # nodes 1, 2,3 are spenders, let's give them a keypool=100
+ extra_args = [["-keypool=100"], ["-keypool=100"], ["-keypool=100"], []]
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(4, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 3)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 3)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 3)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0)
+ self.is_network_split=False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def one_send(self, from_node, to_address):
+ if (randint(1,2) == 1):
+ amount = Decimal(randint(1,10)) / Decimal(10)
+ self.nodes[from_node].sendtoaddress(to_address, amount)
+ def do_one_round(self):
+ a0 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ a1 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ a2 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
+ self.one_send(0, a1)
+ self.one_send(0, a2)
+ self.one_send(1, a0)
+ self.one_send(1, a2)
+ self.one_send(2, a0)
+ self.one_send(2, a1)
+ # Have the miner (node3) mine a block.
+ # Must sync mempools before mining.
+ sync_mempools(self.nodes)
+ self.nodes[3].generate(1)
+ # As above, this mirrors the original bash test.
+ def start_three(self):
+ self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir)
+ self.nodes[1] = start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir)
+ self.nodes[2] = start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 3)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 3)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 3)
+ connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0)
+ def stop_three(self):
+ stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0)
+ stop_node(self.nodes[1], 1)
+ stop_node(self.nodes[2], 2)
+ def erase_three(self):
+ os.remove(self.options.tmpdir + "/node0/regtest/wallet.dat")
+ os.remove(self.options.tmpdir + "/node1/regtest/wallet.dat")
+ os.remove(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/wallet.dat")
+ def run_test(self):
+ logging.info("Generating initial blockchain")
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ self.nodes[1].generate(1)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ self.nodes[2].generate(1)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ self.nodes[3].generate(100)
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 50)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 50)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[3].getbalance(), 0)
+ logging.info("Creating transactions")
+ # Five rounds of sending each other transactions.
+ for i in range(5):
+ self.do_one_round()
+ logging.info("Backing up")
+ tmpdir = self.options.tmpdir
+ self.nodes[0].backupwallet(tmpdir + "/node0/wallet.bak")
+ self.nodes[0].dumpwallet(tmpdir + "/node0/wallet.dump")
+ self.nodes[1].backupwallet(tmpdir + "/node1/wallet.bak")
+ self.nodes[1].dumpwallet(tmpdir + "/node1/wallet.dump")
+ self.nodes[2].backupwallet(tmpdir + "/node2/wallet.bak")
+ self.nodes[2].dumpwallet(tmpdir + "/node2/wallet.dump")
+ logging.info("More transactions")
+ for i in range(5):
+ self.do_one_round()
+ # Generate 101 more blocks, so any fees paid mature
+ self.nodes[3].generate(101)
+ self.sync_all()
+ balance0 = self.nodes[0].getbalance()
+ balance1 = self.nodes[1].getbalance()
+ balance2 = self.nodes[2].getbalance()
+ balance3 = self.nodes[3].getbalance()
+ total = balance0 + balance1 + balance2 + balance3
+ # At this point, there are 214 blocks (103 for setup, then 10 rounds, then 101.)
+ # 114 are mature, so the sum of all wallets should be 114 * 50 = 5700.
+ assert_equal(total, 5700)
+ ##
+ # Test restoring spender wallets from backups
+ ##
+ logging.info("Restoring using wallet.dat")
+ self.stop_three()
+ self.erase_three()
+ # Start node2 with no chain
+ shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/blocks")
+ shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/chainstate")
+ # Restore wallets from backup
+ shutil.copyfile(tmpdir + "/node0/wallet.bak", tmpdir + "/node0/regtest/wallet.dat")
+ shutil.copyfile(tmpdir + "/node1/wallet.bak", tmpdir + "/node1/regtest/wallet.dat")
+ shutil.copyfile(tmpdir + "/node2/wallet.bak", tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/wallet.dat")
+ logging.info("Re-starting nodes")
+ self.start_three()
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), balance0)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), balance1)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), balance2)
+ logging.info("Restoring using dumped wallet")
+ self.stop_three()
+ self.erase_three()
+ #start node2 with no chain
+ shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/blocks")
+ shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/chainstate")
+ self.start_three()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 0)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 0)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 0)
+ self.nodes[0].importwallet(tmpdir + "/node0/wallet.dump")
+ self.nodes[1].importwallet(tmpdir + "/node1/wallet.dump")
+ self.nodes[2].importwallet(tmpdir + "/node2/wallet.dump")
+ sync_blocks(self.nodes)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), balance0)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), balance1)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), balance2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ WalletBackupTest().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/zapwallettxes.py b/qa/rpc-tests/zapwallettxes.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..045614e94c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/zapwallettxes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from util import *
+class ZapWalletTXesTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_chain(self):
+ print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir)
+ initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 3)
+ def setup_network(self, split=False):
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2)
+ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2)
+ self.is_network_split=False
+ self.sync_all()
+ def run_test (self):
+ print "Mining blocks..."
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[1].generate(101)
+ self.sync_all()
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)
+ txid0 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11)
+ txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 10)
+ self.sync_all()
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_all()
+ txid2 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11)
+ txid3 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 10)
+ tx0 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid0)
+ assert_equal(tx0['txid'], txid0) #tx0 must be available (confirmed)
+ tx1 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid1)
+ assert_equal(tx1['txid'], txid1) #tx1 must be available (confirmed)
+ tx2 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid2)
+ assert_equal(tx2['txid'], txid2) #tx2 must be available (unconfirmed)
+ tx3 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid3)
+ assert_equal(tx3['txid'], txid3) #tx3 must be available (unconfirmed)
+ #restart bitcoind
+ self.nodes[0].stop()
+ bitcoind_processes[0].wait()
+ self.nodes[0] = start_node(0,self.options.tmpdir)
+ tx3 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid3)
+ assert_equal(tx3['txid'], txid3) #tx must be available (unconfirmed)
+ self.nodes[0].stop()
+ bitcoind_processes[0].wait()
+ #restart bitcoind with zapwallettxes
+ self.nodes[0] = start_node(0,self.options.tmpdir, ["-zapwallettxes=1"])
+ aException = False
+ try:
+ tx3 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid3)
+ except JSONRPCException,e:
+ print e
+ aException = True
+ assert_equal(aException, True) #there must be a expection because the unconfirmed wallettx0 must be gone by now
+ tx0 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid0)
+ assert_equal(tx0['txid'], txid0) #tx0 (confirmed) must still be available because it was confirmed
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ZapWalletTXesTest ().main ()