path: root/qa/pull-tester/pull-tester.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qa/pull-tester/pull-tester.py')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/pull-tester/pull-tester.py b/qa/pull-tester/pull-tester.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..34dd74c7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/pull-tester/pull-tester.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+import json
+from urllib import urlopen
+import requests
+import getpass
+from string import Template
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+class RunError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.value)
+def run(command, **kwargs):
+ fail_hard = kwargs.pop("fail_hard", True)
+ # output to /dev/null by default:
+ kwargs.setdefault("stdout", open('/dev/null', 'w'))
+ kwargs.setdefault("stderr", open('/dev/null', 'w'))
+ command = Template(command).substitute(os.environ)
+ if "TRACE" in os.environ:
+ if 'cwd' in kwargs:
+ print("[cwd=%s] %s"%(kwargs['cwd'], command))
+ else: print(command)
+ try:
+ process = subprocess.Popen(command.split(' '), **kwargs)
+ process.wait()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ process.terminate()
+ raise
+ if process.returncode != 0 and fail_hard:
+ raise RunError("Failed: "+command)
+ return process.returncode
+def checkout_pull(clone_url, commit, out):
+ # Init
+ build_dir=os.environ["BUILD_DIR"]
+ run("umount ${CHROOT_COPY}/proc", fail_hard=False)
+ run("rsync --delete -apv ${CHROOT_MASTER}/ ${CHROOT_COPY}")
+ run("rm -rf ${CHROOT_COPY}${SCRIPTS_DIR}")
+ # Merge onto upstream/master
+ run("rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}")
+ run("mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}")
+ run("git clone ${CLONE_URL} ${BUILD_DIR}")
+ run("git remote add pull "+clone_url, cwd=build_dir, stdout=out, stderr=out)
+ run("git fetch pull", cwd=build_dir, stdout=out, stderr=out)
+ if run("git merge "+ commit, fail_hard=False, cwd=build_dir, stdout=out, stderr=out) != 0:
+ return False
+ run("chown -R ${BUILD_USER}:${BUILD_GROUP} ${BUILD_DIR}", stdout=out, stderr=out)
+ run("mount --bind /proc ${CHROOT_COPY}/proc")
+ return True
+def commentOn(commentUrl, success, inMerge, needTests, linkUrl):
+ common_message = """
+This test script verifies pulls every time they are updated. It, however, dies sometimes and fails to test properly. If you are waiting on a test, please check timestamps to verify that the test.log is moving at http://jenkins.bluematt.me/pull-tester/current/
+Contact BlueMatt on freenode if something looks broken."""
+ # Remove old BitcoinPullTester comments (I'm being lazy and not paginating here)
+ recentcomments = requests.get(commentUrl+"?sort=created&direction=desc",
+ auth=(os.environ['GITHUB_USER'], os.environ["GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN"])).json
+ for comment in recentcomments:
+ if comment["user"]["login"] == os.environ["GITHUB_USER"] and common_message in comment["body"]:
+ requests.delete(comment["url"],
+ auth=(os.environ['GITHUB_USER'], os.environ["GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN"]))
+ if success == True:
+ post_data = { "body" : "Automatic sanity-testing: PASSED, see " + linkUrl + " for binaries and test log." + common_message}
+ elif inMerge:
+ post_data = { "body" : "Automatic sanity-testing: FAILED MERGE, see " + linkUrl + " for test log." + """
+This pull does not merge cleanly onto current master""" + common_message}
+ else:
+ post_data = { "body" : "Automatic sanity-testing: FAILED BUILD/TEST, see " + linkUrl + " for binaries and test log." + """
+This could happen for one of several reasons:
+1. It chanages paths in makefile.linux-mingw or otherwise changes build scripts in a way that made them incompatible with the automated testing scripts (please tweak those patches in qa/pull-tester)
+2. It adds/modifies tests which test network rules (thanks for doing that), which conflicts with a patch applied at test time
+3. It does not build on either Linux i386 or Win32 (via MinGW cross compile)
+4. The test suite fails on either Linux i386 or Win32
+5. The block test-cases failed (lookup the first bNN identifier which failed in https://github.com/TheBlueMatt/test-scripts/blob/master/FullBlockTestGenerator.java)
+If you believe this to be in error, please ping BlueMatt on freenode or TheBlueMatt here.
+""" + common_message}
+ resp = requests.post(commentUrl, json.dumps(post_data), auth=(os.environ['GITHUB_USER'], os.environ["GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN"]))
+def testpull(number, comment_url, clone_url, commit):
+ print("Testing pull %d: %s : %s"%(number, clone_url,commit))
+ dir = os.environ["RESULTS_DIR"] + "/" + commit + "/"
+ print(" ouput to %s"%dir)
+ if os.path.exists(dir):
+ os.system("rm -r " + dir)
+ os.makedirs(dir)
+ currentdir = os.environ["RESULTS_DIR"] + "/current"
+ os.system("rm -r "+currentdir)
+ os.system("ln -s " + dir + " " + currentdir)
+ out = open(dir + "test.log", 'w+')
+ resultsurl = os.environ["RESULTS_URL"] + commit
+ checkedout = checkout_pull(clone_url, commit, out)
+ if checkedout != True:
+ print("Failed to test pull - sending comment to: " + comment_url)
+ commentOn(comment_url, False, True, False, resultsurl)
+ open(os.environ["TESTED_DB"], "a").write(commit + "\n")
+ return
+ run("rm -rf ${CHROOT_COPY}/${OUT_DIR}", fail_hard=False);
+ run("mkdir -p ${CHROOT_COPY}/${OUT_DIR}", fail_hard=False);
+ run("chown -R ${BUILD_USER}:${BUILD_GROUP} ${CHROOT_COPY}/${OUT_DIR}", fail_hard=False)
+ script = os.environ["BUILD_PATH"]+"/qa/pull-tester/pull-tester.sh"
+ script += " ${BUILD_PATH} ${MINGW_DEPS_DIR} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/BitcoindComparisonTool.jar 6 ${OUT_DIR}"
+ returncode = run("chroot ${CHROOT_COPY} sudo -u ${BUILD_USER} -H timeout ${TEST_TIMEOUT} "+script,
+ fail_hard=False, stdout=out, stderr=out)
+ run("mv ${CHROOT_COPY}/${OUT_DIR} " + dir)
+ run("mv ${BUILD_DIR} " + dir)
+ if returncode == 42:
+ print("Successfully tested pull (needs tests) - sending comment to: " + comment_url)
+ commentOn(comment_url, True, False, True, resultsurl)
+ elif returncode != 0:
+ print("Failed to test pull - sending comment to: " + comment_url)
+ commentOn(comment_url, False, False, False, resultsurl)
+ else:
+ print("Successfully tested pull - sending comment to: " + comment_url)
+ commentOn(comment_url, True, False, False, resultsurl)
+ open(os.environ["TESTED_DB"], "a").write(commit + "\n")
+def environ_default(setting, value):
+ if not setting in os.environ:
+ os.environ[setting] = value
+if getpass.getuser() != "root":
+ print("Run me as root!")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if "GITHUB_USER" not in os.environ or "GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN" not in os.environ:
+ print("GITHUB_USER and/or GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN environment variables not set")
+ sys.exit(1)
+environ_default("CLONE_URL", "https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git")
+environ_default("MINGW_DEPS_DIR", "/mnt/w32deps")
+environ_default("SCRIPTS_DIR", "/mnt/test-scripts")
+environ_default("CHROOT_COPY", "/mnt/chroot-tmp")
+environ_default("CHROOT_MASTER", "/mnt/chroot")
+environ_default("OUT_DIR", "/mnt/out")
+environ_default("BUILD_PATH", "/mnt/bitcoin")
+os.environ["BUILD_DIR"] = os.environ["CHROOT_COPY"] + os.environ["BUILD_PATH"]
+environ_default("RESULTS_DIR", "/mnt/www/pull-tester")
+environ_default("RESULTS_URL", "http://jenkins.bluematt.me/pull-tester/")
+environ_default("GITHUB_REPO", "bitcoin/bitcoin")
+environ_default("TESTED_DB", "/mnt/commits-tested.txt")
+environ_default("BUILD_USER", "matt")
+environ_default("BUILD_GROUP", "matt")
+environ_default("TEST_TIMEOUT", str(60*60*2))
+print("Optional usage: pull-tester.py 2112")
+f = open(os.environ["TESTED_DB"])
+tested = set( line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines() )
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ pull = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/"+os.environ["GITHUB_REPO"]+"/pulls/"+sys.argv[1],
+ auth=(os.environ['GITHUB_USER'], os.environ["GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN"])).json
+ testpull(pull["number"], pull["_links"]["comments"]["href"],
+ pull["head"]["repo"]["clone_url"], pull["head"]["sha"])
+ for page in range(1,100):
+ result = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/"+os.environ["GITHUB_REPO"]+"/pulls?state=open&page=%d"%(page,),
+ auth=(os.environ['GITHUB_USER'], os.environ["GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN"])).json
+ if len(result) == 0: break;
+ for pull in result:
+ if pull["head"]["sha"] in tested:
+ print("Pull %d already tested"%(pull["number"],))
+ continue
+ testpull(pull["number"], pull["_links"]["comments"]["href"],
+ pull["head"]["repo"]["clone_url"], pull["head"]["sha"])