path: root/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
15 files changed, 345 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Doxyfile.in b/doc/Doxyfile.in
index cd7ccf80ab..7e307ab7c8 100644
--- a/doc/Doxyfile.in
+++ b/doc/Doxyfile.in
@@ -861,7 +861,8 @@ RECURSIVE = YES
# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is
# run.
-EXCLUDE = src/leveldb \
+EXCLUDE = src/crc32c \
+ src/leveldb \
src/json \
src/test \
diff --git a/doc/build-osx.md b/doc/build-osx.md
index bf655538c7..7b76117c8b 100644
--- a/doc/build-osx.md
+++ b/doc/build-osx.md
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Then install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh).
brew install automake berkeley-db4 libtool boost miniupnpc pkg-config python qt libevent qrencode
+If you run into issues, check [Homebrew's troubleshooting page](https://docs.brew.sh/Troubleshooting).
See [dependencies.md](dependencies.md) for a complete overview.
If you want to build the disk image with `make deploy` (.dmg / optional), you need RSVG:
@@ -113,96 +114,3 @@ tail -f $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin/debug.log
* Tested on OS X 10.12 Sierra through macOS 10.15 Catalina on 64-bit Intel
processors only.
* Building with downloaded Qt binaries is not officially supported. See the notes in [#7714](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/7714).
-## Deterministic macOS DMG Notes
-Working macOS DMGs are created in Linux by combining a recent `clang`, the Apple
-`binutils` (`ld`, `ar`, etc) and DMG authoring tools.
-Apple uses `clang` extensively for development and has upstreamed the necessary
-functionality so that a vanilla clang can take advantage. It supports the use of `-F`,
-`-target`, `-mmacosx-version-min`, and `--sysroot`, which are all necessary when
-building for macOS.
-Apple's version of `binutils` (called `cctools`) contains lots of functionality missing in the
-FSF's `binutils`. In addition to extra linker options for frameworks and sysroots, several
-other tools are needed as well such as `install_name_tool`, `lipo`, and `nmedit`. These
-do not build under Linux, so they have been patched to do so. The work here was used as
-a starting point: [mingwandroid/toolchain4](https://github.com/mingwandroid/toolchain4).
-In order to build a working toolchain, the following source packages are needed from
-Apple: `cctools`, `dyld`, and `ld64`.
-These tools inject timestamps by default, which produce non-deterministic binaries. The
-`ZERO_AR_DATE` environment variable is used to disable that.
-This version of `cctools` has been patched to use the current version of `clang`'s headers
-and its `libLTO.so` rather than those from `llvmgcc`, as it was originally done in `toolchain4`.
-To complicate things further, all builds must target an Apple SDK. These SDKs are free to
-download, but not redistributable. To obtain it, register for an Apple Developer Account,
-then download the [Xcode 7.3.1 dmg](https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/download.action?path=/Developer_Tools/Xcode_7.3.1/Xcode_7.3.1.dmg).
-This file is several gigabytes in size, but only a single directory inside is needed:
-Unfortunately, the usual Linux tools (7zip, hpmount, loopback mount) are incapable of
-opening this file. To create a tarball suitable for Gitian input, there are two options:
-Using macOS, you can mount the DMG, and then create it with:
-hdiutil attach Xcode_7.3.1.dmg
-tar -C /Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/ -czf MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz MacOSX10.11.sdk
-Alternatively, you can use 7zip and SleuthKit to extract the files one by one. The script
-[`extract-osx-sdk.sh`](./../contrib/macdeploy/extract-osx-sdk.sh) automates this. First
-ensure the DMG file is in the current directory, and then run the script. You may wish to
-delete the `intermediate 5.hfs` file and `MacOSX10.11.sdk` (the directory) when you've
-confirmed the extraction succeeded.
-apt-get install p7zip-full sleuthkit
-rm -rf 5.hfs MacOSX10.11.sdk
-The Gitian descriptors build 2 sets of files: Linux tools, then Apple binaries which are
-created using these tools. The build process has been designed to avoid including the
-SDK's files in Gitian's outputs. All interim tarballs are fully deterministic and may be freely
-`genisoimage` is used to create the initial DMG. It is not deterministic as-is, so it has been
-patched. A system `genisoimage` will work fine, but it will not be deterministic because
-the file-order will change between invocations. The patch can be seen here: [theuni/osx-cross-depends](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theuni/osx-cross-depends/master/patches/cdrtools/genisoimage.diff).
-No effort was made to fix this cleanly, so it likely leaks memory badly. But it's only used for
-a single invocation, so that's no real concern.
-`genisoimage` cannot compress DMGs, so afterwards, the DMG tool from the
-`libdmg-hfsplus` project is used to compress it. There are several bugs in this tool and its
-maintainer has seemingly abandoned the project. It has been forked and is available
-(with fixes) here: [theuni/libdmg-hfsplus](https://github.com/theuni/libdmg-hfsplus).
-The DMG tool has the ability to create DMGs from scratch as well, but this functionality is
-broken. Only the compression feature is currently used. Ideally, the creation could be fixed
-and `genisoimage` would no longer be necessary.
-Background images and other features can be added to DMG files by inserting a
-`.DS_Store` before creation. This is generated by the script
-As of OS X 10.9 Mavericks, using an Apple-blessed key to sign binaries is a requirement in
-order to satisfy the new Gatekeeper requirements. Because this private key cannot be
-shared, we'll have to be a bit creative in order for the build process to remain somewhat
-deterministic. Here's how it works:
-- Builders use Gitian to create an unsigned release. This outputs an unsigned DMG which
- users may choose to bless and run. It also outputs an unsigned app structure in the form
- of a tarball, which also contains all of the tools that have been previously (deterministically)
- built in order to create a final DMG.
-- The Apple keyholder uses this unsigned app to create a detached signature, using the
- script that is also included there. Detached signatures are available from this [repository](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs).
-- Builders feed the unsigned app + detached signature back into Gitian. It uses the
- pre-built tools to recombine the pieces into a deterministic DMG.
diff --git a/doc/build-unix.md b/doc/build-unix.md
index e799e709fa..6b51db5f55 100644
--- a/doc/build-unix.md
+++ b/doc/build-unix.md
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Build requirements:
Now, you can either build from self-compiled [depends](/depends/README.md) or install the required dependencies:
- sudo apt-get install libevent-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
+ sudo apt-get install libevent-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
BerkeleyDB is required for the wallet.
diff --git a/doc/dependencies.md b/doc/dependencies.md
index b739881a7a..51a2240107 100644
--- a/doc/dependencies.md
+++ b/doc/dependencies.md
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ These are the dependencies currently used by Bitcoin Core. You can find instruct
| Clang | | [3.3+](https://releases.llvm.org/download.html) (C++11 support) | | | |
| Expat | [2.2.7](https://libexpat.github.io/) | | No | Yes | |
| fontconfig | [2.12.1](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/release/) | | No | Yes | |
-| FreeType | [2.7.1](https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype) | | No | | |
+| FreeType | [2.7.1](https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype) | | No | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) (Android only) |
| GCC | | [4.8+](https://gcc.gnu.org/) (C++11 support) | | | |
-| HarfBuzz-NG | | | | | |
+| HarfBuzz-NG | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) |
| libevent | [2.1.11-stable](https://github.com/libevent/libevent/releases) | 2.0.22 | No | | |
| libpng | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) |
| librsvg | | | | | |
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ These are the dependencies currently used by Bitcoin Core. You can find instruct
| PCRE | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) |
| Python (tests) | | [3.5](https://www.python.org/downloads) | | | |
| qrencode | [3.4.4](https://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode) | | No | | |
-| Qt | [5.9.7](https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/) | [5.5.1](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/13478) | No | | |
+| Qt | [5.9.8](https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/) | [5.5.1](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/13478) | No | | |
| XCB | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) (Linux only) |
| xkbcommon | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) (Linux only) |
| ZeroMQ | [4.3.1](https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/releases) | 4.0.0 | No | | |
diff --git a/doc/descriptors.md b/doc/descriptors.md
index a98f43737e..181ff77e50 100644
--- a/doc/descriptors.md
+++ b/doc/descriptors.md
@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ Supporting RPCs are:
- `deriveaddresses` takes as input a descriptor and computes the corresponding
- `listunspent` outputs a specialized descriptor for the reported unspent outputs.
+- `getaddressinfo` outputs a descriptor for solvable addresses (since v0.18).
+- `importmulti` takes as input descriptors to import into the wallet
+ (since v0.18).
+- `generatetodescriptor` takes as input a descriptor and generates coins to it
+ (`regtest` only, since v0.19).
+- `utxoupdatepsbt` takes as input descriptors to add information to the psbt
+ (since v0.19).
+- `createmultisig` and `addmultisigaddress` return descriptors as well (since v0.20)
This document describes the language. For the specifics on usage, see the RPC
documentation for the functions mentioned above.
diff --git a/doc/developer-notes.md b/doc/developer-notes.md
index 767da6a351..207c4ba7c6 100644
--- a/doc/developer-notes.md
+++ b/doc/developer-notes.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Developer Notes
- [Coding Style (C++)](#coding-style-c)
- [Coding Style (Python)](#coding-style-python)
- [Coding Style (Doxygen-compatible comments)](#coding-style-doxygen-compatible-comments)
+ - [Generating Documentation](#generating-documentation)
- [Development tips and tricks](#development-tips-and-tricks)
- [Compiling for debugging](#compiling-for-debugging)
- [Compiling for gprof profiling](#compiling-for-gprof-profiling)
@@ -35,6 +36,9 @@ Developer Notes
- [Source code organization](#source-code-organization)
- [GUI](#gui)
- [Subtrees](#subtrees)
+ - [Upgrading LevelDB](#upgrading-leveldb)
+ - [File Descriptor Counts](#file-descriptor-counts)
+ - [Consensus Compatibility](#consensus-compatibility)
- [Scripted diffs](#scripted-diffs)
- [Suggestions and examples](#suggestions-and-examples)
- [Release notes](#release-notes)
@@ -138,12 +142,17 @@ For example, to describe a function use:
- * ... text ...
- * @param[in] arg1 A description
- * @param[in] arg2 Another argument description
- * @pre Precondition for function...
+ * ... Description ...
+ *
+ * @param[in] arg1 input description...
+ * @param[in] arg2 input description...
+ * @param[out] arg3 output description...
+ * @return Return cases...
+ * @throws Error type and cases...
+ * @pre Pre-condition for function...
+ * @post Post-condition for function...
-bool function(int arg1, const char *arg2)
+bool function(int arg1, const char *arg2, std::string& arg3)
A complete list of `@xxx` commands can be found at http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/commands.html.
@@ -158,44 +167,73 @@ To describe a class, use the same construct above the class definition:
* @see GetWarnings()
class CAlert
To describe a member or variable use:
-int var; //!< Detailed description after the member
+//! Description before the member
+int var;
-//! Description before the member
-int var;
+int var; //!< Description after the member
Also OK:
-/// ... text ...
+/// ... Description ...
bool function2(int arg1, const char *arg2)
-Not OK (used plenty in the current source, but not picked up):
+Not picked up by Doxygen:
-// ... text ...
+// ... Description ...
+Also not picked up by Doxygen:
+ * ... Description ...
+ */
A full list of comment syntaxes picked up by Doxygen can be found at http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/docblocks.html,
but the above styles are favored.
-Documentation can be generated with `make docs` and cleaned up with `make clean-docs`. The resulting files are located in `doc/doxygen/html`; open `index.html` to view the homepage.
-Before running `make docs`, you will need to install dependencies `doxygen` and `dot`. For example, on macOS via Homebrew:
-brew install graphviz doxygen
+- Avoiding duplicating type and input/output information in function
+ descriptions.
+- Use backticks (&#96;&#96;) to refer to `argument` names in function and
+ parameter descriptions.
+- Backticks aren't required when referring to functions Doxygen already knows
+ about; it will build hyperlinks for these automatically. See
+ http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/autolink.html for complete info.
+- Avoid linking to external documentation; links can break.
+- Javadoc and all valid Doxygen comments are stripped from Doxygen source code
+ previews (`STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = YES` in [Doxyfile.in](doc/Doxyfile.in)). If
+ you want a comment to be preserved, it must instead use `//` or `/* */`.
+### Generating Documentation
+The documentation can be generated with `make docs` and cleaned up with `make
+clean-docs`. The resulting files are located in `doc/doxygen/html`; open
+`index.html` in that directory to view the homepage.
+Before running `make docs`, you'll need to install these dependencies:
+Linux: `sudo apt install doxygen graphviz`
+MacOS: `brew install doxygen graphviz`
Development tips and tricks
@@ -821,6 +859,10 @@ Current subtrees include:
- **Note**: Follow the instructions in [Upgrading LevelDB](#upgrading-leveldb) when
merging upstream changes to the LevelDB subtree.
+- src/crc32c
+ - Used by leveldb for hardware acceleration of CRC32C checksums for data integrity.
+ - Upstream at https://github.com/google/crc32c ; Maintained by Google.
- src/secp256k1
- Upstream at https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1/ ; actively maintained by Core contributors.
@@ -920,7 +962,7 @@ introduce accidental changes.
Some good examples of scripted-diff:
- [scripted-diff: Rename InitInterfaces to NodeContext](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/301bd41a2e6765b185bd55f4c541f9e27aeea29d)
-uses an elegant script to replace occurences of multiple terms in all source files.
+uses an elegant script to replace occurrences of multiple terms in all source files.
- [scripted-diff: Remove g_connman, g_banman globals](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/301bd41a2e6765b185bd55f4c541f9e27aeea29d)
replaces specific terms in a list of specific source files.
@@ -1048,6 +1090,12 @@ A few guidelines for introducing and reviewing new RPC interfaces:
new RPC is replacing a deprecated RPC, to avoid both RPCs confusingly
showing up in the command list.
+- Use *invalid* bech32 addresses (e.g. the constant `EXAMPLE_ADDRESS`) for
+ `RPCExamples` help documentation.
+ - *Rationale*: Prevent accidental transactions by users and encourage the use
+ of bech32 addresses by default.
- Use the `UNIX_EPOCH_TIME` constant when describing UNIX epoch time or
timestamps in the documentation.
diff --git a/doc/fuzzing.md b/doc/fuzzing.md
index 50e9251b8d..c34ca4cb59 100644
--- a/doc/fuzzing.md
+++ b/doc/fuzzing.md
@@ -7,11 +7,8 @@ describe how to use it with AFL and libFuzzer.
## Preparing fuzzing
-AFL needs an input directory with examples, and an output directory where it
-will place examples that it found. These can be anywhere in the file system,
-we'll define environment variables to make it easy to reference them.
-libFuzzer will use the input directory as output directory.
+The fuzzer needs some inputs to work on, but the inputs or seeds can be used
+interchangeably between libFuzzer and AFL.
Extract the example seeds (or other starting inputs) into the inputs
directory before starting fuzzing.
@@ -21,13 +18,19 @@ git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets
export DIR_FUZZ_IN=$PWD/qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus
-Only for AFL:
+AFL needs an input directory with examples, and an output directory where it
+will place examples that it found. These can be anywhere in the file system,
+we'll define environment variables to make it easy to reference them.
+So, only for AFL you need to configure the outputs path:
mkdir outputs
export AFLOUT=$PWD/outputs
+libFuzzer will use the input directory as output directory.
## AFL
### Building AFL
@@ -41,6 +44,9 @@ make
+For macOS you may need to ignore x86 compilation checks when running `make`:
+`AFL_NO_X86=1 make`.
### Instrumentation
To build Bitcoin Core using AFL instrumentation (this assumes that the
@@ -48,9 +54,15 @@ To build Bitcoin Core using AFL instrumentation (this assumes that the
./configure --disable-ccache --disable-shared --enable-tests --enable-fuzz CC=${AFLPATH}/afl-gcc CXX=${AFLPATH}/afl-g++
export AFL_HARDEN=1
-cd src/
+If you are using clang you will need to substitute `afl-gcc` with `afl-clang`
+and `afl-g++` with `afl-clang++`, so the first line above becomes:
+./configure --disable-ccache --disable-shared --enable-tests --enable-fuzz CC=${AFLPATH}/afl-clang CXX=${AFLPATH}/afl-clang++
We disable ccache because we don't want to pollute the ccache with instrumented
objects, and similarly don't want to use non-instrumented cached objects linked
@@ -60,25 +72,32 @@ The fuzzing can be sped up significantly (~200x) by using `afl-clang-fast` and
compiling using `afl-clang-fast`/`afl-clang-fast++` the resulting
binary will be instrumented in such a way that the AFL
features "persistent mode" and "deferred forkserver" can be used. See
-https://github.com/mcarpenter/afl/tree/master/llvm_mode for details.
+https://github.com/google/AFL/tree/master/llvm_mode for details.
### Fuzzing
To start the actual fuzzing use:
-export FUZZ_TARGET=fuzz_target_foo # Pick a fuzz_target
+export FUZZ_TARGET=bech32 # Pick a fuzz_target
-$AFLPATH/afl-fuzz -i ${DIR_FUZZ_IN}/${FUZZ_TARGET} -o ${AFLOUT}/${FUZZ_TARGET} -m52 -- test/fuzz/${FUZZ_TARGET}
+$AFLPATH/afl-fuzz -i ${DIR_FUZZ_IN}/${FUZZ_TARGET} -o ${AFLOUT}/${FUZZ_TARGET} -m52 -- src/test/fuzz/${FUZZ_TARGET}
You may have to change a few kernel parameters to test optimally - `afl-fuzz`
will print an error and suggestion if so.
+On macOS you may need to set `AFL_NO_FORKSRV=1` to get the target to run.
+export FUZZ_TARGET=bech32 # Pick a fuzz_target
+AFL_NO_FORKSRV=1 $AFLPATH/afl-fuzz -i ${DIR_FUZZ_IN}/${FUZZ_TARGET} -o ${AFLOUT}/${FUZZ_TARGET} -m52 -- src/test/fuzz/${FUZZ_TARGET}
## libFuzzer
-A recent version of `clang`, the address/undefined sanitizers (ASan/UBSan) and libFuzzer is needed (all
-found in the `compiler-rt` runtime libraries package).
+A recent version of `clang`, the address/undefined sanitizers (ASan/UBSan) and
+libFuzzer is needed (all found in the `compiler-rt` runtime libraries package).
To build all fuzz targets with libFuzzer, run
@@ -87,11 +106,33 @@ To build all fuzz targets with libFuzzer, run
-The fuzzer needs some inputs to work on, but the inputs or seeds can be used
-interchangeably between libFuzzer and AFL.
See https://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#running on how to run the libFuzzer
instrumented executable.
-Alternatively run the script in `./test/fuzz/test_runner.py` and provide it
-with the `${DIR_FUZZ_IN}` created earlier.
+Alternatively, you can run the script through the fuzzing test harness (only
+libFuzzer supported so far). You need to pass it the inputs directory and
+the specific test target you want to run.
+./test/fuzz/test_runner.py ${DIR_FUZZ_IN} bech32
+### macOS hints for libFuzzer
+The default clang/llvm version supplied by Apple on macOS does not include
+fuzzing libraries, so macOS users will need to install a full version, for
+example using `brew install llvm`.
+Should you run into problems with the address sanitizer, it is possible you
+may need to run `./configure` with `--disable-asm` to avoid errors
+with certain assembly code from Bitcoin Core's code. See [developer notes on sanitizers](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/developer-notes.md#sanitizers)
+for more information.
+You may also need to take care of giving the correct path for clang and
+clang++, like `CC=/path/to/clang CXX=/path/to/clang++` if the non-systems
+clang does not come first in your path.
+Full configure that was tested on macOS Catalina with `brew` installed `llvm`:
+./configure --disable-ccache --enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=fuzzer,address,undefined CC=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang CXX=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ --disable-asm
diff --git a/doc/release-notes-15437.md b/doc/release-notes-15437.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6614207757..0000000000
--- a/doc/release-notes-15437.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-P2P and network changes
-#### Removal of reject network messages from Bitcoin Core (BIP61)
-The command line option to enable BIP61 (`-enablebip61`) has been removed.
-This feature has been disabled by default since Bitcoin Core version 0.18.0.
-Nodes on the network can not generally be trusted to send valid ("reject")
-messages, so this should only ever be used when connected to a trusted node.
-Please use the recommended alternatives if you rely on this deprecated feature:
-* Testing or debugging of implementations of the Bitcoin P2P network protocol
- should be done by inspecting the log messages that are produced by a recent
- version of Bitcoin Core. Bitcoin Core logs debug messages
- (`-debug=<category>`) to a stream (`-printtoconsole`) or to a file
- (`-debuglogfile=<debug.log>`).
-* Testing the validity of a block can be achieved by specific RPCs:
- - `submitblock`
- - `getblocktemplate` with `'mode'` set to `'proposal'` for blocks with
- potentially invalid POW
-* Testing the validity of a transaction can be achieved by specific RPCs:
- - `sendrawtransaction`
- - `testmempoolaccept`
-* Wallets should not use the absence of "reject" messages to indicate a
- transaction has propagated the network, nor should wallets use "reject"
- messages to set transaction fees. Wallets should rather use fee estimation
- to determine transaction fees and set replace-by-fee if desired. Thus, they
- could wait until the transaction has confirmed (taking into account the fee
- target they set (compare the RPC `estimatesmartfee`)) or listen for the
- transaction announcement by other network peers to check for propagation.
-The removal of BIP61 REJECT message support also has the following minor RPC
-and logging implications:
-* `testmempoolaccept` and `sendrawtransaction` no longer return the P2P REJECT
- code when a transaction is not accepted to the mempool. They still return the
- verbal reject reason.
-* Log messages that previously reported the REJECT code when a transaction was
- not accepted to the mempool now no longer report the REJECT code. The reason
- for rejection is still reported.
-Updated RPCs
-- `testmempoolaccept` and `sendrawtransaction` no longer return the P2P REJECT
- code when a transaction is not accepted to the mempool. See the Section
- _Removal of reject network messages from Bitcoin Core (BIP61)_ for details on
- the removal of BIP61 REJECT message support.
diff --git a/doc/release-notes-15954.md b/doc/release-notes-15954.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d2c5688c..0000000000
--- a/doc/release-notes-15954.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Configuration option changes
-Importing blocks upon startup via the `bootstrap.dat` file no longer occurs by default. The file must now be specified with `-loadblock=<file>`.
diff --git a/doc/release-notes-17056.md b/doc/release-notes-17056.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 23d5a8c8cd..0000000000
--- a/doc/release-notes-17056.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Low-level RPC Changes
-- A new descriptor type `sortedmulti(...)` has been added to support multisig scripts where the public keys are sorted lexicographically in the resulting script.
diff --git a/doc/release-notes-17410.md b/doc/release-notes-17410.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 08ed353889..0000000000
--- a/doc/release-notes-17410.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Command-line options
-- The `-debug=db` logging category has been renamed to `-debug=walletdb`, to distinguish it from `coindb`.
- `-debug=db` has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.
diff --git a/doc/release-notes-17437.md b/doc/release-notes-17437.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3edfd00a38..0000000000
--- a/doc/release-notes-17437.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Low-level RPC Changes
-- The RPC gettransaction, listtransactions and listsinceblock responses now also
-includes the height of the block that contains the wallet transaction, if any.
diff --git a/doc/release-notes.md b/doc/release-notes.md
index eec1ef9c46..22d5767b7b 100644
--- a/doc/release-notes.md
+++ b/doc/release-notes.md
@@ -62,6 +62,64 @@ distribution provides binaries for the RISC-V platform.
Notable changes
+P2P and network changes
+#### Removal of reject network messages from Bitcoin Core (BIP61)
+The command line option to enable BIP61 (`-enablebip61`) has been removed.
+This feature has been disabled by default since Bitcoin Core version 0.18.0.
+Nodes on the network can not generally be trusted to send valid ("reject")
+messages, so this should only ever be used when connected to a trusted node.
+Please use the recommended alternatives if you rely on this deprecated feature:
+* Testing or debugging of implementations of the Bitcoin P2P network protocol
+ should be done by inspecting the log messages that are produced by a recent
+ version of Bitcoin Core. Bitcoin Core logs debug messages
+ (`-debug=<category>`) to a stream (`-printtoconsole`) or to a file
+ (`-debuglogfile=<debug.log>`).
+* Testing the validity of a block can be achieved by specific RPCs:
+ - `submitblock`
+ - `getblocktemplate` with `'mode'` set to `'proposal'` for blocks with
+ potentially invalid POW
+* Testing the validity of a transaction can be achieved by specific RPCs:
+ - `sendrawtransaction`
+ - `testmempoolaccept`
+* Wallets should not use the absence of "reject" messages to indicate a
+ transaction has propagated the network, nor should wallets use "reject"
+ messages to set transaction fees. Wallets should rather use fee estimation
+ to determine transaction fees and set replace-by-fee if desired. Thus, they
+ could wait until the transaction has confirmed (taking into account the fee
+ target they set (compare the RPC `estimatesmartfee`)) or listen for the
+ transaction announcement by other network peers to check for propagation.
+The removal of BIP61 REJECT message support also has the following minor RPC
+and logging implications:
+* `testmempoolaccept` and `sendrawtransaction` no longer return the P2P REJECT
+ code when a transaction is not accepted to the mempool. They still return the
+ verbal reject reason.
+* Log messages that previously reported the REJECT code when a transaction was
+ not accepted to the mempool now no longer report the REJECT code. The reason
+ for rejection is still reported.
+Updated RPCs
+- `testmempoolaccept` and `sendrawtransaction` no longer return the P2P REJECT
+ code when a transaction is not accepted to the mempool. See the Section
+ _Removal of reject network messages from Bitcoin Core (BIP61)_ for details on
+ the removal of BIP61 REJECT message support.
+- A new descriptor type `sortedmulti(...)` has been added to support multisig scripts where the public keys are sorted lexicographically in the resulting script.
+- `walletprocesspsbt` and `walletcreatefundedpsbt` now include BIP 32 derivation paths by default for public keys if we know them. This can be disabled by setting `bip32derivs` to `false`.
Build System
@@ -81,14 +139,21 @@ New settings
- RPC Whitelist system. It can give certain RPC users permissions to only some RPC calls.
It can be set with two command line arguments (`rpcwhitelist` and `rpcwhitelistdefault`). (#12763)
+- A new `-asmap` configuration option has been added to enable IP-to-ASN mapping
+ for bucketing of the network peers to diversify the network connections. The
+ legacy /16 prefix mapping remains the default. See [issue
+ #16599](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16599), [PR
+ #16702](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16702), and the `bitcoind
+ help` for more information. This option is experimental and subject to changes
+ or removal in future releases.
Updated settings
-Updated RPCs
+Importing blocks upon startup via the `bootstrap.dat` file no longer occurs by default. The file must now be specified with `-loadblock=<file>`.
-Note: some low-level RPC changes mainly useful for testing are described in the
-Low-level Changes section below.
+- The `-debug=db` logging category has been renamed to `-debug=walletdb`, to distinguish it from `coindb`.
+ `-debug=db` has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.
GUI changes
@@ -101,9 +166,30 @@ Wallet
- The wallet now by default uses bech32 addresses when using RPC, and creates native segwit change outputs.
- The way that output trust was computed has been fixed in #16766, which impacts confirmed/unconfirmed balance status and coin selection.
+- The RPC gettransaction, listtransactions and listsinceblock responses now also
+includes the height of the block that contains the wallet transaction, if any.
+- RPC `getaddressinfo` changes:
+ - the `label` field has been deprecated in favor of the `labels` field and
+ will be removed in 0.21. It can be re-enabled in the interim by launching
+ with `-deprecatedrpc=label`.
+ - the `labels` behavior of returning an array of JSON objects containing name
+ and purpose key/value pairs has been deprecated in favor of an array of
+ label names and will be removed in 0.21. The previous behavior can be
+ re-enabled in the interim by launching with `-deprecatedrpc=labelspurpose`.
Low-level changes
+Command line
+Command line options prefixed with main/test/regtest network names like
+`-main.port=8333` `-test.server=1` previously were allowed but ignored. Now
+they trigger "Invalid parameter" errors on startup.
diff --git a/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.19.1.md b/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.19.1.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+0.19.1 Release Notes
+Bitcoin Core version 0.19.1 is now available from:
+ <https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-0.19.1/>
+This minor release includes various bug fixes and performance
+improvements, as well as updated translations.
+Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:
+ <https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues>
+To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:
+ <https://bitcoincore.org/en/list/announcements/join/>
+How to Upgrade
+If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely
+shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the
+installer (on Windows) or just copy over `/Applications/Bitcoin-Qt` (on Mac)
+or `bitcoind`/`bitcoin-qt` (on Linux).
+Upgrading directly from a version of Bitcoin Core that has reached its EOL is
+possible, but it might take some time if the datadir needs to be migrated. Old
+wallet versions of Bitcoin Core are generally supported.
+Bitcoin Core is supported and extensively tested on operating systems using
+the Linux kernel, macOS 10.10+, and Windows 7 and newer. It is not recommended
+to use Bitcoin Core on unsupported systems.
+Bitcoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
+as frequently tested on them.
+From Bitcoin Core 0.17.0 onwards, macOS versions earlier than 10.10 are no
+longer supported, as Bitcoin Core is now built using Qt 5.9.x which requires
+macOS 10.10+. Additionally, Bitcoin Core does not yet change appearance when
+macOS "dark mode" is activated.
+In addition to previously supported CPU platforms, this release's pre-compiled
+distribution provides binaries for the RISC-V platform.
+0.19.1 change log
+### Wallet
+- #17643 Fix origfee return for bumpfee with feerate arg (instagibbs)
+- #16963 Fix `unique_ptr` usage in boost::signals2 (promag)
+- #17258 Fix issue with conflicted mempool tx in listsinceblock (adamjonas, mchrostowski)
+- #17924 Bug: IsUsedDestination shouldn't use key id as script id for ScriptHash (instagibbs)
+- #17621 IsUsedDestination should count any known single-key address (instagibbs)
+- #17843 Reset reused transactions cache (fjahr)
+### RPC and other APIs
+- #17687 cli: Fix fatal leveldb error when specifying -blockfilterindex=basic twice (brakmic)
+- #17728 require second argument only for scantxoutset start action (achow101)
+- #17445 zmq: Fix due to invalid argument and multiple notifiers (promag)
+- #17524 psbt: handle unspendable psbts (achow101)
+- #17156 psbt: check that various indexes and amounts are within bounds (achow101)
+### GUI
+- #17427 Fix missing qRegisterMetaType for `size_t` (hebasto)
+- #17695 disable File-\>CreateWallet during startup (fanquake)
+- #17634 Fix comparison function signature (hebasto)
+- #18062 Fix unintialized WalletView::progressDialog (promag)
+### Tests and QA
+- #17416 Appveyor improvement - text file for vcpkg package list (sipsorcery)
+- #17488 fix "bitcoind already running" warnings on macOS (fanquake)
+- #17980 add missing #include to fix compiler errors (kallewoof)
+### Platform support
+- #17736 Update msvc build for Visual Studio 2019 v16.4 (sipsorcery)
+- #17364 Updates to appveyor config for VS2019 and Qt5.9.8 + msvc project fixes (sipsorcery)
+- #17887 bug-fix macos: give free bytes to `F_PREALLOCATE` (kallewoof)
+### Miscellaneous
+- #17897 init: Stop indexes on shutdown after ChainStateFlushed callback (jimpo)
+- #17450 util: Add missing headers to util/fees.cpp (hebasto)
+- #17654 Unbreak build with Boost 1.72.0 (jbeich)
+- #17857 scripts: Fix symbol-check & security-check argument passing (fanquake)
+- #17762 Log to net category for exceptions in ProcessMessages (laanwj)
+- #18100 Update univalue subtree (MarcoFalke)
+Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
+- Aaron Clauson
+- Adam Jonas
+- Andrew Chow
+- Fabian Jahr
+- fanquake
+- Gregory Sanders
+- Harris
+- Hennadii Stepanov
+- Jan Beich
+- Jim Posen
+- João Barbosa
+- Karl-Johan Alm
+- Luke Dashjr
+- MarcoFalke
+- Michael Chrostowski
+- Russell Yanofsky
+- Wladimir J. van der Laan
+As well as to everyone that helped with translations on
diff --git a/doc/release-process.md b/doc/release-process.md
index 1ffef3e106..e0f29f6ad7 100644
--- a/doc/release-process.md
+++ b/doc/release-process.md
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Ensure gitian-builder is up-to-date:
echo '5a60e0a4b3e0b4d655317b2f12a810211c50242138322b16e7e01c6fbb89d92f inputs/osslsigncode-2.0.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
-Create the macOS SDK tarball, see the [macOS build instructions](build-osx.md#deterministic-macos-dmg-notes) for details, and copy it into the inputs directory.
+Create the macOS SDK tarball, see the [macdeploy instructions](/contrib/macdeploy/README.md#deterministic-macos-dmg-notes) for details, and copy it into the inputs directory.
### Optional: Seed the Gitian sources cache and offline git repositories
@@ -268,7 +268,6 @@ The list of files should be:
@@ -329,8 +328,6 @@ bitcoin.org (see below for bitcoin.org update instructions).
- Update packaging repo
- - Notify BlueMatt so that he can start building [the PPAs](https://launchpad.net/~bitcoin/+archive/ubuntu/bitcoin)
- Push the flatpak to flathub, e.g. https://github.com/flathub/org.bitcoincore.bitcoin-qt/pull/2
- Push the latest version to master (if applicable), e.g. https://github.com/bitcoin-core/packaging/pull/32