path: root/contrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
3 files changed, 343 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/guix/guix-attest b/contrib/guix/guix-attest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..081d1c0465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/guix/guix-attest
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+export LC_ALL=C
+set -e -o pipefail
+# Source the common prelude, which:
+# 1. Checks if we're at the top directory of the Bitcoin Core repository
+# 2. Defines a few common functions and variables
+# shellcheck source=libexec/prelude.bash
+source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/libexec/prelude.bash"
+## Sanity Checks ##
+# Required non-builtin commands should be invokable
+check_tools cat env basename mkdir xargs find
+if [ -z "$NO_SIGN" ]; then
+ check_tools gpg
+# Required env vars should be non-empty
+cmd_usage() {
+cat <<EOF
+ env GUIX_SIGS_REPO=<path/to/guix.sigs> \\
+ [ NO_SIGN=1 ]
+ ./contrib/guix/guix-attest
+Example w/o overriding signing name:
+ env GUIX_SIGS_REPO=/home/achow101/guix.sigs \\
+ SIGNER=achow101 \\
+ ./contrib/guix/guix-attest
+Example overriding signing name:
+ env GUIX_SIGS_REPO=/home/dongcarl/guix.sigs \\
+ SIGNER=0x96AB007F1A7ED999=dongcarl \\
+ ./contrib/guix/guix-attest
+Example w/o signing, just creating SHA256SUMS:
+ env GUIX_SIGS_REPO=/home/achow101/guix.sigs \\
+ SIGNER=achow101 \\
+ NO_SIGN=1 \\
+ ./contrib/guix/guix-attest
+if [ -z "$GUIX_SIGS_REPO" ] || [ -z "$SIGNER" ]; then
+ cmd_usage
+ exit 1
+# GUIX_SIGS_REPO should exist as a directory
+if [ ! -d "$GUIX_SIGS_REPO" ]; then
+cat << EOF
+ERR: The specified GUIX_SIGS_REPO is not an existent directory:
+Hint: Please clone the guix.sigs repository and point to it with the
+ GUIX_SIGS_REPO environment variable.
+exit 1
+# The key specified in SIGNER should be usable
+IFS='=' read -r gpg_key_name signer_name <<< "$SIGNER"
+if [ -z "${signer_name}" ]; then
+ signer_name="$gpg_key_name"
+if [ -z "$NO_SIGN" ] && ! gpg --dry-run --list-secret-keys "${gpg_key_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "ERR: GPG can't seem to find any key named '${gpg_key_name}'"
+ exit 1
+# We should be able to find at least one output
+echo "Looking for build output directories in ${OUTDIR_BASE}"
+shopt -s nullglob
+OUTDIRS=( "${OUTDIR_BASE}"/* ) # This expands to an array of directories...
+shopt -u nullglob
+if (( ${#OUTDIRS[@]} )); then
+ echo "Found build output directories:"
+ for outdir in "${OUTDIRS[@]}"; do
+ echo " '$outdir'"
+ done
+ echo
+ echo "ERR: Could not find any build output directories in ${OUTDIR_BASE}"
+ exit 1
+## Attest ##
+# Usage: out_name $outdir
+# HOST: The output directory being attested
+out_name() {
+ basename "$1"
+# Usage: out_sig_dir $outdir
+# outdir: The output directory being attested
+out_sig_dir() {
+ echo "$GUIX_SIGS_REPO/$VERSION/$(out_name "$1")/$signer_name"
+# Accumulate a list of signature directories that already exist...
+echo "Attesting to build outputs for version: '${VERSION}'"
+echo ""
+# MAIN LOGIC: Loop through each output for VERSION and attest to output in
+# GUIX_SIGS_REPO as SIGNER, if attestation does not exist
+for outdir in "${OUTDIRS[@]}"; do
+ if [ -e "${outdir}/SKIPATTEST.TAG" ]; then
+ echo "${outname}: SKIPPING: Output directory marked with SKIPATTEST.TAG file"
+ continue
+ fi
+ outname="$(out_name "$outdir")"
+ outsigdir="$(out_sig_dir "$outdir")"
+ if [ -e "$outsigdir" ]; then
+ echo "${outname}: SKIPPING: Signature directory already exists in the specified guix.sigs repository"
+ outdirs_already_attested_to+=("$outdir")
+ else
+ # Clean up incomplete sigdir if something fails (likely gpg)
+ trap 'rm -rf "$outsigdir"' ERR
+ mkdir -p "$outsigdir"
+ (
+ cd "$outdir"
+ if [ -e inputs.SHA256SUMS ]; then
+ echo "${outname}: Including existent input SHA256SUMS"
+ cat inputs.SHA256SUMS >> "$outsigdir"/SHA256SUMS
+ fi
+ echo "${outname}: Hashing build outputs to produce SHA256SUMS"
+ files="$(find -L . -type f ! -iname '*.SHA256SUMS')"
+ if [ -n "$files" ]; then
+ cut -c3- <<< "$files" | env LC_ALL=C sort | xargs sha256sum >> "$outsigdir"/SHA256SUMS
+ else
+ echo "ERR: ${outname}: No outputs found in '${outdir}'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ )
+ if [ -z "$NO_SIGN" ]; then
+ echo "${outname}: Signing SHA256SUMS to produce SHA256SUMS.asc"
+ gpg --detach-sign --local-user "$gpg_key_name" --armor --output "$outsigdir"/SHA256SUMS.asc "$outsigdir"/SHA256SUMS
+ else
+ echo "${outname}: Not signing SHA256SUMS as \$NO_SIGN is not empty"
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ trap - ERR # Reset ERR trap
+ fi
+if (( ${#outdirs_already_attested_to[@]} )); then
+# ...so that we can print them out nicely in a warning message
+cat << EOF
+WARN: Signature directories from '$signer_name' already exist in the specified
+ guix.sigs repository for the following output directories and were
+ skipped:
+for outdir in "${outdirs_already_attested_to[@]}"; do
+ echo " '${outdir}'"
+ echo " Corresponds to: '$(out_sig_dir "$outdir")'"
+ echo ""
diff --git a/contrib/guix/guix-verify b/contrib/guix/guix-verify
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..629050956c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/guix/guix-verify
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+export LC_ALL=C
+set -e -o pipefail
+# Source the common prelude, which:
+# 1. Checks if we're at the top directory of the Bitcoin Core repository
+# 2. Defines a few common functions and variables
+# shellcheck source=libexec/prelude.bash
+source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/libexec/prelude.bash"
+## Sanity Checks ##
+# Required non-builtin commands should be invokable
+check_tools cat diff gpg
+# Required env vars should be non-empty
+cmd_usage() {
+cat <<EOF
+ env GUIX_SIGS_REPO=<path/to/guix.sigs> ./contrib/guix/guix-verify
+if [ -z "$GUIX_SIGS_REPO" ]; then
+ cmd_usage
+ exit 1
+# GUIX_SIGS_REPO should exist as a directory
+if [ ! -d "$GUIX_SIGS_REPO" ]; then
+cat << EOF
+ERR: The specified GUIX_SIGS_REPO is not an existent directory:
+Hint: Please clone the guix.sigs repository and point to it with the
+ GUIX_SIGS_REPO environment variable.
+exit 1
+# We should be able to find at least one output
+echo "Looking for output signature directories in '${OUTSIGDIR_BASE}'"
+shopt -s nullglob
+OUTSIGDIRS=( "$OUTSIGDIR_BASE"/* ) # This expands to an array of directories...
+shopt -u nullglob
+if (( ${#OUTSIGDIRS[@]} )); then
+ echo "Found output signature directories:"
+ for outsigdir in "${OUTSIGDIRS[@]}"; do
+ echo " '$outsigdir'"
+ done
+ echo
+ echo "ERR: Could not find any output signature directories in ${OUTSIGDIR_BASE}"
+ exit 1
+## Verify ##
+# MAIN LOGIC: Loop through each output for VERSION and check that the SHA256SUMS
+# and SHA256SUMS.asc file match between signers, using the first
+# available signer as the arbitrary comparison base.
+for outsigdir in "${OUTSIGDIRS[@]}"; do
+ echo "BEGIN: Checking output signatures for $(basename "$outsigdir")"
+ echo ""
+ signer_dirs=( "$outsigdir"/* ) # This expands to an array of directories...
+ compare_signer_dir="${signer_dirs[0]}" # ...we just want the first one
+ for current_signer_dir in "${signer_dirs[@]}"; do
+ if ! gpg --quiet --batch --verify "$current_signer_dir"/SHA256SUMS.asc "$current_signer_dir"/SHA256SUMS; then
+ echo "ERR: Failed to verify GPG signature in '${current_signer_dir}/SHA256SUMS.asc'"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Hint: Either the signature is invalid or the public key is missing"
+ echo ""
+ elif ! diff --report-identical "$compare_signer_dir"/SHA256SUMS "$current_signer_dir"/SHA256SUMS; then
+ echo "ERR: The SHA256SUMS attestation in these two directories differ:"
+ echo " '${compare_signer_dir}'"
+ echo " '${current_signer_dir}'"
+ echo ""
+ else
+ echo "Verified: '${current_signer_dir}'"
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "DONE: Checking output signatures for $(basename "$outsigdir")"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
diff --git a/contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh b/contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh
index e95617e2e2..00cb494963 100755
--- a/contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh
+++ b/contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ Required environment variables as seen inside the container:
OUTDIR: ${OUTDIR:?not set}
# Environment Setup #
@@ -224,9 +227,25 @@ GIT_ARCHIVE="${DIST_ARCHIVE_BASE}/${DISTNAME}.tar.gz"
# Create the source tarball if not already there
if [ ! -e "$GIT_ARCHIVE" ]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$GIT_ARCHIVE")"
git archive --prefix="${DISTNAME}/" --output="$GIT_ARCHIVE" HEAD
+# tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)"
+# (
+# cd "$tmpdir"
+# mkdir -p inputs
+# ln -sf --target-directory=inputs "$GIT_ARCHIVE"
+# mkdir -p "$OUTDIR"
+# find -L inputs -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sha256sum > "${OUTDIR}/inputs.SHA256SUMS"
+# )
+mkdir -p "$OUTDIR"
+cat << EOF > "$OUTDIR"/inputs.SHA256SUMS
+$(sha256sum "$GIT_ARCHIVE" | cut -d' ' -f1) inputs/$(basename "$GIT_ARCHIVE")
# Binary Tarball Building #
@@ -292,7 +311,8 @@ mkdir -p "$DISTSRC"
# version symbols for Linux distro back-compatibility.
make -C src --jobs=1 check-symbols ${V:+V=1}
- mkdir -p ${OUTDIR}
+ mkdir -p "$OUTDIR"
# Make the os-specific installers
case "$HOST" in
@@ -427,3 +447,5 @@ mkdir -p "$DISTSRC"
+mv --no-target-directory "$OUTDIR" "$ACTUAL_OUTDIR"