path: root/contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh b/contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index fbb8591965..0000000000
--- a/contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-export LC_ALL=C
-set -ueo pipefail
-if (( $# < 3 )); then
- echo 'Usage: utxo_snapshot.sh <generate-at-height> <snapshot-out-path> <bitcoin-cli-call ...>'
- echo
- echo " if <snapshot-out-path> is '-', don't produce a snapshot file but instead print the "
- echo " expected assumeutxo hash"
- echo
- echo 'Examples:'
- echo
- echo " ./contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh 570000 utxo.dat ./src/bitcoin-cli -datadir=\$(pwd)/testdata"
- echo ' ./contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh 570000 - ./src/bitcoin-cli'
- exit 1
-GENERATE_AT_HEIGHT="${1}"; shift;
-OUTPUT_PATH="${1}"; shift;
-# Most of the calls we make take a while to run, so pad with a lengthy timeout.
-BITCOIN_CLI_CALL="${*} -rpcclienttimeout=9999999"
-# Check if the node is pruned and get the pruned block height
-PRUNED=$( ${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} getblockchaininfo | awk '/pruneheight/ {print $2}' | tr -d ',' )
- echo "Error: The requested snapshot height (${GENERATE_AT_HEIGHT}) should be greater than the pruned block height (${PRUNED})."
- exit 1
-# Early exit if file at OUTPUT_PATH already exists
-if [[ -e "$OUTPUT_PATH" ]]; then
- (>&2 echo "Error: $OUTPUT_PATH already exists or is not a valid path.")
- exit 1
-# Validate that the path is correct
-if [[ "${OUTPUT_PATH}" != "-" && ! -d "$(dirname "${OUTPUT_PATH}")" ]]; then
- (>&2 echo "Error: The directory $(dirname "${OUTPUT_PATH}") does not exist.")
- exit 1
-function cleanup {
- (>&2 echo "Restoring chain to original height; this may take a while")
- ${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} reconsiderblock "${PIVOT_BLOCKHASH}"
- (>&2 echo "Restoring network activity")
- ${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} setnetworkactive true
- fi
-function early_exit {
- (>&2 echo "Exiting due to Ctrl-C")
- cleanup
- exit 1
-# Prompt the user to disable network activity
-read -p "Do you want to disable network activity (setnetworkactive false) before running invalidateblock? (Y/n): " -r
-if [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^[Yy]*$ || -z "$REPLY" ]]; then
- # User input is "Y", "y", or Enter key, proceed with the action
- (>&2 echo "Disabling network activity")
- ${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} setnetworkactive false
- (>&2 echo "Network activity remains enabled")
-# Block we'll invalidate/reconsider to rewind/fast-forward the chain.
-# Trap for normal exit and Ctrl-C
-trap cleanup EXIT
-trap early_exit INT
-(>&2 echo "Rewinding chain back to height ${GENERATE_AT_HEIGHT} (by invalidating ${PIVOT_BLOCKHASH}); this may take a while")
-${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} invalidateblock "${PIVOT_BLOCKHASH}"
-if [[ "${OUTPUT_PATH}" = "-" ]]; then
- (>&2 echo "Generating txoutset info...")
- ${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} gettxoutsetinfo | grep hash_serialized_3 | sed 's/^.*: "\(.\+\)\+",/\1/g'
- (>&2 echo "Generating UTXO snapshot...")
- ${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} dumptxoutset "${OUTPUT_PATH}"