path: root/contrib/devtools/test_utxo_snapshots.sh
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/devtools/test_utxo_snapshots.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/test_utxo_snapshots.sh b/contrib/devtools/test_utxo_snapshots.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d7c019f4a6..0000000000
--- a/contrib/devtools/test_utxo_snapshots.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Demonstrate the creation and usage of UTXO snapshots.
-# A server node starts up, IBDs up to a certain height, then generates a UTXO
-# snapshot at that point.
-# The server then downloads more blocks (to create a diff from the snapshot).
-# We bring a client up, load the UTXO snapshot, and we show the client sync to
-# the "network tip" and then start a background validation of the snapshot it
-# loaded. We see the background validation chainstate removed after validation
-# completes.
-# The shellcheck rule SC2086 (quoted variables) disablements are necessary
-# since this rule needs to be violated in order to get bitcoind to pick up on
-# $EARLY_IBD_FLAGS for the script to work.
-export LC_ALL=C
-set -e
-# Chosen to try to not interfere with any running bitcoind processes.
-# Ensure the client exercises all indexes to test that snapshot use works
-# properly with indexes.
-ALL_INDEXES="-txindex -coinstatsindex -blockfilterindex=1"
-if ! command -v jq >/dev/null ; then
- echo "This script requires jq to parse JSON RPC output. Please install it."
- echo "(e.g. sudo apt install jq)"
- exit 1
-finish() {
- echo
- echo "Killing server and client PIDs ($SERVER_PID, $CLIENT_PID) and cleaning up datadirs"
- echo
- kill -9 "$SERVER_PID" "$CLIENT_PID"
-trap finish EXIT
-# Need to specify these to trick client into accepting server as a peer
-# it can IBD from, otherwise the default values prevent IBD from the server node.
-EARLY_IBD_FLAGS="-maxtipage=9223372036854775207 -minimumchainwork=0x00"
-server_rpc() {
- ./src/bitcoin-cli -rpcport=$SERVER_RPC_PORT -datadir="$SERVER_DATADIR" "$@"
-client_rpc() {
- ./src/bitcoin-cli -rpcport=$CLIENT_RPC_PORT -datadir="$CLIENT_DATADIR" "$@"
-server_sleep_til_boot() {
- while ! server_rpc ping >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 0.1; done
-client_sleep_til_boot() {
- while ! client_rpc ping >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 0.1; done
-server_sleep_til_shutdown() {
- while server_rpc ping >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 0.1; done
-echo "Hi, welcome to the assumeutxo demo/test"
-echo "We're going to"
-echo " - start up a 'server' node, sync it via mainnet IBD to height ${BASE_HEIGHT}"
-echo " - create a UTXO snapshot at that height"
-echo " - IBD ${INCREMENTAL_HEIGHT} more blocks on top of that"
-echo "then we'll demonstrate assumeutxo by "
-echo " - starting another node (the 'client') and loading the snapshot in"
-echo " * first you'll have to modify the code slightly (chainparams) and recompile"
-echo " * don't worry, we'll make it easy"
-echo " - observing the client sync ${INCREMENTAL_HEIGHT} blocks on top of the snapshot from the server"
-echo " - observing the client validate the snapshot chain via background IBD"
-read -p "Press [enter] to continue" _
-echo "-- Starting the demo. You might want to run the two following commands in"
-echo " separate terminal windows:"
-echo " watch -n0.1 tail -n 30 $SERVER_DATADIR/debug.log"
-echo " watch -n0.1 tail -n 30 $CLIENT_DATADIR/debug.log"
-read -p "Press [enter] to continue" _
-echo "-- IBDing the blocks (height=$BASE_HEIGHT) required to the server node..."
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086
-./src/bitcoind -logthreadnames=1 $SERVER_PORTS \
- -datadir="$SERVER_DATADIR" $EARLY_IBD_FLAGS -stopatheight="$BASE_HEIGHT" >/dev/null
-echo "-- Creating snapshot at ~ height $BASE_HEIGHT ($UTXO_DAT_FILE)..."
-server_sleep_til_shutdown # wait for stopatheight to be hit
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086
-./src/bitcoind -logthreadnames=1 $SERVER_PORTS \
- -datadir="$SERVER_DATADIR" $EARLY_IBD_FLAGS -connect=0 -listen=0 >/dev/null &
-server_rpc dumptxoutset "$UTXO_DAT_FILE" > "$DUMP_OUTPUT"
-kill -9 "$SERVER_PID"
-RPC_BASE_HEIGHT=$(jq -r .base_height < "$DUMP_OUTPUT")
-RPC_AU=$(jq -r .txoutset_hash < "$DUMP_OUTPUT")
-RPC_NCHAINTX=$(jq -r .nchaintx < "$DUMP_OUTPUT")
-RPC_BLOCKHASH=$(jq -r .base_hash < "$DUMP_OUTPUT")
-echo "-- Now: add the following to CMainParams::m_assumeutxo_data"
-echo " in src/kernel/chainparams.cpp, and recompile:"
-echo " {${RPC_BASE_HEIGHT}, AssumeutxoHash{uint256S(\"0x${RPC_AU}\")}, ${RPC_NCHAINTX}, uint256S(\"0x${RPC_BLOCKHASH}\")},"
-echo "-- IBDing more blocks to the server node (height=$FINAL_HEIGHT) so there is a diff between snapshot and tip..."
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086
-./src/bitcoind $SERVER_PORTS -logthreadnames=1 -datadir="$SERVER_DATADIR" \
- $EARLY_IBD_FLAGS -stopatheight="$FINAL_HEIGHT" >/dev/null
-echo "-- Starting the server node to provide blocks to the client node..."
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086
-./src/bitcoind $SERVER_PORTS -logthreadnames=1 -debug=net -datadir="$SERVER_DATADIR" \
- $EARLY_IBD_FLAGS -connect=0 -listen=1 >/dev/null &
-echo "-- Okay, what you're about to see is the client starting up and activating the snapshot."
-echo " I'm going to display the top 14 log lines from the client on top of an RPC called"
-echo " getchainstates, which is like getblockchaininfo but for both the snapshot and "
-echo " background validation chainstates."
-echo " You're going to first see the snapshot chainstate sync to the server's tip, then"
-echo " the background IBD chain kicks in to validate up to the base of the snapshot."
-echo " Once validation of the snapshot is done, you should see log lines indicating"
-echo " that we've deleted the background validation chainstate."
-echo " Once everything completes, exit the watch command with CTRL+C."
-read -p "When you're ready for all this, hit [enter]" _
-echo "-- Starting the client node to get headers from the server, then load the snapshot..."
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086
-./src/bitcoind $CLIENT_PORTS $ALL_INDEXES -logthreadnames=1 -datadir="$CLIENT_DATADIR" \
- -connect=0 -addnode=$SERVER_PORT -debug=net $EARLY_IBD_FLAGS >/dev/null &
-echo "-- Initial state of the client:"
-client_rpc getchainstates
-echo "-- Loading UTXO snapshot into client. Calling RPC in a loop..."
-while ! client_rpc loadtxoutset "$UTXO_DAT_FILE" ; do sleep 10; done
-watch -n 0.3 "( tail -n 14 $CLIENT_DATADIR/debug.log ; echo ; ./src/bitcoin-cli -rpcport=$CLIENT_RPC_PORT -datadir=$CLIENT_DATADIR getchainstates) | cat"
-echo "-- Okay, now I'm going to restart the client to make sure that the snapshot chain reloads "
-echo " as the main chain properly..."
-echo " Press CTRL+C after you're satisfied to exit the demo"
-read -p "Press [enter] to continue"
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086
-./src/bitcoind $CLIENT_PORTS $ALL_INDEXES -logthreadnames=1 -datadir="$CLIENT_DATADIR" -connect=0 \
- -addnode=$SERVER_PORT "$EARLY_IBD_FLAGS" >/dev/null &
-watch -n 0.3 "( tail -n 14 $CLIENT_DATADIR/debug.log ; echo ; ./src/bitcoin-cli -rpcport=$CLIENT_RPC_PORT -datadir=$CLIENT_DATADIR getchainstates) | cat"
-echo "-- Done!"