path: root/benchmarks/db_bench.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'benchmarks/db_bench.cc')
1 files changed, 981 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmarks/db_bench.cc b/benchmarks/db_bench.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3696023b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/db_bench.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,981 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "leveldb/cache.h"
+#include "leveldb/db.h"
+#include "leveldb/env.h"
+#include "leveldb/filter_policy.h"
+#include "leveldb/write_batch.h"
+#include "port/port.h"
+#include "util/crc32c.h"
+#include "util/histogram.h"
+#include "util/mutexlock.h"
+#include "util/random.h"
+#include "util/testutil.h"
+// Comma-separated list of operations to run in the specified order
+// Actual benchmarks:
+// fillseq -- write N values in sequential key order in async mode
+// fillrandom -- write N values in random key order in async mode
+// overwrite -- overwrite N values in random key order in async mode
+// fillsync -- write N/100 values in random key order in sync mode
+// fill100K -- write N/1000 100K values in random order in async mode
+// deleteseq -- delete N keys in sequential order
+// deleterandom -- delete N keys in random order
+// readseq -- read N times sequentially
+// readreverse -- read N times in reverse order
+// readrandom -- read N times in random order
+// readmissing -- read N missing keys in random order
+// readhot -- read N times in random order from 1% section of DB
+// seekrandom -- N random seeks
+// open -- cost of opening a DB
+// crc32c -- repeated crc32c of 4K of data
+// Meta operations:
+// compact -- Compact the entire DB
+// stats -- Print DB stats
+// sstables -- Print sstable info
+// heapprofile -- Dump a heap profile (if supported by this port)
+static const char* FLAGS_benchmarks =
+ "fillseq,"
+ "fillsync,"
+ "fillrandom,"
+ "overwrite,"
+ "readrandom,"
+ "readrandom," // Extra run to allow previous compactions to quiesce
+ "readseq,"
+ "readreverse,"
+ "compact,"
+ "readrandom,"
+ "readseq,"
+ "readreverse,"
+ "fill100K,"
+ "crc32c,"
+ "snappycomp,"
+ "snappyuncomp,";
+// Number of key/values to place in database
+static int FLAGS_num = 1000000;
+// Number of read operations to do. If negative, do FLAGS_num reads.
+static int FLAGS_reads = -1;
+// Number of concurrent threads to run.
+static int FLAGS_threads = 1;
+// Size of each value
+static int FLAGS_value_size = 100;
+// Arrange to generate values that shrink to this fraction of
+// their original size after compression
+static double FLAGS_compression_ratio = 0.5;
+// Print histogram of operation timings
+static bool FLAGS_histogram = false;
+// Number of bytes to buffer in memtable before compacting
+// (initialized to default value by "main")
+static int FLAGS_write_buffer_size = 0;
+// Number of bytes written to each file.
+// (initialized to default value by "main")
+static int FLAGS_max_file_size = 0;
+// Approximate size of user data packed per block (before compression.
+// (initialized to default value by "main")
+static int FLAGS_block_size = 0;
+// Number of bytes to use as a cache of uncompressed data.
+// Negative means use default settings.
+static int FLAGS_cache_size = -1;
+// Maximum number of files to keep open at the same time (use default if == 0)
+static int FLAGS_open_files = 0;
+// Bloom filter bits per key.
+// Negative means use default settings.
+static int FLAGS_bloom_bits = -1;
+// If true, do not destroy the existing database. If you set this
+// flag and also specify a benchmark that wants a fresh database, that
+// benchmark will fail.
+static bool FLAGS_use_existing_db = false;
+// If true, reuse existing log/MANIFEST files when re-opening a database.
+static bool FLAGS_reuse_logs = false;
+// Use the db with the following name.
+static const char* FLAGS_db = nullptr;
+namespace leveldb {
+namespace {
+leveldb::Env* g_env = nullptr;
+// Helper for quickly generating random data.
+class RandomGenerator {
+ private:
+ std::string data_;
+ int pos_;
+ public:
+ RandomGenerator() {
+ // We use a limited amount of data over and over again and ensure
+ // that it is larger than the compression window (32KB), and also
+ // large enough to serve all typical value sizes we want to write.
+ Random rnd(301);
+ std::string piece;
+ while (data_.size() < 1048576) {
+ // Add a short fragment that is as compressible as specified
+ // by FLAGS_compression_ratio.
+ test::CompressibleString(&rnd, FLAGS_compression_ratio, 100, &piece);
+ data_.append(piece);
+ }
+ pos_ = 0;
+ }
+ Slice Generate(size_t len) {
+ if (pos_ + len > data_.size()) {
+ pos_ = 0;
+ assert(len < data_.size());
+ }
+ pos_ += len;
+ return Slice(data_.data() + pos_ - len, len);
+ }
+#if defined(__linux)
+static Slice TrimSpace(Slice s) {
+ size_t start = 0;
+ while (start < s.size() && isspace(s[start])) {
+ start++;
+ }
+ size_t limit = s.size();
+ while (limit > start && isspace(s[limit - 1])) {
+ limit--;
+ }
+ return Slice(s.data() + start, limit - start);
+static void AppendWithSpace(std::string* str, Slice msg) {
+ if (msg.empty()) return;
+ if (!str->empty()) {
+ str->push_back(' ');
+ }
+ str->append(msg.data(), msg.size());
+class Stats {
+ private:
+ double start_;
+ double finish_;
+ double seconds_;
+ int done_;
+ int next_report_;
+ int64_t bytes_;
+ double last_op_finish_;
+ Histogram hist_;
+ std::string message_;
+ public:
+ Stats() { Start(); }
+ void Start() {
+ next_report_ = 100;
+ hist_.Clear();
+ done_ = 0;
+ bytes_ = 0;
+ seconds_ = 0;
+ message_.clear();
+ start_ = finish_ = last_op_finish_ = g_env->NowMicros();
+ }
+ void Merge(const Stats& other) {
+ hist_.Merge(other.hist_);
+ done_ += other.done_;
+ bytes_ += other.bytes_;
+ seconds_ += other.seconds_;
+ if (other.start_ < start_) start_ = other.start_;
+ if (other.finish_ > finish_) finish_ = other.finish_;
+ // Just keep the messages from one thread
+ if (message_.empty()) message_ = other.message_;
+ }
+ void Stop() {
+ finish_ = g_env->NowMicros();
+ seconds_ = (finish_ - start_) * 1e-6;
+ }
+ void AddMessage(Slice msg) { AppendWithSpace(&message_, msg); }
+ void FinishedSingleOp() {
+ if (FLAGS_histogram) {
+ double now = g_env->NowMicros();
+ double micros = now - last_op_finish_;
+ hist_.Add(micros);
+ if (micros > 20000) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "long op: %.1f micros%30s\r", micros, "");
+ fflush(stderr);
+ }
+ last_op_finish_ = now;
+ }
+ done_++;
+ if (done_ >= next_report_) {
+ if (next_report_ < 1000)
+ next_report_ += 100;
+ else if (next_report_ < 5000)
+ next_report_ += 500;
+ else if (next_report_ < 10000)
+ next_report_ += 1000;
+ else if (next_report_ < 50000)
+ next_report_ += 5000;
+ else if (next_report_ < 100000)
+ next_report_ += 10000;
+ else if (next_report_ < 500000)
+ next_report_ += 50000;
+ else
+ next_report_ += 100000;
+ fprintf(stderr, "... finished %d ops%30s\r", done_, "");
+ fflush(stderr);
+ }
+ }
+ void AddBytes(int64_t n) { bytes_ += n; }
+ void Report(const Slice& name) {
+ // Pretend at least one op was done in case we are running a benchmark
+ // that does not call FinishedSingleOp().
+ if (done_ < 1) done_ = 1;
+ std::string extra;
+ if (bytes_ > 0) {
+ // Rate is computed on actual elapsed time, not the sum of per-thread
+ // elapsed times.
+ double elapsed = (finish_ - start_) * 1e-6;
+ char rate[100];
+ snprintf(rate, sizeof(rate), "%6.1f MB/s",
+ (bytes_ / 1048576.0) / elapsed);
+ extra = rate;
+ }
+ AppendWithSpace(&extra, message_);
+ fprintf(stdout, "%-12s : %11.3f micros/op;%s%s\n", name.ToString().c_str(),
+ seconds_ * 1e6 / done_, (extra.empty() ? "" : " "), extra.c_str());
+ if (FLAGS_histogram) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "Microseconds per op:\n%s\n", hist_.ToString().c_str());
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+// State shared by all concurrent executions of the same benchmark.
+struct SharedState {
+ port::Mutex mu;
+ port::CondVar cv GUARDED_BY(mu);
+ int total GUARDED_BY(mu);
+ // Each thread goes through the following states:
+ // (1) initializing
+ // (2) waiting for others to be initialized
+ // (3) running
+ // (4) done
+ int num_initialized GUARDED_BY(mu);
+ int num_done GUARDED_BY(mu);
+ bool start GUARDED_BY(mu);
+ SharedState(int total)
+ : cv(&mu), total(total), num_initialized(0), num_done(0), start(false) {}
+// Per-thread state for concurrent executions of the same benchmark.
+struct ThreadState {
+ int tid; // 0..n-1 when running in n threads
+ Random rand; // Has different seeds for different threads
+ Stats stats;
+ SharedState* shared;
+ ThreadState(int index) : tid(index), rand(1000 + index), shared(nullptr) {}
+} // namespace
+class Benchmark {
+ private:
+ Cache* cache_;
+ const FilterPolicy* filter_policy_;
+ DB* db_;
+ int num_;
+ int value_size_;
+ int entries_per_batch_;
+ WriteOptions write_options_;
+ int reads_;
+ int heap_counter_;
+ void PrintHeader() {
+ const int kKeySize = 16;
+ PrintEnvironment();
+ fprintf(stdout, "Keys: %d bytes each\n", kKeySize);
+ fprintf(stdout, "Values: %d bytes each (%d bytes after compression)\n",
+ FLAGS_value_size,
+ static_cast<int>(FLAGS_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio + 0.5));
+ fprintf(stdout, "Entries: %d\n", num_);
+ fprintf(stdout, "RawSize: %.1f MB (estimated)\n",
+ ((static_cast<int64_t>(kKeySize + FLAGS_value_size) * num_) /
+ 1048576.0));
+ fprintf(stdout, "FileSize: %.1f MB (estimated)\n",
+ (((kKeySize + FLAGS_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio) * num_) /
+ 1048576.0));
+ PrintWarnings();
+ fprintf(stdout, "------------------------------------------------\n");
+ }
+ void PrintWarnings() {
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__OPTIMIZE__)
+ fprintf(
+ stdout,
+ "WARNING: Optimization is disabled: benchmarks unnecessarily slow\n");
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ fprintf(stdout,
+ "WARNING: Assertions are enabled; benchmarks unnecessarily slow\n");
+ // See if snappy is working by attempting to compress a compressible string
+ const char text[] = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy";
+ std::string compressed;
+ if (!port::Snappy_Compress(text, sizeof(text), &compressed)) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: Snappy compression is not enabled\n");
+ } else if (compressed.size() >= sizeof(text)) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: Snappy compression is not effective\n");
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintEnvironment() {
+ fprintf(stderr, "LevelDB: version %d.%d\n", kMajorVersion,
+ kMinorVersion);
+#if defined(__linux)
+ time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Date: %s", ctime(&now)); // ctime() adds newline
+ FILE* cpuinfo = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
+ if (cpuinfo != nullptr) {
+ char line[1000];
+ int num_cpus = 0;
+ std::string cpu_type;
+ std::string cache_size;
+ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), cpuinfo) != nullptr) {
+ const char* sep = strchr(line, ':');
+ if (sep == nullptr) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Slice key = TrimSpace(Slice(line, sep - 1 - line));
+ Slice val = TrimSpace(Slice(sep + 1));
+ if (key == "model name") {
+ ++num_cpus;
+ cpu_type = val.ToString();
+ } else if (key == "cache size") {
+ cache_size = val.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(cpuinfo);
+ fprintf(stderr, "CPU: %d * %s\n", num_cpus, cpu_type.c_str());
+ fprintf(stderr, "CPUCache: %s\n", cache_size.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ Benchmark()
+ : cache_(FLAGS_cache_size >= 0 ? NewLRUCache(FLAGS_cache_size) : nullptr),
+ filter_policy_(FLAGS_bloom_bits >= 0
+ ? NewBloomFilterPolicy(FLAGS_bloom_bits)
+ : nullptr),
+ db_(nullptr),
+ num_(FLAGS_num),
+ value_size_(FLAGS_value_size),
+ entries_per_batch_(1),
+ reads_(FLAGS_reads < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_reads),
+ heap_counter_(0) {
+ std::vector<std::string> files;
+ g_env->GetChildren(FLAGS_db, &files);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
+ if (Slice(files[i]).starts_with("heap-")) {
+ g_env->DeleteFile(std::string(FLAGS_db) + "/" + files[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!FLAGS_use_existing_db) {
+ DestroyDB(FLAGS_db, Options());
+ }
+ }
+ ~Benchmark() {
+ delete db_;
+ delete cache_;
+ delete filter_policy_;
+ }
+ void Run() {
+ PrintHeader();
+ Open();
+ const char* benchmarks = FLAGS_benchmarks;
+ while (benchmarks != nullptr) {
+ const char* sep = strchr(benchmarks, ',');
+ Slice name;
+ if (sep == nullptr) {
+ name = benchmarks;
+ benchmarks = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ name = Slice(benchmarks, sep - benchmarks);
+ benchmarks = sep + 1;
+ }
+ // Reset parameters that may be overridden below
+ num_ = FLAGS_num;
+ reads_ = (FLAGS_reads < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_reads);
+ value_size_ = FLAGS_value_size;
+ entries_per_batch_ = 1;
+ write_options_ = WriteOptions();
+ void (Benchmark::*method)(ThreadState*) = nullptr;
+ bool fresh_db = false;
+ int num_threads = FLAGS_threads;
+ if (name == Slice("open")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::OpenBench;
+ num_ /= 10000;
+ if (num_ < 1) num_ = 1;
+ } else if (name == Slice("fillseq")) {
+ fresh_db = true;
+ method = &Benchmark::WriteSeq;
+ } else if (name == Slice("fillbatch")) {
+ fresh_db = true;
+ entries_per_batch_ = 1000;
+ method = &Benchmark::WriteSeq;
+ } else if (name == Slice("fillrandom")) {
+ fresh_db = true;
+ method = &Benchmark::WriteRandom;
+ } else if (name == Slice("overwrite")) {
+ fresh_db = false;
+ method = &Benchmark::WriteRandom;
+ } else if (name == Slice("fillsync")) {
+ fresh_db = true;
+ num_ /= 1000;
+ write_options_.sync = true;
+ method = &Benchmark::WriteRandom;
+ } else if (name == Slice("fill100K")) {
+ fresh_db = true;
+ num_ /= 1000;
+ value_size_ = 100 * 1000;
+ method = &Benchmark::WriteRandom;
+ } else if (name == Slice("readseq")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::ReadSequential;
+ } else if (name == Slice("readreverse")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::ReadReverse;
+ } else if (name == Slice("readrandom")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::ReadRandom;
+ } else if (name == Slice("readmissing")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::ReadMissing;
+ } else if (name == Slice("seekrandom")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::SeekRandom;
+ } else if (name == Slice("readhot")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::ReadHot;
+ } else if (name == Slice("readrandomsmall")) {
+ reads_ /= 1000;
+ method = &Benchmark::ReadRandom;
+ } else if (name == Slice("deleteseq")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::DeleteSeq;
+ } else if (name == Slice("deleterandom")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::DeleteRandom;
+ } else if (name == Slice("readwhilewriting")) {
+ num_threads++; // Add extra thread for writing
+ method = &Benchmark::ReadWhileWriting;
+ } else if (name == Slice("compact")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::Compact;
+ } else if (name == Slice("crc32c")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::Crc32c;
+ } else if (name == Slice("snappycomp")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::SnappyCompress;
+ } else if (name == Slice("snappyuncomp")) {
+ method = &Benchmark::SnappyUncompress;
+ } else if (name == Slice("heapprofile")) {
+ HeapProfile();
+ } else if (name == Slice("stats")) {
+ PrintStats("leveldb.stats");
+ } else if (name == Slice("sstables")) {
+ PrintStats("leveldb.sstables");
+ } else {
+ if (!name.empty()) { // No error message for empty name
+ fprintf(stderr, "unknown benchmark '%s'\n", name.ToString().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if (fresh_db) {
+ if (FLAGS_use_existing_db) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "%-12s : skipped (--use_existing_db is true)\n",
+ name.ToString().c_str());
+ method = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ delete db_;
+ db_ = nullptr;
+ DestroyDB(FLAGS_db, Options());
+ Open();
+ }
+ }
+ if (method != nullptr) {
+ RunBenchmark(num_threads, name, method);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ struct ThreadArg {
+ Benchmark* bm;
+ SharedState* shared;
+ ThreadState* thread;
+ void (Benchmark::*method)(ThreadState*);
+ };
+ static void ThreadBody(void* v) {
+ ThreadArg* arg = reinterpret_cast<ThreadArg*>(v);
+ SharedState* shared = arg->shared;
+ ThreadState* thread = arg->thread;
+ {
+ MutexLock l(&shared->mu);
+ shared->num_initialized++;
+ if (shared->num_initialized >= shared->total) {
+ shared->cv.SignalAll();
+ }
+ while (!shared->start) {
+ shared->cv.Wait();
+ }
+ }
+ thread->stats.Start();
+ (arg->bm->*(arg->method))(thread);
+ thread->stats.Stop();
+ {
+ MutexLock l(&shared->mu);
+ shared->num_done++;
+ if (shared->num_done >= shared->total) {
+ shared->cv.SignalAll();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void RunBenchmark(int n, Slice name,
+ void (Benchmark::*method)(ThreadState*)) {
+ SharedState shared(n);
+ ThreadArg* arg = new ThreadArg[n];
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ arg[i].bm = this;
+ arg[i].method = method;
+ arg[i].shared = &shared;
+ arg[i].thread = new ThreadState(i);
+ arg[i].thread->shared = &shared;
+ g_env->StartThread(ThreadBody, &arg[i]);
+ }
+ shared.mu.Lock();
+ while (shared.num_initialized < n) {
+ shared.cv.Wait();
+ }
+ shared.start = true;
+ shared.cv.SignalAll();
+ while (shared.num_done < n) {
+ shared.cv.Wait();
+ }
+ shared.mu.Unlock();
+ for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+ arg[0].thread->stats.Merge(arg[i].thread->stats);
+ }
+ arg[0].thread->stats.Report(name);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ delete arg[i].thread;
+ }
+ delete[] arg;
+ }
+ void Crc32c(ThreadState* thread) {
+ // Checksum about 500MB of data total
+ const int size = 4096;
+ const char* label = "(4K per op)";
+ std::string data(size, 'x');
+ int64_t bytes = 0;
+ uint32_t crc = 0;
+ while (bytes < 500 * 1048576) {
+ crc = crc32c::Value(data.data(), size);
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ bytes += size;
+ }
+ // Print so result is not dead
+ fprintf(stderr, "... crc=0x%x\r", static_cast<unsigned int>(crc));
+ thread->stats.AddBytes(bytes);
+ thread->stats.AddMessage(label);
+ }
+ void SnappyCompress(ThreadState* thread) {
+ RandomGenerator gen;
+ Slice input = gen.Generate(Options().block_size);
+ int64_t bytes = 0;
+ int64_t produced = 0;
+ bool ok = true;
+ std::string compressed;
+ while (ok && bytes < 1024 * 1048576) { // Compress 1G
+ ok = port::Snappy_Compress(input.data(), input.size(), &compressed);
+ produced += compressed.size();
+ bytes += input.size();
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ thread->stats.AddMessage("(snappy failure)");
+ } else {
+ char buf[100];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(output: %.1f%%)",
+ (produced * 100.0) / bytes);
+ thread->stats.AddMessage(buf);
+ thread->stats.AddBytes(bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ void SnappyUncompress(ThreadState* thread) {
+ RandomGenerator gen;
+ Slice input = gen.Generate(Options().block_size);
+ std::string compressed;
+ bool ok = port::Snappy_Compress(input.data(), input.size(), &compressed);
+ int64_t bytes = 0;
+ char* uncompressed = new char[input.size()];
+ while (ok && bytes < 1024 * 1048576) { // Compress 1G
+ ok = port::Snappy_Uncompress(compressed.data(), compressed.size(),
+ uncompressed);
+ bytes += input.size();
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ delete[] uncompressed;
+ if (!ok) {
+ thread->stats.AddMessage("(snappy failure)");
+ } else {
+ thread->stats.AddBytes(bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ void Open() {
+ assert(db_ == nullptr);
+ Options options;
+ options.env = g_env;
+ options.create_if_missing = !FLAGS_use_existing_db;
+ options.block_cache = cache_;
+ options.write_buffer_size = FLAGS_write_buffer_size;
+ options.max_file_size = FLAGS_max_file_size;
+ options.block_size = FLAGS_block_size;
+ options.max_open_files = FLAGS_open_files;
+ options.filter_policy = filter_policy_;
+ options.reuse_logs = FLAGS_reuse_logs;
+ Status s = DB::Open(options, FLAGS_db, &db_);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "open error: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ void OpenBench(ThreadState* thread) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_; i++) {
+ delete db_;
+ Open();
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ }
+ void WriteSeq(ThreadState* thread) { DoWrite(thread, true); }
+ void WriteRandom(ThreadState* thread) { DoWrite(thread, false); }
+ void DoWrite(ThreadState* thread, bool seq) {
+ if (num_ != FLAGS_num) {
+ char msg[100];
+ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "(%d ops)", num_);
+ thread->stats.AddMessage(msg);
+ }
+ RandomGenerator gen;
+ WriteBatch batch;
+ Status s;
+ int64_t bytes = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_; i += entries_per_batch_) {
+ batch.Clear();
+ for (int j = 0; j < entries_per_batch_; j++) {
+ const int k = seq ? i + j : (thread->rand.Next() % FLAGS_num);
+ char key[100];
+ snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d", k);
+ batch.Put(key, gen.Generate(value_size_));
+ bytes += value_size_ + strlen(key);
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ s = db_->Write(write_options_, &batch);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "put error: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ thread->stats.AddBytes(bytes);
+ }
+ void ReadSequential(ThreadState* thread) {
+ Iterator* iter = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions());
+ int i = 0;
+ int64_t bytes = 0;
+ for (iter->SeekToFirst(); i < reads_ && iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
+ bytes += iter->key().size() + iter->value().size();
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ delete iter;
+ thread->stats.AddBytes(bytes);
+ }
+ void ReadReverse(ThreadState* thread) {
+ Iterator* iter = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions());
+ int i = 0;
+ int64_t bytes = 0;
+ for (iter->SeekToLast(); i < reads_ && iter->Valid(); iter->Prev()) {
+ bytes += iter->key().size() + iter->value().size();
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ delete iter;
+ thread->stats.AddBytes(bytes);
+ }
+ void ReadRandom(ThreadState* thread) {
+ ReadOptions options;
+ std::string value;
+ int found = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < reads_; i++) {
+ char key[100];
+ const int k = thread->rand.Next() % FLAGS_num;
+ snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d", k);
+ if (db_->Get(options, key, &value).ok()) {
+ found++;
+ }
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ char msg[100];
+ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "(%d of %d found)", found, num_);
+ thread->stats.AddMessage(msg);
+ }
+ void ReadMissing(ThreadState* thread) {
+ ReadOptions options;
+ std::string value;
+ for (int i = 0; i < reads_; i++) {
+ char key[100];
+ const int k = thread->rand.Next() % FLAGS_num;
+ snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d.", k);
+ db_->Get(options, key, &value);
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ }
+ void ReadHot(ThreadState* thread) {
+ ReadOptions options;
+ std::string value;
+ const int range = (FLAGS_num + 99) / 100;
+ for (int i = 0; i < reads_; i++) {
+ char key[100];
+ const int k = thread->rand.Next() % range;
+ snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d", k);
+ db_->Get(options, key, &value);
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ }
+ void SeekRandom(ThreadState* thread) {
+ ReadOptions options;
+ int found = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < reads_; i++) {
+ Iterator* iter = db_->NewIterator(options);
+ char key[100];
+ const int k = thread->rand.Next() % FLAGS_num;
+ snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d", k);
+ iter->Seek(key);
+ if (iter->Valid() && iter->key() == key) found++;
+ delete iter;
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ char msg[100];
+ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "(%d of %d found)", found, num_);
+ thread->stats.AddMessage(msg);
+ }
+ void DoDelete(ThreadState* thread, bool seq) {
+ RandomGenerator gen;
+ WriteBatch batch;
+ Status s;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_; i += entries_per_batch_) {
+ batch.Clear();
+ for (int j = 0; j < entries_per_batch_; j++) {
+ const int k = seq ? i + j : (thread->rand.Next() % FLAGS_num);
+ char key[100];
+ snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d", k);
+ batch.Delete(key);
+ thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
+ }
+ s = db_->Write(write_options_, &batch);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "del error: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void DeleteSeq(ThreadState* thread) { DoDelete(thread, true); }
+ void DeleteRandom(ThreadState* thread) { DoDelete(thread, false); }
+ void ReadWhileWriting(ThreadState* thread) {
+ if (thread->tid > 0) {
+ ReadRandom(thread);
+ } else {
+ // Special thread that keeps writing until other threads are done.
+ RandomGenerator gen;
+ while (true) {
+ {
+ MutexLock l(&thread->shared->mu);
+ if (thread->shared->num_done + 1 >= thread->shared->num_initialized) {
+ // Other threads have finished
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ const int k = thread->rand.Next() % FLAGS_num;
+ char key[100];
+ snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d", k);
+ Status s = db_->Put(write_options_, key, gen.Generate(value_size_));
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "put error: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Do not count any of the preceding work/delay in stats.
+ thread->stats.Start();
+ }
+ }
+ void Compact(ThreadState* thread) { db_->CompactRange(nullptr, nullptr); }
+ void PrintStats(const char* key) {
+ std::string stats;
+ if (!db_->GetProperty(key, &stats)) {
+ stats = "(failed)";
+ }
+ fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", stats.c_str());
+ }
+ static void WriteToFile(void* arg, const char* buf, int n) {
+ reinterpret_cast<WritableFile*>(arg)->Append(Slice(buf, n));
+ }
+ void HeapProfile() {
+ char fname[100];
+ snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/heap-%04d", FLAGS_db, ++heap_counter_);
+ WritableFile* file;
+ Status s = g_env->NewWritableFile(fname, &file);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ bool ok = port::GetHeapProfile(WriteToFile, file);
+ delete file;
+ if (!ok) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "heap profiling not supported\n");
+ g_env->DeleteFile(fname);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace leveldb
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ FLAGS_write_buffer_size = leveldb::Options().write_buffer_size;
+ FLAGS_max_file_size = leveldb::Options().max_file_size;
+ FLAGS_block_size = leveldb::Options().block_size;
+ FLAGS_open_files = leveldb::Options().max_open_files;
+ std::string default_db_path;
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ double d;
+ int n;
+ char junk;
+ if (leveldb::Slice(argv[i]).starts_with("--benchmarks=")) {
+ FLAGS_benchmarks = argv[i] + strlen("--benchmarks=");
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--compression_ratio=%lf%c", &d, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_compression_ratio = d;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--histogram=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1 &&
+ (n == 0 || n == 1)) {
+ FLAGS_histogram = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--use_existing_db=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1 &&
+ (n == 0 || n == 1)) {
+ FLAGS_use_existing_db = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--reuse_logs=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1 &&
+ (n == 0 || n == 1)) {
+ FLAGS_reuse_logs = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--num=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_num = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--reads=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_reads = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--threads=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_threads = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--value_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_value_size = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--write_buffer_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_write_buffer_size = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--max_file_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_max_file_size = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--block_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_block_size = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--cache_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_cache_size = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--bloom_bits=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_bloom_bits = n;
+ } else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--open_files=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
+ FLAGS_open_files = n;
+ } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--db=", 5) == 0) {
+ FLAGS_db = argv[i] + 5;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid flag '%s'\n", argv[i]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ leveldb::g_env = leveldb::Env::Default();
+ // Choose a location for the test database if none given with --db=<path>
+ if (FLAGS_db == nullptr) {
+ leveldb::g_env->GetTestDirectory(&default_db_path);
+ default_db_path += "/dbbench";
+ FLAGS_db = default_db_path.c_str();
+ }
+ leveldb::Benchmark benchmark;
+ benchmark.Run();
+ return 0;