path: root/README.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'README.rst')
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diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
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+Bitcoin-qt: Qt4 based GUI replacement for Bitcoin
+- All functionality of the Wx GUI, including wallet encryption
+- Compatibility with Linux (both GNOME and KDE), MacOSX and Windows
+- Notification on incoming / outgoing transactions (compatible with FreeDesktop and other desktop notification schemes)
+- General interface improvements: Splash screen, tabbed interface
+- Overview page with current balance, unconfirmed balance, and such
+- Better transaction list with status icons, real-time filtering and a context menu
+- Asks for confirmation before sending coins, for your own safety
+- CSV export of transactions and address book (for Excel bookkeeping)
+- Shows alternative icon when connected to testnet, so you never accidentally send real coins during testing
+- Shows a progress bar on initial block download, so that you don't have to wonder how many blocks it needs to download to be up to date
+- Sendmany support, send to multiple recipients at the same time
+- Multiple unit support, can show subdivided bitcoins (uBTC, mBTC) for users that like large numbers
+- Support for English, German, Russian and Dutch languages
+- Address books and transaction table can be sorted by any column
+- Accepts "bitcoin:" URLs from browsers and other sources through drag and drop
+Build instructions
+First, make sure that the required packages for Qt4 development of your
+distribution are installed, for Debian and Ubuntu these are:
+ apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
+ libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev \
+ libssl-dev libdb4.8++-dev
+then execute the following:
+ qmake
+ make
+Alternatively, install Qt Creator and open the `bitcoin-qt.pro` file.
+An executable named `bitcoin-qt` will be built.
+Windows build instructions:
+- Download the `QT Windows SDK`_ and install it. You don't need the Symbian stuff, just the desktop Qt.
+- Download and extract the `dependencies archive`_ [#]_, or compile openssl, boost and dbcxx yourself.
+- Copy the contents of the folder "deps" to "X:\\QtSDK\\mingw", replace X:\\ with the location where you installed the Qt SDK. Make sure that the contents of "deps\\include" end up in the current "include" directory.
+- Open the .pro file in QT creator and build as normal (ctrl-B)
+.. _`QT Windows SDK`: http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/sdk-windows-cpp
+.. _`dependencies archive`: https://download.visucore.com/bitcoin/qtgui_deps_1.zip
+.. [#] PGP signature: https://download.visucore.com/bitcoin/qtgui_deps_1.zip.sig (signed with RSA key ID `610945D0`_)
+.. _`610945D0`: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x610945D0
+Mac OS X
+- Download and install the `Qt Mac OS X SDK`_. It is recommended to also install Apple's Xcode with UNIX tools.
+- Download and install `MacPorts`_.
+- Execute the following commands in a terminal to get the dependencies:
+ sudo port selfupdate
+ sudo port install boost db48
+- Open the .pro file in Qt Creator and build as normal (cmd-B)
+.. _`Qt Mac OS X SDK`: http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/sdk-mac-os-cpp
+.. _`MacPorts`: http://www.macports.org/install.php
+Build configuration options
+UPNnP port forwarding
+To use UPnP for port forwarding behind a NAT router (recommended, as more connections overall allow for a faster and more stable bitcoin experience), pass the following argument to qmake:
+ qmake "USE_UPNP=1"
+(in **Qt Creator**, you can find the setting for additional qmake arguments under "Projects" -> "Build Settings" -> "Build Steps", then click "Details" next to **qmake**)
+This requires miniupnpc for UPnP port mapping. It can be downloaded from
+http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/files/. UPnP support is not compiled in by default.
+Set USE_UPNP to a different value to control this:
+| USE_UPNP= | (the default) no UPnP support, miniupnpc not required; |
+| USE_UPNP=0 | UPnP support turned off by default at runtime; |
+| USE_UPNP=1 | UPnP support turned on by default at runtime. |
+Mac OS X users: miniupnpc is currently outdated on MacPorts. An updated Portfile is provided in contrib/miniupnpc within this project.
+You can execute the following commands in a terminal to install it:
+ cd <location of bitcoin-qt>/contrib/miniupnpc
+ sudo port install
+Notification support for recent (k)ubuntu versions
+To see desktop notifications on (k)ubuntu versions starting from 10.04, enable usage of the
+FreeDesktop notification interface through DBUS using the following qmake option:
+ qmake "USE_DBUS=1"
+Berkely DB version warning
+A warning for people using the *static binary* version of Bitcoin on a Linux/UNIX-ish system (tl;dr: **Berkely DB databases are not forward compatible**).
+The static binary version of Bitcoin is linked against libdb4.7 or libdb4.8 (see also `this Debian issue`_).
+Now the nasty thing is that databases from 5.X are not compatible with 4.X.
+If the globally installed development package of Berkely DB installed on your system is 5.X, any source you
+build yourself will be linked against that. The first time you run with a 5.X version the database will be upgraded,
+and 4.X cannot open the new format. This means that you cannot go back to the old statically linked version without
+significant hassle!
+.. _`this Debian issue`: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=621425